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This document defines serialization of an instance of the data model as defined in [XQuery and XPath Data Model (XDM) 4.0] into a sequence of octets. Serialization is designed to be a component that can be used by other specifications such as [XSL Transformations (XSLT) Version 4.0] or [XQuery 4.0: An XML Query Language].
This section describes the status of this document at the time of its publication. Other documents may supersede this document. A list of current W3C publications and the latest revision of this technical report can be found in the W3C technical reports index at
This document is governed by the 1 March 2017 W3C Process Document.
This is a Recommendation of the W3C. It was jointly developed by the W3C XSLT Working Group and the W3C XML Query Working Group, each of which is part of the XML Activity.
This Editor's Draft specifies XSLT and XQuery Serialization version 4.0, a fully compatible extension of Serialization version 3.1.
This specification is designed to be referenced normatively from other specifications defining a host language for it; it is not intended to be implemented outside a host language. The implementability of this specification has been tested in the context of its normative inclusion in host languages defined by the XQuery 3.1 and XSLT 3.0 specifications; see the XQuery 3.1 implementation report (and, in the future, the WGs expect that there will also be an XSLT 3.0 implementation report) for details.
No substantive changes have been made to this specification since its publication as a Proposed Recommendation.
Please report errors in this document using W3C's public Bugzilla system (instructions can be found at If access to that system is not feasible, you may send your comments to the W3C XSLT/XPath/XQuery public comments mailing list, It will be very helpful if you include the string “[SER40]” in the subject line of your report, whether made in Bugzilla or in email. Please use multiple Bugzilla entries (or, if necessary, multiple email messages) if you have more than one comment to make. Archives of the comments and responses are available at
This document has been reviewed by W3C Members, by software developers, and by other W3C groups and interested parties, and is endorsed by the Director as a W3C Recommendation. It is a stable document and may be used as reference material or cited from another document. W3C's role in making the Recommendation is to draw attention to the specification and to promote its widespread deployment. This enhances the functionality and interoperability of the Web.
This document was produced by groups operating under the 5 February 2004 W3C Patent Policy. W3C maintains a public list of any patent disclosures (W3C XML Query Working Group) and a public list of any patent disclosures (W3C XSLT Working Group) made in connection with the deliverables of each group; these pages also include instructions for disclosing a patent. An individual who has actual knowledge of a patent which the individual believes contains Essential Claim(s) must disclose the information in accordance with section 6 of the W3C Patent Policy.
The publications of this community group are dedicated to our co-chair, Michael Sperberg-McQueen (1954–2024).
Changes in 4.0 ⬇
Use the arrows to browse significant changes since the 3.1 version of this specification.
Sections with significant changes are marked Δ in the table of contents.
This document defines serialization of the W3C XQuery and XPath Data Model 4.0 (XDM), which is the data model of at least [XML Path Language (XPath) 4.0], [XSL Transformations (XSLT) Version 4.0], and [XQuery 4.0: An XML Query Language], and any other specifications that reference it.
In this document, examples and material labeled as “Note” are provided for explanatory purposes and are not normative.
Serialization is the process of converting an instance of the [XQuery and XPath Data Model (XDM) 4.0] into a sequence of octets.
[Definition: The XDM value supplied as input to the serializer is referred to as the input value.] Some serialization methods apply only to certain types of input value.
Where serialization is used to process the result of an XQuery evaluation or an XSLT transformation, the input value of the serializer corresponds to the output from XQuery or XSLT.
[Definition: In general the output of the serializer will represent the items actually present in the input value, together with other items that are reachable from these, for example (in the case of nodes) their descendants. The complete set of items that are represented in the output of the serializer is referred to (without loss of generality) as the input tree.]
The term atomic value has been replaced by atomic item. [Issue 1337 2 August 2024]
In this specification, where they are rendered in small capitals, the words must, must not, should, should not, may, required, and recommended are to be interpreted as described in [RFC2119].
[Definition: As is indicated in 12 Conformance, conformance criteria for serialization are determined by other specifications that refer to this specification. A serializer is software that implements some or all of the requirements of this specification in accordance with such conformance criteria.] A serializer is not required to directly provide a programming interface that permits a user to set serialization parameters or to provide an input sequence for serialization. In this document, material labeled as "Note" and examples are provided for explanatory purposes and are not normative.
Certain aspects of serialization are described in this specification as implementation-defined or implementation-dependent.
[Definition: Implementation-defined indicates an aspect that may differ between serializers, but whose actual behavior must be specified either by another specification that sets conformance criteria for serialization (see 12 Conformance) or in documentation that accompanies the serializer.]
[Definition: Implementation-dependent indicates an aspect that may differ between serializers, and whose actual behavior is not required to be specified either by another specification that sets conformance criteria for serialization (see 12 Conformance) or in documentation that accompanies the serializer.]
[Definition: In some instances, the input tree cannot be successfully converted into a sequence of octets given the set of serialization parameter (3 Serialization Parameters) values specified. A serialization error is said to occur in such an instance.] In some cases, a serializer is required to raise such an error. What it means to raise a serialization error is determined by the relevant conformance criteria (12 Conformance) to which the serializer conforms. In other cases, there is an implementation-defined choice between raising a serialization error and performing a recovery action. Such a recovery action will allow a serializer to produce a sequence of octets that might not fully reflect the usual requirements of the parameter settings that are in effect.
Where this specification indicates that two strings are to be
compared without regard to case, the serializer
must translate any characters in the range
inclusive, to the corresponding lower-case letters in the range
) through U+007A (LATIN SMALL LETTER Z, z
) only
for the purposes of making the comparison. The comparison
succeeds if the two strings are the same length and the code
point of each character in the first string is equal to the
code point of the character in the corresponding position in
the second string.]
Many terms used in this document are defined in the XPath specification [XML Path Language (XPath) 4.0] or the Data Model specification [XQuery and XPath Data Model (XDM) 4.0]. Particular attention is drawn to the following:
[Definition: The term atomization is defined in Section 2.5.3 AtomizationXP.]
[Definition: The term node is defined as part of [TITLE OF DM40 SPEC, TITLE OF Node SECTION]DM40. There are seven kinds of nodes in the data model: document, element, attribute, text, namespace, processing instruction, and comment.]
[Definition: The term sequence is defined in Section 2 BasicsXP. A sequence is an ordered collection of zero or more items.]
[Definition: The term function item is defined in Section 7.1 Function ItemsDM.]
[Definition: The term map item is defined in Section 7.2 Map ItemsDM.]
[Definition: The term array item is defined in Section 7.3 Array ItemsDM.]
[Definition: The term string is defined in Section 4.1.5 XML and XSD VersionsDM.]
[Definition: The term character is defined in Section 4.1.5 XML and XSD VersionsDM.]
[Definition: The term codepoint is defined in Section 4.1.5 XML and XSD VersionsDM.]
[Definition: The term string value is defined in Section 6.7.12 string-value AccessorDM. Every node has a string value. For example, the string value of an element is the concatenation of the string values of all its descendant text nodes.]
[Definition: The term expanded QName is defined in Section 2 BasicsXP. An expanded QName consists of an optional namespace URI and a local name. An expanded QName also retains its original namespace prefix (if any), to facilitate casting the expanded QName into a string.]
[Definition: An expanded-QName whose namespace part is an empty sequence, or an element or attribute whose name expands to such an expanded-QName, is referred to as having a null namespace URI].
[Definition: An element or attribute that does not have a null namespace URI, is referred to as having a non-null namespace URI].
[Definition: A space character, TAB character, CR character or NL character is referred to as a whitespace character.]
Where this specification indicates that an XSLT instruction is evaluated, the behavior is as specified by [XSL Transformations (XSLT) Version 4.0]. Where it indicates that an XQuery expression is evaluated, the behavior is as specified by [XQuery 4.0: An XML Query Language].
This specification refers to several namespaces that affect the process of serialization. These are:
[Definition: the
Output declaration namespace,
[Definition: the
XML namespace,
[Definition: the
XHTML namespace namespace,
[Definition: the
SVG namespace,
]; and
[Definition: the
MathML namespace namespace,
Wherever an element node or attribute node is said to be in a particular namespace, it is understood that the namespace URI of the node is equal to the namespace URI corresponding to that namespace. Wherever a namespace node is said to be a namespace node for a particular namespace, it is understood that the string value of the node is equal to the namespace URI corresponding to that namespace.
The input value is a sequence. Prior to serializing a sequence using any of the output methods whose behavior is specified by this document (3 Serialization Parameters), with the exception of the JSON and Adaptive output methods, the serializer must first compute a normalized sequence for serialization; it is the normalized sequence that is actually serialized. [Definition: The purpose of sequence normalization is to create a sequence that can be serialized as a well-formed XML document or external general parsed entity, that also reflects the content of the input sequence to the extent possible.] [Definition: The result of the sequence normalization process is a result tree.]
The normalized sequence for serialization is constructed by applying all of the following rules in order, with the input value being input to the first step, and the sequence that results from any step being used as input to the subsequent step. For any implementation-defined output method, it is implementation-defined whether this sequence normalization process takes place. For the JSON and Adaptive output methods, sequence normalization must not take place.
Where the process of converting the input sequence
to a normalized sequence indicates that a value must be cast to
, that operation is
defined in Section 21.1.2 Casting to xs:stringFO of
[XQuery and XPath Functions and Operators 4.0].
Where a
step in the sequence normalization process indicates that a node should be
copied, the copy is performed in the same way as an XSLT
instruction that has a
attribute whose value is
and has a
attribute whose effective value is the
node, as described in Section 11.9.2 Deep CopyXT
of [XSL Transformations (XSLT) Version 4.0],
or equivalently in the same way as an XQuery
content expression as described in Step 1e of
Section ContentXQ
of [XQuery 4.0: An XML Query Language], where the construction mode is
Let S0 be the sequence that is input to serialization.
The steps in computing the normalized sequence are:
Create a new sequence S1 from S0 as follows. For
each item in S0, if the item is an array, copy the results of
passing the item into the function array:flatten()
; otherwise, copy the item
itself. If S0 is empty, let S1 consist
of a zero-length string.
Create a new sequence S2 from S1 as follows. For
each item in S1, if the item is atomic, copy to S2 only the lexical
representation resulting from casting the item to an xs:string
, otherwise,
copy the item to S2.
Create a new sequence S3 from S2 as follows. If the
serialization parameter is present, then copy each item in
S2 to S3, inserting between each pair of items
a string whose value is equal to the value of the item-separator parameter. If the
serialization parameter is not present, then first maximally
group the items in S2 into subsequences of xs:string
and non-xs:string
items. For each group of items, if the group is a subsequence of
items, copy the subsequence to
S3; if the group is a subsequence of xs:string
items, copy to S3 the results of passing to
the subsequence and the value of
as the function’s two parameters.
Create a new sequence S4 from S3 as follows. For each item in S3, if the item is a string, copy to S4 a text node whose string value is equal to the string; otherwise, copy the item to S4.
Create a new sequence S5 from S4 as follows. For each item in S4, if the item is a document node, copy its children to S5; otherwise, copy the item to S5.
Create a new sequence S6 from S5 as follows. First, remove any text nodes with values of zero length from S5, then maximally group the results into groups of text nodes and non-text nodes. For each group of items, if the group is a subsequence of text nodes, copy to S6 a single text node whose value is equal to the concatenated values of the subsequence; if the group is a subsequence of non-text nodes, copy the subsequence of items to S6. It is a serialization error [err:SENR0001] if any item in S6 is an attribute node, a namespace node, or a function.
Create a new sequence S7 from S6 as follows. Let S7 be a single document node. Copy sequence S6 to the document node as its children.
S7 is the normalized sequence.
The result tree rooted at the document node that is created by the final step of this sequence normalization process is the value to which the rules of the appropriate output method are applied. If the sequence normalization process results in a serialization error, the serializer must raise the error.
If the item-separator
serialization parameter is absent, the sequence normalization process
for a sequence $seq
is equivalent
to constructing a document node using the XSLT instruction:
<xsl:document> <xsl:copy-of select="$seq" validation="preserve"/> </xsl:document>
or the XQuery expression:
declare construction preserve; document { $seq }
If the item-separator
serialization parameter is present, the sequence normalization process
for a sequence $seq
is equivalent to constructing a
document node using the XSLT
<xsl:document> <xsl:for-each select="$seq"> <xsl:sequence select="if (position() gt 1) then $sep else ()"/> <xsl:choose> <xsl:when test=". instance of node()"> <xsl:sequence select="."/> </xsl:when> <xsl:otherwise> <xsl:value-of select="."/> </xsl:otherwise> </xsl:choose> </xsl:for-each> </xsl:document>
or the XQuery expression:
declare construction preserve; document { for $item at $pos in $seq let $node := if ($item instance of node()) then $item else text { $item } return if ($pos eq 1) then $node else ($sep, $node) }
where the value of the sep
variable is a string whose value is equal to the value of the
serialization parameter.
This process results in a serialization error [err:SENR0001]
contains functions,
attribute nodes or namespace
There are a number of parameters that influence how serialization is performed. Host languages may allow users to specify any or all of these parameters, but they are not required to be able to do so. However, the host language specification must specify how the values of all applicable parameters are to be determined.
Host languages may also define alternative representations of the values of serialization parameters. For example, both XSLT
and XQuery allow the boolean values true
and false
to be written as 1
or yes
. The $options
map passed to the fn:serialize
by contrast, requires an xs:boolean
It is a serialization error [err:SEPM0016] if a parameter value is invalid for the given parameter. It is the responsibility of the host language to specify how invalid values should be handled at the level of that language.
The following serialization parameters are defined:
Serialization parameter name | Permitted values for parameter |
allow-duplicate-names |
A boolean value, true or false .
This parameter indicates
whether a map item serialized as a JSON object using the JSON output method is
allowed to contain duplicate member names. If the value false
is specified, a serialization error [err:SERE0022] may be raised under certain conditions. |
byte-order-mark |
A boolean value,
true or false .
This parameter indicates
whether the serialized sequence of octets is to be preceded by
a Byte Order Mark (See Section 5.1 of
[Unicode Encoding]). The actual octet order used is
If the encoding defines no Byte Order Mark, or if the Byte Order Mark is
prohibited for the specific Unicode encoding or implementation environment, then
this parameter is ignored. |
cdata-section-elements |
A list of expanded QNames, possibly empty. |
doctype-public |
A string of PubidCharXML characters. This parameter may be absent. |
doctype-system |
A string of Unicode characters
that does not include both the characters U+0027 (APOSTROPHE, ' ) and
U+0022 (QUOTATION MARK, " ) .
This parameter may be absent. |
encoding |
A string of Unicode characters in the range U+0021 (EXCLAMATION MARK, ! )
through U+007E (TILDE, ~ ) (that is,
printable ASCII characters); the value should be a charset
registered with the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
[IANA], [RFC2978] or begin with the
characters x- or X- . |
escape-solidus |
A boolean value, true or false .
escape-uri-attributes |
A boolean value, true or false .
html-version |
A decimal value. This parameter may be absent. |
include-content-type |
A boolean value, true or false .
indent |
A boolean value, true or false .
item-separator |
A string of Unicode characters. This parameter may be absent. |
json-lines |
A boolean value, true or false .
json-node-output-method |
An expanded QName
with a
namespace URI,
or with a null
namespace URI and a local name equal
to one of xml , xhtml ,
html or
text .
