The presentation of this document has been augmented to identify changes from a previous version. Three kinds of changes are highlighted: new, added text, changed text, and deleted text.

The baseline for changes is the publication dated 10 July 2012.


XSL Transformations (XSLT) Version 4.0

W3C Editor's Draft 30 January 2024

This version:
Latest version:
Most recent Recommendation of XSL Transformations (XSLT):
Michael Kay, Saxonica <>

The following associated resources are available:


This specification defines the syntax and semantics of XSLT 4.0, a language designed primarily for transforming XML documents into other XML documents.

XSLT 4.0 is a revised version of the XSLT 3.0 Recommendation [XSLT 3.0] published on 8 June 2017.

The changes in this version of the language are relatively minor usability enhancements. There are no changes to the data model or processing model. Instead, the specification attempts to fill a number of gaps in functionality resulting from feedback from XSLT 3.0 users. The main areas covered are:

XSLT 4.0 is designed to be used in conjunction with XPath 4.0, which is defined in [XPath 4.0]. XSLT shares the same data model as XPath 4.0, which is defined in [XDM 3.0], and it uses the library of functions and operators defined in [Functions and Operators 4.0]. XPath 4.0 and the underlying function library introduce a number of enhancements, for example the availability of union and record types.

XSLT 4.0 also includes optional facilities to serialize the results of a transformation, by means of an interface to the serialization component described in [XSLT and XQuery Serialization 3.1].

This document contains hyperlinks to specific sections or definitions within other documents in this family of specifications. These links are indicated visually by a superscript identifying the target specification: for example XP40 for XPath 4.0, DM40 for the XDM data model version 4.0, FO40 for Functions and Operators version 4.0.

Status of this Document

This section describes the status of this document at the time of its publication. Other documents may supersede this document. A list of current W3C publications and the latest revision of this technical report can be found in the W3C technical reports index at

This document has no official standing. It is produced by the editor as a proposal for community review. Insofar as it copies large amounts of text from the W3C XSLT 3.0 Recommendation, W3C copyright and similar provisions apply.

1 Introduction

1.1 What is XSLT?

This specification defines the syntax and semantics of the XSLT 4.0 language.

A transformation in the XSLT language is expressed in the form of a stylesheet. A stylesheet is made up of one or more well-formed XML [XML 1.0] documents conforming to the Namespaces in XML Recommendation [Namespaces in XML].

A stylesheet generally includes elements that are defined by XSLT as well as elements that are not defined by XSLT. XSLT-defined elements are distinguished by use of the namespace (see 3.1 XSLT Namespace), which is referred to in this specification as the XSLT namespace. Thus this specification is a definition of the syntax and semantics of the XSLT namespace.

The term stylesheet reflects the fact that one of the important roles of XSLT is to add styling information to an XML source document, by transforming it into a document consisting of XSL formatting objects (see [XSL-FO]), or into another presentation-oriented format such as HTML, XHTML, or SVG. However, XSLT is used for a wide range of transformation tasks, not exclusively for formatting and presentation applications.

A transformation expressed in XSLT describes rules for transforming input data into output data. The inputs and outputs will all be instances of the XDM data model, described in [XDM 3.0]. In the simplest and most common case, the input is an XML document referred to as the source tree, and the output is an XML document referred to as the result tree. It is also possible to process multiple source documents, to generate multiple result documents, and to handle formats other than XML. The transformation is achieved by a set of template rules. A template rule associates a pattern, which typically matches nodes in the source document, with a sequence constructor. In many cases, evaluating the sequence constructor will cause new nodes to be constructed, which can be used to produce part of a result tree. The structure of the result trees can be completely different from the structure of the source trees. In constructing a result tree, nodes from the source trees can be filtered and reordered, and arbitrary structure can be added. This mechanism allows a stylesheet to be applicable to a wide class of documents that have similar source tree structures.

Stylesheets have a modular structure; they may contain several packages developed independently of each other, and each package may consist of several stylesheet modules.

[Definition: A stylesheet consists of one or more packages: specifically, one top-level package and zero or more library packages.]

[Definition: For a given transformation, one package functions as the top-level package. The complete stylesheet is assembled by finding the packages referenced directly or indirectly from the top-level package using xsl:use-package declarations: see 3.5.2 Dependencies between Packages.]

[Definition: Every package within a stylesheet, other than the top-level package, is referred to as a library package.]

[Definition: Within a package, one stylesheet module functions as the principal stylesheet module. The complete package is assembled by finding the stylesheet modules referenced directly or indirectly from the principal stylesheet module using xsl:include and xsl:import elements: see 3.11.2 Stylesheet Inclusion and 3.11.3 Stylesheet Import.]

1.2 What’s New in XSLT 4.0?

A full list of changes is at I Changes since XSLT 3.0.

2 Concepts

2.1 Terminology

For a full glossary of terms, see C Glossary.

[Definition: The software responsible for transforming source trees into result trees using an XSLT stylesheet is referred to as the processor. This is sometimes expanded to XSLT processor to avoid any confusion with other processors, for example an XML processor.]

[Definition: A specific product that performs the functions of an XSLT processor is referred to as an implementation.]

[Definition: The term tree is used (as in [XDM 3.0]) to refer to the aggregate consisting of a parentless node together with all its descendant nodes, plus all their attributes and namespaces.]


The use of the term tree in this document does not imply the use of a data structure in memory that holds the entire contents of the document at one time. It implies rather a logical view of the XML input and output in which elements have a hierarchic relationship to each other. When a source document is being processed in a streaming manner, access to the nodes in this tree is constrained, but it is still viewed and described as a tree.

The output of a transformation consists of the following:

  1. [Definition: A principal result: this can be any sequence of items (as defined in [XDM 3.0]).] The principal result is the value returned by the function or template in the stylesheet that is nominated as the entry point, as described in 2.3 Initiating a Transformation.

  2. [Definition: Zero or more secondary results: each secondary result can be any sequence of items (as defined in [XDM 3.0]).] A secondary result is the value returned by evaluating the body of an xsl:result-document instruction.

  3. Zero or more messages. Messages are generated by the xsl:message and xsl:assert instructions, and are described in 24.1 Messages and 24.2 Assertions.

  4. Static or dynamic errors: see 2.14 Error Handling.

The principal result and the secondary results may be post-processed as described in 2.3.6 Post-processing the Raw Result.

[Definition: The term result tree is used to refer to any tree constructed by instructions in the stylesheet. A result tree is either a final result tree or a temporary tree.]

[Definition: A final result tree is a result tree that forms part of the output of a transformation: specifically, a tree built by post-processing the items in the principal result or in a secondary result. Once created, the contents of a final result tree are not accessible within the stylesheet itself.] Any final result tree may be serialized as described in 27 Serialization.

[Definition: The term source tree means any tree provided as input to the transformation. This includes the document containing the global context item if any, documents containing nodes present in the initial match selection, documents containing nodes supplied as the values of stylesheet parameters, documents obtained from the results of functions such as document, docFO30, and collectionFO30, documents read using the xsl:source-document instruction, and documents returned by extension functions or extension instructions. In the context of a particular XSLT instruction, the term source tree means any tree provided as input to that instruction; this may be a source tree of the transformation as a whole, or it may be a temporary tree produced during the course of the transformation.]

[Definition: The term temporary tree means any tree that is neither a source tree nor a final result tree.] Temporary trees are used to hold intermediate results during the execution of the transformation.

The use of the term “tree” in phrases such as source tree, result tree, and temporary tree is not confined to documents that the processor materializes in memory in their entirety. The processor may, and in some cases must, use streaming techniques to limit the amount of memory used to hold source and result documents. When streaming is used, the nodes of the tree may never all be in memory at the same time, but at an abstract level the information is still modeled as a tree of nodes, and the document is therefore still described as a tree. Unless otherwise stated, the term “tree” refers to a tree rooted at a parentless node: that is, the term does not include subtrees of larger trees. Every node therefore belongs to exactly one tree.

In this specification the phrases must, must not, should, should not, may, required, and recommended, when used in normative text and rendered in capitals, are to be interpreted as described in [RFC2119].

Where the phrase must, must not, or required relates to the behavior of the XSLT processor, then an implementation is not conformant unless it behaves as specified, subject to the more detailed rules in 28 Conformance.

Where the phrase must, must not, or required relates to a stylesheet then the processor must enforce this constraint on stylesheets by reporting an error if the constraint is not satisfied.

Where the phrase should, should not, or recommended relates to a stylesheet then a processor may produce warning messages if the constraint is not satisfied, but must not treat this as an error.

[Definition: In this specification, the term implementation-defined refers to a feature where the implementation is allowed some flexibility, and where the choices made by the implementation must be described in documentation that accompanies any conformance claim.]

[Definition: The term implementation-dependent refers to a feature where the behavior may vary from one implementation to another, and where the vendor is not expected to provide a full specification of the behavior.] (This might apply, for example, to limits on the size of source documents that can be transformed.)

In all cases where this specification leaves the behavior implementation-defined or implementation-dependent, the implementation has the option of providing mechanisms that allow the user to influence the behavior.

A paragraph labeled as a Note or described as an example is non-normative.

Many terms used in this document are defined in the XPath specification [XPath 3.0] or the XDM specification [XDM 3.0]. Particular attention is drawn to the following:

  • [Definition: The term atomization is defined in Section 2.5.2 AtomizationXP40. It is a process that takes as input a sequence of items, and returns a sequence of atomic values, in which the nodes are replaced by their typed values as defined in [XDM 3.0]. If the XPath 3.1 feature is implemented, then Arrays (see 22 Arrays) are atomized by atomizing their members, recursively.] For some items (for example, elements with element-only content, function items, and maps, atomization generates a dynamic error.

  • [Definition: The term typed value is defined in Section 5.15 typed-value Accessor DM30. Every node, other than an element whose type annotation identifies it as having element-only content, has a typed value. For example, the typed value of an attribute of type xs:IDREFS is a sequence of zero or more xs:IDREF values.]

  • [Definition: The term string value is defined in Section 5.13 string-value Accessor DM30. Every node has a string value. For example, the string value of an element is the concatenation of the string values of all its descendant text nodes.]

  • [Definition: The term XPath 1.0 compatibility mode is defined in Section 2.2.1 Static ContextXP40. This is a setting in the static context of an XPath expression; it has two values, true and false. When the value is set to true, the semantics of function calls and certain other operations are adjusted to give a greater degree of backwards compatibility between XPath 4.0 and XPath 1.0.]

  • [Definition: The term function definition is defined in Section 2.2.1 Static ContextXP40. It is the definition of a function that can be called statically from within an XPath expression: in the case of XSLT it typically means either a stylesheet function, or a built-in function such as those defined in [Functions and Operators 4.0]]

    [Definition: A function definition has an arity range which defines the minimum and maximum number of arguments that must be supplied in a call to the function. The static context can contain multiple function definitions with the same name, provided that their arity ranges do not overlap.]

2.2 Notation

[Definition: An XSLT element is an element in the XSLT namespace whose syntax and semantics are defined in this specification.] For a non-normative list of XSLT elements, see D Element Syntax Summary.

In this document the specification of each XSLT element is preceded by a summary of its syntax in the form of a model for elements of that element type. A full list of all these specifications can be found in D Element Syntax Summary. The meaning of the syntax summary notation is as follows:

  • An attribute that is required is shown with its name in bold. An attribute that may be omitted is shown with a question mark following its name.

  • An attribute that is deprecated is shown in a grayed font within square brackets.

  • The string that occurs in the place of an attribute value specifies the allowed values of the attribute. If this is surrounded by curly brackets ({...}), then the attribute value is treated as an attribute value template, and the string occurring within curly brackets specifies the allowed values of the result of evaluating the attribute value template. Alternative allowed values are separated by |. A quoted string indicates a value equal to that specific string. An unquoted, italicized name specifies a particular type of value.

    The types used, and their meanings, are as follows:


    One of the strings "yes", "true", or "1" to indicate the value true, or one of the strings "no", "false", or "0" to indicate the value false. Note: the values are synonyms; where this specification uses a phrase such as “If required='yes' is specified ...” this is to be interpreted as meaning “If the attribute named required is present, and has the value yes, true, or 1 (after stripping leading and trailing whitespace) ...”.


    Any string


    An XPath expression


    A pattern as described in 5.4 Patterns.


    An ItemTypeXP40 as defined in the XPath 4.0 specification.


    A SequenceTypeXP40 as defined in the XPath 4.0 specification.

    uri; uris

    A URI, for example a namespace URI or a collation URI; a whitespace-separated list of URIs


    A lexical QName as defined in 5.1.1 Qualified Names

    eqname; eqnames

    An EQName as defined in 5.1.1 Qualified Names; a whitespace-separated list of EQNames

    token; tokens

    A string containing no significant whitespace; a whitespace-separated list of such strings

    nmtoken; nmtokens

    A string conforming to the XML schema rules for the type xs:NMTOKEN; a whitespace-separated list of such strings.


    A string comprising a single Unicode character


    A string in the value space of xs:language, or a zero-length string.


    An integer, that is a string that is castable to the schema type xs:integer


    A decimal value, that is a string that is castable to the schema type xs:decimal

    ncname; ncnames

    An unprefixed name: a string that is castable to the schema type xs:NCName; a whitespace-separated list of such strings

    prefix; prefixes

    An xs:NCName representing a namespace prefix, which must be in scope for the element on which it appears; a whitespace-separated list of such strings.


    An xs:NCName used as a unique identifier for an element in the containing XML document

    Except where the set of allowed values of an attribute is specified using the italicized name string or char, leading and trailing whitespace in the attribute value is ignored. In the case of an attribute value template, this applies to the effective value obtained when the attribute value template is expanded.

    XPath comments (delimited by (: ... :)) are permitted anywhere that inter-token whitespace is permitted in attributes whose type is given as expression, pattern, item-type, or sequence-type, and are not permitted in attributes of other types (other than within expressions enclosed by curly braces within an attribute value template).

  • If an attribute has a simple default value, this is shown between tortoise-shell brackets (for example 〔'no'〕). Where no default is shown, the consequence of omitting the attribute is explained in the prose narrative. Default values shown in the summary apply only where the attribute itself is applicable; if an attribute is not permitted to appear in the particular context, then its default value should be ignored. (For example, the stable attribute of xsl:sort is shown as having a default value of 'yes', but the attribute is only allowed to appear on the first of a sequence of adjacent xsl:sort elements.) The quotation marks around a default value are not part of the value.

  • Unless the element is required to be empty, the model element contains a comment specifying the allowed content. The allowed content is specified in a similar way to an element type declaration in XML; sequence constructor means that any mixture of text nodes, literal result elements, extension instructions, and XSLT elements from the instruction category is allowed; other-declarations means that any mixture of XSLT elements from the declaration category is allowed, together with user-defined data elements.

  • The element is prefaced by comments indicating if it belongs to the instruction category or declaration category or both. The category of an element only affects whether it is allowed in the content of elements that allow a sequence constructor or other-declarations.

Example: Syntax Notation

This example illustrates the notation used to describe XSLT elements.

<!-- Category: instruction -->
  select = expression
  debug? = boolean
  validation? = { "strict" | "lax" }〔strict〕 >
  <!-- Content: ((xsl:variable | xsl:param)*, xsl:sequence) -->

This example defines a (non-existent) element xsl:example-element. The element is classified as an instruction. It takes the following attributes:

  1. A mandatory select attribute, whose value is an XPath expression

  2. An optional debug attribute, whose value must be yes, true, or 1 to indicate true, or no, false, or 0 to indicate false.

  3. An optional validation attribute, whose value must be strict or lax; the curly brackets indicate that the value can be defined as an attribute value template, allowing a value such as validation="{$val}", where the variable val is evaluated to yield "strict" or "lax" at run-time.

The content of an xsl:example-element instruction is defined to be a sequence of zero or more xsl:variable and xsl:param elements, followed by an xsl:sequence element.

[ERR XTSE0010] It is a static error if an XSLT-defined element is used in a context where it is not permitted, if a required attribute is omitted, or if the content of the element does not correspond to the content that is allowed for the element.

The rules in the element syntax summary (both for the element structure and for its attributes) apply to the stylesheet content after preprocessing as described in 3.13 Stylesheet Preprocessing.

[Definition: The effective value of an attribute or text node in the stylesheet is the value after any required expansion or normalization.]

More specifically, the effective value is the value after:

  • Expanding shadow attributes as described in 3.13.4 Shadow Attributes;

  • Expanding defaults (for example, if an xsl:message instruction has no terminate attribute, then the effective value of the terminate attribute is no);

  • Stripping ignored whitespace (for example, the effective value of a boolean attribute written as terminate=" no " is no);

  • Replacing synonyms (for example in boolean attributes, 1 and true are synonyms of yes);

  • Expanding attribute value templates and text value templates.

  • Applying rules from the static context: for example, the effective value of a collation attribute is the value after expanding a relative URI against the static base URI.

Attributes are validated as follows. These rules apply to the value of the attribute after removing leading and trailing whitespace.

  • [ERR XTSE0020] It is a static error if an attribute (other than an attribute written using curly brackets in a position where an attribute value template is permitted) contains a value that is not one of the permitted values for that attribute.

  • [ERR XTDE0030] It is a dynamic error if the effective value of an attribute written using curly brackets, in a position where an attribute value template is permitted, is a value that is not one of the permitted values for that attribute. If the processor is able to detect the error statically (for example, when any XPath expressions within the curly brackets can be evaluated statically), then the processor may optionally signal this as a static error.

Special rules apply if the construct appears in part of the stylesheet that is processed with forwards compatible behavior: see 3.10 Forwards Compatible Processing.

[Definition: Some constructs defined in this specification are described as being deprecated. The use of this term implies that stylesheet authors should not use the construct, and that the construct may be removed in a later version of this specification.]


This specification includes a non-normative XML Schema for XSLT stylesheet modules (see H Schemas for XSLT 4.0 Stylesheets). The syntax summaries described in this section are normative.

XSLT defines a set of standard functions which are additional to those defined in [Functions and Operators 4.0]. A list of these functions appears in G.2 List of XSLT-defined functions. The signatures of these functions are described using the same notation as used in [Functions and Operators 4.0]. The names of many of these functions are in the standard function namespace.

2.3 Initiating a Transformation

This document does not specify any application programming interfaces or other interfaces for initiating a transformation. This section, however, describes the information that is supplied when a transformation is initiated. Except where otherwise indicated, the information is required.

The execution of a stylesheet necessarily involves two activities: static analysis and dynamic evaluation. Static analysis consists of those tasks that can be performed by inspection of the stylesheet alone, including the binding of static variables, the evaluation of [xsl:]use-when expressions (see 3.13.3 Conditional Element Inclusion), and shadow attributes (see 3.13.4 Shadow Attributes) and detection of static errors. Dynamic evaluation consists of tasks which in general cannot be carried out until a source document is available.

Dynamic evaluation is further divided into two activities: priming the stylesheet, and invoking a selected component.

  • Priming the stylesheet provides the dynamic context for evaluation, and supplies all the information needed to establish the values of global variables.

  • Invoking a component (such as a template or function) causes evaluation of that template or function to produce a result, which is an arbitrary XDM value.

    [Definition: The result of invoking the selected component, after any required conversion to the declared result type of the component, is referred to as the raw result.]

    The raw result of the invocation is the immediate result of evaluating the sequence constructor contained in the target template or function, modified by applying the coercion rules to convert the immediate result to the type declared in the as attribute of the xsl:template or xsl:function declaration, if present.

    This raw result may optionally be post-processed to construct a result tree, to serialize the result, or both, as described in 2.3.6 Post-processing the Raw Result.

Implementations may allow static analysis and dynamic evaluation to be initiated independently, so that the cost of static analysis can be amortized over multiple transformations using the same stylesheet. Implementations may also allow priming of a stylesheet and invocation of components to be initiated independently, in which case a single act of priming the stylesheet may be followed by a series of independent component invocations. Although this specification does not require such a separation, this section distinguishes information that is needed before static analysis can proceed, information that is needed to prime the stylesheet, and information that is needed when invoking components.

The language is designed to allow the static analysis of each package to be performed independently of other packages, with only basic knowledge of the properties of components made available by used packages. Beyond this, the specification leaves it to implementations to decide how to organize this process. When packages are not used explicitly, the entire stylesheet is treated as a single package.

2.3.1 Information needed for Static Analysis

The following information is needed prior to static analysis of a package:

Conceptually, the output of the static analysis of a package is an object which might be referred to (without constraining the implementation) as a compiled package. Prior to dynamic evaluation, all the compiled packages needed for execution must be checked for consistency, and component references must be resolved. This process may be referred to, again without constraining the implementation, as linking.

2.3.2 Priming a Stylesheet

The information needed when priming a stylesheet is as follows:

  • A set (possibly empty) of values for non-static stylesheet parameters (see 9.5 Global Variables and Parameters). These values are available for use within expressions in the stylesheet. As a minimum, values must be supplied for any parameters declared with the attribute required="yes".

    A supplied value is converted if necessary to the declared type of the stylesheet parameter using the coercion rules.


    Non-static stylesheet parameters are implicitly public, which ensures that all the parameters in the stylesheet for which values can be supplied externally have distinct names. Static parameters, by contrast, are local to a package.

  • [Definition: An item that acts as the global context item for the transformation. This item acts as the context item when evaluating the select expression or sequence constructor of a global variable whose declaration is within the top-level package, as described in Maintaining Position: the Focus. The global context item may also be available in a named template when the stylesheet is invoked as described in 2.3.4 Call-Template Invocation]. [XSLT 3.0 Erratum E7, bug 30179].


    In previous releases of this specification, a single node was typically supplied to represent the source document for the transformation. This node was used as the target node for the implicit call on xsl:apply-templates used to start the transformation process (now called the initial match selection), and the root node of the containing tree was used as the context item for evaluation of global variables (now called the global context item). This relationship between the initial match selection and the global context item is likely to be found for compatibility reasons in a transformation API designed to work with earlier versions of this specification, but it is no longer a necessary relationship; the two values can in principle be completely independent of each other.

    Stylesheet authors wanting to write code that can be invoked using legacy APIs should not rely on the caller being able to supply different values for the initial match selection and the global context item.

    The value given to the global context item (and the values given to stylesheet parameters) cannot be nodes in a streamed document. This rule ensures that all global variables can freely navigate within the relevant tree, with no constraints imposed by the streamability rules.

    The global context item is potentially used when initializing global variables and parameters. If the initialization of any global variables or parameter depends on the context item, a dynamic error can occur if the context item is absent. It is implementation-defined whether this error occurs during priming of the stylesheet or subsequently when the variable is referenced; and it is implementation-defined whether the error occurs at all if the variable or parameter is never referenced. The error can be suppressed by use of xsl:try and xsl:catch within the sequence constructor used to initialize the variable or parameter. It cannot be suppressed by use of xsl:try around a reference to the global variable.

    In a library package, the context item, context position, and context size used for evaluation of global variables will be absent, and the evaluation of any expression that references these values will result in a dynamic error. This will also be the case in the top-level package if no global context item is supplied.


    If a context item is available within a global variable declaration, then the context position and context size will always be 1 (one).


    For maximum reusability of code, it is best to avoid use of the context item when initializing global variables and parameters. Instead, all external information should be supplied using named stylesheet parameters. Especially when these use namespaces to avoid conflicts, there is then no risk of confusion between the information supplied externally to different packages.

    When a stylesheet parameter is defined in a library package, it is possible for a using package to supply a value for the parameter by overriding the parameter declaration within an xsl:override element. If the using package is the top-level package then the overriding declaration can refer to the global context item.

  • A mechanism for obtaining a document node and a media type, given an absolute URI. The total set of available documents (modeled as a mapping from URIs to document nodes) forms part of the context for evaluating XPath expressions, specifically the docFO30 function. The XSLT document function additionally requires the media type of the resource representation, for use in interpreting any fragment identifier present within a URI Reference.


    The set of documents that are available to the stylesheet is implementation-dependent, as is the processing that is carried out to construct a tree representing the resource retrieved using a given URI. Some possible ways of constructing a document (specifically, rules for constructing a document from an Infoset or from a PSVI) are described in [XDM 3.0].

Once a stylesheet is primed, the values of global variables remain stable through all component invocations. In addition, priming a stylesheet creates an execution scopeFO40 during which the dynamic context and all calls on deterministicFO40 functions remain stable; for example two calls on the current-dateTimeFO30 function within an execution scope are defined to return the same result.

Parameters passed to the transformation by the client application when a stylesheet is primed are matched against stylesheet parameters (see 9.5 Global Variables and Parameters), not against the template parameters of any template executed during the course of the transformation.

[ERR XTDE0050] It is a dynamic error if a stylesheet declares a visible stylesheet parameter that is explicitly or implicitly mandatory, and no value for this parameter is supplied when the stylesheet is primed. A stylesheet parameter is visible if it is not masked by another global variable or parameter with the same name and higher import precedence. If the parameter is a static parameter then the value must be supplied prior to the static analysis phase.

2.3.3 Apply-Templates Invocation

[Definition: A stylesheet may be evaluated by supplying a value to be processed, together with an initial mode. The value (which can be any sequence of items) is referred to as the initial match selection. The processing then corresponds to the effect of the xsl:apply-templates instruction.]

The initial match selection will often be a single document node, traditionally called the source document of the transformation; but in general, it can be any sequence. If the initial match selection is an empty sequence, the result of the transformation will be empty, since no template rules are evaluated.

Processing proceeds by finding the template rules that match the items in the initial match selection, and evaluating these template rules with a focus based on the initial match selection. The template rules are evaluated in final output state.

The following information is needed when dynamic evaluation is to start with a template rule:

  • The initial match selection. An API that chooses to maintain compatibility with previous versions of this specification should allow a method of invocation in which a singleton node is provided, which is then used in two ways: the node itself acts as the initial match selection, and the root node of the containing tree acts as the global context item.

  • Optionally, an initial mode.

    [Definition: The initial mode is the mode used to select template rules for processing items in the initial match selection when apply-templates invocation is used to initiate a transformation.]

    In searching for the template rule that best matches the items in the initial match selection, the processor considers only those rules that apply to the initial mode.

    If no initial mode is supplied explicitly, then the initial mode is that named in the default-mode attribute of the (explicit or implicit) xsl:package element of the top-level package or in the absence of such an attribute, the unnamed mode.

    [ERR XTDE0044] It is a dynamic error if the invocation of the stylesheet specifies an initial mode when no initial match selection is supplied (either explicitly, or defaulted to the global context item).

    A (named or unnamed) mode M is eligible as an initial mode if one of the following conditions applies, where P is the top-level package of the stylesheet:

    1. M is explicitly declared in an xsl:mode declaration within P, and has public or final visibility (either by virtue of its visibility attribute, or by virtue of an xsl:expose declaration).

    2. M is the unnamed mode.

    3. M is named in the default-mode attribute of the (explicit or implicit) xsl:package element of P.

    4. M is declared in a package used by P, and is given public or final visibility in P by means of an xsl:accept declaration.

    5. The effective value of the declared-modes attribute of the explicit or implicit xsl:package element of P is no, and M appears as a mode-name in the mode attribute of a template rule declared within P.

    [ERR XTDE0045] It is a dynamic error if the invocation of the stylesheet specifies an initial mode and the specified mode is not eligible as an initial mode (as defined above).

  • Parameters, which will be passed to the template rules used to process items in the input sequence. The parameters consist of two sets of (QName, value) pairs, one set for tunnel parameters and one for non-tunnel parameters, in which the QName identifies the name of a parameter and the value provides the value of the parameter. Either or both sets of parameters may be empty. The effect is the same as when a template is invoked using xsl:apply-templates with an xsl:with-param child specifying tunnel="yes" or tunnel="no" as appropriate. If a parameter is supplied that is not declared or used, the value is simply ignored. These parameters are not used to set stylesheet parameters.

    A supplied value is converted if necessary to the declared type of the template parameter using the coercion rules.

  • Details of how the result of the initial template is to be returned. For details, see 2.3.6 Post-processing the Raw Result

The raw result of the invocation is the result of processing the supplied input sequence as if by a call on xsl:apply-templates in the specified mode: specifically, each item in the input sequence is processed by selecting and evaluating the best matching template rule, and converting the result (if necessary) to the type declared in the as attribute of that template using the coercion rules; and the results of processing each item are then concatenated into a single sequence, respecting the order of items in the input sequence.


If the initial mode is declared-streamable, then a streaming processor should allow some or all of the items in the initial match selection to be nodes supplied in streamable form, and any nodes that are supplied in this form must then be processed using streaming.

Since the global context item cannot be a streamed node, in cases where the transformation is to proceed by applying streamable templates to a streamed input document, the global context item must either be absent, or must be something that differs from the initial match selection.


The design of the API for invoking a transformation should provide some means for users to designate the unnamed mode as the initial mode in cases where it is not the default mode.

It is a dynamic error [see ERR XTDE0700] if the template rule selected for processing any item in the initial match selection defines a template parameter that specifies required="yes" and no value is supplied for that parameter.


A stylesheet can process further source documents in addition to those supplied when the transformation is invoked. These additional documents can be loaded using the functions document (see 20.1 fn:document) or docFO30 or collectionFO30 (see [Functions and Operators 4.0]), or using the xsl:source-document instruction; alternatively, they can be supplied as stylesheet parameters (see 9.5 Global Variables and Parameters), or returned as the result of an extension function (see 25.1 Extension Functions).

2.3.4 Call-Template Invocation

[Definition: A stylesheet may be evaluated by selecting a named template to be evaluated; this is referred to as the initial named template.] The effect is analogous to the effect of executing an xsl:call-template instruction. The following information is needed in this case:

  • Optionally, the name of the initial named template which is to be executed as the entry point to the transformation. If no template name is supplied, the default template name is xsl:initial-template. The selected template must exist within the stylesheet.

  • Optionally, a context item for evaluation of this named template, defaulting to the global context item if it exists. This is constrained by any xsl:context-item element appearing within the selected xsl:template element. The initial named template is evaluated with a singleton focus based on this context item if it exists, or with an absent focus otherwise.

  • Parameters, which will be passed to the selected template rule. The parameters consist of two sets of (QName, value) pairs, one set for tunnel parameters and one for non-tunnel parameters, in which the QName identifies the name of a parameter and the value provides the value of the parameter. Either or both sets of parameters may be empty. The effect is the same as when a template is invoked using xsl:call-template with an xsl:with-param child specifying tunnel="yes" or tunnel="no" as appropriate. If a parameter is supplied that is not declared or used, the value is simply ignored. These parameters are not used to set stylesheet parameters.

    A supplied value is converted if necessary to the declared type of the template parameter using the coercion rules.

  • Details of how the result of the initial named template is to be returned. For details, see 2.3.6 Post-processing the Raw Result

The raw result of the invocation is the result of evaluating the initial named template, after conversion of the result to the type declared in the as attribute of that template using the coercion rules, if such conversion is necessary.

The initial named template is evaluated in final output state.

[ERR XTDE0040] It is a dynamic error if the invocation of the stylesheet specifies a template name that does not match the expanded QName of a named template defined in the stylesheet, whose visibility is public or final.


When the top-level package is rooted at an xsl:stylesheet or xsl:transform element, named templates having no explicit visibility attribute are automatically exposed as public components. (This is a consequence of the transformation applied to a package written using “simplified syntax”, described in 3.5 Packages.) [XSLT 3.0 Erratum E8, bug 30181].

It is a dynamic error [see ERR XTDE0700] if the initial named template, or any of the template rules invoked to process items in the initial match selection, defines a template parameter that specifies required="yes" and no value is supplied for that parameter.

2.3.5 Function Call Invocation

[Definition: A stylesheet may be evaluated by calling a named stylesheet function, referred to as the initial function.] The following additional information is needed in this case:

  • The name and arity of a stylesheet function which is to be executed as the entry point to the transformation.


    In the design of a concrete API, the arity may be inferred from the length of the parameter list.

  • A list of values to act as parameters to the initial function. The number of values in the list must be the same as the arity of the function.

    A supplied value is converted if necessary to the declared type of the function parameter using the coercion rules.

  • Details of how the result of the initial function is to be returned. For details, see 2.3.6 Post-processing the Raw Result

The raw result of the invocation is the result of evaluating the initial function, after conversion of the result to the type declared in the as attribute of that function using the coercion rules, if such conversion is necessary.


The initial function (like all stylesheet functions) is evaluated with an absent focus.

If the initial function is declared-streamable, a streaming processor should allow the value of the first argument to be supplied in streamable form, and if it is supplied in this form, then it must be processed using streaming.

[ERR XTDE0041] It is a dynamic error if the invocation of the stylesheet specifies a function name and arity that does not match the expanded QName and arity of a named stylesheet function defined in the stylesheet, whose visibility is public or final.

When a transformation is invoked by calling an initial function, the entire transformation executes in temporary output state, which means that calls on xsl:result-document are not permitted.

[TODO: Generalize the above description to allow for the possibility of keyword-based and optional arguments.]

2.3.6 Post-processing the Raw Result

There are three ways the result of a transformation may be delivered. (This applies both to the principal result, described here, and also to secondary results, generated using xsl:result-document.)

  1. The raw result (a sequence of values) may be returned directly to the calling application.

  2. A result tree may be constructed from the raw result. By default, a result tree is constructed if the build-tree attribute of the unnamed output definition has the effective value yes. An API for invoking transformations may allow this setting to be overridden by the calling application. If result tree construction is requested, it is performed as described in Result Tree Construction.

  3. Alternatively, the raw result may be serialized as described in Serializing the Result. The decision whether or not to serialize the result is determined by the rules of transformation API provided by the processor, and is not influenced by anything in the stylesheet.


This specification does not constrain the design of application programming interfaces or the choice of defaults. In previous versions of this specification, result tree construction was a mandatory process, while serialization was optional. When invoking stylesheet functions directly, however, result tree construction and serialization may be inappropriate as defaults. These considerations may affect the design of APIs.

In previous versions of XSLT, results were delivered either in serialized form (as a character or byte stream), or as a tree. In the latter case processors typically would use either their own tree representation, or a standardized tree representation such as the W3C Document Object Model (DOM) (see [DOM Level 2]), adapted to the data structures offered by the programming language in which the API is defined. To deliver a raw result, processors need to define a representation not only of XDM nodes but also of sequences, atomic values, maps and even functions. As with the return of a simple tree, this may involve a trade-off between strict fidelity to the XDM data model and usability in the particular programming language environment. It is not a requirement that an API should return results in a way that exposes every property of the XDM data model; for example there may be APIs that do not expose the precise type annotation of a returned node or atomic value, or that fail to expose the base URI or document URI of a node, or that provide no way of determining whether two nodes in the result sequence are the same node in the sense of the XPath is operator. The way in which maps, arrays, and functions are returned requires careful design choices. It is recommended that an API should be capable of returning any XDM value without error, and that there should be minimal loss of information if the raw results output by one transformation are subsequently used as input to another transformation. Result Tree Construction

If a result tree is to be constructed from the raw result, then this is done by applying the rules for the process of sequence normalizationSER30 as defined in [XSLT and XQuery Serialization]. This process takes as input the serialization parameters defined in the unnamed output definition of the top-level package; though the only parameter that is actually used by this process is item-separator. In particular, sequence normalization is carried out regardless of any method attribute in the unnamed output definition. [XSLT 3.0 Erratum E14, bug 30208].

The sequence normalization process either returns a document node, or raises a serialization error. The content of the document node is not necessarily well-formed (the document node may have any number of element or text nodes among its children).


More specifically, the process raises a serialization error if any item in the raw result is an attribute node, a namespace node, or a function (including a map, but not an array: arrays are flattened).

The tree that is constructed is referred to as a final result tree.

If the raw result is an empty sequence, the final result tree will consist of a document node with no children.

The base URI of the document node is set to the base output URI.


The item-separator property has no effect if the raw result of the transformation is a sequence of length zero or one, which in practice will often be the case, especially in a traditional scenario such as transformation of an XML document to HTML.

If there is no item-separator, then a single space is inserted between adjacent atomic values; for example if the raw result is the sequence 1 to 5, then sequence normalization produces a tree comprising a document node with a single child, the child being a text node with the string value 1 2 3 4 5.

If there is an item-separator, then it is used not only between adjacent atomic values, but between any pair of items in the raw result. For example if the raw result is a sequence of two element nodes A and B, and the item-separator is a comma, then the result of sequence normalization will be a document node with three children: a copy of A, a text node whose string value is a single comma, and a copy of B. Serializing the Result

See 2.7 Parsing and Serialization.

The raw result may optionally be serialized as described in 27 Serialization. The serialization is controlled by the serialization parameters defined in the unnamed output definition of the top-level package.


The first phase of serialization, called sequence normalizationSER30, takes place for some output methods but not others. For example, if the json output method (defined in [XSLT and XQuery Serialization 3.1]) is selected, then the process of constructing a tree is bypassed.

The effect of serialization is to generate a sequence of octets, representing the serialized result in some character encoding. The processor’s API may define mechanisms enabling this sequence of octets to be written to persistent storage at some location. The default location is the location identified by the base output URI.

In previous versions of this specification it was stated that when the raw result of the initial template or function is an empty sequence, a result tree should be produced if and only if the transformation generates no secondary results (that is, if it does not invoke xsl:result-document). This provision is most likely to have a noticeable effect if the transformation produces serialized results, and these results are written to persistent storage: the effect is then that a transformation producing an empty principal result will overwrite any existing content at the base output URI location if and only if the transformation produces no other output. Processor APIs offering backwards compatibility with earlier versions of XSLT must respect this behavior, but there is no requirement for new processor APIs to do so.

[Definition:  The base output URI is a URI to be used as the base URI when resolving a relative URI reference allocated to a final result tree. If the transformation generates more than one final result tree, then typically each one will be allocated a URI relative to this base URI.] The way in which a base output URI is established is implementation-defined. Each invocation of the stylesheet may supply a different base output URI. It is acceptable for the base output URI to be absent, provided no constructs (such as xsl:result-document) are evaluated that depend on the value of the base output URI.


It will often be convenient for the base output URI to be the same as the location to which the principal result document is serialized, but this relationship is not a necessary one.

2.4 Instructions

The main executable components of a stylesheet are templates and functions. The body of a template or function is a sequence constructor, which is a sequence of elements and text nodes that can be evaluated to produce a result.

A sequence constructor is a sequence of sibling nodes in the stylesheet, each of which is either an XSLT instruction, a literal result element, a text node, or an extension instruction.

[Definition: An instruction is either an XSLT instruction or an extension instruction.]

[Definition: An XSLT instruction is an XSLT element whose syntax summary in this specification contains the annotation <!-- category: instruction -->.]

Extension instructions are described in 25.2 Extension Instructions.

The main categories of XSLT instruction are as follows:

2.5 Rule-Based Processing

The classic method of executing an XSLT transformation is to apply template rules to the root node of an input document (see 2.3.3 Apply-Templates Invocation). The operation of applying templates to a node searches the stylesheet for the best matching template rule for that node. This template rule is then evaluated. A common coding pattern, especially when XSLT is used to convert XML documents into display formats such as HTML, is to have one template rule for each kind of element in the source document, and for that template rule to generate some appropriate markup elements, and to apply templates recursively to its own children. The effect is to perform a recursive traversal of the source tree, in which each node is processed using the best-fit template rule for that node. The final result of the transformation is then the tree produced by this recursive process. This result can then be optionally serialized (see 2.3.6 Post-processing the Raw Result).

Example: Example of Rule-Based Processing

This example uses rule-based processing to convert a simple XML input document into an HTML output document.

The input document takes the form:

    <TITLE>Dramatis Personae</TITLE>
    <PERSONA>Other Senators.</PERSONA>
    <PERSONA>GRATIANO, brother to Brabantio.</PERSONA>
    <PERSONA>LODOVICO, kinsman to Brabantio.</PERSONA>
    <PERSONA>OTHELLO, a noble Moor in the service of the Venetian state.</PERSONA>
    <PERSONA>CASSIO, his lieutenant.</PERSONA>
    <PERSONA>IAGO, his ancient.</PERSONA>
    <PERSONA>RODERIGO, a Venetian gentleman.</PERSONA>
    <PERSONA>MONTANO, Othello's predecessor in the government of Cyprus.</PERSONA>
    <PERSONA>Clown, servant to Othello. </PERSONA>
    <PERSONA>DESDEMONA, daughter to Brabantio and wife to Othello.</PERSONA>
    <PERSONA>EMILIA, wife to Iago.</PERSONA>
    <PERSONA>BIANCA, mistress to Cassio.</PERSONA>
    <PERSONA>Sailor, Messenger, Herald, Officers, 
             Gentlemen, Musicians, and Attendants.</PERSONA>

The stylesheet to render this as HTML can be written as a set of template rules:

<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl=""
 <xsl:strip-space elements="PERSONAE"/>   
 <xsl:template match="PERSONAE">
       <title>The Cast of {@PLAY}</title>
 <xsl:template match="TITLE">
 <xsl:template match="PERSONA[count(tokenize(., ',') = 2]">
   <p><b>{substring-before(., ',')}</b>: {substring-after(., ',')}</p>

 <xsl:template match="PERSONA">


There are four template rules here:

  • The first rule matches the outermost element, named PERSONAE (it could equally have used match="/" to match the document node). The effect of this rule is to create the skeleton of the output HTML page. Technically, the body of the template is a sequence constructor comprising a single literal result element (the html element); this in turn contains a sequence constructor comprising two literal result elements (the head and body elements). The head element is populated with a literal title element whose content is computed as a mixture of fixed and variable text using a text value template. The body element is populated by evaluating an xsl:apply-templates instruction.

    The effect of the xsl:apply-templates instruction is to process the children of the PERSONAE element in the source tree: that is, the TITLE and PERSONA elements. (It would also process any whitespace text node children, but these have been stripped by virtue of the xsl:strip-space declaration.) Each of these child elements is processed by the best matching template rule for that element, which will be one of the other three rules in the stylesheet.

  • The template rule for the TITLE element outputs an h1 element to the HTML result document, and populates this with the value of ., the context item. That is, it copies the text content of the TITLE element to the output h1 element.

  • The last two rules match PERSONA element. The first rule matches PERSONA elements whose text content contains exactly one comma; the second rule matches all PERSONA elements, but it has lower priority than the first rule, so in practice it only applies to PERSONA elements that contain no comma or multiple commas.

    For both rules the body of the rule is a sequence constructor containing a single literal result element, the p element. These literal result elements contain further sequence constructors comprising literal result elements and text nodes. In each of these examples the text nodes are in the form of a text value template: in general this is a combination of fixed text together with XPath expressions enclosed in curly braces, which are evaluated to form the content of the containing literal result element.

[Definition: A stylesheet contains a set of template rules (see 6 Template Rules). A template rule has three parts: a pattern that is matched against selected items (often but not necessarily nodes), a (possibly empty) set of template parameters, and a sequence constructor that is evaluated to produce a sequence of items.] In many cases these items are newly constructed nodes, which are then written to a result tree.

2.6 The Evaluation Context

The results of some expressions and instructions in a stylesheet may depend on information provided contextually. This context information is divided into two categories: the static context, which is known during static analysis of the stylesheet, and the dynamic context, which is not known until the stylesheet is evaluated. Although information in the static context is known at analysis time, it is sometimes used during stylesheet evaluation.

Some context information can be set by means of declarations within the stylesheet itself. For example, the namespace bindings used for any XPath expression are determined by the namespace declarations present in containing elements in the stylesheet. Other information may be supplied externally or implicitly: an example is the current date and time.

The context information used in processing an XSLT stylesheet includes as a subset all the context information required when evaluating XPath expressions. The XPath 4.0 specification defines a static and dynamic context that the host language (in this case, XSLT) may initialize, which affects the results of XPath expressions used in that context. XSLT augments the context with additional information: this additional information is used firstly by XSLT constructs outside the scope of XPath (for example, the xsl:sort element), and secondly, by functions that are defined in the XSLT specification (such as key and current-group) that are available for use in XPath expressions appearing within a stylesheet.

The static context for an expression or other construct in a stylesheet is determined by the place in which it appears lexically. The details vary for different components of the static context, but in general, elements within a stylesheet module affect the static context for their descendant elements within the same stylesheet module.

The dynamic context is maintained as a stack. When an instruction or expression is evaluated, it may add dynamic context information to the stack; when evaluation is complete, the dynamic context reverts to its previous state. An expression that accesses information from the dynamic context always uses the value at the top of the stack.

The most commonly used component of the dynamic context is the context item. This is an implicit variable whose value is the item currently being processed (it may be a node, an atomic value, or a function item). The value of the context item can be referenced within an XPath expression using the expression . (dot).

Full details of the static and dynamic context are provided in 5.3 The Static and Dynamic Context.

2.7 Parsing and Serialization

An XSLT stylesheet describes a process that constructs a set of results from a set of inputs. The inputs are the data provided at stylesheet invocation, as described in 2.3 Initiating a Transformation. The results include the principal result (an arbitrary sequence), which is the result of the initial component invocation, together with any secondary results produced using xsl:result-document instructions.

The stylesheet does not describe how a source tree is constructed. Some possible ways of constructing source trees are described in [XDM 3.0]. Frequently an implementation will operate in conjunction with an XML parser (or more strictly, in the terminology of [XML 1.0], an XML processor), to build a source tree from an input XML document. An implementation may also provide an application programming interface allowing the tree to be constructed directly, or allowing it to be supplied in the form of a DOM Document object (see [DOM Level 2]). This is outside the scope of this specification. Users should be aware, however, that since the input to the transformation is a tree conforming to the XDM data model as described in [XDM 3.0], constructs that might exist in the original XML document, or in the DOM, but which are not within the scope of the data model, cannot be processed by the stylesheet and cannot be guaranteed to remain unchanged in the transformation output. Such constructs include CDATA section boundaries, the use of entity references, and the DOCTYPE declaration and internal DTD subset.

[Definition: A frequent requirement is to output a final result tree as an XML document (or in other formats such as HTML). This process is referred to as serialization.]

Like parsing, serialization is not part of the transformation process, and it is not required that an XSLT processor must be able to perform serialization. However, for pragmatic reasons, this specification describes declarations (the xsl:output element and the xsl:character-map declarations, see 27 Serialization), and attributes on the xsl:result-document instruction, that allow a stylesheet to specify the desired properties of a serialized output file. When serialization is not being performed, either because the implementation does not support the serialization option, or because the user is executing the transformation in a way that does not invoke serialization, then the content of the xsl:output and xsl:character-map declarations has no effect. Under these circumstances the processor may report any errors in an xsl:output or xsl:character-map declaration, or in the serialization attributes of xsl:result-document, but is not required to do so.

2.8 Packages and Modules

In XSLT 1.0 and 2.0 it was possible to structure a stylesheet as a collection of modules, using the xsl:include and xsl:import declarations to express the dependency of one module on others.

In XSLT 3.0 an additional layer of modularization of stylesheet code was enabled through the introduction of packages. A package is a collection of stylesheet modules with a controlled interface to the packages that use it: for example, it defines which functions and templates defined in the package are visible to callers, which are purely internal, and which are not only public but capable of being overridden by other functions and templates supplied by the using package.

Packages are introduced with several motivations, which broadly divide into two categories:

  1. Software engineering benefits: greater re-use of code, greater robustness through ease of testing, controlled evolution of code in response to new requirements, ability to deliver code that users cannot see or modify.

  2. Efficiency benefits: the ability to avoid compiling libraries repeatedly when they are used in multiple stylesheets, and to avoid holding multiple copies of the same library in memory simultaneously.

Packages are designed to allow separate compilation: that is, a package can be compiled independently of the packages that use it. This specification does not define a process model for compilation, or expand on what it means to compile different packages independently. Nor does it mandate that implementations offer any feature along these lines. It merely defines language features that are designed to make separate compilation of packages possible.

To achieve this, packages (unlike modules):

  • Must not contain unresolved references to functions, templates, or variables declared in other packages;

  • Have strict rules governing the ability to override declarations in a library package with declarations in a package that uses the library;

  • Constrain the visibility of component names and of context declarations such as the declarations of keys and decimal formats;

  • Can declare a mode (a collection of template rules) as final, which disallows the addition of new overriding template rules in a using package;

  • Require explicit disambiguation where naming conflicts arise, for example when a package uses two other packages that both export like-named components;

  • Allow multiple specializations of library components to coexist in the same application.

A package is defined in XSLT by means of an XML document whose outermost element is an xsl:package element. This is referred to as the package manifest. The xsl:package element has optional child elements xsl:use-package and xsl:expose describing properties of the package. The package manifest may refer to an external top-level stylesheet module using an xsl:include or xsl:import declaration, or it may contain the body of a stylesheet module inline (the two approaches can also be mixed).

Although this specification defines packages as constructs written using a defined XSLT syntax, implementations may provide mechanisms that allow packages to be written using other languages (for example, XQuery).

When no packages are explicitly defined, the entire stylesheet is treated as a single package; the effect is as if the xsl:stylesheet or xsl:transform element of the principal stylesheet module were replaced by an xsl:package element with no other information in the package manifest.

2.9 Extensibility

XSLT defines a number of features that allow the language to be extended by implementers, or, if implementers choose to provide the capability, by users. These features have been designed, so far as possible, so that they can be used without sacrificing interoperability. Extensions other than those explicitly defined in this specification are not permitted.

These features are all based on XML namespaces; namespaces are used to ensure that the extensions provided by one implementer do not clash with those of a different implementer.

The most common way of extending the language is by providing additional functions, which can be invoked from XPath expressions. These are known as extension functions, and are described in 25.1 Extension Functions.

It is also permissible to extend the language by providing new instructions. These are referred to as extension instructions, and are described in 25.2 Extension Instructions. A stylesheet that uses extension instructions in a particular namespace must declare that it is doing so by using the [xsl:]extension-element-prefixes attribute.

Extension instructions and extension functions defined according to these rules may be provided by the implementer of the XSLT processor, and the implementer may also provide facilities to allow users to create further extension instructions and extension functions.

This specification defines how extension instructions and extension functions are invoked, but the facilities for creating new extension instructions and extension functions are implementation-defined. For further details, see 25 Extensibility and Fallback.

The XSLT language can also be extended by the use of extension attributes (see 3.2 Extension Attributes), and by means of user-defined data elements (see 3.7.3 User-defined Data Elements).

2.10 Stylesheets and XML Schemas

An XSLT stylesheet can make use of information from a schema. An XSLT transformation can take place in the absence of a schema (and, indeed, in the absence of a DTD), but where the source document has undergone schema validity assessment, the XSLT processor has access to the type information associated with individual nodes, not merely to the untyped text.

Information from a schema can be used both statically (when the stylesheet is compiled), and dynamically (during evaluation of the stylesheet to transform a source document).

There are places within a stylesheet, and within XPath expressions and patterns in a stylesheet, where it is possible to refer to named type definitions in a schema, or to element and attribute declarations. For example, it is possible to declare the types expected for the parameters of a function. This is done using a SequenceType.

[Definition: A SequenceType constrains the type and number of items in a sequence. The term is used both to denote the concept, and to refer to the syntactic form in which sequence types are expressed in the XPath grammar: specifically SequenceTypeXP40 in [XPath 3.0].], or SequenceTypeXP40 in [XPath 3.1], depending on whether or not the XPath 3.1 feature is implemented.

[Definition: Type definitions and element and attribute declarations are referred to collectively as schema components.]

[Definition: The schema components that may be referenced by name in a package are referred to as the in-scope schema components.]

The set of in-scope schema components may vary between one package and another, but as explained in 3.15 Importing Schema Components, the schema components used in different packages must be consistent with each other.

The conformance rules for XSLT 4.0, defined in 28 Conformance, distinguish between a basic XSLT processor and a schema-aware XSLT processor. As the names suggest, a basic XSLT processor does not support the features of XSLT that require access to schema information, either statically or dynamically. A stylesheet that works with a basic XSLT processor will produce the same results with a schema-aware XSLT processor provided that the source documents are untyped (that is, they are not validated against a schema). However, if source documents are validated against a schema then the results may be different from the case where they are not validated. Some constructs that work on untyped data may fail with typed data (for example, an attribute of type xs:date cannot be used as an argument of the substringFO30 function) and other constructs may produce different results depending on the datatype (for example, given the element <product price="10.00" discount="2.00"/>, the expression @price gt @discount will return true if the attributes have type xs:decimal, but will return false if they are untyped).

There is a standard set of type definitions that are always available as in-scope schema components in every stylesheet. These are defined in 3.14 Built-in Types.

The remainder of this section describes facilities that are available only with a schema-aware XSLT processor.

Additional schema components (type definitions, element declarations, and attribute declarations) may be added to the in-scope schema components by means of the xsl:import-schema declaration in a stylesheet.

The xsl:import-schema declaration may reference an external schema document by means of a URI, or it may contain an inline xs:schema element.

It is only necessary to import a schema explicitly if one or more of its schema components are referenced explicitly by name in the stylesheet; it is not necessary to import a schema merely because the stylesheet is used to process a source document that has been assessed against that schema. It is possible to make use of the information resulting from schema assessment (for example, the fact that a particular attribute holds a date) even if no schema has been imported by the stylesheet.

Importing a schema does not of itself say anything about the type of the source document that the stylesheet is expected to process. The imported type definitions can be used for temporary nodes or for nodes on a result tree just as much as for nodes in source documents. It is possible to make assertions about the type of an input document by means of tests within the stylesheet. For example:

Example: Asserting the Required Type of the Source Document
<xsl:mode typed="lax"/>
<xsl:global-context-item use="required"

This example will cause the transformation to fail with an error message, unless the global context item is valid against the top-level element declaration my:invoice, and has been annotated as such.

The setting typed="lax" further ensures that in any match pattern for a template rule in this mode, an element name that corresponds to the name of an element declaration in the schema is taken as referring to elements validated against that declaration: for example, match="employee" will only match a validated employee element. Selecting this option enables the XSLT processor to do more compile-time type-checking against the schema, for example it allows the processor to produce warning or error messages when path expressions contain misspelt element names, or confuse an element with an attribute.

It is also true that importing a schema does not of itself say anything about the structure of the result tree. It is possible to request validation of a result tree against the schema by using the xsl:result-document instruction, for example:

Example: Requesting Validation of the Result Document
<xsl:template match="/">
  <xsl:result-document validation="strict">

This example will cause the transformation to fail with an error message unless the document element of the result document is valid against the top-level element declaration xhtml:html.

It is possible that a source document may contain nodes whose type annotation is not one of the types imported by the stylesheet. This creates a potential problem because in the case of an expression such as data(.) instance of xs:integer the system needs to know whether the type named in the type annotation of the context node is derived by restriction from the type xs:integer. This information is not explicitly available in an XDM tree, as defined in [XDM 3.0]. The implementation may choose one of several strategies for dealing with this situation:

  1. The processor may signal a dynamic error if a source document is found to contain a type annotation that is not known to the processor.

  2. The processor may maintain additional metadata, beyond that described in [XDM 3.0], that allows the source document to be processed as if all the necessary schema information had been imported using xsl:import-schema. Such metadata might be held in the data structure representing the source document itself, or it might be held in a system catalog or repository.

  3. The processor may be configured to use a fixed set of schemas, which are automatically used to validate all source documents before they can be supplied as input to a transformation. In this case it is impossible for a source document to have a type annotation that the processor is not aware of.

  4. The processor may be configured to treat the source document as if no schema processing had been performed, that is, effectively to strip all type annotations from elements and attributes on input, marking them instead as having type xs:untyped and xs:untypedAtomic respectively.

Where a stylesheet author chooses to make assertions about the types of nodes or of variables and parameters, it is possible for an XSLT processor to perform static analysis of the stylesheet (that is, analysis in the absence of any source document). Such analysis may reveal errors that would otherwise not be discovered until the transformation is actually executed. An XSLT processor is not required to perform such static type-checking. Under some circumstances (see 2.14 Error Handling) type errors that are detected early may be reported as static errors. In addition an implementation may report any condition found during static analysis as a warning, provided that this does not prevent the stylesheet being evaluated as described by this specification.

A stylesheet can also control the type annotations of nodes that it constructs in a result tree. This can be done in a number of ways.

  • It is possible to request explicit validation of a complete document, that is, a result tree rooted at a document node. Validation is either strict or lax, as described in [XML Schema Part 1]. If validation of a result tree fails (strictly speaking, if the outcome of the validity assessment is invalid), then the transformation fails, but in all other cases, the element and attribute nodes of the tree will be annotated with the names of the types to which these nodes conform. These type annotations will be discarded if the result tree is serialized as an XML document, but they remain available when the result tree is passed to an application (perhaps another stylesheet) for further processing.

  • It is also possible to validate individual element and attribute nodes as they are constructed. This is done using the type and validation attributes of the xsl:element, xsl:attribute, xsl:copy, and xsl:copy-of instructions, or the xsl:type and xsl:validation attributes of a literal result element.

  • When elements, attributes, or document nodes are copied, either explicitly using the xsl:copy or xsl:copy-of instructions, or implicitly when nodes in a sequence are attached to a new parent node, the options validation="strip" and validation="preserve" are available, to control whether existing type annotations are to be retained or not.

When nodes in a temporary tree are validated, type information is available for use by operations carried out on the temporary tree, in the same way as for a source document that has undergone schema assessment.

For details of how validation of element and attribute nodes works, see 26.4 Validation.

2.11 Streaming

[Definition: The term streaming refers to a manner of processing in which XML documents (such as source and result documents) are not represented by a complete tree of nodes occupying memory proportional to document size, but instead are processed “on the fly” as a sequence of events, similar in concept to the stream of events notified by an XML parser to represent markup in lexical XML.]

[Definition: A streamed document is a source tree that is processed using streaming, that is, without constructing a complete tree of nodes in memory.]

[Definition: A streamed node is a node in a streamed document.]

Many processors implementing earlier versions of this specification adopted an architecture that allowed streaming of the result tree directly to a serializer, without first materializing the complete result tree in memory. Streaming of the source tree, however, has proved to be more difficult without subsetting the language. This has created a situation where documents exceeding the capacity of virtual memory could not be transformed. XSLT 3.0 therefore introduced facilities allowing stylesheets to be written in a way that makes streaming of source documents possible, without excessive reliance on processor-specific optimization techniques.

Streaming achieves two important objectives: it allows large documents to be transformed without requiring correspondingly large amounts of memory; and it allows the processor to start producing output before it has finished receiving its input, thus reducing latency.

This specification does not attempt to legislate precisely which implementation techniques fall under the definition of streaming, and which do not. A number of techniques are available that reduce memory requirements, while still requiring a degree of buffering, or allocation of memory to partial results. A stylesheet that requests streaming of a source document is indicating that the processor should avoid assuming that the entire source document will fit in memory; in return, the stylesheet must be written in a way that makes streaming possible. This specification does not attempt to describe the algorithms that the processor should actually use, or to impose quantitative constraints on the resources that these algorithms should consume.

Nothing in this specification, nor in its predecessors [XSLT 1.0] and [XSLT 2.0], prevents a processor using streaming whenever it sees an opportunity to do so. However, experience has shown that in order to achieve streaming, it is often necessary to write stylesheet code in such a way as to make this possible. Therefore, XSLT provides explicit constructs allowing the stylesheet author to request streaming, and defines explicit static constraints on the structure of the code which are designed to make streaming possible.

A processor that claims conformance with the streaming option offers a guarantee that when streaming is requested for a source document, and when the stylesheet conforms to the rules that make the processing guaranteed-streamable, then an algorithm will be adopted in which memory consumption is either completely independent of document size, or increases only very slowly as document size increases, allowing documents to be processed that are orders-of-magnitude larger than the physical memory available. A processor that does not claim conformance with the streaming option must still process a stylesheet and deliver the correct results, but is not required to use streaming algorithms, and may therefore fail with out-of-memory errors when presented with large source documents.

Apart from the fact that there are constructs to request streaming, and rules that must be followed to guarantee that streaming is possible, the language has been designed so there are as few differences as possible between streaming and non-streaming evaluation. The semantics of the language continue to be expressed in terms of the XDM data model, which is substantively unchanged; but readers must take care to observe that when terms like “node” and “axis” are used, the concepts are completely abstract and may have no direct representation in the run-time execution environment.

Streamed processing of a document can be initiated in one of three ways:

  • The initial mode can be declared as a streamable mode. In this case the initial match selection will generally be a document node (or sequence of document nodes), supplied by the calling application in a form that allows streaming (that is, in some form other than a tree in memory; for example, as a reference to a push or pull XML parser primed to deliver a stream of events). The type of these nodes can be constrained by using the attribute on-no-match="fail" on the initial mode, and using this mode only for processing the top-level nodes.

  • Streamed processing of any document can be initiated using the xsl:source-document instruction. This has an attribute href whose value is the URI of a document to be processed, and an attribute streamable that indicates whether it is to be processed using streaming; the actual processing to be applied is defined by the instructions written as children of the xsl:source-document instruction.

  • Streamed merging of a set of input documents can be initiated using the xsl:merge instruction.

The rules for streamability, which are defined in detail in 19 Streamability, impose two main constraints:

  • The only nodes reachable from the node that is currently being processed are its attributes and namespaces, its ancestors and their attributes and namespaces, and its descendants and their attributes and namespaces. The siblings of the node, and the siblings of its ancestors, are not reachable in the tree, and any attempt to use their values is a static error.

  • When processing a given node in the tree, each descendant node can only be visited once. Essentially this allows two styles of processing: either visit each of the children once, and then process that child with the same restrictions applied; or process all the descendants in a single pass, in which case it is not possible while processing a descendant to make any further downward selection.

The second restriction, that only one visit to the children is allowed, means that XSLT code that was not designed with streaming in mind will often need to be rewritten to make it streamable. In many cases it is possible to do this using a technique sometimes called windowing or burst-mode streaming (note this is not quite the same meaning as windowing in XQuery 3.0). Many XML documents consist of a large number of elements, each of manageable size, representing transactions or business objects where each such element can be processed independently: in such cases, an effective design pattern is to write a streaming transformation that takes a snapshot of each element in turn, processing the snapshot using the full power of the XSLT language. Each snapshot is a tree built in memory and is therefore fully navigable. For details see the snapshot and copy-of functions.

The new facility of accumulators allows applications complete control over how much information is retained (and by implication, how much memory is required) in the course of a pass over a streamed document. An accumulator computes a value for every node in a streamed document: or more accurately, two values, one for the first visit to a node (before visiting its descendants), and a second value for the second visit to the node (after visiting the descendants). The computation is structured in such a way that the value for a given node can depend only on the value for the previous node in document order together with the data available when positioned at the current node (for example, the attribute values). Based on the well-established fold operation of functional programming languages, accumulators provide the convenience and economy of mutable variables while remaining within the constraints of a purely declarative processing model.

When streaming is initiated, for example using the xsl:source-document instruction, it is necessary to declare which accumulators are applicable to the streamed document.

Streaming applications often fall into one of the following categories:

  • Aggregation applications, where a single aggregation operation (perhaps countFO30, sumFO30, existsFO30, or distinct-valuesFO30) is applied to a set of elements selected from the streamed source document by means of a path expression.

  • Record-at-a-time applications, where the source document consists of a long sequence of elements with similar structure (“records”), and each “record” is processed using the same logic, independently of any other “records”. This kind of processing is facilitated using the snapshot and copy-of function mentioned earlier.

  • Grouping applications, where the output follows the structure of the input, except that an extra layer of hierarchy is added. For example, the input might be a flat series of banking transactions in date/time order, and the output might contain the same transactions grouped by date.

  • Accumulator applications, which are the same as record-at-a-time applications, except that the processing of one “record” might depend on data encountered earlier in the document. A classic example is processing a sequence of banking transactions in which the input transaction contains a debit or credit amount, and the output adds a running total (the account balance). The xsl:iterate instruction has been introduced to facilitate this style of processing.

  • Isomorphic transformations, in which there is an ordered (often largely one-to-one) relationship between the nodes of the source tree and the nodes of the result tree: for example, transformations that involve only the renaming or selective deletion of nodes, or scalar manipulations of the values held in the leaf nodes. Such transformations are most conveniently expressed using recursive application of template rules. This is possible with a streamed input document only if all the template rules adhere to the constraints required for streamability. To enforce these rules, while still allowing unrestricted processing of other documents within the same transformation, all streaming evaluation must be carried out using a specific mode, which is declared to be a streaming mode by means of an xsl:mode declaration in the stylesheet.

There are important classes of application in which streaming is possible only if multiple streams can be processed in parallel. This specification therefore provides facilities:

  1. allowing multiple sorted input sequences to be merged into one sorted output sequence (the xsl:merge instruction)

  2. allowing multiple output sequences to be generated during a single pass of an input sequence (the xsl:fork instruction).

These facilities have been designed in such a way that they can readily be implemented using streaming, that is, without materializing the input or output sequences in memory.

2.12 Streamed Validation

Streaming can be combined with schema-aware processing: that is, the streamed input to a transformation can be subjected to on-the-fly validation, a process which typically accepts an input stream from the XML parser and delivers an output stream (of type-annotated nodes) to the transformation processor. The XSD specification is designed so that validation is, with one or two exceptions, a streamable process. The exceptions include:

  • There may be a need to allocate memory to hold keys, in order to enforce uniqueness and referential integrity constraints (xs:unique, xs:key, xs:keyref).

  • In XSD 1.1, assertions can be defined by means of XPath expressions. These are not constrained to be streamable; in the general case, any subtree of the document that is validated using an assertion may need to be buffered in memory while the assertion is processed.

Applications that need to run in finite memory may therefore need to avoid these XSD features, or to use them with care.

XSD is designed so that the intended type of an element (the “governing type”) can be determined as soon as the start tag of the element is encountered: the process of validation checks whether the content of the element actually conforms to this type, and by the time the end tag is encountered, the process will have established either that the element is valid against the governing type, or that it is invalid.

By default, dynamic errors occurring during streamed processing are fatal: they typically cause the transformation to fail immediately. XSLT 3.0 introduced the ability to catch dynamic errors and recover from them. Schema invalidity, however, is treated as a dynamic error of the instruction that processes the entire input stream, so after a validation failure, no further processing of that input stream is possible.

In consequence, a streamed validator that is running in tandem with a streamed transformation can present the transformer with element nodes that carry a provisional type annotation representing the type that the element will have if it turns out to be valid. As soon as a node is encountered that violates this assumption, the validator should stop the flow of data to the transformer, so that the transformer never sees invalid data. This allows the stylesheet code to be compiled with the assumption of type-safety: at run-time, all nodes seen by the transformation will conform to their XSLT-declared types (for example, a type declared implicitly using match="schema-element(invoice)" on an xsl:template element).

A streamed transformation that only accesses part of the input document (for example, a header at the start of a document) is not required to continue reading once the data it needs has been read. This means that XML well-formedness or validity errors occurring in the unread part of the input stream may go undetected.

2.13 Streaming of non-XML data

The facilities in this specification designed to enable large data sets to be processed in a streaming manner are oriented almost entirely to XML data. This does not mean that there is never a requirement to stream non-XML data, or that the Working Group has ignored this requirement; rather, the Working Group has concluded that for the most part, streaming of non-XML data can be achieved by implementations without the need for specific language features in XSLT.

To make streamed processing of unparsed text files easier, the function unparsed-text-linesFO30 has been introduced. This is not only more convenient for stylesheet authors than reading the entire input using the unparsed-textFO30 function and then tokenizing the result, it is also easier for implementations to optimize, allowing each line of text to be discarded from memory after it has been processed.

For all functions that access external data, including document, docFO30, collectionFO30, unparsed-textFO30, unparsed-text-linesFO30, and json-docFO40, the requirements on determinism can now be relaxed using implementation-defined configuration options. This is significant because it means that when a transformation reads the same external resource more than once, it becomes legitimate for the contents of the resource to be different on different invocations, and this eliminates the need for the processor to cache the contents of the resource in memory.

In the XDM data model, every value is a sequence, and (as with most functional programming languages), processing of sequences of items is pervasive throughout the XSLT and XPath languages and their function library. Good performance of a functional programming language often depends on sequence-based operations being pipelined, and being evaluated in a lazy fashion (that is, many operations process items in a sequence one at a time, in order; and many operations can deliver a result without processing the entire sequence). The semantics of XSLT and XPath permit pipelined and lazy evaluation (for example, the error handling semantics are carefully written to ensure this), but they do not require it: the details are left to implementations. Pipelined processing of a sequence is not the same thing as streamed processing of a tree, and where the XSLT specification talks of operations being “guaranteed streamable”, this is always referring to processing of trees, not of sequences.

The facilities for streaming of XML trees include operations such as copy-of and snapshot which are able to take a sequence of streamed nodes as input, and produce a sequence of in-memory (unstreamed) nodes as output. It is also possible to generate a sequence of strings or other atomic values through the process of atomization. The actual memory usage of a streamed XSLT application may depend significantly on whether the processing of the resulting sequence of in-memory nodes or atomic values is pipelined or not. The specification, however, has nothing to say on this matter: it is considered an area where implementers can exercise their discretion and ingenuity.

Streaming of JSON input receives little attention in this specification. One can envisage an implementation of the json-to-xml function in which the XML delivered by the function consists of streamed nodes; but the Working Group has not researched the feasibility of such an implementation in any detail.

2.14 Error Handling

[Definition: An error that can be detected by examining a stylesheet before execution starts (that is, before the source document and values of stylesheet parameters are available) is referred to as a static error.]

Generally, errors in the structure of the stylesheet, or in the syntax of XPath expressions contained in the stylesheet, are classified as static errors. Where this specification states that an element in the stylesheet must or must not appear in a certain position, or that it must or must not have a particular attribute, or that an attribute must or must not have a value satisfying specified conditions, then any contravention of this rule is a static error unless otherwise specified.

A processor must provide a mode of operation that takes a (possibly erroneous) stylesheet package as input and enables the user to determine whether or not that package contains any static errors.


The manner in which static errors are reported, and the behavior when there are multiple static errors, are left as design choices for the implementer. It is recommended that the error codes defined in this specification should be made available in any diagnostics.

A processor may also provide a mode of operation in which static errors in parts of the stylesheet that are not evaluated can go unreported.


For example, when operating in this mode, a processor might report static errors in a template rule only if the input document contains nodes that match that template rule. Such a mode of operation can provide performance benefits when large and well-tested stylesheets are used to process source documents that might only use a small part of the XML vocabulary that the stylesheet is designed to handle.

[Definition: An error that is not capable of detection until a source document is being transformed is referred to as a dynamic error.]

When a dynamic error occurs, and is not caught using xsl:catch, the processor must signal the error, and the transformation fails.

Because different implementations may optimize execution of the stylesheet in different ways, the detection of dynamic errors is to some degree implementation-dependent. In cases where an implementation is able to produce a principal result or secondary result without evaluating a particular construct, the implementation is never required to evaluate that construct solely in order to determine whether doing so causes a dynamic error. For example, if a variable is declared but never referenced, an implementation may choose whether or not to evaluate the variable declaration, which means that if evaluating the variable declaration causes a dynamic error, some implementations will signal this error and others will not.

There are some cases where this specification requires that a construct must not be evaluated: for example, the content of an xsl:if instruction must not be evaluated if the test condition is false. This means that an implementation must not signal any dynamic errors that would arise if the construct were evaluated.

An implementation may signal a dynamic error before any source document is available, but only if it can determine that the error would be signaled for every possible source document and every possible set of parameter values. For example, some circularity errors fall into this category: see 9.11 Circular Definitions.

There are also some dynamic errors where the specification gives a processor license to signal the error during the analysis phase even if the construct might never be executed; an example is the use of an invalid QName as a literal argument to a function such as key, or the use of an invalid regular expression in the regex attribute of the xsl:analyze-string instruction.

A dynamic error is also signaled during the static analysis phase if the error occurs during evaluation of a static expression.

The XPath specification states (see Section 2.4.1 Kinds of ErrorsXP40) that if any expression (at any level) can be evaluated during the analysis phase (because all its explicit operands are known and it has no dependencies on the dynamic context), then any error in performing this evaluation may be reported as a static error. For XPath expressions used in an XSLT stylesheet, however, any such errors must not be reported as static errors in the stylesheet unless they would occur in every possible evaluation of that stylesheet; instead, they must be signaled as dynamic errors, and signaled only if the XPath expression is actually evaluated.

Example: Errors in Constant Subexpressions

An XPath processor may report statically that the expression 1 div 0 fails with a “divide by zero” error. But suppose this XPath expression occurs in an XSLT construct such as:

  <xsl:when test="system-property('xsl:version') = '1.0'">
    <xsl:value-of select="1 div 0"/>
    <xsl:value-of select="xs:double('INF')"/>

Then the XSLT processor must not report an error, because the relevant XPath construct appears in a context where it will never be executed by an XSLT 4.0. (An XSLT 1.0 processor will execute this code successfully, returning positive infinity, because it uses double arithmetic rather than decimal arithmetic.)

[Definition: Certain errors are classified as type errors. A type error occurs when the value supplied as input to an operation is of the wrong type for that operation, for example when an integer is supplied to an operation that expects a node.] If a type error occurs in an instruction that is actually evaluated, then it must be signaled in the same way as a dynamic error. Alternatively, an implementation may signal a type error during the analysis phase in the same way as a static error, even if it occurs in part of the stylesheet that is never evaluated, provided it can establish that execution of a particular construct would never succeed.

It is implementation-defined whether type errors are signaled statically.

Example: A Type Error

The following construct contains a type error, because 42 is not allowed as the value of the select expression of the xsl:number instruction (it must be a node). An implementation may optionally signal this as a static error, even though the offending instruction will never be evaluated, and the type error would therefore never be signaled as a dynamic error.

<xsl:if test="false()">
  <xsl:number select="42"/>

On the other hand, in the following example it is not possible to determine statically whether the operand of xsl:number will have a suitable dynamic type. An implementation may produce a warning in such cases, but it must not treat it as an error.

<xsl:template match="para">
  <xsl:param name="p" as="item()"/>
  <xsl:number select="$p"/>

If more than one error arises, an implementation is not required to signal any errors other than the first one that it detects. It is implementation-dependent which of the several errors is signaled. This applies both to static errors and to dynamic errors. An implementation is allowed to signal more than one error, but if any errors have been signaled, it must not finish as if the transformation were successful.

When a transformation signals one or more dynamic errors, the final state of any persistent resources updated by the transformation is implementation-dependent. Implementations are not required to restore such resources to their initial state. In particular, where a transformation produces multiple result documents, it is possible that one or more serialized result documents may be written successfully before the transformation terminates, but the application cannot rely on this behavior.

Everything said above about error handling applies equally to errors in evaluating XSLT instructions, and errors in evaluating XPath expressions. Static errors and dynamic errors may occur in both cases.

[Definition: If a transformation has successfully produced a principal result or secondary result, it is still possible that errors may occur in serializing that result . For example, it may be impossible to serialize the result using the encoding selected by the user. Such an error is referred to as a serialization error.] If the processor performs serialization, then it must do so as specified in 27 Serialization, and in particular it must signal any serialization errors that occur.

Errors are identified by a QName. For errors defined in this specification, the namespace of the QName is always (and is therefore not given explicitly), while the local part is an 8-character code in the form PPSSNNNN. Here PP is always XT (meaning XSLT), and SS is one of SE (static error), DE (dynamic error), or TE (type error). Note that the allocation of an error to one of these categories is purely for convenience and carries no normative implications about the way the error is handled. Many errors, for example, can be reported either dynamically or statically. These error codes are used to label error conditions in this specification, and are summarized in E Summary of Error Conditions.

Errors defined in related specifications ([XPath 4.0], [Functions and Operators 4.0] [XSLT and XQuery Serialization]) use QNames with a similar structure, in the same namespace. When errors occur in processing XPath expressions, an XSLT processor should use the original error code reported by the XPath processor, unless a more specific XSLT error code is available.

Implementations must use the codes defined in these specifications when signaling dynamic errors, to ensure that xsl:catch behaves in an interoperable way across implementations. Stylesheet authors should note, however, that there are many examples of errors where more than one rule in this specification is violated, and where the processor therefore has discretion in deciding which error code to associate with the condition: there is therefore no guarantee that different processors will always use the same error code for the same erroneous input.

Additional errors defined by an implementation (or by an application) may use QNames in an implementation-defined (or user-defined) namespace without risk of collision.

3 Stylesheet Structure

This section describes the overall structure of a stylesheet as a collection of XML documents.

3.1 XSLT Namespace

[Definition: The XSLT namespace has the URI It is used to identify elements, attributes, and other names that have a special meaning defined in this specification.]


The 1999 in the URI indicates the year in which the URI was allocated by the W3C. It does not indicate the version of XSLT being used, which is specified by attributes (see 3.7 Stylesheet Element and 3.8 Simplified Stylesheet Modules).

XSLT processors must use the XML namespaces mechanism [Namespaces in XML] to recognize elements and attributes from this namespace. Elements from the XSLT namespace are recognized only in the stylesheet and not in the source document. The complete list of XSLT-defined elements is specified in D Element Syntax Summary. Implementations must not extend the XSLT namespace with additional elements or attributes. Instead, any extension must be in a separate namespace. Any namespace that is used for additional instruction elements must be identified by means of the extension instruction mechanism specified in 25.2 Extension Instructions.

Except where the rules for forwards compatible behavior dictate otherwise, it is a static error for any element in the stylesheet to be in the XSLT namespace unless it is an element defined in this specification [see ERR XTSE0010].

This specification uses a prefix of xsl: for referring to elements in the XSLT namespace. However, XSLT stylesheets are free to use any prefix, provided that there is a namespace declaration that binds the prefix to the URI of the XSLT namespace.


Throughout this specification, an element or attribute that is in no namespace, or an expanded QName whose namespace part is an empty sequence, is referred to as having a null namespace URI.


By convention, the names of XSLT elements, attributes and functions are all lower-case; they use hyphens to separate words, and they use abbreviations only if these already appear in the syntax of a related language such as XML or HTML. Names of types defined in XML Schema are regarded as single words and are capitalized exactly as in XML Schema. This sometimes leads to composite function names such as current-dateTimeFO30.

3.2 Extension Attributes

[Definition: An element from the XSLT namespace may have any attribute not from the XSLT namespace, provided that the expanded QName (see [XPath 3.0]) of the attribute has a non-null namespace URI. These attributes are referred to as extension attributes.] The presence of an extension attribute must not cause the principal result or any secondary result of the transformation to be different from the results that a conformant XSLT 4.0 processor might produce. They must not cause the processor to fail to signal an error that a conformant processor is required to signal. This means that an extension attribute must not change the effect of any instruction except to the extent that the effect is implementation-defined or implementation-dependent.

Furthermore, if serialization is performed using one of the serialization methods described in [XSLT and XQuery Serialization], the presence of an extension attribute must not cause the serializer to behave in a way that is inconsistent with the mandatory provisions of that specification.


Extension attributes may be used to modify the behavior of extension functions and extension instructions. They may be used to select processing options in cases where the specification leaves the behavior implementation-defined or implementation-dependent. They may also be used for optimization hints, for diagnostics, or for documentation.

Extension attributes may also be used to influence the behavior of the serialization methods xml, xhtml, html, or text, to the extent that the behavior of the serialization method is implementation-defined or implementation-dependent. For example, an extension attribute might be used to define the amount of indentation to be used when indent="yes" is specified. If a serialization method other than one of these four is requested (using a prefixed QName in the method parameter) then extension attributes may influence its behavior in arbitrary ways. Extension attributes must not be used to cause the standard serialization methods to behave in a non-conformant way, for example by failing to report serialization errors that a serializer is required to report. An implementation that wishes to provide such options must create a new serialization method for the purpose.

An implementation that does not recognize the name of an extension attribute, or that does not recognize its value, must perform the transformation as if the extension attribute were not present. As always, it is permissible to produce warning messages.

The namespace used for an extension attribute will be copied to the result tree in the normal way if it is in scope for a literal result element. This can be prevented using the [xsl:]exclude-result-prefixes attribute.

Example: An Extension Attribute for xsl:message

The following code might be used to indicate to a particular implementation that the xsl:message instruction is to ask the user for confirmation before continuing with the transformation:

<xsl:message abc:pause="yes"
       Phase 1 complete

Implementations that do not recognize the namespace will simply ignore the extra attribute, and evaluate the xsl:message instruction in the normal way.

[ERR XTSE0090] It is a static error for an element from the XSLT namespace to have an attribute whose namespace is either null (that is, an attribute with an unprefixed name) or the XSLT namespace, other than attributes defined for the element in this document.

3.3 XSLT Media Type

The media type application/xslt+xml has been registered for XSLT stylesheet modules.

The definition of the media type is at [XSLT Media Type].

This media type should be used for an XML document containing a standard stylesheet module at its top level, and it may also be used for a simplified stylesheet module. It should not be used for an XML document containing an embedded stylesheet module.

3.4 Standard Attributes

[Definition: There are a number of standard attributes that may appear on any XSLT element: specifically default-collation, default-mode, default-validation, exclude-result-prefixes, expand-text, extension-element-prefixes, use-when, version, and xpath-default-namespace.]

These attributes may also appear on a literal result element, but in this case, to distinguish them from user-defined attributes, the names of the attributes are in the XSLT namespace. They are thus typically written as xsl:default-collation, xsl:default-mode, xsl:default-validation, xsl:exclude-result-prefixes, xsl:expand-text, xsl:extension-element-prefixes, xsl:use-when, xsl:version, or xsl:xpath-default-namespace.

It is recommended that all these attributes should also be permitted on extension instructions, but this is at the discretion of the implementer of each extension instruction. They may also be permitted on user-defined data elements, though they will only have any useful effect in the case of data elements that are designed to behave like XSLT declarations or instructions.

In the following descriptions, these attributes are referred to generically as [xsl:]version, and so on.

These attributes all affect the element they appear on, together with any elements and attributes that have that element as an ancestor. The two forms with and without the XSLT namespace have the same effect; the XSLT namespace is used for the attribute if and only if its parent element is not in the XSLT namespace.

In the case of [xsl:]default-collation, [xsl:]expand-text, [xsl:]version, and [xsl:]xpath-default-namespace, the value can be overridden by a different value for the same attribute appearing on a descendant element. The effective value of the attribute for a particular stylesheet element is determined by the innermost ancestor-or-self element on which the attribute appears.

In an embedded stylesheet module, standard attributes appearing on ancestors of the outermost element of the stylesheet module have no effect.

In the case of [xsl:]exclude-result-prefixes and [xsl:]extension-element-prefixes the values are cumulative. For these attributes, the value is given as a whitespace-separated list of namespace prefixes, and the effective value for an element is the combined set of namespace URIs designated by the prefixes that appear in this attribute for that element and any of its ancestor elements. Again, the two forms with and without the XSLT namespace are equivalent.

The effect of the [xsl:]use-when attribute is described in 3.13.3 Conditional Element Inclusion.

Because these attributes may appear on any XSLT element, they are not listed in the syntax summary of each individual element. Instead they are listed and described in the entry for the xsl:stylesheet, xsl:transform, and xsl:package elements only. This reflects the fact that these attributes are often used on the outermost element of the stylesheet, in which case they apply to the entire stylesheet module or package manifest.

Note that the effect of these attributes does not extend to stylesheet modules referenced by xsl:include or xsl:import declarations, nor to packages referenced using xsl:use-package.

For the detailed effect of each attribute, see the following sections:


see 3.7.1 The default-collation Attribute


see 3.7.2 The default-mode Attribute


see 26.4 Validation


see 11.1.3 Namespace Nodes for Literal Result Elements


see 5.7.2 Text Value Templates


see 25.2 Extension Instructions


see 3.13.3 Conditional Element Inclusion


see 3.9 Backwards Compatible Processing and 3.10 Forwards Compatible Processing


see 5.1.2 Unprefixed Lexical QNames in Expressions and Patterns

3.5 Packages

[Definition: An explicit package is represented by an xsl:package element, which will generally be the outermost element of an XML document. When the xsl:package element is not used explicitly, the entire stylesheet comprises a single implicit package.] (This specification does not preclude the xsl:package being embedded in another XML document, but it will never have any other XSLT element as an ancestor).

  id? = id
  name? = uri
  package-version? = string〔'1'〕
  version = decimal
  input-type-annotations? = "preserve" | "strip" | "unspecified"〔'unspecified'〕
  declared-modes? = boolean〔'yes'〕
  default-mode? = eqname | "#unnamed"〔'#unnamed'〕
  default-validation? = "preserve" | "strip"〔'strip'〕
  default-collation? = uris
  extension-element-prefixes? = prefixes
  exclude-result-prefixes? = prefixes
  expand-text? = boolean〔'no'〕
  use-when? = expression〔true()〕
  xpath-default-namespace? = uri >
  <!-- Content: ((xsl:expose | declarations)*) -->

[Definition: The content of the xsl:package element is referred to as the package manifest].

The version attribute indicates the version of the XSLT language specification to which the package manifest conforms. The value should normally be 4.0. If the value is numerically less than 4.0, the content of the xsl:package element is processed using the rules for backwards compatible behavior (see 3.9 Backwards Compatible Processing). If the value is numerically greater than 4.0, it is processed using the rules for forwards compatible behavior (see 3.10 Forwards Compatible Processing).

A package typically has a name, given in its name attribute, which must be an absolute URI. Unnamed packages are allowed, but they can only be used as the “top level” of an application; they cannot be the target of an xsl:use-package declaration in another package.

A package may have a version identifier, given in its package-version attribute. This is used to distinguish different versions of a package. The value of the version attribute, after trimming leading and trailing whitespace, must conform to the syntax given in 3.5.1 Versions of a Package. If no version number is specified for a package, version 1 is assumed.

The attributes default-collation, default-mode, default-validation, exclude-result-prefixes, expand-text, extension-element-prefixes, use-when, version, and xpath-default-namespace are standard attributes that can appear on any XSLT element, and potentially affect all descendant elements. Their meaning is described in 3.4 Standard Attributes.

The package manifest contains the following elements, arbitrarily ordered:

  1. Zero or more xsl:expose declarations that define the interface offered by this package to the outside world. An xsl:expose declaration may appear only as a child of xsl:package.

  2. Zero or more additional declarations. These are the same as the declarations permitted as children of xsl:stylesheet or xsl:transform.

    Some declarations of particular relevance to packages include:

    1. The xsl:use-package declaration, which declares the names and versions of the packages on which this package is dependant.

    2. The optional xsl:global-context-item element; if present this element defines constraints on the existence and type of the global context item.

    3. Zero or more xsl:include and xsl:import declarations, which define additional stylesheet modules to be incorporated into this package.

    4. Zero or more ordinary declarations, that is, elements that are permitted as children of xsl:stylesheet or xsl:transform. One possible coding style is to include in the package manifest just a single xsl:import or xsl:include declaration as a reference to the effective top-level stylesheet module; this approach is particularly suitable when writing code that is required to run under releases of XSLT earlier than 3.0. Another approach is to include the substance of the top-level stylesheet module inline within the package manifest.

Example: An example package

The following example shows a package that offers a number of functions for manipulating complex numbers. A complex number is represented as a map with two entries, the keys being 0 for the real part, and 1 for the imaginary part.

  <xsl:function name="f:complex-number" 
                as="map(xs:integer, xs:double)" visibility="public">
    <xsl:param name="real" as="xs:double"/>
    <xsl:param name="imaginary" as="xs:double"/>
    <xsl:sequence select="map{ 0:$real, 1:$imaginary }"/>
  <xsl:function name="f:real" 
                as="xs:double" visibility="public">
    <xsl:param name="complex" as="map(xs:integer, xs:double)"/>
    <xsl:sequence select="$complex(0)"/>
  <xsl:function name="f:imag" 
                as="xs:double" visibility="public">
    <xsl:param name="complex" as="map(xs:integer, xs:double)"/>
    <xsl:sequence select="$complex(1)"/>
  <xsl:function name="f:add" 
                as="map(xs:integer, xs:double)" visibility="public">
    <xsl:param name="x" as="map(xs:integer, xs:double)"/>
    <xsl:param name="y" as="map(xs:integer, xs:double)"/>
    <xsl:sequence select="
           f:real($x) + f:real($y), 
           f:imag($x) + f:imag($y))"/>
  <xsl:function name="f:multiply" 
                as="map(xs:integer, xs:double)" visibility="public">
    <xsl:param name="x" as="map(xs:integer, xs:double)"/>
    <xsl:param name="y" as="map(xs:integer, xs:double)"/>
    <xsl:sequence select="
           f:real($x)*f:real($y) - f:imag($x)*f:imag($y),
           f:real($x)*f:imag($y) + f:imag($x)*f:real($y))"/>
  <!-- etc. -->

A more complex package might include private or abstract functions as well as public functions; it might expose components other than functions (for example, templates or global variables), and it might contain xsl:use-package elements to allow it to call on the services of other packages.


In this example, the way in which complex numbers are represented is exposed to users of the package. It would be possible to hide the representation by declaring the types on public functions simply as item(); but this would be at the cost of type safety.

A package that does not itself expose any components may be written using a simplified syntax: the xsl:package element is omitted, and the xsl:stylesheet or xsl:transform element is now the outermost element of the stylesheet module. For compatibility reasons, all the named templates and modes declared in the package are made public. More formally, the principal stylesheet module of the top-level package may be expressed as an xsl:stylesheet or xsl:transform element, which is equivalent to the package represented by the output of the following transformation, preserving the base URI of the source:

<xsl:transform version="3.0" 
    <xsl:namespace-alias stylesheet-prefix="t" result-prefix="xsl"/>
    <xsl:template match="xsl:stylesheet|xsl:transform">
      <t:package declared-modes="no">
        <xsl:copy-of select="@*"/>
        <t:expose component="mode" names="*" visibility="public"/>
        <t:expose component="template" names="*" visibility="public"/>
        <xsl:copy-of select="node()"/>

The effect of the input-type-annotations attribute is defined in 4.3.1 Stripping Type Annotations from a Source Tree.

A more extensive example of a package, illustrating how components in a package can be overridden in a client package, is given in 3.5.7 Worked Example of a Library Package.

3.5.1 Versions of a Package

If a package has a version number, the version number must conform to the grammar:

        PackageVersion   ::= NumericPart ( "-" NamePart )?
        NumericPart      ::= IntegerLiteral ( "." IntegerLiteral )*
        NamePart         ::= NCName

Here IntegerLiteralXP40 and NCName are as defined in the XPath 4.0 grammar productions of the same name (including rules on limits). Leading and trailing whitespace is ignored; no other whitespace is allowed.

Examples of valid version numbers are 2.0.5 or 3.10-alpha.

[Definition: The integer literals and the optional NamePart within the version number are referred to as the portions of the version number.]


This means that 1-alpha-2 is a valid version number, with two portions: 1 and alpha-2. The second hyphen is part of the NCName, it does not act as a portion separator.

Versions are ordered. When comparing two versions:

  1. Trailing zero portions (that is, any zero-valued integer that is not followed by another integer) are discarded.

  2. Comparison proceeds by comparing portions pairwise from the left.

  3. If both versions have the same number of portions and all portions compare equal (under the rules of the XPath eq operator using the Unicode codepoint collation), then the versions compare equal.

  4. If the number of portions in the two versions V1 and V2 is N1 and N2, with N1<N2, and if all portions in positions 1 to N compare equal, then V1 is less than V2 if the portion of V2 in position N1 is an integer, and is greater than V2 if this portion is an NCName. For example, 1.2 is less than 1.2.5, while 2.0 is greater than 2.0-rc1.

  5. Portions are compared as follows:

    1. If both portions are integers, they are compared using the rules of XPath value comparisons.

    2. If both portions are NCNames, they are compared using the rules of XPath value comparisons, using the Unicode Codepoint Collation.

    3. If one portion is an integer and the other is an NCName, the NCName comes first.

For example, the following shows a possible ordered sequence of version numbers:

0-rc1 < 0-rc2 < 0 < 1 = 1.0 < 1.0.2 
   < 1.0.3-rc1 < 1.0.3 < < 1.0.10


The version number format defined here is designed to be general enough to accommodate a variety of conventions in common use, and to allow useful semantics for matching of versions and ranges of versions, without being over-prescriptive. It is influenced by [SemVer], but is not as prescriptive, and it imposes no assumptions about backwards compatibility of packages between successive versions.

Implementations may impose limits on the values used in a version number (or a version range: see below). Such limits are implementation-defined. As a minimum, a processor must accept version numbers including:

  • A numeric part containing four integers;

  • Each integer being in the range 0 to 999999;

  • An NCName of up to 100 characters

Dependencies between packages may specify a version range (see 3.5.2 Dependencies between Packages). A version range represents a set of accepted versions. The syntax of a version range is shown below. Whitespace is permitted only where indicated, using the terminal symbol S.

        PackageVersionRange    ::=  AnyVersion | VersionRanges
        AnyVersion             ::=  "*"
        VersionRanges          ::=  VersionRange (S? "," S? VersionRange)*
        VersionRange           ::=  PackageVersion | VersionPrefix | 
                                      VersionFrom | VersionTo | VersionFromTo
        VersionPrefix          ::=  PackageVersion ".*"
        VersionFrom            ::=  PackageVersion "+"
        VersionTo              ::=  "to" S (PackageVersion | VersionPrefix)
        VersionFromTo          ::=  PackageVersion S "to" S (PackageVersion | VersionPrefix)

The meanings of the various forms of version range are defined below:

  • The range AnyVersion matches any version.

  • The range VersionRanges matches a version if any constituent VersionRange matches that version.

    For example,, matches those specific versions only, while, 9.6+ matches either version or any version from 9.6 onwards.

  • A range that is a PackageVersion matches that version only.

  • The range VersionPrefix matches any version whose leading portions are the same as the portions in the PackageVersion part of the VersionPrefix.

    For example, 1.3.* matches,  and 1.3-beta (but not 1 or 1.4).


    The .* indicates that additional portions may follow; it does not indicate a substring match on the final portion. So 1.3.* does not match 1.35, and 3.3-beta.* does not match 3.3-beta12. Also, 3.3-beta.* does not match 3.3-beta.5: this is because the last dot is not a portion separator, but is part of the final NCName. In fact, using .* after a version number that includes an NCName portion is pointless, because an NCName portion can never be followed by further portions.

  • The range VersionFrom matches any version that is greater than or equal to the version supplied.

    For example 1.3+ matches,  and 2.1 (but not 1.3-beta or 1.2). And 1.3-beta+ matches 1.3-beta1.3-gamma1.3.01.4, and 8.0, but not 1.3-alpha or 1.2.

  • The range VersionTo matches any version that is less than or equal to some version that matches the VersionPrefix.

    For example, to 4.0 matches,  and 4.0-beta (but not 4.0.1), while to 3.3.* matches 1.5 or 2.0.6 or 3.3.4621, but not 3.4.0 or 3.4.0-beta.

  • The range VersionFromTo matches any version that is greater than or equal to the starting PackageVersion, and less than or equal to some version that matches the VersionPrefix.

    For example, 1 to 5 matches,  or 5.0 (but not 5.1), while 1 to 5.* matches all of these, plus versions such as 5.7.2 (but not 6.0 or 6.0-beta). Similarly, 1.0-beta to 1.0 matches 1.0-beta, 1.0-beta.2, 1.0-gamma, and 1.0, but not 1.0-alpha or 1.0.1.

3.5.2 Dependencies between Packages

When components in one package reference components in another, the dependency of the first package on the second must be represented by an xsl:use-package element. This may appear in the principal stylesheet module of the first package (which may be a package manifest), or it may appear in a stylesheet module that is referenced from the principal stylesheet module via one or more xsl:include declarations; however it must not be referenced via xsl:import declarations (this is to avoid complications caused by multiple xsl:use-package declarations with different import precedence).

[Definition: If a package Q contains an xsl:use-package element that references package P, then package Q is said to use package P. In this relationship package Q is referred to as the using package, package P as the used package.]

The phrase directly uses is synonymous with uses as defined above, while directly or indirectly uses refers to the transitive closure of this relationship.

<!-- Category: declaration -->
  name = uri
  package-version? = string〔'*'〕 >
  <!-- Content: (xsl:accept | xsl:override)* -->

A package may be used by more than one other package, but the relationship must not be cyclic. It is possible, but by no means inevitable, that using the same package in more than one place within a stylesheet will cause static errors due to the presence of conflicting components according to the above rules. Where a package is successfully used by more than one other package, its components may be overridden in different ways by different using packages.

The name and package-version attributes together identify the used package. The value of the package-version attribute, if present, must conform to the rules for a PackageVersionRange given in 3.5.1 Versions of a Package; if omitted the value * is assumed, which matches any version. The used package must have a name that is an exact match for the name in the name attribute (using codepoint comparison), and its explicit or implicit package-version must match the version range given in the package-version attribute.

This specification does not define how the implementation locates a package given its name and version. If several matching versions of a package are available, it does not define which of them is chosen. Nor does it define whether this process locates source code or some other representation of the package contents. Such mechanisms are implementation-defined. Use of the package name as a dereferenceable URI is not recommended, because the intent of the packaging feature is to allow a package to be distributed as reusable code and therefore to exist in many different locations.

[ERR XTSE3000] It is a static error if no package matching the package name and version specified in an xsl:use-package declaration can be located.

[ERR XTSE3005] It is a static error if a package is dependent on itself, where package A is defined as being dependent on package B if A contains an xsl:use-package declaration that references B, or if A contains an xsl:use-package declaration that references a package C that is itself dependent on B.

[ERR XTSE3008] It is a static error if an xsl:use-package declaration appears in a stylesheet module that is not in the same stylesheet level as the principal stylesheet module of the package.


Depending on the implementation architecture, there may be a need to locate used packages both during static analysis (for example, to get information about the names and type signatures of the components exposed by the used package), and also at evaluation time (to link to the implementation of these components so they can be invoked). A failure to locate a package may cause an error at either stage.

The xsl:accept and xsl:override elements are used to modify the visibility or behavior of components acquired from the used package; they are described in Accepting Components below.


It is not intrinsically an error to have two xsl:use-package declarations that identify the same package (or different versions of the same package). This has the same effect as having two declarations that identify packages with different names but identical content. In most cases it will result in an error ([see ERR XTSE3050]) due to the presence of multiple components with the same name; but no error would occur, for example, if the used package is empty, or if the two xsl:use-package declarations use xsl:accept to accept non-overlapping subsets of the components in the used package.

3.5.3 Named Components in Packages

This section discusses the use of named components in packages.

The components which can be declared in one package and referenced in another are: functions, named templates, attribute sets, modes, and global variables and parameters.

In addition, keys and accumulators are classified as named components because they can contain references to components in another package, even though they cannot themselves be referenced from outside the package.

Named and unnamed modes come within the scope of this section, but there are differences noted in 3.5.4 Overriding Template Rules from a Used Package.

Not all declarations result in components:

  • Named declarations that can neither be referenced from outside their containing package, nor can contain references to components in other packages (examples are xsl:output, xsl:character-map, and xsl:decimal-format) are not considered to be components and are therefore outside the scope of this section.

  • Some declarations, such as xsl:decimal-format and xsl:strip-space, declare aspects of the processing context which are not considered to be components as defined here.

  • Template rules (xsl:template with a match attribute) are also not considered to be components for the purposes of this section, which is concerned only with components that are bound by name. However, when an xsl:template has both a match attribute and a name attribute, then it establishes both a template rule and a named template, and in its role as a named template it comes within the scope of this discussion.

  • A named declaration, for example a named template, a function, or a global variable, may be overridden within the same package by another like-named declaration having higher import precedence. When a declaration is overridden in this way it cannot be referenced by name either from within its containing package or from outside that package.

  • In the case of xsl:attribute-set and xsl:key declarations, several declarations combine to form a single component.

The section is largely concerned with details of the rules that affect references from one component to another by name, whether the components are in the same package or in different packages. The rules are designed to meet a number of requirements:

  • A component defined in one package can be overridden by a component in another package, provided the signatures are type-compatible.

  • The author of a package can declare whether the components in the package are public or private (that is, whether or not they can be used from outside the package) and whether they are final, overridable, or abstract (that is whether they can or must be overridden by the using package).

  • Within an application, two packages can make use of a common library and override its components in different ways.

  • Visibility of components can be defined either as part of the declaration of the component, or in the package manifest.

  • An application that wishes to make use of a library package can be selective about which components from the library it acquires, perhaps to avoid name clashes between components acquired from different libraries.

[Definition: The term component is used to refer to any of the following: a stylesheet function, a named template, a mode, an accumulator, an attribute set, a key, global variable, or a mode.]

[Definition: The symbolic identifier of a component is a composite name used to identify the component uniquely within a package. The symbolic identifier comprises the kind of component (stylesheet function, named template, accumulator, attribute set, global variable, key, or mode), the expanded QName of the component (namespace URI plus local name), and in the case of stylesheet functions, the upper bound of the arity range.]


In the case of the unnamed mode, the expanded QName of the component may be considered to be some system-allocated name different from any user-defined mode name.

[Definition: Two components are said to be homonymous if they have the same symbolic identifier.]

Every component has a declaration in some stylesheet module and therefore within some package. In the case of attribute sets and keys, there may be several declarations. The declaration is an element in an XDM tree representing the stylesheet module. Declarations therefore have identity, based on XDM node identity.

[Definition: The declaring package of a component is the package that contains the declaration (or, in the case of xsl:attribute-set and xsl:key, multiple declarations) of the component.]

When a component declared in one package is made available in another, the using package will contain a separate component that can be regarded as a modified copy of the original. The new component shares the same symbolic identifier as the original, and it has the same declaration, but it has other properties such as its visibility that may differ from the original.

[Definition: A component declaration results in multiple components, one in the package in which the declaration appears, and potentially one in each package that uses the declaring package, directly or indirectly, subject to the visibility of the component. Each of these multiple components has the same declaring package, but each has a different containing package. For the original component, the declaring package and the containing package are the same; for a copy of a component made as a result of an xsl:use-package declaration, the declaring package will be the original package, and the containing package will be the package in which the xsl:use-package declaration appears.]


Within this specification, we generally use the notation CP for a component named C whose declaring package and containing package are both P; and the notation CPQ for a component whose containing package is P and whose declaring package is Q (that is, a component in P that is derived from a component CQ in the used package Q).

The properties of a component are as follows:


When a function F defined in a package P is acquired by two using packages Q and R, we may think of P, Q, and R as all providing access to the “same” function. The detailed semantics, however, demand an understanding that there is one function declaration, but three components. The three components representing the function F within packages P, Q, and R have some properties in common (the same symbolic identifier, the same declaration), but other properties (the visibility and the bindings of symbolic references) that may vary from one of these components to another.

[Definition: The declaration of a component includes constructs that can be interpreted as references to other components by means of their symbolic identifiers. These constructs are generically referred to as symbolic references. Examples of constructs that give rise to symbolic references are the name attribute of xsl:call-template; the [xsl:]use-attribute-sets attribute of xsl:copy, xsl:element, and literal result elements; the explicit or implicit mode attribute of xsl:apply-templates; XPath variable references referring to global variables; XPath static function calls (including partial function applications) referring to stylesheet functions; and named function references (example: my:f#1) referring to stylesheet functions. ]

Symbolic references exist as properties of the declaration of a component. The symbolic identifier being referred to can be determined straightforwardly from the syntactic form and context of the reference: for example, the instruction <xsl:value-of select="f:price($o)" xmlns:f=""/> contains a symbolic reference to a function with expanded name {}price and with arity=1. However, because there may be several (homonymous) function components with this symbolic identifier, translating this symbolic reference into a reference to a specific component (a process called “binding”) is less straightforward, and is described in the text that follows.

The process of assembling a stylesheet from its constituent packages is primarily a process of binding these symbolic references to actual components. Within any component whose declaration is D, there is a set of bindings; each binding is an association between a symbolic reference in D and a component whose symbolic identifier matches the outward reference. Outward references for which a component C contains a binding are said to be bound in C; those for which C contains no binding are said to be unbound.

For example, suppose that in some package Q, function A calls B, which in turn calls C, and that B is private. Now suppose that in some package P which uses Q, C is overridden. The effect of the binding process is that P will contain three components corresponding to A, B, and C, which we might call AP, BP, and CP. The declarations of AP and BP are in package Q, but the declaration of CP is in P. The internal visibility of BP will be hidden (meaning that it cannot be referenced from within P), and BP will contain a binding for the component CP that corresponds to the outward reference from B to C. The effect is that when A calls B and B calls C, it is the overriding version of C that is executed.

In another package R that uses Q without overriding C, there will be three different components AR, BR, and CR. This time the declaration of all three components is in the original package Q. Component BR will contain a binding to CR, so in this package, the original version of C is executed. The fact that one package P overrides C thus has no effect on R, which does not override it.

The binding process outlined above is described in more detail in Binding References to Components.

Template rules are not components in their own right; unlike named templates, they are never referenced by name. Component references within a template rule (for example, references to functions, global variables, or named templates) are treated as occurring within the component that represents the containing mode. This includes component references within the match patterns of template rules. If a template rule lists several modes, it is treated as if there were multiple template rules one in each mode.

An xsl:apply-templates instruction with no mode attribute is treated as a reference to the default mode defined for that instruction (see 3.7.2 The default-mode Attribute), which in turn defaults to the unnamed mode. An implicit reference to the unnamed made is treated in the same way as any other symbolic reference. Note that there is an unnamed mode in every package, and the unnamed mode always has private visibility.

Where an xsl:template element has both a name and a match attribute, it is treated as if there were two separate xsl:template elements, one with a name attribute and one with a match attribute.

Keys and accumulators behave rather differently from other components. Their visibility is always private, which means they can only be used within their declaring package. In addition, the component binding is generally made dynamically rather than statically, by virtue of a string passed as an argument to the function key, accumulator-before, or accumulator-after. (In the case of accumulators, there can also be static references: see the use-accumulators attribute of xsl:source-document, xsl:merge-source, and xsl:mode.) However, outward references from key definitions and accumulators to other components (such as global variables and functions) behave in the same way as component references contained in any other private component, in that they may be re-bound to an overriding declaration of the target component. Visibility of Components

[Definition: The visibility of a component is one of: private, public, abstract, final, or hidden.]

The meanings of these visibility values is as follows:


The component can be referenced from other components in this package or in any using package; it can be overridden by a different component in any using package.


The component can be referenced from other components in this package; it cannot be referenced or overridden within a using package.


The component can be referenced from other components in this package or in any using package; in a using package it can either remain abstract or be overridden by a different component.


The component can be referenced from other components in this package or in any using package; it cannot be overridden by a different component in any using package.


The component cannot be referenced from other components in this package; it cannot be referenced or overridden within a using package.


The visibility of a component in a package P primarily affects how the component can be used in other packages, specifically, packages that use P. There is one exception: if the visibility is hidden, it also affects how the component can be used within P.

When a component is declared within a particular package, its visibility, which affects how it can be used in other (using) packages, depends on two factors: the value of the visibility declaration on the declaration itself (if present), and the rules given in the xsl:expose declarations of the package manifest.

The xsl:function, xsl:template, xsl:attribute-set, xsl:variable, and xsl:mode declarations each have an optional visibility attribute. The value is one of private, public, abstract, or final (never hidden). In the case of an xsl:param element there is no explicit visibility attribute; rather the declaration has the implicit attribute visibility="public".

Any xsl:expose declarations that appear as children of xsl:package define the visibility of components whose declaration has no explicit visibility attribute, and can also be used to reduce the visibility of components where this attribute is present.

  component = "template" | "function" | "attribute-set" | "variable" | "mode" | "*"
  names = tokens
  visibility = "public" | "private" | "final" | "abstract" />

The xsl:expose element allows the visibility of selected components within a package to be defined.

The components in question are identified using their symbolic identifiers. The component attribute defines the kind of component that is selected. The value * means “all component kinds”; in this case the value of the names attribute must be a WildcardXP40.

An xsl:expose declaration has no effect on the unnamed mode, which is always private to a package.

The names attribute selects a subset of these components by name (and in the case of functions, arity); its value is a whitespace-separated sequence of tokens each of which is either a NameTestXP40 or a NamedFunctionRefXP40. (Examples are *, p:*, *:local, p:local, and p:local#2.)

The value may be a NamedFunctionRef only in the case of stylesheet functions, and distinguishes functions with the same name and different arity. A NameTestXP40 on its own (that is, with no arity) cannot be used to identify a function. [XSLT 3.0 Erratum E36, bug 30323].

The visibility of a named template, function, variable, attribute set, or mode declared within a package is the first of the following that applies, subject to consistency constraints which are defined below:

  1. The visibility of a variable declared using an xsl:param element is always public. No xsl:expose element ever matches an xsl:param component.


    Attempting to match an xsl:param with an explicit EQName will therefore always give an error, while using a wildcard has no effect.

  2. If the package manifest contains an xsl:expose element that matches this component by virtue of an explicit EQName or NamedFunctionRef (that is, not by virtue of a wildcard match), then the value of the visibility attribute of the last such xsl:expose element in document order (call this the explicit exposed visibility).

  3. If the declaration of the component has a visibility attribute, then the value of this attribute (call this the declared visibility).

  4. If the package manifest contains an xsl:expose element that matches this component by virtue of a wildcard match that specifies either the namespace part of the component name or the local part of the name (for example, prefix:* or *:local or Q{uri}*), then the value of the visibility attribute of the last such xsl:expose element in document order.

  5. If the package manifest contains an xsl:expose element that matches this component by virtue of a wildcard match that matches all names (that is, *), then the value of the visibility attribute of the last such xsl:expose element in document order.

  6. Otherwise, private.


In the above rules, no distinction is made between declarations that specify a specific component kind, and those that specify component="*". If both match, the value of the component attribute plays no role in deciding which declaration wins.

If both a declared visibility and an explicit exposed visibility exist for the same component, then as mentioned above, they must be consistent. This is determined by reference to the following table, where the entry N/P means “not permitted”. (In cases where the combination is permitted, the actual visibility is always the same as the visibility determined by xsl:expose.)

Relationship of Exposed Visibility to Potential Visibility
Explicit exposed visibility Declared visibility
public private final abstract
public public N/P N/P N/P
private private private private N/P
final final N/P final N/P
abstract N/P N/P N/P abstract

[ERR XTSE3010] It is a static error if the explicit exposed visibility of a component is inconsistent with its declared visibility, as defined in the above table. (This error occurs only when the component declaration has an explicit visibility attribute, and the component is also listed explicitly by name in an xsl:expose declaration.)

[ERR XTSE3020] It is a static error if a token in the names attribute of xsl:expose, other than a wildcard, matches no component in the containing package.

[ERR XTSE3022] It is a static error if the component attribute of xsl:expose specifies * (meaning all component kinds) and the names attribute is not a wildcard.


There is no ambiguity, and no error, if several tokens within the same xsl:expose element match the same component.

If the visibility of a component as established by the above rules is abstract, then the component must have a declared visibility of abstract.


In other words, the xsl:expose declaration cannot be used to make a component abstract unless it was declared as abstract to start with.

[ERR XTSE3025] It is a static error if the effect of an xsl:expose declaration would be to make a component abstract, unless the component is already abstract in the absence of the xsl:expose declaration.

For a component accepted into a package P from another package Q, the visibility of the component in P (which primarily affects how it can be used in a package R that uses P) depends on the visibility declared in the relevant xsl:accept or xsl:override element in P (see Accepting Components); this in turn has a default that depends on the visibility of the corresponding component in Q. In this case the visibility is unaffected by any xsl:expose declaration in P. Accepting Components

When a package P uses a package Q, by virtue of an xsl:use-package element in the package manifest of P, then P will contain a component corresponding to every component in Q. The visibility of the component within P depends on the visibility of the component in Q, optionally modified by two elements that may appear as children of the xsl:use-package element, namely xsl:accept and xsl:override.

For every component CQ in package Q that is not matched by any xsl:override or xsl:accept element in the package manifest of P, there will be a corresponding component CP in package P that has the same symbolic identifier and declaration as CQ.

If CQ is an xsl:param component, then the visibility of CP is public.

In other cases, the visibility of CP depends on the visibility of CQ, as defined by the following table:

Visibility of Components in Used and Using Packages
Visibility in used package CQ Visibility in using package CP
public private
final private
private hidden
hidden hidden
abstract hidden


The effect of these rules is as follows:

  • Components that are public or final in the used package Q become private in the using package P. This means that they can be referenced within P but are not (by default) visible within a package R that uses P.

  • Components that are private or hidden in the used package Q become hidden in the using package P. This means that they cannot be referenced within P; but if they contain references to components that are overridden in P, the hidden component’s references are bound to the overriding components in P.

  • Components that are abstract in the used package Q become hidden in the using package P. The hidden component in this case raises a dynamic error if it is invoked. Such an invocation cannot originate within P, because the component is not visible within P; but it can occur if a public component in Q is invoked, which in turn invokes the abstract component.

  component = "template" | "function" | "attribute-set" | "variable" | "mode" | "*"
  names = tokens
  visibility = "public" | "private" | "final" | "abstract" | "hidden" />

The xsl:accept element has very similar syntax and semantics to xsl:expose. Whereas xsl:expose allows a package to restrict the visibility of its own components to other (using) packages, xsl:accept allows a package to restrict the visibility of components exposed by a package that it uses. This may be necessary if, for example, it uses two different packages whose component names conflict. It may also simply be good practice if the package author knows that only a small subset of the functionality of a used package is required.

The rules for determining whether an xsl:accept element matches a particular component, and for which element to use if there are several matches, are the same as the rules for the xsl:expose element.

No xsl:accept element ever matches a variable declared using xsl:param.


Attempting to match an xsl:param with an explicit EQName will therefore always give an error, while using a wildcard has no effect.

[ERR XTSE3030] It is a static error if a token in the names attribute of xsl:accept, other than a wildcard, matches no component in the used package.

[ERR XTSE3032] It is a static error if the component attribute of xsl:accept specifies * (meaning all component kinds) and the names attribute is not a wildcard.

In the absence of a matching xsl:override element (see Overriding Components from a Used Package), the visibility of a component that matches an xsl:accept element depends both on the visibility attribute of the best-matching xsl:accept element and on the visibility of the corresponding component in the used package, according to the following table. In this table the entry “N/P” means “not permitted”.

Relationship of the Visibility given in xsl:accept to Visibility in the Used Package
Visibility in xsl:accept element Visibility in used package
public private final abstract
public public N/P N/P N/P
private private N/P private N/P
final final N/P final N/P
abstract N/P N/P N/P abstract
hidden hidden N/P hidden hidden

[ERR XTSE3040] It is a static error if the visibility assigned to a component by an xsl:accept element is incompatible with the visibility of the corresponding component in the used package, as defined by the above table, unless the token that matches the component name is a wildcard, in which case the xsl:accept element is treated as not matching that component.

[ERR XTSE3050] It is a static error if the xsl:use-package elements in a package manifest cause two or more homonymous components to be accepted with a visibility other than hidden.

Conflicts between the components accepted from used packages and those declared within the package itself are handled as follows:

  1. If the conflict is between two components both declared within the package itself, then it is resolved by the rules relating to import precedence defined for each kind of component.

  2. If the conflict is between two components both accepted from used packages, or between a component declared within the package and an accepted component, then a static error occurs.

  3. If a component is explicitly accepted from a used package (by name, rather than by a matching wildcard), and if the same component is the subject of an xsl:override declaration, then a static error occurs (see below). There is no conflict, however, if a component declared within xsl:override also matches a wildcard in an xsl:accept element.

    [ERR XTSE3051] It is a static error if a token in the names attribute of xsl:accept, other than a wildcard, matches the symbolic name of a component declared within an xsl:override child of the same xsl:use-package element.

Where the used package Q contains a component whose visibility is abstract, the using package P has three options:

  1. P can accept the component with visibility="abstract". In this case P can contain references to the component, but invocation via these references will fail unless a non-abstract overriding component has been supplied in some package R that (directly or indirectly) uses P.

  2. P can accept the component with visibility="hidden". In this case P cannot contain references to the component, and invocation via references in Q will always fail with a dynamic error. This is the default if P does not explicitly accept or override the component.

  3. P can provide a concrete implementation of the component within an xsl:override element.

Any invocation of the absent component (typically from within its declaring package) causes a dynamic error, as if the component were overridden by a component that unconditionally raises a dynamic error.

[ERR XTDE3052] It is a dynamic error if an invocation of an abstract component is evaluated.


This can occur when a public component in the used package invokes an abstract component in the used package, and the using package provides no concrete implementation for the component in an xsl:override element.


To override a component accepted from a used package, the overriding declaration must appear as a child of the xsl:override element.


There is no rule that prevents a function (say) being declared in the using package with the same name as a private function in the used package. This does not create a conflict, since all references in the used package are bound to one function and all those in the using package are bound to another. Overriding Components from a Used Package

[Definition: A component in a using package may override a component in a used package, provided that the visibility of the component in the used package is either abstract or public. The overriding declaration is written as a child of the xsl:override element, which in turn appears as a child of xsl:use-package.]

  <!-- Content: (xsl:template | xsl:function | xsl:variable | xsl:param | xsl:attribute-set)* -->


This mechanism is distinct from the mechanism for overriding declarations within the same package by relying on import precedence. It imposes stricter rules: the overriding component is required to be type-compatible with the component that it overrides.

If the used package Q contains a component CQ and the xsl:use-package element contains an xsl:override element which contains a declaration D whose symbolic identifier matches the symbolic identifier of CQ, then the using package P will contain a component CP whose declaration is D, whose symbolic identifier is that of D, and whose visibility is equal to the value of the visibility attribute of D, or private if this is absent, except in the case of xsl:param, which is implicitly public.

The using package P will also contain a component CPQ whose body is the same as the body of CQ and whose visibility is hidden. This component is used as the target of a binding for the symbolic reference xsl:original described below.

Other than its appearance as a child of xsl:override, the overriding declaration is a normal xsl:function, xsl:template, , xsl:variable, xsl:param, or xsl:attribute-set element. In the case of xsl:variable and xsl:param, the variable that is declared is a global variable.

The rules in the remainder of this section apply to components having a name attribute (named components). The only element with no name attribute that can appear as a child of xsl:override is an xsl:template declaration having a match attribute (that is, a template rule). The rules for overriding of template rules appear in 3.5.4 Overriding Template Rules from a Used Package. If an xsl:template element has both a name attribute and a match attribute, then it defines both a named component and a template rule, and both sections apply.

[ERR XTSE3055] It is a static error if a component declaration appearing as a child of xsl:override is homonymous with any other declaration in the using package, regardless of import precedence, including any other overriding declaration in the package manifest of the using package.


When an attribute set is overridden, the overriding attribute set must be defined using a single xsl:attribute-set element. Attribute sets defined in different packages are never merged by virtue of having the same name, though they may be merged explicitly by using the use-attribute-sets attribute.

[ERR XTSE3058] It is a static error if a component declaration appearing as a child of xsl:override does not match (is not homonymous with) some component in the used package.

[ERR XTSE3060] It is a static error if the component referenced by an xsl:override declaration has visibility other than public or abstract

A package is executable if and only if it contains no component whose visibility is abstract. A package that is not executable is not a stylesheet, and therefore cannot be nominated as the stylesheet to be used when initiating a transformation.


In other words, if a component is declared as abstract, then some package that uses the declaring package of that component directly or indirectly must override that component with one that is not abstract. It is not necessary for the override to happen in the immediately using package.

[ERR XTSE3070] It is a static error if the signature of an overriding component is not compatible with the signature of the component that it is overriding.

[Definition: The signatures of two components are compatible if they present the same interface to the user of the component. The additional rules depend on the kind of component.]

Compatibility is only relevant when comparing two components that have the same symbolic identifier. The compatibility rules for each kind of component are as follows:

  • Two attribute sets with the same name are compatible if and only if they satisfy the following rule:

    1. If the overridden attribute set specifies streamable="yes" then the overriding attribute set also specifies streamable="yes".

  • Two functions with the same symbolic identifier are compatible if and only if they satisfy all the following rules:

    1. They have the same arity range (which implies they have the same number of required and optional parameters)

    2. The declared types of the parameters (defaulting to item()*) are pairwise identical.

    3. The declared return types (defaulting to item()*) are identical.

    4. The effective value of the new-each-time attribute on the overriding function is the same as its value on the overridden function.

    5. If the overridden function has a streamability attribute with a value other than unspecified, then the overriding function has a streamability attribute with the same value. [XSLT 3.0 Erratum E32, bug 30297]

    It is recommended that the parameter names on the overriding function should be the same as on the overridden function. (However, in order to maintain backwards compatibility with XSLT 3.0, this is not required.) If the parameter names are not the same, then the parameter names on the overriding function are effectively replaced with the names declared on the overridden function, so that any static function calls using keyword arguments to set the values of arguments must use the names defined on the overridden function.

  • Two named templates with the same name are compatible if and only if they satisfy all the following rules:

    1. Their return types are identical.

    2. For every non-tunnel parameter on the overridden template, there is a non-tunnel parameter on the overriding template that has the same name, an identical required type, and the same effective value for the required attributes.

    3. For every tunnel parameter P on the overridden template, if there is a parameter Q on the overriding template that has the same name as P then Q is also a tunnel parameter, and P and Q have identical required types.

    4. Any parameter on the overriding template for which there is no corresponding parameter on the overridden template specifies required="no".

    5. The two templates have equivalent xsl:context-item children, where equivalence means that the use attributes are the same and the required types are identical; an absent xsl:context-item is equivalent to one that specifies use="optional" and as="item()".

  • Two variables (including parameters) with the same name are compatible if and only if they satisfy all the following rules:

    1. Their declared types are identical. For this purpose, the declared type is the first of the following that applies:

      • If there is an as attribute, then the type defined by that attribute.

      • If there is a select attribute, then item()*.

      • If there is a non-empty sequence constructor, then document-node().

      • Otherwise, xs:string. [XSLT 3.0 Erratum E35, bug 30313].


    A variable may override a parameter or vice-versa, and the initial value may differ.

    Because static variables and parameters are constrained to have visibility private , they cannot be overridden in another package. The compatibility rules therefore do not arise. The reason that such variables cannot be overridden is that they are typically used during stylesheet compilation (for example, in [xsl:]use-when expressions and shadow attributes) and it is a design goal that packages should be capable of independent compilation.

[Definition: Types S and T are considered identical for the purpose of these rules if and only if subtype(S, T) and subtype(T, S) both hold, where the subtype relation is defined in Section 3.7.1 Subtypes of Sequence TypesXP40.]


  1. One consequence of this rule is that two plain union types are considered identical if they have the same set of member types, even if the union types have different names or the ordering of the member types is different.

    Consider a function that accepts an argument whose declared type is a union type with member types xs:double and xs:decimal, in that order (we might write this as union(xs:double, xs:decimal)). Using the same notation, this can be overridden by a function that declares the argument type as union(xs:decimal, xs:double). This does not affect type checking: a function call that passes the type checking rules with one signature will also pass the type checking rules with the other. It does however affect the way that the function conversion rules work: a call that passes the xs:untypedAtomic value "93.7" (or an untyped node with this as its string value) will be converted to an xs:decimal in one case and an xs:double in the other.

  2. While this rule may appear formal, it is not as straightforward as might be supposed, because the subtype relation in XPath has a dependency on the “Type derivation OK (Simple)” relation in XML Schema, which itself appeals to a judgement as to whether the two type definitions being compared “are the same type definition”. Both XSD 1.0 and XSD 1.1 add the note “The wording of [this rule] appeals to a notion of component identity which is only incompletely defined by this version of this specification.” However, they go on to say that component identity is well defined if the components are named simple type definitions, which will always apply in this case. For named atomic types, the final result of these rules is that two atomic types are identical if and only if they have the same name.

Modes are not overridable, so the xsl:mode declaration cannot appear as a child of xsl:override. Referring to Overridden Components

Within the declaration of an overriding named component (that is, a component whose declaration is a child of xsl:override, and has a name attribute), where the overridden component has public visibility, it is possible to use the name xsl:original as a symbolic reference to the overridden component. More specifically:

  • Within a named template appearing as a child of xsl:override, the name xsl:original may appear as the value of the name attribute of xsl:call-template: for example, <xsl:call-template name="xsl:original"/>.

  • Within a stylesheet function appearing as a child of xsl:override, the static context for contained XPath expressions (other than static expressions) is augmented as follows: the statically known function signatures includes a mapping from the name xsl:original to the signature of the overridden function (which is the same as the signature of the overriding function). This means that the name xsl:original can be used in static function calls, including calls that use partial function application (where one of the arguments is given as "?"), and also in named function references. For example: xsl:original($x), xsl:original($x, ?), xsl:original#2.


    The result of calling function-name(xsl:original#2) is the name of the overridden function, not xsl:original.

    If the function xsl:original is called with keyword arguments, the keywords used are those of the overridden function.

    Neither xsl:original, nor the overridden function, is added to the dynamically known function definitions component of the dynamic context for XPath expressions within the overriding function. This means that any attempt to bind the function name xsl:original dynamically (for example using function-lookupFO30, or function-available, or xsl:evaluate) will fail, and any attempt to bind the name of the overriding/overridden function dynamically will return the overriding function.

  • Within a global variable or parameter appearing as a child of xsl:override, the static context for contained XPath expressions (other than static expressions) is augmented as follows: the in-scope variables includes a mapping from the name xsl:original to the declared type of the overridden variable or parameter (which is the same as the type of the overriding global variable or parameter).

  • Within an attribute set appearing as a child of xsl:override, any [xsl:]use-attribute-sets attribute (whether on the xsl:attribute-set element itself, or on any descendant element) may include the name xsl:original as a reference to the overridden attribute set.

Within the overriding component CP, the symbolic reference xsl:original is bound to the hidden component CPQ described earlier, whose body is that of the component CQ in the used package.

[ERR XTSE3075] It is a static error to use the component reference xsl:original when the overridden component has visibility="abstract".

Modes are not overridable, so the name xsl:original cannot be used to refer to a mode (for example in the mode attribute of xsl:apply-templates).


In the case of variables, templates, and attribute sets, the invocation of the overridden component can occur only within the lexical scope of the overriding component. With functions, however, there is greater flexibility. The overriding component can obtain a reference to the overridden component in the form of a function item, and can export this value by passing it to other functions or returning it in its result. A dynamic invocation of this function item (and hence, of the overridden function) can thus occur anywhere. Binding References to Components

[Definition: The process of identifying the component to which a symbolic reference applies (possibly chosen from several homonymous alternatives) is called reference binding.]

The process of reference binding in the presence of overriding declarations is best illustrated by an example. The formal rules follow later in the section.

Example: Binding References to Named Components

Consider a package Q defined as follows:

<xsl:package name="Q"
  <xsl:variable name="A" visibility="final" select="$B + 1"/>
  <xsl:variable name="B" visibility="private" select="$C * 2"/>
  <xsl:variable name="C" visibility="public" select="22"/>

(The process is illustrated here using variables as the components, but the logic would be the same if the example used functions, named templates, or attribute sets.)

There are three components in this package, and their properties are illustrated in the following table. (The ID column is an arbitrary component identifier used only for the purposes of this exposition.)

Components in the above Package and their Properties
ID Symbolic Name Declaring Package Containing Package Visibility Body Bindings
AQ variable A Q Q final $B + 1 $B → BQ
BQ variable B Q Q private $C * 2 $C → CQ
CQ variable C Q Q public 22 none

Now consider a package P that uses Q, and that overrides one of the variables declared in Q:

<xsl:package name="P"
  <xsl:use-package name="Q">
      <xsl:variable name="C" visibility="private" select="$xsl:original + 3"/>
  <xsl:template name="T" visibility="public">
    <xsl:value-of select="$A"/>

Package P has five components, whose properties are shown in the following table:

Components in the above Package and their Properties
ID Symbolic Name Declaring Package Containing Package Visibility Body Bindings
APQ variable A Q P final $B + 1 $B → BPQ
BPQ variable B Q P hidden $C * 2 $C → CP
CPQ variable C Q P hidden 22 none
CP variable C P P private $xsl:original + 3 $xsl:original → CPQ
TP template T P P public value-of select="$A $A → APQ

The effect of these bindings is that when template T is called, the result is 51. This is why:

  1. The result of T is the value of APQ.

  2. The value of APQ is the value of BPQ plus 1.

  3. The value of BPQ is the value of CP times 2.

  4. The value of CP is the value of CPQ plus 3.

  5. The value of CPQ is 22.

  6. So the final result is ((22 + 3) * 2) + 1

In this example, the components of P are established in three different ways:

  1. Components APQ, BPQ, and CPQ are modified copies of the corresponding component AQ, BQ, and CQ in the used package Q. The properties of these components are modified as follows:

    1. The symbolic identifier, declaring package, and body are unchanged.

    2. The containing package is changed to P.

    3. The visibility is changed according to the rules in Accepting Components: in particular, visibility="private" changes to visibility="hidden".