If the namespace URI is non-null,
the parameter
specifies an implementation-defined
output method. |
media-type |
A string of Unicode characters specifying the media type (MIME
content type) [RFC2046];
the charset parameter of
the media type must not be specified explicitly in the value of
the media-type parameter.
If the destination of the serialized output
is annotated with a media type, this parameter may be used to
provide such an annotation. For example, it may be used to set
the media type in an HTTP header. |
method |
An expanded QName with a
namespace URI,
or with a null
namespace URI and a local name that must be equal
to one of xml , xhtml ,
html , text ,
json , or adaptive , in which case, the output method specified must
be used for serializing.
If the namespace URI is non-null,
the parameter
specifies an implementation-defined
output method; its behavior is not specified by this document. |
normalization-form |
One of the enumerated values NFC , NFD ,
NFKC , NFKD , fully-normalized
or none , or an
implementation-defined value
of type
omit-xml-declaration |
A boolean value, true or false .
standalone |
Either a boolean value, true or false , or the value
or omit . |
suppress-indentation |
A list of expanded QNames, possibly empty. |
undeclare-prefixes |
A boolean value, true or false .
use-character-maps |
A list of pairs, possibly empty, with each pair consisting of a single Unicode character and a string of Unicode characters. |
version |
A string of Unicode characters. |
In those cases where they have no important effect on the content of the serialized result, details of the output methods defined by this specification are left unspecified and are regarded as implementation-dependent. Whether a serializer uses apostrophes or quotation marks to delimit attribute values in the XML output method is an example of such a detail.
The detailed semantics of each parameter will be described separately for each output method for which it is applicable. If the semantics of a parameter are not described for an output method, then it is not applicable to that output method.
Implementations may define additional serialization
parameters, and may
allow users to do so. For this purpose, the name of a serialization
parameter is considered to be a QName; the parameters listed above are
QNames whose
has a null namespace URI,
while any additional serialization parameters
that are either
implementation-defined or
defined by the host language
must have names that are namespace-qualified.
Any such
additional serialization parameters must not be in the namespace
A host language may
specify the means by which an implementation can define such an additional
serialization parameter, and implementations may provide
mechanisms by which users can define such an additional serialization
If the serialization method is one of the six
methods xml
, html
, text
, or adaptive
then the additional serialization parameters may
affect the output of the serializer to the extent (but only to the extent)
that this specification leaves the output implementation-defined or
implementation-dependent. For example, such parameters might control whether
namespace declarations on an element are written before or after the
attributes of the element, or they might define the number of space or tab
characters to be inserted when the indent
parameter is set to
; but they
could not instruct the serializer
to suppress the error that occurs when the
HTML output method encounters
that are not permitted
(see error [err:SERE0014]).
A host language may provide, by reference to this
section, a mechanism by
which the settings of serialization parameters are supplied in the form of
an output:serialization-parameters
element node.
[Definition: An
element node
used to hold the settings of serialization parameters is referred to as a parameter document].
The use of the word document does not imply that the
element must be the outermost element of an XDM document,
although this will often be the case.
The parameter document must be processed as if by the procedure described below.
With the exception of the use-character-maps
the setting of each serialization parameter
defined in this specification
is equal to the result of
evaluating the XQuery expression
document { . } /output:serialization-parameters /(validate lax { output:*[local-name() eq $param-name] }) /data(@value)
or equivalently the XSLT instructions
<xsl:sequence> <xsl:variable name="validated-instance"> <xsl:document validation="lax"> <xsl:sequence select=" self::output:serialization-parameters /output:* [local-name() eq $param-name]"/> </xsl:document> </xsl:variable> <xsl:sequence select="$validated-instance /data(@value)"/> </xsl:sequence>
with the parameter document as the
context value, the
bound to
a value of type
equal to
the local part of the name of the particular serialization parameter, and
the other components of the dynamic context and static context as
specified in the subsequent tables. If in any case evaluating this
expression would yield an error,
serialization error
If the result of evaluating this expression for a particular serialization parameter is the empty sequence, then
If the parameter is either cdata-section-elements
, and the result of evaluating
the XQuery expression
document { . } /output:serialization-parameters /(validate lax { output:*[local-name() eq $param-name] })
or equivalently the XSLT instructions
<xsl:sequence> <xsl:variable name="validated-instance"> <xsl:document select="." validation="lax"> <xsl:sequence select=" self::output:serialization-parameters /output:* [local-name() eq $param-name]"/> </xsl:document> </xsl:variable> <xsl:sequence select="$validated-instance"/> </xsl:sequence>
with the same settings of the static context and dynamic context is not an empty sequence, the setting of the parameter is the empty list;
otherwise, the setting of the parameter is absent.
The components of the static context used in evaluating the XQuery expressions or XSLT instructions are as defined in the following table.
Static Context Component | XQuery or XSLT | Setting |
XPath 1.0 compatibility mode | Both | false |
Statically known namespaces | XQuery | The pair (output, |
XSLT | The pairs (output,, (xsl, | |
Default element/type namespace | Both | "none" |
Default function namespace | Both | |
In-scope schema types, In-scope element declarations, Substitution groups, In-scope attribute declarations | Both | As defined by the schema for serialization parameters (B Schema for Serialization Parameters) and any additional implementation-defined in-scope schema components |
In-scope variables | Both | {param-name} |
Context value static type | Both | node() |
Statically known function signatures | Both | {fn:data($arg as item()*) as xs:anyAtomicType* },
{fn:local-name($arg as node()?) as xs:string } |
Statically known collations | Both | { (, The Unicode codepoint collation ) } |
Default collation | Both | The Unicode codepoint collation |
Construction mode | XQuery | strip |
Ordering mode | XQuery | ordered |
Default order for empty sequences | XQuery | least |
Boundary space policy | XQuery | strip |
Copy-namespaces mode | XQuery | (preserve,inherit) |
Base URI | Both | Absent |
Statically known documents | Both | None |
Statically known collections | Both | None |
Statically known default collection type | Both | node()* |
Statically known decimal formats | Both | None |
Set of named keys | XSLT | {} |
Values of system properties | XSLT | None |
Set of available instructions | XSLT | The set of all instructions defined by [XSL Transformations (XSLT) Version 4.0] |
The remaining components of the dynamic context used in evaluating the XQuery expressions or XSLT instructions in the preceding table are as defined in the following table.
Dynamic Context Component | XQuery or XSLT | Setting |
Context position | Both | 1 |
Context size | Both | 1 |
Variable values | Both | The param-name variable has
a value of type xs:string equal to the local part of the name
of the serialization parameter under consideration |
Function implementations | Both | The implementation of fn:data |
Current dateTime | Both | Absent |
Implicit timezone | Both | Absent |
Available documents | Both | None |
Available collections | Both | None |
Default collection | Both | None |
Current template rule | XSLT | Absent |
Current mode | XSLT | The default mode |
Current group | XSLT | Absent |
Current grouping key | XSLT | Absent |
Current captured substrings | XSLT | The empty sequence |
Output state | XSLT | Temporary output state |
In the case of the use-character-maps
parameter, the
document { . } /output:serialization-parameters / ( validate lax { output:use-character-maps } ) /output:character-map[@character eq $char] /string(@map-string)
or equivalently the XSLT instructions
<xsl:sequence> <xsl:variable name="validated-instance"> <xsl:document validation="lax"> <xsl:sequence select=" self::output:serialization-parameters /output:use-character-maps"/> </xsl:document> </xsl:variable> <xsl:sequence select="$validated-instance /output:character-map [@character eq $char] /string(@map-string)"/> </xsl:sequence>
is evaluated for each Unicode character that is permitted in an XML
document. The dynamic context and static context used to evaluate the
expression are as defined above, except that the component In-scope variables
is the set
} and the value of the variable "char
is a value of type xs:string
of length one whose value is the Unicode character under consideration. If
the result of evaluating the expression is not an empty sequence, the pair
consisting of the Unicode character and the result of evaluating the
expression is part of the list of pairs in the value of the
parameter. It is a
serialization error
if the result of evaluating this expression for any character is a
sequence of length greater than one.
Using the same settings of the components of the dynamic context and static context, serialization error [err:SEPM0019] results if the result of evaluating the following XQuery expression is not true
(document { . })/output:serialization-parameters /(count(distinct-values(*/node-name(.))) eq (count(*)))
or equivalently if the result of evaluating the following XSLT instructions is not true.
<xsl:sequence> <xsl:variable name="doc"> <xsl:document> <xsl:sequence select="."/> </xsl:document> </xsl:variable> <xsl:sequence select="$doc/output:serialization-parameters /(count(distinct-values( */node-name(.))) eq (count(*)))"/> </xsl:sequence>
The result of evaluating either
will be false if the parameter document
supplies a value
for any particular serialization parameter
more than once, or will be the
empty sequence if the parameter document
is not an element node whose local name is
and whose namespace URI is
A serializer or implementation of a host language does not need to be accompanied by an XQuery processor nor by a general-purpose schema validator in order to meet the requirements of this section. It merely needs to be capable of extracting values from an XDM instance that conforms to the schema for serialization parameters, while checking that the constraints implied by the schema and additional constraints implied by the XQuery validate expression or explicitly stated in this section are satisfied.
The host language may provide additional mechanisms for overriding the values of any serialization parameters specified through the mechanism defined in this section, as well as additional mechanisms for specifying the values of any serialization parameters whose values are absent after applying the mechanism defined in this section.
If the parameter document
contains elements or attributes
that are in a namespace other than
, the
implementation may interpret them to specify the
values of implementation-defined
serialization parameters in an
implementation-defined manner.
The following XML document, if
parsed as a parameter document
and processed using the mechanism described in this section,
would specify the settings of the method
, version
and indent
serialization parameters with the values
, 1.0
and true
, respectively.
<output:serialization-parameters xmlns:output = ""> <output:method value="xml"/> <output:version value="1.0"/> <output:indent value="yes"/> </output:serialization-parameters>
The following document would specify the value of the
serialization parameter with value equal to the
pair of expanded QNames
) and
<output:serialization-parameters xmlns:output = "" xmlns:book="" xmlns=""> <output:cdata-section-elements value="heading book:footnote"/> </output:serialization-parameters>
The following document would specify the value of the method
serialization parameter with the value html
Notice that in this example, the default namespace declaration
in scope has no effect on the interpretation of the setting of the
<output:serialization-parameters xmlns:output = "" xmlns=""> <output:method value="html"/> </output:serialization-parameters>
The following document would specify the value of the method
serialization parameter with value equal to the expanded QName
, jsp
), and the
parameter with value equal to the list of
pairs, («, <%), (», %>)
<output:serialization-parameters xmlns:output = "" xmlns:ext=""> <output:method value="ext:jsp"/> <output:use-character-maps> <output:character-map character="«" map-string="<%"/> <output:character-map character="»" map-string="%>"/> </output:use-character-maps> </output:serialization-parameters>
For the XML, HTML, XHTML and Text output methods, serialization comprises five phases of processing (preceded by the sequence normalization process described in 2 Sequence Normalization). For the JSON and Adaptive output methods, serialization is described in 9 JSON Output Method and 10 Adaptive Output Method respectively.
For an implementation-defined output method, any of these phases may be skipped or may be performed in a different order than is specified here. For the output methods defined in this specification, these phases are carried out sequentially as follows:
A meta
element is added to the sequence,
possibly replacing existing meta
elements, as
controlled by the include-content-type
for the XHTML and HTML output methods. This step is skipped for the
other output methods defined by this
Markup generation produces the character representation of those parts of the serialized result that describe the structure of the sequence. In the cases of the XML, HTML and XHTML output methods, this phase produces the character representations of the following:
the document type declaration;
start tags and end tags (except for attribute values, whose representation is produced by the character expansion phase);
processing instructions; and
In the cases of the XML and XHTML output methods, this phase also produces the following:
the XML or text declaration; and
empty element tags (except for the attribute values);
In the case of the text output method, this phase replaces the single document node produced by sequence normalization with a new document node that has exactly one child, which is a text node. The string value of the new text node is the string value of the document node that was produced by sequence normalization.
Character expansion is concerned with the representation of characters appearing in text and attribute nodes in the sequence. For each text and attribute node, the following rules are applied in sequence.
If the node is an attribute that is
a URI attribute value
and the escape-uri-attributes
parameter is set to
require escaping of URI attributes,
apply URI escaping as defined below,
and skip rules b-e. Otherwise, continue with rule b.
[Definition: URI escaping consists of the following three steps applied in sequence to the content of URI attribute values:]
normalize to NFC using the method defined in Section 5.4.9 fn:normalize-unicodeFO
percent-encode any special characters in the URI using the method defined in Section 6.5 fn:escape-html-uriFO
escape according to
the rules of the XML or HTML output
method, whichever is applicable, any characters that require
escaping, and any characters that cannot be represented in the
selected encoding.
For example, replace <
with <
(See also section 7.3 Writing Character Data).
[Definition: The values of attributes listed in
D List of URI Attributes are URI attribute values.
Attributes are not considered to be URI attributes simply because they are namespace declaration attributes or have the type annotation xs:anyURI
If the node is a text node whose parent element is selected by the rules of the
parameter for the applicable output method,
create CDATA sections as described below, and skip rules c-e. Otherwise, continue with rule c.
Apply the following two processes in sequence to create CDATA sections
Unicode Normalization if requested by the normalization-form
The application of changes as detailed in the description of the cdata-section-elements
parameter for the applicable output method.
Apply character mapping as determined by the
parameter for the applicable output method.
For characters that were substituted by this process, skip rules d and e.
For the remaining characters that were not modified by character mapping, continue with rule d.
Apply Unicode Normalization if requested by the normalization-form
[Definition: Unicode Normalization is the process of removing alternative representations of equivalent sequences from textual data, to convert the data into a form that can be binary-compared for equivalence, as specified in [UAX #15: Unicode Normalization Forms]. For specific recommendations for character normalization on the World Wide Web, see [Character Model for the World Wide Web 1.0: Normalization].]
The meanings associated with the possible values of the normalization-form
are defined in section 5.1.8 XML Output Method: the normalization-form Parameter.
Continue with step e.
Escape according to
the rules of the XML or HTML output
method, whichever is applicable,
any characters (such as <
and &
) where XML or HTML requires
and any characters that cannot be represented in the selected encoding.
For example, replace <
with <
(See also section 7.3 Writing Character Data).
For characters such as >
where XML defines a built-in entity but does not
require its use in all circumstances, it is implementation-dependent whether the character
is escaped.
Indentation, as controlled by
the indent
parameter and the
parameter, may
add or remove
whitespace according to the rules defined by the applicable output method.
Encoding, as controlled by the
parameter, converts the character sequence
produced by the previous phases into an octet stream.