    4. The references to other components are rebound as described in this section.

  2. Component CP is the overriding component. Its properties are exactly as if it were declared as a top-level component in P (outside the xsl:use-package element), except that (a) it must adhere to the constraints on overriding components (see Overriding Components from a Used Package), (b) it is allowed to use the variable reference $xsl:original, and (c) the fact that it overrides CQ affects the way that references from other components are rebound.

  3. Component TP is a new component declared locally in P.

The general rules for reference binding can now be stated:

  1. If the containing package of a component CP is P, then all symbolic references in CP are bound to components whose containing package is P.

  2. When a package P uses a package Q, then for every component CQ in Q, there is a corresponding component CP in P, as described in Accepting Components.

  3. Given a component CP whose containing package and declaring package are the same package P, then (as a consequence of rules elsewhere in this specification) for every symbolic reference D within CP, other than a reference using the name xsl:original, there will always be exactly one non-hidden component DP whose containing package is P and whose symbolic identifier matches D (otherwise a static error will have been reported). The reference is then bound to DP.

  4. In the case of a component reference using the name xsl:original, this will in general appear within a component CP that overrides a component CQ whose corresponding component in P is CPQ, and the xsl:original reference is bound to CPQ.

  5. Given a component CP whose containing package P is a different package from its declaring package R (that is, CP is present in P by virtue of an xsl:use-package declaration referencing package Q, which may or may not be the same as R), then the component bindings in CP are derived from the component bindings in the corresponding component CQ as follows: if the component binding within CQ is to a component DQ, then:

    1. If DQ is overridden within P by a component DP, then the reference is bound to DP;

    2. Otherwise, the reference is bound to the component DPQ in P whose corresponding component in Q is DQ.

When reference resolution is performed on a package that is intended to be used as a stylesheet (that is, for the top-level package), there must be no symbolic references referring to components whose visibility is abstract (that is, an implementation must be provided for every abstract component).

[ERR XTSE3080] It is a static error if a top-level package (as distinct from a library package) contains components whose visibility is abstract.


Abstract components in a used package by default become hidden in the using package, which means that a reference to the component in the top-level package will fail to resolve (resulting in a different static error). This particular error occurs only if the abstract component is declared within the top-level package. [XSLT 3.0 Erratum E4, bug 30142].


Unresolved references are allowed at the module level but not at the package level. A stylesheet module can contain references to components that are satisfied only when the module is imported into another module that declares the missing component.


The process of resolving references (or linking) is critical to an implementation that uses separate compilation. One of the aims of these rules is to ensure that when compiling a package, it is always possible to determine the signature of called functions, templates, and other components. A further aim is to establish unambiguously in what circumstances components can be overridden, so that compilers know when it is possible to perform optimizations such as inlining of function and variable references.

Suppose a public template T calls a private function F. When the package containing these two components is referenced by a using package, the template remains public, while the function becomes hidden. Because the function becomes hidden, it can no longer conflict with any other function of the same name, or be overridden by any other function; at this stage the compiler knows exactly which function T will be calling, and can perform optimizations based on this knowledge.

The mechanism for resolving component references described in this section is consistent with the mechanism used for binding function and variable references described in the XPath specification. XPath requires these variable and function names to be present in the static context for an XPath expression. XSLT ensures that all the non-hidden functions, global variables, and global parameters in a package are present in the static context for every XPath expression that appears in that package, along with required information such as the type of a variable and the signature of a function.

Example: Named Component References in Inline Functions

Named component references within inline functions follow the standard rules, but the rules need to be interpreted with care. Suppose that in package P we find the declarations:

<xsl:variable name="v" as="xs:integer" visibility="public" select="3"/>

<xsl:function name="f:factory" as="function(*)" visibility="final">
  <xsl:sequence select="function() {$v}"/>

and that in a using package Q we find:

<xsl:use-package name="P">
    <xsl:variable name="v" as="xs:integer" select="4"/>

<xsl:template name="xsl:initial-template">
  <v value="{f:factory()()}"/>

The correct output here is <v value="4"/>.

The explanation for this is as follows. Package Q contains a function f:factoryQP whose declaring package is P and whose containing package is Q. The symbolic reference $v within the body of this function is resolved in the normal way; since the containing package is Q, it is resolved to the global variable vQ: that is, the overriding declaration of $v that appears within the xsl:override element within package Q, whose value is 4.

In terms of internal implementation, one way of looking at this is that the anonymous function returned by f:factory contains within its closure bindings for the global variables and functions that the anonymous function references; these bindings are inherited from the component bindings of the component that lexically contains these symbolic references, which in this case is f:factory, and more specifically the version of the f:factory component in package Q. Dynamic References to Components

There are several functions in which a dynamically evaluated QName is used to identify a component: these include key, accumulator-before, accumulator-after, function-lookupFO30, and function-available. Dynamic references can also occur in the XPath expression supplied to the xsl:evaluate instruction.

In all these cases, the set of components that are available to be referenced are those that are declared in the package where this function call appears, including components declared within an xsl:override declaration in that package, but excluding components declared with visibility="abstract". If the relevant component has been overridden in a different package, the overriding declarations are not considered.

If one of these functions (for example key or accumulator-before) is invoked via a dynamic function invocation, then the relevant package is the one in which the function item is created (using a construct such as key#2, key('my-key', ?), or function-lookup($KEYFN, 2)). Function items referring to context-dependent functions bind the context at the point where the function item is created, not the context at the point where the function item is invoked.


This means that if a package wishes to make a key available for use by a calling package, it can do so by creating a public global variable whose value is a partial application of the key function:

<xsl:variable name="get-order" select="key('orders-key', ?, ?)"/>

which the calling code can invoke as $get-order('123-456', /).

3.5.4 Overriding Template Rules from a Used Package

The rules in the previous section apply to named components including functions, named templates, global variables, and named attribute sets. The rules for modes, and the template rules appearing within a mode, are slightly different.

The unnamed mode is local to a package: in effect, each package has its own private unnamed mode, and the unnamed mode of one package does not interact with the unnamed mode of any other package. An xsl:apply-templates instruction with no mode attribute is treated as a symbolic reference to the default mode defined for that instruction (see 3.7.2 The default-mode Attribute), which in turn defaults to the unnamed mode. Because the unnamed mode always has private visibility, it cannot be overridden in another package.

A named mode may be declared in an xsl:mode declaration as being either public, private, or final. The values of the visibility attribute are interpreted as follows:

Visibility Values for Named Modes, and their Meaning
Value Meaning
public A using package may use xsl:apply-templates to invoke templates in this mode; it may also declare additional template rules in this mode, which are selected in preference to template rules in the used package. These may appear only as children of the xsl:override element within the xsl:use-package element.
private A using package may neither reference the mode nor provide additional templates in this mode; the name of the mode is not even visible in the using package, so no such attempt is possible. The using package can use the same name for its own modes without risk of conflict.
final A using package may use xsl:apply-templates to invoke templates in this mode, but it must not provide additional template rules in this mode.

As with other named components, an xsl:use-package declaration may contain an xsl:accept element to control the visibility of a mode acquired from the used package. The allowed values of its visibility attribute are public, private, and final.

The xsl:mode declaration itself must not be overridden. A using package must not contain an xsl:mode declaration whose name matches that of a public or final xsl:mode component accepted from a used package.

The xsl:expose and xsl:accept elements may be used to reduce the visibility of a mode in a using package; the same rules apply in general, though some of the rules are not applicable because, for example, modes cannot be abstract.

It is not possible for a package to combine the template rules from two other packages into a single mode. When xsl:apply-templates is used without specifying a mode, the chosen template rules will always come from the same package; when it is used with a named mode, then they will come from the package where the mode is defined, or any package that uses that package and adds template rules to the mode. If two template rules defined in different packages match the same node, then the rule in the using package wins over any rule in the used package; this decision is made before taking other factors such as import precedence and priority into account.

A static error occurs if two modes with the same name are visible within a package, either because they are both declared within the package, or because one is declared within the package and the other is acquired from a used package, or because both are accepted from different used packages.

The rules for matching template rules by import precedence and priority operate as normal, with the addition that template rules declared within an xsl:use-package element have higher precedence than any template rule declared in the used package. More specifically, given an xsl:apply-templates instruction in package P, naming a mode M that is declared in a used package Q and is overridden in P, the search order for template rules is:

  1. Rules declared within P (specifically, xsl:template rules declared as children of an xsl:override element within the xsl:use-package element that references package Q). If there are multiple rules declared within P that match a selected node, they are resolved on the basis of their explicit or implicit priority, and if the priorities are equal, the last one in declaration order wins.

  2. Rules declared within Q, taking import precedence, priority, and declaration order into account in the usual way (see 6.5 Conflict Resolution for Template Rules).

  3. Built-in template rules (see 6.8 Built-in Template Rules) selected according to the on-no-match attribute of the xsl:mode declaration (in Q), or its default.

If the mode is overridden again in a package R that uses P, then this search order is extended by adding R at the start of the search list, and so on recursively.


If existing XSLT code has been written to use template rules in the unnamed mode, a convenient way to incorporate this code into a library package is to add a stub module that defines a new named public or final mode, in which there is a single template rule whose content is the single instruction <xsl:apply-templates select="."/>. This in effect redirects xsl:apply-templates instructions using the named mode to the rules defined in the unnamed mode. Requiring Explicit Mode Declarations

In previous versions of XSLT, modes were implicitly declared by simply using a mode name in the mode attribute of xsl:template or xsl:apply-templates. XSLT 3.0 introduced the ability to declare a mode explicitly using an xsl:mode declaration (see 6.7.1 Declaring Modes).

By default, within a package that is defined using an explicit xsl:package element, all modes must be explicitly declared. In an implicit package, however (that is, one rooted at an xsl:stylesheet or xsl:transform element), modes can be implicitly declared as in previous XSLT versions.

The declared-modes attribute of xsl:package determines whether or not modes that are referenced within the package must be explicitly declared. If the value is yes (the default), then it is an error to use a mode name unless the package either contains an explicit xsl:mode declaration for that mode, or accepts the mode from a used package. If the value is no, then this is not an error.

This attribute affects all modules making up the package, it is not confined to declarations appearing as children of the xsl:package element.

[ERR XTSE3085] It is a static error, when the effective value of the declared-modes attribute of an xsl:package element is yes, if the package contains an explicit reference to an undeclared mode, or if it implicitly uses the unnamed mode and the unnamed mode is undeclared.

For the purposes of the above rule:

  1. A mode is declared if either of the following conditions is true:

    1. The package contains an xsl:mode declaration for that mode.

    2. The mode is a public or final mode accepted from a used package.

  2. The offending reference may be either an explicit mode name, or the token #unnamed treated as a reference to the unnamed mode, or a defaulted mode attribute, and it may occur in any of the following:

    1. The mode attribute of an xsl:template declaration

    2. The mode attribute of an xsl:apply-templates instruction

    3. An [xsl:]default-mode attribute.

  3. A package implicitly uses the unnamed mode if either of the following conditions is true:

    1. There is an xsl:apply-templates element with no mode attribute, and with no ancestor-or-self having an [xsl:]default-mode attribute.

    2. There is an xsl:template element with a match attribute and no mode attribute, and with no ancestor-or-self having an [xsl:]default-mode attribute.

3.5.5 Declarations Local to a Package

The xsl:import and xsl:include declarations are local to a package.

Declarations of keys, accumulators, decimal formats, namespace aliases (see 11.1.4 Namespace Aliasing), output definitions, and character maps within a package have local scope within that package — they are all effectively private. The elements that declare these constructs do not have a visibility attribute. The unnamed decimal format and the unnamed output format are also local to a package.

If xsl:strip-space or xsl:preserve-space declarations appear within a library package, they only affect calls to the docFO30 or document functions appearing within that package. Such a declaration within the top-level package additionally affects stripping of whitespace in the document that contains the global context item.

An xsl:decimal-format declaration within a package applies only to calls on format-numberFO30 appearing within that package.

An xsl:namespace-alias declaration within a package applies only to literal result elements within the same package.

An xsl:import-schema declaration within a package adds the names of the imported schema components to the static context for that package only; these names are effectively private, in the sense that they do not become available for use in any other packages. However, the names of schema components must be consistent across the stylesheet as a whole: it is not possible for two different packages within a stylesheet to use a type-name such as part-number to refer to different schema-defined simple or complex types.

Type names used in the interface of public components in a package (for example, in the arguments of a function) must be respected by callers of those components, in the sense that the caller must supply values of the correct type. Often this will mean that the using component, if it contains calls on such interfaces, must itself import the necessary schema components. However, the requirement for an explicit schema import applies only where the package contains explicit use of the names of schema components required to call such interfaces.


For example, suppose a library package contains a function which requires an argument of type mfg:part-number. The caller of this function must supply an argument of the correct type, but does not need to import the schema unless it explicitly uses the schema type name mfg:part-number. If it obtains an instance of this type from outside the package, for example as the result of another function call, then it can supply this instance to the acquired function even though it has not imported a schema that defines this type.

At execution time, the schema available for validating instance documents contains (at least) the union of the schema components imported into all constituent packages of the stylesheet.

3.5.6 Declaring the Global Context Item

The xsl:global-context-item element is used to declare whether a global context item is required, and if so, what its required type is.

The element is a declaration that can appear at most once in any stylesheet module; and if more than one xsl:global-context-item declaration appears within a package, then the declarations must be consistent. Specifically, all the attributes must have semantically equivalent values.


This means that omitting an attribute is equivalent to specifying its default value explicitly; and purely lexical variations, such as the presence of whitespace in an attribute value, are not considered significant.

[ERR XTSE3087] It is a static error if more than one xsl:global-context-item declaration appears within a stylesheet module, or if several modules within a single package contain inconsistent xsl:global-context-item declarations

If there is no xsl:global-context-item declaration for a package, this is equivalent to specifying the empty element <xsl:global-context-item/>, which imposes no constraints.

<!-- Category: declaration -->
  as? = item-type
  use? = "required" | "optional" | "absent"〔'optional'〕 />

The use attribute takes the value required, optional, or absent. The default is optional.

  • If the value required is specified, then there must be a global context item.

  • If the value optional is specified, or if the attribute is omitted, or if the xsl:global-context-item element is omitted, then there may or may not be a global context item.

  • If the value absent is specified, then the global focus (context item, position, and size) will be absent


    This specification does not define whether supplying a global context item in this situation results in an error or warning, or whether the supplied context item is simply ignored.

If the as attribute is present then its value must be an ItemTypeXP40. If the attribute is omitted this is equivalent to specifying as="item()".

The as attribute defines the required type of the global context item. The default value is as="item()". If a global context item is supplied then it must conform to the required type, after conversion (if necessary) using the coercion rules.

[ERR XTSE3089] It is a static error if the as attribute is present when use="absent" is specified.

The global context item is available only within the top-level package. If a valid xsl:global-context-item declaration appears within a library package, then it is ignored, unless it specifies use="required", in which case an error is signaled: [see ERR XTTE0590].


In earlier releases of this specification, the global context item and the initial match selection were essentially the same thing, often referred to as the principal source document. In XSLT 3.0, they were separated: the global context item is a single item accessible to the initializers of global variables as the value of the expression . (dot), while the initial match selection is a sequence of nodes or other items supplied to an initial implicit xsl:apply-templates invocation.

APIs that were originally designed for use with earlier versions of XSLT are likely to bundle the two concepts together.

With a streamable processor, the initial match selection can consist of streamed nodes, but the global context item is always grounded, because it is available to all global variables and there is no control over the sequence of processing.

A type error is signaled if the top-level package contains an xsl:global-context-item declaration specifying a required type that does not match the supplied global context item. The error code is the same as for xsl:param: [see ERR XTTE0590]. [XSLT 3.0 Erratum E7, bug 30179].


If the ItemType is one that can only be satisfied by a schema-validated input document, for example as="schema-element(invoice)", the processor may interpret this as a request to apply schema validation to the input. Similarly, if the KindTest indicates that an element node is required, the processor may interpret this as a request to supply the document element rather than the document node of a supplied input document.

[ERR XTDE3086] It is a dynamic error if an xsl:global-context-item declaration specifies use="required", and no global context item is supplied. [XSLT 3.0 Erratum E6, bug 30173].

3.5.7 Worked Example of a Library Package

The example in this section illustrates the use of overrides to customize or extend a (fictional) library package named, which provides a parsing function for data formatted as lines containing comma-separated values. For simplicity of exposition, the example shows a simple, naive implementation; a realistic CSV parser would be more complicated and make the example harder to follow. Default Functionality of the CSV Package

The basic functionality of the package is provided by the function csv:parse, which expects a string parameter named input. By default, the function parses the input into lines, and breaks lines on commas, returning as result an element named csv containing one row element per line, each row containing a sequence of field elements.

A simple stylesheet which uses this library and applies it to a string might look like the following. The initial template applies csv:parse to a suitable string and returns a copy of the result:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl=""
   exclude-result-prefixes="xs csv"

   <xsl:output indent="yes"/>

   <xsl:use-package name="" 

   <!-- example input "file"  -->
   <xsl:variable name="input" as="xs:string">
       name,id,postal code
       "Abel Braaksma",34291,1210 KA
       "Anders Berglund",473892,9843 ZD

   <!-- entry point -->
   <xsl:template name="xsl:initial-template">
       <xsl:copy-of select="csv:parse($input)"/>


The result returned by this stylesheet would be:

    <field quoted="no">name</field>
    <field quoted="no">id</field>
    <field quoted="no">postal code</field>
    <field quoted="yes">Abel Braaksma</field>
    <field quoted="no">34291</field>
    <field quoted="no">1210 KA</field>
    <field quoted="yes">Anders Berglund</field>
    <field quoted="no">473892</field>
    <field quoted="no">9843 ZD</field>

Variations on this default behavior are achieved by overriding selected declarations in the package, as described below. Package Structure

The package module itself is version 1.0.0 of a package called; it has the following structure:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   exclude-result-prefixes="xs csv"

   <!--* Mode declarations ... *-->
   <!--* Variable declarations ... *-->
   <!--* Attribute-set declaration ... *-->
   <!--* Function declarations ... *-->
   <!--* Templates ... *-->


The contents of the package (represented here by comments) are described more fully below. The csv:parse Function and its User-customization Hooks

The csv:parse function is final and cannot be overridden. As can be seen from the code below, it (1) parses its input parameter into lines, (2) calls function csv:preprocess-line on each line, then (3) applies the templates of mode csv:parse-line to the pre-processed value. The result is then (4) processed again by mode csv:post-process.

<xsl:function name="csv:parse" visibility="final">
    <xsl:param name="input" as="xs:string"/>   
    <xsl:variable name="result" as="element()">
                select="(tokenize($input, $csv:line-separator) 
                        ! csv:preprocess-line(.))" 
    <xsl:apply-templates select="$result" 

The default code for this processing is given below. Each part of the processing except the first (the tokenization into lines) can be overridden by the user of the package. Breaking the Input into Lines

The first user-customization hook is given by the global variable csv:line-separator, which specifies the line separator used to break the input string into lines. It can be overridden by the user if need be. The default declaration attempts to handle the line-separator sequences used by most common operating systems in text files:

<xsl:variable name="csv:line-separator" 
              visibility="public"/> Pre-processing the Lines

The function csv:preprocess-line calls normalize-space() on its argument:

<xsl:function name="csv:preprocess-line" 
    <xsl:param name="line" as="xs:string"/>
    <xsl:sequence select="normalize-space($line)"/>

Because the function is declared public, it can be overridden by a user. (This might be necessary, for example, if whitespace within quoted strings needs to be preserved.) The Mode csv:parse-line

By default, the mode csv:parse-line parses the current item (this will be one line of the input data) into fields, using mode csv:parse-field on the individual fields and (by default) wrapping the result in a row element.

The mode is declared with visibility="public" to allow it to be called from elsewhere and overridden:

<xsl:mode name="csv:parse-line" visibility="public"/>
<xsl:template match="." mode="csv:parse-line">
            select="tokenize(., $csv:field-separator)" 

This relies on the variable csv:field-separator, which is a comma by default but which can be overridden by the user to parse tab-separated data or data with other delimiters.

<xsl:variable name="csv:field-separator" 

The default implementation of csv:parse-line does not handle occurrences of the field separator occurring within quoted strings. The user can add templates to the mode to provide that functionality. Mode csv:parse-field

Mode csv:parse-field processes the current item as a field; by default it strips quotation marks from the value, calls the function csv:preprocess-field() on it, and wraps the result in a field element, which carries the attributes declared in the attribute set csv:field-attributes.

<xsl:template match="." 
    <xsl:variable name="string-body-pattern"
                  select="'([^' || $csv:validated-quote || ']*)'"/>
    <xsl:variable name="quoted-value"
                          || $string-body-pattern 
                          || $csv:validated-quote"/>
    <xsl:variable name="unquoted-value"

    <field xsl:use-attribute-sets="csv:field-attributes">{
                  $quoted-value || '|' || $unquoted-value, 

The attribute set csv:field-attributes includes, by default, a quoted attribute which has the values yes or no to show whether the input value was quoted or not.

<xsl:attribute-set name="csv:field-attributes" 
    <xsl:attribute name="quoted" 
                   select="if (starts-with(., $csv:validated-quote)) 
                           then 'yes' 
                           else 'no'"/>

The mode csv:parse-field is declared with visibility="public" to allow it to be called from elsewhere and overridden; it specifies on-no-match="shallow-copy" so that any string not matching a template will simply be copied:

<xsl:mode name="csv:parse-field"
          visibility="public"/> The csv:quote Variable

The variable csv:quote can be used to specify the character used in a particular input stream to quote values.

<xsl:variable name="csv:quote" 

The template given above assumes that the variable is one character long. To ensure that any overriding value of the variable is properly checked, references to the value use a second variable csv:validated-quote, which is declared private to ensure that the checking cannot be disabled.

<xsl:variable name="csv:validated-quote" visibility="private"
   as="xs:string" select="
       if (string-length($csv:quote) ne 1) 
       then error(xs:QName('csv:ERR001'), 
                  'Incorrect length for $csv:quote, should be 1') 
       else $csv:quote"/>

When the value of csv:quote is not exactly one character long, the reference to csv:validated-quote will cause an error (csv:ERR001) to be raised. The csv:preprocess-field Function

The function csv:preprocess-field is called on each field after any quotation marks are stripped and before it is written out as the value of a field element:

<xsl:function name="csv:preprocess-field" 
    <xsl:param name="field" 
    <xsl:sequence select="$field"/>

As can be seen, the function does nothing but return its input; its only purpose is to provide the opportunity for the user to supply a suitable function to be invoked at this point in the processing of each field. The Mode csv:post-process

The mode csv:post-process is intended solely as a hook for user code. By default, it does nothing.

The package defines no templates for this mode; the mode definition makes it return a copy of its input:

<xsl:mode name="csv:post-process" 
          visibility="public"/> Overriding the Default Behavior

As can be seen from the code shown above, the package provides several opportunities for users to override the default behavior:

  • The global variables csv:line-separator, csv:field-separator, and csv:quote can be overridden to specify the character strings used to separate lines and fields and to quote individual field values.

  • The function csv:preprocess-line can be overridden to do more (or less) than stripping white space; the function csv:preprocess-field can be overridden to process individual field values.

  • Templates can be added to the modes csv:parse-line, csv:parse-field, and csv:post-process to change their behavior.

  • The attribute set csv:field-attributes can be overridden to specify a different set of attributes (or none) for field elements.

The following using stylesheet illustrates the use of the xsl:override element to take advantage of several of these opportunities:

<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl=""
   exclude-result-prefixes="xs csv"

   <xsl:output indent="yes"/>

   <xsl:use-package name="" 
           <!-- Change the root element from 'csv' to 'root' -->
           <xsl:template match="csv" mode="csv:post-process">
                   <xsl:apply-templates mode="csv:post-process"/>

           <!-- add an extra attribute that uses the context item -->
           <xsl:attribute-set name="csv:field-attributes" 
               <xsl:attribute name="type" 
                              select="if (. castable as xs:decimal) 
                                      then 'numeric' 
                                      else 'string'"/>

           <!-- use semicolon not comma between fields -->
           <xsl:variable name="csv:field-separator" 
                         as="xs:string" select="';'" 

           <!-- prevent empty rows from appearing with empty lines -->
           <xsl:function name="csv:preprocess-line" 
               <xsl:param name="line" as="xs:string"/>
               <xsl:variable name="norm-line" 
               <xsl:sequence select="if (string-length($norm-line) > 0) 
                                     then $norm-line 
                                     else ()"/>

   <!-- example input "file"  -->
   <xsl:variable name="input" as="xs:string">
       name;id;postal code
       "Braaksma Abel";34291;1210 KA
       "Berglund Anders";473892;9843 ZD

   <!-- entry point -->
   <xsl:template name="xsl:initial-template">
       <xsl:copy-of select="csv:parse($input)"/>



  • As it does elsewhere, the visibility of components declared within xsl:override defaults to private; to keep the component public, it is necessary to specify visibility explicitly.

  • The types and optionality of all function parameters must match those of the function being overridden; for function overriding to be feasible, packages must document the function signature thoroughly.

  • The names, types, and optionality of all named-template parameters must match those of the template being overridden; for overriding to be feasible, packages must document the template signature thoroughly.

  • The values for the attributes in the attribute set csv:field-attributes are calculated once for each element for which the attribute set is supplied; the select attributes which determine the values can thus refer to the context item. Here, the value specification for the type attribute checks to see whether the string value of the context item is numeric by inquiring whether it can be cast to decimal, and sets the value for the type attribute accordingly.

The result returned by this stylesheet would be:

    <field quoted="no" type="string">name</field>
    <field quoted="no" type="string">id</field>
    <field quoted="no" type="string">postal code</field>
    <field quoted="yes" type="string">Braaksma Abel</field>
    <field quoted="no" type="numeric">34291</field>
    <field quoted="no" type="string">1210 KA</field>
    <field quoted="yes" type="string">Berglund Anders</field>
    <field quoted="no" type="numeric">473892</field>
    <field quoted="no" type="string">9843 ZD</field>

3.6 Stylesheet Modules

[Definition: A package consists of one or more stylesheet modules, each one forming all or part of an XML document.]


A stylesheet module is represented by an XDM element node (see [XDM 3.0]). In the case of a standard stylesheet module, this will be an xsl:stylesheet or xsl:transform element. In the case of a simplified stylesheet module, it can be any element (not in the XSLT namespace) that has an xsl:version attribute.

Although stylesheet modules will commonly be maintained in the form of documents conforming to XML 1.0 or XML 1.1, this specification does not mandate such a representation. As with source trees, the way in which stylesheet modules are constructed, from textual XML or otherwise, is outside the scope of this specification.

The principal stylesheet module of a package may take one of three forms:

A stylesheet module other than the principal stylesheet module of a package may take either of two forms:

Whichever of the above forms a module takes, the outermost element (xsl:package, xsl:stylesheet, or a literal result element) may either be the outermost element of an XML document, or it may be a child of some (non-XSLT) element in a host document.

[Definition: A stylesheet module whose outermost element is the child of a non-XSLT element in a host document is referred to as an embedded stylesheet module. See 3.12 Embedded Stylesheet Modules.]

3.7 Stylesheet Element

  id? = id
  version = decimal
  default-mode? = eqname | "#unnamed"〔'#unnamed'〕
  default-validation? = "preserve" | "strip"〔'strip'〕
  input-type-annotations? = "preserve" | "strip" | "unspecified"〔'unspecified'〕
  default-collation? = uris
  extension-element-prefixes? = prefixes
  exclude-result-prefixes? = prefixes
  expand-text? = boolean
  main-module? = uri
  use-when? = expression〔true()〕
  xpath-default-namespace? = uri >
  <!-- Content: (declarations) -->

  id? = id
  version = decimal
  default-mode? = eqname | "#unnamed"〔'#unnamed'〕
  default-validation? = "preserve" | "strip"〔'strip'〕
  input-type-annotations? = "preserve" | "strip" | "unspecified"〔'unspecified'〕
  default-collation? = uris
  extension-element-prefixes? = prefixes
  exclude-result-prefixes? = prefixes
  expand-text? = boolean〔'no'〕
  main-module? = uri
  use-when? = expression〔true()〕
  xpath-default-namespace? = uri >
  <!-- Content: (declarations) -->

A stylesheet module is represented by an xsl:stylesheet element in an XML document. xsl:transform is allowed as a synonym for xsl:stylesheet; everything this specification says about the xsl:stylesheet element applies equally to xsl:transform.

The version attribute indicates the version of XSLT that the stylesheet module requires. The attribute is required.

[ERR XTSE0110] The value of the version attribute must be a number: specifically, it must be a valid instance of the type xs:decimal as defined in [XML Schema Part 2].

The version attribute is intended to indicate the version of the XSLT specification against which the stylesheet is written. In a stylesheet written to use XSLT 4.0, the value should normally be set to 4.0. If the value is numerically less than 4.0, the stylesheet is processed using the rules for backwards compatible behavior (see 3.9 Backwards Compatible Processing). If the value is numerically greater than 4.0, the stylesheet is processed using the rules for forwards compatible behavior (see 3.10 Forwards Compatible Processing).

The effect of the input-type-annotations attribute is described in 4.3.1 Stripping Type Annotations from a Source Tree.

The [xsl:]default-validation attribute defines the default value of the validation attribute of all relevant instructions appearing within its scope. For details of the effect of this attribute, see 26.4 Validation.

The optional main-module attribute is purely documentary. By including this attribute in every stylesheet module of a package, an XSLT editing tool may be enabled to locate the top-level module of the relevant package, and thus to gather information about all the global variables, templates, and functions available within the module being edited. This information can be used (for example) to enable auto-completion and error highlighting of the code as it is entered. Note that it may be inconvenient or misleading to use this attribute when the stylesheet module is used as a shared component within multiple stylesheets.

[ERR XTSE0120] An xsl:stylesheet, xsl:transform, or xsl:package element must not have any text node children. (This rule applies after stripping of whitespace text nodes as described in 3.13.1 Stripping Whitespace and Commentary from the Stylesheet.)

[Definition: An element occurring as a child of an xsl:package, xsl:stylesheet, xsl:transform, or xsl:override element is called a top-level element.]

[Definition: Top-level elements fall into two categories: declarations, and user-defined data elements. Top-level elements whose names are in the XSLT namespace are declarations. Top-level elements in any other namespace are user-defined data elements (see 3.7.3 User-defined Data Elements)].

The declaration elements permitted in the xsl:stylesheet element are:


Note that the xsl:variable and xsl:param elements can act either as declarations or as instructions. A global variable or parameter is defined using a declaration; a local variable or parameter using an instruction.

The child elements of the xsl:stylesheet element may appear in any order. In most cases, the ordering of these elements does not affect the results of the transformation; however:

3.7.1 The default-collation Attribute

The default-collation attribute is a standard attribute that may appear on any element in the XSLT namespace, or (as xsl:default-collation) on a literal result element.

The attribute, when it appears on an element E, is used to specify the default collation used by all XPath expressions appearing in attributes or text value templates that have E as an ancestor, unless overridden by another default-collation attribute on an inner element. It also determines the collation used by certain XSLT constructs (such as xsl:key and xsl:for-each-group) within its scope.

The value of the attribute is a whitespace-separated list of collation URIs. If any of these URIs is a relative URI reference, then it is resolved as described in Section 5.3.1 CollationsFO40.. If the implementation recognizes one or more of the resulting absolute collation URIs, then it uses the first one that it recognizes as the default collation.

[ERR XTSE0125] It is a static error if the value of an [xsl:]default-collation attribute, after resolving against the base URI, contains no URI that the implementation recognizes as a collation URI.


The reason the attribute allows a list of collation URIs is that collation URIs will often be meaningful only to one particular XSLT implementation. Stylesheets designed to run with several different implementations can therefore specify several different collation URIs, one for use with each. To avoid the above error condition, it is possible to include as the last collation URI in the list either the Unicode Codepoint Collation or a collation in the UCA family (see 13.4 The Unicode Collation Algorithm) with the parameter fallback=yes.

The [xsl:]default-collation attribute does not affect the collation used by xsl:sort or by xsl:merge.

In the absence of an [xsl:]default-collation attribute, the default collation may be set by the calling application in an implementation-defined way. The recommended default, unless the user chooses otherwise, is to use the Unicode codepoint collation.

3.7.2 The default-mode Attribute

The [xsl:]default-mode attribute defines the default value for the mode attribute of all xsl:template and xsl:apply-templates elements within its scope.

More specifically, when an element E matches the pattern (xsl:template[@match] | xsl:apply-templates)[not(@mode) or normalize-space(@mode) eq "#default"] (using the Unicode codepoint collation), then the effective value of the mode attribute is taken from the value of the [xsl:]default-mode attribute of the innermost ancestor-or-self element of E that has such an attribute. If there is no such element, then the default is the unnamed mode. This is equivalent to specifying #unnamed.

In addition, when the attribute appears on the xsl:package, xsl:stylesheet, or xsl:transform element of the principal stylesheet module of the top-level package, it provides a default value for the initial mode used on stylesheet invocation.

The value of the [xsl:]default-mode attribute must either be an EQName, or the token #unnamed which refers to the unnamed mode.


This attribute is provided to support an approach to stylesheet modularity in which all the template rules for one mode are collected together into a single stylesheet module. Using this attribute reduces the risk of forgetting to specify the mode in one or more places where it is needed, and it also makes it easier to reuse an existing stylesheet module that does not use modes in an application where modes are needed to avoid conflicts with existing template rules.

It is not necessary for the referenced mode to be explicitly declared in an xsl:mode declaration, unless this is mandated by the declared-modes attribute (which defaults to yes on an xsl:package element).

3.7.3 User-defined Data Elements

[Definition: In addition to declarations, the xsl:stylesheet element may contain among its children any element not from the XSLT namespace, provided that the expanded QName of the element has a non-null namespace URI. Such elements are referred to as user-defined data elements.]

[ERR XTSE0130] It is a static error if an xsl:stylesheet, xsl:transform, or xsl:package element has a child element whose name has a null namespace URI.

An implementation may attach an implementation-defined meaning to user-defined data elements that appear in particular namespaces. The set of namespaces that are recognized for such data elements is implementation-defined. The presence of a user-defined data element must not change the behavior of XSLT elements and functions defined in this document; for example, it is not permitted for a user-defined data element to specify that xsl:apply-templates should use different rules to resolve conflicts. The constraints on what user-defined data elements can and cannot do are exactly the same as the constraints on extension attributes, described in 3.2 Extension Attributes. Thus, an implementation is always free to ignore user-defined data elements, and must ignore such data elements without giving an error if it does not recognize the namespace URI.

User-defined data elements can provide, for example,

3.8 Simplified Stylesheet Modules

A simplified syntax is allowed for a stylesheet module that defines only a single template rule for the document node. The stylesheet module may consist of just a literal result element (see 11.1 Literal Result Elements) together with its contents. The literal result element must have an xsl:version attribute (and it must therefore also declare the XSLT namespace). Such a stylesheet module is equivalent to a standard stylesheet module whose xsl:stylesheet element contains a template rule containing the literal result element; the template rule has a match pattern of /.

Example: A Simplified Stylesheet

The following example shows a stylesheet that simply evaluates one XPath expression:


The output of the stylesheet will be an XML document such as <out>17</out> showing the number of elements found in the supplied source document.

This simplified stylesheet is defined to be equivalent to the following expanded stylesheet:

<xsl:stylesheet xmlns=""
                  version="4.0" expand-text="yes">
    <xsl:template match="/">

A simplified stylesheet can contain XSLT instructions, in which case the XSLT namespace needs to be declared. This is illustrated in the next example.

Example: A Simplified Stylesheet Containing XSLT Instructions

This stylesheet outputs an HTML document containing a table that summarizes the value of transactions according to their rate of tax:

<html xmlns=""
    <title>Expenditure by Tax Rate</title>
           <th>Gross Amount</th>
           <th>Tax Rate</th>
        <xsl:for-each-group select="//transaction" group-by="vat-rate">

Note that it is not possible, in a simplified stylesheet, to define serialization properties (for example to request a DOCTYPE declaration). A processor may offer a way to do this using options in the transformation API.

More formally, a simplified stylesheet module is equivalent to the standard stylesheet module that would be generated by applying the following transformation to the simplified stylesheet module, invoking the transformation by calling the named template expand, with the containing literal result element as the context node:

<xsl:stylesheet version="4.0"

<xsl:template name="expand">
  <xsl:element name="xsl:stylesheet">
    <xsl:attribute name="version" select="@xsl:version otherwise '4.0'"/>
    <xsl:attribute name="expand-text" 
                   select="not(number(@xsl:version) le 3.0)"/>
    <xsl:element name="xsl:template">
      <xsl:attribute name="match" select="'/'"/>
      <xsl:copy-of select="."/>


[ERR XTSE0150] A literal result element that is used as the outermost element of a simplified stylesheet module must have an xsl:version attribute. This indicates the version of XSLT that the stylesheet requires. For this version of XSLT, the value will normally be 4.0; the value must be a valid instance of the type xs:decimal as defined in [XML Schema Part 2].

The allowed content of a literal result element when used as a simplified stylesheet is the same as when it occurs within a sequence constructor. Thus, a literal result element used as the document element of a simplified stylesheet cannot contain declarations. Simplified stylesheets therefore cannot use template rules, global variables, stylesheet parameters, stylesheet functions, keys, attribute-sets, or output definitions. In turn this means that the only useful way to initiate the transformation is to supply a document node as the initial match selection, to be matched by the implicit match="/" template rule using the unnamed mode.


There are two significant changes to simplified stylesheets in XSLT 4.0.

  1. It is no longer required to include an xsl:version attribute; this in turn means it is often no longer necessary to declare the xsl namespace. The xsl:version attribute defaults to the version of the XSLT processor, that is, "4.0" for an XSLT 4.0 processor.

  2. If the xsl:version attribute is omitted, or is set to "4.0" or a larger value, then the expand-text attribute defaults to true, meaning that text value templates are recognized.

3.9 Backwards Compatible Processing

[Definition: The effective version of an element in a stylesheet module or package manifest is the decimal value of the [xsl:]version attribute (see 3.4 Standard Attributes) on that element or on the innermost ancestor element that has such an attribute, excluding the version attribute on an xsl:output element.]

[Definition: An element is processed with backwards compatible behavior if its effective version is less than 4.0.]


  • If the effective version is equal to 1.0, then the element is processed with XSLT 1.0 behavior as described in 3.9.1 XSLT 1.0 Compatibility Mode.

  • If the effective version is equal to 2.0, then the element is processed with XSLT 2.0 behavior as described in 3.9.2 XSLT 2.0 Compatibility Mode.

  • If the effective version is equal to 3.0, then the element is processed with XSLT 3.0 behavior as described in 3.9.3 XSLT 3.0 Compatibility Mode.

  • If the effective version is any other value less than 4.0, the recommended action is to report a static error; however, processors may recognize such values and process the element in an implementation-defined way.


    XSLT 1.0 allowed the version attribute to take any decimal value, and invoked forwards compatible processing for any value other than 1.0. XSLT 2.0 allowed the attribute to take any decimal value, and invoked backwards compatible (i.e. 1.0-compatible) processing for any value less than 2.0. Some stylesheets may therefore be encountered that use values other than 1.0 or 2.0. In particular, the value 1.1 is sometimes encountered, as it was used at one stage in a draft language proposal.

These rules do not apply to the xsl:output element, whose version attribute has an entirely different purpose: it is used to define the version of the output method to be used for serialization.

It is implementation-defined whether a particular XSLT 4.0 implementation supports backwards compatible behavior for any XSLT version earlier than XSLT 4.0.

[ERR XTDE0160] It is a dynamic error if an element has an effective version of V (with V < 4.0) when the implementation does not support backwards compatible behavior for XSLT version V.


By making use of backwards compatible behavior, it is possible to write the stylesheet in a way that ensures that its results when processed with an XSLT 4.0 processor are identical to the effects of processing the same stylesheet using a processor for an earlier version of XSLT. To assist with transition, some parts of a stylesheet may be processed with backwards compatible behavior enabled, and other parts with this behavior disabled.

All data values manipulated by an XSLT 4.0 processor are defined by the XDM data model, whether or not the relevant expressions use backwards compatible behavior. Because the same data model is used in both cases, expressions are fully composable. The result of evaluating instructions or expressions with backwards compatible behavior is fully defined in the XSLT 4.0 and XPath 4.0 specifications, it is not defined by reference to earlier versions of the XSLT and XPath specifications.

To write a stylesheet that makes use of features that are new in version N, while also working with a processor that only supports XSLT version M (M < N), it is necessary to understand both the rules for backwards compatible behavior in XSLT version N, and the rules for forwards compatible behavior in XSLT version M. If the xsl:stylesheet element specifies a version attribute with a value greater than 1.0, then an XSLT 1.0 processor will ignore XSLT 2.0 and XSLT 3.0 declarations that were not defined in XSLT 1.0, for example xsl:function, xsl:import-schema, and xsl:mode. If any new XSLT 4.0 instructions are used (for example xsl:switch or xsl:array), or if new XPath 4.0 features are used (for example, keyword arguments in function calls), then the stylesheet must provide fallback behavior that relies only on facilities available in the earliest XSLT version supported. The fallback behavior can be invoked by using the xsl:fallback instruction, or by testing the results of the function-available or element-available functions, or by testing the value of the xsl:version property returned by the system-property function.

3.9.1 XSLT 1.0 Compatibility Mode

[Definition: An element in the stylesheet is processed with XSLT 1.0 behavior if its effective version is equal to 1.0.]

In this mode, if any attribute contains an XPath expression, then the expression is evaluated with XPath 1.0 compatibility mode set to true. For details of this mode, see Section 2.2.1 Static ContextXP40. Expressions contained in text value templates are always evaluated with XPath 1.0 compatibility mode set to false, since this construct was not available in XSLT 1.0.

Furthermore, in such an expression any function call for which no implementation is available (unless it uses the standard function namespace) is bound to a fallback error function whose effect when evaluated is to raise a dynamic error [see ERR XTDE1425] . The effect is that with backwards compatible behavior enabled, calls on extension functions that are not available in a particular implementation do not cause an error unless the function call is actually evaluated. For further details, see 25.1 Extension Functions.


This might appear to contradict the specification of XPath 3.0, which states that a static error [XPST0017] is raised when an expression contains a call to a function that is not present (with matching name and arity) in the static context. This apparent contradiction is resolved by specifying that the XSLT processor constructs a static context for the expression in which every possible function name and arity (other than names in the standard function namespace) is present; when no other implementation of the function is available, the function call is bound to a fallback error function whose run-time effect is to raise a dynamic error.

Certain XSLT constructs also produce different results when XSLT 1.0 compatibility mode is enabled. This is described separately for each such construct.

Processing an instruction with XSLT 1.0 behavior is not compatible with streaming. More specifically, and notwithstanding anything stated in 19 Streamability, an instruction that is processed with XSLT 1.0 behavior is roaming and free-ranging, which has the effect that any construct containing such an instruction is not guaranteed-streamable.

3.9.2 XSLT 2.0 Compatibility Mode

[Definition: An element is processed with XSLT 2.0 behavior if its effective version is equal to 2.0.]

In this specification, no differences are defined for XSLT 2.0 behavior. An XSLT 4.0 processor will therefore produce the same results whether the effective version of an element is set to 2.0 or 4.0.


An XSLT 2.0 processor, by contrast, will in some cases produce different results in the two cases. For example, if the stylesheet contains an xsl:switch instruction with an xsl:fallback child, an XSLT 4.0 processor will process the xsl:switch instruction regardless whether the effective version is 2.0, 3.0, or 4.0, while an XSLT 2.0 processor will report a static error if the effective version is 2.0, and will take the fallback action if the effective version is 3.0 or 4.0.

3.9.3 XSLT 3.0 Compatibility Mode

[Definition: An element is processed with XSLT 3.0 behavior if its effective version is equal to 3.0.]

In this specification, no differences are defined for XSLT 3.0 behavior. An XSLT 4.0 processor will therefore produce the same results whether the effective version of an element is set to 3.0 or 4.0.


An XSLT 3.0 processor, by contrast, will in some cases produce different results in the two cases. For example, if the stylesheet contains an xsl:switch instruction with an xsl:fallback child, an XSLT 4.0 processor will process the xsl:switch instruction regardless whether the effective version is 2.0, 3.0, or 4.0, while an XSLT 3.0 processor will report a static error if the effective version is 2.0 or 3.0, and will take the fallback action if the effective version is 4.0.

3.10 Forwards Compatible Processing

The intent of forwards compatible behavior is to make it possible to write a stylesheet that takes advantage of features introduced in some version of XSLT subsequent to XSLT 4.0, while retaining the ability to execute the stylesheet with an XSLT 4.0 processor using appropriate fallback behavior.

It is always possible to write conditional code to run under different XSLT versions by using the use-when feature described in 3.13.3 Conditional Element Inclusion. The rules for forwards compatible behavior supplement this mechanism in two ways:

  • Certain constructs in the stylesheet that mean nothing to an XSLT 4.0 processor are ignored, rather than being treated as errors.

  • Explicit fallback behavior can be defined for instructions defined in a future XSLT release, using the xsl:fallback instruction.

The detailed rules follow.

[Definition: An element is processed with forwards compatible behavior if its effective version is greater than 4.0.]

These rules do not apply to the version attribute of the xsl:output element, which has an entirely different purpose: it is used to define the version of the output method to be used for serialization.

When an element is processed with forwards compatible behavior:

  • If the element is in the XSLT namespace and appears as a child of the xsl:stylesheet element, and XSLT 4.0 does not allow the element to appear as a child of the xsl:stylesheet element, then the element and its content must be ignored.

  • If the element has an attribute that XSLT 4.0 does not allow the element to have, then the attribute must be ignored.

  • If the element is in the XSLT namespace and appears as a child of an element whose content model requires a sequence constructor, and XSLT 4.0 does not allow such elements to appear as part of a sequence constructor, then:

    1. If the element has one or more xsl:fallback children, then no error is reported either statically or dynamically, and the result of evaluating the instruction is the concatenation of the sequences formed by evaluating the sequence constructors within its xsl:fallback children, in document order. Siblings of the xsl:fallback elements are ignored, even if they are valid XSLT 4.0 instructions.

    2. If the element has no xsl:fallback children, then a static error is reported in the same way as if forwards compatible behavior were not enabled.

Example: Forwards Compatible Behavior

For example, an XSLT 4.0 processor will process the following stylesheet without error, although the stylesheet includes elements from the XSLT namespace that are not defined in this specification:

<xsl:stylesheet version="17.0"
  <xsl:template match="/">
            <title>XSLT 17.0 required</title>
            <p>Sorry, this stylesheet requires XSLT 17.0.</p>


If a stylesheet depends crucially on a declaration introduced by a version of XSLT after 4.0, then the stylesheet can use an xsl:message element with terminate="yes" (see 24.1 Messages) to ensure that implementations that conform to an earlier version of XSLT will not silently ignore the declaration.

Example: Testing the XSLT Version

For example,

<xsl:stylesheet version="18.0"


  <xsl:template match="/">
      <xsl:when test="number(system-property('xsl:version')) lt 17.0">
        <xsl:message terminate="yes">
          <xsl:text>Sorry, this stylesheet requires XSLT 17.0.</xsl:text>


The XSLT 1.0 and XSLT 2.0 specifications did not anticipate the introduction of the xsl:package element. An XSLT 1.0 or 2.0 processor encountering this element will report a static error, regardless of the version setting.

This problem can be circumvented by using the simplified package syntax (whereby an xsl:stylesheet element is implicitly treated as xsl:package), or by writing the stylesheet code in a separate module from the package manifest, and using the separate module as the version of the stylesheet that is presented to a 2.0 processor.

3.11 Combining Stylesheet Modules

XSLT provides two mechanisms to construct a package from multiple stylesheet modules:

  • an inclusion mechanism that allows stylesheet modules to be combined without changing the semantics of the modules being combined, and

  • an import mechanism that allows stylesheet modules to override each other.

3.11.1 Locating Stylesheet Modules

The include and import mechanisms use two declarations, xsl:include and xsl:import, which are defined in the sections that follow.

These declarations use an href attribute, whose value is a URI reference, to identify the stylesheet module to be included or imported. If the value of this attribute is a relative URI reference, it is resolved as described in 5.9 URI References.

After resolving against the base URI, the way in which the URI reference is used to locate a representation of a stylesheet module, and the way in which the stylesheet module is constructed from that representation, are implementation-defined. In particular, it is implementation-defined which URI schemes are supported, whether fragment identifiers are supported, and what media types are supported. Conventionally, the URI is a reference to a resource containing the stylesheet module as a source XML document, or it may include a fragment identifier that selects an embedded stylesheet module within a source XML document; but the implementation is free to use other mechanisms to locate the stylesheet module identified by the URI reference.

The referenced stylesheet module must be either a standard stylesheet module or a simplified stylesheet. It must not be a package manifest. If it is a simplified stylesheet module then it is transformed into the equivalent standard stylesheet module by applying the transformation described in 3.8 Simplified Stylesheet Modules.

Implementations may choose to accept URI references containing a fragment identifier defined by reference to the XPointer specification (see [XPointer Framework]). Note that if the implementation does not support the use of fragment identifiers in the URI reference, then it will not be possible to include an embedded stylesheet module.

[ERR XTSE0165] It is a static error if the processor is not able to retrieve the resource identified by the URI reference, or if the resource that is retrieved does not contain a stylesheet module.


It is appropriate to use this error code when the resource cannot be retrieved, or when the retrieved resource is not well formed XML. If the resource contains XML that can be parsed but that violates the rules for stylesheet modules, then a more specific error code may be more appropriate.

3.11.2 Stylesheet Inclusion

<!-- Category: declaration -->
  href = uri />

A stylesheet module may include another stylesheet module using an xsl:include declaration.

The xsl:include declaration has a required href attribute whose value is a URI reference identifying the stylesheet module to be included. This attribute is used as described in 3.11.1 Locating Stylesheet Modules.

[ERR XTSE0170] An xsl:include element must be a top-level element.

[Definition: A stylesheet level is a collection of stylesheet modules connected using xsl:include declarations: specifically, two stylesheet modules A and B are part of the same stylesheet level if one of them includes the other by means of an xsl:include declaration, or if there is a third stylesheet module C that is in the same stylesheet level as both A and B.]


A stylesheet level thus groups the declarations in a package by import precedence: two declarations within a package are in the same stylesheet level if and only if they have the same import precedence.

[Definition: The declarations within a stylesheet level have a total ordering known as declaration order. The order of declarations within a stylesheet level is the same as the document order that would result if each stylesheet module were inserted textually in place of the xsl:include element that references it.] In other respects, however, the effect of xsl:include is not equivalent to the effect that would be obtained by textual inclusion.

[ERR XTSE0180] It is a static error if a stylesheet module directly or indirectly includes itself.


It is not intrinsically an error for a stylesheet to include the same module more than once. However, doing so can cause errors because of duplicate definitions. Such multiple inclusions are less obvious when they are indirect. For example, if stylesheet B includes stylesheet A, stylesheet C includes stylesheet A, and stylesheet D includes both stylesheet B and stylesheet C, then A will be included indirectly by D twice. If all of B, C and D are used as independent stylesheets, then the error can be avoided by separating everything in B other than the inclusion of A into a separate stylesheet B′ and changing B to contain just inclusions of B′ and A, similarly for C, and then changing D to include A, B′, C′.

3.11.3 Stylesheet Import

<!-- Category: declaration -->
  href = uri />

A stylesheet module may import another stylesheet module using an xsl:import declaration. Importing a stylesheet module is the same as including it (see 3.11.2 Stylesheet Inclusion) except that template rules and other declarations in the importing module take precedence over template rules and declarations in the imported module; this is described in more detail below.

The xsl:import declaration has a required href attribute whose value is a URI reference identifying the stylesheet module to be included. This attribute is used as described in 3.11.1 Locating Stylesheet Modules.

[ERR XTSE0190] An xsl:import element must be a top-level element.

Example: Using xsl:import

For example,

<xsl:stylesheet version="3.0"
  <xsl:import href="article.xsl"/>
  <xsl:import href="bigfont.xsl"/>
  <xsl:attribute-set name="note-style">
    <xsl:attribute name="font-style">italic</xsl:attribute>

[Definition: The stylesheet levels making up a stylesheet are treated as forming an import tree. In the import tree, each stylesheet level has one child for each xsl:import declaration that it contains.] The ordering of the children is the declaration order of the xsl:import declarations within their stylesheet level.

[Definition: A declaration D in the stylesheet is defined to have lower import precedence than another declaration E if the stylesheet level containing D would be visited before the stylesheet level containing E in a post-order traversal of the import tree (that is, a traversal of the import tree in which a stylesheet level is visited after its children). Two declarations within the same stylesheet level have the same import precedence.]

For example, suppose

  • stylesheet module A imports stylesheet modules B and C in that order;

  • stylesheet module B imports stylesheet module D;

  • stylesheet module C imports stylesheet module E.

Then the import tree has the following structure:

g d6e10073 A d6e10074 B d6e10073->d6e10074 d6e10076 C d6e10073->d6e10076 d6e10075 D d6e10074->d6e10075 d6e10077 E d6e10076->d6e10077

The order of import precedence (lowest first) is D, B, E, C, A.

In general, a declaration with higher import precedence takes precedence over a declaration with lower import precedence. This is defined in detail for each kind of declaration.

[ERR XTSE0210] It is a static error if a stylesheet module directly or indirectly imports itself.


The case where a stylesheet module with a particular URI is imported several times is not treated specially. The effect is exactly the same as if several stylesheet modules with different URIs but identical content were imported. This might or might not cause an error, depending on the content of the stylesheet module.

3.12 Embedded Stylesheet Modules

An embedded stylesheet module is a stylesheet module whose containing element is not the outermost element of the containing XML document. Both standard stylesheet modules and simplified stylesheet modules may be embedded in this way.

Two situations where embedded stylesheets may be useful are:

  • The stylesheet may be embedded in the source document to be transformed.

  • The stylesheet may be embedded in an XML document that describes a sequence of processing of which the XSLT transformation forms just one part.

The xsl:stylesheet element may have an id attribute to facilitate reference to the stylesheet module within the containing document.


In order for such an attribute value to be used as a fragment identifier in a URI, the XDM attribute node must generally have the is-id property: see Section 5.5 is-id Accessor DM30. This property will typically be set if the attribute is defined in a DTD as being of type ID, or if it is defined in a schema as being of type xs:ID. It is also necessary that the media type of the containing document should support the use of ID values as fragment identifiers. Such support is widespread in existing products, and is endorsed in respect of the media type application/xml by [RFC7303].

An alternative, if the implementation supports it, is to use an xml:id attribute. XSLT allows this attribute (like other namespaced attributes) to appear on any XSLT element.

Example: The xml-stylesheet Processing Instruction

The following example shows how the xml-stylesheet processing instruction (see [XML Stylesheet]) can be used to allow a source document to contain its own stylesheet. The URI reference uses a fragment identifier to locate the xsl:stylesheet element:

<?xml-stylesheet type="application/xslt+xml" href="#style1"?>
<!DOCTYPE doc SYSTEM "doc.dtd">
    <xsl:stylesheet id="style1"
    <xsl:import href="doc.xsl"/>
    <xsl:template match="id('foo')">
      <fo:block font-weight="bold"><xsl:apply-templates/></fo:block>
    <xsl:template match="xsl:stylesheet">
      <!-- ignore -->
    <para id="foo">


A stylesheet module that is embedded in the document to which it is to be applied typically needs to contain a template rule that specifies that xsl:stylesheet elements are to be ignored.


The above example uses the pseudo-attribute type="application/xslt+xml" in the xml-stylesheet processing instruction to denote an XSLT stylesheet. This is the officially registered media type for XSLT: see 3.3 XSLT Media Type. However, browsers developed before this media type was registered are more likely to accept the unofficial designation type="text/xsl".


Support for the xml-stylesheet processing instruction is not required for conformance with this Recommendation. Implementations are not constrained in the mechanisms they use to identify a stylesheet when a transformation is initiated: see 2.3 Initiating a Transformation.

3.13 Stylesheet Preprocessing

This specification provides three features that cause the raw stylesheet to be preprocessed as the first stage of static processing:

Note that many of the rules affecting the validity of stylesheet documents apply to a stylesheet after this preprocessing phase has been carried out.

3.13.1 Stripping Whitespace and Commentary from the Stylesheet

The tree representing the stylesheet is preprocessed as follows:

  1. All comments and processing instructions are removed.

  2. All xsl:note elements are removed, together with their content (see 3.13.2 The xsl:note element).

  3. Any text nodes that are now adjacent to each other are merged.

  4. Any whitespace text node that satisfies both the following conditions is removed from the tree:

    • The parent of the text node is not an xsl:text element

    • The text node does not have an ancestor element that has an xml:space attribute with a value of preserve, unless there is a closer ancestor element having an xml:space attribute with a value of default.

  5. Any whitespace text node whose parent is one of the following elements is removed from the tree, regardless of any xml:space attributes:


  6. Any whitespace text node whose immediate following-sibling node is an xsl:param or xsl:sort or xsl:context-item or xsl:on-completion element is removed from the tree, regardless of any xml:space attributes.

  7. Any whitespace text node whose immediate preceding-sibling node is an xsl:catch element is removed from the tree, regardless of any xml:space attributes.

[ERR XTSE0260] Within an XSLT element that is required to be empty, any content other than comments or processing instructions, including any whitespace text node preserved using the xml:space="preserve" attribute, is a static error.


Using xml:space="preserve" in parts of the stylesheet that contain sequence constructors will cause whitespace text nodes in that part of the stylesheet to be copied to the result of the sequence constructor. When the result of the sequence constructor is used to form the content of an element, this can cause errors if such text nodes are followed by attribute nodes generated using xsl:attribute.


If an xml:space attribute is specified on a literal result element, it will be copied to the result tree in the same way as any other attribute.

3.13.2 The xsl:note element

An xsl:note element may appear anywhere in the stylesheet, except as the outermost element.

  #any#? = string >
  <!-- Content: any -->

The element may have any attributes and any children, subject only to rules imposed by other specifications such as the XML specification. The XSLT processor discards xsl:note elements at an early stage of processing, without performing any validation, as described in 3.13.1 Stripping Whitespace and Commentary from the Stylesheet.

An xsl:note element is typically used for documentation. The format of this documentation is not prescribed here: it might be free text, or XHTML, or some custom vocabulary understood by a free-standing documentation generator.

An xsl:note element might also be used for “commenting out” XSLT declarations or instructions.


A number of documentation processors have been produced for use with XSLT, and the general convention has been to use user-defined data elements for this purpose. This approach has its drawbacks:

  • Annotations can only appear at the top level of the stylesheet (between declarations, but not within declarations). Extension instructions can also potentially be used as annotations, but this abuses their intended purpose and may create an unwanted dependency on a specific processor.

  • Annotations require a custom namespace to be declared, typically on the xsl:stylesheet element, and this namespace becomes part of the static context for all expressions within the stylesheet, thus changing (if only very slightly) the semantics of the stylesheet code. This is true even if the namespace is excluded from the result tree by means of an [xsl:]exclude-result-prefixes attribute.

Implementations must not interpret the contents of an xsl:note element to modify the behavior of the stylesheet in any way, whether or not the resulting behavior remains conformant with this specification.


For example, xsl:note elements must not be used to provide processor-specific performance hints. There are better mechanisms for this, such as user-defined data elements and extension attributes.

3.13.3 Conditional Element Inclusion

Any element in the XSLT namespace may have a use-when attribute whose value is an XPath expression that can be evaluated statically. A literal result element, or any other element within a stylesheet module that is not in the XSLT namespace, may similarly carry an xsl:use-when attribute. If the attribute is present and the effective boolean valueXP40 of the expression is false, then the element, together with all the nodes having that element as an ancestor, is effectively excluded from the stylesheet module. When a node is effectively excluded from a stylesheet module the stylesheet module has the same effect as if the node were not there. Among other things this means that no static or dynamic errors will be reported in respect of the element and its contents, other than errors in the use-when attribute itself.


This does not apply to XML parsing or validation errors, which will be reported in the usual way. It also does not apply to attributes that are necessarily processed before [xsl:]use-when, examples being xml:space and [xsl:]xpath-default-namespace.

If the xsl:package, xsl:stylesheet or xsl:transform element itself is effectively excluded, the effect is to exclude all the children of the xsl:stylesheet or xsl:transform element, but not the xsl:stylesheet or xsl:transform element or its attributes.


This allows all the declarations that depend on the same condition to be included in one stylesheet module, and for their inclusion or exclusion to be controlled by a single use-when attribute at the level of the module.

Conditional element exclusion happens after stripping of whitespace text nodes from the stylesheet, as described in 3.13.1 Stripping Whitespace and Commentary from the Stylesheet.

The XPath expression used as the value of the xsl:use-when attribute follows the rules for static expressions, including the rules for handling errors.

The use of [xsl:]use-when is illustrated in the following examples.

Example: Using Conditional Exclusion to Achieve Portability

This example demonstrates the use of the use-when attribute to achieve portability of a stylesheet across schema-aware and non-schema-aware processors.

<xsl:import-schema schema-location=""

<xsl:template match="/" 
  <xsl:result-document validation="strict">

<xsl:template match="/">

The effect of these declarations is that a non-schema-aware processor ignores the xsl:import-schema declaration and the first template rule, and therefore generates no errors in respect of the schema-related constructs in these declarations.


Example: Including Variant Stylesheet Modules

This example includes different stylesheet modules depending on which XSLT processor is in use.

<xsl:include href="module-A.xsl" 
<xsl:include href="module-B.xsl" 

3.13.4 Shadow Attributes

When a no-namespace attribute name N is permitted to appear on an element in the XSLT namespace (provided that N does not start with an underscore), then a value V can be supplied for N in one of two ways:

  • The conventional way is for an attribute node with name N and value V to appear in the XDM representation of the element node in the stylesheet tree.

  • As an alternative, a shadow attribute may be supplied allowing the value V to be statically computed during the preprocessing phase. The shadow attribute has a name that is the same as the name N prefixed with an underscore, and the value of the shadow attribute is a value template in which all expressions enclosed between curly braces must be static expressions. The value V is the result of evaluating the value template. If a shadow attribute is present, then any attribute node with name N (sharing the same parent element) is ignored.

For example, an xsl:include element might be written:

<xsl:include _href="common{$VERSION}.xsl"/>

allowing the stylesheet to include a specific version of a library module based on the value of a static parameter.

Similarly, a mode might be declared like this:

<xsl:param name="streamable" as="xs:boolean" 
                  required="yes" static="yes"/>
<xsl:mode _streamable="{$streamable}" on-no-match="shallow-skip"/>

this allowing the streamability of the mode to be controlled using a static parameter (Note: this example relies on the fact that the streamable attribute accepts a boolean value, which means that the values true and false are accepted as synonyms of yes and no).

This mechanism applies to all attributes in the stylesheet where the attribute name is in no namespace and the name of the parent element is in the XSLT namespace. This includes attributes that have static significance such as the use-when attribute, the version attribute, and the static attribute on xsl:variable. The mechanism does not apply to shadow attributes (that is, it is not possible to invoke two stages of preprocessing by using two leading underscores). It does not apply to attributes of literal result elements, nor to attributes in a namespace such as the XML or XSLT namespace, nor to namespace declarations.


If a shadow attribute and its corresponding target attribute are both present in the stylesheet, the non-shadow attribute is ignored. This may be useful to make stylesheet code compatible across XSLT versions; an XSLT 2.0 processor operating in forwards compatible mode will ignore shadow attributes, and will require the target attribute to be valid.


The statement that the non-shadow attribute is ignored extends to error detection: it is not an error if the non-shadow attribute has an invalid value. However, this is not reflected in the schema for XSLT stylesheets, so validation using this schema may report errors in such cases.


An attribute whose name begins with an underscore is treated specially only when it appears on an element in the XSLT namespace. On a literal result element, it is treated in the same way as any other attribute (that is, its effective value is copied to the result tree). On an extension instruction or user-defined data element, as with other attributes on these elements, its meaning is entirely implementation-defined.

Example: Using Shadow Attributes to Parameterize XPath Default Namespace

Although it is not usually considered good practice, it sometimes happens that variants or versions of an XML vocabulary exist in which the same local names are used, but in different namespaces. There is then a requirement to write code that will process source documents in a variety of different namespaces.

It is possible to define a static stylesheet parameter containing the target namespace, for example:

<xsl:param name="NS" as="xs:string" static="yes" 

And this can then be used to set the default namespace for XPath expressions:


However, it is not possible to put this shadow attribute on the xsl:stylesheet or xsl:package element of the principal stylesheet module, because at that point the variable $NS is not in scope. A workaround is to create a stub stylesheet module which contains nothing but the static parameter declaration and an xsl:include of the stylesheet module containing the real logic. The static stylesheet parameter will then be in scope on the xsl:stylesheet element of the included stylesheet module, and the shadow attribute _xpath-default-namespace="{$NS}" can therefore appear on this xsl:stylesheet element.


Example: Using Shadow Attributes to Parameterize Selection of Elements

The following stylesheet produces a report giving information about selected employees. The predicate defining which employees are to be included in the report is supplied (as a string containing an XPath expression) in a static stylesheet parameter:

<xsl:param name="filter" static="yes"
           as="xs:string" select="'true()'"/>
<xsl:function name="local:filter" as="xs:boolean">
   <xsl:param name="e" as="element(employee)"/>
   <xsl:sequence _select="$e/({$filter})"/>
<xsl:template match="/">
      <xsl:apply-templates mode="report" select="//employee[local:filter(.)]"/>

If the supplied value of the filter parameter is, say location = "UK", then the report will cover employees based in the UK.


The stylesheet function local:filter is used here in preference to direct use of the supplied predicate within the select attribute of the xsl:apply-templates instruction because it reduces exposure to code injection attacks. It does not necessarily eliminate all such risks, however. For example, it would be possible for a caller to supply an expression that never terminates, thus creating a denial-of-service risk.

3.14 Built-in Types

Every XSLT 4.0 processor includes the following named type definitions in the in-scope schema components:

  • All built-in types defined in [XML Schema Part 2], including xs:anyType and xs:anySimpleType.

  • The following types defined in [XPath 3.0]: xs:yearMonthDuration, xs:dayTimeDuration, xs:anyAtomicType, xs:untyped, and xs:untypedAtomic.

XSLT 4.0 processors may optionally include types defined in XSD 1.1 (see [XML Schema 1.1 Part 1]). XSD 1.1 adopts the types xs:yearMonthDuration, xs:dayTimeDuration, and xs:anyAtomicType previously defined in XPath 2.0, and adds one new type: xs:dateTimeStamp. XSD 1.1 also allows implementers to define additional primitive types, and XSLT 4.0 permits such types to be supported by an XSLT processor.

A schema-aware XSLT processor additionally supports:


The names that are imported from the XML Schema namespace do not include all the names of top-level types defined in either the Schema for Schema Documents or the Schema for Schema Documents (Datatypes). The Schema for Schema Documents, as well as defining built-in types such as xs:integer and xs:double, also defines types that are intended for use only within that schema, such as xs:derivationControl. A stylesheet that is designed to process XML Schema documents as its input or output may import the Schema for Schema Documents.

An implementation may define mechanisms that allow additional schema components to be added to the in-scope schema components for the stylesheet. For example, the mechanisms used to define extension functions (see 25.1 Extension Functions) may also be used to import the types used in the interface to such functions.

These schema components are the only ones that may be referenced in XPath expressions within the stylesheet, or in the [xsl:]type and as attributes of those elements that permit these attributes.

3.15 Importing Schema Components


The facilities described in this section are not available with a basic XSLT processor. They require a schema-aware XSLT processor, as described in 28 Conformance.

<!-- Category: declaration -->
  namespace? = uri
  schema-location? = uri >
  <!-- Content: xs:schema? -->

The xsl:import-schema declaration is used to identify schema components (that is, top-level type definitions and top-level element and attribute declarations) that need to be available statically, that is, before any source document is available. Names of such components used statically within the stylesheet must refer to an in-scope schema component, which means they must either be built-in types as defined in 3.14 Built-in Types, or they must be imported using an xsl:import-schema declaration.

The xsl:import-schema declaration identifies a namespace containing the names of the components to be imported (or indicates that components whose names are in no namespace are to be imported). The effect is that the names of top-level element and attribute declarations and type definitions from this namespace (or non-namespace) become available for use within XPath expressions in the package, and within other stylesheet constructs such as the type and as attributes of various XSLT elements.

The same schema components are available in all stylesheet modules within the declaring package; importing components in one stylesheet module makes them available throughout the package.

The schema components imported into different packages within a stylesheet must be consistent. Specifically, it is not permitted to use the same name in the same XSD symbol space to refer to different schema components within different packages; and the union of the schema components imported into the packages of a stylesheet must constitute a valid schema (as well as the set of schema components imported into each package forming a valid schema in its own right).

The namespace and schema-location attributes are both optional.

If the xsl:import-schema element contains an xs:schema element, then the schema-location attribute must be absent, and one of the following must be true:

  • the namespace attribute of the xsl:import-schema element and the targetNamespace attribute of the xs:schema element are both absent (indicating a no-namespace schema), or

  • the namespace attribute of the xsl:import-schema element and the targetNamespace attribute of the xs:schema element are both present and both have the same value, or

  • the namespace attribute of the xsl:import-schema element is absent and the targetNamespace attribute of the xs:schema element is present, in which case the target namespace is as given on the xs:schema element.

[ERR XTSE0215] It is a static error if an xsl:import-schema element that contains an xs:schema element has a schema-location attribute, or if it has a namespace attribute that conflicts with the target namespace of the contained schema.

If two xsl:import-schema declarations specify the same namespace, or if both specify no namespace, then only the one with highest import precedence is used. If this leaves more than one, then all the declarations at the highest import precedence are used (which may cause conflicts, as described below).

After discarding any xsl:import-schema declarations under the above rule, the effect of the remaining xsl:import-schema declarations is defined in terms of a hypothetical document called the synthetic schema document, which is constructed as follows. The synthetic schema document defines an arbitrary target namespace that is different from any namespace actually used by the application, and it contains xs:import elements corresponding one-for-one with the xsl:import-schema declarations in the stylesheet, with the following correspondence:

  • The namespace attribute of the xs:import element is copied from the namespace attribute of the xsl:import-schema declaration if it is explicitly present, or is implied by the targetNamespace attribute of a contained xs:schema element, and is absent if it is absent.

  • The schemaLocation attribute of the xs:import element is copied from the schema-location attribute of the xsl:import-schema declaration if present, and is absent if it is absent. If there is a contained xs:schema element, the effective value of the schemaLocation attribute is a URI referencing a document containing a copy of the xs:schema element.

  • The base URI of the xs:import element is the same as the base URI of the xsl:import-schema declaration.

The schema components included in the in-scope schema components (that is, the components whose names are available for use within the stylesheet) are the top-level element and attribute declarations and type definitions that are available for reference within the synthetic schema document. See [XML Schema Part 1] (section 4.2.3, References to schema components across namespaces).

[ERR XTSE0220] It is a static error if the synthetic schema document does not satisfy the constraints described in [XML Schema Part 1] (section 5.1, Errors in Schema Construction and Structure). This includes, without loss of generality, conflicts such as multiple definitions of the same name.


The synthetic schema document does not need to be constructed by a real implementation. It is purely a mechanism for defining the semantics of xsl:import-schema in terms of rules that already exist within the XML Schema specification. In particular, it implicitly defines the rules that determine whether the set of xsl:import-schema declarations are mutually consistent.

These rules do not cause names to be imported transitively. The fact that a name is available for reference within a schema document A does not of itself make the name available for reference in a stylesheet that imports the target namespace of schema document A. (See [XML Schema Part 1] section 3.15.3, Constraints on XML Representations of Schemas.) The stylesheet must import all the namespaces containing names that it actually references.

The namespace attribute indicates that a schema for the given namespace is required by the stylesheet. This information may be enough on its own to enable an implementation to locate the required schema components. The namespace attribute may be omitted to indicate that a schema for names in no namespace is being imported. The zero-length string is not a valid namespace URI, and is therefore not a valid value for the namespace attribute.

The schema-location attribute is a URI Reference that gives a hint indicating where a schema document or other resource containing the required definitions may be found. It is likely that a schema-aware XSLT processor will be able to process a schema document found at this location.

The XML Schema specification gives implementations flexibility in how to handle multiple imports for the same namespace. Multiple imports do not cause errors if the definitions do not conflict.

A consequence of these rules is that it is not intrinsically an error if no schema document can be located for a namespace identified in an xsl:import-schema declaration. This will cause an error only if it results in the stylesheet containing references to names that have not been imported.

An inline schema document (using an xs:schema element as a child of the xsl:import-schema element) has the same status as an external schema document, in the sense that it acts as a hint for a source of schema components in the relevant namespace. To ensure that the inline schema document is always used, it is advisable to use a target namespace that is unique to this schema document.

The use of a namespace in an xsl:import-schema declaration does not by itself associate any namespace prefix with the namespace. If names from the namespace are used within the stylesheet module then a namespace declaration must be included in the stylesheet module, in the usual way.

Example: An Inline Schema Document

The following example shows an inline schema document. This declares a simple type local:yes-no, which the stylesheet then uses in the declaration of a variable.

The example assumes the namespace declaration xmlns:local=""

  <xs:schema targetNamespace=""
    <xs:simpleType name="yes-no">
      <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
        <xs:enumeration value="yes"/>
        <xs:enumeration value="no"/>

<xsl:variable name="condition" select="local:yes-no('yes')" 

There are two built-in functions (analyze-stringFO30 and json-to-xml) whose result is an XML structure for which a schema is defined. The namespace for these schema definitions is (in both cases) Schema components for these namespaces are available for reference within the stylesheet if and only if an xsl:import-schema declaration is present referencing this namespace. If such a declaration is present, then the schema that is imported is the schema defined in the specification of these functions: the schemaLocation attribute has no effect.

4 Data Model

The data model used by XSLT is the XPath 3.0 and XQuery 3.0 data model (XDM), as defined in [XDM 3.0]. XSLT operates on source, result and stylesheet documents using the same data model.

This section elaborates on some particular features of XDM as it is used by XSLT:

The rules in 3.13.1 Stripping Whitespace and Commentary from the Stylesheet and 4.3.2 Stripping Whitespace from a Source Tree make use of the concept of a whitespace text node.

[Definition: A whitespace text node is a text node whose content consists entirely of whitespace characters (that is, #x09, #x0A, #x0D, or #x20).]


Features of a source XML document that are not represented in the XDM tree will have no effect on the operation of an XSLT stylesheet. Examples of such features are entity references, CDATA sections, character references, whitespace within element tags, and the choice of single or double quotes around attribute values.

4.1 XML Versions

The XDM data model defined in [XDM 3.0] is capable of representing either an XML 1.0 document (conforming to [XML 1.0] and [Namespaces in XML]) or an XML 1.1 document (conforming to [XML 1.1] and [Namespaces in XML 1.1]), and it makes no distinction between the two. In principle, therefore, XSLT 4.0 can be used with either of these XML versions.

Construction of the XDM tree is outside the scope of this specification, so XSLT 4.0 places no formal requirements on an XSLT processor to accept input from either XML 1.0 documents or XML 1.1 documents or both. This specification does define a serialization capability (see 27 Serialization), though from a conformance point of view it is an optional feature. Although facilities are described for serializing the XDM tree as either XML 1.0 or XML 1.1 (and controlling the choice), there is again no formal requirement on an XSLT processor to support either or both of these XML versions as serialization targets.

Because the XDM tree is the same whether the original document was XML 1.0 or XML 1.1, the semantics of XSLT processing do not depend on the version of XML used by the original document. There is no reason in principle why all the input and output documents used in a single transformation must conform to the same version of XML.

Some of the syntactic constructs in XSLT 4.0 and XPath 3.0, for example the productions CharXML and NCNameNames, are defined by reference to the XML and XML Namespaces specifications. There are slight variations between the XML 1.0 and XML 1.1 versions of these productions (and, indeed, between different editions of XML 1.0). Implementations may support any version; it is recommended that an XSLT 4.0 processor that implements the 1.1 versions should also provide a mode that supports the 1.0 versions. It is thus implementation-defined which versions and editions of XML and XML Namespaces are supported by the implementation.


The specification referenced as [Namespaces in XML] was actually published without a version number.

The current version of [XML Schema 1.1 Part 2] references the XML 1.1 specifications, but the previous version ([XML Schema Part 2]) (that is, XSD 1.0) remains in widespread use, and only references XML 1.0. With processors lacking support for XSD 1.1, therefore, datatypes such as xs:NCName and xs:ID may be constrained by the XML 1.0 rules, and not allow the full range of values permitted by XML 1.1. It is recommended that implementers wishing to support XML 1.1 should consult [XML Schema 1.0 and XML 1.1] for guidance.

4.2 XDM versions

XSLT 4.0 requires a processor to support XDM 3.1 as defined in [XDM 3.1].

A processor may also provide a user option to support versions of XDM later than 3.1, in which case the way it does so is implementation-defined.

4.3 Preprocessing Source Documents

Source documents supplied as input to a transformation may be subject to preprocessing. Two kinds of preprocessing are defined: stripping of type annotations (see 4.3.1 Stripping Type Annotations from a Source Tree), and stripping of whitespace text nodes (see 4.3.2 Stripping Whitespace from a Source Tree).

Stripping of type annotations happens before stripping of whitespace text nodes.

The source documents to which this applies are as follows:


This list excludes documents passed as the values of stylesheet parameters or parameters of the initial named template or initial function, trees created by functions such as parse-xmlFO30, parse-xml-fragment, analyze-stringFO30, or json-to-xml, and values returned from extension functions.

If a node other than a document node is supplied (for example as the global context item), then the preprocessing is applied to the entire document containing that node. If several nodes within the same document are supplied (for example as nodes in the initial match selection, or as nodes returned by the collectionFO30 function), then the preprocessing is only applied to that document once. If a whitespace text node is supplied (for example as the global context item) and the rules cause this node to be stripped from its containing tree, then the behavior is as if this node had not been supplied (which may cause an error, for example if a global context item is required.)

The rules determining whether or not stripping of annotations and/or whitespace happens are defined at the level of a package. Declarations within a library package only affect the handling of documents loaded using a call on the document, docFO30, or collectionFO30 functions or an evaluation of an xsl:source-document instruction appearing lexically within the same package. Declarations within the top-level package also affect the processing of the global context item and the initial match selection.

The semantics of the document, docFO30, and collectionFO30 functions are formally defined in terms of mappings from URIs to document nodes maintained within the dynamic context (see 5.3.4 Initializing the Dynamic Context). The effect of the declarations that control stripping of type annotations and whitespace is therefore to modify this mapping (so it now maps the URI to a stripped document). The modification applies to the dynamic context for calls to these function appearing within a particular package; each package therefore has a different set of mappings. This means that when two calls to the docFO30 function appear in different packages, specifying the same absolute URI, then in general different documents are returned. An implementation may return the same document for two such calls if it is able to determine that the effect of the annotation and whitespace stripping rules in both packages is the same.

The effect of dynamic calls to the document, docFO30, and collectionFO30 functions is defined in the same way as for other functions with dependencies on the dynamic context. As described in 5.3.5 Additional Dynamic Context Components used by XSLT, named function references (such as doc#1) and calls on function-lookupFO30 (for example, function-lookup("doc", 1)) are defined to retain the XPath static and dynamic context at the point of invocation as part of the closure of the resulting function item, and to use this preserved context when a dynamic function call is subsequently made using the function item.

4.3.1 Stripping Type Annotations from a Source Tree

[Definition: The term type annotation is used in this specification to refer to the value returned by the dm:type-name accessor of a node: see Section 5.14 type-name Accessor DM30.]

There is sometimes a requirement to write stylesheets that produce the same results whether or not the source documents have been validated against a schema. To achieve this, an option is provided to remove any type annotations on element and attribute nodes in a source tree, replacing them with an annotation of xs:untyped in the case of element nodes, and xs:untypedAtomic in the case of attribute nodes.

Such stripping of type annotations can be requested by specifying input-type-annotations="strip" on the xsl:package element. This attribute has three permitted values: strip, preserve, and unspecified. The default value is unspecified. Specifying unspecified has the same effect as omitting the attribute [XSLT 3.0 Erratum E43, bug 30383].

The input-type-annotations attribute may also be specified on the xsl:stylesheet element; if it is specified at this level then it must be consistent for all stylesheet modules within the same package.

[ERR XTSE0265] It is a static error if there is a stylesheet module in a package that specifies input-type-annotations="strip" and another stylesheet module that specifies input-type-annotations="preserve", or if a stylesheet module specifies the value strip or preserve and the same value is not specified on the xsl:package element of the containing package.

Type annotations are stripped from relevant source documents if at least one stylesheet module in the stylesheet specifies input-type-annotations="strip" on the xsl:package, xsl:stylesheet, or xsl:transform element [XSLT 3.0 Erratum E43, bug 30383].

When type annotations are stripped, the following changes are made to the source tree:

  • The type annotation of every element node is changed to xs:untyped

  • The type annotation of every attribute node is changed to xs:untypedAtomic

  • The typed value of every element and attribute node is set to be the same as its string value, as an instance of xs:untypedAtomic.

  • The is-nilled property of every element node is set to false.

The values of the is-id and is-idrefs properties are not changed.


Stripping type annotations does not necessarily return the document to the state it would be in had validation not taken place. In particular, any defaulted elements and attributes that were added to the tree by the validation process will still be present, and elements and attributes validated as IDs will still be accessible using the idFO30 function.

4.3.2 Stripping Whitespace from a Source Tree

A source tree supplied as input to the transformation process may contain whitespace text nodes that are of no interest, and that do not need to be retained by the transformation. Conceptually, an XSLT processor makes a copy of the source tree from which unwanted whitespace text nodes have been removed. This process is referred to as whitespace stripping.

The stripping process takes as input a set of element names whose child whitespace text nodes are to be preserved. The way in which this set of element names is established using the xsl:strip-space and xsl:preserve-space declarations is described later in this section.

The stripping process that applies for a particular package is determined by the xsl:strip-space and xsl:preserve-space declarations within that package.

A whitespace text node is preserved if either of the following apply:

  • The element name of the parent of the text node is in the set of whitespace-preserving element names.

  • An ancestor element of the text node has an xml:space attribute with a value of preserve, and no closer ancestor element has xml:space with a value of default.

Otherwise, the whitespace text node is stripped.

The xml:space attributes are not removed from the tree.

<!-- Category: declaration -->
  elements = tokens />

<!-- Category: declaration -->
  elements = tokens />

The set of whitespace-preserving element names is specified by xsl:strip-space and xsl:preserve-space declarations. Whether an element name is included in the set of whitespace-preserving names is determined by the best match among all the xsl:strip-space or xsl:preserve-space declarations: it is included if and only if there is no match or the best match is an xsl:preserve-space element. The xsl:strip-space and xsl:preserve-space elements each have an elements attribute whose value is a whitespace-separated list of NameTestsXP40; an element name matches an xsl:strip-space or xsl:preserve-space element if it matches one of the NameTestsXP40. An element matches a NameTestXP40 if and only if the NameTestXP40 would be true for the element as an XPath node test.

[ERR XTSE0270] It is a static error if within any package the same NameTestXP40 appears in both an xsl:strip-space and an xsl:preserve-space declaration if both have the same import precedence. Two NameTests are considered the same if they match the same set of names (which can be determined by comparing them after expanding namespace prefixes to URIs).

Otherwise, when more than one xsl:strip-space and xsl:preserve-space element within the relevant package matches, the best matching element is determined by the best matching NameTestXP40. The rules are similar to those for template rules:

  • First, any match with lower import precedence than another match is ignored.

  • Next, any match that has a lower default priority than the default priority of another match is ignored.

  • If several matches have the same default priority (which can only happen if one of the NameTests takes the form *:local and the other takes the form prefix:*), then the declaration that appears last in declaration order is used.

If an element in a source document has a type annotation that is a simple type or a complex type with simple content, then any whitespace text nodes among its children are preserved, regardless of any xsl:strip-space declarations. The reason for this is that stripping a whitespace text node from an element with simple content could make the element invalid: for example, it could cause the minLength facet to be violated.

Stripping of type annotations happens before stripping of whitespace text nodes, so this situation will not occur if input-type-annotations="strip" is specified.


In [XDM 3.0], processes are described for constructing an XDM tree from an Infoset or from a PSVI. Those processes deal with whitespace according to their own rules, and the provisions in this section apply to the resulting tree. In practice this means that elements that are defined in a DTD or a Schema to contain element-only content will have whitespace text nodes stripped, regardless of the xsl:strip-space and xsl:preserve-space declarations in the stylesheet.

However, source trees are not necessarily constructed using those processes; indeed, they are not necessarily constructed by parsing XML documents. Nothing in the XSLT specification constrains how the source tree is constructed, or what happens to whitespace text nodes during its construction. The provisions in this section relate only to whitespace text nodes that are present in the tree supplied as input to the XSLT processor. The XSLT processor cannot preserve whitespace text nodes unless they were actually present in the supplied tree.

4.4 Attribute Types and DTD Validation

The mapping from the Infoset to the XDM data model, described in [XDM 3.0], does not retain attribute types. This means, for example, that an attribute described in the DTD as having attribute type NMTOKENS will be annotated in the XDM tree as xs:untypedAtomic rather than xs:NMTOKENS, and its typed value will consist of a single xs:untypedAtomic value rather than a sequence of xs:NMTOKEN values.

Attributes with a DTD-derived type of ID, IDREF, or IDREFS will be marked in the XDM tree as having the is-id or is-idrefs properties. It is these properties, rather than any type annotation, that are examined by the functions idFO30 and idrefFO30 described in [Functions and Operators 4.0].

4.5 Data Model for Streaming

4.5.1 Streamed Documents

The data model for nodes in a document that is being streamed is no different from the standard XDM data model, in that it contains the same objects (nodes) with the same properties and relationships. The facilities for streaming do not change the data model; instead they impose rules that limit the ability of stylesheets to navigate the data model.

A useful way to visualize streaming is to suppose that at any point in time, there is a current position in the streamed input document which may be the start or end of the document, the start or end tag of an element, or a text, comment, or processing instruction node. From this position, the stylesheet has access to the following information:

  • Properties intrinsic to the node, such as its name, its base URI, its type annotation, and its is-id and is-idref properties.

  • The ancestors of the node (but navigation downwards from the ancestors is not permitted).

  • The attributes of the node, and the attributes of its ancestors. For each such attribute, all the properties of the node including its string value and typed value are available, but there are limitations that restrict navigation from the attribute node to other nodes in the document.

  • The in-scope namespace bindings of the node.

  • In the case of attributes, text nodes, comments, and processing instructions, the string value and typed value of the node.

  • In the case of element nodes, whether or not the element has children. This information is obtained by calling the has-childrenFO30 function. This implies that the processor performs look-ahead (limited to a single token) to determine whether the start tag is immediately followed by a matching end tag.

  • In the case of document nodes, details of unparsed entities in the document. This information is obtained by calling the unparsed-entity-uri and unparsed-entity-public-id functions. A processor might enable this by reading the DTD as soon as the document is opened. Since comments and processing instructions that precede the DOCTYPE declaration are available as children of the document node, this also implies that a streaming processor needs sufficient memory to hold these comments and processing instructions until the start tag of the first element is encountered. Information about unparsed entities remains available for the duration of processing, in the same way as attributes of ancestor elements.

The children and other descendants of a node are not accessible except as a by-product of changing the current position in the document. The same applies to properties of an element or document node that require examination of the node’s descendants, that is, the string value and typed value. This is enforced by means of a rule that only one expression requiring downward navigation from a node is permitted.

Information about the type of a node is in general considered a property intrinsic to the node, and is available without advancing the input stream. There is an exception for an expression of the form (/) instance of document-node(element(invoice)). This is not guaranteed streamable, because it requires reading ahead to check that the document node has only one element child. However, a processor that knows that the parser delivering the document stream is only capable of delivering well-formed documents may use this knowledge (along with the limited look-ahead needed to get the name of the outermost element) to make this expression streamable.

A streaming processor is not required to read any more of the source document than is needed to generate correct stylesheet output. It is not required to read the full source document merely in order to satisfy the requirement imposed by the XML Recommendation that an XML Processor must report violations of well-formedness in the input.

More detailed rules are defined in 19 Streamability.

4.5.2 Other Data Structures

Maps and arrays were defined in XPath 3.1.

Streaming facilities in this specification are, for the most part, relevant only to streamed processing of XML trees, and not to other structures such as sequences, maps and arrays, which will typically be held in memory unless the processor is capable of avoiding this.

Maps, however, play an important role in enabling streamed applications to be written. For example, a map can be used as the data structure maintained by an accumulator (see 18.2 Accumulators) to remember information that has been retrieved from a streamed document, given that it is not possible to revisit the same nodes later. There is also a special streamability rule for map constructor expressions (see 21.4 Maps and Streaming) that allows such an expression to make multiple downward selections in the streamed input document: for example one can write map{'authors':data(author), 'editors':data(editor)}, which gathers the values of these two elements, or sets of elements, from the input stream, regardless what order they appear in — even if they are interleaved.

The rules for creating maps and arrays are designed to ensure that the entries in a map, and the members of an array, cannot contain nodes from a streamed document. This is achieved by the way in which the streamability properties of the relevant expressions and functions are defined.

By contrast, sequences can and often do contain nodes from streamed documents, and a major purpose of the rules for streamability is to make this possible.

4.6 Limits

The XDM data model (see [XDM 3.0]) leaves it to the host language to define limits. This section describes the limits that apply to XSLT.

Limits on some primitive datatypes are defined in [XML Schema Part 2]. Other limits, listed below, are implementation-defined. Note that this does not necessarily mean that each limit must be a simple constant: it may vary depending on environmental factors such as available resources.

The following limits are implementation-defined:

  1. For the xs:decimal type, the maximum number of decimal digits (the totalDigits facet). This must be at least 18 digits. (Note, however, that support for the full value range of xs:unsignedLong requires 20 digits.)

  2. For the types xs:date, xs:time, xs:dateTime, xs:gYear, and xs:gYearMonth: the range of values of the year component, which must be at least +0001 to +9999; and the maximum number of fractional second digits, which must be at least 3.

  3. For the xs:duration type: the maximum absolute values of the years, months, days, hours, minutes, and seconds components.

  4. For the xs:yearMonthDuration type: the maximum absolute value, expressed as an integer number of months.

  5. For the xs:dayTimeDuration type: the maximum absolute value, expressed as a decimal number of seconds.

  6. For the types xs:string, xs:hexBinary, xs:base64Binary, xs:QName, xs:anyURI, xs:NOTATION, and types derived from them: the maximum length of the value.

  7. For sequences, the maximum number of items in a sequence.

4.7 Disable Output Escaping

For backwards compatibility reasons, XSLT 4.0 continues to support the disable-output-escaping feature introduced in XSLT 1.0. This is an optional feature and implementations are not required to support it. A new facility, that of named character maps (see 27.1 Character Maps) was introduced in XSLT 2.0. It provides similar capabilities to disable-output-escaping, but without distorting the data model.

If an implementation supports the disable-output-escaping attribute of xsl:text and xsl:value-of, (see 27.2 Disabling Output Escaping), then the data model for trees constructed by the processor is augmented with a boolean value representing the value of this property. This boolean value, however, can be set only within a final result tree that is being passed to the serializer.

Conceptually, each character in a text node on such a result tree has a boolean property indicating whether the serializer is to disable the normal rules for escaping of special characters (for example, outputting of & as &amp;) in respect of this character.


In practice, the nodes in a final result tree will often be streamed directly from the XSLT processor to the serializer. In such an implementation, disable-output-escaping can be viewed not so much a property stored with nodes in the tree, but rather as additional information passed across the interface between the XSLT processor and the serializer.

5 Features of the XSLT Language

5.1 Names

5.1.1 Qualified Names

Many constructs appearing in a stylesheet, for example named templates, modes, and attribute sets, are named using a qualified name: this consists of a local name and an optional namespace URI.

In most cases where such names are written in a stylesheet, the syntax for expressing the name is given by the production EQNameXP40 in the XPath specification. In practice, this means that three forms are permitted:

  • A simple NCName appearing on its own (without any prefix). This represents the local name of the object. The interpretation of unprefixed names is described below.

  • A lexical QName written in the form NCName ":" NCName where the first part is a namespace prefix and the second part is the local name. The namespace part of the object’s name is then derived from the prefix by examining the in-scope namespace bindings of the element node in the stylesheet where the name appears.

  • A URIQualifiedNameXP40 in the form "Q{" URI? "}" NCName where the two parts of the name, that is the namespace part and the local part, both appear explicitly. If the URI part is omitted (for example Q{}local), the resulting expanded QName is a QName whose namespace part is absent.

The rules for the use of these constructs generally permit leading and trailing whitespace, which is ignored.


There are a few places where the third form, a URIQualifiedName, is not permitted. These include the name attribute of xsl:element and xsl:attribute (which have a separate namespace attribute for the purpose), and constructs defined by other specifications. For example, names appearing within an embedded xs:schema element must follow the XSD rules.

[Definition: An expanded QName is a value in the value space of the xs:QName datatype as defined in the XDM data model (see [XDM 3.0]): that is, a triple containing namespace prefix (optional), namespace URI (optional), and local name. Two expanded QNames are equal if the namespace URIs are the same (or both absent) and the local names are the same. The prefix plays no part in the comparison, but is used only if the expanded QName needs to be converted back to a string.]

[Definition: An EQName is a string representing an expanded QName where the string, after removing leading and trailing whitespace, is in the form defined by the EQNameXP40 production in the XPath specification.]

[Definition: A lexical QName is a string representing an expanded QName where the string, after removing leading and trailing whitespace, is within the lexical space of the xs:QName datatype as defined in XML Schema (see [XML Schema Part 2]): that is, a local name optionally preceded by a namespace prefix and a colon.]

Note that every lexical QName is an EQName, but the converse is not true.

The following rules are used when interpreting a lexical QName:

  1. [Definition: A string in the form of a lexical QName may occur as the value of an attribute node in a stylesheet module, or within an XPath expression contained in an attribute or text node within a stylesheet module, or as the result of evaluating an XPath expression contained in such a node. The element containing this attribute or text node is referred to as the defining element of the lexical QName.]

  2. If the lexical QName has a prefix, then the prefix is expanded into a URI reference using the namespace declarations in effect on its defining element. The expanded QName consisting of the local part of the name and the possibly null URI reference is used as the name of the object. The default namespace of the defining element (see Section 6.2 Element Nodes DM30) is not used for unprefixed names.

    [ERR XTSE0280] In the case of a prefixed lexical QName used as the value (or as part of the value) of an attribute in the stylesheet, or appearing within an XPath expression in the stylesheet, it is a static error if the defining element has no namespace node whose name matches the prefix of the lexical QName.

    [ERR XTDE0290] Where the result of evaluating an XPath expression (or an attribute value template) is required to be a lexical QName, or if it is permitted to be a lexical QName and the actual value takes the form of a lexical QName, then unless otherwise specified it is a dynamic error if the value has a prefix and the defining element has no namespace node whose name matches that prefix. This error may be signaled as a static error if the value of the expression can be determined statically.

  3. If the lexical QName has no prefix, then:

    1. In the case of an unprefixed QName used as a NameTest within an XPath expression (see 5.2 Expressions), and in certain other contexts, the namespace to be used in expanding the QName may be specified by means of the [xsl:]xpath-default-namespace attribute, as specified in 5.1.2 Unprefixed Lexical QNames in Expressions and Patterns.

    2. If the name is in one of the following categories, then the default namespace of the defining element is used:

      1. Where a QName is used to define the name of an element being constructed. This applies both to cases where the name is known statically (that is, the name of a literal result element) and to cases where it is computed dynamically (the value of the name attribute of the xsl:element instruction).

      2. The default namespace is used when expanding the first argument of the function element-available.

      3. The default namespace applies to any unqualified element names appearing in the cdata-section-elements or suppress-indentation attributes of xsl:output or xsl:result-document

    3. In all other cases, a lexical QName with no prefix represents an expanded QName in no namespace (that is, an xs:QName value in which both the prefix and the namespace URI are absent).

5.1.2 Unprefixed Lexical QNames in Expressions and Patterns Unprefixed Element Names

The attribute [xsl:]xpath-default-namespace (see 3.4 Standard Attributes) may be used on an element in the stylesheet to define the namespace that will be used for an unprefixed element or type name within an XPath expression, and in certain other contexts listed below.

The value of the attribute is the namespace URI to be used.

For any element in the stylesheet, this attribute has an effective value, which is the value of the [xsl:]xpath-default-namespace on that element or on the innermost containing element that specifies such an attribute, or the zero-length string if no containing element specifies such an attribute.

For any element in the stylesheet, the effective value of the attribute determines the value of the default namespace for elements and typesXP40 in the static context of any XPath expression contained in an attribute or text node of that element (including XPath expressions in attribute value templates and text value templates). The effect of this is specified in [XPath 4.0]; in summary, it determines the namespace used for any unprefixed type name or element name.

The effective value of this attribute applies to any of the following constructs appearing within its scope:

  • any unprefixed element name used in a pattern

  • any unprefixed element name used in the elements attribute of the xsl:strip-space or xsl:preserve-space instructions

  • any unprefixed element name used in the as attribute of an XSLT element

  • any unprefixed type name used in the type attribute of an XSLT element

  • any unprefixed type name used in the xsl:type attribute of a literal result element.

The [xsl:]xpath-default-namespace attribute must be in the XSLT namespace if and only if its parent element is not in the XSLT namespace.

If the effective value of the attribute is a zero-length string, which will be the case if it is explicitly set to a zero-length string or if it is not specified at all, then an unprefixed element name or type name refers to a name that is in no namespace. The default namespace of the parent element (see Section 6.2 Element Nodes DM30) is not used.

The attribute does not affect other names, for example function names, variable names, or template names, or strings that are interpreted as lexical QNames during stylesheet evaluation, such as the effective value of the name attribute of xsl:element or the string supplied as the first argument to the key function. Unprefixed Function Names

The interpretation of unprefixed function names is described in 5.3.2 Resolving Function Names. Other Unprefixed Names

For other unprefixed names, for example variable names, template names, mode names, or strings that are interpreted as lexical QNames during stylesheet evaluation, such as the effective value of the name attribute of xsl:element or the string supplied as the first argument to the key function, any unprefixed lexical QName is taken as being a no-namespace name.

5.1.3 Reserved Namespaces

[Definition: The XSLT namespace, together with certain other namespaces recognized by an XSLT processor, are classified as reserved namespaces and must be used only as specified in this and related specifications.] The reserved namespaces are those listed below.

  • The XSLT namespace, described in 3.1 XSLT Namespace, is reserved.

  • [Definition: The standard function namespace is used for functions in the function library defined in [Functions and Operators 4.0] and for standard functions defined in this specification.]

  • The namespace is used for mathematical functions in the function library defined in [Functions and Operators 3.0].

  • The namespace is used for functions defined in this specification relating to the manipulation of maps.

  • The namespace is reserved for use as described in [Functions and Operators 3.1]. The namespace is reserved whether or not the processor actually supports XPath 3.1.

  • [Definition: The XML namespace, defined in [Namespaces in XML] as, is used for attributes such as xml:lang, xml:space, and xml:id.]

  • [Definition: The schema namespace is used as defined in [XML Schema Part 1]]. In a stylesheet this namespace may be used to refer to built-in schema datatypes and to the constructor functions associated with those datatypes.

  • [Definition: The schema instance namespace is used as defined in [XML Schema Part 1]]. Attributes in this namespace, if they appear in a stylesheet, are treated by the XSLT processor in the same way as any other attributes.

  • [Definition: The standard error namespace is used for error codes defined in this specification and related specifications. It is also used for the names of certain predefined variables accessible within the scope of an xsl:catch element.]

  • The namespace is reserved for use as described in [Namespaces in XML]. No element or attribute node can have a name in this namespace, and although the prefix xmlns is implicitly bound to this namespace, no namespace node will ever define this binding.


With the exception of the XML namespace, any of the above namespaces that are used in a stylesheet must be explicitly declared with a namespace declaration. Although conventional prefixes are used for these namespaces in this specification, any prefix may be used in a user stylesheet.

Reserved namespaces may be used without restriction to refer to the names of elements and attributes in source documents and result documents. As far as the XSLT processor is concerned, reserved namespaces other than the XSLT namespace may be used without restriction in the names of literal result elements and user-defined data elements, and in the names of attributes of literal result elements or of XSLT elements: but other processors may impose restrictions or attach special meaning to them. Reserved namespaces must not be used, however, in the names of stylesheet-defined objects such as variables and stylesheet functions, nor in the names of extension functions or extension instructions.

It is not an error to use a reserved namespace in the name of an extension attribute: attributes such as xml:space and xsi:type fall into this category. XSLT processors must not reject such attributes, and must not attach any meaning to them other than any meaning defined by the relevant specification.

[ERR XTSE0080] It is a static error to use a reserved namespace in the name of a named template, a mode, an attribute set, a key, a decimal-format, a variable or parameter, a stylesheet function, a named output definition, an accumulator, or a character map; except that the name xsl:initial-template is permitted as a template name.


The name xsl:original is used within xsl:override to refer to a component that is being overridden. Although the name xsl:original is used to refer to the component, the component has its own name, and no component ever has the name xsl:original.

5.2 Expressions

XSLT uses the expression language defined by XPath 3.0 [XPath 3.0]. Expressions are used in XSLT for a variety of purposes including:

  • selecting nodes for processing;

  • specifying conditions for different ways of processing a node;

  • generating text to be inserted in a result tree.

[Definition: Within this specification, the term XPath expression, or simply expression, means a string that matches the production ExprXP40 defined in [XPath 3.0], with the extensions defined in 21 Maps.]

If the processor implements the XPath 3.1 feature, then the definition of the production Expr from XPath 3.1 is used.

If the processor is configured to use a version of XPath later than XPath 3.1, then the syntax of an XPath expression is implementation-defined.

An XPath expression may occur as the value of certain attributes on XSLT-defined elements, and also within curly brackets in attribute value templates and text value templates.

Except where forwards compatible behavior is enabled (see 3.10 Forwards Compatible Processing), it is a static error if the value of such an attribute, or the text between curly brackets in an attribute value template or text value template, does not match the XPath production ExprXP40, or if it fails to satisfy other static constraints defined in the XPath specification, for example that all variable references must refer to variables that are in scope. Error codes are defined in [XPath 3.0].

The transformation fails with a dynamic error if any XPath expression is evaluated and raises a dynamic error. Error codes are defined in [XPath 3.0].

The transformation fails with a type error if an XPath expression raises a type error, or if the result of evaluating the XPath expression is evaluated and raises a type error, or if the XPath processor signals a type error during static analysis of an expression. Error codes are defined in [XPath 3.0].

[Definition: The context within a stylesheet where an XPath expression appears may specify the required type of the expression. The required type indicates the type of the value that the expression is expected to return.] If no required type is specified, the expression may return any value: in effect, the required type is then item()*.

[Definition:  When used in this specification without further qualification, the term coercion rules means the coercion rules defined in [XPath 4.0], applied with XPath 1.0 compatibility mode set to false.]


In earlier versions of this specification, these were referred to as the function conversion rules.


These are the rules defined in [XPath 4.0] for converting the supplied argument of a function call to the required type of that argument, as defined in the function signature. The same rules are used in XSLT for converting the value of a variable to the declared type of the variable, or the result of evaluating a function or template body to the declared type of the function or template. They are also used when parameters are supplied to a template using xsl:with-param. In all such cases, the rules that apply are the XPath 4.0 rules without XPath 1.0 compatibility mode. The rules with XPath 1.0 compatibility mode set to true are used only for XPath function calls, and for the operands of certain XPath operators.

This specification also invokes the XPath 3.0 coercion rules to convert the result of evaluating an XSLT sequence constructor to a required type (for example, the sequence constructor enclosed in an xsl:variable, xsl:template, or xsl:function element).

Any dynamic error or type error that occurs when applying the coercion rules to convert a value to a required type results in the transformation failing, in the same way as if the error had occurred while evaluating an expression.


Note the distinction between the two kinds of error that may occur. Attempting to convert an integer to a date is a type error, because such a conversion is never possible. Type errors can be reported statically if they can be detected statically, whether or not the construct in question is ever evaluated. Attempting to convert the xs:untypedAtomic value 2003-02-29 to a date is a dynamic error rather than a type error, because the problem is with this particular value, not with its type. Dynamic errors are reported only if the instructions or expressions that cause them are actually evaluated. [XSLT 3.0 Erratum E21, bug 30236]

The XPath specification states that the host language must specify whether the XPath processor normalizes all line breaks on input, before parsing, and if it does so, whether it uses the rules of [XML 1.0] or [XML 1.1]. In the case of XSLT, all handling of line breaks is the responsibility of the XML parser (which may support either XML 1.0 or XML 1.1); the XSLT and XPath processors perform no further changes.


Most XPath expressions in a stylesheet appear within XML attributes. They are therefore subject to XML line-ending normalization (for example, a CRLF sequence is normalized to LF) and also to XML attribute-value normalization, which replaces tabs and newlines by spaces. XPath expressions appearing in text value templates, however (see 5.7.2 Text Value Templates) are subject to line-ending normalization but not attribute-value normalization. In both cases, normalization of whitespace can be prevented by using character references such as &#x9;.

5.3 The Static and Dynamic Context

XPath defines the concept of an expression contextXP40 which contains all the information that can affect the result of evaluating an expression. The expression context has two parts, the static contextXP40, and the dynamic contextXP40. The components that make up the expression context are defined in the XPath specification (see Section 2.2 Expression ContextXP40). This section describes the way in which these components are initialized when an XPath expression is contained within an XSLT stylesheet.

This section does not apply to static expressions (whose context is defined in 9.7 Static Expressions), nor to XPath expressions evaluated using xsl:evaluate (whose context is defined in 10.4.2 Dynamic context for the target expression). [XSLT 3.0 Erratum E24, bug 30241]

As well as providing values for the static and dynamic context components defined in the XPath specification, XSLT defines additional context components of its own. These context components are used by XSLT instructions (for example, xsl:next-match and xsl:apply-imports), and also by the functions in the extended function library described in this specification.

The following four sections describe:

5.3.1 Initializing the Static Context
5.3.3 Additional Static Context Components used by XSLT
5.3.4 Initializing the Dynamic Context
5.3.5 Additional Dynamic Context Components used by XSLT

5.3.1 Initializing the Static Context

The static contextXP40 of an XPath expression appearing in an XSLT stylesheet is initialized as follows. In these rules, the term containing element means the element within the stylesheet that is the parent of the attribute or text node whose value contains the XPath expression in question, and the term enclosing element means the containing element or any of its ancestors.

5.3.2 Resolving Function Names

This section defines how function names appearing in XPath expressions and patterns are resolved. It refines the rules given in the XPath 4.0 specification, which rely simply on looking up a function name and arity in the static contextXP40. The refinements are necessary to handle function overriding.

The rules depend on whether or not the stylesheet module contains an xsl:function-library declaration: the following two sections describe these two cases.

The name xsl:original is treated specially, as described in Referring to Overridden Components. When no xsl:function-library is Declared

In the absence of an xsl:function-library declaration in the containing module:

  1. A lexical QName with no prefix is treated as the local name of a function in the namespace

  2. A lexical QName with a prefix is resolved by reference to the in-scope namespaces of the containing element. When an xsl:function-library is Declared

A stylesheet module may contain at most one xsl:function-library declaration. The xsl:function-library declaration affects the resolution of all function names used in expressions and patterns within that stylesheet module; it has no effect outside the containing module.

<!-- Category: declaration -->
  namespace? = uri
  schema-location? = uri >
  <!-- Content: xsl:function-namespace* -->

  uri = uri
  prefix? = ncname
  exclude? = ncnames />

Within the xsl:function-library declaration, each xsl:function-namespace element defines a namespace that (typically) contains a number of functions, whose names are in that namespace.

It is a static error [TBA] if there is more than one xsl:function-library declaration within a stylesheet module.

It is a static error [TBA] if two xsl:function-namespace elements within an xsl:function-library declaration have the same value for the uri attribute.

It is a static error [TBA] if two xsl:function-namespace elements within an xsl:function-library declaration have the same value for the prefix attribute.

An unprefixed function name (together with the required arity) is resolved as follows:

  1. If exactly one of the xsl:function-namespace elements contains a function name with the required local name and arity, and does not exclude that local name by listing it in the exclude attribute, then that function is chosen.

  2. Otherwise (if none of the xsl:function-namespace elements identifies such a function, or if more than one does so), the name is unresolved and a static error is reported.

A prefixed function name (together with the required arity) is resolved as follows:

  1. If the namespace prefix used in the lexical QName matches the value of the prefix attribute of one of the xsl:function-namespace elements, then the local name is expanded using that namespace URI.

  2. Otherwise (if there is no matching xsl:function-namespace element), the name is resolved as if the xsl:function-library element were not present: see When no xsl:function-library is Declared.

A function name used in the name attribute of an xsl:function declaration must be prefixed, and is expanded using the rules above.

Example: Example xsl:function-library

The following example shows a function library that makes all the standard function namespaces available:

     <xsl:function-namespace prefix="fn" 
     <xsl:function-namespace prefix="math" 
     <xsl:function-namespace prefix="map" 
     <xsl:function-namespace prefix="array" 
     <xsl:function-namespace prefix="xs" 

Within a stylesheet module containing this declaration, functions from all these namespaces can be referred to be local name alone, provided the local name and arity (in combination) are unique. So it is possible to use name() to refer to a function in the fn namespace, sqrt($x) to refer to a function in the math namespace, and integer($x) to refer to a function in the xs namespace. However, the function call boolean($x) would be an error, because the reference is ambiguous: it could mean fn:boolean($x) or xs:boolean($x). To disambiguate the call, it is necessary to use the namespace prefix.

It is not necessary, however, for the stylesheet to contain an XML namespace declaration that binds the prefix; the binding in the xsl:function-namespace element suffices.

An xsl:function-library element may include user-defined or vendor-defined function namespaces as well as system-defined namespaces.


Example: Excluding Selected Names

The following example modifies the above function library to exclude some functions that otherwise cause conflicts:

     <xsl:function-namespace prefix="fn" 
     <xsl:function-namespace prefix="math" 
     <xsl:function-namespace prefix="map" 
     <xsl:function-namespace prefix="array" 
                             exclude="get put"/>
     <xsl:function-namespace prefix="xs" 

With the above declaration, it becomes possible to use the function call remove($x, $n) to refer unambiguously to the fn:remove function, because the entry for the map namespace explicitly excludes map:remove, which would otherwise cause an ambiguity. Similarly, boolean($x) unambiguously refers to fn:boolean, and get($m, $k) unambiguously refers to map:get.

It would also be possible to write a stylesheet function my:get which calls map:get or array:get as appropriate:

<xsl:function name="my:get">
  <xsl:param name="target"/>
  <xsl:param name="key"/>
  <xsl:if test="$target instance of map(*)" 
          then="map:get($target, $key)"
          else="array:get($target, $key)"/>

If the function library includes the my namespace, and if map:get and array:get are excluded, then an unprefixed call on get() becomes possible. A smart optimizer might even be able to decide at compile time which underlying function to call, if the type of the first argument is known.


This construct has several motivating purposes:

  • Firstly, it improves code readability by reducing the need to qualify function names with a namespace prefix when the local name is unambiguous. The expression sin($x)+cos($y) is easier to read than math:sin($x)+math:cos($y).

  • Secondly, it reduces the need to declare namespaces (using xmlns:prefix="uri" declarations) that are needed only for the purpose of qualifying function names. This is useful because a proliferation of such namespace declarations carries unwanted overheads. Even if the namespaces are designated as excluded namespaces (see 11.1.3 Namespace Nodes for Literal Result Elements) they still become part of the in-scope namespacesXP40 in the static context of every XPath expression, which need to be carried around at run-time in a compiled stylesheet because they can be referenced at execution time (for example in a call of function-availableFO30)

    Namespace bindings established using an xsl:function-library declaration impose less overhead because they are used only when binding function names, and they are never needed at evaluation time.

  • Finally, stylesheet authors may consider that documenting the dependencies of a stylesheet module makes the code more maintainable.


The rules take into account that new functions may be added to a namespace over time. Adding a new function to one of the namespaces may introduce a conflict, but this conflict will always result in a static error, it will never result in the wrong function being called. The conflict can always be resolved by excluding the function that caused the conflict, thus limiting the scope of the changes needed to handle this eventuality.


It is probably good practice for the xsl:function-library declaration to appear near the start of a module, along with any xsl:include and xsl:import declarations, but this is not a formal requirement. The declaration can appear anywhere in the module.

Consider using XInclude, or DTD-defined entities, if you want to share an xsl:function-library declaration between multiple modules.

5.3.3 Additional Static Context Components used by XSLT

Some of the components of the XPath static context are used also by XSLT elements. For example, the xsl:sort element makes use of the collations defined in the static context, and attributes such as type and as may reference types defined in the in-scope schema components.

Many top-level declarations in a stylesheet, and attributes on the xsl:stylesheet element, affect the behavior of instructions within the stylesheet. Each of these constructs is described in its appropriate place in this specification.

A number of these constructs are of particular significance because they are used by functions defined in XSLT, which are added to the library of functions available for use in XPath expressions within the stylesheet. These are:

  • The set of named keys, used by the key function

  • The values of system properties, used by the system-property function

  • The set of available instructions, used by the element-available function

A dynamic function call clears the first of these components: this means that a dynamic call to the key function will always raise a dynamic error (the key name is unknown). The values of system properties and the set of available instructions, by contrast, reflect the capabilities and configuration of the processor rather than values specific to the stylesheet code itself; the result of a dynamic call to system-property or element-available will reflect the information available to the processor at evaluation time.


If these functions are called within a static expression, the results will reflect the capabilities and configuration of the processor used to perform static analysis, while if they are called elsewhere, the results should reflect the capabilities and configuration of the processor used to perform dynamic evaluation, which might give a different result. These calls should not be pre-evaluated at compile time unless it is known that this will give the same result.

5.3.4 Initializing the Dynamic Context

For convenience, the dynamic context is described in two parts: the focus, which represents the place in the source document that is currently being processed, and a collection of additional context variables.

A number of functions specified in [Functions and Operators 4.0] are defined to be deterministicFO40, meaning that if they are called twice during the same execution scopeFO40, with the same arguments, then they return the same results (see Section 1.8 TerminologyFO40). In XSLT, the execution of a stylesheet defines the execution scope. This means, for example, that if the function current-dateTimeFO30 is called repeatedly during a transformation, it produces the same result each time. By implication, the components of the dynamic context on which these functions depend are also stable for the duration of the transformation. Specifically, the following components defined in Section 2.2.2 Dynamic ContextXP40 must be stable: function implementations, current dateTime, implicit timezone, available documents, available collections, and default collection. The values of global variables and stylesheet parameters are also stable for the duration of a transformation. The focus is not stable; the additional dynamic context components defined in 5.3.5 Additional Dynamic Context Components used by XSLT are also not stable.

As specified in [Functions and Operators 4.0], implementations may provide user options that relax the requirement for the docFO30 and collectionFO30 functions (and therefore, by implication, the document function) to return stable results. By default, however, the functions must be stable. The manner in which such user options are provided, if at all, is implementation-defined.

XPath expressions contained in [xsl:]use-when attributes are not considered to be evaluated “during the transformation” as defined above. For details see 3.13.3 Conditional Element Inclusion.

[Definition: A component of the context that has no value is said to be absent.] This is a distinguishable state, and is not the same as having the empty sequence as its value. Maintaining Position: the Focus

[Definition: When a sequence constructor is evaluated, the processor keeps track of which items are being processed by means of a set of implicit variables referred to collectively as the focus.] More specifically, the focus consists of the following three values:

  • [Definition: The context item is the item currently being processed. An item (see [XDM 3.0]) is either an atomic value (such as an integer, date, or string), a node, or a function item. It changes whenever instructions such as xsl:apply-templates and xsl:for-each are used to process a sequence of items; each item in such a sequence becomes the context item while that item is being processed.] The context item is returned by the XPath expression . (dot).

  • [Definition: The context position is the position of the context item within the sequence of items currently being processed. It changes whenever the context item changes. When an instruction such as xsl:apply-templates or xsl:for-each is used to process a sequence of items, the first item in the sequence is processed with a context position of 1, the second item with a context position of 2, and so on.] The context position is returned by the XPath expression position().

  • [Definition: The context size is the number of items in the sequence of items currently being processed. It changes whenever instructions such as xsl:apply-templates and xsl:for-each are used to process a sequence of items; during the processing of each one of those items, the context size is set to the count of the number of items in the sequence (or equivalently, the position of the last item in the sequence).] The context size is returned by the XPath expression last().

[Definition: If the context item is a node (as distinct from an atomic value such as an integer), then it is also referred to as the context node. The context node is not an independent variable, it changes whenever the context item changes. When the context item is an atomic value or a function item, there is no context node.] The context node is returned by the XPath expression self::node(), and it is used as the starting node for all relative path expressions.

Where the containing element of an XPath expression is an instruction or a literal result element, the initial context item, context position, and context size for the XPath expression are the same as the context item, context position, and context size for the evaluation of the containing instruction or literal result element.

The context item for evaluating global variables declared in the top-level package is set to the global context item supplied when the transformation is invoked (see 2.3 Initiating a Transformation). For global variables declared in a library package, the context item for evaluating global variables is absent. [XSLT 3.0 Erratum E7, bug 30179].

For an XPath expression contained in a value template, the initial context item, context position, and context size for the XPath expression are the same as the context item, context position, and context size for the evaluation of the containing sequence constructor.

In other cases (for example, where the containing element is xsl:sort, xsl:with-param, or xsl:key), the rules are given in the specification of the containing element.

The current function can be used within any XPath expression to select the item that was supplied as the context item to the XPath expression by the XSLT processor. Unlike . (dot) this is unaffected by changes to the context item that occur within the XPath expression. The current function is described in 20.4.1 fn:current.

On completion of an instruction that changes the focus (such as xsl:apply-templates or xsl:for-each), the focus reverts to its previous value.

When a stylesheet function is called, the focus within the body of the function is initially absent.

When the focus is absent, evaluation of any expression that references the context item, context position, or context size results in a dynamic error [ERR XPDY0002] XP40

The description above gives an outline of the way the focus works. Detailed rules for the effect of each instruction are given separately with the description of that instruction. In the absence of specific rules, an instruction uses the same focus as its parent instruction.

[Definition: A singleton focus based on an item J has the context item (and therefore the context node, if J is a node) set to J, and the context position and context size both set to 1 (one).] Other Components of the XPath Dynamic Context

The previous section explained how the focus for an XPath expression appearing in an XSLT stylesheet is initialized. This section explains how the other components of the dynamic contextXP40 of an XPath expression are initialized.

  • The dynamic variablesXP40 are the current values of the in-scope variable binding elements.

  • The dynamically known function definitionsXP40 (representing the functions accessible using function-available or function-lookupFO30) include all the functions available in the static context, and may also include an additional implementation-defined set of functions that are available dynamically but not statically.


    This set therefore includes some functions that are not available for dynamic calling using xsl:evaluate, for example stylesheet functions whose visibility is private, and XSLT-defined functions such as current and key.


    The rule that all functions present in the static context must always be present in the dynamic context is a consistency constraint. The effect of violating a consistency constraint is implementation-defined: it does not necessarily lead to an error. For example, if the version of a used package that is available at evaluation time does not include all public user-defined functions that were available in the version that was used at analysis time, then a processor may recover by signaling an error only if the function is actually called. Conversely, if the evaluation-time version of the package includes additional public functions, these may be included in the dynamic context even though they were absent from the static context. Dynamic calling of functions using function-lookupFO30 may therefore be an effective strategy for coping with variations between versions of a library package on which a stylesheet depends.

  • The default collationXP40 is defined by the value of the [xsl:]default-collation attribute on the innermost enclosing element that has such an attribute. For details, see 3.7.1 The default-collation Attribute.

    [Definition: In this specification the term default collation means the collation that is used by XPath operators such as eq and lt appearing in XPath expressions within the stylesheet.]

    This collation is also used by default when comparing strings in the evaluation of the xsl:key and xsl:for-each-group elements. This may also (but need not necessarily) be the same as the default collation used for xsl:sort elements within the stylesheet. Collations used by xsl:sort are described in 13.1.3 Sorting Using Collations.


    The default collation is usually known statically. One notable exception is when the function call default-collation() appears in the the initializing expression of an optional xsl:function parameter, for example:

    <xsl:function name="f:myfunc">
      <xsl:param name="collation" required="no" select="default-collation()"/>

    In this situation the call on default-collation() returns the default collation from the context of the function call, which may differ from the default collation of the function declaration.

  • The available documentsXP40 are defined as part of the XPath 3.0 dynamic context to support the docFO30 function, but this component is also referenced by the similar XSLT document function: see 20.1 fn:document. This variable defines a mapping between URIs passed to the docFO30 or document function and the document nodes that are returned.

    The mapping from URIs to document nodes is affected by xsl:strip-space declarations and by the input-type-annotations attribute, and may therefore vary from one package to another.


    Defining this as part of the evaluation context is a formal way of specifying that the way in which URIs get turned into document nodes is outside the control of the language specification, and depends entirely on the run-time environment in which the transformation takes place.

    The XSLT-defined document function allows the use of URI references containing fragment identifiers. The interpretation of a fragment identifier depends on the media type of the resource representation. Therefore, the information supplied in available documentsXP40 for XSLT processing must provide not only a mapping from URIs to document nodes as required by XPath, but also a mapping from URIs to media types.

  • All other aspects of the dynamic context (for example, the current date and time, the implicit timezone, the default language, calendar, and place, the available documents, text resources, and collections, and the default collection — details vary slightly between XPath 3.0 and XPath 3.1) are implementation-defined, and do not change in the course of a single transformation, except to the extent that they may be different from one package to another.

5.3.5 Additional Dynamic Context Components used by XSLT

In addition to the values that make up the focus, an XSLT processor maintains a number of other dynamic context components that reflect aspects of the evaluation context. These components are fully described in the sections of the specification that maintain and use them. They are:

The following non-normative table summarizes the initial state of each of the components in the evaluation context, and the instructions which cause the state of the component to change.

Components of the Dynamic Evaluation Context
Component Initial Setting Set by Cleared by
focus See 2.3 Initiating a Transformation. xsl:apply-templates, xsl:for-each, xsl:for-each-group, xsl:analyze-string, evaluation of patterns Calls to stylesheet functions
current template rule If apply-templates invocation is used (see 2.3.3 Apply-Templates Invocation), then for each item in the initial match selection, the current template rule is initially set to the template rule chosen for processing that item. Otherwise, absent. xsl:apply-templates, xsl:apply-imports, xsl:next-match See 6.9 Overriding Template Rules.
current mode the initial mode xsl:apply-templates Calls to stylesheet functions. Also cleared while evaluating global variables and stylesheet parameters, patterns, and the sequence constructor contained in xsl:key or xsl:sort. Clearing the current mode causes the current mode to be set to the default (unnamed) mode.
current group absent xsl:for-each-group See 14.2.1 fn:current-group.
current grouping key absent xsl:for-each-group See 14.2.2 fn:current-grouping-key.
current merge group absent xsl:merge See 15.6.1 fn:current-merge-group.
current merge key absent xsl:merge See 15.6.2 fn:current-merge-key.
current captured substrings empty sequence xsl:matching-substring xsl:non-matching-substring; Calls to stylesheet functions, dynamic function calls, evaluation of global variables, stylesheet parameters, and patterns
output state final output state Set to temporary output state by instructions such as xsl:variable, xsl:attribute, etc., and by calls on stylesheet functions None
current output URI base output URI xsl:result-document Calls to stylesheet functions, dynamic function calls, evaluation of global variables, stylesheet parameters, and patterns.

[Definition: The initial setting of a component of the dynamic context is used when evaluating global variables and stylesheet parameters, when evaluating the use and match attributes of xsl:key, and when evaluating the initial-value of xsl:accumulator and the select expressions or contained sequence constructors of xsl:accumulator-rule].

[Definition: The term non-contextual function call is used to refer to function calls that do not pass the dynamic context to the called function. This includes all calls on stylesheet functions and all dynamic function invocationsXP40, (that is calls to function items as permitted by XPath 3.0). It excludes calls to some functions in the namespace, in particular those that explicitly depend on the context, such as the current-group and regex-group functions. It is implementation-defined whether, and under what circumstances, calls to extension functions are non-contextual.]

Named function references (such as position#0) and calls on function-lookupFO30 (for example, function-lookup("position", 0)) are defined to retain the XPath static and dynamic context at the point of invocation as part of the closure of the resulting function item, and to use this preserved context when a dynamic function call is subsequently made using the function item. This rule does not extend to the XSLT extensions to the dynamic context defined in this section. If a dynamic function call is made that depends on the XSLT part of the dynamic context (for example, regex-group#1(2)), then the relevant components of the context are cleared as described in the table above.

5.4 Patterns

In XSLT 4.0, patterns can match any kind of item: atomic values and function items as well as nodes.

A template rule identifies the items to which it applies by means of a pattern. As well as being used in template rules, patterns are used for numbering (see 12 Numbering), for grouping (see 14 Grouping), and for declaring keys (see 20.2 Keys).

[Definition: A pattern specifies a set of conditions on an item. An item that satisfies the conditions matches the pattern; an item that does not satisfy the conditions does not match the pattern.]

There are three kinds of pattern: predicate patterns, type patterns, and node patterns:

  • [Definition: A predicate pattern is written as . (dot) followed by zero or more predicates in square brackets, and it matches any item for which each of the predicates evaluates to true.]

    A predicate pattern .[P1][P2]... can be regarded as an abbreviation for the type pattern type(item())[P1][P2]....

  • [Definition: A type pattern can be written as type(T) (where T is an ItemTypeXP40 followed by zero or more predicates in square brackets, and it matches any item of type T which each of the predicates evaluates to true.]

    For convenience, if T takes the form record(F1, F2, ...), then the pattern can be abbrevated.

    The detailed semantics are given in The Meaning of a Node Pattern. This construct can be used to match items of any kind (nodes, atomic values, and function items). For example, the pattern .[starts-with(., '$')] matches any string that starts with the character $, or a node whose atomized value starts with $. This example shows a predicate pattern with a single predicate, but the grammar allows any number of predicates (zero or more).

  • [Definition: A node pattern uses a subset of the syntax for path expressions, and is defined to match a node if the corresponding path expression would select the node. Node patterns may also be formed by combining other patterns using union, intersection, and difference operators.]

    The syntax for node patterns (UnionExprP in the grammar: see 5.4.2 Syntax of Patterns) is a subset of the syntax for expressions. Node patterns are used only for matching nodes; an item other than a node will never match a node pattern. As explained in detail below, a node matches a node pattern if the node can be selected by deriving an equivalent expression, and evaluating this expression with respect to some possible context.


The specification uses the phrases an item matches a pattern and a pattern matches an item interchangeably. They are equivalent: an item matches a pattern if and only if the pattern matches the item.