Serialization is defined only in terms of encoding the result as a stream of octets. However, a serializer may provide an option that allows the encoding phase to be skipped, so that the result of serialization can be encoded in a way required by a particular destination (e.g., a Java StringBuffer). The effect of any such option is implementation-defined, and a serializer is not required to support such an option.
The XML output method serializes the normalized sequence as an XML entity that must satisfy the rules for either a well-formed XML document entity, a well-formed XML external general parsed entity, or both. A serialization error [err:SERE0003] results if the serializer is unable to satisfy those rules, except for content modified by the character expansion phase of serialization, as described in 4 Phases of Serialization. The effects of the character expansion phase could result in the serialized output being not well-formed, but will not result in a serialization error. If a serialization error results, the serializer must raise the error.
If the document node of the normalized sequence has a single element node child and no text node children, then the serialized output is a well-formed XML document entity, and the serialized output must conform to the appropriate version of the XML Namespaces Recommendation [XML Names] or [XML Names 1.1]. If the normalized sequence does not take this form, then the serialized output is a well-formed XML external general parsed entity, which, when referenced within a trivial XML document wrapper like this:
<?xml version="version"?> <!DOCTYPE doc [ <!ENTITY e SYSTEM "entity-URI"> ]> <doc>&e;</doc>
where entity-URI
is a URI for the entity,
and the value of the version
pseudo-attribute is the value of the version
parameter, produces a
document which must itself be a
well-formed XML document conforming
to the
corresponding version of the
XML Namespaces Recommendation [XML Names]
or [XML Names 1.1].
[Definition: A reconstructed tree may be constructed by parsing the XML document and converting it into an document node as specified in [XQuery and XPath Data Model (XDM) 4.0].] The result of serialization must be such that the reconstructed tree is the same as the result tree except for the following permitted differences:
If the document was produced by adding a document wrapper, as
described above, then it will contain an extra doc
element as the document element.
The order of attribute and namespace nodes in the two trees may be different.
The following properties of corresponding nodes in the two trees may be different:
the base-uri property of document nodes and element nodes;
the document-uri and unparsed-entities properties of document nodes;
the type-name and typed-value properties of element and attribute nodes;
the nilled property of element nodes;
the content property of text nodes, due to the effect of the
and use-character-maps
The reconstructed tree may contain additional attributes and text nodes resulting from the expansion of default and fixed values in its DTD or schema; also, in the presence of a DTD, non-CDATA attributes may lose whitespace characters as a result of attribute value normalization.
The type annotations of the nodes in the two trees may be different. Type annotations in a result tree are discarded when the tree is serialized. Any new type annotations obtained by parsing the document will depend on whether the serialized XML document is assessed against a schema, and this may result in type annotations that are different from those in the original result tree.
In order to influence the type annotations in the
tree that would result from processing a serialized XML document,
the author of the XSLT stylesheet, XQuery expression or other process
might wish to create the input tree so that it makes use of mechanisms provided by
[XML Schema], such as xsi:type
attributes. The serialization process
will not automatically create such attributes in the serialized
document if those attributes were not part of the result tree that is
to be serialized.
Similarly, it is possible that an element node in
the input tree has the nilled
property with the value true
, but no xsi:nil
attribute. The serialization process will not create such an attribute
in the serialized document simply to reflect the value of the property.
The value of the nilled
property has no direct effect on
the serialized result.
Additional namespace nodes may be present in the reconstructed tree if the serialization process did not undeclare one or more namespaces, as described in 5.1.7 XML Output Method: the undeclare-prefixes Parameter, and the input tree contained an element node with a namespace node that declared some prefix, but a child element of that node did not have any namespace node that declared the same prefix.
The result tree may contain namespace nodes that are not present in the reconstructed tree, as the process of creating an instance of the data model may ignore namespace declarations in some circumstances. See Section Construction from an InfosetDM and Section Construction from a PSVIDM of [XQuery and XPath Data Model (XDM) 4.0] for additional information.
If the indent
parameter has
the value true
additional text nodes consisting of whitespace characters may be present in the reconstructed tree; and
text nodes in the result tree that contained only whitespace characters may correspond to text nodes in the reconstructed tree that contain additional whitespace characters that were not present in the result tree
See 5.1.3 XML Output Method: the indent and suppress-indentation Parameters for more information on the
Additional nodes may be present in the reconstructed tree due to the effect of character mapping in the character expansion phase, and the values of attribute nodes and text nodes in the reconstructed tree may be different from those in the result tree, due to the effects of URI expansion, character mapping and Unicode Normalization in the character expansion phase of serialization.
The use-character-maps
parameter can
cause arbitrary characters to be inserted into the serialized XML document
in an unescaped form, including characters that would be considered to be
part of XML markup. Such characters could result in arbitrary new element
nodes, attribute nodes, and so on, in the reconstructed tree that results from
processing the serialized XML document.
A consequence of this rule is that certain characters must be output as character references, to ensure that they survive the round trip through serialization and parsing. Specifically:
In text nodes, the characters U+000D (CARRIAGE RETURN) , U+0085 (NEXT LINE, NEL) , and U+2028 (LINE SEPARATOR)
must be output respectively as
", "…
", and

", or their equivalents
In attribute nodes, the characters
U+000D (CARRIAGE RETURN) , U+000A (NEWLINE) , U+0009 (TAB) ,
U+0085 (NEXT LINE, NEL) , and U+2028 (LINE SEPARATOR)
must be output respectively
as "
", "

", "	
", and "

", or their equivalents.
In both text nodes and attribute nodes, control characters U+0001 (SOH) through U+001F (IS1) and U+007F (DELETE) through U+009F (APC) (except U+0009 (TAB) , U+000A (NEWLINE) , and U+000D (CARRIAGE RETURN) , and U+0085 (NEXT LINE, NEL) ) must be output as character references.
For example, an attribute with the value "x" followed by "y"
separated by a newline will result in the output
(or with any equivalent character
reference). The XML output cannot be "x" followed by a literal newline
followed by a "y" because after parsing, the attribute value would be
"x y"
as a consequence of the XML attribute normalization
XML 1.0 did not permit
an XML processor to normalize U+0085 (NEXT LINE, NEL) or U+2028 (LINE SEPARATOR) characters
to a U+000A (NEWLINE) character. However, if
a document entity that specifies version 1.1 invokes an external general
parsed entity with no text declaration or a text declaration that specifies
version 1.0, the external parsed entity is processed according to the rules
of XML 1.1. For this reason, U+0085 (NEXT LINE, NEL) and U+2028 (LINE SEPARATOR) characters in text and
attribute nodes must always be escaped using character references,
regardless of the value of the version
XML 1.0 permitted control characters in the range U+007F (DELETE) through
U+009F (APC)
to appear as literal characters in an XML document, but XML 1.1
requires such characters, other than U+0085 (NEXT LINE, NEL) ,
to be escaped as character references. An
external general parsed entity with no text declaration or a text
declaration that specifies a version pseudo-attribute with value
that is invoked by an XML 1.1 document entity
follow the rules of XML 1.1. Therefore, the non-whitespace control
characters in the ranges U+0001 (SOH) through U+001F (IS1) and U+007F (DELETE) through
U+009F (APC)
always be escaped, regardless of the value of the version
It is a serialization error [err:SEPM0004]
to specify the doctype-system
parameter, or to specify the standalone
with a value other than omit
, if the
input tree contains text nodes or multiple element nodes as children
of the root node. The
must either raise the error, or recover
by ignoring the request to output a document type declaration or
The serialization parameters that affect the XML output method are listed in the following subsections.
Serialization parameters other than those listed are not applicable to this output method. It is the responsibility of the host language to specify whether an error occurs if such a parameter is specified in combination with the XML output method, or whether the parameter is ignored, or whether it is validated and then ignored.
parameter specifies the version of XML
and the version of Namespaces in XML to
be used in the serialized output.
The version output in the XML declaration (if an XML declaration is not omitted)
must correspond to the version of XML used by
the serializer. The value of the
must match the
production of the XML Recommendation [XML10] or [XML11].
A serialization error [err:SESU0013] results if the value of the version
parameter specifies
a version of XML that is not supported by the serializer;
the serializer must
raise the error.
This document provides the normative
definition of serialization for the XML output method if the
parameter has either the value 1.0
. For
any other value of version
parameter, the behavior is
In that case the implementation-defined
behavior may supersede all other requirements of
this recommendation.
If the serialized result would contain an
NCNameNames that contains a character that is not
permitted by the version of Namespaces in XML specified by the
parameter, a serialization error [err:SERE0005] results.
The serializer must raise the error.
If the serialized result would contain a character
that is not permitted by the version of XML specified by the
parameter, a serialization error [err:SERE0006] results. The
serializer must raise the error.
For example, if the version
parameter has the value 1.0
, and the input tree
contains a non-whitespace control character in the range U+0001 (SOH) through
U+001F (IS1) , a serialization error [err:SERE0006] results.
If the version
parameter has the value 1.1
and a comment node in the input tree contains a
non-whitespace control character in the range U+0001 (SOH) through
U+001F (IS1) or a
control character other than U+0085 (NEXT LINE, NEL) in the range U+007F (DELETE) through
U+009F (APC) , a
serialization error [err:SERE0006] results.
ParameterThe encoding
parameter specifies the
encoding to be used in the serialized output.
are required to support values of UTF-8
. A serialization error [err:SESU0007] occurs if an output
encoding other than UTF-8
or UTF-16
requested and the serializer
does not support that encoding. The serializer
must raise the error, or recover by using
or UTF-16
The serializer
must not use an encoding whose name does not match the
production of the XML Recommendation [XML10].
When outputting a newline character in the input tree, the serializer is free to represent it using any character sequence that will be normalized to a newline character by an XML parser, unless a specific mapping for the newline character is provided in a character map (see 11 Character Maps).
When outputting any other character that is defined in the selected encoding, the character must be output using the correct representation of that character in the selected encoding.
It is possible that the input tree will contain a character that cannot be represented in the encoding that the serializer is using for output. In this case, if the character occurs in a context where XML recognizes character references (that is, in the value of an attribute node or text node), then the character must be output as a character reference. A serialization error [err:SERE0008] occurs if such a character appears in a context where character references are not allowed (for example, if the character occurs in the name of an element). The serializer must raise the error.
For example,
if a text node contains the character U+00E9 (LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH ACUTE, é
) ,
and the value of the encoding
parameter is
, the character must be serialized as a character
reference. If a comment node contains the same character, a
serialization error [err:SERE0008] results.
and suppress-indentation
ParametersThe indent
parameters control whether the
serializer may adjust the whitespace
in the serialized result so that a person will find it easier to read.
If the indent
parameter has
the value true
the serializer may output whitespace characters in
addition to the whitespace characters in the input tree.
It may also elide from the output whitespace
characters that occurred in the input tree or replace
such whitespace characters with other whitespace characters.
[Definition: The term content has the same meaning as the term ContentXML defined in Section 3.1 Start-Tags, End-Tags, and Empty-Element TagsXML of [XML10].] [Definition: The immediate content of an element is the part of the content of the element that is not also in the content of a child element of that element.]
If the
parameter has the value false
, the
serializer must not add, elide
or replace whitespace characters in the output. If the indent
parameter has
the value true
the serializer must
use an algorithm for dealing with whitespace characters that satisfies
all of the following constraints.
If more than one constraint applies,
the serializer
must apply the most restrictive constraint. That is, if
any applicable constraint indicates that whitespace
must not be added, elided or replaced, that
constraint prevails; if an applicable constraint indicates that
whitespace should not be added, elided or replaced,
while all other applicable constraints indicate that whitespace
be added, elided or replaced, whitespace should not
be added, elided or replaced.
Whitespace characters may be added adjacent to a text node only if the text node contains only whitespace characters. Whitespace characters in such a text node may also be elided or replaced. For example, a tab may be inserted as a replacement for existing spaces.
Whitespace characters
may be added, elided or replaced in the
immediate content of an
element whose type annotation is xs:untyped
and that has element node children, in the
immediate content of an element whose content model
is element only, or outside
the content of any element.
Whitespace characters must not be added, elided or replaced in the immediate content of an element whose content model is known to be simple or empty.
Whitespace characters
should not be added,
elided or replaced
in places where the characters would
constitute significant whitespace, for example, in the
immediate content of an element
that is annotated with a type
other than xs:untyped
or xs:anyType
, and
whose content model is known to be mixed.
Whitespace characters
must not be added,
elided or replaced
in the content
of an element
whose expanded QName is a member of the list of expanded QNames in the
value of the suppress-indentation
Whitespace characters must not be
added, elided or replaced
in a part of the result document that is controlled by an
attribute with value preserve
(See [XML10] for more information about the
The effect of these rules is to ensure that whitespace is
added in only those places where (a) XSLT’s <xsl:strip-space>
declaration could cause it to be removed, and
(b) it does not affect the string value of any element node with
simple content. It is usually not safe to indent document types that include elements
with mixed content.
The whitespace added may possibly be based on whitespace stripped from either the source document or the stylesheet (in the case of XSLT), or guided by other means that might depend on the host language, in the case of an input tree created using some other process.
ParameterThe cdata-section-elements
parameter contains a list
of expanded QNames. If the expanded QName of the parent of a text node
is a member of the list, then the text node
must be output as a
CDATA section, except in those circumstances
described below.
If the text node contains the sequence of characters
, then the currently open CDATA section
must be
closed following the ]]
and a new CDATA section opened
before the >
If the text node contains characters that are not representable in the character encoding being used in the serialized output, then the currently open CDATA section must be closed before such characters, the characters must be output using character references or entity references, and a new CDATA section must be opened for any further characters in the text node.
CDATA sections
must not be used except where they
have been explicitly requested by the user, either by using the
parameter, or by using some other
implementation-defined mechanism.
This is phrased to permit an implementer to provide an option that attempts to preserve CDATA sections present in the source document.
and standalone
ParametersThe XML output method
must output an XML declaration if the omit-xml-declaration
parameter has the value false
The XML declaration must include both version information and an encoding declaration.
If the standalone
parameter has
the value true
or false
the XML declaration must include a standalone document declaration
with the value of the standalone
parameter set accordingly to yes
or no
If the standalone
parameter has
the value omit
, the XML declaration
must not include a standalone document declaration; this ensures
that it is both an XML declaration (allowed at the beginning of a
document entity) and a text declaration (allowed at the beginning of
an external general parsed entity).
A serialization error [err:SEPM0009] results if the
parameter has
the value true
, and
the standalone
parameter has a value other than
; or
the version
parameter has a value other than
and the doctype-system
parameter is specified.
The serializer must raise the error.
Otherwise, if the
parameter has
the true
the XML output method
must not output an XML declaration.
and doctype-public
ParametersIf the doctype-system
parameter is specified, the
XML output method
must output a document type
declaration immediately before the first element. The name following
must be the name of the first element,
if any. If the doctype-public
parameter is also specified, then the
XML output method must output PUBLIC
followed by the public identifier and then the system identifier;
otherwise, it must output SYSTEM
followed by the system
identifier. The internal subset
must be empty. The
must be ignored unless the
parameter is specified.