5.4.1 Examples of Patterns

Example: Patterns

Here are some examples of patterns:

  • Predicate Patterns:

    1. . matches any item.

    2. .[. castable as xs:date] matches any item that can be successfully cast to xs:date: for example, an xs:date or xs:dateTime value, or a string in the lexical form of a date, or a node whose typed value is an xs:date or a string in the form of a date.

    3. .[string() => matches('^[0-9]$')] matches any item whose string value is a sequence of digits.

    4. .[. castable as xs:date][xs:date(.) le current-date()] matches any item that is castable to xs:date provided that the result of casting the value to xs:date is a date in the past.

  • Type Patterns

    1. type(item()) matches any item.

    2. type(node()) matches any node. (Note the distinction from the pattern node().)

    3. type(xs:date) matches any atomic value of type xs:date (or a type derived by restriction from xs:date).

    4. type(xs:date)[. gt current-date()] matches any date in the future.

    5. type(xs:string)[starts-with(., 'e')] matches any xs:string value that starts with the letter e. Note there is no type conversion; the pattern will not match an xs:untypedAtomic or xs:anyURI value, nor will it match any node.

    6. type(function(*)) matches any function item.

    7. type(function($x as xs:integer) as xs:boolean)[.(42)] matches any function that accepts an xs:integer argument and returns a boolean result, provided that the result of calling the function with the argument value 42 is true.

    8. union(xs:date, xs:dateTime, xs:time) matches any atomic value that is an instance of xs:date, xs:dateTime, or xs:time.

    9. enum("red", "green", "blue") matches any one of the three strings "red", "green", or "blue".

    10. record(first, last, *)[?location = 'UK'] matches any map whose keys include the strings "first" and "last", and that also has an entry with key "location" whose value is "UK".

    11. record(longitude, latitude) matches any map with two entries whose keys are the strings "longitude" and "latitude".

    12. array(xs:integer)[array:size(.) eq 4] matches any array of four integers.

    13. array(record(first, last, *)) matches any array of maps where each map contains entries with keys "first" and "last". (Note that this includes the empty array).

    14. array(record(first, last, *))[array:size(.) gt 0] matches any non-empty array of maps where each map contains entries with keys "first" and "last".

    15. type(complex) matches any value that is an instance of the item type declared in an xsl:item-type declaration with name "complex"

    16. type(complex)[?i eq 0] matches any value that is an instance of the item type declared in an xsl:item-type declaration with name "complex" and that is a map with an entry having key i and value zero.

  • Node Patterns

    1. * matches any element.

    2. para matches any para element.

    3. chapter|appendix matches any chapter element and any appendix element.

    4. child::(chapter|appendix) matches any chapter element and any appendix element. Note that although the child axis is explicitly written, an element can match even though it has no parent.

    5. olist/entry matches any entry element with an olist parent.

    6. appendix//para matches any para element with an appendix ancestor element.

    7. appendix/descendant::(para|table) matches any para or tableelement with an appendix ancestor element.

    8. schema-element(us:address) matches any element that is annotated as an instance of the type defined by the schema element declaration us:address, and whose name is either us:address or the name of another element in its substitution group.

    9. attribute(*, xs:date) matches any attribute annotated as being of type xs:date.

    10. / matches a document node.

    11. document-node() matches a document node.

    12. document-node(schema-element(my:invoice)) matches the document node of a document whose document element is named my:invoice and matches the type defined by the global element declaration my:invoice.

    13. text() matches any text node.

    14. namespace-node() matches any namespace node.

    15. node() matches any node other than an attribute node, namespace node, or document node.

    16. id("W33") matches the element with unique ID W33.

    17. para[1] matches any para element that is the first para child element of its parent. It also matches a parentless para element.

    18. //para matches any para element in a tree that is rooted at a document node.

    19. bullet[position() mod 2 = 0] matches any bullet element that is an even-numbered bullet child of its parent.

    20. div[@class="appendix"]//p matches any p element with a div ancestor element that has a class attribute with value appendix.

    21. @class matches any class attribute (not any element that has a class attribute).

    22. @(class|type|kind) matches any attribute named class or type or kind.

    23. @* matches any attribute node.

    24. $xyz matches any node that is present in the value of the variable $xyz.

    25. $xyz//* matches any element that is a descendant of a node that is present in the value of the variable $xyz.

    26. doc('product.xml')//* matches any element within the document whose document URI is product.xml.

5.4.2 Syntax of Patterns

[ERR XTSE0340] Where an attribute is defined to contain a pattern, it is a static error if the pattern does not match the production Pattern40.

The grammar for patterns uses the notation defined in Section A.1.1 NotationXP40.

The lexical rules for patterns are the same as the lexical rules for XPath expressions, as defined in Section A.3 Lexical structureXP40. Comments are permitted between tokens, using the syntax (: ... :). All other provisions of the XPath grammar apply where relevant, for example the rules for whitespace handling and extra-grammatical constraints.

[1]    Pattern40    ::=    PredicatePattern | TypePattern | NodePattern
[2]    PredicatePattern    ::=    "." PredicateListXP40
[3]    TypePattern    ::=    (WrappedItemTest | AnyItemTestXP40 | FunctionTestXP40 | MapTestXP40 | ArrayTestXP40 | RecordTestXP40 | LocalUnionTypeXP40 | EnumerationTypeXP40) PredicateListXP40
[5]    NodePattern    ::=    UnionExprP

Patterns fall into three groups:

  • A PredicatePattern matches items according to conditions that the item must satisfy: for example .[. castable as xs:integer] matches any value (it might be an atomic value, a node, or an array) that is castable as an integer.

  • A TypePattern matches items according to their type. For example type(xs:integer) matches an atomic value that is an instance of xs:integer, while record(longitude, latitude) matches a map that has exactly two entries, with keys "longitude" and "latitude"

  • A NodePattern matches nodes in a tree, typically by specifying a path that can be used to locate the nodes: for example order matches an element node named order, while billing-address/city matches an element named city whose parent node is an element named billing-address.

The following sections define the rules for each of these groups. Predicate Patterns
[2]    PredicatePattern    ::=    "." PredicateListXP40
[86]    PredicateList    ::=    PredicateXP40*

A PredicatePattern PP matches an item J if and only if the XPath expression taking the same form as PP returns a non-empty sequence when evaluated with a singleton focus based on J.


The pattern ., which is a PredicatePattern with an empty PredicateListXP40, matches every item.

A predicate with the numeric value 1 (one) always matches, and a predicate with any other numeric value never matches. Numeric predicates in a PredicatePattern are therefore not useful, but are defined this way in the interests of consistency with XPath.

For example, the pattern .[contains(., "XSLT")] matches any item whose typed value contains "XSLT" as a substring. It matches values such as the string "XSLT Transformations", the xs:anyURI value, the attribute node class="XSD XSLT XPath", and the singleton array ["XSLT 4.0"]. Type Patterns
[3]    TypePattern    ::=    (WrappedItemTest | AnyItemTestXP40 | FunctionTestXP40 | MapTestXP40 | ArrayTestXP40 | RecordTestXP40 | LocalUnionTypeXP40 | EnumerationTypeXP40) PredicateListXP40
[4]    WrappedItemTest    ::=    "type" "(" ItemTypeXP40 ")"
[108]    AnyItemTest    ::=    "item" "(" ")"
[127]    FunctionTest    ::=    AnyFunctionTestXP40
| TypedFunctionTestXP40
[130]    MapTest    ::=    AnyMapTestXP40 | TypedMapTestXP40
[142]    ArrayTest    ::=    AnyArrayTestXP40 | TypedArrayTestXP40
[133]    RecordTest    ::=    AnyRecordTestXP40 | TypedRecordTestXP40
[136]    FieldDeclaration    ::=    FieldNameXP40 "?"? ("as" (SequenceTypeXP40 | SelfReferenceXP40))?
[137]    FieldName    ::=    NCNameXP40 | StringLiteralXP40
[139]    ExtensibleFlag    ::=    "," "*"
[141]    EnumerationType    ::=    "enum" "(" StringLiteralXP40 ("," StringLiteralXP40)* ")"
[86]    PredicateList    ::=    PredicateXP40*

A type pattern tests whether an item matches a given item type, optionally qualified with one or more predicates that the value must also satisfy.

The general-purpose construct type(ItemType) allows any ItemType to be used in a pattern. Where syntactic constraints permit, many ItemTypes can also be used directly: for example type(item()) can be abbreviated as item().

For example:

  • type(xs:integer) matches any instance of xs:integer

  • type(xs:integer)[. gt 0] matches any positive integer.

  • union(xs:string, xs:untypedAtomic)[matches(., '[0-9]+')] matches any instance of xs:string or xs:untypedAtomic that contains a sequence of decimal digits.

  • type(node()) matches any node. (This is not the same as the pattern node(), which for historical reasons only matches element, text, comment, and processing instruction nodes).

More formally, an item $J matches a pattern type(T)[P1][P2][P3] if the XPath expression $J instance of T and exists($J[P1][P2]P3]) is true.


As with predicate patterns, numeric predicates are allowed, but serve no useful purpose.

A pattern written as record(A, B, C) is an abbreviation for type(record(A, B, C)) (retaining any predicates). For example, the pattern record(first, last, *)[?first eq "Sharon"] matches any map having entries with the string-valued keys "first" and "last", where the entry for the key "first" is equal to the string "Sharon".


The item type in a pattern can be any ItemType, but patterns that match nodes can usually be expressed more economically as a NodeTest: for example match="type(element(PERSON))" has the same meaning as match="element(PERSON)", which in turn is usually abbreviated to match="PERSON".

Although match="type(element(PERSON))" matches exactly the same items as match="PERSON", the priority relative to other template rules (in the absence of an explicit priority attribute) may be different. Node Patterns
[5]    NodePattern    ::=    UnionExprP
[6]    UnionExprP    ::=    IntersectExceptExprP (("union" | "|") IntersectExceptExprP)*
[7]    IntersectExceptExprP    ::=    PathExprP (("intersect" | "except") PathExprP)*
[8]    PathExprP    ::=    RootedPath
| ("/" RelativePathExprP?)
| ("//" RelativePathExprP)
| RelativePathExprP
[9]    RootedPath    ::=    (VarRefXP40 | FunctionCallP) PredicateListXP40 (("/" | "//") RelativePathExprP)?
[10]    FunctionCallP    ::=    OuterFunctionName ArgumentListP
[11]    OuterFunctionName    ::=    "doc" | "id" | "element-with-id" | "key" | URIQualifiedNameXP40
[12]    ArgumentListP    ::=    "(" (ArgumentP ("," ArgumentP)*)? ")"
[13]    ArgumentP    ::=    VarRefXP40 | LiteralXP40
[14]    RelativePathExprP    ::=    StepExprP (("/" | "//") StepExprP)*
[15]    StepExprP    ::=    PostfixExprP | AxisStepP
[16]    PostfixExprP    ::=    ParenthesizedExprP PredicateListXP40
[17]    ParenthesizedExprP    ::=    "(" UnionExprP ")"
[18]    AxisStepP    ::=    ForwardStepP PredicateListXP40
[19]    ForwardStepP    ::=    (ForwardAxisP NodeTestXP40) | AbbrevForwardStepXP40
[20]    ForwardAxisP    ::=    ("child" "::")
| ("descendant" "::")
| ("attribute" "::")
| ("self" "::")
| ("descendant-or-self" "::")
| ("namespace" "::")

Node Patterns are used to match XDM nodes.

The names of these constructs are chosen to align with the XPath 3.0 grammar. Constructs whose names are suffixed with P are restricted forms of the corresponding XPath 3.0 construct without the suffix. Constructs labeled with the suffix “XP40” are defined in [XPath 4.0].

Where the XSLT 3.0 processor implements the XPath 3.1 feature, the definitions that apply to constructs labeled with the suffix “XP30” are those in [XPath 3.1]

In a FunctionCallP, the EQName used for the function name must have local part doc, id, element-with-id, key, or root, and must use the standard function namespace either explicitly or implicitly.

In the case of a call to the rootFO30 function, the argument list must be empty: that is, only the zero-arity form of the function is allowed.


As with XPath expressions, the pattern / union /* can be parsed in two different ways, and the chosen interpretation is to treat union as an element name rather than as an operator. The other interpretation can be achieved by writing (/) union (/*)


A peculiarity of this grammar is that doc('a.xml')/(id('abc')) is a valid pattern, while doc('a.xml')/id('abc') is not: the / operator must be followed either by a parenthesized expression, or by an axis step. The Meaning of a Node Pattern

The meaning of a node pattern is defined formally as follows, where “if” is to be read as “if and only if”.

The pattern is converted to an expression, called the equivalent expression. The equivalent expression to a Pattern is the XPath expression that takes the same lexical form as the Pattern as written, with the following adjustment:

  • If any PathExprP in the Pattern is a RelativePathExprP, then the first StepExprP PS of this RelativePathExprP is adjusted to allow it to match a parentless element, attribute, or namespace node. The adjustment depends on the axis used in this step, whether it appears explicitly or implicitly (according to the rules of Section 4.7.7 Abbreviated SyntaxXP40), and is made as follows:

    1. If the NodeTest in PS is document-node() (optionally with arguments), and if no explicit axis is specified, then the axis in step PS is taken as self rather than child.

    2. If PS uses the child axis (explicitly or implicitly), and if the NodeTest in PS is not document-node() (optionally with arguments), then the axis in step PS is replaced by child-or-top, which is defined as follows. If the context node is a parentless element, comment, processing-instruction, or text node then the child-or-top axis selects the context node; otherwise it selects the children of the context node. It is a forwards axis whose principal node kind is element.

    3. If PS uses the attribute axis (explicitly or implicitly), then the axis in step PS is replaced by attribute-or-top, which is defined as follows. If the context node is an attribute node with no parent, then the attribute-or-top axis selects the context node; otherwise it selects the attributes of the context node. It is a forwards axis whose principal node kind is attribute.

    4. If PS uses the namespace axis (explicitly or implicitly), then the axis in step PS is replaced by namespace-or-top, which is defined as follows. If the context node is a namespace node with no parent, then the namespace-or-top axis selects the context node; otherwise it selects the namespace nodes of the context node. It is a forwards axis whose principal node kind is namespace.

    The axes child-or-top, attribute-or-top, and namespace-or-top are introduced only for definitional purposes. They cannot be used explicitly in a user-written pattern or expression.


    The purpose of this adjustment is to ensure that a pattern such as person matches any element named person, even if it has no parent; and similarly, that the pattern @width matches any attribute named width, even a parentless attribute. The rule also ensures that a pattern using a NodeTest of the form document-node(...) matches a document node. The pattern node() will match any element, text node, comment, or processing instruction, whether or not it has a parent. For backwards compatibility reasons, the pattern node(), when used without an explicit axis, does not match document nodes, attribute nodes, or namespace nodes. The rules are also phrased to ensure that positional patterns of the form para[1] continue to count nodes relative to their parent, if they have one. To match any node at all, XSLT 4.0 allows the pattern .[. instance of node()] to be used.

The meaning of the pattern is then defined in terms of the semantics of the equivalent expression, denoted below as EE.

Specifically, an item N matches a pattern P if the following applies, where EE is the equivalent expression to P:

  1. N is a node, and the result of evaluating the expression root(.)//(EE) with a singleton focus based on N is a sequence that includes the node N

If a pattern appears in an attribute of an element that is processed with XSLT 1.0 behavior (see 3.9 Backwards Compatible Processing), then the semantics of the pattern are defined on the basis that the equivalent XPath expression is evaluated with XPath 1.0 compatibility mode set to true.

Example: The Semantics of Node Patterns

The node pattern p matches any p element, because a p element will always be present in the result of evaluating the expression root(.)//(child-or-top::p). Similarly, / matches a document node, and only a document node, because the result of the expression root(.)//(/) returns the root node of the tree containing the context node if and only if it is a document node.

The node pattern node() matches all nodes selected by the expression root(.)//(child-or-top::node()), that is, all element, text, comment, and processing instruction nodes, whether or not they have a parent. It does not match attribute or namespace nodes because the expression does not select nodes using the attribute or namespace axes. It does not match document nodes because for backwards compatibility reasons the child-or-top axis does not match a document node.


The pattern type(node()) matches all nodes.

The node pattern $V matches all nodes selected by the expression root(.)//($V), that is, all nodes in the value of $V (which will typically be a global variable, though when the pattern is used in contexts such as the xsl:number or xsl:for-each-group instructions, it can also be a local variable).

The node pattern doc('product.xml')//product matches all nodes selected by the expression root(.)//(doc('product.xml')//product), that is, all product elements in the document whose URI is product.xml.

The node pattern root(.)/self::E matches an E element that is the root of a tree (that is, an E element with no parent node).

Although the semantics of node patterns are specified formally in terms of expression evaluation, it is possible to understand pattern matching using a different model. A node pattern such as book/chapter/section can be examined from right to left. A node will only match this pattern if it is a section element; and then, only if its parent is a chapter; and then, only if the parent of that chapter is a book. When the pattern uses the // operator, one can still read it from right to left, but this time testing the ancestors of a node rather than its parent. For example appendix//section matches every section element that has an ancestor appendix element.

The formal definition, however, is useful for understanding the meaning of a pattern such as para[1]. This matches any node selected by the expression root(.)//(child-or-top::para[1]): that is, any para element that is the first para child of its parent, or a para element that has no parent.


An implementation, of course, may use any algorithm it wishes for evaluating patterns, so long as the result corresponds with the formal definition above. An implementation that followed the formal definition by evaluating the equivalent expression and then testing the membership of a specific node in the result would probably be very inefficient.


Patterns using the intersect and except operators do not always have the intuitive meaning: in particular, it is not always the case that a node matches A except B if it matches A but does not match B.

For example, consider the pattern para except appendix//para. This expands to root(.)/descendant-or-self::node()/(child::para except child::appendix//para). Since for a given parent node, the results of child::para and child::appendix are disjoint, the right-hand operand of except has no effect.

The effect of matching all paragraphs except those within an appendix can be achieved using the pattern para except //appendix//para; alternatively, use para[not(ancestor::appendix)].

Simpler patterns such as @* except @code generally have the expected effect; the complications arise mainly when non-trivial relative paths are used.

5.4.3 Errors in Patterns

A dynamic error or type error that occurs during the evaluation of a pattern against a particular item has the effect that the item being tested is treated as not matching the pattern. The error does not cause the transformation to fail, and cannot be caught by a try/catch expression surrounding the instruction that causes the pattern to be evaluated.


The reason for this provision is that it is difficult for the stylesheet author to predict which predicates in a pattern will actually be evaluated. In the case of match patterns in template rules, it is not even possible to predict which patterns will be evaluated against a particular node.

There is a risk that ignoring errors in this way may make programming mistakes harder to debug. Implementations may mitigate this by providing warnings or other diagnostics when evaluation of a pattern triggers an error condition.

Static errors in patterns, including dynamic and type errors that are signaled statically as permitted by the specification, are reported in the normal way and cause the transformation to fail.

The requirement to detect and report a circularity as a dynamic error overrides this rule.

5.5 Defining Named Item Types

<!-- Category: declaration -->
  name = eqname
  as? = item-type
  visibility? = "private" | "final" />

An xsl:item-type declaration associates a name with an item type, and allows the type to be referenced by name throughout the stylesheet package.

The following example declares a named item type for complex numbers, and uses it in a variable declaration and two function declarations.

<xsl:item-type name="cx:complex" as="record(r as xs:double, i as xs:double)"/>

<xsl:variable name="i" as="cx:complex" select="cx:number(0, 1)"/>

<xsl:function name="cx:number" as="cx:complex">
  <xsl:param name="r" as="xs:double"/>
  <xsl:param name="i" as="xs:double"/>
  <xsl:sequence select="map{'r':$r, 'i':$i}"/>

<xsl:function name="cx:add" as="cx:complex">
  <xsl:param name="x" as="cx:complex"/>
  <xsl:param name="y" as="cx:complex"/>
  <xsl:sequence select="cx:number($x?r + $y?r, $x?i + $y?i)"/>

Using named item types makes the stylesheet more readable, and improves potential for change: a change to the way complex numbers are implemented in this example is less likely to affect users of the function library. However, named item types do not provide true encapsulation or information hiding; users of the function library can still treat complex numbers as raw maps if they wish.

The xsl:item-type declaration adds an entry to the type aliasXP40 component of the static context for XPath expressions, and also becomes available for use wherever XSLT allows an ItemType to appear.

The scope of a named item type is the package in which it is declared. If it is declared with visibility="final" then it also becomes available for use in using packages. Named item types cannot be overridden in a using package, so the only permitted values for visibility are private and final.

The name of the item type is the expanded name formed by resolving the name attribute. A lexical QName with no prefix is treated as a no-namespace name.

If two xsl:item-type declarations in a package have the same name, then the one with higher import precedence is used.

[ERR XTSE9ZZZ] It is a static error if a package contains two xsl:item-type declarations having the same import precedence, unless there is another definition of the same item type with higher import precedence.

TODO: add named item types to xsl:accept and xsl:expose. Clarify that when a function or variable is exported to a different package, its declared type/signature uses the expanded form of any named item type; there is no requirement for the using package to know the named item types. But it becomes easier to use the exposed variables and functions if the names of the types are exposed too.

5.6 Defining a Decimal Format

The definition of the format-numberFO30 function is now in [Functions and Operators 4.0]. This section is a specification of the xsl:decimal-format declaration, which provides the context for this function when used in an XSLT stylesheet.

<!-- Category: declaration -->
  name? = eqname
  decimal-separator? = char〔'.'〕
  grouping-separator? = char〔','〕
  infinity? = string〔'Infinity'〕
  minus-sign? = char〔'-'〕
  exponent-separator? = char〔'e'〕
  NaN? = string〔'NaN'〕
  percent? = char〔'%'〕
  per-mille? = char〔'‰'〕
  zero-digit? = char〔'0'〕
  digit? = char〔'#'〕
  pattern-separator? = char〔';'〕 />

The xsl:decimal-format element sets the statically known decimal formats component of the static context for XPath expressions, which controls the interpretation of a picture string used by the format-numberFO30 function.

[Definition: The picture string is the string supplied as the second argument of the format-numberFO30 function.]

A package may contain multiple xsl:decimal-format declarations and may include or import stylesheet modules that also contain xsl:decimal-format declarations. The name of an xsl:decimal-format declaration is the value of its name attribute, if any.

[Definition: All the xsl:decimal-format declarations in a package that share the same name are grouped into a named decimal format; those that have no name are grouped into a single unnamed decimal format.]

The attributes of the xsl:decimal-format declaration define the value of the corresponding property in the relevant decimal format in the statically known decimal formatsXP40 component of the static context for all XPath expressions in the package. The attribute names used in the XSLT 4.0 syntax are the same as the property names used in the definition of the static context.

The exponent-separator attribute is provided for use with XPath 3.1. It has no effect when used with XPath 3.0.

The scope of an xsl:decimal-format name is the package in which it is declared; the name is available for use only in calls to format-numberFO30 that appear within the same package.

If a package does not contain a declaration of the unnamed decimal format, a declaration equivalent to an xsl:decimal-format element with no attributes is implied.

The attributes of the xsl:decimal-format declaration establish values for a number of variables used as input to the algorithm followed by the format-numberFO30 function. An outline of the purpose of each attribute is given below; however, the definitive explanations are given as part of the specification of format-numberFO30.

For any named decimal format, the effective value of each attribute is taken from an xsl:decimal-format declaration that has that name, and that specifies an explicit value for the required attribute. If there is no such declaration, the default value of the attribute is used. If there is more than one such declaration, the one with highest import precedence is used.

For any unnamed decimal format, the effective value of each attribute is taken from an xsl:decimal-format declaration that is unnamed, and that specifies an explicit value for the required attribute. If there is no such declaration, the default value of the attribute is used. If there is more than one such declaration, the one with highest import precedence is used.

[ERR XTSE1290] It is a static error if a named or unnamed decimal format contains two conflicting values for the same attribute in different xsl:decimal-format declarations having the same import precedence, unless there is another definition of the same attribute with higher import precedence.

The following attributes control the interpretation of characters in the picture string supplied to the format-numberFO30 function, and also specify characters that may appear in the result of formatting the number. In each case the value must be a single character [see ERR XTSE0020].

  • decimal-separator specifies the character used to separate the integer part from the fractional part of the formatted number; the default value is the period character (.)

  • exponent-separator specifies the character used to separate the mantissa from the exponent in scientific notation; the default value is the character "e".

  • grouping-separator specifies the character typically used as a thousands separator; the default value is the comma character (,)

  • percent specifies the character used to indicate that the number is represented as a per-hundred fraction; the default value is the percent character (%)

  • per-mille specifies the character used to indicate that the number is represented as a per-thousand fraction; the default value is the Unicode per-mille character (#x2030)

  • zero-digit specifies the character used to represent the digit zero; the default value is the Western digit zero (0). This character must be a digit (category Nd in the Unicode property database), and it must have the numeric value zero. This attribute implicitly defines the Unicode character that is used to represent each of the values 0 to 9 in the final result string: Unicode is organized so that each set of decimal digits forms a contiguous block of characters in numerical sequence.

[ERR XTSE1295] It is a static error if the character specified in the zero-digit attribute is not a digit or is a digit that does not have the numeric value zero.

The following attributes control the interpretation of characters in the picture string supplied to the format-numberFO30 function. In each case the value must be a single character [see ERR XTSE0020].

  • digit specifies the character used in the picture string as a place-holder for an optional digit; the default value is the number sign character (#)

  • pattern-separator specifies the character used to separate positive and negative sub-pictures in a picture string; the default value is the semi-colon character (;)

The following attributes specify characters or strings that may appear in the result of formatting the number:

  • infinity specifies the string used to represent the xs:double value INF; the default value is the string Infinity

  • NaN specifies the string used to represent the xs:double value NaN (not-a-number); the default value is the string NaN

  • minus-sign specifies the character used to signal a negative number; the default value is the hyphen-minus character (-, #x2D). The value must be a single character.

[ERR XTSE1300] It is a static error if, for any named or unnamed decimal format, the variables representing characters used in a picture string do not each have distinct values. These variables are decimal-separator-sign, grouping-sign, percent-sign, per-mille-sign, digit-zero-sign, digit-sign, and pattern-separator-sign.

Every (named or unnamed) decimal format defined in a package is added to the statically known decimal formatsXP40 in the static contextXP40 of every expression in the package, excluding expressions appearing in [xsl:]use-when attributes.

5.7 Value Templates

The string value of an attribute or text node in the stylesheet may in particular circumstances contain embedded expressions enclosed between curly brackets. Attributes and text nodes that use (or are permitted to use) this mechanism are referred to respectively as attribute value templates and text value templates.

[Definition: Collectively, attribute value templates and text value templates are referred to as value templates.]

A value template is a string consisting of an alternating sequence of fixed parts and variable parts:

  • A variable part consists of an optional XPath expression enclosed in curly brackets ({}): more specifically, a string conforming to the XPath production Expr?.


    An expression within a variable part may contain an unescaped curly bracket within a StringLiteralXP40 or within a comment.

    Currently no XPath expression starts with an opening curly bracket, so the use of {{ creates no ambiguity. If an enclosed expression ends with a closing curly bracket, no whitespace is required between this and the closing delimiter.

    The fact that the expression is optional means that the string contained between the curly brackets may be zero-length, may comprise whitespace only, or may contain XPath comments. The effective value in this case is a zero-length string, which is equivalent to omitting the variable part entirely, together with its curly-bracket delimiters.

  • A fixed part may contain any characters, except that a left curly bracket must be written as {{ and a right curly bracket must be written as }}.

[ERR XTSE0350] It is a static error if an unescaped left curly bracket appears in a fixed part of a value template without a matching right curly bracket.

It is a static error if the string contained between matching curly brackets in a value template does not match the XPath production Expr?XP40, or if it contains other XPath static errors. The error is signaled using the appropriate XPath error code.

[ERR XTSE0370] It is a static error if an unescaped right curly bracket occurs in a fixed part of a value template.

The result of evaluating a value template is referred to as its effective value. The effective value is the string obtained by concatenating the expansions of the fixed and variable parts:

  • The expansion of a fixed part is obtained by replacing any double curly brackets ({{ or }}) by the corresponding single curly bracket.

  • The expansion of a variable part is as follows:

    • If an expression is present, the result of evaluating the enclosed XPath expression and converting the resulting value to a string. This conversion is done using the rules given in 5.8.2 Constructing Simple Content.

    • If the expression is omitted, a zero-length string.


This process can generate dynamic errors, for example if the sequence contains an element with a complex content type (which cannot be atomized).

In the case of an attribute value template, the effective value becomes the string value of the new attribute node. In the case of a text value template, the effective value becomes the string value of the new text node.

5.7.1 Attribute Value Templates

[Definition: In an attribute that is designated as an attribute value template, such as an attribute of a literal result element, an expression can be used by surrounding the expression with curly brackets ({}), following the general rules for value templates].

Curly brackets are not treated specially in an attribute value in an XSLT stylesheet unless the attribute is specifically designated as one that permits an attribute value template; in an element syntax summary, the value of such attributes is surrounded by curly brackets.


Not all attributes are designated as attribute value templates. Attributes whose value is an expression or pattern, attributes of declaration elements and attributes that refer to named XSLT objects are generally not designated as attribute value templates (an exception is the format attribute of xsl:result-document). Namespace declarations are not XDM attribute nodes and are therefore never treated as attribute value templates.

If the element containing the attribute is processed with XSLT 1.0 behavior, then the rules for converting the value of the expression to a string (given in 5.7 Value Templates) are modified as follows. After atomizing the result of the expression, all items other than the first item in the resulting sequence are discarded, and the effective value is obtained by converting the first item in the sequence to a string. If the atomized sequence is empty, the result is a zero-length string.


The above rule applies to attribute value templates but not to text value templates, since the latter were not available in XSLT 1.0.

Example: Attribute Value Templates

The following example creates an img result element from a photograph element in the source; the value of the src and width attributes are computed using XPath expressions enclosed in attribute value templates:

<xsl:variable name="image-dir" select="'/images'"/>

<xsl:template match="photograph">
  <img src="{$image-dir}/{href}" width="{size/@width}"/>

With this source

  <size width="300"/>

the result would be

<img src="/images/headquarters.jpg" width="300"/>


Example: Producing a Space-Separated List

The following example shows how the values in a sequence are output as a space-separated list. The following literal result element:

<temperature readings="{10.32, 5.50, 8.31}"/>

produces the output node:

<temperature readings="10.32 5.5 8.31"/>

Curly brackets are not recognized recursively inside expressions.

Example: Curly Brackets cannot be Nested

For example:

<a href="#{id({@ref})/title}"/>

is not allowed. Instead, use simply:

<a href="#{id(@ref)/title}"/>

5.7.2 Text Value Templates

The standard attribute [xsl:]expand-text may appear on any element in the stylesheet, and determines whether descendant text nodes of that element are treated as text value templates. A text node in the stylesheet is treated as a text value template if (a) it is part of a sequence constructor or a child of an xsl:text instruction, (b) there is an ancestor element with an [xsl:]expand-text attribute, and (c) on the innermost ancestor element that has such an attribute, the value of the attribute is yes. The attribute is boolean and must therefore take one of the values yes (synonyms true or 1) or no (synonyms false or 0).

This section describes how text nodes are processed when the effective value is yes. Such text nodes are referred to as text value templates.

[Definition: In a text node that is designated as a text value template, expressions can be used by surrounding each expression with curly brackets ({}).]

The rules for text value templates are given in 5.7 Value Templates. A text node whose value is a text value template results in the construction of a text node in the result of the containing sequence constructor or xsl:text instruction. The string value of that text node is obtained by computing the effective value of the value template.


The result of evaluating a text value template is a (possibly zero-length) text node. This text node becomes part of the result of the containing sequence constructor or xsl:text instruction, and is thereafter handled exactly as if the value had appeared explicitly as a text node in the stylesheet.

The way in which the effective value is computed does not depend on any separator attribute on a containing xsl:value-of or xsl:attribute instruction. The separator attribute only affects how the text node is combined with adjacent items in the result of the containing sequence constructor.

Fixed parts consisting entirely of whitespace are significant and are handled in the same way as any other fixed part. This is different from the default treatment of “boundary space” in XQuery.

Example: Using a text value template to construct message output
<xsl:variable name="id" select="'A123'"/>
<xsl:variable name="step" select="5"/>
<xsl:message expand-text="yes">Processing id={$id}, step={$step}</xsl:message>

This will typically output the message text Processing id=A123, step=5.


Example: Using a text value template to define the result of a function
<xsl:function name="f:sum" expand-text="yes" as="xs:integer">
<xsl:param name="x" as="xs:integer"/>
<xsl:param name="y" as="xs:integer"/>
  {$x + $y}

Note that although this is a very readable way of expressing the computation performed by the function, the semantics are somewhat complex, and this could mean that execution is inefficient. The function computes the value of $x + $y as an integer, and then constructs a text node containing the string representation of this integer (preceded and followed by whitespace). Because the declared result type of the function is xs:integer, this text node is then atomized, giving an xs:untypedAtomic value, and the xs:untypedAtomic value is then cast to an xs:integer.


The main motivations for adding text value templates to the XSLT language are firstly, to make it easier to construct parameterized text in contexts such as xsl:value-of and xsl:message, and secondly, to allow use of complex multi-line XPath expressions where maintaining correct indentation is important for readability. The fact that XML processors are required to normalize whitespace in attribute values means that writing such expressions within a select attribute is not ideal.

The facility is only present if enabled using the [xsl:]expand-text attribute. This is partly for backwards compatibility, and partly to avoid creating difficulties when constructing content that is rich in curly brackets, for example JavaScript code or CSS style sheets.

5.8 Sequence Constructors

[Definition: A sequence constructor is a sequence of zero or more sibling nodes in the stylesheet that can be evaluated to return a sequence of nodes, atomic values, and function items. The way that the resulting sequence is used depends on the containing instruction.]

Many XSLT elements, and also literal result elements, are defined to take a sequence constructor as their content.

Four kinds of nodes may be encountered in a sequence constructor:

  1. A Text node appearing in the stylesheet (if it has not been removed in the process of whitespace stripping: see 3.13.1 Stripping Whitespace and Commentary from the Stylesheet) is processed as follows:

    1. if the effective value of the standard attribute [xsl:]expand-text is no, or in the absence of this attribute, the text node in the stylesheet is copied to create a new parentless text node in the result of the sequence constructor.

    2. Otherwise (the effective value of [xsl:]expand-text is yes), the text node in the stylesheet is processed as described in 5.7.2 Text Value Templates.

  2. A literal result element is evaluated to create a new parentless element node, having the same expanded QName as the literal result element: see 11.1 Literal Result Elements.

  3. An XSLT instruction produces a sequence of zero, one, or more items as its result. For most XSLT instructions, these items are nodes, but some instructions (such as xsl:sequence and xsl:copy-of) can also produce atomic values or function items. Several instructions, such as xsl:element, return a newly constructed parentless node (which may have its own attributes, namespaces, children, and other descendants). Other instructions, such as xsl:if, pass on the items produced by their own nested sequence constructors. The xsl:sequence instruction may return atomic values, function items, or existing nodes.

  4. An extension instruction (see 25.2 Extension Instructions) also produces a sequence of items as its result.

[Definition: The result of evaluating a sequence constructor is the sequence of items formed by concatenating the results of evaluating each of the nodes in the sequence constructor, retaining order. This is referred to as the immediate result of the sequence constructor.]


The way that immediate result of a sequence constructor is used depends on the containing element in the stylesheet, and is specified in the rules for that element. It is typically one of the following:

5.8.1 Constructing Complex Content

Many instructions, for example xsl:copy, xsl:element, xsl:document, xsl:result-document, and literal result elements, create a new parent node, and evaluate a sequence constructor forming the content of the instruction to create the attributes, namespaces, and children of the new parent node. The immediate result of the sequence constructor is processed to create the content of the new parent node as described in this section.

When constructing the content of an element, the inherit-namespaces attribute of the xsl:element or xsl:copy instruction, or the xsl:inherit-namespaces property of the literal result element, determines whether namespace nodes are to be inherited. The effect of this attribute is described in the rules that follow.

The immediate result of the sequence constructor is processed as follows (applying the rules in the order they are listed):

  1. The containing instruction may generate attribute nodes and/or namespace nodes, as specified in the rules for the individual instruction. For example, these nodes may be produced by expanding an [xsl:]use-attribute-sets attribute, or by expanding the attributes of a literal result element. Any such nodes are prepended to the immediate result of the sequence constructor.

  2. Any array item in the sequence (see 22 Arrays) is replaced by its members, recursively. This is equivalent to applying the array:flattenFO40 function defined in [Functions and Operators 3.1].


    This situation only arises if the XPath 3.1 feature is implemented. Note that if the array contains nodes, this operation leaves the nodes in the sequence: they are not atomized.

  3. Any atomic value in the sequence is cast to a string.


    Casting from xs:QName or xs:NOTATION to xs:string always succeeds, because these values retain a prefix for this purpose. However, there is no guarantee that the prefix used will always be meaningful in the context where the resulting string is used.

  4. Any consecutive sequence of strings in the sequence is converted to a single text node, whose string value contains the content of each of the strings in turn, with a single space (#x20) used as a separator between successive strings.

  5. Any document node within the sequence is replaced by a sequence containing each of its children, in document order.

  6. Zero-length text nodes within the sequence are removed.

  7. Adjacent text nodes within the sequence are merged into a single text node.

  8. Invalid items in the sequence are detected as follows.

    [ERR XTDE0410] It is a dynamic error if the sequence used to construct the content of an element node contains a namespace node or attribute node that is preceded in the sequence by a node that is neither a namespace node nor an attribute node.

    [ERR XTDE0420] It is a dynamic error if the sequence used to construct the content of a document node contains a namespace node or attribute node.

    [ERR XTDE0430] It is a dynamic error if the sequence contains two or more namespace nodes having the same name but different string values (that is, namespace nodes that map the same prefix to different namespace URIs).

    [ERR XTDE0440] It is a dynamic error if the sequence contains a namespace node with no name and the element node being constructed has a null namespace URI (that is, it is an error to define a default namespace when the element is in no namespace).

    [ERR XTDE0450] It is a type error if the result sequence contains a function item.


    The error code reflects the fact that this error was at one time classified as a dynamic error rather than a type error. [XSLT 3.0 Erratum E17, bug 30223].

  9. If the sequence contains two or more namespace nodes with the same name (or no name) and the same string value (that is, two namespace nodes mapping the same prefix to the same namespace URI), then all but one of the duplicate nodes are discarded.


    Since the order of namespace nodes is implementation-dependent, it is not significant which of the duplicates is retained.

  10. If an attribute A in the sequence has the same name as another attribute B that appears later in the sequence, then attribute A is discarded from the sequence. Before discarding attribute A, the processor may signal any type errors that would be signaled if attribute B were not present.

  11. Each node in the resulting sequence is attached as a namespace, attribute, or child of the newly constructed element or document node. Conceptually this involves making a deep copy of the node; in practice, however, copying the node will only be necessary if the existing node can be referenced independently of the parent to which it is being attached. When copying an element or processing instruction node, its base URI property is changed to be the same as that of its new parent, unless it has an xml:base attribute (see [XML Base]) that overrides this. If the copied element has an xml:base attribute, its base URI is the value of that attribute, resolved (if it is relative) against the base URI of the new parent node.

    Except for the handling of base URI, the copying of a node follows the rules of the xsl:copy-of instruction with attributes copy-namespaces="yes" copy-accumulators="no" validation="preserve".


    This has the consequence that the type annotation and the values of the nilled, is-id, and is-idrefs properties are retained. However, if the node under construction (the new parent of the node being copied) uses a validation mode other than preserve, this will be transient: the values will be recomputed when the new parent node is validated.

  12. If the newly constructed node is an element node, then namespace fixup is applied to this node, as described in 5.8.3 Namespace Fixup.

  13. If the newly constructed node is an element node, and if namespaces are inherited, then each namespace node of the newly constructed element (including any produced as a result of the namespace fixup process) is copied to each descendant element of the newly constructed element, unless that element or an intermediate element already has a namespace node with the same name (or absence of a name) or that descendant element or an intermediate element is in no namespace and the namespace node has no name.

Example: A Sequence Constructor for Complex Content

Consider the following stylesheet fragment:

  <xsl:attribute name="valign">top</xsl:attribute>
  <xsl:value-of select="@description"/>

This fragment consists of a literal result element td, containing a sequence constructor that consists of two instructions: xsl:attribute and xsl:value-of. The sequence constructor is evaluated to produce a sequence of two nodes: a parentless attribute node, and a parentless text node. The td instruction causes a td element to be created; the new attribute therefore becomes an attribute of the new td element, while the text node created by the xsl:value-of instruction becomes a child of the td element (unless it is zero-length, in which case it is discarded).


Example: Space Separators in Element Content

Consider the following stylesheet fragment:

  <e><xsl:sequence select="1 to 5"/></e>
    <xsl:for-each select="1 to 5">
      <xsl:value-of select="."/>

This produces the output (when indented):

  <e>1 2 3 4 5</e>

The difference between the two cases is that for the e element, the sequence constructor generates a sequence of five atomic values, which are therefore separated by spaces. For the f element, the content is a sequence of five text nodes, which are concatenated without space separation.

It is important to be aware of the distinction between xsl:sequence, which returns the value of its select expression unchanged, and xsl:value-of, which constructs a text node.

5.8.2 Constructing Simple Content

The instructions xsl:attribute, xsl:comment, xsl:processing-instruction, xsl:namespace, and xsl:value-of all create nodes that cannot have children. Specifically, the xsl:attribute instruction creates an attribute node, xsl:comment creates a comment node, xsl:processing-instruction creates a processing instruction node, xsl:namespace creates a namespace node, and xsl:value-of creates a text node. The string value of the new node is constructed using either the select attribute of the instruction, or the sequence constructor that forms the content of the instruction. The select attribute allows the content to be specified by means of an XPath expression, while the sequence constructor allows it to be specified by means of a sequence of XSLT instructions. The select attribute or sequence constructor is evaluated to produce a result sequence, and the string value of the new node is derived from this result sequence according to the rules below.

These rules are also used to compute the effective value of a value template. In this case the sequence being processed is the result of evaluating an XPath expression enclosed between curly brackets, and the separator is a single space character.

  1. Zero-length text nodes in the sequence are discarded.

  2. Adjacent text nodes in the sequence are merged into a single text node.

  3. The sequence is atomized (which may cause a dynamic error).

  4. Every value in the atomized sequence is cast to a string.

  5. The strings within the resulting sequence are concatenated, with a (possibly zero-length) separator inserted between successive strings. The default separator depends on the containing instruction; except where otherwise specified, it is a single space.

    In the case of xsl:attribute and xsl:value-of, the default separator is a single space when the select attribute is used, or a zero-length string otherwise; a different separator can be specified using the separator attribute of the instruction.

    In the case of xsl:comment, xsl:processing-instruction, and xsl:namespace, and when expanding a value template, the default separator cannot be changed.

  6. In the case of xsl:processing-instruction, any leading spaces in the resulting string are removed.

  7. The resulting string forms the string value of the new attribute, namespace, comment, processing-instruction, or text node.

Example: Space Separators in Attribute Content

Consider the following stylesheet fragment:

  <xsl:attribute name="e" select="1 to 5"/>
  <xsl:attribute name="f">
    <xsl:for-each select="1 to 5">
      <xsl:value-of select="."/>
  <xsl:attribute name="g" expand-text="yes">{1 to 5}</xsl:attribute>

This produces the output:

<doc e="1 2 3 4 5" f="12345" g="1 2 3 4 5"/>

The difference between the three cases is as follows. For the e attribute, the sequence constructor generates a sequence of five atomic values, which are therefore separated by spaces. For the f attribute, the content is supplied as a sequence of five text nodes, which are concatenated without space separation. For the g attribute, the text value template constructs a text node using the rules for constructing simple content, which insert space separators between atomic values; the text node is then atomized to form the value of the attribute.

Specifying separator="" on the first xsl:attribute instruction would cause the attribute value to be e="12345". A separator attribute on the second xsl:attribute instruction would have no effect, since the separator only affects the way adjacent atomic values are handled: separators are never inserted between adjacent text nodes. A separator on the third xsl:attribute instruction would also have no effect, because text value templates are evaluated without regard to the containing instruction.


If an attribute value template contains a sequence of fixed and variable parts, no additional whitespace is inserted between the expansions of the fixed and variable parts. For example, the effective value of the attribute a="chapters{4 to 6}" is a="chapters4 5 6".

5.8.3 Namespace Fixup

In a tree supplied to or constructed by an XSLT processor, the constraints relating to namespace nodes that are specified in [XDM 3.0] must be satisfied. For example:

  • If an element node has an expanded QName with a non-null namespace URI, then that element node must have at least one namespace node whose string value is the same as that namespace URI.

  • If an element node has an attribute node whose expanded QName has a non-null namespace URI, then the element must have at least one namespace node whose string value is the same as that namespace URI and whose name is non-empty.

  • Every element must have a namespace node whose expanded QName has local-part xml and whose string value is The namespace prefix xml must not be associated with any other namespace URI, and the namespace URI must not be associated with any other prefix.

  • A namespace node must not have the name xmlns or the string value

[Definition: The rules for the individual XSLT instructions that construct a result tree (see 11 Creating Nodes and Sequences) prescribe some of the situations in which namespace nodes are written to the tree. These rules, however, are not sufficient to ensure that the prescribed constraints are always satisfied. The XSLT processor must therefore add additional namespace nodes to satisfy these constraints. This process is referred to as namespace fixup.]

The actual namespace nodes that are added to the tree by the namespace fixup process are implementation-dependent, provided firstly, that at the end of the process the above constraints must all be satisfied, and secondly, that a namespace node must not be added to the tree unless the namespace node is necessary either to satisfy these constraints, or to enable the tree to be serialized using the original namespace prefixes from the source document or stylesheet.

Namespace fixup must not result in an element having multiple namespace nodes with the same name.

Namespace fixup may, if necessary to resolve conflicts, change the namespace prefix contained in the QName value that holds the name of an element or attribute node. This includes the option to add or remove a prefix. However, namespace fixup must not change the prefix component contained in a value of type xs:QName or xs:NOTATION that forms the typed value of an element or attribute node.


Namespace fixup is not used to create namespace declarations for xs:QName or xs:NOTATION values appearing in the content of an element or attribute.

Where values acquire such types as the result of validation, namespace fixup does not come into play, because namespace fixup happens before validation: in this situation, it is the user’s responsibility to ensure that the element being validated has the required namespace nodes to enable validation to succeed.

Where existing elements are copied along with their existing type annotations (validation="preserve") the rules require that existing namespace nodes are also copied, so that any namespace-sensitive values remain valid.

Where existing attributes are copied along with their existing type annotations, the rules of the XDM data model require that a parentless attribute node cannot contain a namespace-sensitive typed value; this means that it is an error to copy an attribute using validation="preserve" if it contains namespace-sensitive content.

Namespace fixup is applied to every element that is constructed using a literal result element, or one of the instructions xsl:element, xsl:copy, or xsl:copy-of. An implementation is not required to perform namespace fixup for elements in any source document, that is, for a document in the initial match selection, documents loaded using the document, docFO30 or collectionFO30 function, documents supplied as the value of a stylesheet parameter, or documents returned by an extension function or extension instruction.


A source document (an input document, a document returned by the document, docFO30 or collectionFO30 functions, a document returned by an extension function or extension instruction, or a document supplied as a stylesheet parameter) is required to satisfy the constraints described in [XDM 3.0], including the constraints imposed by the namespace fixup process. The effect of supplying a pseudo-document that does not meet these constraints is implementation-dependent.

In an Infoset (see [XML Information Set]) created from a document conforming to [Namespaces in XML], it will always be true that if a parent element has an in-scope namespace with a non-empty namespace prefix, then its child elements will also have an in-scope namespace with the same namespace prefix, though possibly with a different namespace URI. This constraint is removed in [Namespaces in XML 1.1]. XSLT 4.0 supports the creation of result trees that do not satisfy this constraint: the namespace fixup process does not add a namespace node to an element merely because its parent node in the result tree has such a namespace node. However, the process of constructing the children of a new element, which is described in 5.8.1 Constructing Complex Content, does cause the namespaces of a parent element to be inherited by its children unless this is prevented using [xsl:]inherit-namespaces="no" on the instruction that creates the parent element.


This has implications on serialization, defined in [XSLT and XQuery Serialization]. It means that it is possible to create final result trees that cannot be faithfully serialized as XML 1.0 documents. When such a result tree is serialized as XML 1.0, namespace declarations written for the parent element will be inherited by its child elements as if the corresponding namespace nodes were present on the child element, except in the case of the default namespace, which can be undeclared using the construct xmlns="". When the same result tree is serialized as XML 1.1, however, it is possible to undeclare any namespace on the child element (for example, xmlns:foo="") to prevent this inheritance taking place.

5.9 URI References

[Definition: Within this specification, the term URI Reference, unless otherwise stated, refers to a string in the lexical space of the xs:anyURI datatype as defined in [XML Schema Part 2].] Note that this is a wider definition than that in [RFC3986]: in particular, it is designed to accommodate Internationalized Resource Identifiers (IRIs) as described in [RFC3987], and thus allows the use of non-ASCII characters without escaping.

URI References are used in XSLT with three main roles:

  • As namespace URIs

  • As collation URIs

  • As identifiers for resources such as stylesheet modules; these resources are typically accessible using a protocol such as HTTP. Examples of such identifiers are the URIs used in the href attributes of xsl:import, xsl:include, and xsl:result-document.

The rules for namespace URIs are given in [Namespaces in XML] and [Namespaces in XML 1.1]. Those specifications deprecate the use of relative URI references as namespace URIs.

The rules for collation URIs are given in Section 5.3.1 CollationsFO40.

URI references used to identify external resources must conform to the same rules as the locator attribute (href) defined in section 5.4 of [XLink]. If the URI reference is relative, then it is resolved (unless otherwise specified) against the base URI of the containing element node, according to the rules of [RFC3986], after first escaping all characters that need to be escaped to make it a valid RFC3986 URI reference. (But a relative URI reference in the href attribute of xsl:result-document is resolved against the Base Output URI.)

Other URI references appearing in an XSLT stylesheet document, for example the system identifiers of external entities or the value of the xml:base attribute, must follow the rules in their respective specifications.

The base URI of an element node in the stylesheet is determined as defined in Section 5.2 base-uri Accessor DM30. Some implementations may allow the output of the static analysis phase of stylesheet processing (a “compiled stylesheet”) to be evaluated in a different location from that where static analysis took place. Furthermore, stylesheet authors may in such cases wish to avoid exposing the location of resources that are private to the development environment. If the base URI of an element in the stylesheet is defined by an absolute URI appearing in an xml:base attribute within the stylesheet, this value must be used as the static base URI. In other cases where processing depends on the static base URI of a stylesheet module, implementations may use different values for the static base URI during static analysis and during dynamic evaluation (for example, an implementation may use different base URIs for resolving xsl:import module references and for resolving a relative reference used as an argument to the docFO30 function). In such cases an implementation must document how the static base URI is computed for each situation in which it is required.

6 Template Rules

Template rules define the processing that can be applied to items that match a particular pattern.

6.1 Defining Templates

<!-- Category: declaration -->
  match? = pattern
  name? = eqname
  priority? = decimal
  mode? = tokens
  as? = sequence-type〔'item()*'〕
  visibility? = "public" | "private" | "final" | "abstract" >
  <!-- Content: (xsl:context-item?, xsl:param*, sequence-constructor) -->

[Definition: An xsl:template declaration defines a template, which contains a sequence constructor; this sequence constructor is evaluated to determine the result of the template. A template can serve either as a template rule, invoked by matching items against a pattern, or as a named template, invoked explicitly by name. It is also possible for the same template to serve in both capacities.]

[ERR XTSE0500] An xsl:template element must have either a match attribute or a name attribute, or both. An xsl:template element that has no match attribute must have no mode attribute and no priority attribute. An xsl:template element that has no name attribute must have no visibility attribute.

If an xsl:template element has a match attribute, then it is a template rule. If it has a name attribute, then it is a named template.

A template may be invoked in a number of ways, depending on whether it is a template rule, a named template, or both. The result of invoking the template is the result of evaluating the sequence constructor contained in the xsl:template element (see 5.8 Sequence Constructors).

For details of the optional xsl:context-item child element, see 10.1.4 Declaring the Context Item for a Template.

If an as attribute of the xsl:template element is present, the as attribute defines the required type of the result. The result of evaluating the sequence constructor is then converted to the required type using the coercion rules. If no as attribute is specified, the default value is item()*, which permits any value. No conversion then takes place.

[ERR XTTE0505] It is a type error if the result of evaluating the sequence constructor cannot be converted to the required type.

If the visibility attribute is present with the value abstract then (a) the sequence constructor defining the template body must be empty: that is, the only permitted children are xsl:context-item and xsl:param, and (b) there must be no match attribute.

If the parent of the xsl:template element is an xsl:override element, then either or both of the following conditions must be true:

  1. There is a name attribute, and the package identified by the containing xsl:use-package element contains among its components a named template whose symbolic identifier is the same as that of this named template, and which has a compatible signature.

  2. Both the following conditions are true:

    1. There is a match attribute.

    2. The value of the mode attribute, or in its absence the string #default, is a whitespace-separated sequence of tokens in which each token satisfies one of the following conditions:

      1. The token is an EQName representing the name of a mode that is exposed, with visibility equal to public, by the package identified by the containing xsl:use-package element.

      2. The token is #default, and there is an ancestor-or-self element with a default-mode attribute whose value is an EQName representing the name of a mode that is exposed, with visibility equal to public, by the package identified by the containing xsl:use-package element.


    The token #unnamed is not allowed because the unnamed mode never has public visibility. The token #all is not allowed because its intended meaning would not be obvious.

6.2 Defining Template Rules

This section describes template rules. Named templates are described in 10.1 Named Templates.

A template rule is specified using the xsl:template element with a match attribute. The match attribute is a Pattern that identifies the items to which the rule applies. The result of applying the template rule is the result of evaluating the sequence constructor contained in the xsl:template element, with the matching item used as the context item.

Example: A Simple Template Rule

For example, an XML document might contain:

This is an <emph>important</emph> point.

The following template rule matches emph elements and produces a fo:wrapper element with a font-weight property of bold.

<xsl:template match="emph">
  <fo:wrapper font-weight="bold" 

A template rule is evaluated when an xsl:apply-templates instruction selects an item that matches the pattern specified in the match attribute. The xsl:apply-templates instruction is described in the next section. If several template rules match a selected item, only one of them is evaluated, as described in 6.5 Conflict Resolution for Template Rules.

6.3 Applying Template Rules

<!-- Category: instruction -->
  select? = expression
  mode? = token
  separator? = { string } >
  <!-- Content: (xsl:sort | xsl:with-param)* -->

The xsl:apply-templates instruction takes as input a sequence of items (typically nodes in a source tree), and produces as output a sequence of items; these will often be nodes to be added to a result tree.

If the instruction has one or more xsl:sort children, then the input sequence is sorted as described in 13 Sorting. The result of this sort is referred to below as the sorted sequence; if there are no xsl:sort elements, then the sorted sequence is the same as the input sequence.

Each item in the input sequence is processed by finding a template rule whose pattern matches that item. If there is more than one such template rule, the best among them is chosen, using rules described in 6.5 Conflict Resolution for Template Rules. If there is no template rule whose pattern matches the item, a built-in template rule is used (see 6.8 Built-in Template Rules). The chosen template rule is evaluated. The rule that matches the Nth item in the sorted sequence is evaluated with that item as the context item, with N as the context position, and with the length of the sorted sequence as the context size. Each template rule that is evaluated produces a sequence of items as its result. The resulting sequences (one for each item in the sorted sequence) are then concatenated, to form a single sequence. They are concatenated retaining the order of the items in the sorted sequence. The final concatenated sequence forms the result of the xsl:apply-templates instruction.

Example: Applying Template Rules

Suppose the source document is as follows:

<message>Proceed <emph>at once</emph> to the exit!</message>

This can be processed using the two template rules shown below.

<xsl:template match="message">
    <xsl:apply-templates select="child::node()"/>

<xsl:template match="emph">
    <xsl:apply-templates select="child::node()"/>

There is no template rule for the document node; the built-in template rule for this node will cause the message element to be processed. The template rule for the message element causes a p element to be written to the result tree; the contents of this p element are constructed as the result of the xsl:apply-templates instruction. This instruction selects the three child nodes of the message element (a text node containing the value Proceed , an emph element node, and a text node containing the value to the exit!). The two text nodes are processed using the built-in template rule for text nodes, which returns a copy of the text node. The emph element is processed using the explicit template rule that specifies match="emph".

When the emph element is processed, this template rule constructs a b element. The contents of the b element are constructed by means of another xsl:apply-templates instruction, which in this case selects a single node (the text node containing the value at once). This is again processed using the built-in template rule for text nodes, which returns a copy of the text node.

The final result of the match="message" template rule thus consists of a p element node with three children: a text node containing the value Proceed , a b element that is the parent of a text node containing the value at once, and a text node containing the value to the exit!. This result tree might be serialized as:

<p>Proceed <b>at once</b> to the exit!</p>

The default value of the select attribute is child::node(), which causes all the children of the context node to be processed.

[ERR XTTE0510] It is a type error if an xsl:apply-templates instruction with no select attribute is evaluated when the context item is not a node.

A select attribute can be used to process items selected by an expression instead of processing all children. The value of the select attribute is an expression.

Example: Applying Templates to Selected Nodes

The following example processes all of the given-name children of the author elements that are children of author-group:

<xsl:template match="author-group">
    <xsl:apply-templates select="author/given-name"/>


Example: Applying Templates to Nodes that are not Descendants

It is also possible to process elements that are not descendants of the context node. This example assumes that a department element has group children and employee descendants. It finds an employee’s department and then processes the group children of the department.

<xsl:template match="employee">
    Employee <xsl:apply-templates select="name"/> belongs to group
    <xsl:apply-templates select="ancestor::department/group"/>


Example: Matching Nodes by Schema-Defined Types

It is possible to write template rules that are matched according to the schema-defined type of an element or attribute. The following example applies different formatting to the children of an element depending on their type:

<xsl:template match="product">
    <xsl:apply-templates select="*"/>

<xsl:template match="product/*" priority="3">
    <td><xsl:value-of select="name()"/></td>

<xsl:template match="product/element(*, xs:decimal) | 
                     product/element(*, xs:double)" priority="2">  
  <xsl:value-of select="format-number(xs:double(.), '#,###0.00')"/>

<xsl:template match="product/element(*, xs:date)" priority="2">
  <xsl:value-of select="format-date(., '[Mn] [D], [Y]')"/>

<xsl:template match="product/*" priority="1.5">
  <xsl:value-of select="."/>

The xsl:next-match instruction is described in 6.9 Overriding Template Rules.


Example: Re-ordering Elements in the Result Tree

Multiple xsl:apply-templates elements can be used within a single template to do simple reordering. The following example creates two HTML tables. The first table is filled with domestic sales while the second table is filled with foreign sales.

<xsl:template match="product">
    <xsl:apply-templates select="sales/domestic"/>
    <xsl:apply-templates select="sales/foreign"/>


Example: Processing Recursive Structures

It is possible for there to be two matching descendants where one is a descendant of the other. This case is not treated specially: both descendants will be processed as usual.

For example, given a source document


the rule

<xsl:template match="doc">
  <xsl:apply-templates select=".//div"/>

will process both the outer div and inner div elements.

This means that if the template rule for the div element processes its own children, then these grandchildren will be processed more than once, which is probably not what is required. The solution is to process one level at a time in a recursive descent, by using select="div" in place of select=".//div"


Example: Applying Templates to Atomic Values

This example reads a non-XML text file and processes it line-by-line, applying different template rules based on the content of each line:

<xsl:template name="main">
  <xsl:apply-templates select="unparsed-text-lines('input.txt')"/>

<xsl:template match="type(xs:string)[starts-with(., '==')]">
  <h2><xsl:value-of select="replace(., '==', '')"/></h2>

<xsl:template match="type(xs:string)[starts-with(., '::')]">
  <p class="indent"><xsl:value-of select="replace(., '::', '')"/></p>

<xsl:template match="type(xs:string)">
  <p class="body"><xsl:value-of select="."/></p>


Example: Applying Templates to JSON Documents

This example reads a JSON data file and formats it as XHTML.

It takes the following JSON data as input:

  { "Title": "Computer Architecture",
    "Authors": ["Enid Blyton"],
    "Category": "Computers",
    "Price": 42.60
  { "Title": "How to Win Elections",
    "Authors": ["Donald Trump", "Boris Johnson"],
    "Category": "Politics",
    "Price": 56.00
  {  "Title": "How to Explore Outer Space with Binoculars",
     "Authors": ["Bruce Betts", "Erica Colon"],
     "Category": "Science",
     "Price": 10.40

The following template rules are used. The setting expand-text="yes" is assumed:

<xsl:item-type name="book" as="record(Title, Authors, Category, *)"/>                  
<xsl:template name="xsl:initial-template">
  <xsl:apply-templates select="parse-json('input.json')"/>
<xsl:template match="array(book)">
  <h1>Christmas Book Selection</h1>
      <xsl:apply-templates select="?*"/>
<xsl:template match="type(book)">
    <td>{?Authors?* => string-join(", ")}</td>


The xsl:apply-templates instruction is most commonly used to process nodes that are descendants of the context node. Such use of xsl:apply-templates cannot result in non-terminating processing loops. However, when xsl:apply-templates is used to process elements that are not descendants of the context node, the possibility arises of non-terminating loops. For example,

<xsl:template match="foo">
  <xsl:apply-templates select="."/>

Implementations may be able to detect such loops in some cases, but the possibility exists that a stylesheet may enter a non-terminating loop that an implementation is unable to detect. This may present a denial of service security risk.

6.4 The separator attribute

If the separator attribute of xsl:apply-templates is present, then its effective value is inserted, as a text node, into the output sequence, immediately after the results of processing each item in the sorted sequence other than the last.

For example, if the ARTICLE element has a number of element children named AUTHOR, the following code will produce a sorted, comma-separated list of authors:

<xsl:template match="ARTICLE">
     <xsl:text>Author(s): </xsl:text>
     <xsl:apply-templates select="AUTHOR" separator=", ">
       <xsl:sort select="LAST-NAME"/>
       <xsl:sort select="FIRST-NAME"/>
<xsl:template match="AUTHOR" expand-text="yes">
  <xsl:text>{FIRST-NAME} {LAST-NAME}</xsl:text>

The node identity of any text nodes that are inserted is implementation-dependent. Specifically, it is not defined whether all the text nodes inserted in the course of one evaluation of the instruction are identical to each other, nor whether they are identical to the text nodes inserted in the course of another evaluation of this instruction, nor whether they are identical to any other parentless text nodes having the same string value.

If the separator is a zero-length string, then a zero-length text node is inserted into the sequence. (If the sequence is used for constructing the value of a node, then zero-length text nodes will be discarded: see 5.8.2 Constructing Simple Content and 5.8.1 Constructing Complex Content.)

6.5 Conflict Resolution for Template Rules

It is possible for a selected item to match more than one template rule with a given mode M. When this happens, only one template rule is evaluated for the item. The template rule to be used is determined as follows:

  1. First, only the matching template rule or rules with the highest import precedence are considered. Other matching template rules with lower precedence are eliminated from consideration.

  2. Next, of the remaining matching rules, only those with the highest priority are considered. Other matching template rules with lower priority are eliminated from consideration.

    [Definition: The priority of a template rule is specified by the priority attribute on the xsl:template declaration. If no priority is specified explicitly for a template rule, its default priority is used, as defined in 6.6 Default Priority for Template Rules.]

    [ERR XTSE0530] The value of the priority attribute must conform to the rules for the xs:decimal type defined in [XML Schema Part 2]. Negative values are permitted.