ParameterThe Data Model allows an element
node that binds a non-empty prefix to
have a child element node that does
not bind that same prefix. In Namespaces in XML 1.1 ([XML Names 1.1]), this can be represented accurately by undeclaring
prefixes. For the undeclaring prefix of the child element node,
if the undeclare-prefixes
parameter has
the value true
the output method is XML or XHTML, and the version
parameter value is greater than 1.0
the serializer
must undeclare its namespace. If the
parameter has the value false
and the output method is XML or
XHTML, then the undeclaration of prefixes must not occur.
Consider an element x:foo
with four in-scope namespaces
that associate prefixes with URIs as follows:
is associated with
is associated with
is associated with
is associated with
Suppose that it has a child element x:bar
with three in-scope namespaces:
is associated with
is associated with
is associated with
If namespace undeclaration is in effect, it will be serialized this way:
<x:foo xmlns:x="" xmlns:y="" xmlns:z=""> <x:bar xmlns:z="">...</x:bar> </x:foo>
In Namespaces in XML 1.0 ([XML Names]), prefix undeclaration is not possible.
If the output method is XML or XHTML, the value of the undeclare-prefixes
parameter is
and the value of the version
parameter is 1.0
a serialization error [err:SEPM0010] results; the
serializer must raise the error.
ParameterThe normalization-form
parameter is applicable to the XML output method.
The values NFC
and none
must be supported by the serializer.
A serialization error [err:SESU0011] results if the value of the
parameter specifies a normalization form
that is not supported by the
serializer; the
serializer must raise the error.
The meanings associated with the possible values of
the normalization-form
parameter are as follows:
specifies the serialized result will be
in Normalization Form C, using the rules specified in [Character Model for the World Wide Web 1.0: Normalization].
specifies the serialized result will be
in Normalization Form D, as specified in [UAX #15: Unicode Normalization Forms].
specifies the serialized result will be
in Normalization Form KC, as specified in [UAX #15: Unicode Normalization Forms].
specifies the serialized result will be
in Normalization Form KD, as specified in [UAX #15: Unicode Normalization Forms].
specifies the serialized result
will be in fully normalized text, as specified in [Character Model for the World Wide Web 1.0: Normalization].
specifies that no Unicode Normalization will
be applied.
An implementation-defined value has an implementation-defined effect.
If the value of the parameter is fully-normalized
, then no
relevant construct of the parsed entity created by the serializer
may start with a composing character. The term relevant construct
has the meaning defined in section 2.13 of [XML11]. If this condition is not
satisfied, a serialization error [err:SERE0012] must be raised.
Specifying fully-normalized
as the value of this parameter
does not guarantee that the XML document output by the serializer will in fact
be fully normalized as defined in [XML11]. This is because the serializer does
not check that the text is include normalized
, which would involve
checking all external entities that it refers to (such as an external DTD).
Furthermore, the serializer does not check whether any character escape
generated using character maps represents a composing character.
ParameterThe media-type
parameter is applicable to the
XML output method.
See 3 Serialization Parameters for more
ParameterThe use-character-maps
parameter is applicable to the XML output method.
The result of serialization using the XML output method is not
guaranteed to be well-formed XML if character maps have been specified.
See 11 Character Maps for more information.
ParameterThe byte-order-mark
parameter is
applicable to the XML output method. See
3 Serialization Parameters for more information.
The byte order mark may be undesirable under certain circumstances,
for example, to concatenate resulting XML fragments without additional processing to remove the byte order mark.
Therefore this specification does not mandate the byte-order-mark
parameter to have
the value true
when the encoding is UTF-16,
even though the XML 1.0 and XML 1.1 specifications state that entities encoded in UTF-16 must begin with a byte order mark.
Consequently, this specification does not guarantee that the resulting XML fragment,
without a byte order mark, will not cause an error when processed by a conforming XML processor.
ParameterThe effect of the item-separator
serialization parameter
is described in 2 Sequence Normalization.
The XHTML output method serializes the input tree as XML, using the HTML compatibility guidelines defined in the XHTML specification ([XHTML 1.0] or the XHTML syntax of HTML5 (see [HTML5]).
[Definition: An element node is recognized as an HTML element by the XHTML output method if
the element node is in the
XHTML namespace,
regardless of the value of the
serialization parameter
or if the html-version
serialization parameter is absent; or
the value of the
serialization parameter is
, the element has a
null namespace URI, and
the local part of the name is equal
to the name of an element defined by HTML5 [HTML5],
making the comparison
without regard to case.
It is entirely the responsibility of the
person or process that creates the input tree
to ensure that it conforms to the [XHTML 1.0] or
[XHTML 1.1] specification
if the html-version
serialization parameter is absent or has a value less than
or the XHTML syntax of
HTML5 if the value of the
serialization parameter is 5.0
It is not an error if the
instance of the data model is invalid XHTML. Equally, it is entirely under the
control of the person or process that creates the input tree
whether the output conforms to XHTML 1.0
Strict, XHTML 1.0 Transitional,
the XHTML syntax of HTML5 (see
or any other specific definition of XHTML.
The serialization of the input tree follows the same rules as for the XML output method, with the general exceptions noted below and parameter-specific exceptions in 6.1 The Influence of Serialization Parameters upon the XHTML Output Method. These differences are based on the HTML compatibility guidelines published in Appendix C of [XHTML 1.0] and on [POLYGLOT], both of which are designed to ensure that as far as possible, XHTML is rendered correctly on user agents designed originally to handle HTML.
If the value of the html-version
serialization parameter is 5.0
, the
input tree is first subjected to
prefix normalization.
[Definition: During prefix normalization, any element node in the input tree that is in one of the XHTML namespace, the SVG namespace or the MathML namespace has its name replaced by the local part of its name. Such an element node is given a default namespace node whose value is the element’s namespace URI. Any namespace node for any of those three namespaces that was previously present on any element node in the input tree is also removed, unless the prefix that that namespace node declared is used as the prefix on the name of an attribute on that element or an ancestor of that element.]
The process of prefix normalization is equivalent to replacing the input tree with the result of the transformation described by this XSLT stylesheet, with the root of the input tree as the initial context value.
<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="" version="4.0" xmlns:xhtml="" xmlns:svg="" xmlns:mathml=""> <xsl:template match="xhtml:*|svg:*|mathml:*"> <xsl:element name="{local-name()}" namespace="{namespace-uri()}"> <xsl:apply-templates select="@*|namespace::*|node()"/> </xsl:element> </xsl:template> <xsl:template match="node()|@*|namespace::*"> <xsl:copy copy-namespaces="no"> <xsl:apply-templates select="@*|namespace::*|node()"/> </xsl:copy> </xsl:template> <xsl:template match="namespace::*[. eq '']| namespace::*[. eq '']| namespace::*[. eq '']"/> </xsl:stylesheet>
[Definition: The following XHTML elements have an EMPTY content model: area
, base
, br
, col
, embed
, hr
, img
, input
, link
, meta
, basefont
, frame
, isindex
, and param
[Definition: The
void elements of HTML5 are
, base
, col
, embed
, img
, input
, link
, meta
, source
, track
[Definition: An element node is expected to be empty if
it is recognized as an HTML element
and if either
the html-version
serialization parameter is
absent or has a value less than 5.0
and the content model is
the html-version
serialization parameter has the value
and the element is a void
If an element node that has no child nodes is not expected to be empty, and:
serialization parameter is
absent or has a value
less than 5.0
, and the
content model of the HTML element
is not EMPTY
(for example, an empty title or paragraph); or
the value of the
serialization parameter is 5.0
, and the
HTML element is not a void element,
the serializer
must not use the minimized form.
That is, it
output <p></p>
and not
<p />
If an element that has no
children is
expected to be empty,
the serializer
must use the minimized tag syntax,
for example
<br />
, as the alternative syntax
allowed by XML gives uncertain
results in many
user agents.
If the
serialization parameter is
absent or has a value
less than 5.0
the serializer
must include a
space before the trailing />
, e.g.
<br />
, <hr />
<img src="karen.jpg" alt="Karen" />
If the
serialization parameter is
absent or has a value
less than 5.0
the serializer
must not use the entity reference
which, although
in XML and therefore in
XHTML, is not defined in
versions of HTML
prior to HTML5,
and is not recognized by all HTML user
If the
serialization parameter is
absent or has a value
less than
the serializer should output namespace declarations
in a way that is consistent with the requirements of the XHTML DTD if this is
If the value of the
serialization parameter is
the serializer should
output namespace declarations in a way that is consistent with the requirements
The XHTML 1.0 DTDs require the declaration
to appear on the html
element, and only on the html
The [POLYGLOT] specification permits namespace declarations
to appear in a conforming document, but
restricts the elements on which they can appear.
The serializer must output namespace declarations that are consistent with
the namespace nodes present in the result tree, but it must avoid outputting
redundant namespace declarations on elements where the DTD would make them invalid,
for versions prior to HTML5, or where they
are not permitted by
for serialization according to the syntax of HTML5.
If the html
element is generated by an XSLT literal result element of
the form <html xmlns=""> ... </html>
, or by an
XQuery direct element constructor of the same form, then the html
element in
the result document will have a node name whose prefix is "", which will
satisfy the requirements of the DTD. In other cases the prefix assigned to
the element is implementation-dependent.
[POLYGLOT] and Appendix C of [XHTML 1.0] describe a number of compatibility guidelines for users of XHTML who wish to render their XHTML documents with HTML user agents. In some cases, such as the guideline on the form empty elements take, only the serialization process itself has the ability to follow the guideline. In such cases, those guidelines are reflected in the requirements on the serializer described above.
In all other cases, the guidelines can be
adhered to by the input tree.
The guideline on the use of whitespace characters in attribute
values is one such example. Another example is that xml:lang="..."
does not serialize to both xml:lang="..."
and lang="..."
as required by some legacy user agents. It is the responsibility of the person or
process that creates the instance of the data model that is input to the
serialization process to ensure it is created in a way that is consistent
with the guidelines. No serialization error results if the
input tree does not adhere to the guidelines.
The serialization parameters that affect the XHTML output method are listed in the following subsections.
Serialization parameters other than those listed are not applicable to this output method. It is the responsibility of the host language to specify whether an error occurs if such a parameter is specified in combination with the XHTML output method, or whether the parameter is ignored, or whether it is validated and then ignored.
ParameterThe behavior for the version
parameter for the XHTML output method is described in
5.1.1 XML Output Method: the version Parameter.
ParameterThe html-version
parameter specifies whether the XHTML
output method will produce a serialized document following rules that
are tailored to the requirements of the XHTML syntax of [HTML5]
or the requirements of [XHTML 1.0] and [XHTML 1.1].
The differences are described in detail throughout 6 XHTML Output Method.
ParameterThe behavior for encoding
parameter for the XHTML output method is described in 5.1.2 XML Output Method: the encoding Parameter.
and suppress-indentation
ParametersIf the indent
parameter has
the value true
, the
serializer may add or remove whitespace as it serializes the
result tree,
if it observes the following constraints.
Whitespace must not be added other than before or after an element, or adjacent to an existing whitespace character.
Whitespace must not be added or removed adjacent to
an inline element. The inline elements are those elements
as HTML elements that are
in the %inline category of any of the XHTML 1.0 DTDs, in the
%inline.class category of the XHTML 1.1 DTD,
those elements defined to be phrasing
elements in HTML5
and elements
as HTML elements
with local names ins
and del
if they are used as
inline elements (i.e., if they do not contain element children).
Whitespace must not be added or removed inside a
formatted element, the formatted elements being those
as HTML elements
with local names pre
, script
, style
, and
Whitespace characters
must not be added in the content of an element
whose expanded QName matches a
member of the list of expanded QNames in the
value of the suppress-indentation
The expanded QName of an element node
is considered to match a member of the list of expanded QNames
the two expanded QNames are equal;
the expanded QNames both have null namespace URIs, and the local parts of the two QNames are equal without regard to case; or
the value of the
serialization parameter is
, the local parts of the two QNames are equal
without regard to case
and one QName has a null namespace
URI and the namespace URI of the other is equal to the
XHTML namespace URI.
The effect of the above constraints is to ensure any insertion or deletion of whitespace would not affect how an HTML user agent that conforms to the specified version of HTML would render the output, assuming the serialized document does not refer to any HTML style sheets.
The HTML definition of whitespace is different from the XML definition: see section 9.1 of [HTML] 4.01 specification.
ParameterThe behavior for cdata-section-elements
parameter for the XHTML output method is described in 5.1.4 XML Output Method: the cdata-section-elements Parameter.
and standalone
ParametersThe behavior for omit-xml-declaration
and standalone
parameters for the XHTML output method is described in 5.1.5 XML Output Method: the omit-xml-declaration and standalone Parameters.
As with the XML output method, the XHTML
output method specifies that an XML declaration will be output unless it is suppressed using
the omit-xml-declaration
parameter. Appendix C.1 of
[XHTML 1.0]
provides advice on the consequences of including,
or omitting, the XML declaration.
and doctype-public
ParametersIf the value of the
serialization parameter is 5.0
, the
serialization parameter is
the first element node child of
the document node that is to be serialized
recognized as an HTML
element, the local part of the QName of which is equal to
the string HTML
without regard to case,
and any text node preceding that
element in document order contains only whitespace characters,
the XHTML output method must output a document type
declaration immediately before the first element, with no public or
system identifier. The name following <!DOCTYPE
be the same as the local part of the
name of the element.
Otherwise, the behavior for doctype-system
and doctype-public
parameters for the XHTML output method is described in 5.1.6 XML Output Method: the doctype-system and doctype-public Parameters.
ParameterThe behavior for undeclare-prefixes
parameter for the XHTML output method is described in 5.1.7 XML Output Method: the undeclare-prefixes Parameter.
ParameterThe behavior for normalization-form
parameter for the XHTML output method is described in 5.1.8 XML Output Method: the normalization-form Parameter.
ParameterThe behavior for media-type
parameter for the XHTML output method is described in 5.1.9 XML Output Method: the media-type Parameter.
ParameterThe behavior for use-character-maps
parameter for the XHTML output method is described in 5.1.10 XML Output Method: the use-character-maps Parameter.
ParameterThe behavior for byte-order-mark
parameter for the XHTML output method is described in 5.1.11 XML Output Method: the byte-order-mark Parameter.
If the escape-uri-attributes
parameter has
the value true
the XHTML output method
must apply URI escaping to
URI attribute values, except that relative URIs must not be absolutized.
This escaping is deliberately confined to non-ASCII characters,
because escaping of ASCII characters is not always appropriate, for
example when URIs or URI fragments are interpreted locally by the HTML
user agent. Even in the case of non-ASCII characters, escaping can
sometimes cause problems. More precise control of URI escaping is
therefore available by setting escape-uri-attributes
, and controlling the escaping of URIs by using methods defined in
Section 6.2 fn:encode-for-uriFO and Section 6.4 fn:iri-to-uriFO.
ParameterIf the input tree includes a head
recognized as
an HTML element,
and the include-content-type
parameter has
the value true
the XHTML output method
add a meta
element as the first child element of the
element, specifying the character encoding actually
used. The meta
element should
be in no namespace if the head
element is in no namespace, and in the XHTML namespace if the
element is in the XHTML namespace.
For example,
<head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=EUC-JP" /> ...
For HTML5, the alternative form <meta charset="EUC-JP"/>
may be used.
The content type, if included,
should be set to the value given for the
It is recommended that the host language use as default
value for this parameter one of the MIME types ([RFC2046]) registered for
XHTML. Currently, these are text/html
(registered by [RFC2854])
and application/xhtml+xml
(registered by [RFC3236]). Note that
some user agents fail to recognize the charset parameter if the
content type is not text/html
If a meta
element has been added to the head
element as described above,
then any existing meta
element child of the head
element having
either a charset
attribute, or
an http-equiv
attribute with the value "Content-Type",
making the comparison
without regard to case
after first stripping leading and trailing spaces from the value of
the attribute solely for the purposes of comparison,
must be discarded.
This process removes possible parameters in the attribute value. For example,
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;version='4.0'" />
in the input tree might be replaced by
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8" />
or by
<meta charset="utf-8"/>
ParameterThe effect of the item-separator
serialization parameter
is described in 2 Sequence Normalization.
The HTML output method serializes the input tree as HTML.
For example, the following XSL stylesheet generates html output,
<xsl:stylesheet version="2.0" xmlns:xsl=""> <xsl:output method="html" version="4.0"/> <xsl:template match="/"> <html> <xsl:apply-templates/> </html> </xsl:template> ... </xsl:stylesheet>
In the example, the version
attribute of the xsl:output
element indicates the version of the HTML Recommendation [HTML] to which the serialized result is to conform.
It is entirely the responsibility of the person or process that creates the input tree to ensure that it conforms to the HTML Recommendation [HTML]. It is not an error if the input tree is invalid HTML. Equally, it is entirely under the control of the person or process that creates the input tree whether the output conforms to HTML. If the result tree is valid HTML, the serializer must serialize the result in a way that conforms with the version of HTML specified by the requested HTML version.
As is described in detail below, the HTML output method will not output an element differently from the XML output method unless the element is to be serialized as an HTML element. [Definition: The portion of the serialized document representing the result of serializing an element that is not to be serialized as an HTML element is known as an XML Island.] [Definition: An element node is serialized as an HTML element if
the expanded QName of the element has a null namespace URI, regardless of the value of the requested HTML version, or
the value of the
requested HTML
is 5.0
greater, and
the element node is in the
XHTML namespace.
If the
element is to be
serialized as an HTML
but the local part of the expanded QName is not recognized as the name
of an HTML element, the element
must be output in the same way as a
non-empty, inline element such as span
. In particular:
Any namespace node in the result tree
for the XML namespace is ignored
by the HTML output method.
In addition,
if the
requested HTML version
is 5.0
, any element node that has a prefix and is in the
XHTML namespace,
MathML namespace,
or SVG namespace
must be serialized
with an unprefixed element name. The serializer must
serialize an attribute with the name xmlns
whose value is
equal to the namespace URI of the element node, unless an ancestor
element in the serialized result already has an attribute named
with the same value, and no intervening element
has an attribute named xmlns
with a different value.
If the element
node has a namespace node for the default namespace whose value is not
equal to the namespace URI of the element node,
the namespace node is ignored.
The serializer
must not serialize a namespace declaration for the
namespace node declaring the element node’s prefix, unless an attribute
of the element node has the same prefix.
For namespace nodes in the result tree
that are not ignored, the HTML output method
must represent these namespaces using
attributes named xmlns
or xmlns:
in the same way as the XML output method would represent them when the
parameter is set to 1.0
If the result tree contains elements or attributes whose names have a
non-null namespace URI, the HTML output method
must generate
namespace-prefixed QNames for these nodes in the same way as the XML output
method would do when the version
parameter is set to 1.0
Where special rules are defined later in this section for serializing specific HTML elements and attributes, these rules must not be applied to an element that is not to be serialized as an HTML element or an attribute whose name has a non-null namespace URI. However, the generic rules for the HTML output method that apply to all elements and attributes, for example the rules for escaping special characters in the text and the rules for indentation, must be used also for namespaced elements and attributes.
When serializing an element whose name is not defined in the
HTML specification, but that is
to be
serialized as an HTML
element, the HTML output method
apply the same rules (for example, indentation rules) as
when serializing a span
element. The descendants of such
an element
must be serialized as if they were descendants of a
When serializing an element whose name is in a non-null
namespace, the HTML output method
must apply the same rules (for
example, indentation rules) as when serializing a div
element. The descendants of such an element
must be serialized as if
they were descendants of a div
except for the influence
of the cdata-section-elements
serialization parameter
on any text node children of the element.
The HTML output method
must not output an end-tag for an empty element
if the element type has an empty content model,
and the value of the
requested HTML
is less than 5.0
, or the element is a void
element and the value of the
requested HTML
is 5.0
. For example, an element written as
or <br></br>
in an
XSLT stylesheet
must be output as <br>
For HTML 4.0, the
element types that have an empty content model are
, base
, basefont
, col
, img
, input
, link
, meta
For HTML5, the void elements are
, base
, col
, embed
, img
, input
, link
, meta
, source
, track
. It is implementation-defined
whether the basefont
, frame
and isindex
elements, which are not part of HTML5, are considered to be void elements when
requested HTML
has the value 5.0
The markup generation step of the phases of serialization only creates start tags and end tags for the HTML output method, never XML-style empty element tags. As such, a serializer must serialize an HTML element that has no children, but whose content model is not empty, using a pair of adjacent start and end element tags, or as a solitary start tag if permitted by the context.
For any element node that is to be
serialized as an HTML
the HTML output method
compare the local part of the name of
the element node with the names of HTML elements,
making the comparison
without regard to case.
If the local part of the name of the
element node compares equal to that of any HTML element, the element node
must be recognized as being that kind of HTML
For example, elements named
, BR
or Br
must all be
recognized as the HTML br
element and output without an
end tag.
The HTML output method
must not perform escaping for
any text node
descendant, nor for any attribute of an element node descendant,
For example, a script
created by an XQuery direct element constructor or an XSLT
literal result element, such as:
<script>if (a < b) foo()</script>
<script><![CDATA[if (a < b) foo()]]></script>
must be output as
<script>if (a < b) foo()</script>
A common requirement is to output a script
as shown in the example below:
<script type="application/ecmascript"> document.write ("<em>This won't work</em>") </script>
This is invalid HTML, for the reasons explained in section B.3.2 of the [HTML] 4.01 specification. Nevertheless, it is possible to output this fragment using either of the following constructs:
Firstly, by use of a script
created by an XQuery direct element constructor or an
XSLT literal result element:
<script type="application/ecmascript"> document.write ("<em>This won't work</em>") </script>
Secondly, by constructing the markup from ordinary text characters:
<script type="application/ecmascript"> document.write ("<em>This won't work</em>") </script>
As the [HTML] specification points out, the correct way to write this is to use the escape conventions for the specific scripting language. For JavaScript, it can be written as:
<script type="application/ecmascript"> document.write ("<em>This will work<\/em>") </script>
The [HTML] 4.01 specification also shows examples of how to write this in various other scripting languages. The escaping must be done explicitly; it will not be done by the serializer.
The HTML output method
must not escape
" characters occurring in attribute values.
A boolean attribute is an attribute with only a single allowed value in any of the HTML DTDs or that is specified to be a boolean attribute by HTML5 (see [HTML5]), where the allowed value is equal without regard to case to the name of the attribute. The HTML output method must output any boolean attribute in minimized form if and only if the value of the attribute node actually is equal to the name of the attribute making the comparison without regard to case.
For example, a start-tag created using the following XQuery direct element constructor or XSLT literal result element
<OPTION selected="selected">
must be output as
<OPTION selected>
The HTML output method
must not escape a
character occurring in an attribute value
immediately followed by a {
character (see Section
B.7.1 of the HTML Recommendation [HTML]).
For example, a start-tag created using the following XQuery direct element constructor or XSLT literal result element
<BODY bgcolor='&{{randomrbg}};'>
must be output as
<BODY bgcolor='&{randomrbg};'>
See 7.4 The Influence of Serialization Parameters upon the HTML Output Method for additional directives on how attributes may be written.
The HTML output method may output a character using a
character entity reference in preference to using a numeric character
reference, if an entity is defined for the character in the version of
HTML that the output method is using. Entity references and character
references should be used only where the character is not present in
the selected encoding, or where the visual representation of the
character is unclear (as with
, for
When outputting a sequence of
whitespace characters in the
input tree, within an element where
characters are
treated normally
(but not in elements such as pre
), the HTML output method
represent it using any sequence of whitespace
characters that will be treated
in the same way by an HTML user agent. See section 3.5 of [XHTML Modularization] for some additional information on
handling of whitespace by an HTML user agent
for versions of HTML prior to HTML5,
and see [HTML5] for information on the handling of whitespace
characters by an HTML5 user agent.
The terms space character and whitespace character defined in HTML5 do not match the definition of whitespace character in this specification.
Certain characters are permitted in XML, but not in HTML prior to HTML5
— for example,
the control characters U+007F (DELETE) through U+009F (APC) are
in both XML 1.0 and XML 1.1, and
the control characters U+0001 (SOH) through U+0008 (BACKSPACE) ,
U+000B (VERTICAL TAB) , U+000C (FORM FEED) and U+000E (SHIFT OUT) through U+001F (IS1) are
permitted in XML 1.1, but none of these is permitted in HTML prior to HTML5.
It is a
serialization error [err:SERE0014] to use the HTML
output method if such characters
appear in the input tree
and the value of the
requested HTML
is less than 5.0
. The
must raise the error.
The HTML output method
must terminate processing
instructions with >
rather than
. It is a serialization error [err:SERE0015] to use the HTML output method when >
appears within a processing instruction in input tree.
The serialization parameters that affect the HTML output method are listed in the following subsections.
Serialization parameters other than those listed are not applicable to this output method. It is the responsibility of the host language to specify whether an error occurs if such a parameter is specified in combination with the HTML output method, or whether the parameter is ignored, or whether it is validated and then ignored.
and html-version
or the
serialization parameter
indicates the version of the HTML
Recommendation [HTML]
or [HTML5]
to which the serialized result is
to conform.
If the
serialization parameter is not absent, the
requested HTML version is the value of the
serialization parameter; otherwise, it is
the value of the version
If the serializer does
not support the version of HTML specified by
the requested
HTML version, it
must raise a
serialization error [err:SESU0013].
This document provides the normative definition of serialization for the HTML output method if the requested HTML version has the lexical form of a value of type decimal whose value is 1.0 or greater, but no greater than 5.0. For any other value of version parameter, the behavior is implementation-defined. In that case the implementation-defined behavior may supersede all other requirements of this recommendation.
ParameterThe encoding
parameter specifies the encoding to be used.
Serializers are
required to support values of UTF-8
. A serialization error [err:SESU0007] occurs if an output
encoding other than UTF-8
or UTF-16
requested and the serializer
does not support that encoding. The serializer
must raise the error.
It is possible that the input tree will contain a character that
cannot be represented in the encoding that the serializer
is using for
output. In this case, if the character occurs in a context where HTML
recognizes character references, then the character
must be output
as a character entity reference or decimal numeric character
reference; otherwise (for example, in a script
element or in a comment), the serializer
raise a serialization error [err:SERE0008].
See 7.4.11 HTML Output Method: the include-content-type Parameter regarding how this parameter is used with the include-content-type
and suppress-indentation
ParametersIf the indent
parameter has
the value true
then the
HTML output method may add or remove whitespace as it
serializes the result tree,
if it observes the following
Whitespace must not be added other than before or after an element, or adjacent to an existing whitespace character.
Whitespace must not be added or removed adjacent to
an inline element. The inline elements are those included in the
category of any of the HTML 4.01 DTDs
or those elements defined to be phrasing
elements in HTML5, as well as the
and del
elements if they are used as inline
elements (i.e., if they do not contain element children).
Whitespace must not be added or removed inside a
formatted element, the formatted elements being pre
, style
and textarea
Whitespace characters
must not be added in the content of an element
whose expanded QName matches
a member of the list of expanded QNames in the
value of the suppress-indentation
The expanded QName of an element node
is considered to match a member of the list of expanded QNames
the two expanded QNames are equal;
the expanded QNames both have null namespace URIs, and the local parts of the two QNames are equal without regard to case; or
the value of the
requested HTML
is 5.0
, the local parts of the two QNames are equal
without regard to case
and one QName has a null namespace
URI and the namespace URI of the other is equal to the XHTML
namespace URI.
The effect of the above constraints is to ensure that any insertion or deletion of whitespace would not affect how a conforming HTML user agent would render the output, assuming the serialized document does not refer to any HTML style sheets.
Note that the HTML definition of whitespace is different from the XML definition (see section 9.1 of the [HTML] specification).
ParameterThe cdata-section-elements
parameter is not applicable to the HTML output method, except in the case of XML Islands.
and doctype-public
ParametersIf the doctype-public
or doctype-system
parameters are specified, then the HTML output method must
output a document type declaration.
If the
parameter is specified, then the output
must output PUBLIC
followed by the specified
public identifier; if the doctype-system
parameter is
also specified, it
must also output the specified
system identifier
following the public identifier. If the doctype-system
parameter is specified but the doctype-public
is not specified, then the output method
must output
followed by the specified system identifier.
If the value of the
requested HTML
is 5.0
, the
and doctype-system
parameters are both absent,
the first element node child of
the document node that is to be serialized
is to be
serialized as an HTML
element, the local part of the QName of which is equal to
the string HTML
without regard to case,
and any text node that precedes that
element node in the document contains only whitespace characters,
the HTML output method must output a document type
declaration, with no public or system identifier.
If the HTML output method must
output a document type declaration, it must be serialized
immediately before the first element, if any, and the name following
must be HTML
or html
parameter is applicable to the
HTML output method.
The values NFC
must be supported by the serializer.
A serialization error [err:SESU0011] results if the value of the normalization-form
parameter specifies a normalization form that is not supported by the
the serializer
must raise the error.
ParameterThe media-type
parameter is applicable to the
HTML output method.
See 3 Serialization Parameters for more
information. See 7.4.11 HTML Output Method: the include-content-type Parameter regarding how this parameter is used with the include-content-type
ParameterThe use-character-maps
parameter is applicable to the
HTML output method. See 11 Character Maps for more
ParameterThe byte-order-mark
parameter is
applicable to the HTML output method. See
3 Serialization Parameters for more information.
If the escape-uri-attributes
has the value true
the HTML output method must
apply URI escaping to
URI attribute values, except that relative URIs must not be absolutized.
This escaping is deliberately confined to non-ASCII characters,
because escaping of ASCII characters is not always appropriate, for
example when URIs or URI fragments are interpreted locally by the HTML
user agent. Even in the case of non-ASCII characters, escaping can
sometimes cause problems. More precise control of URI escaping is
therefore available by setting escape-uri-attributes
, and controlling the escaping of URIs by using methods defined in
Section 6.2 fn:encode-for-uriFO and Section 6.4 fn:iri-to-uriFO.