  3. Next, if each of the remaining matching rules has a match pattern in the form of a TypePattern, then this set of rules (call it R) is examined as follows:

    1. A TypePattern comprises an ItemType and a possibly empty set of predicates.

    2. Any rule in R whose ItemType is a strict supertype of the ItemType of another rule in R is discarded. A type T is a strict supertype of another type U if U is a subtypeXP40 of T and T is not a subtypeXP40 of U.

    3. If there is a rule P in R whose ItemType is the same type as the ItemType of another rule Q in R, and if Q has one or more predicates while P has none, then P is discarded. A type T is the same type as another type U if T is a subtypeXP40 of U and U is a subtypeXP40 of T.

    4. If this process leaves a single rule, then that rule is chosen.


    For example, this means that the pattern type(xs:integer) is chosen in preference to type(xs:decimal) which in turn is chosen in preference to type(item()); it also means that type(xs:integer)[. gt 0] is chosen in preference to type(xs:integer).

    Similarly, the pattern record(longitude, latitude, altitude) will be chosen in preference to the pattern record(longitude, latitude, *)

  4. If this leaves more than one matching template rule, then:

    1. If the mode M has an xsl:mode declaration, and the attribute value on-multiple-match="fail" is specified in the mode declaration, a dynamic error is signaled. The error is treated as occurring in the xsl:apply-templates instruction, and can be recovered by wrapping that instruction in an xsl:try instruction.

      [ERR XTDE0540] It is a dynamic error if the conflict resolution algorithm for template rules leaves more than one matching template rule when the declaration of the relevant mode has an on-multiple-match attribute with the value fail.

    2. Otherwise, of the matching template rules that remain, the one that occurs last in declaration order is used.


    This was a recoverable error in XSLT 2.0, meaning that it was implementation-defined whether the error was signaled, or whether the ambiguity was resolved by taking the last matching rule in declaration order. In XSLT 3.0 this situation is not an error unless the attribute value on-multiple-match="fail" is specified in the mode declaration. It is also possible to request warnings when this condition arises, by means of the attribute warning-on-multiple-match="yes".

6.6 Default Priority for Template Rules

[Definition: If no priority attribute is specified on an xsl:template element, a default priority is computed, based on the syntax of the pattern supplied in the match attribute.] The rules are as follows.

  1. If the top-level pattern is a ParenthesizedExprP then the outer parentheses are effectively stripped; these rules are applied recursively to the UnionExprP contained in the ParenthesizedExprP.

  2. If the top-level pattern is a UnionExprP consisting of multiple alternatives separated by | or union, then the template rule is treated equivalently to a set of template rules, one for each alternative. For example, a rule with match="a|b" is treated as if there were one rule with match="a" and another with match="b". These template rules are adjacent to each other in declaration order, and the declaration order within this set of template rules (which affects the result of xsl:next-match if the alternatives have the same default priority) is the order of alternatives in the UnionExprP.

    Similarly, if the top-level pattern takes the form of a UnionNodeTestXP40 preceded by an axis name or abbreviation, it is treated equivalently to a set of template rules, one for each alternative. For example, a rule with match="@(a|b)" is treated as if there were one rule with match="@a" and another with match="@b"


    The splitting of a template rule into multiple rules occurs only if there is no explicit priority attribute.

  3. If the top-level pattern is an IntersectExceptExprP containing two or more PathExprP operands separated by intersect or except operators, then the priority of the pattern is that of the first PathExprP.

  4. If the pattern is a PredicatePattern then its priority is 1 (one), unless the PredicateListXP40 is empty, in which case the priority is −1 (minus one).

  5. If the pattern is a PathExprP taking the form /, then the priority is −0.5 (minus 0.5).

  6. If the pattern is a PathExprP taking the form of an EQName optionally preceded by a ForwardAxisP or has the form processing-instruction( StringLiteralXP40 ) or processing-instruction( NCNameNames ) optionally preceded by a ForwardAxisP, then the priority is 0 (zero).

  7. If the pattern is a PathExprP taking the form of an ElementTestXP40 or AttributeTestXP40, optionally preceded by a ForwardAxisP, then the priority is as shown in the table below. In this table, the symbols E, A, and T represent an arbitrary element name, attribute name, and type name respectively, while the symbol * represents itself. The presence or absence of the symbol ? following a type name does not affect the priority.

    Default Priority of Patterns
    Format Priority Notes
    element() −0.5 (equivalent to *)
    element(*) −0.5 (equivalent to *)
    attribute() −0.5 (equivalent to @*)
    attribute(*) −0.5 (equivalent to @*)
    element(E) 0 (equivalent to E)
    element(*,T) 0 (matches by type only)
    attribute(A) 0 (equivalent to @A)
    attribute(*,T) 0 (matches by type only)
    element(E,T) 0.25 (matches by name and type)
    schema-element(E) 0.25 (matches by substitution group and type)
    attribute(A,T) 0.25 (matches by name and type)
    schema-attribute(A) 0.25 (matches by name and type)
  8. If the pattern is a PathExprP taking the form of a DocumentTestXP40, then if it includes no ElementTestXP40 or SchemaElementTestXP40 the priority is −0.5. If it does include an ElementTestXP40 or SchemaElementTestXP40, then the priority is the same as the priority of that ElementTestXP40 or SchemaElementTestXP40, computed according to the table above.

  9. If the pattern is a PathExprP taking the form of an NCNameNames:*, BracedURILiteralXP40*, or *:NCNameNames, optionally preceded by a ForwardAxisP, then the priority is −0.25. [XSLT 3.0 Erratum E37, bug 30375].

  10. If the pattern is a PathExprP taking the form of any other NodeTestXP40, optionally preceded by a ForwardAxisP, then the priority is −0.5.

  11. If the pattern is a TypePattern, then the priority is 0 (zero).

  12. In all other cases, the priority is +0.5.


In many cases this means that highly selective patterns have higher priority than less selective patterns. The most common kind of pattern (a pattern that tests for a node of a particular kind, with a particular expanded QName or a particular type) has priority 0. The next less specific kind of pattern (a pattern that tests for a node of a particular kind and an expanded QName with a particular namespace URI) has priority −0.25. Patterns less specific than this (patterns that just test for nodes of a given kind) have priority −0.5. Patterns that specify both the name and the required type have a priority of +0.25, putting them above patterns that only specify the name or the type. Patterns more specific than this, for example patterns that include predicates or that specify the ancestry of the required node, have priority 0.5.

However, it is not invariably true that a more selective pattern has higher priority than a less selective pattern. For example, the priority of the pattern node()[self::*] is higher than that of the pattern salary. Similarly, the patterns attribute(*, xs:decimal) and attribute(*, xs:short) have the same priority, despite the fact that the latter pattern matches a subset of the nodes matched by the former. Therefore, to achieve clarity in a stylesheet it is good practice to allocate explicit priorities.

6.7 Modes

[Definition:  A mode is a set of template rules; when the xsl:apply-templates instruction selects a set of items for processing, it identifies the rules to be used for processing those items by nominating a mode, explicitly or implicitly.] Modes allow a node in a source tree (for example) to be processed multiple times, each time producing a different result. They also allow different sets of template rules to be active when processing different trees, for example when processing documents loaded using the document function (see 20.1 fn:document).

Modes are identified by an expanded QName; in addition to any named modes, there is always one unnamed mode available. Whether a mode is named or unnamed, its properties may be defined in an xsl:mode declaration. If a mode name is used (for example in an xsl:template declaration or an xsl:apply-templates instruction) and no declaration of that mode appears in the stylesheet, the mode is implicitly declared with default properties.

6.7.1 Declaring Modes

<!-- Category: declaration -->
  name? = eqname
  as? = sequence-type〔'item()*'〕
  streamable? = boolean〔'no'〕
  use-accumulators? = tokens〔''〕
  on-no-match? = "deep-copy" | "shallow-copy" | "shallow-copy-all" | "deep-skip" | "shallow-skip" | "text-only-copy" | "fail"〔'text-only-copy'〕
  on-multiple-match? = "use-last" | "fail"〔'use-last'〕
  warning-on-no-match? = boolean
  warning-on-multiple-match? = boolean
  typed? = boolean | "strict" | "lax" | "unspecified"〔'unspecified'〕
  visibility? = "public" | "private" | "final"〔'private'〕 >
  <!-- Content: (xsl:template*) -->

[Definition: The unnamed mode is the default mode used when no mode attribute is specified on an xsl:apply-templates instruction or xsl:template declaration, unless a different default mode has been specified using the [xsl:]default-mode attribute of a containing element.]

Every mode other than the unnamed mode is identified by an expanded QName.

A stylesheet may contain multiple xsl:mode declarations and may include or import stylesheet modules that also contain xsl:mode declarations. The name of an xsl:mode declaration is the value of its name attribute, if any.

[Definition: All the xsl:mode declarations in a package that share the same name are grouped into a named mode definition; those that have no name are grouped into a single unnamed mode definition.]

The declared-modes attribute of the xsl:package element determines whether implicit mode declarations are allowed, as described in Requiring Explicit Mode Declarations. If the package allows implicit mode declarations, then if a stylesheet does not contain a declaration of the unnamed mode, a declaration is implied equivalent to an xsl:mode element with no attributes. Similarly, if there is a mode that is named in an xsl:template or xsl:apply-templates element, or in the [xsl:]default-mode attribute of a containing element, and the stylesheet does not contain a declaration of that mode, then a declaration is implied comprising an xsl:mode element with a name attribute equal to that mode name, plus the attribute visibility="private".

The attributes of the xsl:mode declaration establish values for a number of properties of a mode. The allowed values and meanings of the attributes are given in the following table.

Attributes of the xsl:mode Element
Attribute Values Meaning
name An EQName Specifies the name of the mode. If omitted, this xsl:mode declaration provides properties of the unnamed mode
as A SequenceType Declares the type of value returned by all template rules in this mode. If any template rules in this mode declare their return type using an as attribute on xsl:template, the values must be consistent.
streamable yes or no (default no) Determines whether template rules in this mode are to be capable of being processed using streaming. If the value yes is specified, then the body of any template rule that uses this mode must conform to the rules for streamable templates given in 6.7.6 Streamable Templates.
use-accumulators List of accumulator names, or #all (default is an empty list) Relevant only when this mode is the initial mode of the transformation, determines which accumulators are applicable to documents containing nodes in the initial match selection. For further details see 18.2.2 Applicability of Accumulators.
on-no-match One of deep-copy, shallow-copy, deep-skip, shallow-skip, text-only-copy or fail (default text-only-copy) Determines selection of the built-in template rules that are used to process an item when an xsl:apply-templates instruction selects an item that does not match any user-written template rule in the stylesheet. For details, see 6.8 Built-in Template Rules.
on-multiple-match One of fail or use-last (default use-last) Defines the action to be taken when xsl:apply-templates is used in this mode and more than one user-written template rule is available to process an item, each having the same import precedence and priority. The value fail indicates that it is a dynamic error if more than one template rule matches an item. The value use-last indicates that the situation is not to be treated as an error (the last template in declaration order is the one that is used).
warning-on-no-match One of yes or no. The default is implementation-defined Requests the processor to output (or not to output) a warning message in the case where an xsl:apply-templates instruction selects an item that matches no user-written template rule. The form and destination of such warnings is implementation-defined. The processor may ignore this attribute, for example if the environment provides no suitable means of communicating with the user.
warning-on-multiple-match One of yes or no. The default is implementation-defined Requests the processor to output a warning message in the case where an xsl:apply-templates instruction selects an item that matches multiple template rules having the same import precedence and priority. The form and destination of such warnings is implementation-defined. The processor may ignore this attribute, for example if the environment provides no suitable means of communicating with the user.
typed One of yes, no, strict, lax, or unspecified. The default is unspecified. See 6.7.3 Declaring the Type of Nodes Processed by a Mode.
visibility One of public, private, or final. The default is private. See Visibility of Components. If the mode is unnamed, that is, if the name attribute is absent, then the visibility attribute if present must have the value private. A named mode is not eligible to be used as the initial mode if its visibility is private.
Editorial note  
See issue 270.

[Definition: A streamable mode is a mode that is declared in an xsl:mode declaration with the attribute streamable="yes".]

For any named mode, the effective value of each attribute is taken from an xsl:mode declaration that has a matching name in its name attribute, and that specifies an explicit value for the required attribute. If there is no such declaration, the default value of the attribute is used. If there is more than one such declaration, the one with highest import precedence is used.

For the unnamed mode, the effective value of each attribute is taken from an xsl:mode declaration that has no name attribute, and that specifies an explicit value for the required attribute. If there is no such declaration, the default value of the attribute is used. If there is more than one such declaration, the one with highest import precedence is used.

[ERR XTSE0545] It is a static error if for any named or unnamed mode, a package explicitly specifies two conflicting values for the same attribute in different xsl:mode declarations having the same import precedence, unless there is another definition of the same attribute with higher import precedence. The attributes in question are the attributes other than name on the xsl:mode element.

6.7.2 Using Modes

[Definition: A template rule is applicable to one or more modes. The modes to which it is applicable are defined by the mode attribute of the xsl:template element. If the attribute is omitted, then the template rule is applicable to the default mode specified in the [xsl:]default-mode attribute of the innermost containing element that has such an attribute, which in turn defaults to the unnamed mode. If the mode attribute is present, then its value must be a non-empty whitespace-separated list of tokens, each of which defines a mode to which the template rule is applicable.]

Each token in the mode attribute must be one of the following:

  • An EQName, which is expanded as described in 5.1.1 Qualified Names to define the name of the mode

  • The token #default, to indicate that the template rule is applicable to the default mode that would apply if the mode attribute were absent

  • The token #unnamed, to indicate that the template rule is applicable to the unnamed mode

  • The token #all, to indicate that the template rule is applicable to all modes other than enclosing modes (specifically, to the unnamed mode and to every mode that is named explicitly or implicitly in an xsl:apply-templates instruction anywhere in the stylesheet).

    More specifically, when a template rule specifies mode="#all" this makes the template rule applicable to:

    The value mode="#all" cannot be used on a template rule declared within an xsl:override or xsl:mode element.

[ERR XTSE0550] It is a static error if the list of modes is empty, if the same token is included more than once in the list, if the list contains an invalid token, or if the token #all appears together with any other value.

[ERR XTSE3440] In the case of a template rule (that is, an xsl:template element having a match attribute) appearing as a child of xsl:override, it is a static error if the list of modes in the mode attribute contains #all or #unnamed, or if it contains #default and the default mode is the unnamed mode, or if the mode attribute is omitted when the default mode is the unnamed mode.

The xsl:apply-templates element also has an optional mode attribute. The value of this attribute must be one of the following:

If the attribute is omitted, the default mode for the stylesheet module is used.

When searching for a template rule to process each item selected by the xsl:apply-templates instruction, only those template rules that are applicable to the selected mode are considered.

[Definition: At any point in the processing of a stylesheet, there is a current mode. When the transformation is initiated, the current mode is the initial mode, as described in 2.3 Initiating a Transformation. Whenever an xsl:apply-templates instruction is evaluated, the current mode becomes the mode selected by this instruction.] When a non-contextual function call is made, the current mode is set to the unnamed mode. While evaluating global variables and parameters, and the sequence constructor contained in xsl:key or xsl:sort, the current mode is set to the unnamed mode. No other instruction changes the current mode. The current mode while evaluating an attribute set is the same as the current mode of the caller. On completion of the xsl:apply-templates instruction, or on return from a stylesheet function call, the current mode reverts to its previous value. The current mode is used when an xsl:apply-templates instruction uses the syntax mode="#current"; it is also used by the xsl:apply-imports and xsl:next-match instructions (see 6.9 Overriding Template Rules).

6.7.3 Declaring the Type of Nodes Processed by a Mode

Typically the template rules in a particular mode will be designed to process a specific kind of input document. The typed attribute of xsl:mode gives the stylesheet author the opportunity to provide information about this document to the processor. This information may enable the processor to improve diagnostics or to optimize performance.

The typed attribute of xsl:mode informs the processor whether the nodes to be processed by template rules in this mode are to be typed or untyped.

  • If the value yes is specified (synonyms true or 1), then all nodes processed in this mode must be typed. A dynamic error occurs if xsl:apply-templates in this mode selects an element or attribute node whose type annotation is xs:untyped or xs:untypedAtomic.

  • If the value no is specified (synonyms false or 0), then all nodes processed in this mode must be untyped. A dynamic error occurs if xsl:apply-templates in this mode selects an element or attribute whose type annotation is anything other than xs:untyped or xs:untypedAtomic.

  • The value strict is equivalent to yes, with the additional provision that in the match pattern of any template rule that is applicable to this mode, any NameTest used in the ForwardStepP of the first StepExprP of a RelativePathExprP is interpreted as follows:

    • If the NameTest is an EQName E, and the principal node kind of the axis of this step is Element, then:

      • It is a static error if the in-scope schema declarations do not include a global element declaration for element name E

      • When matching templates in this mode, the element name E appearing in this step is interpreted as schema-element(E). (Informally, this means that it will only match an element if it has been validated against this element declaration).

    • Otherwise (the NameTest is a wildcard or the principal node kind is Attribute or Namespace), the template matching proceeds as if the typed attribute were absent.

  • The value lax is equivalent to yes, with the additional provision that in the match pattern of any template rule that is applicable to this mode, any NameTest used in the ForwardStepP of the first StepExprP of a RelativePathExprP is interpreted as follows:

    • If the NameTest is an EQName E, and the principal node kind of the axis of this step is Element, and the in-scope schema declarations include a global element declaration for element name E, then:

      • When matching templates in this mode, the element name E appearing in this step is interpreted as schema-element(E). (Informally, this means that it will only match an element if it has been validated against this element declaration).

    • Otherwise (the NameTest is a wildcard, or the principal node kind is Attribute or Namespace, or there is no element declaration for E), the template matching proceeds as if the typed attribute were absent.

[ERR XTTE3100] It is a type error if an xsl:apply-templates instruction in a particular mode selects an element or attribute whose type is xs:untyped or xs:untypedAtomic when the typed attribute of that mode specifies the value yes, strict, or lax.

[ERR XTSE3105] It is a static error if a template rule applicable to a mode that is defined with typed="strict" uses a match pattern that contains a RelativePathExprP whose first StepExprP is an AxisStepP whose ForwardStepP uses an axis whose principal node kind is Element and whose NodeTest is an EQName that does not correspond to the name of any global element declaration in the in-scope schema components.

[ERR XTTE3110] It is a type error if an xsl:apply-templates instruction in a particular mode selects an element or attribute whose type is anything other than xs:untyped or xs:untypedAtomic when the typed attribute of that mode specifies the value no.

6.7.4 Declaring the result type of a mode

Traditionally, template rules have most commonly been used to construct XDM nodes, and the xsl:apply-templates instruction has been used to add nodes to a result tree. However, it is also possible to use template rules to produce other kinds of value, for example strings, booleans, or maps. For the xsl:apply-templates instruction to be useful, it will generally be the case that all template rules in a mode produce the same kind of value: for example, if one rule delivers a boolean, then the other rules will also deliver a boolean.

XSLT 4.0 therefore allows the result type of the template rules in a mode to be declared using the as attribute on the xsl:mode declaration. If this is absent, it defaults to item()*. The presence of an as attribute on a mode provides useful documentation and consistency checking, and enables the XSLT processor to infer a static type for an xsl:apply-templates instruction, which can be useful for optimization.

If a template rule R is applicable to a mode M, and M is declared with an as attribute whose value is the SequenceType T, then:

  • If R has an as attribute, the SequenceType S declared by R must be a subtype of T, according to the relationship subtype(S, T) defined in Section 3.7.1 Subtypes of Sequence TypesXP40.

  • If R has no as attribute, then it is treated as if it had an as attribute set to T. If R is applicable to more than one mode, then the implicit SequenceType inferred for any one of these modes must be consistent with the SequenceType declared on all the other modes to which R is applicable: for example, if is applicable to modes M1 and M2, and if M1 declares a result type of element(A), then a static error occurs if element(A) is not a subtype of the (explicit or implicit) result type for mode M2.


    In practice this means that if a template rule is applicable to more than one mode (including the case mode="#all"), then either (a) all those modes should have the same declared result type, or (b) the template rule should declare an explicit result type that is compatible with each one of the relevant modes.

    TODO: define the error code.

6.7.5 Enclosing Modes

[Definition: A mode declared by an xsl:mode declaration that has one or more contained xsl:template declarations is referred to as an enclosing mode.]

An enclosing mode ensures that all the template rules for a mode are together in one place, which makes it easier for someone reading the stylesheet to establish what is going to happen when an xsl:apply-templates instruction in that mode is evaluated.

An enclosing mode must satisfy the following rules:

  1. The mode must have a name.

  2. Every contained xsl:template element must have a match attribute and no name attribute.

  3. Every contained xsl:template element must have no mode attribute: the template is implicitly applicable only to the containing mode.

  4. An xsl:mode declaration with one or more xsl:template children effectively has a default-mode attribute whose value is the mode’s name; it must not have a default-mode attribute with any other value.


    This means that xsl:apply-templates instructions within the template rules of the enclosing mode default to using the enclosing mode.

  5. No xsl:template that is in the same package as the containing mode, but not declared within the containing mode, may be applicable to the containing mode.


    Template rules in an enclosing mode may, however, be overridden within an xsl:override element in a using package.

  6. There must be no other xsl:mode declaration in the containing package having the same name and the same import precedence.

These rules give rise to the following error conditions:

[ERR XTSE4005] It is a static error if an xsl:mode declaration with one or more xsl:template children has no name attribute.

[ERR XTSE4010] It is a static error if an xsl:mode declaration has a child xsl:template element with a name attribute, with a mode attribute, or with no match attribute.

[ERR XTSE4015] It is a static error if an xsl:mode declaration having one or more child xsl:template elements has a default-mode attribute whose value differs from its name attribute, or if any of those child xsl:template elements has a default-mode attribute that differs from the name attribute of the xsl:mode declaration.

[ERR XTSE4020] It is a static error if a package contains both (a) an xsl:mode declaration having one or more child xsl:template elements, and (b) an xsl:template declaration that is not one of those children but that references that xsl:mode declaration in its mode attribute.

[ERR XTSE4025] It is a static error if a package contains (a) an xsl:mode declaration having one or more child xsl:template elements, and (b) a second xsl:mode declaration having the same name and the same import precedence.

Example: An Enclosing Mode

The following mode might be used for formatting of numbers appearing in text:

<xsl:mode name="numbers-in-text" as="xs:string" visibility="final">
  <xsl:template match="type(xs:integer)[. gt 0 and . lt 21]">
    <xsl:number value="." format="w"/>
  <xsl:template match="type(xs:integer)[. lt 10000]">
    <xsl:number value="." format="1"/>
  <xsl:template match="type(xs:integer)">
    <xsl:number value="." format="1" grouping-separator="," grouping-size="3"/>

6.7.6 Streamable Templates

A template rule that is applicable to a mode M is guaranteed-streamable if and only if all the following conditions are satisfied:

  1. Mode M is declared in an xsl:mode declaration that specifies streamable="yes".

  2. The pattern defined in the match attribute of the xsl:template element is a motionless pattern as defined in 19.8.10 Classifying Patterns.

  3. The sweep of the sequence constructor forming the body of the xsl:template element is either motionless or consuming.

  4. The type-adjusted posture of the sequence constructor forming the body of the xsl:template element, with respect to the U-type that corresponds to the declared return type of the template (defaulting to item()*), is grounded.


    This means that either (a) the sequence constructor is grounded as written (that is, it does not return streamed nodes), or (b) it effectively becomes grounded because the declared result type of the template is atomic, leading to implicit atomization of the result.

  5. Every expression and contained sequence constructor in a contained xsl:param element (the construct that provides the default value of the parameter) is motionless.

Specifying streamable="yes" on an xsl:mode declaration declares an intent that every template rule to which that mode is applicable (explicitly or implicitly, including by specifying #all), should be streamable, either because it is guaranteed-streamable, or because it takes advantage of streamability extensions offered by a particular processor. The consequences of declaring the mode to be streamable when there is such a template rule that is not guaranteed streamable depend on the conformance level of the processor, and are explained in 19.10 Streamability Guarantees.

Processing of a document using streamable templates may be initiated using code such as the following, where S is a mode declared with streamable="yes":

<xsl:source-document streamable="yes" href="bigdoc.xml">
  <xsl:apply-templates mode="S"/>

Alternatively, streamed processing may be initiated by invoking the transformation with an initial mode declared as streamable, while supplying the initial match selection (in an implementation-defined way) as a streamed document.


Invoking a streamable template using the construct <xsl:apply-templates select="doc('bigdoc.xml')"/> does not ensure streamed processing. As always, processors may use streamed processing if they are able to do so, but when the docFO30 or document functions are used, processors are obliged to ensure that the results are deterministic, which may be difficult to reconcile with streaming (if the same document is read twice, the results must be identical). The use of xsl:source-document with streamable="yes" does not offer the same guarantees of determinism.

For an example of processing a collection of documents by use of the function uri-collectionFO30 in conjunction with xsl:source-document, see 18.1.2 Examples of xsl:source-document.

6.8 Built-in Template Rules

When an item is selected by xsl:apply-templates and there is no user-specified template rule in the stylesheet that can be used to process that item, then a built-in template rule is evaluated instead.

The built-in template rules have lower import precedence than all other template rules. Thus, the stylesheet author can override a built-in template rule by including an explicit template rule.

There are seven sets of built-in template rules available. The set that is chosen is a property of the mode selected by the xsl:apply-templates instruction. This property is set using the on-no-match attribute of the xsl:mode declaration, which takes one of the values deep-copy, shallow-copy, shallow-copy-all, deep-skip, shallow-skip, text-only-copy, or fail, the default being text-only-copy. The effect of these seven sets of built-in template rules is explained in the following subsections.

6.8.1 Built-in Templates: Text-only Copy

The effect of processing a tree using a mode that specifies on-no-match="text-only-copy" is that the textual content of the source document is retained while losing the markup, except where explicit template rules dictate otherwise. When an element is encountered for which there is no explicit template rule, the processing continues with the children of that element. Text nodes are copied to the output.

The built-in rule for document nodes and element nodes is equivalent to calling xsl:apply-templates with no select attribute, and with the mode attribute set to #current. If the built-in rule was invoked with parameters, those parameters are passed on in the implicit xsl:apply-templates instruction.

This is equivalent to the following in the case where there are no parameters:

<xsl:template match="document-node()|element()" mode="M">
  <xsl:apply-templates mode="#current"/>

The built-in template rule for text and attribute nodes returns a text node containing the string value of the context node. It is effectively:

<xsl:template match="text()|@*" mode="M">
  <xsl:value-of select="string(.)"/>


This text node may have a string value that is zero-length.

The built-in template rule for atomic values returns a text node containing the value. It is effectively:

<xsl:template match=".[. instance of xs:anyAtomicType]" mode="M">
  <xsl:value-of select="string(.)"/>


This text node may have a string value that is zero-length.

The built-in template rule for processing instructions, comments, and namespace nodes does nothing (it returns the empty sequence).


The built-in template rule for functions (including maps) does nothing (it returns the empty sequence).

   match=".[. instance of function(*)]" 

The built-in template rule for arrays (see 22 Arrays) is to apply templates to the members of the array. It is equivalent to invoking xsl:apply-templates with the select attribute set to ?* (which selects the members of the array), and with the mode attribute set to #current. If the built-in rule was invoked with parameters, those parameters are passed on in the implicit xsl:apply-templates instruction.

This is equivalent to the following in the case where there are no parameters:

<xsl:template match=".[. instance of array(*)]" mode="M">
  <xsl:apply-templates mode="#current" select="?*"/>

The following example illustrates the use of built-in template rules when there are parameters.

Example: Using a Built-In Template Rule

Suppose the stylesheet contains the following instruction:

<xsl:apply-templates select="title" mode="M">
  <xsl:with-param name="init" select="10"/>

If there is no explicit template rule that matches the title element, then the following implicit rule is used:

<xsl:template match="title" mode="M">
  <xsl:param name="init"/>
  <xsl:apply-templates mode="#current">
    <xsl:with-param name="init" select="$init"/>

6.8.2 Built-in Templates: Deep Copy

The effect of processing a tree using a mode that specifies on-no-match="deep-copy" is that an unmatched element in the source tree is copied unchanged to the output, together with its entire subtree. Other unmatched items are also copied unchanged. The subtree is copied unconditionally, without attempting to match nodes in the subtree against template rules.

When this default action is selected for a mode M, all items (nodes, atomic values, and functions, including maps and arrays) are processed using a template rule that is equivalent to the following:

<xsl:template match="." mode="M">
  <xsl:copy-of select="." validation="preserve"/>

6.8.3 Built-in Templates: Shallow Copy

The effect of processing a tree using a mode that specifies on-no-match="shallow-copy" is that the source tree is copied unchanged to the output, except for nodes where different processing is specified using an explicit template rule.

When this default action is selected for a mode M, all items (nodes, atomic values, and functions, including maps and arrays) are processed using a template rule that is equivalent to the following, except that all parameters supplied in xsl:with-param elements are passed on implicitly to the called templates:

<xsl:template match="." mode="M">
  <xsl:copy validation="preserve">
    <xsl:apply-templates select="@*" mode="M"/>
    <xsl:apply-templates select="node()" mode="M"/>

This rule is often referred to as the identity template, though it should be noted that it does not preserve node identity.


This rule differs from the traditional identity template rule by using two xsl:apply-templates instructions, one to process the attributes and one to process the children. The only observable difference from the traditional select="node() | @*" is that with two separate instructions, the value of position() in the called templates forms one sequence starting at 1 for the attributes, and a new sequence starting at 1 for the children.

Example: Modified Identity Transformation

The following stylesheet transforms an input document by deleting all elements named note, together with their attributes and descendants:

<xsl:stylesheet version="3.0"
<xsl:mode on-no-match="shallow-copy" streamable="true"/>

<xsl:template match="note">
  <!-- no action -->


6.8.4 Built-in Templates: Shallow Copy All

This processing mode is introduced in XSLT 4.0 as a variant of shallow-copy to enable recursive descent processing of trees involving maps and arrays, such as might result from parsing JSON input.

For all items other than maps and arrays, the effect of shallow-copy-all is exactly the same as shallow-copy.

For arrays, the processing is as follows. A new result array is created, and its content is populated by decomposing the input array to a sequence of value records using the function array:members. Each of these value records is processed by a call on xsl:apply-templates (using the current mode, and passing on the values of all template parameters); the result of the called template is expected to be a value record.

That is, the template rule is equivalent to the following, except that this does not show the propagation of template parameters:

<xsl:array use="?value">
  <xsl:apply-templates select="array:members(.)" mode="#current"/>


A value record is a singleton map: it has a single entry with the key "value", the corresponding value being a member of the original array. The default processing for a value record, unless specified otherwise, is to apply templates to the value, as indicated by the rules that follow.

For maps, the processing is as follows:

  • If the map contains two or more entries, then a new result map is created, and its content is populated by decomposing the input map using the function map:entries to produce a sequence of single-entry maps (each containing one key and one value), and then applying templates to this sequence, using the current mode, and passing on the values of all template parameters.

  • If the map contains a single entry map{K : V0}, then a new single entry map map{K : V1} is constructed in which V1 is the result of applying templates to V0 (using the current mode, and passing on the values of all template parameters).


    This rule has the effect that if the input is a value record, the output will also be a value record.

  • If the map is empty, the result is an empty map.

In the first case, the template rule is equivalent to the following, except that this does not show the propagation of template parameters:

  <xsl:apply-templates select="map:entries(.)" mode="#current"/>

In the second case, the template rule is equivalent to the following, except that this does not show the propagation of template parameters:

<xsl:map-entry key="map:keys(.)">
  <xsl:apply-templates select="map:values(.)" mode="#current"/>

The reason there is a special rule for maps with one entry is to ensure that the process terminates.

The overall effect is best understood with an example.

Example: Modified Identity Transformation of a JSON Document

The following stylesheet transforms a supplied JSON document by deleting all properties named "Note", appearing at any level:

<xsl:stylesheet version="3.0"
<xsl:mode on-no-match="shallow-copy-all"/>

<xsl:template match="record(Note)">
  <!-- no action -->


Consider the following JSON input, converted to an array of maps by calling the function parse-json:

   { "Title": "Computer Architecture",
     "Authors": ["Enid Blyton", {"Note": "possibly misattributed"}],
     "Category": "Computers",
     "Price": 42.60
   { "Title": "How to Win Elections",
     "Authors": ["Donald Trump", "Boris Johnson"],
     "Category": "Politics",
     "Price": 56.00,
     "Note": "out of print"
   {  "Title": "How to Explore Outer Space with Binoculars",
      "Authors": ["Bruce Betts", "Erica Colon"],
      "Category": "Science",
      "Price": 10.40

The logic proceeds as follows:

  1. The outermost array is processed by applying templates to a sequence of value records, the first being in the form:

    map{"value": map:{"Title": ..., "Author": ..., ...}

    The result of applying templates to these value records is expected to comprise a new sequence of value records, which is used to construct the final output array.

  2. Each of the value records is processed using the rule for singleton maps. This rule produces a new value record by applying templates to the value, that is, to a map of the form map:{"Title": ..., "Author": ..., ...} representing a book.

  3. Each of these books, being represented by a map with more than two entries, is processed by a template rule that splits the map into its multiple entries, each represented as a singleton map (a map with one key and one value). One of these singleton maps, for example, would be map{"Title": "How to Win Elections"}.

  4. The default processing for a singleton map of the form map{"Title": "How to Win Elections"} is to return the value unchanged. This is achieved by applying templates to the string "How to Win Elections"; the default template rule for strings returns the string unchanged.

  5. When a singleton map in the form map{"Note": "out of print"} is encountered, no output is produced, meaning that entry in the parent map is effectively dropped. This is because there is an explicit template rule with match="record(Note)" that matches such singleton maps.

  6. When a singleton map in the form "Authors": ["Bruce Betts", "Erica Colon"] is encountered, a new singleton map is produced; it has the same key ("Authors"), and a value obtained by applying templates to the array ["Bruce Betts", "Erica Colon"]. The default processing for an array, in which none of the constituents are matched by explicit template rules, ends up delivering a copy of the array.

  7. When the singleton map "Authors": ["Enid Blyton", map{"Note": "possibly misattributed"}] is encountered, the recursive processing results in templates being applied to the map {"Note": "possibly misattributed"}. This matches the template rule having match="record(Note)", which returns no output, so the entry is effectively deleted.


    The map entry is deleted, but the map itself remains, so the value becomes "Authors": ["Enid Blyton", map:{}].

6.8.5 Built-in Templates: Deep Skip

The effect of processing a tree using a mode that specifies on-no-match="deep-skip" is that where no explicit template rule is specified for an element, that element and all its descendants are ignored, and are not copied to the result tree.

The effect of choosing on-no-match="deep-skip" is as follows:

  • The built-in rule for document nodes is equivalent to calling xsl:apply-templates with no select attribute, and with the mode attribute set to #current. If the built-in rule was invoked with parameters, those parameters are passed on in the implicit xsl:apply-templates instruction.

    In the case where there are no parameters, this is equivalent to the following rule:

    <xsl:template match="document-node()" mode="M">
      <xsl:apply-templates mode="#current"/>
  • The built-in rule for all items other than document nodes (that is, for all other kinds of node, as well as atomic values and functions, including maps and and arrays) is to do nothing, that is, to return an empty sequence (without applying templates to any children or ancestors).

    This is equivalent to the following rule:

    <xsl:template match="." mode="M"/>

6.8.6 Built-in Templates: Shallow Skip

The effect of processing a tree using a mode that specifies on-no-match="shallow-skip" is to drop both the textual content and the markup from the result document, except where there is an explicit user-written template rule that dictates otherwise.

The built-in rule for document nodes and element nodes applies templates (in the current mode) first to the node’s attributes and then to its children. If the built-in rule was invoked with parameters, those parameters are passed on in the implicit xsl:apply-templates instructions.

In the case where there are no parameters, this is equivalent to the following rule:

<xsl:template match="document-node()|element()" mode="M">
  <xsl:apply-templates select="@*" mode="#current"/>
  <xsl:apply-templates mode="#current"/>

The built-in template rule for all other kinds of node, and for atomic values and functions (including maps, but not arrays) is empty: that is, when the item is matched, the built-in template rule returns an empty sequence.

This is equivalent to the following rule:

<xsl:template match="." mode="M"/>

The built-in template rule for arrays (see 22 Arrays) is to apply templates to the members of the array. It is equivalent to invoking xsl:apply-templates with the select attribute set to ?* (which selects the members of the array), and with the mode attribute set to #current. If the built-in rule was invoked with parameters, those parameters are passed on in the implicit xsl:apply-templates instruction.

This is equivalent to the following in the case where there are no parameters:

<xsl:template match=".[. instance of array(*)]" mode="M">
  <xsl:apply-templates mode="#current" select="?*"/>

6.8.7 Built-in Templates: Fail

The effect of choosing on-no-match="fail" for a mode is that every item selected in an xsl:apply-templates instruction must be matched by an explicit user-written template rule.

The built-in template rule is effectively:

<xsl:template match="." mode="M">
  <xsl:message terminate="yes" error-code="err:XTDE0555"/>

with an implementation-dependent message body.

[ERR XTDE0555] It is a dynamic error if xsl:apply-templates, xsl:apply-imports or xsl:next-match is used to process an item using a mode whose declaration specifies on-no-match="fail" when there is no template rule in the stylesheet whose match pattern matches that item.

6.9 Overriding Template Rules

<!-- Category: instruction -->
  <!-- Content: xsl:with-param* -->

<!-- Category: instruction -->
  <!-- Content: (xsl:with-param | xsl:fallback)* -->

A template rule that is being used to override another template rule (see 6.5 Conflict Resolution for Template Rules) can use the xsl:apply-imports or xsl:next-match instruction to invoke the overridden template rule. The xsl:apply-imports instruction only considers template rules in imported stylesheet modules; the xsl:next-match instruction considers all other template rules of lower import precedence and/or priority, and also declarations of the same precedence and priority that appear earlier in declaration order. Both instructions will invoke the built-in template rule for the context item (see 6.8 Built-in Template Rules) if no other template rule is found.

[Definition: At any point in the processing of a stylesheet, there may be a current template rule. Whenever a template rule is chosen as a result of evaluating xsl:apply-templates, xsl:apply-imports, or xsl:next-match, the template rule becomes the current template rule for the evaluation of the rule’s sequence constructor.]

The current template rule is cleared (becomes absent) by any instruction that evaluates an operand with changed focus. It is therefore cleared when evaluating instructions contained within:


The current template rule is not affected by invoking named attribute sets (see 10.2 Named Attribute Sets), or named templates (see 10.1 Named Templates) unless <xsl:context-item use="absent"/> is specified. While evaluating a global variable or the default value of a stylesheet parameter (see 9.5 Global Variables and Parameters) the current template rule is absent.

These rules ensure that when xsl:apply-imports or xsl:next-match is called, the context item is the same as when the current template rule was invoked.

Both xsl:apply-imports and xsl:next-match search for a template rule that matches the context item, and that is applicable to the current mode (see 6.7 Modes). In choosing a template rule, they use the usual criteria such as the priority and import precedence of the template rules, but they consider as candidates only a subset of the template rules in the stylesheet. This subset differs between the two instructions:

  • The xsl:apply-imports instruction considers as candidates only those template rules contained in stylesheet levels that are descendants in the import tree of the stylesheet level that contains the current template rule.


    This is not the same as saying that the search considers all template rules whose import precedence is lower than that of the current template rule.

    [ERR XTSE3460] It is a static error if an xsl:apply-imports element appears in a template rule declared within an xsl:override element. (To invoke the template rule that is being overridden, xsl:next-match should therefore be used.)

  • The xsl:next-match instruction considers as candidates all those template rules that come after the current template rule in the ordering of template rules implied by the conflict resolution rules given in 6.5 Conflict Resolution for Template Rules. That is, it considers all template rules with lower import precedence than the current template rule, plus the template rules that are at the same import precedence that have lower priority than the current template rule, plus the template rules with the same import precedence and priority that occur before the current template rule in declaration order.


    As explained in 6.5 Conflict Resolution for Template Rules, a template rule with no priority attribute, whose match pattern contains multiple alternatives separated by |, is treated equivalently to a set of template rules, one for each alternative. This means that where the same item matches more than one alternative, it is possible for an xsl:next-match instruction to cause the current template rule to be invoked recursively. This situation does not occur when the template rule has an explicit priority.


    Because a template rule declared as a child of xsl:override has higher precedence than any template rule declared in the used package (see 3.5.4 Overriding Template Rules from a Used Package), the effect of xsl:next-match within such a template rule is to consider as candidates first any other template rules for the same mode within the same xsl:use-package element (taking into account explicit and implicit priority, and document order, in the usual way), and then all template rules in the used package.

If a matching template rule R is found, then the result of the xsl:next-match or xsl:apply-imports instruction is the result of invoking R, with the values of parameters being set using the child xsl:with-param elements as described in 9.10 Setting Parameter Values. The template rule R is evaluated with the same focus as the xsl:next-match or xsl:apply-imports instruction. The current template rule changes to be R. The current mode does not change.


In the case where the current template rule T is declared within an xsl:override element in a using package P, while the selected rule R is declared within a different package Q, and where the current mode is MP (mode M in package P), the effect is that the current mode for evaluation of R remains MP rather than reverting to its corresponding mode MQ (mode M in package Q). If R contains an xsl:apply-templates instruction that uses mode="#current", then the set of template rules considered by this instruction will therefore include any overriding template rules declared in P as well as the original rules declared in Q.

If no matching template rule is found that satisfies these criteria, the built-in template rule for the context item is used (see 6.8 Built-in Template Rules).

An xsl:apply-imports or xsl:next-match instruction may use xsl:with-param child elements to pass parameters to the chosen template rule (see 9.10 Setting Parameter Values). It also passes on any tunnel parameters as described in 10.1.6 Tunnel Parameters.

[ERR XTDE0560] It is a dynamic error if xsl:apply-imports or xsl:next-match is evaluated when the current template rule is absent.

Example: Using xsl:apply-imports

For example, suppose the stylesheet doc.xsl contains a template rule for example elements:

<xsl:template match="example">

Another stylesheet could import doc.xsl and modify the treatment of example elements as follows:

<xsl:import href="doc.xsl"/>

<xsl:template match="example">
  <div style="border: solid red">

The combined effect would be to transform an example into an element of the form:

<div style="border: solid red"><pre>...</pre></div>

An xsl:fallback instruction appearing as a child of an xsl:next-match instruction is ignored by an XSLT 2.0 or 3.0 processor, but can be used to define fallback behavior when the stylesheet is processed by an XSLT 1.0 processor with forwards compatible behavior.

6.10 Passing Parameters to Template Rules

A template rule may have parameters. The parameters are declared in the body of the template using xsl:param elements, as described in 9.2 Parameters.

Values for these parameters may be supplied in the calling xsl:apply-templates, xsl:apply-imports, or xsl:next-match instruction by means of xsl:with-param elements appearing as children of the calling instruction. The expanded QName represented by the name attribute of the xsl:with-param element must match the expanded QName represented by the name attribute of the corresponding xsl:param element.

It is not an error for these instructions to supply a parameter that does not match any parameter declared in the template rule that is invoked; unneeded parameter values are simply ignored.

A parameter may be declared as a tunnel parameter by specifying tunnel="yes" in the xsl:param declaration; in this case the caller must supply the value as a tunnel parameter by specifying tunnel="yes" in the corresponding xsl:with-param element. Tunnel parameters differ from ordinary template parameters in that they are passed transparently through multiple template invocations. They are fully described in 10.1.6 Tunnel Parameters.

7 Repetition

XSLT offers two constructs for processing each entry in a collection: xsl:for-each and xsl:iterate.

Both instructions can be used to process the items in a sequence, the elements in an array, or the entries in a map. Arrays and maps are processed by reducing them to a sequence of items, so in what follows, the terms item and sequence are used generically.

The main difference between the two constructs is that with xsl:for-each, the processing applied to each item in the sequence is independent of the processing applied to any other item; this means that the items may be processed in any order or in parallel, though the order of the output sequence is well defined and corresponds to the order of the input (sorted if so requested). By contrast, with xsl:iterate, the processing is explicitly sequential: while one item is being processed, values may be computed which are then available for use while the next item is being processed. This makes xsl:iterate suitable for tasks such as creating a running total over a sequence of financial transactions.

A further difference is that xsl:for-each permits sorting of the input sequence, while xsl:iterate does not.

7.1 The xsl:for-each instruction

<!-- Category: instruction -->
  select? = expression
  separator? = { string } >
  <!-- Content: (xsl:sort*, sequence-constructor) -->

The attributes select, array, and map are mutually exclusive: exactly one of these three attributes must be present.

Specifying array="EXPR" is equivalent to specifying select="array:for-each(EXPR, function($x){map{'value':$x})?*. That is, it maps the elements of an input array to a sequence of items, each item being a map having a single entry, whose key is the string value and whose corresponding value is the relevant element of the array. Within the contained sequence constructor, the current array element can be refered to as ?value.

Specifying map="EXPR" is equivalent to specifying select="map:for-each(EXPR, function($k, $v){map{'key':$k, 'value':$v}). That is, it maps the key-value entries of an input map to a sequence of items (in undefined order), each item being a map having two entries, one entry holding the key, and the other holding the value. Within the contained sequence constructor, the key and value of the current entry in the input map can be refered to as ?key and ?value respectively.

The xsl:for-each instruction processes each in a sequence of items, evaluating the sequence constructor within the xsl:for-each instruction once for each item in that sequence.

The select attribute is required; it contains an expression which is evaluated to produce a sequence, called the input sequence. If there is an xsl:sort element present (see 13 Sorting) the input sequence is sorted to produce a sorted sequence. Otherwise, the sorted sequence is the same as the input sequence.

The xsl:for-each instruction contains a sequence constructor. The sequence constructor is evaluated once for each item in the sorted sequence, with the focus set as follows:

  • The context item is the item being processed.

  • The context position is the position of this item in the sorted sequence.

  • The context size is the size of the sorted sequence (which is the same as the size of the input sequence).

For each item in the input sequence, evaluating the sequence constructor produces a sequence of items (see 5.8 Sequence Constructors). These output sequences are concatenated; if item Q follows item P in the sorted sequence, then the result of evaluating the sequence constructor with Q as the context item is concatenated after the result of evaluating the sequence constructor with P as the context item. The result of the xsl:for-each instruction is the concatenated sequence of items.

Example: Using xsl:for-each to process a sequence

For example, given an XML document with this structure


the following would create an HTML document containing a table with a row for each customer element

<xsl:template match="/">
	  <xsl:for-each select="customers/customer">
           <xsl:apply-templates select="name"/>
	      <xsl:for-each select="order">


Example: Using xsl:for-each to process an array

Consider a JSON document of the form:

  { "city": "London", "latitude": 51.5099, "longitude": -0.1181 },
  { "city": "Paris",  "latitude": 48.8647, "longitude": 2.3488 },
  { "city": "Berlin", "latitude": 52.5200, "longitude": 13.4049 }                  

The following code processes this array to produce an XML representation of the same information. The cities are sorted by name:

<xsl:for-each select="json-doc('input.json')?*">
   <xsl:sort select="?city"/>
   <city number="{position()}" 

In this example it is possible to use the expression $array?* to convert an array to a sequence. This works because the members of the array are all single items. In the more general case (a member of the array might be an empty sequence, corresponding to the JSON value null, or it might be a sequence containing several items), the function array:members can be used to deliver the contents of the array as a sequence of value records. This is illustrated in the next example.


Example: Using xsl:for-each to process an array containing nulls

Consider a JSON document of the form:

   { "city": "London", "data": [12.3, 15.6, null, 18.2] },
   { "city": "Paris",  "data": [7.9, 19.1, 23.0, null] },
   { "city": "Berlin", "data": [5.6, null, 14.6, 9.5] }                  

The requirement is to convert this to the following XML:

  <city name="London" Q1="12.3" Q2="15.6" Q3="" Q4="18.2"/>
  <city name="Paris" Q1="7.9" Q2="19.1" Q3="23.0" Q4=""/>
  <city name="Berlin" Q1="5.6" Q2="" Q3="14.6" Q4="9.5"/>

The following code achieves this transformation:

<xsl:for-each select="json-doc('input.json')?*">
   <city name="{?city}">
     <xsl:for-each select="array:members(?data)">
       <xsl:attribute name="Q{position()}" select="?value"/>

In this example the expression $array?* cannot be used on the inner arrays because JSON nulls (which translate to an empty sequence in XDM) would be lost. Instead the function array:membersFO30 is used to create a sequence of value records: a non-null entry is represented by a value such as map{'value':12.3}, while a null entry would be map{'value':()}.


Example: Using xsl:for-each to process a map

Consider a JSON document of the form:

  "London": {"latitude": 51.5099, "longitude": -0.1181 },
  "Paris":  {"latitude": 48.8647, "longitude": 2.3488 },
  "Berlin": {"latitude": 52.5200, "longitude": 13.4049 }                  

The following code processes this map to produce an XML representation of the same information. The cities are sorted by name:

<xsl:for-each select="map:key-value-pairs(json-doc('input.json'))">
   <xsl:sort select="?key"/>
   <city number="{position()}" 

In this example the map is decomposed to a sequence of key-value pairs, each represented as a map with two entries, "key" and "value", which can be accessed using the lookup expressions ?key and ?value.

7.1.1 The separator attribute

If the separator attribute is present, then its effective value is inserted, as a text node, into the output sequence, immediately after the results of processing each item in the sorted sequence other than the last.

For example, the following instruction:

<xsl:for-each select="6, 3, 9" separator="|">
   <xsl:sort select="."/>
   <xsl:sequence select="., .+1"/>

produces a sequence comprising, in order: the integer 3, the integer 4, a text node with string value "|", the integer 6, the integer 7, another text node with string value "|", the integer 9, and the integer 10.

The node identity of any text nodes that are inserted is implementation-dependent. Specifically, it is not defined whether all the text nodes inserted in the course of one evaluation of the instruction are identical to each other, nor whether they are identical to the text nodes inserted in the course of another evaluation of this instruction, nor whether they are identical to any other parentless text nodes having the same string value.

If the separator is a zero-length string, then a zero-length text node is inserted into the sequence. (If the sequence is used for constructing the value of a node, then zero-length text nodes will be discarded: see 5.8.2 Constructing Simple Content and 5.8.1 Constructing Complex Content.)

7.2 The xsl:iterate Instruction

The xsl:iterate instruction processes the items in a sequence in order; unlike xsl:for-each, the result of processing one item can affect the way that subsequent items are processed.

As with xsl:for-each, the instruction is extended in XSLT 4.0 to allow maps and arrays to be processed.

<!-- Category: instruction -->
  select? = expression >
  <!-- Content: (xsl:param*, xsl:on-completion?, sequence-constructor) -->

<!-- Category: instruction -->
  <!-- Content: (xsl:with-param*) -->

<!-- Category: instruction -->
  select? = expression >
  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

  select? = expression >
  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

The attributes select, array, and map are mutually exclusive: exactly one of these three attributes must be present.

Specifying array="EXPR" is equivalent to specifying select="array:for-each(EXPR, function($x){map{'value':$x})?*. That is, it maps the elements of an input array to a sequence of items, each item being a map having a single entry, whose key is the string value and whose corresponding value is the relevant element of the array. Within the contained sequence constructor, the current array element can be refered to as ?value.

Specifying map="EXPR" is equivalent to specifying select="map:for-each(EXPR, function($k, $v){map{'key':$k, 'value':$v}). That is, it maps the key-value entries of an input map to a sequence of items (in undefined order), each item being a map having two entries, one entry holding the key, and the other holding the value. Within the contained sequence constructor, the key and value of the current entry in the input map can be refered to as ?key and ?value respectively.

The select attribute contains an expression which is evaluated to produce a sequence, called the input sequence.

The sequence constructor contained in the xsl:iterate instruction is evaluated once for each item in the input sequence, in order, or until the loop exits by evaluating an xsl:break instruction, whichever is earlier. Within the sequence constructor that forms the body of the xsl:iterate instruction, the context item is set to each item from the value of the select expression in turn; the context position reflects the position of this item in the input sequence, and the context size is the number of items in the input sequence (which may be greater than the number of iterations, if the loop exits prematurely using xsl:break).


If xsl:iterate is used in conjunction with xsl:source-document to achieve streaming, calls on the function lastFO30 will be disallowed.

The xsl:break and xsl:on-completion elements may have either a select attribute or a non-empty contained sequence constructor but not both. The effect of the element in both cases is obtained by evaluating the select expression if present or the contained sequence constructor otherwise; if neither is present, the value is an empty sequence.


The xsl:on-completion element appears before other children of xsl:iterate to ensure that variables declared in the sequence constructor are not in scope within xsl:on-completion, since such variables do not have a defined value within xsl:on-completion especially in the case where the value of the select attribute is an empty sequence.

The effect of xsl:next-iteration is to cause the iteration to continue by processing the next item in the input sequence, potentially with different values for the iteration parameters. The effect of xsl:break is to cause the iteration to finish, whether or not all the items in the input sequence have been processed. In both cases the affected iteration is the one controlled by the innermost ancestor xsl:iterate element.

The instructions xsl:next-iteration and xsl:break are allowed only as descendants of an xsl:iterate instruction, and only in a tail position within the sequence constructor forming the body of the xsl:iterate instruction.

[Definition: An instruction J is in a tail position within a sequence constructor SC if it satisfies one of the following conditions:


[ERR XTSE3120] It is a static error if an xsl:break or xsl:next-iteration element appears other than in a tail position within the sequence constructor forming the body of an xsl:iterate instruction.

[ERR XTSE3125] It is a static error if the select attribute of xsl:break or xsl:on-completion is present and the instruction has children.

[ERR XTSE3130] It is a static error if the name attribute of an xsl:with-param child of an xsl:next-iteration element does not match the name attribute of an xsl:param child of the innermost containing xsl:iterate instruction.

Parameter names in xsl:with-param must be unique: [see ERR XTSE0670].

The result of the xsl:iterate instruction is the concatenation of the sequences that result from the repeated evaluation of the contained sequence constructor, followed by the sequence that results from evaluating the xsl:break or xsl:on-completion element if any.

Any xsl:param element that appears as a child of xsl:iterate declares a parameter whose value may vary from one iteration to the next. The initial value of the parameter is the value obtained according to the rules given in 9.3 Values of Variables and Parameters. The dynamic context for evaluating the initial value of an xsl:param element is the same as the dynamic context for evaluating the select expression of the xsl:iterate instruction (the context item is thus not the first item in the input sequence).

On the first iteration a parameter always takes its initial value (which may depend on variables or other aspects of the dynamic context). Subsequently:

  • If an xsl:next-iteration instruction is evaluated, then parameter values for processing the next item in the input sequence can be set in the xsl:with-param children of that instruction; in the absence of an xsl:with-param element that names a particular parameter, that parameter will retain its value from the previous iteration.

  • If an xsl:break instruction is evaluated, no further items in the input sequence are processed.

  • If neither an xsl:next-iteration nor an xsl:break instruction is evaluated, then the next item in the input sequence is processed using parameter values that are unchanged from the previous iteration.

The xsl:next-iteration instruction contributes nothing to the result sequence (technically, it returns an empty sequence). The instruction supplies parameter values for the next iteration, which are evaluated according to the rules given in 9.10 Setting Parameter Values; if there are no further items in the input sequence then it supplies parameter values for use while evaluating the body of the xsl:on-completion element if any.

The xsl:break instruction indicates that the iteration should terminate without processing any remaining items from the input sequence. The select expression or contained sequence constructor is evaluated using the same context item, position, and size as the xsl:break instruction itself, and the result is appended to the result of the xsl:iterate instruction as a whole.

If neither an xsl:next-iteration nor an xsl:break instruction is evaluated, the next item in the input sequence is processed with parameter values unchanged from the previous iteration; if there are no further items in the input sequence, the iteration terminates.

The optional xsl:on-completion element (which is not technically an instruction and is not technically part of the sequence constructor) is evaluated when the input sequence is exhausted. It is not evaluated if the evaluation is terminated using xsl:break. During evaluation of its select expression or sequence constructor the context item, position, and size are absent (that is, any reference to these values is an error). However, the values of the parameters to xsl:iterate are available, and take the values supplied by the xsl:next-iteration instruction evaluated while processing the last item in the sequence.

If the input sequence is empty, then the result of the xsl:iterate instruction is the result of evaluating the select attribute or sequence constructor forming the body of the xsl:on-completion element, using the initial values of the xsl:param elements. If there is no xsl:on-completion element, the result is an empty sequence.


Conceptually, xsl:iterate behaves like a tail-recursive function. The xsl:next-iteration instruction then represents the recursive call, supplying the tail of the input sequence as an implicit parameter. There are two main reasons for providing the xsl:iterate instruction. One is that many XSLT users find writing recursive functions to be a difficult skill, and this construct promises to be easier to learn. The other is that recursive function calls are difficult for an optimizer to analyze. Because xsl:iterate is more constrained than a general-purpose head-tail recursive function, it should be more amenable to optimization. In particular, when the instruction is used in conjunction with xsl:source-document, it is designed to make it easy for the implementation to use streaming techniques, processing the nodes in an input document sequentially as they are read, without building the entire document tree in memory.

The examples below use xsl:iterate in conjunction with the xsl:source-document instruction. This is not the only way of using xsl:iterate, but it illustrates the way in which the two features can be combined to achieve streaming of a large input document.

Example: Using xsl:iterate to Compute Cumulative Totals

Suppose that the input XML document has this structure

  <transaction date="2008-09-01" value="12.00"/>
  <transaction date="2008-09-01" value="8.00"/>
  <transaction date="2008-09-02" value="-2.00"/>
  <transaction date="2008-09-02" value="5.00"/>

and that the requirement is to transform this to:

  <balance date="2008-09-01" value="12.00"/>
  <balance date="2008-09-01" value="20.00"/>
  <balance date="2008-09-02" value="18.00"/>
  <balance date="2008-09-02" value="23.00"/>

This can be achieved using the following code, which is designed to process the transaction file using streaming:

  <xsl:source-document streamable="yes" href="transactions.xml">
    <xsl:iterate select="transactions/transaction">
      <xsl:param name="balance" select="0.00" as="xs:decimal"/>
      <xsl:variable name="newBalance" 
                    select="$balance + xs:decimal(@value)"/>
      <balance date="{@date}" value="{format-number($newBalance, '0.00')}"/>
        <xsl:with-param name="balance" select="$newBalance"/>

The following example modifies this by only outputting the information for the first day’s transactions:

  <xsl:source-document streamable="yes" href="transactions.xml">
    <xsl:iterate select="transactions/transaction">
      <xsl:param name="balance" select="0.00" as="xs:decimal"/>
      <xsl:param name="prevDate" select="()" as="xs:date?"/>
      <xsl:variable name="newBalance" 
                    select="$balance + xs:decimal(@value)"/>
      <xsl:variable name="thisDate" 
        <xsl:when test="empty($prevDate) or $thisDate eq $prevDate">
          <balance date="{$thisDate}" 
                   value="{format-number($newBalance, '0.00')}"/>
            <xsl:with-param name="balance" select="$newBalance"/>
            <xsl:with-param name="prevDate" select="$thisDate"/>

The following code outputs the balance only at the end of each day, together with the final balance:

  <xsl:source-document streamable="yes" href="transactions.xml">
    <xsl:iterate select="transactions/transaction">
      <xsl:param name="balance" select="0.00" as="xs:decimal"/>
      <xsl:param name="prevDate" select="()" as="xs:date?"/>
        <balance date="{$prevDate}" 
                 value="{format-number($balance, '0.00')}"/>
      <xsl:variable name="newBalance" 
                    select="$balance + xs:decimal(@value)"/>
      <xsl:variable name="thisDate" select="xs:date(@date)"/>
      <xsl:if test="exists($prevDate) and $thisDate ne $prevDate">
        <balance date="{$prevDate}" 
                 value="{format-number($balance, '0.00')}"/>
        <xsl:with-param name="balance" select="$newBalance"/>
        <xsl:with-param name="prevDate" select="$thisDate"/>

If the sequence of transactions is empty, this code outputs a single element: <balance date="" value="0.00"/>.


Example: Collecting Multiple Values in a Single Pass

Problem: Given a sequence of employee elements, find the employees having the highest and lowest salary, while processing each employee only once.


<xsl:source-document streamable="yes" href="si-iterate-035.xml">
            <xsl:iterate select="employees/employee">
                <xsl:param name="highest" as="element(employee)*"/>
                <xsl:param name="lowest" as="element(employee)*"/>
                        <xsl:value-of select="$highest/name"/>
                        <xsl:value-of select="$lowest/name"/>
                <xsl:variable name="this" select="copy-of()"/>
                <xsl:variable name="is-new-highest" as="xs:boolean"
                    select="empty($highest[@salary ge current()/@salary])"/>
                <xsl:variable name="is-equal-highest" as="xs:boolean" 
                    select="exists($highest[@salary eq current()/@salary])"/> 
                <xsl:variable name="is-new-lowest" as="xs:boolean" 
                    select="empty($lowest[@salary le current()/@salary])"/>
                <xsl:variable name="is-equal-lowest" as="xs:boolean" 
                    select="exists($lowest[@salary eq current()/@salary])"/> 
                <xsl:variable name="new-highest-set" as="element(employee)*"
                    select="if ($is-new-highest) then $this
                    else if ($is-equal-highest) then ($highest, $this)
                    else $highest"/>
                <xsl:variable name="new-lowest-set" as="element(employee)*"
                    select="if ($is-new-lowest) then $this
                    else if ($is-equal-lowest) then ($lowest, $this)
                    else $lowest"/>
                    <xsl:with-param name="highest" select="$new-highest-set"/>
                    <xsl:with-param name="lowest" select="$new-lowest-set"/>

If the input sequence is empty, this code outputs an empty highest-paid-employees element and an empty lowest-paid-employees element.


Example: Processing the Last Item in a Sequence Specially

When streaming, it is not possible to determine whether the item being processed is the last in a sequence without reading ahead. The lastFO30 function therefore cannot be used in guaranteed-streamable code. The xsl:iterate instruction provides a solution to this problem.

Problem: render the last paragraph in a section in some special way, for example by using bold face. (The actual rendition is achieved by processing the paragraph with mode last-para.)

The solution uses xsl:iterate together with the copy-of function to maintain a one-element look-ahead by explicit coding:

<xsl:template match="section" mode="streaming">
   <xsl:iterate select="para">
     <xsl:param name="prev" select="()" as="element(para)?"/>
       <xsl:apply-templates select="$prev" mode="last-para"/>      
     <xsl:if test="$prev">
       <xsl:apply-templates select="$prev"/>
       <xsl:with-param name="prev" select="copy-of(.)"/>


Example: Processing an array using xsl:iterate

Consider the following JSON document representing transactions in a bank account:

   {"date":"2008-09-01", credit:12.00},
   {"date":"2008-09-01", credit:8.00},
   {"date":"2008-09-02", debit:2.00},
   {"date":"2008-09-02", credit:12.00}

The following code converts this to an XML representation that includes a running balance:

<xsl:iterate select="json-doc('account.json') => array:members()">
   <xsl:param name="balance" as="xs:decimal" select="0"/>               
   <xsl:variable name="delta" select="?value?credit otherwise -?value?debit"/>               
   <entry date="{?value?date}"
          balance="{$balance + $delta}"/>
      <xsl:with-param name="balance" select="$balance + $delta"/>

Using array:members() in this way makes it possible to process any array, including one whose members are arbitrary sequences rather than single items. In this particular case, if it is known that the JSON array will not contain any null entries, or if any null entries are to be ignored, it becomes possible to simplify the code as follows:

<xsl:iterate select="json-doc('account.json')?*">
   <xsl:param name="balance" as="xs:decimal" select="0"/>               
   <xsl:variable name="delta" select="?credit otherwise -?debit"/>               
   <entry date="{?date}"
          balance="{$balance + $delta}"/>
      <xsl:with-param name="balance" select="$balance + $delta"/>

8 Conditional Processing

There are several instructions in XSLT that support conditional processing: xsl:if, xsl:choose, and xsl:switch. The xsl:if instruction provides simple if-then-else conditionality; the xsl:choose instruction supports selection of one choice when there are several possibilities, and xsl:switch allows a branch to be selected based on the value of a given expression.