ParameterIf there is a head
and the include-content-type
parameter has
the value true
the HTML output method
must add a meta
as the first child element
of the head
element specifying the character encoding
actually used. The meta
element may
take either the traditional form using
an http-equiv
attribute or the newer HTML5 form using a charset
For example,
<head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=EUC-JP"> ...
<head> <meta charset="EUC-JP"> ...
The content type, if included, must
be set to the value given for the
If a meta
element has been added to the head
element as described above,
then any existing meta
element child of the head
element having
a charset
attribute or
an http-equiv
attribute with the value
"Content-Type", making the comparison
without regard to case
after first stripping leading and trailing spaces from the value of
the attribute solely for the purposes of comparison,
must be discarded.
This process removes possible parameters in the attribute value. For example,
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;version='4.0'">
in the input tree might be replaced by
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8">
or by
<meta charset="utf-8">
ParameterThe effect of the item-separator
serialization parameter
is described in 2 Sequence Normalization.
The Text output method serializes the input tree by outputting the string value of the document node created by the markup generation step of the phases of serialization without any escaping.
A newline character in the input tree may be output using any character sequence that is conventionally used to represent a line ending in the chosen system environment.
The rule just stated applies to the character U+000A (NEWLINE) ; it does
not apply to occurrences in the input tree of
, or U+2028
: these should be output
literally, regardless of the conventions for line endings in the
system environment.
To illustrate, the following table shows the expected output
for various character sequences in environments which conventionally
use U+000A (NEWLINE) (LF, as in Linux systems), U+000D (CARRIAGE RETURN) followed by U+000A (NEWLINE) (CR+LF, Windows),
U+000D (CARRIAGE RETURN) (CR only, older versions of Mac OS),
(some IBM operating systems),
or U+2028
to separate lines:
Input | #xA systems | #xD#xA systems | #xD systems | #x85 systems | #x2028 systems |
character #xD | character #xD | character #xD | character #xD | character #xD | character #xD |
character #xA | character #xA | string #xD + #xA | character #xD | character #x85 | character #x2028 |
string #xD + #xA | string #xD + #xA | string #xD + #xD + #xA | string #xD + #xD | string #xD + #x85 | string #xD + #x2028 |
string #xD + #xD + #xA | string #xD + #xD + #xA | string #xD + #xD + #xD + #xA | string #xD + #xD + #xD | string #xD + #xD + #x85 | string #xD + #xD + #x2028 |
The serialization parameters that affect the Text output method are listed in the following subsections.
Serialization parameters other than those listed are not applicable to this output method. It is the responsibility of the host language to specify whether an error occurs if such a parameter is specified in combination with the Text output method, or whether the parameter is ignored, or whether it is validated and then ignored.
ParameterThe encoding
parameter identifies the encoding that
the Text output method
must use to convert sequences of
characters to sequences of bytes.
are required to support values of UTF-8
A serialization error [err:SESU0007]
occurs if the serializer
does not support the encoding specified
by the encoding
The serializer
must raise the error.
If the input tree contains a
character that cannot be represented in the encoding that the
serializer is using for output, the serializer
raise a serialization error [err:SERE0008].
ParameterThe normalization-form
parameter is applicable to the
Text output method.
The values NFC
and none
must be supported by the serializer.
A serialization error [err:SESU0011] results if the value of the
parameter specifies a normalization form
that is not supported by the serializer; the
serializer must raise the
ParameterThe media-type
parameter is applicable to the
Text output method.
See 3 Serialization Parameters for more
ParameterThe use-character-maps
parameter is applicable to the
Text output method.
See 11 Character Maps for more
ParameterThe byte-order-mark
parameter is
applicable to the Text output method. See
3 Serialization Parameters for more information.
ParameterThe effect of the item-separator
serialization parameter
is described in 2 Sequence Normalization.
The JSON output method serializes the input tree
using the JSON syntax defined in [RFC 7159].
Sequence normalization is not performed for this output method.
A list with values to be serialized is created from the input value,
depending on the value of the json-lines
If the value is true
each item of the input value becomes a separate list entry. If the input value
is an empty sequence, the serialized result is empty.
If the value is false
, the input value becomes a single list entry. If
the input value is an empty sequence, the serialized result is the string null
The serialized entries of the list are separated by the character U+000A (NEWLINE) . The entries are serialized as follows:
An array item in the
input tree is
serialized to a JSON array by outputting the serialized JSON value of
each member
within the array separated by delimiters according to the
JSON array syntax, i.e. [member, member, ...]
. Each member
in the array is to be serialized by recursively applying the rules
in this section.
A map item
in the input tree
is serialized to a JSON object by outputting, for each key/value pair,
the string value of the key
to a JSON string, followed by
the serialized JSON value of the entry,
separated by delimiters according to the JSON object
syntax, i.e. {key:value, key:value, ...}
The key/value pairs in the serialized output retain the
entry orderDM of entries in the map.
If any two keys of the map item have the same
string value,
serialization error [err:SERE0022] is raised,
unless the allow-duplicate-names
parameter has
the value true
A node in the input tree
is serialized to a JSON string by outputting
the result of serializing the node using the method specified by the
The node is serialized with the serialization parameter omit-xml-declaration
to true
and with no other serialization parameters set.
An atomic
valueXP in the input tree with a numeric type, or
derived from a numeric type xs:float
, xs:double
or xs:decimal
serialized to a JSON number.
Implementations may serialize the
numeric value using any lexical representation of a JSON number defined in [RFC 7159].
If the numeric value cannot be
represented in the JSON grammar (such as Infinity or NaN), then the
serializer must
raise a serialization error
An atomic itemXP
in the input tree
of type xs:boolean
and value true
is serialized to the JSON token true
An atomic itemXP
in the input tree
of type xs:boolean
and value false
serialized to the JSON token false
An atomic itemXP
of type xs:QName
in the input tree
whose namespace part is ""
and whose local part is "null"
serialized to the JSON token null
This rule is introduced in 4.0, along with an option in the fn:parse-json
function to allow a user-defined representation of the JSON value null
. While
the default representation of null
as an empty sequence is usable in many
circumstances, an explicit representation of null
as a recognizable item can make
some operations on JSON-derived values easier.
Any other atomic
valueXP in the input tree
is serialized to a JSON string by outputting the
result of applying the fn:string
function to the item.
An empty sequence in the input tree
is serialized to the JSON token null
A sequence of length greater than one in the input tree will result in a serialization error [err:SERE0023].
Any item in the input tree of a type not specified in the above list will result in a serialization error [err:SERE0021].
[Definition: Whenever a value is serialized to a JSON string, the following procedure is applied to the supplied string:
Any character in the string for which character mapping is defined (see 11 Character Maps) is substituted by the replacement string defined in the character map.
Any other character in the input string (but not a character produced by character mapping)
is a candidate for
Unicode Normalization if requested by the normalization-form
and JSON escaping. JSON escaping replaces the characters
quotation mark, backspace, form-feed, newline, carriage return,
tab, or reverse solidus by the corresponding JSON escape sequences
, \b
, \f
, \n
, \t
, or \\
respectively, and any other codepoint in the
range 1-31 or 127-159 by an escape in the form \uHHHH
where HHHH
is the hexadecimal representation of the codepoint value.
Escaping further replaces the solidus character (/
by the escape sequence \/
if the escape-solidus
is set to true
, but not if it is
set to false
Escaping is also applied to any characters that cannot be represented in the selected encoding.
The resulting string is enclosed in double quotation marks.
Finally, encoding, as controlled by the encoding
converts the character stream produced by the preceding rules into an octet stream.
When nodes are serialized using the JSON output method,
serialization is delegated to the output method specified by the
serialization parameter. The
parameter is set to true
, and no other
serialization parameters are passed down to the serialization
method responsible for serializing the node.
The serialization parameters that affect the JSON output method are listed in the following subsections.
Serialization parameters other than those listed are not applicable to this output method. It is the responsibility of the host language to specify whether an error occurs if such a parameter is specified in combination with the JSON output method, or whether the parameter is ignored, or whether it is validated and then ignored.
ParameterThe encoding
parameter identifies the encoding that
the JSON output method
must use to convert sequences of
characters to sequences of bytes.
are required to support values of UTF-8
A serialization error [err:SESU0007]
occurs if the serializer
does not support the encoding specified
by the encoding
The serializer
must raise the error.
If the input tree contains a
character that cannot be represented in the encoding that the
serializer is using for output, the serializer
raise a serialization error
If an encoding other than UTF-8, UTF-16, UTF-32, US-ASCII, or an
equivalent is specified for the encoding
parameter, the
output will (except in unusual circumstances) fail to conform to the
definition of JSON in [RFC 7159].
ParameterThe indent
controls whether the serializer
adjusts the whitespace in the serialized result so that a person will
find it easier to read. If the indent
parameter has
the value true
the serializer may output
additional whitespace characters adjacent to the JSON structural
tokens. For all other values, the serializer
must output no whitespace characters adjacent to
the JSON structural tokens.
If indent
and json-lines
are both true
additional whitespace is allowed, but it must not include
the character U+000A (NEWLINE) .
ParameterThe normalization-form
parameter is applicable to the JSON output method.
The values NFC
and none
must be supported by the serializer.
A serialization error [err:SESU0011] results if the value of the
parameter specifies a normalization form
that is not supported by the serializer; the
serializer must raise the
ParameterThe media-type
parameter is applicable to the
JSON output method.
See 3 Serialization Parameters for more
ParameterThe use-character-maps
parameter is applicable to the
JSON output method.
See 11 Character Maps for more
ParameterThe byte-order-mark
parameter is
applicable to the JSON output method. See
3 Serialization Parameters for more information.
Serialized output containing a byte-order mark does not conform to the definition of JSON in [RFC 7159] (although conforming JSON parsers are allowed to tolerate the byte-order mark).
ParameterThe escape-solidus
parameter is
applicable to the JSON output method. If the value is true
then the solidus character ("/"
) appearing in a string is escaped with a backslash
(as "\/"
). If the value is false
then it is not escaped.
In previous versions of this specification, the solidus was always escaped. Although JSON does not require
this character to be escaped, doing so provides extra safety when the generated JSON is embedded in an HTML script
element, since an unintended </script>
end tag might otherwise cause the script to be prematurely
terminated. In other situations, however, the escaping creates visual clutter and makes the output less readable.
ParameterThe allow-duplicate-names
serialization parameter
determines whether the presence of multiple keys in a map item
with the same string value (e.g. the date 2014-10-01 and the string
") will or will not raise serialization error
[err:SERE0022]. If the value is
such duplicate keys will result in duplicate object-member names in
the JSON output and no error will be raised because of the duplicate names.
If the value is false
such duplicate keys are an error
The json-node-output-method
serialization parameter determines how a node
in the input tree gets converted to a JSON value.
If the value is one of xml
, xhtml
, html
or text
then the node is converted to a JSON string by serializing the node using the output method
specified by this parameter. If the value is xml
or xhtml
the node is serialised with the additional serialization parameter omit-xml-declaration
set to true
ParameterThe json-lines
serialization parameter determines if items are serialized
according to the [JSON Lines] format and as described in 9 JSON Output Method.
The Adaptive output method serializes the input tree into a human readable form for the purposes of debugging query results. The intention of this is to allow any input value to be serialized without raising a serialization error. Sequence normalization is not performed for this output method.
Each item in the supplied sequence is serialized individually as
follows, with an occurrence of the chosen item-separator
between successive items.
A document, element, text, comment, or processing instruction node is serialized using the XML output method described in 5 XML Output Method.
An attribute or namespace node is serialized as if it had a containing
element node. For example an
attribute node might be serialized as the string
; a namespace node might be
serialized as
This may result in output of QNames containing prefixes whose binding is not displayed.
An atomic valueXP is serialized as follows:
An instance of xs:boolean
is serialized as true()
or false()
An instance of xs:string
, xs:untypedAtomic
or xs:anyURI
is serialized by enclosing the value in double
quotation marks and doubling any quotes within the value; or optionally by enclosing the value
in apostrophes and doubling any apostrophes within the value.
The resulting value is then serialized using the Text output method
described in 8 Text Output Method.
The Text output method will apply character expansion and encoding rules to this string as specified by the serialization parameters.
An instance of xs:integer
or xs:decimal
is serialized by converting
the value to a string using the fn:string
An instance of xs:double
is serialized by applying the function
format-number(?, '0.0##########################e0')
using the following default decimal format properties:
Property name | Property value |
decimal-separator |
U+002E (FULL STOP, PERIOD, . ) |
exponent-separator |
grouping-separator |
U+002C (COMMA, , ) |
zero-digit |
U+0030 (DIGIT ZERO, 0 ) |
digit |
U+0023 (NUMBER SIGN, # ) |
infinity |
The string "INF" |
NaN |
The string "NaN" |
minus-sign |
U+002D (HYPHEN-MINUS, - ) |
An instance of xs:QName
is serialized
as a URI-qualified name (that is, in the form Q{uri}local
An atomic item of any other type is serialized using the syntax of a constructor
function: xs:TYPE("VAL")
where TYPE
is the name of the primitive
type, and VAL
is the result of applying the fn:string()
For example, xs:date("2015-07-17")
The resulting string is then serialized using the Text output method
described in 8 Text Output Method.
An array item is serialized using the syntax
of a SquareArrayConstructorXP,
that is as [member, member, ... ]
. The members, which in general are sequences,
are serialized in the form (item, item, ...)
where the items are serialized by
applying these rules recursively. The items are separated by commas
(not by the item-separator
character). The enclosing parentheses are optional if the sequence
has length one.
The serializer should avoid outputting the parentheses if it is able to determine the length of the sequence before serializing the first item; but it is allowed to output parentheses around a singleton if this avoids buffering data in memory.
A map item is serialized using the syntax of a
MapConstructorXP without the optional map
keyword, that is in the format {key:value, key:value, ...}
The key/value pairs in the serialized output retain the
entry orderDM of entries in the map.
The key is serialized by applying the rules
for serializing an atomic item. The values are serialized in the same way as the members of an array (see above).
A function item is
serialized to the representation name#A
fn:name is a representation of
the function name and A is the arity.
If the function name is in one of the namespaces
then the name is output as a lexical QName using the conventional prefix
, math
, map
, array
, or xs
as appropriate; if it is in any other namespace or in no namespace, then the name is
output as a URI-qualified name (that is, Q{uri}local
If the function is anonymous,
name is replaced by the string
The following examples illustrate this rule:
is serialized as function fn:exists#1
is serialized as fn:exists#1
function($a) { $a }
is serialized as (anonymous-function)#1
is serialized as math:pi#0
Character maps are applied (a) when nodes are serialized using the XML output method, and (b) to any value represented as a string enclosed in quotation marks.
Optionally, in all the above constructs, characters whose visual
representation is ambiguous (for example tab or non-breaking-space) may be represented in the
form of an XML numeric character reference (for example 	
In many cases the serialization of an item conforms to the syntax of an XQuery expression whose result is that item. There are exceptions, however. For example, the syntax will not be valid XQuery in the case of free-standing attribute or namespace nodes, or QName values, or anonymous functions; and where it is valid XQuery, the result of evaluating the expression will not necessarily be identical to the original: for example, the distinction between strings and untypedAtomic items is lost.
If any value cannot be output because doing so would cause a serialization error, the behavior is implementation-defined.
If the output is sent to a destination that allows hyperlinks to be included in the generated text, then the serializer may include implementation-dependent hyperlinks to provide additional information for example:
to allow the type of atomic itemsXP to be ascertained.
to allow the namespace binding of prefixes to be ascertained.
to provide further information about the cause of error indicators.
Changes in 4.0 ⬆
For some item types the Adaptive output method will delegate serialization to other output methods.
With the exception of the byte-order-mark
serialization parameter, all serialization parameters,
if set, will be passed down to the serialization method that is applied to each item in the supplied sequence.
Only the item-separator
and byte-order-mark
parameters are directly applicable to the Adaptive output method.
and standalone
ParametersThe omit-xml-declaration
and standalone
parameters are not directly applicable to the Adaptive output
If these parameters call for an XML declaration to be serialized, then an XML declaration is to be output each time the Adaptive output method delegates the serialization of a node to the XML output method. If several node items appear in the sequence to be serialized or as values in maps or arrays to be serialized, then the output will contain several XML declarations.
ParameterThe use-character-maps
parameter is applicable to the
Adaptive output method only as elsewhere specified.
ParameterThe byte-order-mark
parameter is applicable to the
Adaptive output method. See
3 Serialization Parameters for more information.
A byte order mark can appear only once in the serialized output. Therefore, this parameter does not get passed down to any delegated output method.
ParameterThe escape-solidus
parameter is
applicable to the Adaptive output method only as elsewhere specified.
ParameterThe item-separator
serialization parameter is directly applicable to the
Adaptive output method. It specifies the string to be inserted between
adjacent serialized items.
If the item-separator
parameter is absent, the character U+000A (NEWLINE)
is used by the Adaptive output method as the
The use-character-maps
parameter is a list of characters
and corresponding string substitutions.
Character maps allow a specific character appearing in a text or attribute node or a string in the input tree to be replaced with a specified string of characters during serialization. The string that is substituted is output "as is," and the serializer performs no checks that the resulting document is well-formed. This mechanism can therefore be used to introduce arbitrary markup in the serialized output. See Section 26.3 Character MapsXT of [XSL Transformations (XSLT) Version 4.0] for examples of using character mapping in XSLT.
Character mapping is applied to the characters that actually appear in a text or attribute node or a string in the input tree, before any other serialization operations such as escaping or Unicode Normalization are applied. If a character is mapped, then it is not subjected to XML or HTML escaping, nor to Unicode Normalization. The string that is substituted for a character is not validated or processed in any way by the serializer, except for translation into the target encoding. In particular, it is not subjected to XML or HTML escaping, it is not subjected to Unicode Normalization, and it is not subjected to further character mapping.
Character mapping is not applied to characters in text nodes whose
parent elements are listed in the cdata-section-elements
nor to characters for which output escaping has
been disabled (disabling output escaping is an [XSL Transformations (XSLT) Version 4.0]
nor to characters in attribute
values that are subject to URI escaping defined for the HTML and
XHTML output methods, unless URI escaping has been disabled using the
parameter in the output
On serialization, occurrences of a character specified in the
in text nodes, attribute values
and strings
are replaced by the corresponding string from the use-character-maps
Using a character map can result in non-well-formed documents if the string contains XML-significant characters. For example, it is possible to create documents containing unmatched start and end tags, references to entities that are not declared, or attributes that contain tags or unescaped quotation marks.
If a character is mapped, then it is not subjected to XML or HTML escaping.
A serialization error [err:SERE0008] occurs if character mapping causes the output of a string containing a character that cannot be represented in the encoding that the serializer is using for output. The serializer must raise the error.
Serialization is intended primarily as a component of a host language. [Definition: A host language is another specification that includes, by reference, this specification and all of its requirements. A host language might be a programming language such as [XSL Transformations (XSLT) Version 4.0] or [XQuery 4.0: An XML Query Language], or it might be an application programming interface (API) intended to be used by programs written in some other high-level programming language. The use of the term language is not intended to preclude the possibility that this specification might be referenced outside the context of a programming language specification.] This document relies on specifications that use it to specify conformance criteria for Serialization in their respective environments. Specifications that set conformance criteria for their use of Serialization must not change the semantic definitions of Serialization as given in this specification, except by subsetting and/or compatible extensions. It is the responsibility of the host language to specify how serialization errors are to be handled.
Certain facilities in this specification are described as producing implementation-defined results. A claim that asserts conformance with this specification must be accompanied by documentation stating the effect of each implementation-defined feature. For convenience, a non-normative checklist of implementation-defined features is provided at F.1 Checklist of Implementation-Defined Features.
The following schema describes the structure of a parameter document that can be used to specify the settings of serialization parameters using the mechanism described in 3.1 Setting Serialization Parameters by Means of a Parameter Document.
A copy of this schema is available at
<xs:schema xmlns:xs="" targetNamespace="" xmlns:output="" elementFormDefault="qualified"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation> This is a schema for serialization parameters for XSLT and XQuery Serialization 3.1. This schema is available for use under the conditions of the W3C Software License published at It defines a schema for XML Infoset instances with which a user of a host language MAY specify serialization parameters for use in serializing an instance of the XQuery and XPath Data Model. It also provides hooks that allow the inclusion of implementation- defined serialization parameters and implementation-defined modifiers to serialization parameters. </xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> <xs:simpleType name="EQName"> <!--* In principle, this could be declared as a single-step * restriction of xs:token with the pattern * "Q\{(.*)\}[\i-[:]][\c-[:]]*". We derive it in two * steps because a bug causes some widely used processors * not to support character-class subtraction. *--> <xs:restriction> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:token"> <xs:pattern value="Q\{[^{}]*\}[\i][\c]*"/> <xs:whiteSpace value="collapse"/> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> <xs:pattern value="Q\{.*\}[^:]*"/> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> <xs:simpleType name="Prefixed-QName"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation> Prefixed-QName matches only QNames with a non-null prefix: that is, only QNames with a colon. </xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> <xs:restriction base="xs:QName"> <xs:pattern value=".*:.*"/> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> <xs:simpleType name="Qualified-EQName"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation> Qualified-EQName matches only EQNames with a non-null namespace name. </xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> <xs:restriction base="output:EQName"> <xs:pattern value=".*\{(.*\S.*)\}.*"/> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> <xs:simpleType name="QName-or-EQName"> <xs:union memberTypes="xs:QName output:EQName"/> </xs:simpleType> <xs:simpleType name="QNames-type"> <xs:list itemType="output:QName-or-EQName"/> </xs:simpleType> <xs:simpleType name="yes-no-type"> <xs:restriction base="xs:token"> <xs:enumeration value="no"/> <xs:enumeration value="yes"/> <xs:enumeration value="false"/> <xs:enumeration value="true"/> <xs:enumeration value="0"/> <xs:enumeration value="1"/> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> <xs:simpleType name="yes-no-omit-type"> <xs:restriction base="xs:token"> <xs:enumeration value="no"/> <xs:enumeration value="omit"/> <xs:enumeration value="yes"/> <xs:enumeration value="false"/> <xs:enumeration value="true"/> <xs:enumeration value="0"/> <xs:enumeration value="1"/> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> <xs:simpleType name="char-type"> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:maxLength value="1"/> <xs:minLength value="1"/> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> <xs:simpleType name="encoding-string-type"> <xs:restriction base="xs:token"> <xs:pattern value="[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9._\-]*"/> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> <xs:simpleType name="json-node-output-method-type"> <xs:union> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:token"> <xs:enumeration value="html"/> <xs:enumeration value="text"/> <xs:enumeration value="xml"/> <xs:enumeration value="xhtml"/> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="output:EQName"> <xs:pattern value="Q\{\s*\}(html|text|xml|xhtml)"/> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> <!--* other values must have non-null namespace URI *--> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="output:Prefixed-QName"/> </xs:simpleType> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="output:Qualified-EQName"/> </xs:simpleType> </xs:union> </xs:simpleType> <!-- - Serialization parameter element for json-lines parameter --> <xs:element id="json-lines" name="json-linestype" type="output:yes-no-param-type" substitutionGroup = "output:serialization-parameter-element"/> <xs:simpleType name="method-type"> <xs:union> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:token"> <xs:enumeration value="html"/> <xs:enumeration value="text"/> <xs:enumeration value="xml"/> <xs:enumeration value="xhtml"/> <xs:enumeration value="json"/> <xs:enumeration value="adaptive"/> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="output:EQName"> <xs:pattern value="Q\{\s*\}(html|text|xml|xhtml|json|adaptive)"/> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> <!--* other values must have non-null namespace URI *--> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="output:Prefixed-QName"/> </xs:simpleType> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="output:Qualified-EQName"/> </xs:simpleType> </xs:union> </xs:simpleType> <xs:simpleType name="pubid-char-string-type"> <xs:restriction base="xs:token"> <xs:pattern value="([- \r\n\ta-zA-Z0-9'()+,./:=?;!*#@$_%])*"/> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> <xs:simpleType name="system-id-string-type"> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:pattern value="[^']*|[^"]*"/> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> <!-- - Base type of all serialization parameter types --> <xs:complexType name="base-param-type"> <xs:complexContent> <xs:restriction base="xs:anyType"> <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/> </xs:restriction> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType> <!-- - Generic string serialization parameters --> <xs:complexType name="string-param-type"> <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension base="output:base-param-type"> <xs:attribute name="value" type="xs:string" use="required"/> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType> <!-- - Generic tokenized string serialization parameters --> <xs:complexType name="tokenized-string-param-type"> <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension base="output:base-param-type"> <xs:attribute name="value" type="xs:token" use="required"/> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType> <!-- - Generic decimal serialization parameters --> <xs:complexType name="decimal-param-type"> <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension base="output:base-param-type"> <xs:attribute name="value" type="xs:decimal" use="required"/> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType> <!-- - Serialization parameter type for "yes", "no", "true", "false", "0" or "1" - serialization parameters --> <xs:complexType name="yes-no-param-type"> <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension base="output:base-param-type"> <xs:attribute name="value" type="output:yes-no-type" use="required"/> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType> <!-- - Serialization parameter type for list of xs:QName - serialization parameters --> <xs:complexType name="QNames-param-type"> <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension base="output:base-param-type"> <xs:attribute name="value" type="output:QNames-type" use="required"/> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType> <!-- - Serialization parameter type for "yes", "no", "true", "false", "0", "1" or "omit" - serialization parameters --> <xs:complexType name="yes-no-omit-param-type"> <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension base="output:base-param-type"> <xs:attribute name="value" type="output:yes-no-omit-type" use="required"/> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType> <!-- - Serialization parameter type for NMTOKEN serialization parameters --> <xs:complexType name="NMTOKEN-param-type"> <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension base="output:base-param-type"> <xs:attribute name="value" type="xs:NMTOKEN" use="required"/> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType> <!-- - Base element declaration for all serialization parameter elements --> <xs:element name="serialization-parameter-element" abstract="true" type="output:base-param-type"/> <!-- - Serialization parameter element for allow-duplicate-names parameter --> <xs:element id="allow-duplicate-names" name="allow-duplicate-names" type="output:yes-no-param-type" substitutionGroup = "output:serialization-parameter-element"/> <!-- - Serialization parameter element for byte-order-mark parameter --> <xs:element id="byte-order-mark" name="byte-order-mark" type="output:yes-no-param-type" substitutionGroup = "output:serialization-parameter-element"/> <!-- - Serialization parameter element for cdata-section-elements parameter --> <xs:element id="cdata-section-elements" name="cdata-section-elements" type="output:QNames-param-type" substitutionGroup = "output:serialization-parameter-element"/> <!-- - Serialization parameter type for doctype-public parameter --> <xs:complexType name="doctype-public-param-type"> <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension base="output:base-param-type"> <xs:attribute name="value" type="output:pubid-char-string-type" use="required"/> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType> <!-- - Serialization parameter element for doctype-public parameter --> <xs:element id="doctype-public" name="doctype-public" type="output:doctype-public-param-type" substitutionGroup = "output:serialization-parameter-element"/> <!-- - Serialization parameter type for doctype-system parameter --> <xs:complexType name="doctype-system-param-type"> <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension base="output:base-param-type"> <xs:attribute name="value" type="output:system-id-string-type" use="required"/> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType> <!-- - Serialization parameter element for doctype-system parameter --> <xs:element id="doctype-system" name="doctype-system" type="output:doctype-system-param-type" substitutionGroup = "output:serialization-parameter-element"/> <!-- - Serialization parameter type for encoding parameter --> <xs:complexType name="encoding-param-type"> <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension base="output:base-param-type"> <xs:attribute name="value" type="output:encoding-string-type" use="required"/> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType> <!-- - Serialization parameter element for encoding parameter --> <xs:element id="encoding" name="encoding" type="output:encoding-param-type" substitutionGroup = "output:serialization-parameter-element"/> <!-- - Serialization parameter element for escape-solidus parameter --> <xs:element id="escape-solidus" name="escape-solidus" type="output:yes-no-param-type" substitutionGroup = "output:serialization-parameter-element"/> <!-- - Serialization parameter element for escape-uri-attributes parameter --> <xs:element id="escape-uri-attributes" name="escape-uri-attributes" type="output:yes-no-param-type" substitutionGroup = "output:serialization-parameter-element"/> <!-- - Serialization parameter element for html-version parameter --> <xs:element id="html-version" name="html-version" type="output:decimal-param-type" substitutionGroup = "output:serialization-parameter-element"/> <!-- - Serialization parameter element for include-content-type parameter --> <xs:element id="include-content-type" name="include-content-type" type="output:yes-no-param-type" substitutionGroup = "output:serialization-parameter-element"/> <!-- - Serialization parameter element for indent parameter --> <xs:element id="indent" name="indent" type="output:yes-no-param-type" substitutionGroup = "output:serialization-parameter-element"/> <!-- - Serialization parameter element for item-separator parameter --> <xs:element id="item-separator" name="item-separator" type="output:string-param-type" substitutionGroup = "output:serialization-parameter-element"/> <!-- - Serialization parameter type for json-node-output-method parameter --> <xs:complexType name="json-node-output-method-param-type"> <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension base="output:base-param-type"> <xs:attribute name="value" type="output:json-node-output-method-type" use="required"/> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType> <!-- - Serialization parameter element for json-node-output-method parameter --> <xs:element id="json-node-output-method" name="json-node-output-method" type="output:json-node-output-method-param-type" substitutionGroup = "output:serialization-parameter-element"/> <!-- - Serialization parameter element for media-type parameter --> <xs:element id="media-type" name="media-type" type="output:tokenized-string-param-type" substitutionGroup = "output:serialization-parameter-element"/> <!-- - Serialization parameter type for method parameter --> <xs:complexType name="method-param-type"> <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension base="output:base-param-type"> <xs:attribute name="value" type="output:method-type" use="required"/> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType> <!-- - Serialization parameter element for method parameter --> <xs:element id="method" name="method" type="output:method-param-type" substitutionGroup = "output:serialization-parameter-element"/> <!-- - Serialization parameter element for normalization-form parameter --> <xs:element id="normalization-form" name="normalization-form" type="output:NMTOKEN-param-type" substitutionGroup = "output:serialization-parameter-element"/> <!-- - Serialization parameter element for omit-xml-declaration parameter --> <xs:element id="omit-xml-declaration" name="omit-xml-declaration" type="output:yes-no-param-type" substitutionGroup = "output:serialization-parameter-element"/> <!-- - Serialization parameter element for standalone parameter --> <xs:element id="standalone" name="standalone" type="output:yes-no-omit-param-type" substitutionGroup = "output:serialization-parameter-element"/> <!-- - Serialization parameter element for suppress-indentation parameter --> <xs:element id="suppress-indentation" name="suppress-indentation" type="output:QNames-param-type" substitutionGroup = "output:serialization-parameter-element"/> <!-- - Serialization parameter element for undeclare-prefixes parameter --> <xs:element id="undeclare-prefixes" name="undeclare-prefixes" type="output:yes-no-param-type" substitutionGroup = "output:serialization-parameter-element"/> <!-- - Serialization parameter type for use-character-maps parameter --> <xs:complexType name="use-character-maps-param-type"> <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension base="output:base-param-type"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="character-map" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"> <xs:complexType> <xs:attribute name="character" type="output:char-type"/> <xs:attribute name="map-string" type="xs:string"/> <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> <xs:any minOccurs="0" namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType> <!-- - Serialization parameter element for use-character-maps parameter --> <xs:element id="use-character-maps" name="use-character-maps" type="output:use-character-maps-param-type" substitutionGroup = "output:serialization-parameter-element"/> <!-- - Serialization parameter element for version parameter --> <xs:element id="version" name="version" type="output:tokenized-string-param-type" substitutionGroup = "output:serialization-parameter-element"/> <xs:element name="serialization-parameters"> <xs:complexType> <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"> <xs:element ref="output:serialization-parameter-element"/> <xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/> </xs:choice> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> </xs:schema>
This document uses the err
prefix which represents the
same namespace URI ( as defined in
[XML Path Language (XPath) 4.0]. Use of this
namespace prefix binding in this document is not normative.