XSLT 3.0 also supports xsl:try and xsl:catch which define conditional processing to handle dynamic errors.


XSLT offers a number of ways of expressing conditional logic.

XSLT 1.0 offered the xsl:if instruction for cases where output was to be produced only if a condition was true, with xsl:choose available for multi-way branches where different output was to be produced under different input conditions. In addition, of course, XSLT 1.0 also offered the option of rule-based processing using templates and match patterns.

XSLT 2.0 added the XPath conditional expression providing two-way branches for use at a finer-grained level where xsl:choose could be excessively verbose: it allowed constructs such as <xsl:value-of select="if ($x) then 'red' else 'green'/> to be reduced from eight lines of code to one.

XSLT 4.0 introduces the then and else attributes for xsl:if, which are particularly useful in contexts such as the body of an xsl:function declaration where the alternative results are conveniently evaluated using XPath expressions rather than XSLT instructions: for example a recursive function might have as its body the instruction <xsl:if test="empty($seq)" then="1" else="head($seq) * my:f(tail($seq))"/>. The select attribute of xsl:when and xsl:otherwise is introduced for similar reasons: XSLT instructions are most useful when contructing node trees, whereas XPath expressions are more convenient when computing atomic values. Again, the main contribution of these enhancements is to reduce visual clutter, making the code more concise and more easily readable.

The xsl:switch instruction is introduced in XSLT 4.0 as an alternative to xsl:choose for the common use case where the conditions test for multiple different values of some common expression. By avoiding repetition of the common expression whose value is being tested, the logic becomes self-explanatory both to the human reader of the code and to an optimizing compiler, making it easier to generate efficient branching code.

Further conditional constructs are also under development for XPath 4.0. [TODO: elaborate on this when complete.]

8.1 Conditional Processing with xsl:if

<!-- Category: instruction -->
  test = expression
  then? = expression
  else? = expression〔()〕 >
  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

The xsl:if element has a mandatory test attribute, whose value is an expression. The content is a sequence constructor.

If the xsl:if element has a then attribute, then it must have no children. That is, the then attribute and the contained sequence constructor are mutually exclusive.

The result of the xsl:if instruction depends on the effective boolean valueXP40 of the expression in the test attribute. The rules for determining the effective boolean value of an expression are given in [XPath 4.0]: they are the same as the rules used for XPath conditional expressions.

If the effective boolean value of the expression is true, then:

  • If there is a then attribute, the expression in the then attribute is evaluated, and the resulting value is returned as the result of the xsl:if instruction.

  • If there is a non-empty sequence constructor, it is evaluated and the resulting value is returned as the result of the xsl:if instruction.

  • Otherwise, the result of the xsl:if instruction is an empty sequence.

If the effective boolean value of the test expression is false, then:

  • If there is an else attribute, the expression in the else attribute is evaluated, and the resulting value is returned as the result of the xsl:if instruction.

  • Otherwise, the result of the xsl:if instruction is an empty sequence.

If the test expression has no effective boolean value (for example, if it is a sequence of several integers, or a map), then a dynamic error occurs. (See [ERR FORG0006] FO.)


The semantics of the xsl:if instruction are essentially equivalent to the semantics of the conditional expression in XPath: the construct <xsl:if test="C" then="X" else="Y"/> can equivalently be written <xsl:sequence select="if (C) then X else Y"/>. The same effect can also be achieved by writing <xsl:choose><xsl:when test="C" select="X"/><xsl:otherwise select="Y"/></xsl:choose>. The choice of which of these constructs to use is a largely matter of personal style.

Example: Using xsl:if to insert separators

In the following example, the names in a group of names are formatted as a comma separated list:

<xsl:template match="namelist/name">
  <xsl:if test="not(position()=last())">, </xsl:if>

This adds a comma after every item except the last. This can also be expressed as:

<xsl:template match="namelist/name">
  <xsl:if test="not(position()=1)">, </xsl:if>

which inserts a comma before every item except the first. (This formulation might be more efficient, since determining whether an item is the last may involve look-ahead.)


Example: Using xsl:if as the body of a function

The following example shows the use of xsl:if to deliver the result of a recursive function:

<xsl:function name="f:product" as="xs:double">
   <xsl:param name="in" as="xs:double*"/>
   <xsl:if test="empty($in)" then="1e0" else="head($in) * f:product(tail($in))"/>

8.2 Conditional Processing with xsl:choose

<!-- Category: instruction -->
  <!-- Content: (xsl:when+, xsl:otherwise?) -->

  test = expression
  select? = expression >
  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

  select? = expression >
  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

The xsl:choose element selects one among a number of possible alternatives. It consists of a sequence of one or more xsl:when elements followed by an optional xsl:otherwise element. Each xsl:when element has an attribute, test, which specifies an expression used as a condition.

The effective value of an xsl:when or xsl:otherwise branch may be supplied using either a select attribute or a contained sequence constructor. These are mutually exclusive: if the select attribute is present then the sequence constructor must be empty, and if the sequence constructor is non-empty then the select attribute must be absent [see ERR XTSE3185]. If the select attribute is absent and the sequence constructor is empty, then the effective value is an empty sequence.

When an xsl:choose element is processed, each of the xsl:when elements is tested in turn (that is, in the order that the elements appear in the stylesheet), until one of the xsl:when elements is satisfied. If none of the xsl:when elements is satisfied, then the xsl:otherwise element is considered, as described below.

An xsl:when element is satisfied if the effective boolean valueXP40 of the expression in its test attribute is true. The rules for determining the effective boolean value of an expression are given in [XPath 3.0]: they are the same as the rules used for XPath conditional expressions.

The content of the first, and only the first, xsl:when element that is satisfied is evaluated, and the resulting sequence (that is, the result of evaluating its select attribute or contained sequence constructor as appropriate) is returned as the result of the xsl:choose instruction. If no xsl:when element is satisfied, the content of the xsl:otherwise element is evaluated, and the resulting sequence is returned as the result of the xsl:choose instruction. If no xsl:when element is satisfied, and no xsl:otherwise element is present, the result of the xsl:choose instruction is an empty sequence.

The select expressions and sequence constructors of xsl:when and xsl:otherwise instructions after the selected one are not evaluated. The test expressions for xsl:when instructions after the selected one are not evaluated.

Example: Using xsl:choose for formatting a numbered list

The following example enumerates items in an ordered list using arabic numerals, letters, or roman numerals depending on the depth to which the ordered lists are nested.

<xsl:template match="orderedlist/listitem">
  <fo:list-item indent-start='2pi'>
      <xsl:variable name="level"
                    select="count(ancestor::orderedlist) mod 3"/>
        <xsl:when test='$level=1'>
          <xsl:number format="i"/>
        <xsl:when test='$level=2'>
          <xsl:number format="a"/>
          <xsl:number format="1"/>
      <xsl:text>. </xsl:text>


Example: Using the select attribute of xsl:when and xsl:otherwise

The following example is equivalent to the one above:

<xsl:template match="orderedlist/listitem">
  <fo:list-item indent-start='2pi'>
      <xsl:variable name="level"
                    select="count(ancestor::orderedlist) mod 3"/>
      <xsl:variable name="format" as="xs:string">
          <xsl:when test='$level=1' select="'i'"/>
          <xsl:when test='$level=2' select="'a'"/>
          <xsl:otherwise select="'1'"/>
      <xsl:number format="{$format}"/>
      <xsl:text>. </xsl:text>

8.3 Conditional Processing with xsl:switch

<!-- Category: instruction -->
  select = expression >
  <!-- Content: (xsl:when+, xsl:otherwise?, xsl:fallback*) -->

  test = expression
  select? = expression >
  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

  select? = expression >
  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

The xsl:switch element selects one among a number of possible alternatives. The select attribute of the xsl:switch element is evaluated to obtain an atomic value, which is compared with the values given by the test attributes of the xsl:when elements, in turn.

The content of the xsl:switch element consists of a sequence of one or more xsl:when elements followed by an optional xsl:otherwise element. Each xsl:when element has an attribute, test, which contains an expression.

The result of an xsl:when or xsl:otherwise branch may be supplied using either a select attribute or a contained sequence constructor. These are mutually exclusive: if the select attribute is present then the sequence constructor must be empty, and if the sequence constructor is non-empty then the select attribute must be absent. If the select attribute is absent and the sequence constructor is empty, then the result is an empty sequence.

Any xsl:fallback children are ignored by an XSLT 4.0 processor, but can be used to define the recovery action to be taken by a processor for an earlier version of XSLT when operating with forwards compatible behavior.

An xsl:switch element is processed as follows:

  • The select expression of the xsl:switch element is evaluated.

  • The result of the evaluation is converted to a single atomic value by applying the coercion rules; a type error occurs if this conversion is not possible. This value is referred to below as the selector.

  • Each of the xsl:when elements is tested in turn (that is, in the order that the elements appear in the stylesheet), until one of the xsl:when elements is satisfied. If none of the xsl:when elements is satisfied, then the xsl:otherwise element is considered, as described below.

    An xsl:when element is tested by first evaluating its test expression and converting the result to a sequence of atomic values by applying the coercion rules, and then comparing this sequence of atomic values with the selector value. The comparison is performed using the rules of the XPath = operator, using the default collation that is in scope for the xsl:switch instruction.

    An xsl:when element is satisfied if the result of this comparison is true.

  • The first, and only the first, xsl:when element that is satisfied is evaluated, and the resulting sequence (that is, the result of evaluating its select attribute or contained sequence constructor as appropriate) is returned as the result of the xsl:switch instruction. If no xsl:when element is satisfied, the content of the xsl:otherwise element is evaluated, and the resulting sequence is returned as the result of the xsl:switch instruction. If no xsl:when element is satisfied, and no xsl:otherwise element is present, the result of the xsl:switch instruction is an empty sequence.

  • The select expressions and sequence constructors of xsl:when and xsl:otherwise instructions after the selected one are not evaluated. The test expressions for xsl:when instructions after the selected one are not evaluated.


There is no requirement that the values of select expressions should be literals, nor that the values should be distinct.

Example: Using xsl:switch as a lookup table

The following example shows a simple function to convert a month number to a month name:

<xsl:function name="f:month-name" as="xs:string">
    <xsl:param name="month-number" as="xs:integer"/>
    <xsl:switch select="$month-number">
      <xsl:when test="1" select="'January'"/>
      <xsl:when test="2" select="'February'"/>
      <xsl:when test="3" select="'March'"/>
      <xsl:when test="4" select="'April'"/>
      <xsl:when test="5" select="'May'"/>
      <xsl:when test="6" select="'June'"/>
      <xsl:when test="7" select="'July'"/>
      <xsl:when test="8" select="'August'"/>
      <xsl:when test="9" select="'September'"/>
      <xsl:when test="10" select="'October'"/>
      <xsl:when test="11" select="'November'"/>
      <xsl:when test="12" select="'December'"/>
      <xsl:otherwise select="error('Unknown month')"/>


Example: Using xsl:switch to return the number of days in the month

This function returns the number of days in a month, returning an empty sequence if the supplied month is invalid.

<xsl:function name="f:days-in-month" as="xs:integer?">
    <xsl:param name="month-number" as="xs:integer"/>
    <xsl:param name="leap-year" as="xs:boolean"/>
    <xsl:switch select="$month-number">
      <xsl:when test="1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12" select="31"/>
      <xsl:when test="4, 6, 9, 11" select="30"/>
      <xsl:when test="2">
         <xsl:if test="$leap-year" then="29" else="28"/>

8.4 Try/Catch

The xsl:try instruction can be used to trap dynamic errors occurring within the expression it wraps; the recovery action if such errors occur is defined using a child xsl:catch element.

<!-- Category: instruction -->
  select? = expression
  rollback-output? = boolean〔'yes'〕 >
  <!-- Content: (sequence-constructor, xsl:catch, (xsl:catch | xsl:fallback)*) -->


Because a sequence constructor may contain an xsl:fallback element, the effect of this content model is that an xsl:fallback instruction may appear as a child of xsl:try in any position.

  errors? = tokens〔'*'〕
  select? = expression >
  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

An xsl:try instruction evaluates either the expression contained in its select attribute, or its contained sequence constructor, and returns the result of that evaluation if it succeeds without error. If a dynamic error occurs during the evaluation, the processor evaluates the first xsl:catch child element applicable to the error, and returns that result instead.

If the xsl:try element has a select attribute, then it must have no children other than xsl:catch and xsl:fallback. That is, the select attribute and the contained sequence constructor are mutually exclusive. If neither is present, the result of the xsl:try is an empty sequence (no dynamic error can occur in this case).

The rollback-output attribute is described in 8.4.1 Recovery of Result Trees. The default value is yes.

[ERR XTSE3140] It is a static error if the select attribute of the xsl:try element is present and the element has children other than xsl:catch and xsl:fallback elements.

Any xsl:fallback children of the xsl:try element are ignored by an XSLT 3.0 processor, but can be used to define the recovery action taken by an XSLT 1.0 or XSLT 2.0 processor operating with forwards compatible behavior.

The xsl:catch element has an optional errors attribute, which lists the error conditions that the xsl:catch element is designed to intercept. The default value is errors="*", which catches all errors. The value is a whitespace-separated list of NameTestsXP40; an xsl:catch element catches an error condition if this list includes a NameTest that matches the error code associated with that error condition.


Error codes are QNames. Those defined in this specification and in related specifications are all in the standard error namespace, and may therefore be caught using an xsl:catch element such as <xsl:catch errors="err:FODC0001 err:FODC0005"> where the namespace prefix err is bound to this namespace. Errors defined by implementers, and errors raised by an explicit call of the errorFO30 function or by use of the xsl:message or xsl:assert instruction, may use error codes in other namespaces.

If more than one xsl:catch element matches an error, the error is processed using the first one that matches, in document order. If no xsl:catch matches the error, then the error is not caught (that is, evaluation of the xsl:try element fails with the dynamic error).

An xsl:catch element may have either a select attribute, or a contained sequence constructor.

[ERR XTSE3150] It is a static error if the select attribute of the xsl:catch element is present unless the element has empty content.

The result of evaluating the xsl:catch element is the result of evaluating the XPath expression in its select attribute or the result of evaluating the contained sequence constructor; if neither is present, the result is an empty sequence. This result is delivered as the result of the xsl:try instruction.

If a dynamic error occurs during the evaluation of xsl:catch, it causes the containing xsl:try to fail with this error. The error is not caught by other sibling xsl:catch elements within the same xsl:try instruction, but it may be caught by an xsl:try instruction at an outer level, or by an xsl:try instruction nested within the xsl:catch.

Within the select expression, or within the sequence constructor contained by the xsl:catch element, a number of variables are implicitly declared, giving information about the error that occurred. These are lexically scoped to the xsl:catch element. These variables are all in the standard error namespace, and they are initialized as described in the following table:

Variables Available within xsl:catch
Variable Type Value
err:code xs:QName The error code
err:description xs:string? A description of the error condition; an empty sequence if no description is available (for example, if the errorFO30 function was called with one argument).
err:value item()* Value associated with the error. For an error raised by calling the errorFO30 function, this is the value of the third argument (if supplied). For an error raised by evaluating xsl:message with terminate="yes", or a failing xsl:assert, this is the document node at the root of the tree containing the XML message body.
err:module xs:string? The URI (or system ID) of the stylesheet module containing the instruction where the error occurred; an empty sequence if the information is not available.
err:line-number xs:integer? The line number within the stylesheet module of the instruction where the error occurred; an empty sequence if the information is not available. The value may be approximate.
err:column-number xs:integer? The column number within the stylesheet module of the instruction where the error occurred; an empty sequence if the information is not available. The value may be approximate.

Variables declared within the sequence constructor of the xsl:try element (and not within an xsl:catch) are not visible within the xsl:catch element.


Within an xsl:catch it is possible to re-throw the error using the function call error($err:code, $err:description, $err:value).

The following additional rules apply to the catching of errors:

  1. All dynamic errors occurring during the evaluation of the xsl:try sequence constructor or select expression are caught (provided they match one of the xsl:catch elements).


    • This includes errors occurring in functions or templates invoked in the course of this evaluation, unless already caught by a nested xsl:try.

    • It also includes (for example) errors caused by calling the errorFO30 function, or the xsl:message instruction with terminate="yes", or the xsl:assert instruction, or the xs:error constructor function.

    • It does not include errors that occur while evaluating references to variables whose declaration and initialization is outside the xsl:try.

  2. The existence of an xsl:try instruction does not affect the obligation of the processor to signal certain errors as static errors, or its right to choose whether to signal some errors (such as type errors) statically or dynamically. Static errors are never caught.

  3. Some fatal errors arising in the processing environment, such as running out of memory, may cause termination of the transformation despite the presence of an xsl:try instruction. This is implementation-dependent.

  4. If the sequence constructor or select expression of the xsl:try causes execution of xsl:result-document, xsl:message, or xsl:assert instructions and fails with a dynamic error that is caught, it is implementation-dependent whether these instructions have any externally visible effect. The processor is not required to roll back any changes made by these instructions. The same applies to any side effects caused by extension functions or extension instructions.

  5. A serialization error that occurs during the serialization of a secondary result produced using xsl:result-document is treated as a dynamic error in the evaluation of the xsl:result-document instruction, and may be caught (for example by an xsl:try instruction that contains the xsl:result-document instruction). A serialization error that occurs while serializing the principal result is treated as occurring after the transformation has finished, and cannot be caught.

  6. A validation error is treated as occurring in the instruction that requested validation. For example, if the stylesheet is producing XHTML output and requests validation of the entire result document by means of the attribute validation="strict" on the instruction that creates the outermost html element, then a validation failure can be caught only at that level. Although the validation error might be detected, for example, while writing a p element at a location where no p element is allowed, it is not treated as an error in the instruction that writes the p element and cannot be caught at that level.

  7. A type error may be caught if the processor raises it dynamically; this does not affect the processor’s right to raise the error statically if it chooses.

    The following rules are provided to define which expression is considered to fail when a type error occurs, and therefore where the error can be caught. The general principle is that where the semantics of a construct C place requirements on the type of some subexpression, a type error is an error in the evaluation of C, not in the evaluation of the subexpression.

    For example, consider the following construct:

    <xsl:variable name="v" as="xs:integer">
      <xsl:sequence select="$foo"/>

    The expected type of the result of the sequence constructor is xs:integer; if the value of variable $foo turns out to be a string, then a type error will occur. It is not possible to catch this by writing:

    <xsl:variable name="v" as="xs:integer">
        <xsl:sequence select="$foo"/>

    This fails to catch the error because the xsl:sequence instruction is deemed to evaluate successfully; the failure only occurs when the result of this instruction is bound to the variable.

    A similar rule applies to functions: if the body of a function computes a result which does not conform to the required type of the function result, it is not possible to catch this error within the function body itself; it can only be caught by the caller of the function. Similarly, if an expression used to compute an argument to a function returns a value of the wrong type for the function signature, this is not considered an error in this expression, but an error in evaluating the function call as a whole.

    A consequence of these rules is that when a type error occurs while initializing a global variable (because the initializer returns a value of the wrong type, given the declared type of the variable), then this error cannot be caught.


    Because processors are permitted to report type errors during static analysis, it is unwise to attempt to recover from type errors dynamically. The best strategy is generally to prevent their occurrence. For example, rather than writing $p + 1 where $p is a parameter of unknown type, and then catching the type error that occurs if $p is not numeric, it is better first to test whether $p is numeric, perhaps by means of an expression such as $p instance of my:numeric, where my:numeric is a union type with xs:double, xs:float, and xs:decimal as its member types.

  8. The fact that the application tries to catch errors does not prevent the processor from organizing the evaluation in such a way as to prevent errors occurring. For example exists(//a[10 div . gt 5]) may still do an “early exit”, rather than examining every item in the sequence just to see if it triggers a divide-by-zero error.

  9. Except as specified above, the optimizer must not rearrange the evaluation (at compile time or at run time) so that expressions written to be subject to the try/catch are evaluated outside its scope, or expressions written to be external to the try/catch are evaluated within its scope. This does not prevent expressions being rearranged, but any expression that is so rearranged must carry its try/catch context with it.

8.4.1 Recovery of Result Trees

The XSLT language is designed so that a processor that chooses to execute instructions in document order will always append nodes to the result tree in document order, and never needs to update a result tree in situ. As a result, it is normal practice for XSLT processors to stream the result tree directly to its final destination (for example, a serializer) without ever holding the tree in memory. This applies whether or not the processor is streamable, and whether or not source documents are streamed.

The language specification states (see 2.14 Error Handling) that when a transformation terminates with a dynamic error, the state of persistent resources affected by the transformation (for example, serialized result documents) is implementation-defined, so processors are not required to take any special steps to recover such resources to their pre-transformation state; at the same time, there is no guarantee that secondary result documents produced before the failure occurs will be in a usable state.

The situation becomes more complicated when dynamic errors occur while writing to a result tree, and the dynamic error is caught by an xsl:try/xsl:catch instruction. The semantics of these instructions requires that when an error occurring during the evaluation of xsl:try is caught, the result of the xsl:try instruction is the result of the relevant xsl:catch. To achieve this, any output written to the result tree during the execution of xsl:try until the point where the error occurs must effectively be undone. There are two basic strategies for achieving this: either the updates are not committed to persistent storage until the xsl:try instruction is completed, or the updates are written in such a way that they can be rolled back in the event of a failure.

Both these strategies are potentially expensive, and both have an adverse effect on streaming, in that they affect the amount of memory needed to transform large amounts of data. XSLT 3.0 therefore provides an option to relax the requirement to recover result trees when failures occur in the course of evaluating an xsl:try instruction. This option is invoked by specifying rollback-output="no" on the xsl:try instruction.

The default value of the attribute is rollback-output="yes".

The effect of specifying rollback-output="no" on xsl:try is as follows: if a dynamic error occurs in the course of evaluating the xsl:try instruction, and if the failing construct is evaluated in final output state while writing to some result document, then it is implementation-dependent whether an attempt to catch this error using xsl:catch will be successful. If the attempt is successful, then the xsl:try instruction succeeds, delivering the result of evaluating the xsl:catch clause, and the transformation proceeds as normal. If the attempt is unsuccessful (typically, because non-recoverable updates have already been made to the result tree), then the xsl:try instruction as a whole fails with a dynamic error. The state of this result document will then be undefined, but the transformation can ignore the failure and continue to produce other result documents, for example by wrapping the xsl:result-document instruction in an xsl:try instruction that catches the relevant error.

[ERR XTDE3530] It is a dynamic error if an xsl:try instruction is unable to recover the state of a final result tree because recovery has been disabled by use of the attribute rollback-output="no".

For example, consider the following:

<xsl:result-document href="out.xml">     
  <xsl:try rollback-output="no">
    <xsl:source-document streamable="yes" href="in.xml">
      <xsl:copy-of select="."/>
    <xsl:catch errors="*">
       <error code="{$err:code}" message="{$err:description}" file="in.xml"/>

The most likely failure to occur here is a failure to read the streamed input file in.xml. In the common case where this failure is detected immediately, for example if the file does not exist or the network connection is down, no output will have been written to the result document, and the attempt to catch the error is likely to be successful. If however a failure is detected after several megabytes of data have been copied to out.xml, for example an XML well-formedness error in the input file, or a network failure that occurs while reading the file, recovery of the output file may be impossible. In this situation the xsl:result-document instruction will fail with a dynamic error. It is possible to catch this error, but the state of the file out.xml will be unpredictable.

Note that adding an xsl:try instruction as a child of xsl:source-document does not help. Any error reading the input file (such as a well-formedness error) is an error in the xsl:source-document instruction and can only be caught at that level.

When rollback-output="no" is specified, it is still possible to ensure recovery of errors happens predictably by evaluating the potentially failing code in temporary output state: typically, within an xsl:variable. In effect the variable acts as an explicit buffer for temporary results, which is only copied to the final output if evaluation succeeds.


An application might wish to ensure that when a fatal error occurs while reading an input stream, data written to persistent storage up to the point of failure is available after the transformation terminates. Setting rollback-output="no" does not guarantee this, but a processor might choose to interpret this as the intent.

Changing the attribute to rollback-output="yes" makes the stylesheet more robust and able to handle error conditions predictably, but the cost may be substantial; for example it may be necessary to buffer the whole of the result document in memory.

8.4.2 Try/Catch Examples

Example: Catching a Divide-by-Zero Error

The following example divides an employee’s salary by the number of years they have served, catching the divide-by-zero error if the latter is zero.

<xsl:try select="salary div length-of-service">
  <xsl:catch errors="err:FOAR0001" select="()"/>


Example: Catching an Error during Result-tree Validation

The following example generates a result tree and performs schema validation, outputting a warning message and serializing the invalid tree if validation fails.

<xsl:result-document href="out.xml">
  <xsl:variable name="result">
    <xsl:call-template name="construct-output"/>
    <xsl:copy-of select="$result" validation="strict"/>
      <xsl:message>Warning: validation of result document failed:
          Error code: <xsl:value-of select="$err:code"/>
          Reason: <xsl:value-of select="$err:description"/>
      <xsl:sequence select="$result"/>

The reason that the result tree is constructed in a variable in this example is so that the unvalidated tree is available to be used within the xsl:catch element. An alternative approach would be to repeat the logic for constructing the tree:

  <xsl:result-document href="out.xml" validation="strict">  
    <xsl:call-template name="construct-output"/>
    <xsl:message>Warning: validation of result document failed:
          Error code: <xsl:value-of select="$err:code"/>
          Reason: <xsl:value-of select="$err:description"/>
    <xsl:call-template name="construct-output"/>

8.5 Conditional Content Construction

The facilities described in this section are designed to make it easier to generate result trees conditionally depending on what is found in the input, without violating the rules for streamability. These facilities are available whether or not streaming is in use, but they are introduced to the language specifically to make streaming easier.

The facilities are introduced first by example:

Example: Generating a Wrapper Element for a non-Empty Sequence

The following example generates an events element if and only if there are one or more event elements. The code could be written like this:

<xsl:if test="exists(event)">
    <xsl:copy-of select="event"/>

However, the above code would not be guaranteed-streamable, because it processes the child event elements more than once. To make it streamable, it can be rewritten as:

    <xsl:copy-of select="event"/>

The effect of the xsl:where-populated instruction, as explained later, is to avoid outputting the events element if it would have no children. A streaming implementation will typically hold the start tag of the events element in a buffer, to be sent to the output destination only if and when a child node is generated.


Example: Generating a Header and Footer only if there is Content

The following example generates an h3 element and a summary paragraph only if a list of items is non-empty. The code could be written like this:

<xsl:if test="exists(item-for-sale)">
  <h1>Items for Sale</h1>
<xsl:apply-templates select="item-for-sale"/>
<xsl:if test="exists(item-for-sale)">
  <p>Total value: {accumulator-before('total-value')}</p>

However, the above code would not be guaranteed-streamable, because it processes the child item-for-sale elements more than once. To make it streamable, it can be rewritten as:

    <h1>Items for Sale</h1>
  <xsl:apply-templates select="item-for-sale"/>
    <p>Total value: {accumulator-before('total-value')}</p>

The effect of the xsl:on-non-empty instruction, as explained later, is to output the enclosed content only if the containing sequence constructor also generates “ordinary” content, that is, if there is content generated by instructions other than xsl:on-empty and xsl:on-non-empty instructions.


Example: Generating Substitute Text when there is no Content

The following example generates a summary paragraph only if a list of items is empty. The code could be written like this:

<xsl:apply-templates select="item-for-sale"/>
<xsl:if test="empty(item-for-sale)">
  <p>There are no items for sale.</p>

However, the above code would not be guaranteed-streamable, because it processes the child item-for-sale elements more than once (the fact that the list is empty is irrelevant, because streamability is determined statically). To make the code streamable, it can be rewritten as:

  <xsl:apply-templates select="item-for-sale"/>
    <p>There are no items for sale.</p>

The effect of the xsl:on-empty instruction, as explained later, is to output the enclosed content only if the containing sequence constructor generates no “ordinary” content, that is, if there is no content generated by instructions other than xsl:on-empty and xsl:on-non-empty instructions.


In some cases, similar effects can be achieved by using the has-childrenFO30 function, which tests whether an element has child nodes without consuming the children. However, use of has-childrenFO30 has the drawback that the function is unselective: it cannot be used to test whether there are any children of relevance to the application. In particular, it returns true if an element contains comments or whitespace text nodes that the application might consider to be insignificant.


There are no special streamability rules for the three instructions xsl:where-populated, xsl:on-empty, or xsl:on-non-empty. The general streamability rules apply. In many cases the xsl:on-empty and xsl:on-non-empty instructions will generate content that does not depend on the source document, and they will therefore be motionless, but this is not required.

8.5.1 The xsl:where-populated instruction

<!-- Category: instruction -->
  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

The xsl:where-populated instruction encloses a sequence constructor. The result of the instruction is established as follows:

  1. The sequence constructor is evaluated in the usual way (taking into account any xsl:on-empty and xsl:on-non-empty instructions) to produce a result $R.

  2. The result of the instruction is the value of the expression $R[not(deemed-empty(.))] where the function deemed-empty($item as item()) returns true if and only if $item is one of the following:

    • A document or element node that has no children.


      If an element has attributes or namespaces, these do not prevent the element being deemed empty.

      If a document or element node has children, the node is not deemed empty, even if the children are empty. For example, a document node created using an xsl:variable instruction in the form <xsl:variable name="temp"><a/></xsl:variable> is not deemed empty, even though the contained <a/> element is empty.

    • A node, other than a document or element node, whose string value is zero-length.


      A whitespace-only text node is not deemed empty.

    • An atomic value such that the result of casting the atomic value to a string is zero-length.


      This can happen only when the atomic value is of type xs:string, xs:anyURI, xs:untypedAtomic, xs:hexBinary, or xs:base64Binary.

    • A map whose size (number of key/value pairs) is zero.

    • An array (see 22 Arrays) where the result of flattening the array using the array:flattenFO40 function is either an empty sequence, or a sequence in which every item is deemed empty (applying these rules recursively).

Example: Generating an HTML list

The following example generates an HTML unnumbered list, if and only if the list is non-empty. Note that the presence of the class attribute does not make the list non-empty. The code is written to be streamable.

  <ul class="my-list">
    <xsl:for-each select="source-item">
       <li><xsl:value-of select="."/></li>

8.5.2 The xsl:on-empty instruction

<!-- Category: instruction -->
  select? = expression >
  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

The xsl:on-empty instruction has the same content model as xsl:sequence, and when it is evaluated, the same rules apply. In particular, the select attribute and the contained sequence constructor are mutually exclusive [see ERR XTSE3185].

When an xsl:on-empty instruction appears in a sequence constructor, then:

  1. It must be the only xsl:on-empty instruction in the sequence constructor, and

  2. It must not be followed in the sequence constructor by any other instruction, other than xsl:fallback, or by a significant text node (that is, a text node that has not been discarded under the provisions of 3.13.1 Stripping Whitespace and Commentary from the Stylesheet), or by a literal result element. It may, however, be followed by non-instructions such as xsl:catch where appropriate.

[Definition: An item is vacuous if it is one of the following: a zero-length text node; a document node with no children; an atomic value which, on casting to xs:string, produces a zero-length string; or (when XPath 3.1 is supported) an array which on flattening using the array:flattenFO40 function produces either an empty sequence or a sequence consisting entirely of vacuous items.]

An xsl:on-empty instruction is triggered only if every preceding sibling instruction, text node, and literal result element in the same sequence constructor returns either an empty sequence, or a sequence consisting entirely of vacuous items.

If an xsl:on-empty instruction is triggered, then the result of the containing sequence constructor is the result of the xsl:on-empty instruction.


This means that the (vacuous) results produced by other instructions in the sequence constructor are discarded. This is relevant mainly when the result of the sequence constructor is used for something other than constructing a node: for example if it forms the result of a function, or the value of a variable, and the function or variable specifies a required type.

When streaming, it may be necessary to buffer vacuous items in the result sequence until it is known whether the result will contain items that are non-vacuous. In many common situations, however — in particular, when the sequence constructor is being used to create the content of a node — vacuous items can be discarded immediately because they do not affect the content of the node being constructed.


In nearly all cases, the rules for xsl:on-empty are aligned with the rules for constructing complex content. If the sequence constructor within a literal result element or an xsl:element instruction includes an xsl:on-empty instruction, then the content of the element will be the value delivered by the xsl:on-empty instruction if and only if the content would otherwise be empty.

There is one minor exception to this rule: if the sequence constructor delivers multiple zero-length strings, then in the absence of the xsl:on-empty instruction the new element would contain whitespace, made up of the separators between these zero-length strings; but xsl:on-empty takes no account of these separators.


Attribute and namespace nodes created by the sequence constructor are significant; the xsl:on-empty instruction will not be triggered if such nodes are present. If this is not the desired effect, it is possible to partition the sequence constructor to change the scope of xsl:on-empty, for example:

  <xsl:attribute name="class" select="numbered-list"/>
    <xsl:value-of select="xyz"/>
    <xsl:on-empty select="'The list is empty'"/>


Where the sequence constructor is a child of an instruction with an [xsl:]use-attribute-sets attribute, any attribute nodes created by expanding the referenced attribute set(s) are not part of the result of the sequence constructor and therefore play no role in determining whether an xsl:on-empty or xsl:on-non-empty instruction is triggered. Equally, when the sequence constructor is a child of a literal result element, attribute nodes generated by expanding the attributes of the literal result element are not taken into account.


If xsl:on-empty is the only instruction in a sequence constructor then it is always evaluated.

If xsl:on-empty and xsl:on-non-empty appear in the same sequence constructor, then the rules ensure that only one of them will be evaluated.

8.5.3 The xsl:on-non-empty instruction

<!-- Category: instruction -->
  select? = expression >
  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

The xsl:on-non-empty instruction has the same content model as xsl:sequence, and when it is evaluated, the same rules apply. In particular, the select attribute and the contained sequence constructor are mutually exclusive [see ERR XTSE3185].

An xsl:on-non-empty instruction is evaluated only if there is at least one sibling node in the same sequence constructor, excluding xsl:on-empty and xsl:on-non-empty instructions, whose evaluation yields a sequence containing an item that is not vacuous. If this condition applies, then all xsl:on-non-empty instructions in the containing sequence constructor are evaluated, and their results are included in the result of the containing sequence constructor in their proper positions.


The xsl:on-non-empty instruction is typically used to generate headers or footers appearing before or after a list of items, where the header or footer is to be omitted if there are no items in the list.


Unlike xsl:on-empty, the xsl:on-non-empty instruction can appear anywhere in a sequence constructor, and can appear more than once.

8.5.4 Evaluating xsl:on-empty and xsl:on-non-empty Instructions

The following non-normative algorithm explains one possible strategy for streamed evaluation of a sequence constructor containing xsl:on-empty and/or xsl:on-non-empty instructions.

The algorithm makes use of the following mutable variables:

  • L : a list of instructions awaiting evaluation. Initially empty.

  • R : a list of items to act as the result of the evaluation. Initially empty.

  • F : a boolean flag, initially false, to indicate whether any non-vacuous items have been written to R by ordinary instructions. The term ordinary instruction means any node in the sequence constructor other than an xsl:on-empty or xsl:on-non-empty instruction.

The algorithm is as follows:

  1. The nodes in the sequence constructor are evaluated in document order.

  2. When an xsl:on-non-empty instruction is encountered, then:

    1. If F is true, the instruction is evaluated and the result is appended to R.

    2. Otherwise, the instruction is appended to L.

  3. When an ordinary instruction is evaluated:

    1. The results of the evaluation are appended to R, in order.

    2. When a non-vacuous item is about to be appended to R, and F is false, then before appending the item to R, the following actions are taken:

      1. Any xsl:on-non-empty instructions in L are evaluated, in order, and their results are appended to R.

      2. F is set to true.

  4. When an xsl:on-empty instruction is encountered, then:

    1. If F is true, the instruction is ignored.

    2. Otherwise, the existing contents of R are discarded, the instruction is evaluated, and its results are appended to R.


      The need to discard items from R arises only when all the items in R are vacuous. Streaming implementations may therefore need a limited amount of buffering to retain insignificant items until it is known whether they will be needed. However, in many common cases an optimized implementation will be able to discard vacuous items such as empty text nodes immediately, because when a node is being constructed using the rules in 5.8.1 Constructing Complex Content or 5.8.2 Constructing Simple Content, such items have no effect on the final outcome.

      Otherwise, the instruction is evaluated and its results are appended to R.

  5. The result of the sequence constructor is the list of items in R.

8.5.5 A More Complex Example

This example shows how the three instructions xsl:where-populated, xsl:on-empty, and xsl:on-non-empty may be combined.

Example: Generating a Table only if there is Content

The following example generates a table containing the names and ages of a set of students; if there are no students, it substitutes a paragraph explaining this.

<div id="students">
            <xsl:for-each select="student/copy-of()">
                  <td><xsl:value-of select="name"/></td>
                  <td><xsl:value-of select="age"/></td>
   <p>There are no students</p>


  • The xsl:where-populated around the table element ensures that if there is no thead and no tbody, then there will be no table.

  • The xsl:on-non-empty surrounding the thead element ensures that the thead element is not output unless the tbody element is output.

  • The xsl:where-populated around the tbody element ensures that the tbody element is not output unless there is at least one table row (tr).

  • The xsl:on-empty around the p element ensures that if no table is output, then the paragraph There are no students is output instead.

9 Variables and Parameters

[Definition: The two elements xsl:variable and xsl:param are referred to as variable-binding elements.]

[Definition: The xsl:variable element declares a variable, which may be a global variable or a local variable.]

[Definition: The xsl:param element declares a parameter, which may be a stylesheet parameter, a template parameter, a function parameter, or an xsl:iterate parameter. A parameter is a variable with the additional property that its value can be set by the caller.]

[Definition: A variable is a binding between a name and a value. The value of a variable is any sequence (of nodes, atomic values, and/or function items), as defined in [XDM 3.0].]

9.1 Variables

<!-- Category: declaration -->
<!-- Category: instruction -->
  name = eqname
  select? = expression
  as? = sequence-type
  static? = boolean〔'no'〕
  visibility? = "public" | "private" | "final" | "abstract" >
  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

The xsl:variable element has a required name attribute, which specifies the name of the variable. The value of the name attribute is an EQName, which is expanded as described in 5.1.1 Qualified Names.

The xsl:variable element has an optional as attribute, which specifies the required type of the variable. The value of the as attribute is a SequenceType.

[Definition: The value of the variable is computed using the expression given in the select attribute or the contained sequence constructor, as described in 9.3 Values of Variables and Parameters. This value is referred to as the supplied value of the variable.] If the xsl:variable element has a select attribute, then the sequence constructor must be empty.

If the as attribute is specified, then the supplied value of the variable is converted to the required type, using the coercion rules.

[ERR XTTE0570] It is a type error if the supplied value of a variable cannot be converted to the required type.

If the as attribute is omitted, the supplied value of the variable is used directly, and no conversion takes place.

For the effect of the static attribute, see 9.6 Static Variables and Parameters.

The visibility attribute must not be specified for a local variable: that is, it is allowed only when the parent element is xsl:stylesheet, xsl:transform, xsl:package or xsl:override.

If the visibility attribute is present with the value abstract then the select attribute must be absent and the contained sequence constructor must be empty. In this situation there is no supplied value, and therefore the constraint that the supplied value is consistent with the required type does not apply.

9.2 Parameters

<!-- Category: declaration -->
  name = eqname
  select? = expression
  as? = sequence-type
  required? = boolean
  tunnel? = boolean〔'no'〕
  static? = boolean〔'no'〕 >
  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

The xsl:param element may be used:

The attributes applicable to xsl:param depend on its parent element in the stylesheet, as defined by the following table:

Attributes of the xsl:param Element
Parent Element name select as required tunnel static
xsl:package mandatory optional optional yes|no no yes|no
xsl:stylesheet mandatory optional optional yes|no no yes|no
xsl:template mandatory optional optional yes|no yes|no no
xsl:function mandatory optional optional yes|no no no
xsl:iterate mandatory mandatory optional no no no

In the table, the entries for the name, select, and as attributes indicate whether the attribute must appear, is optional, or must be absent; the entries for the required, tunnel, and static attributes indicate the values that are permitted if the attribute is present, with the default value shown in bold. (The value yes can also be written true or 1, while no can also be written false or 0.)

The name attribute is mandatory: it specifies the name of the parameter. The value of the name attribute is an EQName, which is expanded as described in 5.1.1 Qualified Names.

[ERR XTSE0580] It is a static error if the values of the name attribute of two sibling xsl:param elements represent the same expanded QName.

If the xsl:param element has a select attribute, then the sequence constructor must be empty.

The static attribute can take the value yes only on stylesheet parameters, and is explained in 9.5 Global Variables and Parameters.


Local variables may shadow template parameters and function parameters: see 9.9 Scope of Variables.

The optional tunnel attribute may be used to indicate that a parameter is a tunnel parameter. The default is no; the value yes may be specified only for template parameters. Tunnel parameters are described in 10.1.6 Tunnel Parameters

9.2.1 The Required Type of a Parameter

The xsl:param element has an optional as attribute, which specifies the required type of the parameter. The value of the as attribute is a SequenceType. If the as attribute is omitted, then the required type is item()*.

The supplied value of the parameter is the value supplied by the caller. If no value was supplied by the caller, and if the parameter is not mandatory, then the default value is used as the supplied value as described in 9.2.2 Default Values of Parameters.

The supplied value of the parameter is converted to the required type using the coercion rules.

[ERR XTTE0590] It is a type error if the conversion of the supplied value of a parameter, or of the context item, does not match the required type, after applying any permitted conversions. [XSLT 3.0 Erratum E22, bug 30238].

9.2.2 Default Values of Parameters

The optional required attribute of xsl:param may be used to indicate whether a stylesheet parameter, template parameter, or function parameter is mandatory or optional. The only value permitted for a function parameter is yes (these are always mandatory), and the only value permitted for a parameter to xsl:iterate is no (these are always initialized to a default value).

The default value for a function parameter is required="yes"; in all other cases it is required="no".

[Definition: A parameter is explicitly mandatory if it is a function parameter with no required attribute, or if the required attribute is present and has the value yes.] If a parameter is explicitly mandatory, then the xsl:param element must be empty and must not have a select attribute.

The static context for evaluating the default value depends on where the relevant expression appears in the stylesheet, in the usual way. Note however that for xsl:param elements defining function parameters, the static context does not include variables bound in preceding-sibling xsl:param elements.

The dynamic context is different for different kinds of parameter:

  • For stylesheet parameters, the context is the same as the context for evaluating global variables.

  • For template parameters, the context is that of the called template. This means that the evaluation of the default has access to the other parameters supplied in the call, provided they are declared earlier. It also means, for example, that if the evaluation of the default value invokes xsl:next-match, the current template rule is the called template rather than the calling template.

  • For function parameters, the dynamic context for evaluating defaults is the dynamic context of the caller, except that no local variables are in scope. This means that it is possible to declare a parameter with <xsl:param name="dot" required="no" select="."/> to take its default value from the context item of the caller.

If a parameter is not explicitly mandatory, then it may have a default value. The default value is obtained by evaluating the expression given in the select attribute or the contained sequence constructor, as described in 9.3 Values of Variables and Parameters.


This specification does not dictate whether and when the default value of a parameter is evaluated. For example, if the default is specified as <xsl:param name="p"><foo/></xsl:param>, then it is not specified whether a distinct foo element node will be created on each invocation of the template, or whether the same foo element node will be used for each invocation. However, it is permissible for the default value to depend on the values of other parameters, or on the evaluation context, in which case the default must effectively be evaluated on each invocation.

[Definition: An explicit default for a parameter is indicated by the presence of either a select attribute or a non-empty sequence constructor.]

[Definition: If a parameter that is not explicitly mandatory has no explicit default value, then it has an implicit default value, which is the empty sequence if there is an as attribute, or a zero-length string if not.]

[Definition: If a parameter has an implicit default value which cannot be converted to the required type (that is, if it has an as attribute which does not permit the empty sequence), then the parameter is implicitly mandatory.]


The effect of these rules is that specifying <xsl:param name="p" as="xs:date" select="2"/> is an error, but if the default value of the parameter is never used, then the processor has discretion whether or not to report the error. By contrast, <xsl:param name="p" as="xs:date"/> is treated as if required="yes" had been specified: the empty sequence is not a valid instance of xs:date, so in effect there is no default value and the parameter is therefore treated as being mandatory.

Various errors can arise with regard to mandatory parameters when no value is supplied. In the rules below, non-tunnel means: not having a tunnel attribute with the value yes.

9.3 Values of Variables and Parameters

A variable-binding element may specify the supplied value of a variable or the default value of a parameter in four different ways.

  • If the variable-binding element has a select attribute, then the value of the attribute must be an expression and the supplied value of the variable is the value that results from evaluating the expression. In this case, the content of the variable-binding element must be empty.

  • If the variable-binding element has empty content and has neither a select attribute nor an as attribute, then the supplied value of the variable is a zero-length string. Thus

    <xsl:variable name="x"/>

    is equivalent to

    <xsl:variable name="x" select="''"/>
  • If a variable-binding element has no select attribute and has non-empty content (that is, the variable-binding element has one or more child nodes), and has no as attribute, then the content of the variable-binding element specifies the supplied value. The content of the variable-binding element is a sequence constructor; a new document is constructed with a document node having as its children the sequence of nodes that results from evaluating the sequence constructor and then applying the rules given in 5.8.1 Constructing Complex Content. The value of the variable is then a singleton sequence containing this document node. For further information, see 9.4 Creating Implicit Document Nodes.

  • If a variable-binding element has an as attribute but no select attribute, then the supplied value is the sequence that results from evaluating the (possibly empty) sequence constructor contained within the variable-binding element (see 5.8 Sequence Constructors).

These combinations are summarized in the table below.

Effect of Different Attribute Combinations on xsl:variable
select attribute as attribute content Effect
present absent empty Value is obtained by evaluating the select attribute
present present empty Value is obtained by evaluating the select attribute, adjusted to the type required by the as attribute
present absent present Static error
present present present Static error
absent absent empty Value is a zero-length string
absent present empty Value is an empty sequence, provided the as attribute permits an empty sequence
absent absent present Value is a document node whose content is obtained by evaluating the sequence constructor
absent present present Value is obtained by evaluating the sequence constructor, adjusted to the type required by the as attribute

[ERR XTSE0620] It is a static error if a variable-binding element has a select attribute and has non-empty content.

Example: Values of Variables

The value of the following variable is the sequence of integers (1, 2, 3):

<xsl:variable name="i" as="xs:integer*" select="1 to 3"/>

The value of the following variable is an integer, assuming that the attribute @size exists, and is annotated either as an integer, or as xs:untypedAtomic:

<xsl:variable name="i" as="xs:integer" select="@size"/>

The value of the following variable is a zero-length string:

<xsl:variable name="z"/>

The value of the following variable is a document node containing an empty element as a child:

<xsl:variable name="doc"><c/></xsl:variable>

The value of the following variable is a sequence of integers (2, 4, 6):

<xsl:variable name="seq" as="xs:integer*">
  <xsl:for-each select="1 to 3">
    <xsl:sequence select=".*2"/>

The value of the following variable is a sequence of parentless attribute nodes:

<xsl:variable name="attset" as="attribute()+">
  <xsl:attribute name="x">2</xsl:attribute>
  <xsl:attribute name="y">3</xsl:attribute>
  <xsl:attribute name="z">4</xsl:attribute>    

The value of the following variable is an empty sequence:

<xsl:variable name="empty" as="empty-sequence()"/>

The actual value of the variable depends on the supplied value, as described above, and the required type, which is determined by the value of the as attribute.

Example: Pitfalls with Numeric Predicates

When a variable is used to select nodes by position, be careful not to do:

<xsl:variable name="n">2</xsl:variable>
<xsl:value-of select="td[$n]"/>

This will output the values of all the td elements, space-separated (or with XSLT 1.0 behavior, the value of the first td element), because the variable n will be bound to a node, not a number. Instead, do one of the following:

<xsl:variable name="n" select="2"/>
<xsl:value-of select="td[$n]"/>


<xsl:variable name="n">2</xsl:variable>
<xsl:value-of select="td[position()=$n]"/>


<xsl:variable name="n" as="xs:integer">2</xsl:variable>
<xsl:value-of select="td[$n]"/>

9.4 Creating Implicit Document Nodes

A document node is created implicitly when evaluating an xsl:variable, xsl:param, or xsl:with-param element that has non-empty content and that has no as attribute. The value of the variable is this newly constructed document node. The content of the document node is formed from the result of evaluating the sequence constructor contained within the variable-binding element, as described in 5.8.1 Constructing Complex Content.


The construct:

<xsl:variable name="tree">

can be regarded as a shorthand for:

<xsl:variable name="tree" as="document-node()">
  <xsl:document validation="preserve">

The base URI of the document node is taken from the base URI of the variable binding element in the stylesheet. (See Section 5.2 base-uri Accessor DM30 in [XDM 3.0])

No document-level validation takes place (which means, for example, that there is no checking that ID values are unique). However, type annotations on nodes within the new tree are copied unchanged.


The base URI of other nodes in the tree is determined by the rules for constructing complex content (see 5.8.1 Constructing Complex Content). The effect of these rules is that the base URI of a node in the temporary tree is determined as if all the nodes in the temporary tree came from a single entity whose URI was the base URI of the variable-binding element. Thus, the base URI of the document node will be equal to the base URI of the variable-binding element, while an xml:base attribute within the temporary tree will change the base URI for its parent element and that element’s descendants, just as it would within a document constructed by parsing.

The document-uri and unparsed-entities properties of the new document node are set to empty.

A temporary tree is available for processing in exactly the same way as any source document. For example, its nodes are accessible using path expressions, and they can be processed using instructions such as xsl:apply-templates and xsl:for-each. Also, the key and idFO30 functions can be used to find nodes within a temporary tree, by supplying the document node at the root of the tree as an argument to the function or by making it the context node.

Example: Two-Phase Transformation

The following stylesheet uses a temporary tree as the intermediate result of a two-phase transformation, using different modes for the two phases (see 6.7 Modes). Typically, the template rules in module phase1.xsl will be declared with mode="phase1", while those in module phase2.xsl will be declared with mode="phase2":


<xsl:import href="phase1.xsl"/>
<xsl:import href="phase2.xsl"/>

<xsl:variable name="intermediate">
  <xsl:apply-templates select="/" mode="phase1"/>

<xsl:template match="/">
  <xsl:apply-templates select="$intermediate" mode="phase2"/>



The algorithm for matching nodes against template rules is exactly the same regardless which tree the nodes come from. If different template rules are to be used when processing different trees, then unless nodes from different trees can be distinguished by means of patterns, it is a good idea to use modes to ensure that each tree is processed using the appropriate set of template rules.

9.5 Global Variables and Parameters

Both xsl:variable and xsl:param are allowed as declaration elements: that is, they may appear as children of the xsl:package or xsl:stylesheet element.

[Definition: A top-level variable-binding element declares a global variable that is visible everywhere (except within its own declaration, and where it is shadowed by another binding) except (a) within the xsl:variable or xsl:param element itself, (b) within any other global variable declaration that binds a variable with the same name, and (c) within any region where it is shadowed by another variable binding..]

[Definition: A top-level xsl:param element declares a stylesheet parameter. A stylesheet parameter is a global variable with the additional property that its value can be supplied by the caller when a transformation is initiated.] As described in 9.2 Parameters, a stylesheet parameter may be declared as being mandatory, or may have a default value specified for use when no value is supplied by the caller. The mechanism by which the caller supplies a value for a stylesheet parameter is implementation-defined. An XSLT processor must provide such a mechanism.

It is an error if no value is supplied for a mandatory stylesheet parameter [see ERR XTDE0050].

If a stylesheet contains more than one binding for a global variable of a particular name, then the binding with the highest import precedence is used.

[ERR XTSE0630] It is a static error if a package contains more than one non-hidden binding of a global variable with the same name and same import precedence, unless it also contains another binding with the same name and higher import precedence.

For a global variable or the default value of a stylesheet parameter, the expression or sequence constructor specifying the variable value is evaluated with a singleton focus as follows:

An XPath error will be reported if the evaluation of a global variable or parameter references the context item, context position, or context size when the focus is absent. The values of other components of the dynamic context are the initial values as defined in 5.3.4 Initializing the Dynamic Context and 5.3.5 Additional Dynamic Context Components used by XSLT.

The visibility of a stylesheet parameter is always (implicitly) private if the parameter is static, or public if the parameter is non-static.


This rule has the effect that after combining all the packages making up a stylesheet, the non-static stylesheet parameters whose values are required necessarily have distinct names, which simplifies the design of APIs.

For the effect of the static attribute, see 9.6 Static Variables and Parameters.

The visibility attribute must not be specified for a local variable: that is, it is allowed only when the parent element is xsl:package, xsl:stylesheet, xsl:transform, or xsl:override.

If the visibility attribute is present with the value abstract then the select attribute must be absent and the contained sequence constructor must be empty. In this situation there is no supplied value, and therefore the constraint that the supplied value is consistent with the required type does not apply.

Example: A Stylesheet Parameter

The following example declares a global parameter para-font-size, which is referenced in an attribute value template.

<xsl:param name="para-font-size" as="xs:string">12pt</xsl:param>

<xsl:template match="para">
 <fo:block font-size="{$para-font-size}">

The implementation must provide a mechanism allowing the user to supply a value for the parameter para-font-size when invoking the stylesheet; the value 12pt acts as a default.

9.6 Static Variables and Parameters

Static variables and parameters are global variables and can be used in the same way as other global variables. In addition, they can be used in [xsl:]use-when expressions and in shadow attributes.

[Definition: A top-level variable-binding element having the attribute static="yes" declares a static variable: that is, a global variable whose value is known during static analysis of the stylesheet.]

[Definition: A static variable declared using an xsl:param element is referred to as a static parameter.]

The static attribute must not take the value yes on an xsl:variable or xsl:param element unless it is a top-level element.

When the static attribute is present with the value yes, the visibility attribute must not have a value other than private.


This rule prevents static variables being overridden in another package. Since the values of such variables may be used at compile time (for example, during processing of [xsl:]use-when expressions), the rule is necessary to ensure that packages can be independently compiled.

It is possible to make the value of a static variable or parameter available in a using package by binding a non-static public variable to its value, for example:

<xsl:param name="DEBUG" static="yes" select="true()"/>
     <xsl:variable name="tracing" static="no" visibility="public" select="$DEBUG"/>

When the attribute static="yes" is specified, the xsl:variable or xsl:param element must have empty content. In the case of xsl:variable the select attribute must be present to define the value of the variable [see ERR XTSE0010].

If the select attribute is present, then it is evaluated using the rules for static expressions.

The rules for the scope of static variables, and the handling of duplicate declarations, are similar to the rules for non-static variables, but with additional constraints designed to disallow forwards references. The reason for disallowing forwards references is to ensure that use-when attributes can always be evaluated as early as possible, and in particular to ensure that the value of a use-when attribute never has circular dependencies. The additional constraints are as follows:

  1. The static context for evaluation of a static expression only contains those static variables visible within the containing package whose declarations occur prior to the element containing the static expression in stylesheet tree order. Stylesheet tree order is the order that results when all xsl:import and xsl:include declarations are replaced by the declarations in the imported or included stylesheet module. A static variable is not in scope within its own declaration.

  2. If two static variables declared within the same package have the same name, the one that has higher import precedence is used (it is a consequence of rules defined elsewhere that there cannot be more than one declaration with highest import precedence). However, if the declaration with higher import precedence occurs after the one with lower import precedence in stylesheet tree order, then the two declarations must be consistent. For this purpose two declarations are consistent if (a) they are either both xsl:variable elements, or both xsl:param elements, and (b) if the variables are initialized (that is, if the elements are xsl:variable elements, or if they are xsl:param elements and no value for the parameter is externally supplied) then the values of both variables must be identicalFO40, and must not contain function items.


    This rule ensures that when a static variable reference is encountered, the value of the most recently declared static variable with that name can be used, knowing that this value cannot be overridden by a subsequent declaration having higher import precedence.

    [ERR XTSE3450] It is a static error if a variable declared with static="yes" is inconsistent with another static variable of the same name that is declared earlier in stylesheet tree order and that has lower import precedence.


It is not an error to have two global variables or parameters with the same name, one static and one non-static, provided that they have different import precedence. If the static variable has higher precedence, then it will be used as the selected binding for all global variable references with this name, whether or not they appear in static expressions. If the non-static variable has higher precedence, then the static variable will be used as the selected binding for variable references appearing in static expressions, while the non-static variable will be used for variable references in non-static expressions. The two variables may have different values. In the case of global parameters, however, a transformation API may restrict them to have the same value.

If the two variable declarations have the same import precedence, and there is no declaration with higher import precedence, then error condition [see ERR XTSE0630] applies. [XSLT 3.0 Erratum E34, bug 30301].

9.7 Static Expressions

[Definition: A static expression is an XPath expression whose value must be computed during static analysis of the stylesheet.]

Static expressions appear in a number of contexts, in particular:

There are no syntactic constraints on the XPath expression that can be used as a static expression. However, there are severe constraints on the information provided in its evaluation context. These constraints are designed to ensure that the expression can be evaluated at the earliest possible stage of stylesheet processing, without any dependency on information contained in the stylesheet itself or in any source document.

Specifically, the components of the static and dynamic context are defined by the following two tables:

Static Context Components for Static Expressions
Component Value
XPath 1.0 compatibility mode false
Statically known namespaces determined by the in-scope namespaces for the containing element in the stylesheet
Default element namespace determined by the xpath-default-namespace attribute if present (see 5.1.2 Unprefixed Lexical QNames in Expressions and Patterns); otherwise the null namespace
Default type namespace determined by the xpath-default-namespace attribute if present (see 5.1.2 Unprefixed Lexical QNames in Expressions and Patterns); otherwise the null namespace
Default function namespace The standard function namespace.
In-scope schema types The type definitions that would be available in the absence of any xsl:import-schema declaration
In-scope element declarations None
In-scope attribute declarations None
In-scope variables The static variables visible within the containing package whose declarations occur prior to the element containing the static expression in stylesheet tree order. Stylesheet tree order is the order that results when all xsl:import and xsl:include declarations are replaced by the declarations in the imported or included stylesheet module. A static variable is not in scope within its own declaration, and it is in scope only within its declaring package, not in any using packages. If two static variables satisfying this rule have the same name and are both in scope, the one that appears most recently in stylesheet tree order is used; as a consequence of rules defined elsewhere this will always be consistent with the declaration having highest import precedence.
Context item static type Absent
Item type aliases None
Statically known function definitions The functions defined in [Functions and Operators 4.0] in the fn math, map, and array namespaces, together with:
  1. the functions element-available, function-available, type-available, available-system-properties, and system-property defined in this specification;

  2. functions that appear in both this specification and in [Functions and Operators 3.1] (for example, the functions in the map namespaces, and a few others such as collation-key and json-to-xml);

  3. if XPath 3.1 is supported, functions defined in [Functions and Operators 3.1] in the fn, math, map, and array namespaces;

  4. constructor functions for built-in types;

  5. the set of extension functions that are present in the static context of every XPath expression (other than a static expression) within the content of the element that contains the static expression.

Note that stylesheet functions are not included in the context, which means that the function function-available will return false in respect of such functions, and function-lookupFO30 will fail to find them. The effect of this rule is to ensure that function-available returns true in respect of functions that can be called within the static expression. It also has the effect that these extension functions will be recognized within the static expression itself; however, the fact that a function is available in this sense gives no guarantee that a call on the function will succeed.
Statically known collations Implementation-defined
Default collation The Unicode Codepoint Collation
Static Base URI The base URI of the containing element in the stylesheet document (see Section 5.2 base-uri Accessor DM30)
Statically known documents Implementation-defined
Statically known collections Implementation-defined
Statically known default collection type Implementation-defined
Statically known decimal formats A single unnamed decimal format equivalent to the decimal format that is created by an xsl:decimal-format declaration with no attributes.


Dynamic Context Components for Static Expressions
Component Value
Context item, position, and size Absent
Variable values A value for every variable present in the in-scope variables. For static parameters where an external value is supplied: the externally supplied value of the parameter. In all other cases: the value of the variable as defined in 9.3 Values of Variables and Parameters.
Dynamically known function definitions The same as the statically known function definitions
Current dateTime Implementation-defined
Implicit timezone Implementation-defined
Executable Base URI The same as the Static Base URI
Default collation The Unicode Codepoint Collation
Default language Implementation-defined
Default calendar Implementation-defined
Default place Implementation-defined
Available documents Implementation-defined
Available text resources Implementation-defined
Available collections Implementation-defined
Default collection Implementation-defined
Available URI collections Implementation-defined
Default URI collection Implementation-defined
Environment variables Implementation-defined

Within a stylesheet module, all static expressions are evaluated in a single execution scopeFO40. This need not be the same execution scope as that used for static expressions in other stylesheet modules, or as that used when evaluating XPath expressions appearing elsewhere in the stylesheet module. This means that a function such as current-dateFO30 will return the same result when called in different [xsl:]use-when expressions within the same stylesheet module, but will not necessarily return the same result as the same call in an [xsl:]use-when expression within a different stylesheet module, or as a call on the same function executed during the transformation proper.

If a static error is present in a static expression, it is treated in the same way as any other static error in the stylesheet module. If a dynamic error occurs during evaluation of a static expression, it is treated as a static error in the analysis of the stylesheet, while retaining its original error code.

9.8 Local Variables and Parameters

[Definition: As well as being allowed as a declaration, the xsl:variable element is also allowed in sequence constructors. Such a variable is known as a local variable.]

An xsl:param element may also be used to create a variable binding with local scope:

The result of evaluating a local xsl:variable or xsl:param element (that is, the contribution it makes to the result of the sequence constructor it is part of) is an empty sequence.

9.9 Scope of Variables

For any variable-binding element, there is a region (more specifically, a set of nodes) of the stylesheet within which the binding is visible. The set of variable bindings in scope for an XPath expression consists of those bindings that are visible at the point in the stylesheet where the expression occurs.

A global variable binding element is visible everywhere in the containing package (including other stylesheet modules) except within the xsl:variable or xsl:param element itself and any region where it is shadowed by another variable binding. (For rules regarding the visibility of the variable in other packages, see Visibility of Components.)

A local variable binding element is visible for all following siblings and their descendants, with the following exceptions:

  1. It is not visible in any region where it is shadowed by another variable binding.

  2. It is not visible within the subtree rooted at an xsl:fallback instruction that is a sibling of the variable binding element.

  3. It is not visible within the subtree rooted at an xsl:catch instruction that is a sibling of the variable binding element.

  4. Within an xsl:function declaration, a function parameter is not visible within sibling xsl:param elements.

The binding is not visible for the xsl:variable or xsl:param element itself.

If a binding is visible for an element then it is visible for every attribute of that element and for every text node child of that element.

An xsl:param element specifying tunnel="yes" is also visible in the test attribute of the containing xsl:template element.

A binding shadows another binding if the binding occurs at a point where the other binding is visible, and the bindings have the same name. It is not an error if a binding established by a local xsl:variable or xsl:param shadows a global binding. In this case, the global binding will not be visible in the region of the stylesheet where it is shadowed by the other binding.

[Definition: Within a region of the stylesheet where a binding B1 is visible, B1 shadows another binding B2 having the same name as B1 if B1 occurs at a point where B2 is visible.] [XSLT 3.0 Erratum E5, bug 30171].

Example: Local Variable Shadowing a Global Variable

The following is allowed:

<xsl:param name="x" select="1"/>
<xsl:template name="foo">
  <xsl:variable name="x" select="2"/>

It is also not an error if a binding established by a local xsl:variable element shadows a binding established by another local xsl:variable or xsl:param.

Example: Misuse of Variable Shadowing

The following is not an error, but the effect is probably not what was intended. The template outputs <x value="1"/>, because the declaration of the inner variable named $x has no effect on the value of the outer variable named $x.