It is an error if an item in S6 in sequence normalization is an attribute node, a namespace node, or a function.
It is an error if the serializer is unable to satisfy the rules for either a well-formed XML document entity or a well-formed XML external general parsed entity, or both, except for content modified by the character expansion phase of serialization.
It is an error to specify the doctype-system parameter, or to
specify the standalone parameter with a value other than
, if the instance of the data model contains text
nodes or multiple element nodes as children of the root
It is an error if the serialized result would contain an
NCNameNames that contains a character that is not
permitted by the version of Namespaces in XML specified by the
It is an error if the serialized result would contain a character
that is not permitted by the version of XML specified by the
It is an error if an output encoding other than UTF-8
or UTF-16
is requested and the serializer does not support that
It is an error if a character that cannot be represented in the encoding that the serializer is using for output appears in a context where character references are not allowed (for example if the character occurs in the name of an element).
It is an error if the omit-xml-declaration
has the value yes
or 1
and the standalone
attribute has a value other than omit
; or the
parameter has a value other than 1.0
and the doctype-system
parameter is
It is an error if the output method is xml
, the value of the undeclare-prefixes
parameter is
one of
or 1
and the value of the
parameter is 1.0.
It is an error if the value of the normalization-form
parameter specifies a normalization form that is not supported by the
It is an error if the value of the normalization-form
parameter is fully-normalized
and any relevant construct
of the result begins with a combining character.
It is an error if the serializer does not support the version of
XML or HTML specified by the version
It is an error to use the HTML output method if characters which are permitted in XML but not in HTML appear in the instance of the data model.
It is an error to use the HTML output method when >
appears within a processing instruction in the data model instance
being serialized.
It is an error if a parameter value is invalid for the defined domain.
It is an error if evaluating an expression in order to extract the setting of a serialization parameter from a data model instance would yield an error.
It is an error if evaluating an expression in order to extract the
setting of the use-character-maps
serialization parameter
from a data model instance would yield a sequence of length greater
than one.
It is an error if an instance of the data model used to specify the settings of serialization parameters specifies the value of the same parameter more than once.
It is an error if a numeric value being serialized using the
JSON output method cannot be represented in the JSON grammar
(e.g. +INF
, -INF
, NaN
It is an error if a sequence being serialized using the JSON output method includes items for which no rules are provided in the appropriate section of the serialization rules.
It is an error if a map being serialized using the JSON output method
has two keys with the same string value, unless the
has the value
or 1
It is an error if a sequence being serialized using the JSON output method is of length greater than one.
The following list of attributes are declared as type %URI
for a given HTML or XHTML element, with the exception of the
attribute for element A
which is not a URI type.
The name
attribute for element A
should be escaped as is
recommended by the HTML Recommendation [HTML] in Appendix B.2.1.
Attributes | Elements |
action | FORM |
archive | OBJECT |
background | BODY |
classid | OBJECT |
codebase | APPLET, OBJECT |
data | OBJECT |
for | SCRIPT |
formaction | BUTTON, INPUT |
href | A, AREA, BASE, LINK |
icon | COMMAND |
longdesc | FRAME, IFRAME, IMG |
manifest | HTML |
name | A |
poster | VIDEO |
profile | HEAD |
usemap | IMG, INPUT, OBJECT |
value | INPUT |
The term array item is defined in Section 7.3 Array ItemsDM.
The term atomization is defined in Section 2.5.3 AtomizationXP.
The term character is defined in Section 4.1.5 XML and XSD VersionsDM.
The term codepoint is defined in Section 4.1.5 XML and XSD VersionsDM.
The term content has the same meaning as the term ContentXML defined in Section 3.1 Start-Tags, End-Tags, and Empty-Element TagsXML of [XML10].
The following XHTML elements have an EMPTY content model: area
, base
, br
, col
, embed
, hr
, img
, input
, link
, meta
, basefont
, frame
, isindex
, and param
The term expanded QName is defined in Section 2 BasicsXP. An expanded QName consists of an optional namespace URI and a local name. An expanded QName also retains its original namespace prefix (if any), to facilitate casting the expanded QName into a string.
An element node is expected to be empty if it is recognized as an HTML element and if either
The term function item is defined in Section 7.1 Function ItemsDM.
A host language is another specification that includes, by reference, this specification and all of its requirements. A host language might be a programming language such as [XSL Transformations (XSLT) Version 4.0] or [XQuery 4.0: An XML Query Language], or it might be an application programming interface (API) intended to be used by programs written in some other high-level programming language. The use of the term language is not intended to preclude the possibility that this specification might be referenced outside the context of a programming language specification.
The immediate content of an element is the part of the content of the element that is not also in the content of a child element of that element.
Implementation-defined indicates an aspect that may differ between serializers, but whose actual behavior must be specified either by another specification that sets conformance criteria for serialization (see 12 Conformance) or in documentation that accompanies the serializer.
Implementation-dependent indicates an aspect that may differ between serializers, and whose actual behavior is not required to be specified either by another specification that sets conformance criteria for serialization (see 12 Conformance) or in documentation that accompanies the serializer.
In general the output of the serializer will represent the items actually present in the input value, together with other items that are reachable from these, for example (in the case of nodes) their descendants. The complete set of items that are represented in the output of the serializer is referred to (without loss of generality) as the input tree.
The XDM value supplied as input to the serializer is referred to as the input value.
The term map item is defined in Section 7.2 Map ItemsDM.
MathML namespace namespace,
The term node is defined as part of [TITLE OF DM40 SPEC, TITLE OF Node SECTION]DM40. There are seven kinds of nodes in the data model: document, element, attribute, text, namespace, processing instruction, and comment.
An element or attribute that does not have a null namespace URI, is referred to as having a non-null namespace URI
An expanded-QName whose namespace part is an empty sequence, or an element or attribute whose name expands to such an expanded-QName, is referred to as having a null namespace URI
Output declaration namespace,
element node
used to hold the settings of serialization parameters is referred to as a parameter document
During prefix normalization, any element node in the input tree that is in one of the XHTML namespace, the SVG namespace or the MathML namespace has its name replaced by the local part of its name. Such an element node is given a default namespace node whose value is the element’s namespace URI. Any namespace node for any of those three namespaces that was previously present on any element node in the input tree is also removed, unless the prefix that that namespace node declared is used as the prefix on the name of an attribute on that element or an ancestor of that element.
An element node is recognized as an HTML element by the XHTML output method if
the element node is in the
XHTML namespace,
regardless of the value of the
serialization parameter
or if the html-version
serialization parameter is absent; or
the value of the
serialization parameter is
, the element has a
null namespace URI, and
the local part of the name is equal
to the name of an element defined by HTML5 [HTML5],
making the comparison
without regard to case.
A reconstructed tree may be constructed by parsing the XML document and converting it into an document node as specified in [XQuery and XPath Data Model (XDM) 4.0].
If the
serialization parameter is not absent, the
requested HTML version is the value of the
serialization parameter; otherwise, it is
the value of the version
The result of the sequence normalization process is a result tree.
The term sequence is defined in Section 2 BasicsXP. A sequence is an ordered collection of zero or more items.
The purpose of sequence normalization is to create a sequence that can be serialized as a well-formed XML document or external general parsed entity, that also reflects the content of the input sequence to the extent possible.
In some instances, the input tree cannot be successfully converted into a sequence of octets given the set of serialization parameter (3 Serialization Parameters) values specified. A serialization error is said to occur in such an instance.
An element node is serialized as an HTML element if
the expanded QName of the element has a null namespace URI, regardless of the value of the requested HTML version, or
the value of the
requested HTML
is 5.0
greater, and
the element node is in the
XHTML namespace.
As is indicated in 12 Conformance, conformance criteria for serialization are determined by other specifications that refer to this specification. A serializer is software that implements some or all of the requirements of this specification in accordance with such conformance criteria.
The term string is defined in Section 4.1.5 XML and XSD VersionsDM.
The term string value is defined in Section 6.7.12 string-value AccessorDM. Every node has a string value. For example, the string value of an element is the concatenation of the string values of all its descendant text nodes.
SVG namespace,
Whenever a value is serialized to a JSON string, the following procedure is applied to the supplied string:
Any character in the string for which character mapping is defined (see 11 Character Maps) is substituted by the replacement string defined in the character map.
Any other character in the input string (but not a character produced by character mapping)
is a candidate for
Unicode Normalization if requested by the normalization-form
and JSON escaping. JSON escaping replaces the characters
quotation mark, backspace, form-feed, newline, carriage return,
tab, or reverse solidus by the corresponding JSON escape sequences
, \b
, \f
, \n
, \t
, or \\
respectively, and any other codepoint in the
range 1-31 or 127-159 by an escape in the form \uHHHH
where HHHH
is the hexadecimal representation of the codepoint value.
Escaping further replaces the solidus character (/
by the escape sequence \/
if the escape-solidus
is set to true
, but not if it is
set to false
Escaping is also applied to any characters that cannot be represented in the selected encoding.
The resulting string is enclosed in double quotation marks.
Unicode Normalization is the process of removing alternative representations of equivalent sequences from textual data, to convert the data into a form that can be binary-compared for equivalence, as specified in [UAX #15: Unicode Normalization Forms]. For specific recommendations for character normalization on the World Wide Web, see [Character Model for the World Wide Web 1.0: Normalization].
The values of attributes listed in
D List of URI Attributes are URI attribute values.
Attributes are not considered to be URI attributes simply because they are namespace declaration attributes or have the type annotation xs:anyURI
URI escaping consists of the following three steps applied in sequence to the content of URI attribute values:
void elements of HTML5 are
, base
, col
, embed
, img
, input
, link
, meta
, source
, track
A space character, TAB character, CR character or NL character is referred to as a whitespace character.
Where this specification indicates that two strings are to be
compared without regard to case, the serializer
must translate any characters in the range
inclusive, to the corresponding lower-case letters in the range
) through U+007A (LATIN SMALL LETTER Z, z
) only
for the purposes of making the comparison. The comparison
succeeds if the two strings are the same length and the code
point of each character in the first string is equal to the
code point of the character in the corresponding position in
the second string.
XHTML namespace namespace,
The portion of the serialized document representing the result of serializing an element that is not to be serialized as an HTML element is known as an XML Island.
XML namespace,
This appendix provides a summary of Serialization features whose effect is explicitly implementation-defined or implementation-dependent.
The following list describes Serialization features whose effect is explicitly implementation-defined. The conformance rules (see 12 Conformance) require vendors to provide documentation that explains how these choices have been exercised.
parameter, then the parameter specifies an implementation-defined
output method. (See 3 Serialization Parameters)
, the
implementation may interpret them to specify the
values of implementation-defined
serialization parameters in an
implementation-defined manner.
(See 3.1 Setting Serialization Parameters by Means of a Parameter Document)version
parameter for the XML or XHTML
output method for which this document does not provide a normative definition,
the behavior is
implementation-defined. (See 5.1.1 XML Output Method: the version Parameter)normalization-form
form parameter is not NFC
, fully-normalized
or none
then the meaning of the value and its effect is
implementation-defined. (See 5.1.8 XML Output Method: the normalization-form Parameter)meta
elements are added
to the output according to the rules of the include-content-type
parameter, it
is implementation-defined whether the traditional form using
an http-equiv
attribute or the newer HTML5 form using a charset
attribute is produced. (See 6.1.14 XHTML Output Method: the include-content-type Parameter)basefont
, frame
and isindex
elements, which are not part of HTML5, are considered to be void elements when
the requested HTML
version has the value 5.0
(See 7.1 Markup for Elements)version
parameter for the HTML output
method for which this document does not provide a normative definition, the
behavior is implementation-defined. (See 7.4.1 HTML Output Method: the version
and html-version
elements are added
to the output according to the rules of the include-content-type
parameter, it
is implementation-defined whether the traditional form using
an http-equiv
attribute or the newer HTML5 form using a charset
attribute is produced. (See 7.4.11 HTML Output Method: the include-content-type Parameter)The following list describes Serialization features whose effect is explicitly implementation-dependent. The conformance rules (see 12 Conformance) do not require vendors or specifications which define conformance criteria for serialization to provide documentation that explains how these choices have been exercised.
This appendix lists changes made in version 4.0 of this specification.
Use the arrows to browse significant changes since the 3.1 version of this specification.
See 1 Introduction
Sections with significant changes are marked Δ in the table of contents.
See 1 Introduction
The term atomic value has been replaced by atomic item.
See 1.1 Terminology
Added the json-lines
parameter for JSON serialization.
PR 342
In the HTML and XHTML output methods, the rules for adding and replacing
elements have been revised to take account of the new HTML5 syntax,
for example <meta charset="utf-8">
PR 534
Added the escape-solidus
parameter for JSON serialization.
See 3 Serialization Parameters
See 10.1 The Influence of Serialization Parameters upon the Adaptive Output Method
PR 1703
The serialization of maps retains the order of entries.