<xsl:variable name="x" select="1"/>
<xsl:template name="foo">
  <xsl:for-each select="1 to 5">
    <xsl:variable name="x" select="$x+1"/>
  <x value="{$x}"/>


Once a variable has been given a value, the value cannot subsequently be changed. XSLT does not provide an equivalent to the assignment operator available in many procedural programming languages.

This is because an assignment operator would make it harder to create an implementation that processes a document other than in a batch-like way, starting at the beginning and continuing through to the end.

As well as global variables and local variables, an XPath expression may also declare range variables for use locally within an expression. For details, see [XPath 3.0].

Where a reference to a variable occurs in an XPath expression, it is resolved first by reference to range variables that are in scope, then by reference to local variables and parameters, and finally by reference to global variables and parameters. A range variable may shadow a local variable or a global variable. XPath also allows a range variable to shadow another range variable.

9.10 Setting Parameter Values

  name = eqname
  select? = expression
  as? = sequence-type
  tunnel? = boolean〔'no'〕 >
  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

Parameters are passed to templates using the xsl:with-param element. The required name attribute specifies the name of the template parameter (the variable the value of whose binding is to be replaced). The value of the name attribute is an EQName, which is expanded as described in 5.1.1 Qualified Names.

The xsl:with-param element is also used when passing parameters to an iteration of the xsl:iterate instruction, or to a dynamic invocation of an XPath expression using xsl:evaluate. In consequence, xsl:with-param may appear within xsl:apply-templates, xsl:apply-imports, xsl:call-template, xsl:evaluate, xsl:next-iteration, and xsl:next-match. (Arguments to stylesheet functions, however, are supplied as part of an XPath function call: see 10.3 Stylesheet Functions.)

[ERR XTSE0670] It is a static error if two or more sibling xsl:with-param elements have name attributes that represent the same expanded QName.

The value of the parameter is specified in the same way as for xsl:variable and xsl:param (see 9.3 Values of Variables and Parameters), taking account of the values of the select and as attributes and the content of the xsl:with-param element, if any.


It is possible to have an as attribute on the xsl:with-param element that differs from the as attribute on the corresponding xsl:param element.

In this situation, the supplied value of the parameter will first be processed according to the rules of the as attribute on the xsl:with-param element, and the resulting value will then be further processed according to the rules of the as attribute on the xsl:param element.

For example, suppose the supplied value is a node with type annotation xs:untypedAtomic, and the xsl:with-param element specifies as="xs:integer", while the xsl:param element specifies as="xs:double". Then the node will first be atomized and the resulting untyped atomic value will be cast to xs:integer. If this succeeds, the xs:integer will then be promoted to an xs:double.

The focus used for computing the value specified by the xsl:with-param element is the same as that used for its parent instruction.

The optional tunnel attribute may be used to indicate that a parameter is a tunnel parameter. The default is no. Tunnel parameters are described in 10.1.6 Tunnel Parameters. They are used only when passing parameters to templates: for an xsl:with-param element that is a child of xsl:evaluate or xsl:next-iteration the tunnel attribute must either be omitted or take the value no.

In other cases it is a dynamic error if the template that is invoked declares a template parameter with required="yes" and no value for this parameter is supplied by the calling instruction. [see ERR XTDE0700]

9.11 Circular Definitions

[Definition: A circularity is said to exist if a construct such as a global variable, an attribute set, or a key, is defined in terms of itself. For example, if the expression or sequence constructor specifying the value of a global variable X references a global variable Y, then the value for Y must be computed before the value of X. A circularity exists if it is impossible to do this for all global variable definitions.]

Example: Circular Variable Definitions

The following two declarations create a circularity:

<xsl:variable name="x" select="$y+1"/>
<xsl:variable name="y" select="$x+1"/>


Example: Circularity involving Variables and Functions

The definition of a global variable can be circular even if no other variable is involved. For example the following two declarations (see 10.3 Stylesheet Functions for an explanation of the xsl:function element) also create a circularity:

<xsl:variable name="x" select="my:f()"/>

<xsl:function name="my:f">
  <xsl:sequence select="$x"/>


Example: Circularity involving Variables and Templates

The definition of a variable is also circular if the evaluation of the variable invokes an xsl:apply-templates instruction and the variable is referenced in the pattern used in the match attribute of any template rule in the stylesheet. For example the following definition is circular:

<xsl:variable name="x">
  <xsl:apply-templates select="//param[1]"/>

<xsl:template match="param[$x]">1</xsl:template>


Example: Circularity involving Variables and Keys

Similarly, a variable definition is circular if it causes a call on the key function, and the definition of that key refers to that variable in its match or use attributes. So the following definition is circular:

<xsl:variable name="x" select="my:f(10, /)"/>

<xsl:function name="my:f">
  <xsl:param name="arg1"/>
  <xsl:param name="top"/>
  <xsl:sequence select="key('k', $arg1, $top)"/>

<xsl:key name="k" match="item[@code=$x]" use="@desc"/>


Example: Circularity involving Attribute Sets

An attribute set is circular if its use-attribute-sets attribute references itself, directly or indirectly. So the following definitions establish a circularity:

<xsl:attribute-set name="a" use-attribute-sets="b"/>
<xsl:attribute-set name="b" use-attribute-sets="a"/>

Because attribute sets can invoke functions, global variables, or templates, and can also include instructions such as literal result elements that themselves invoke attribute sets, examples of circularity involving attribute sets can be more complex than this simple example illustrates. It is also possible to construct examples in which self-reference among attribute sets could be regarded as (terminating or non-terminating) recursion. However, because such self-references have no practical utility, any requirement to evaluate an attribute set in the course of its own evaluation is considered an error.


In previous versions of this specification, self-reference among attribute sets was defined as a static error. In XSLT 3.0 it is not always detectable statically, because attribute sets can bind to each other across package boundaries. Nevertheless, in cases where a processor can detect a static circularity, it can report this error during the analysis phase, under the general provision for reporting dynamic errors during stylesheet analysis if execution can never succeed.

[ERR XTDE0640] In general, a circularity in a stylesheet is a dynamic error. However, as with all other dynamic errors, an implementation will signal the error only if it actually executes the instructions and expressions that participate in the circularity. Because different implementations may optimize the execution of a stylesheet in different ways, it is implementation-dependent whether a particular circularity will actually be signaled.

For example, in the following declarations, the function declares a local variable $b, but it returns a result that does not require the variable to be evaluated. It is implementation-dependent whether the value is actually evaluated, and it is therefore implementation-dependent whether the circularity is signaled as an error:

<xsl:variable name="x" select="my:f(1)"/>

<xsl:function name="my:f">
  <xsl:param name="a"/>
  <xsl:variable name="b" select="$x"/>  
  <xsl:sequence select="$a + 2"/>

Although a circularity is detected as a dynamic error, there is no unique instruction whose evaluation triggers the error condition, and the result of any attempt to catch the error using an xsl:try instruction is therefore implementation-dependent.

Circularities usually involve global variables or parameters, but they can also exist between key definitions (see 20.2 Keys), between named attribute sets (see 10.2 Named Attribute Sets), or between any combination of these constructs. For example, a circularity exists if a key definition invokes a function that references an attribute set that calls the key function, supplying the name of the original key definition as an argument.

Circularity is not the same as recursion. Stylesheet functions (see 10.3 Stylesheet Functions) and named templates (see 10.1 Named Templates) may call other functions and named templates without restriction. With careless coding, recursion may be non-terminating. Implementations are required to signal circularity as a dynamic error, but they are not required to detect non-terminating recursion.

The requirement to report a circularity as a dynamic error overrides the rule that dynamic errors in evaluating patterns are normally masked (by treating the pattern as not matching).

10 Callable Components

This section describes three constructs that can be used to provide subroutine-like functionality that can be invoked from anywhere in the stylesheet: named templates (see 10.1 Named Templates), named attribute sets (see 10.2 Named Attribute Sets), and stylesheet functions (see 10.3 Stylesheet Functions).

[Definition: The following constructs are classified as invocation constructs: the instructions xsl:call-template, xsl:apply-templates, xsl:apply-imports, and xsl:next-match; XPath function calls that bind to stylesheet functions; XPath dynamic function calls; the functions accumulator-before and accumulator-after; the [xsl:]use-attribute-sets attribute. These all have the characteristic that they can cause evaluation of constructs that are not lexically contained within the calling construct.]

10.1 Named Templates

10.1.1 Declaring Named Templates

[Definition: Templates can be invoked by name. An xsl:template element with a name attribute defines a named template.] The value of the name attribute is an EQName, which is expanded as described in 5.1.1 Qualified Names. If an xsl:template element has a name attribute, it may, but need not, also have a match attribute.

The match, mode and priority attributes on an xsl:template element have no effect when the template is invoked by an xsl:call-template instruction. Similarly, the name and visibility attributes on an xsl:template element have no effect when the template is invoked by an xsl:apply-templates instruction.

[ERR XTSE0660] It is a static error if a package contains more than one non-hidden template with the same name and the same import precedence, unless it also contains a template with the same name and higher import precedence.

The template name xsl:initial-template is specially recognized in that it provides a default entry point for stylesheet execution (see 2.3 Initiating a Transformation.)

10.1.2 Invoking Named Templates

<!-- Category: instruction -->
  name = eqname >
  <!-- Content: xsl:with-param* -->

An xsl:call-template instruction invokes a template by name; it has a required name attribute that identifies the template to be invoked. Unlike xsl:apply-templates, the xsl:call-template instruction does not change the focus.

[ERR XTSE0650] It is a static error if a package contains an xsl:call-template instruction whose name attribute does not match the name attribute of any named template visible in the containing package (this includes any template defined in this package, as well as templates accepted from used packages whose visibility in this package is not hidden). For more details of the process of binding the called template, see Binding References to Components.

The target template for an xsl:call-template instruction is established using the binding rules described in Binding References to Components. This will always be a template whose name attribute matches the name attribute of the xsl:call-template instruction. It may be a template defined in the same package that has higher import precedence than any other template with this name, or it may be a template accepted from a used package, or (if the template is not defined as private or final) it may be an overriding template in a package that uses the containing package. The result of evaluating an xsl:call-template instruction is the sequence produced by evaluating the sequence constructor contained in its target template (see 5.8 Sequence Constructors).

Parameters for a named template can be supplied using xsl:with-param elements as children of the xsl:call-template instruction: see 9.10 Setting Parameter Values.

10.1.3 Invoking Named Templates using Extension Instructions

As an alternative to the use of xsl:call-template, it is possible to invoke a named template using an instruction. For example, given the named template:

<xsl:template name="log:message">
    <xsl:param name="message" as="xs:string"/>

a call on the template written as:

<xsl:call-template name="log:message">
    <xsl:with-param name="message" select="'Good morning'"/>

can be replaced with the instruction:

<log:message message="Good morning"/>

For this to work, the name of the template must be in a non-null namespace, and this namespace must be designated as an extension element namespace using the attribute [xsl:]extension-element-prefixes on the instruction itself, or on some containing element (see 3.4 Standard Attributes).

The name of the instruction must match the name of the called template, and the names of its attributes (other than standard attributes) are matched against the names of the template’s parameters. Standard attributes are recognized (they must be in the XSLT namespace) and have their standard meaning; for example xsl:default-collation affects the evaluation of any XPath expression used to compute a parameter value.

The way in which attribute values are handled depends on the type declaration of the template parameter:

  1. If the declared type is xs:boolean, with no occurrence indicator, then the attribute is treated as an attribute value template whose effective value (after whitespace trimming) must be one of yes, true, or 1, or no, false, or 0, in the same way as boolean attributes on XSLT instructions.

  2. If the declared type is any other atomic or union type, with no occurrence indicator, then the attribute is treated as an attribute value template, and its effective value is treated as an xs:untypedAtomic value, which forces conversion to the required type by applying the casting rules.

  3. In all other cases (that is, if the type of the parameter is not declared, or if it is not atomic, or if there is an occurrence indicator) the attribute is treated as an XPath expression and its value is converted to the required type using the coercion rules.

If an instruction is recognized as an implicit call on a named template, then the static and dynamic rules that apply are the same as if it were expanded into an xsl:call-template instruction. The instruction

<N A1="E1" A2="E2" A3="E3"/>

is essentially equivalent to:

<xsl:call-template name="N">
  <xsl:with-param name="A1" select="E1"/>
  <xsl:with-param name="A2" select="E2"/>
  <xsl:with-param name="A3" select="E3"/>

except that the interpretation of the parameter values E1, E2, and E3 depends on the declared type as explained above.

Some of the implications of this equivalence are:

  • The binding of the instruction to a specific named template (for example, if there are overriding declarations in multiple packages) follows the binding rules in Binding References to Components.

  • A value must be supplied for any parameter declared with required="yes".

  • The context item for the evaluation of the extension instruction must satisfy any constraints defined in an xsl:context-item declaration in the called template.

  • It is an error if the instruction has attributes that do not correspond to the names of parameters declared on the named template.

It is not possible to supply values for tunnel parameters, but existing tunnel parameters are passed through unchanged.

For backwards compatibility, if an external implementation of an extension instruction is available to the implementation, then that takes precedence over the existence of a named template with a matching name.

The XSLT namespace cannot be designated as an extension element namespace, so the template names xsl:initial-template and xsl:original cannot be used as extension instructions.

10.1.4 Declaring the Context Item for a Template

The xsl:context-item element is used as a child of xsl:template, to declare the required type of the context item. It is intended particularly for use when the containing template is called using an xsl:call-template instruction, but it also constrains the context item if the same template is invoked using xsl:apply-templates, xsl:apply-imports, or xsl:next-match.

  as? = item-type
  use? = "required" | "optional" | "absent"〔'optional'〕 />

If the as attribute is present then its value must be an ItemTypeXP40. If the attribute is omitted this is equivalent to specifying as="item()".

[ERR XTSE3088] It is a static error if the as attribute is present when use="absent" is specified.

A type error is signaled if the supplied context item does not match its required type. No attempt is made to convert the context item to the required type (using the coercion rules or otherwise). The error code is the same as for xsl:param: [see ERR XTTE0590].

If an xsl:context-item element is present as the first child element of xsl:template, it defines whether the template requires a context item to be supplied, and if so, what the type of the context item must be. If this template is the initial named template, then this has the effect of placing constraints on the global context item for the transformation as a whole.

The use attribute of xsl:context-item takes the value required, optional, or absent. The default is optional.

If the containing xsl:template element has no name attribute then the only permitted value is required.

  • If the value required is specified, then there must be a context item. (This will automatically be the case if the template is invoked using xsl:apply-templates, xsl:apply-imports, or xsl:next-match, but not if it is invoked using xsl:call-template.)

  • If the value optional is specified, or if the attribute is omitted, or if the xsl:context-item element is omitted, then there may or may not be a context item when the template is invoked.

  • If the value absent is specified, then the contained sequence constructor, and any xsl:param elements, are evaluated with an absent focus.


    It is not an error to call such a template with a non-absent focus; the context item is simply treated as absent. This option is useful when streaming, since an xsl:call-template instruction may become streamable if the referenced template is declared to make no use of the context item.

The processor may signal a type error statically if the required context item type is incompatible with the match pattern, that is, if no item that satisfies the match pattern can also satisfy the required context item type.

The xsl:context-item element plays no part in deciding whether and when the template rule is invoked in response to an xsl:apply-templates instruction.

[ERR XTTE3090] It is a type error if the xsl:context-item child of xsl:template specifies that a context item is required and none is supplied by the caller, that is, if the context item is absent at the point where xsl:call-template is evaluated.

10.1.5 Passing Parameters to Named Templates

Parameters are passed to named templates using the xsl:with-param element as a child of the xsl:call-template instruction.

[ERR XTSE0680] In the case of xsl:call-template, it is a static error to pass a non-tunnel parameter named x to a template that does not have a non-tunnel template parameter named x, unless the xsl:call-template instruction is processed with XSLT 1.0 behavior. This is not an error in the case of xsl:apply-templates, xsl:apply-imports, and xsl:next-match; in these cases the parameter is simply ignored.

The optional tunnel attribute may be used to indicate that a parameter is a tunnel parameter. The default is no. Tunnel parameters are described in 10.1.6 Tunnel Parameters.

Example: Calling a Named Template with a Parameter

This example defines a named template for a numbered-block with a parameter to control the format of the number.

<xsl:template name="numbered-block">
  <xsl:param name="format">1. </xsl:param>
    <xsl:number format="{$format}"/>

<xsl:template match="ol//ol/li">
  <xsl:call-template name="numbered-block">
    <xsl:with-param name="format">a. </xsl:with-param>

10.1.6 Tunnel Parameters

[Definition: A parameter passed to a template may be defined as a tunnel parameter. Tunnel parameters have the property that they are automatically passed on by the called template to any further templates that it calls, and so on recursively.] Tunnel parameters thus allow values to be set that are accessible during an entire phase of stylesheet processing, without the need for each template that is used during that phase to be aware of the parameter.


Tunnel parameters are conceptually similar to the dynamically scoped variables found in some functional programming languages (for example, early versions of LISP), where evaluating a variable reference involves searching down the dynamic call stack for a matching variable name. There are two main use cases for the feature:

  1. They provide a way to supply context information that might be needed by many templates (for example, the fact that the output is to be localized for a particular language), but which cannot be placed in a global variable because it might vary from one phase of processing to another. Passing such information using conventional parameters is error-prone, because a single xsl:apply-templates or xsl:call-template instruction that neglects to pass the information on will lead to failures that are difficult to diagnose.

    This style of processing is even more useful when handling JSON input, because with maps and arrays, there is no ancestor axis to examine properties of nodes further up the tree; with a recursive descent of the tree, all context information needs to be passed down explicitly. One way of handling this is for each level of processing in the tree to bind a tunnel parameter to the map or array encountered at that level, which then becomes available to all template rules processing data further down the tree.

  2. They are particularly useful when writing a customization layer for an existing stylesheet. For example, if you want to override a template rule that displays chemical formulae, you might want the new rule to be parameterized so you can apply the house-style of a particular scientific journal. Tunnel parameters allow you to pass this information to the overriding template rule without requiring modifications to all the intermediate template rules. Again, a global variable could be used, but only if the same house-style is to be used for all chemical formulae processed during a single transformation.

A tunnel parameter is created by using an xsl:with-param element that specifies tunnel="yes". A template that requires access to the value of a tunnel parameter must declare it using an xsl:param element that also specifies tunnel="yes".

On any template call using an xsl:apply-templates, xsl:call-template, xsl:apply-imports or xsl:next-match instruction, a set of tunnel parameters is passed from the calling template to the called template. This set consists of any parameters explicitly created using <xsl:with-param tunnel="yes">, overlaid on a base set of tunnel parameters. If the xsl:apply-templates, xsl:call-template, xsl:apply-imports or xsl:next-match instruction has an xsl:template declaration as an ancestor element in the stylesheet, then the base set consists of the tunnel parameters that were passed to that template; otherwise (for example, if the instruction is within a global variable declaration, an attribute set declaration, or a stylesheet function), the base set is empty. If a parameter created using <xsl:with-param tunnel="yes"> has the same expanded QName as a parameter in the base set, then the parameter created using xsl:with-param overrides the parameter in the base set; otherwise, the parameter created using xsl:with-param is added to the base set.

When a template specifies <xsl:param tunnel="yes">, this declares the intention to make use of a tunnel parameter; it does not remove the parameter from the base set of tunnel parameters that is passed on to any templates called by this template. [XSLT 3.0 Erratum E23, bug 30240].

Two sibling xsl:with-param elements must have distinct parameter names, even if one is a tunnel parameter and the other is not. Equally, two sibling xsl:param elements representing template parameters must have distinct parameter names, even if one is a tunnel parameter and the other is not. However, the tunnel parameters that are implicitly passed in a template call may have names that duplicate the names of non-tunnel parameters that are explicitly passed on the same call.

Tunnel parameters are not passed in calls to stylesheet functions.

All other options of xsl:with-param and xsl:param are available with tunnel parameters just as with non-tunnel parameters. For example, parameters may be declared as mandatory or optional, a default value may be specified, and a required type may be specified. If any conversion is required from the supplied value of a tunnel parameter to the required type specified in xsl:param, then the converted value is used within the receiving template, but the value that is passed on in any further template calls is the original supplied value before conversion. Equally, any default value is local to the template: specifying a default value for a tunnel parameter does not change the set of tunnel parameters that is passed on in further template calls.

Tunnel parameters are passed unchanged through a built-in template rule (see 6.8 Built-in Template Rules).

If a tunnel parameter is declared in an xsl:param element with the attribute tunnel="yes", and if the parameter is explicitly or implicitly mandatory, then a dynamic error occurs [see ERR XTDE0700] if the set of tunnel parameters passed to the template does not include a parameter with a matching expanded QName.

Example: Using Tunnel Parameters

Suppose that the equations in a scientific paper are to be sequentially numbered, but that the format of the number depends on the context in which the equations appear. It is possible to reflect this using a rule of the form:

<xsl:template match="equation">
  <xsl:param name="equation-format" select="'(1)'" tunnel="yes"/>
  <xsl:number level="any" format="{$equation-format}"/>

At any level of processing above this level, it is possible to determine how the equations will be numbered, for example:

<xsl:template match="appendix">
    <xsl:with-param name="equation-format" select="'[i]'" tunnel="yes"/>

The parameter value is passed transparently through all the intermediate layers of template rules until it reaches the rule with match="equation". The effect is similar to using a global variable, except that the parameter can take different values during different phases of the transformation.

10.2 Named Attribute Sets

<!-- Category: declaration -->
  name = eqname
  use-attribute-sets? = eqnames〔''〕
  visibility? = "public" | "private" | "final" | "abstract"〔'private'〕
  streamable? = boolean〔'no'〕 >
  <!-- Content: xsl:attribute* -->

Attribute sets generate named collections of attributes that can be used repeatedly on different constructed elements. The xsl:attribute-set declaration is used to declare attribute sets. The required name attribute specifies the name of the attribute set. The value of the name attribute is an EQName, which is expanded as described in 5.1.1 Qualified Names.

[Definition: An attribute set is defined as a set of xsl:attribute-set declarations in the same package that share the same expanded QName.]

The content of the xsl:attribute-set element consists of zero or more xsl:attribute instructions that are evaluated to produce the attributes in the set.

10.2.1 Using Attribute Sets

Attribute sets are used by specifying a use-attribute-sets attribute on the xsl:element or xsl:copy instruction, or by specifying an xsl:use-attribute-sets attribute on a literal result element. An attribute set may be defined in terms of other attribute sets by using the use-attribute-sets attribute on the xsl:attribute-set element itself. The value of the [xsl:]use-attribute-sets attribute is in each case a whitespace-separated list of names of attribute sets. Each name is specified as an EQName, which is expanded as described in 5.1.1 Qualified Names.

[ERR XTSE0710] It is a static error if the value of the use-attribute-sets attribute of an xsl:copy, xsl:element, or xsl:attribute-set element, or the xsl:use-attribute-sets attribute of a literal result element, is not a whitespace-separated sequence of EQNames, or if it contains an EQName that does not match the name attribute of any xsl:attribute-set declaration in the containing package.

An attribute set may be considered as comprising a sequence of instructions, each of which is either an xsl:attribute instruction or an attribute set invocation. Starting with the declarations making up an attribute set, this sequence of instructions can be generated by the following rules:

  1. The relevant attribute set declarations (that is, all declarations of attribute sets within a package sharing the same expanded QName) are considered in order: first in increasing order of import precedence, and within each precedence, in declaration order.

  2. Each declaration is expanded to a sequence of instructions as follows. First, one attribute set invocation is generated for each EQName present in the use-attribute-sets attribute, if present, retaining the order in which the EQNames appear. This is followed by the sequence of contained xsl:attribute instructions, in order.

    [Definition: An attribute set invocation is a pseudo-instruction corresponding to a single EQName appearing within an [xsl:]use-attribute-sets attribute; the effect of the pseudo-instruction is to cause the referenced attribute set to be evaluated.]

Similarly, an [xsl:]use-attribute-sets attribute of an xsl:copy, xsl:element, or xsl:attribute-set element, or of a literal result element, is expanded to a sequence of attribute set invocations, one for each EQName in order.

An attribute set is a named component, and the binding of QNames appearing in an attribute set invocation to attribute set components follows the rules in Binding References to Components.

The following two (mutually recursive) rules define how an [xsl:]use-attribute-set attribute is expanded:

  1. An attribute set is evaluated by evaluating each of the contained attribute set invocations and xsl:attribute instructions in order, to deliver a sequence of attribute nodes.

  2. An attribute set invocation is evaluated by evaluating the attribute set to which it is bound, as determined by the rules in Binding References to Components.

For rules regarding cycles in attribute set declarations, see 9.11 Circular Definitions.


The effect of an attribute set invocation on the dynamic context is the same as the effect of an xsl:call-template instruction. In particular, it does not change the focus. Although attribute sets are often defined with fixed values, or with values that depend only on global variables, it is possible to define an attribute set in such a way that the values of the constructed attributes are dependent on the context item.


In all cases the result of evaluating an attribute set is subsequently used to create the attributes of an element node, using the rules in 5.8.1 Constructing Complex Content. The effect of those rules is that when the result of evaluating the attribute set contains attributes with duplicate names, the last duplicate wins. The optimization rules allow a processor to avoid evaluating or validating an attribute if it is able to determine that the attribute will subsequently be discarded as a duplicate.

10.2.2 Visibility of Attribute Sets

The visibility attribute determines the potential visibility of the attribute set in packages other than the containing package. If the visibility attribute is present on any of the xsl:attribute-set declarations making up the definition of an attribute set (that is, all declarations within the same package sharing the same name), then it must be present, with the same value, on every xsl:attribute-set declaration making up the definition of that attribute set.

If the visibility attribute is present with the value abstract then there must be no xsl:attribute children and no use-attribute-sets attribute.

10.2.3 Streamability of Attribute Sets

An attribute set may be designated as streamable by including the attribute streamable="yes" on each xsl:attribute-set declaration making up the attribute set. If any xsl:attribute-set declaration for an attribute set has the attribute streamable="yes", then every xsl:attribute-set declaration for that attribute set must have the attribute streamable="yes".

An attribute set is guaranteed-streamable if all the following conditions are satisfied:

  1. Every xsl:attribute-set declaration for the attribute set has the attribute streamable="yes".

  2. Every xsl:attribute-set declaration for the attribute set is grounded and motionless according to the analysis in 19.8.6 Classifying Attribute Sets.

Specifying streamable="yes" on an xsl:attribute-set element declares an intent that the attribute set should be streamable, either because it is guaranteed-streamable, or because it takes advantage of streamability extensions offered by a particular processor. The consequences of declaring the attribute set to be streamable when it is not in fact guaranteed streamable depend on the conformance level of the processor, and are explained in 19.10 Streamability Guarantees.

[ERR XTSE0730] If an xsl:attribute set element specifies streamable="yes" then every attribute set referenced in its use-attribute-sets attribute (if present) must also specify streamable="yes".


It is common for attribute sets to create attributes with constant values, and such attribute sets will always be grounded and motionless and therefore streamable. Although such cases are fairly simple for a processor to detect, references to attribute sets are not guaranteed streamable unless the attribute set is declared with the attribute streamable="yes", which should therefore be used if interoperable streaming is required.

10.2.4 Evaluating Attribute Sets

Attribute sets are evaluated as follows:

  • The xsl:copy and xsl:element instructions have a use-attribute-sets attribute. The sequence of attribute nodes produced by evaluating this attribute is prepended to the sequence produced by evaluating the sequence constructor contained within the instruction.

  • Literal result elements allow an xsl:use-attribute-sets attribute, which is evaluated in the same way as the use-attribute-sets attribute of xsl:element and xsl:copy. The sequence of attribute nodes produced by evaluating this attribute is prepended to the sequence of attribute nodes produced by evaluating the attributes of the literal result element, which in turn is prepended to the sequence produced by evaluating the sequence constructor contained with the literal result element.

The xsl:attribute instructions are evaluated using the same focus as is used for evaluating the sequence constructor contained by the element that is the parent of the [xsl:]use-attribute-sets attribute forming the initial input to the algorithm. However, the static context for the evaluation depends on the position of the xsl:attribute instruction in the stylesheet: thus, only local variables declared within an xsl:attribute instruction, and global variables, are visible.


The above rule means that for an xsl:copy element with a select attribute, the focus for evaluating any referenced attribute sets is the node selected by the select attribute, rather than the context item of the xsl:copy instruction.

The set of attribute nodes produced by expanding xsl:use-attribute-sets may include several attributes with the same name. When the attributes are added to an element node, only the last of the duplicates will take effect.

The way in which each instruction uses the results of expanding the [xsl:]use-attribute-sets attribute is described in the specification for the relevant instruction: see 11.1 Literal Result Elements, 11.2 Creating Element Nodes Using xsl:element , and 11.9 Copying Nodes.

The result of evaluating an attribute set is a sequence of attribute nodes. Evaluating the same attribute set more than once can produce different results, because although an attribute set does not have parameters, it may contain expressions or instructions whose value depends on the evaluation context.

Each attribute node produced by expanding an attribute set has a type annotation determined by the rules for the xsl:attribute instruction that created the attribute node: see 11.3.1 Setting the Type Annotation for a Constructed Attribute Node. These type annotations may be preserved, stripped, or replaced as determined by the rules for the instruction that creates the element in which the attributes are used.

10.2.5 Attribute Sets: Examples

Example: A Simple Attribute Set

The following example creates a named attribute set title-style and uses it in a template rule.

<xsl:template match="chapter/heading">
  <fo:block font-stretch="condensed" xsl:use-attribute-sets="title-style">

<xsl:attribute-set name="title-style">
  <xsl:attribute name="font-size">12pt</xsl:attribute>
  <xsl:attribute name="font-weight">bold</xsl:attribute>


Example: Overriding Attributes in an Attribute Set

The following example creates a named attribute set base-style and uses it in a template rule with multiple specifications of the attributes:


is specified only in the attribute set


is specified in the attribute set, is specified on the literal result element, and in an xsl:attribute instruction


is specified in the attribute set, and on the literal result element


is specified in the attribute set, and in an xsl:attribute instruction

Stylesheet fragment:

<xsl:attribute-set name="base-style">
  <xsl:attribute name="font-family">Univers</xsl:attribute>
  <xsl:attribute name="font-size">10pt</xsl:attribute>
  <xsl:attribute name="font-style">normal</xsl:attribute>
  <xsl:attribute name="font-weight">normal</xsl:attribute>

<xsl:template match="o">
  <fo:block xsl:use-attribute-sets="base-style"
    <xsl:attribute name="font-size">14pt</xsl:attribute>
    <xsl:attribute name="font-weight">bold</xsl:attribute>


<fo:block font-family="Univers"

10.3 Stylesheet Functions

[Definition: An xsl:function declaration declares the name, parameters, and implementation of a family of stylesheet functions that can be called from any XPath expression within the stylesheet (subject to visibility rules).]

<!-- Category: declaration -->
  name = eqname
  as? = sequence-type〔'item()*'〕
  visibility? = "public" | "private" | "final" | "abstract"〔'private'〕
  streamability? = "unclassified" | "absorbing" | "inspection" | "filter" | "shallow-descent" | "deep-descent" | "ascent" | eqname〔'unclassified'〕
  override-extension-function? = boolean〔'yes'〕
  [override]? = boolean〔'yes'〕
  new-each-time? = "yes" | "true" | "1" | "no" | "false" | "0" | "maybe"
  cache? = boolean〔'no'〕 >
  <!-- Content: (xsl:param*, sequence-constructor) -->

The effect of an xsl:function declaration is to add a function definition to the static context for all XPath expressions used in the stylesheet (including an XPath expression used within a predicate in a pattern).

The content of the xsl:function element consists of zero or more xsl:param elements that specify the formal parameters of the function, followed by a sequence constructor that defines the value to be returned by the function.

The children and attributes of the xsl:function declaration translate directly into properties of the function definition:

  • The xsl:function/@name attribute defines the function’s name.

  • The xsl:param children define the function’s parameters:

    • The xsl:param/@name attribute defines the name of the parameter.

    • The xsl:param/@required attribute determines whether the parameter is mandatory or optional.

    • The xsl:param/@as attribute determines the required type of the parameter.

    • The xsl:param/@select attribute determines a default value for an optional parameter.

  • The xsl:function/@as attribute defines the return type of the function.

  • The implementation of the function is defined by the sequence constructor content of the xsl:function element.

An xsl:function declaration can only appear as a top-level element in a stylesheet module.

10.3.1 Function Name and Arity

The name of the function is given by the name attribute.

[ERR XTSE0740] It is a static error if a stylesheet function has a name that is in no namespace.


To prevent the namespace declaration used for the function name appearing in the result document, use the exclude-result-prefixes attribute on the xsl:stylesheet element: see 11.1.3 Namespace Nodes for Literal Result Elements.

The name of the function must not be in a reserved namespace: [see ERR XTSE0080]

The function parameters are defined by child xsl:param elements. The parameters must have distinct names. The list of parameters must contain zero or more required parameters, followed by zero or more optional parameters. A parameter is optional if it has the attribute required="no"; otherwise, it is required.

The default value for an optional parameter can be defined using the select attribute or the contained sequence constructor of the xsl:param element. These must be absent for a required parameter. If an optional parameter has no select attribute and the contained sequence constructor is empty, then the default value will be an empty sequence. This will lead to a type error if the required type of the parameter does not permit an empty sequence.


When considering function overriding, dynamic function calls, and details such as the function-lookup function, it is useful to think of an xsl:function declaration with optional parameters as a syntactic short-cut for a set of xsl:function declarations of varying arity, each of which calls the function with next-higher arity, supplying the default value of the parameter explicitly in the function call.

This is not an exact equivalence, however, because of the rules allowing default values of function parameters to be context-dependent.

The function definition derived from the xsl:function declaration has an arity range from M to M+N, where M is the number of required parameters and N is the number of optional parameters. The arity range constrains the number of arguments that may appear in a call to this function.

For example, the following xsl:function declaration declares a function, named f:compare, with an arity range of (2 to 3). The effect of calling f:compare($a, $b) is the same as the effect of calling f:compare($a, $b, map{"order":"ascending"}).

<xsl:function name="f:compare" as="xs:boolean">
  <xsl:param name="arg1" as="xs:double"/>
  <xsl:param name="arg2" as="xs:double"/>
  <xsl:param name="options" as="map(*)" required="no" select="map{'order':'ascending'}"/>
  <xsl:if test="$options?order = 'descending'" then="$arg1 gt $arg2" else="$arg2 gt $arg1"/>


Functions are not polymorphic. Although the XPath function call mechanism allows two functions to have the same name and non-overlapping arity ranges, it does not allow them to be distinguished by the types of their arguments.

10.3.2 Parameters

The xsl:param elements define the formal parameters to the function. In a static function call, these are referenced either positionally or by name. The rules for associating arguments in a static function call with parameter definitions in the function declaration are given in Section Evaluating Static Function CallsXP40.

[ERR XTSE0760] It is a static error if an xsl:param child of an xsl:function element has either a select attribute or non-empty content, unless it specifies required="no".

[ERR XTSE0761] It is a static error if an xsl:param child of an xsl:function element specifies required="no", unless all following-sibling xsl:param elements also specify required="no".

The as attribute of the xsl:param element defines the required type of the parameter. The rules for converting the values of the actual arguments supplied in the function call to the types required by each xsl:param element, and the errors that can occur, are defined in [XPath 3.0]. The rules that apply are those for the case where XPath 1.0 compatibility mode is set to false.

If the as attribute is omitted, no conversion takes place and any value is accepted.

The default value for an optional parameter (one with required="no") will often be supplied using a simple literal or constant expression, for example <xsl:param name="married" as="xs:boolean" select="false()"/>, or <xsl:param name="options" as="map(*)" select="map{}"/>. However, to allow greater flexibility, the default value can also be context-dependent. For example, <xsl:param name="node" as="node()" select="."/> declares a parameter whose default value is the context item from the dynamic context of the caller, while <xsl:param name="collation" as="xs:string" select="default-collation()"/> declares a parameter whose default value is the default collation from the dynamic context of the caller. The detailed rules are as follows. In these rules, the term caller means the function call or function reference that invokes the function being defined.

The static contextXP40 for the initializing expression of an optional parameter of an xsl:function declaration is the same as the static context for a static expression, with the following exceptions:

The dynamic contextXP40 for the initializing expression of an optional parameter is the same as the dynamic context for the evaluation of a static expression, with the following exceptions:


The effect of these rules is that the select expression for an optional parameter is evaluated in the same way as a static expression, except that it may contain context-dependent subexpressions such as ., position(), last(), static-base-uri(), and default-collation() to access the dynamic context of the caller. It may also contain expressions such as name() or @x = "abc" that have an implicit dependency on the dynamic context of the caller.

10.3.3 Function Result

The result of the function, if all arguments are supplied, is the result of evaluating the contained sequence constructor.

If a reduced-arity form of the function is invoked by omitting optional arguments, then the result of the function is obtained by evaluating the sequence constructor after binding the omitted arguments to their default values, which are obtained by evaluating the select attribute or sequence constructor of the relevant xsl:param element, as described in 9.2.2 Default Values of Parameters.

Within the sequence constructor, the focus is initially absent; this means that any attempt to reference the context item, context position, or context size is a dynamic error. (See [ERR XPDY0002] XP40.)

It is not possible within the body of the stylesheet function to access the values of local variables that were in scope in the place where the function call was written. Global variables, however, remain available.

The optional as attribute indicates the required type of the result of the function. The value of the as attribute is a SequenceType.

[ERR XTTE0780] If the as attribute is specified, then the result evaluated by the sequence constructor (see 5.8 Sequence Constructors) is converted to the required type, using the coercion rules. It is a type error if this conversion fails. If the as attribute is omitted, the calculated result is used as supplied, and no conversion takes place.

10.3.4 Visibility and Overriding of Functions

It is possible to have multiple function declarations sharing the same function name and arity:

The rules governing these three scenarios are given in the sections that follow. Overriding Functions within a Package

Two stylesheet functions with the same name may appear in a package if their arity ranges do not overlap. Neither overrides the other; the function that is selected is determined by the arity of the function call or function reference.

In addition, a stylesheet function may be overridden by another stylesheet function with the same name that has higher import precedence. Such overriding is only allowed, however, if the arity range of the overriding function includes the totality of the arity range of the overridden function.

[Definition: An xsl:function declaration F is said to be eclipsed if the containing package includes an xsl:function declaration G such that F and G have the same name, F has lower import precedence than G, and the arity range of G includes the totality of the arity range of F.]

[ERR XTSE0769] It is a static error for a package to contain an xsl:function declaration F and an xsl:function declaration G such that F and G have the same expanded QName, F has lower import precedence than G, and the arity range of G includes part but not all of the arity range of F, unless G is itself eclipsed by another xsl:function declaration.

[ERR XTSE0770] It is a static error for a package to contain an xsl:function declaration F and an xsl:function declaration G such that F and G have the same expanded QName and the same import precedence, if the arity ranges of F and G overlap in whole or in part, unless F and G are both eclipsed by another xsl:function declaration.

Similarly it is a static error [see ERR XTDE0770] for a package to contain an xsl:function declaration F that is not eclipsed by another xsl:function declaration, if its name and arity range conflict with a constructor function in the static context. There will be a constructor function (with arity 1) in the static context for every atomic type or plain union type in the in-scope schema components. Overriding Extension Functions

The optional override-extension-function attribute defines what happens if an xsl:function declaration has the same name and overlapping arity range as a function provided by the implementer or made available in the static context using an implementation-defined mechanism. If the override-extension-function attribute has the value yes, then this function is used in preference; if it has the value no, then the other function is used in preference. The default value is yes.


Specifying override-extension-function="yes" ensures interoperable behavior: the same code will execute with all processors. Specifying override-extension-function="no" is useful when writing a fallback implementation of a function that is available with some processors but not others: it allows the vendor’s implementation of the function (or a user’s implementation written as an extension function) to be used in preference to the stylesheet implementation, which is useful when the extension function is more efficient.

The override-extension-function attribute does not affect the rules for deciding which of several stylesheet functions with the same name and overlapping arity range takes precedence.

The override attribute is a deprecated synonym of override-extension-function, retained for compatibility with XSLT 2.0. If both attributes are present then they must have the same value. Overriding Functions in a Used Package

When a package is referenced in xsl:use-package, functions declared in the used package become available in the using package, conditional on their declared visibility, as described in 3.5 Packages.

If the visibility attribute of xsl:function is present with the value abstract then the sequence constructor defining the function body must be empty.

The XPath specification states that the function that is executed as the result of a function call is identified by looking in the static context for a function definition whose name and arity range match the name and number of arguments in the function call. In XSLT 3.0, final determination of the function to be called cannot be made until all packages have been assembled: see Binding References to Components.

An xsl:function declaration defines a stylesheet function which forms a component in its containing package, unless

  • it is eclipsed, or

  • the override-extension-function or override attribute has the value no and there is already a function definition with the same name and an overlapping arity range in the static context.

The optional override-extension-function attribute defines what happens if this function has the same name and an arity range that conflicts with a function provided by the implementer or made available in the static context using an implementation-defined mechanism. If the override-extension-function attribute has the value yes, then this function is used in preference; if it has the value no, then the other function is used in preference. The default value is yes.


Specifying override-extension-function="yes" ensures interoperable behavior: the same code will execute with all processors. Specifying override-extension-function="no" is useful when writing a fallback implementation of a function that is available with some processors but not others: it allows the vendor’s implementation of the function (or a user’s implementation written as an extension function) to be used in preference to the stylesheet implementation, which is useful when the extension function is more efficient.

The override-extension-function attribute does not affect the rules for deciding which of several stylesheet functions with the same name and arity range takes precedence.

The override attribute is a deprecated synonym of override-extension-function, retained for compatibility with XSLT 2.0. If both attributes are present then they must have the same value.

When the xsl:function declaration appears as a child of xsl:override, there must be a compatible stylesheet function in the package referenced by the containing xsl:use-package element; the visibility of that function must be public or abstract (See also Overriding Components from a Used Package.)

10.3.5 Streamability of Stylesheet Functions

The streamability attribute of xsl:function is used to assign the function to one of a number of streamability categories. The various categories, and their effect on the streamability of function calls, are described in 19.8.5 Classifying Stylesheet Functions.

The streamability category of a function characterizes the way in which the function processes any streamed nodes supplied in the first argument to the function. (In general, streamed nodes cannot be supplied in other arguments, unless they are atomized by the coercion rules.) The streamability attribute is therefore not applicable unless the function takes at least one argument.

[ERR XTSE3155] It is a static error if an xsl:function element with no xsl:param children has a streamability attribute with any value other than unclassified.

10.3.6 Dynamic Access to Functions

If a stylesheet function with a particular expanded QName and arity range exists in the stylesheet, then a call to the function-lookupFO30 function will return the function as a value if it supplies that name and an arity within that range. This applies only if the static context for the call on function-lookupFO30 includes the stylesheet function, which implies that the function is visible in the containing package.

The function-available function, when called with a particular expanded QName and arity, returns true if and only if a call on function-lookupFO30 with the same arguments, in the same static context, would return a function item.


For legacy reasons there is also a single-argument version of function-available, which returns true if there is a function with the given name regardless of arity.

The standard rules for function-lookupFO30 require that if the supplied name and arity identify a context-dependent function such as name#0FO30 or lang#1FO30 (call it F), then the returned function value includes in its closure a copy of the static and dynamic context of the call to function-lookupFO30, and the context item for a subsequent dynamic call of F is taken from this saved context. In the case where the context item is a node in a streamed input document, saving the node is not possible. In this case, therefore, the context is saved with an absent focus, so the call on F will fail with a dynamic error saying that there is no context item available.

10.3.7 Determinism of Functions

Stylesheet functions have been designed to be largely deterministic: unless a stylesheet function calls some extension function which is itself nondeterministic, the function will return results that depend only on the supplied arguments. This property (coupled with the fact that the effect of calling extension functions is entirely implementation-dependent) enables a processor to implement various optimizations, such as removing invariant function calls from the body of a loop, or combining common subexpressions.

One exception to the intrinsic determinism of stylesheet functions arises because constructed nodes have distinct identity. This means that when a function that creates a new node is called, two calls on the function will return nodes that can be distinguished: for example, with such a function, f:make-node() is f:make-node() will return false.

Three classes of functions can be identified:

  1. DeterministicFO40 functions: as the term is defined in [Functions and Operators 3.1], these offer a guarantee that when a function is called repeatedly with the same arguments, it returns the same results. A classic example is the docFO30 function, which offers the guarantee that doc($X) is doc($X): that is, two calls supplying the same URI return the same node.

  2. Proactive functions: these offer the guarantee that each invocation of the function causes a single execution of the function body, or behaves exactly as if it did so. In particular this means that when the function creates new nodes, it creates new nodes on each invocation. By default, stylesheet functions are proactive.

  3. Elidable functions: these offer no guarantee of determinism, and no guarantee of proactive evaluation. If the function creates new nodes, then two calls on the function with the same arguments may or may not return the same nodes, at the implementation’s discretion. Examples of elidable functions include the [Functions and Operators 3.1] functions analyze-stringFO30 and json-to-xml.

The new-each-time attribute of xsl:function allows a stylesheet function to be assigned to one of these three categories. The value new-each-time="no" means the function is deterministic; the value new-each-time="yes" means it is proactive; and the value new-each-time="maybe" means it is elidable.

The definition of determinismFO40 requires a definition of what it means for a function to be called twice with “the same” arguments and to return “the same” result. This is defined in [Functions and Operators 3.1], specifically by the definition of the term identicalFO40.

Processors have considerable freedom to optimize execution of stylesheets, and of function calls in particular, but the strategies that are adopted must respect the specification as to whether functions are deterministic, proactive, or elidable. For example, consider a function call that appears within an xsl:for-each instruction, where the supplied arguments to the function do not depend on the context item or on any variables declared within the xsl:for-each instruction. A possible optimization is to execute the function call only once, rather than executing it repeatedly each time round the loop (this is sometimes called loop-lifting). This optimization is safe when the function is deterministic or elidable, but it requires great care if the function is proactive; it is permitted only if the processor is able to determine that the results of stylesheet execution are equivalent to the results that would be obtained if the optimization had not been performed. Declaring a function call to be elidable (by writing new-each-time="maybe") makes it more likely that an implementation will be able to apply this optimization, as well as other optimizations such as caching or memoization.

10.3.8 Memoization

The cache attribute is an optimization hint which the processor can use or ignore at its discretion; however it should be taken seriously, because it may make a difference to whether execution of a stylesheet is practically feasible or not.

The default value is cache="no".

The value cache="yes" encourages the processor to retain memory of previous calls of this function during the same transformation and to reuse results from this memory whenever possible. The default value cache="no" encourages the processor not to retain memory of previous calls.

In all cases the results must respect the semantics. If a function is proactive (new-each-time="yes") then caching of results may be infeasible, especially if the function result can include nodes; but it is not an error to request it, since some implementations may be able to provide caching, or analogous optimizations, even for proactive functions. (One possible strategy is to return a copy of the cached result, thus creating the illusion that the function has been evaluated anew.)


Memoization is essentially a trade-off between time and space; a memoized function can be expected to use more memory to deliver faster execution. Achieving an optimum balance may require configuring the size of the cache that is used; implementations may use additional extension attributes or other mechanisms to provide finer control of this kind.


Memoization of a function generally involves creating an associative table (for example, a hash map) that maps argument values to function results. To get this right, it is vital that the key for this table should correctly reflect what it means for two function calls to have “the same arguments”. Does it matter, for example, that one call passes the xs:string value "Paris", while another passes the xs:untypedAtomic value "Paris"? If the function is declared with new-each-time="maybe", then the rules say that these cannot be treated as “the same arguments”: the definition of identicalFO40 requires them to have the same type as well as being equal. However, an implementation that is able to determine that all references to the argument within the function body only make use of its string value might be able to take advantage of this fact, and thus perform more efficient caching.

10.3.9 Examples of Stylesheet Functions

Example: A Stylesheet Function

The following example creates a recursive stylesheet function named str:reverse that reverses the words in a supplied sentence, and then invokes this function from within a template rule.


<xsl:function name="str:reverse" as="string">
  <xsl:param name="sentence" as="string"/>
     select="if (contains($sentence, ' '))
             then concat(str:reverse(substring-after($sentence, ' ')),
                         ' ',
                         substring-before($sentence, ' '))
             else $sentence"/>

<xsl:template match="/">
    <xsl:value-of select="str:reverse('DOG BITES MAN')"/>


An alternative way of writing the same function is to implement the conditional logic at the XSLT level, thus:

<xsl:function name="str:reverse" as="xs:string">
  <xsl:param name="sentence" as="string"/>
  <xsl:if test="contains($sentence, ' ')" 
             then="concat(str:reverse(substring-after($sentence, ' ')),
                                ' ',
                                substring-before($sentence, ' '))" 


Example: Declaring the Return Type of a Function

The following example illustrates the use of the as attribute in a function definition. It returns a string containing the representation of its integer argument, expressed as a roman numeral. For example, the function call num:roman(7) will return the string "vii". This example uses the xsl:number instruction, described in 12 Numbering. The xsl:number instruction returns a text node, and the coercion rules are invoked to convert this text node to the type declared in the xsl:function element, namely xs:string. So the text node is atomized to a string.

<xsl:function name="num:roman" as="xs:string">
  <xsl:param name="value" as="xs:integer"/>
  <xsl:number value="$value" format="i"/>


Example: A Higher-Order Function

XPath 3.0 introduces the ability to pass function items as arguments to a function. A function that takes function items as arguments is known as a higher-order function.

The following example is a higher-order function that operates on any tree-structured data, for example an organization chart. Given as input a function that finds the direct subordinates of a node in this tree structure (for example, the direct reports of a manager, or the geographical subdivisions of an administrative area), it determines whether one object is present in the subtree rooted at another object (for example, whether one person is among the staff managed directly or indirectly by a manager, or whether one parcel of land is contained directly or indirectly within another parcel). The function does not check for cycles in the data.

<xsl:function name="f:is-subordinate" as="xs:boolean">
    <xsl:param name="superior" 
    <xsl:param name="subordinate" 
    <xsl:param name="get-direct-children" 
               as="function(node()) as node()*"/>
    <xsl:sequence select="
               some $sub in $get-direct-children($superior) satisfies
                 ($sub is $subordinate or
                  f:is-subordinate($sub, $subordinate, 

Given source data representing an organization chart in the form of elements such as:

<employee id="P57832" manager="P68951"/>

the following function can be defined to get the direct reports of a manager:

<xsl:function name="f:direct-reports" 
    <xsl:param name="manager" as="element(employee)"/>
    <xsl:sequence select="$manager/../employee
                               [@manager = $manager/@id]"/>

It is then possible to test whether one employee $E reports directly or indirectly to another employee $M by means of the function call:

f:is-subordinate($M, $E, f:direct-reports#1)

10.4 Dynamic XPath Evaluation

<!-- Category: instruction -->
  xpath = expression
  as? = sequence-type〔'item()*'〕
  base-uri? = { uri }
  with-params? = expression
  context-item? = expression
  namespace-context? = expression
  schema-aware? = { boolean }〔'no'〕 >
  <!-- Content: (xsl:with-param | xsl:fallback)* -->

The xsl:evaluate instruction constructs an XPath expression in the form of a string, evaluates the expression in a specified context, and returns the result of the evaluation.

The expression given as the value of the xpath attribute is evaluated and the result is converted to a string using the coercion rules.

[Definition: The string that results from evaluating the expression in the xpath attribute is referred to as the target expression.]

[ERR XTDE3160] It is a dynamic error if the target expression is not a valid expression (that is, if a static error occurs when analyzing the string according to the rules of the XPath specification).

The as attribute, if present, indicates the required type of the result. If the attribute is absent, the required type is item()*, which allows any result. The result of evaluating the target expression is converted to the required type using the coercion rules. This may cause a type error if conversion is not possible. The result after conversion is returned as the result of the xsl:evaluate instruction.

The target expression may contain variable references; the values of such variables may be supplied using an xsl:with-param child instruction if the names of the variables are known statically, or using a map supplied as the value of the expression in the with-params attribute if the names are only known dynamically. If the with-params attribute is present then it must contain an expression whose value, when evaluated, is of type map(xs:QName, item()*) (see 21 Maps for details of maps).

[ERR XTTE3165] It is a type error if the result of evaluating the expression in the with-params attribute of the xsl:evaluate instruction is anything other than a single map of type map(xs:QName, item()*).

10.4.1 Static context for the target expression

The static contextXP40 for the target expression is as follows:

  • XPath 1.0 compatibility mode is false.

  • Statically known namespaces and default namespaces for elements and for types:

    • if the namespace-context attribute is present, then its value is an expression whose required type is a single node. The expression is evaluated, and the in-scope namespaces of the resulting node are used as the statically known namespaces for the target expression. The binding for the default namespace in the in-scope namespaces is used as the default namespace for both elements and types in the target expression.

      [ERR XTTE3170] It is a type error if the result of evaluating the namespace-context attribute of the xsl:evaluate instruction is anything other than a single node.

    • if the namespace-context attribute is absent, then the in-scope namespaces of the xsl:evaluate instruction (with the exception of any binding for the default namespace) are used as the statically known namespaces for the target expression, and the value of the attribute [xsl:]xpath-default-namespace, if present, is used to establish the default namespace for elements and types in the target expression, as described in 5.1.2 Unprefixed Lexical QNames in Expressions and Patterns.


    XPath 3.0 allows expanded names to be written in a context-independent way using the syntax Q{namespace-uri}local-name

  • Default function namespace: the standard function namespace.

  • In-scope schema definitions: if the schema-aware attribute is present and has the effective value yes, then the in-scope schema definitions from the stylesheet context (that is, the schema definitions imported using xsl:import-schema). Otherwise, the built-in types (see 3.14 Built-in Types).

  • In-scope variables: the names of the in-scope variables are the union of the names appearing in the name attribute of the contained xsl:with-param elements, and the names present as keys in the map obtained by evaluating the with-params attribute, if present. The corresponding type is item()* in the case of a name found as a key in the with-params map, or the type named in the as attribute of xsl:with-param child (defaulting to item()*) otherwise.

    If a variable name is present both the static xsl:with-param children and also in the dynamic with-params map, the value from the latter takes precedence.


    Variables declared in the stylesheet in xsl:variable or xsl:param elements are not in-scope within the target expression.

  • Function signatures:

    • All functions defined in [Functions and Operators 4.0] in the fn and math, map, and array namespaces;

    • Constructor functions for named simple types included in the in-scope schema definitions;

    • All user-defined functions present in the containing package provided their visibility is not hidden or private;

    • An implementation-defined set of extension functions.

    Note that this set deliberately excludes XSLT-defined functions in the standard function namespace including for example, key, current-group, and system-property. A list of these functions is in G.2 List of XSLT-defined functions.

  • Statically known collations: the same as the collations available at this point in the stylesheet.

  • Default collation: the same as the default collation defined at this point in the stylesheet (for example, by use of the [xsl:]default-collation attribute)

  • Base URI: if the base-uri attribute is present, then its effective value; otherwise, the base URI of the xsl:evaluate instruction.

  • Statically known documents: the empty set

  • Statically known collections: the empty set

  • Statically known default collection type: node()*

10.4.2 Dynamic context for the target expression

The dynamic context for evaluation of the target expression is as follows:

  • The context item, position, and size depend on the result of evaluating the expression in the context-item attribute. If this attribute is absent, or if the result is an empty sequence, then the context item, position, and size for evaluation of the target expression are all absent. If the result of evaluating the context-item expression is a single item, then the target expression is evaluated with a singleton focus based on this item.

    [ERR XTTE3210] If the result of evaluating the context-item expression is a sequence containing more than one item, then a type error is signaled.

  • The variable values consists of the values bound to parameters defined either in the contained xsl:with-param elements, which are evaluated as described in 9.3 Values of Variables and Parameters, or in the map that results from evaluation of the expression in the with-params attribute; if the same QName is bound in both, the value in the with-params map takes precedence.

  • The XSLT-specific aspects of the dynamic context described in 5.3.5 Additional Dynamic Context Components used by XSLT are all absent.

  • The dynamically known function definitionsXP40 (representing the functions accessible using function-available or function-lookupFO30) include all the functions available in the static context, and may also include an additional implementation-defined set of functions that are available dynamically but not statically.

  • All other aspects of the dynamic context are the same as the dynamic context for the xsl:evaluate instruction itself, except that an implementation may restrict the availability of external resources (for example, available documents) or provide options to restrict their availability, for security reasons.


    For example, a processor may disallow access using the docFO30 or collectionFO30 functions to documents in local filestore.

10.4.3 The effect of the xsl:evaluate instruction

The XPath expression is evaluated in the same execution scopeFO40 as the calling XSLT transformation; this means that the results of deterministicFO40 functions such as docFO30 or current-dateTimeFO30 will be consistent between the calling stylesheet and the called XPath expression.

It is a dynamic error if evaluation of the XPath expression fails with a dynamic error. The XPath-defined error code is used unchanged.


Implementations wanting to avoid the cost of repeated compilation of the same XPath expression should cache the compiled form internally.

Stylesheet authors need to be aware of the security risks associated with the use of xsl:evaluate. The instruction should not be used to execute code from an untrusted source. To avoid the risk of code injection, user-supplied data should never be inserted into the expression using string concatenation, but should always be referenced by use of parameters.

10.4.4 xsl:evaluate as an optional feature

The xsl:evaluate instruction is newly introduced in XSLT 3.0. It is part of the dynamic evaluation feature, which is an optional feature of the specification (see 28.6 Dynamic Evaluation Feature). An XSLT 3.0 processor may disable the feature, or allow users to disable the feature. The processor may be able to determine during static analysis whether or not the feature is available, or it may only be able to determine this during dynamic evaluation. In the first case we refer to the feature being statically disabled, in the second case to it being dynamically disabled.

If the feature is statically disabled, then:

  • A call to element-available('xsl:evaluate') returns false, wherever it appears;

  • A call to system-property('xsl:supports-dynamic-evaluation') returns the string "no", wherever it appears;

  • If an xsl:evaluate instruction has an xsl:fallback child, fallback processing takes place;

  • No static error is raised if an xsl:evaluate instruction is present in the stylesheet (an error occurs only if it is actually evaluated).

If the feature is dynamically disabled, then:

  • A call to element-available('xsl:evaluate') appearing in a static expression (for example, in an [xsl:]use-when attribute) returns true;

  • A call to element-available('xsl:evaluate') appearing anywhere else returns false;

  • A call to system-property('xsl:supports-dynamic-evaluation') appearing in a static expression (for example, in an [xsl:]use-when attribute) returns the string "yes";

  • A call to system-property('xsl:supports-dynamic-evaluation') appearing anywhere else returns the string "no";

  • If an xsl:evaluate instruction has an xsl:fallback child, fallback processing takes place;

  • In the absence of an xsl:fallback child, a dynamic error is raised if an xsl:evaluate instruction is evaluated. The dynamic error may be caught using xsl:try and xsl:catch.

If a processor supports the dynamic evaluation feature, it is implementation-defined how the processor allows users to disable dynamic evaluation and it is implementation-defined whether the mechanism is static or dynamic.

[ERR XTDE3175] It is a dynamic error if an xsl:evaluate instruction is evaluated when use of xsl:evaluate has been statically or dynamically disabled.

In consequence of these rules, the recommended approach for stylesheet authors to write code that works whether or not xsl:evaluate is enabled is to use an xsl:fallback child instruction. For example:

<xsl:variable name="isValid" as="xs:boolean">
  <xsl:evaluate xpath="$validityCondition">
     <xsl:fallback><xsl:sequence select="true()"/></xsl:fallback>


There may be circumstances where it is inappropriate to allow use of xsl:evaluate. For example:

  • There may be security risks associated with the ability to execute code from an untrusted source, which cannot be inspected during static analysis.

  • There may be environments where the available computing resources are sufficient to enable pre-compiled stylesheets to be executed, but not to enable XPath expressions to be compiled into executable code.

Processors that implement xsl:evaluate should provide mechanisms allowing calls on xsl:evaluate to be disabled. Implementations may disable the feature by default, and they may disable it unconditionally.

10.4.5 Examples of xsl:evaluate

Example: Using a Dynamic Sort Key

A common requirement is to sort a table on the value of an expression which is selected at run-time, perhaps by supplying the expression as a string-valued parameter to the stylesheet. Suppose that such an expression is supplied to the parameter:

<xsl:param name="sortkey" as="xs:string" select="'@name'"/>

Then the data may be sorted as follows:

   <xsl:evaluate xpath="$sortkey" as="xs:string" context-item="."/>

Note the importance in this use case of caching the compiled expression, since it is evaluated repeatedly, once for each item in the list being sorted.


Example: Getting a Function if it Exists

If the function-lookupFO30 function were not available in the standard library, then a very similar function could be implemented like this:

<xsl:function name="f:function-lookup">
  <xsl:param name="name" as="xs:QName"/>
  <xsl:param name="arity" as="xs:integer"/>
    <xsl:evaluate xpath="'Q{' || namespace-uri-from-QName($name) || '}' 
                || local-name-from-QName($name) || '#' || $arity">
      <xsl:with-param name="name" as="xs:QName" select="$name"/>
      <xsl:with-param name="arity" as="xs:integer" select="$arity"/>
    <xsl:catch errors="err:XTDE3160" select="()"/>


The main difference between this function and the standard function-lookupFO30 function is that there are differences in the functions that are visible: for example function-lookupFO30 gives access to user-defined functions with private visibility, whereas xsl:evaluate does not.

The xsl:evaluate instruction uses the supplied QName and arity to construct an expression of the form Q{namespace-uri}local#arity, which is then evaluated to return a function item representing the requested function.

11 Creating Nodes and Sequences

This section describes instructions that directly create new nodes, or sequences of nodes, atomic values, and/or function items.

11.1 Literal Result Elements

[Definition: In a sequence constructor, an element in the stylesheet that does not belong to the XSLT namespace and that is not an extension instruction (see 25.2 Extension Instructions) is classified as a literal result element.] A literal result element is evaluated to construct a new element node with the same expanded QName (that is, the same namespace URI, local name, and namespace prefix). The result of evaluating a literal result element is a node sequence containing one element, the newly constructed element node.

The content of the element is a sequence constructor (see 5.8 Sequence Constructors). The sequence obtained by evaluating this sequence constructor, after prepending any attribute nodes produced as described in 11.1.2 Attribute Nodes for Literal Result Elements and namespace nodes produced as described in 11.1.3 Namespace Nodes for Literal Result Elements, is used to construct the content of the element, following the rules in 5.8.1 Constructing Complex Content

The base URI of the new element is copied from the base URI of the literal result element in the stylesheet, unless the content of the new element includes an xml:base attribute, in which case the base URI of the new element is the value of that attribute, resolved (if it is a relative URI reference) against the base URI of the literal result element in the stylesheet. (Note, however, that this is only relevant when creating a parentless element. When the literal result element is copied to form a child of an element or document node, the base URI of the new copy is taken from that of its new parent.)

11.1.1 Setting the Type Annotation for Literal Result Elements

The attributes xsl:type and xsl:validation may be used on a literal result element to invoke validation of the contents of the element against a type definition or element declaration in a schema, and to determine the type annotation that the new element node will carry. These attributes also affect the type annotation carried by any elements and attributes that have the new element node as an ancestor. These two attributes are both optional, and if one is specified then the other must be omitted.

The value of the xsl:validation attribute, if present, must be one of the values strict, lax, preserve, or strip. The value of the xsl:type attribute, if present, must be an EQName identifying a type definition that is present in the in-scope schema components for the stylesheet. Neither attribute may be specified as an attribute value template. The effect of these attributes is described in 26.4 Validation.

11.1.2 Attribute Nodes for Literal Result Elements

Attribute nodes for a literal result element may be created by including xsl:attribute instructions within the sequence constructor. Additionally, attribute nodes are created corresponding to the attributes of the literal result element in the stylesheet, and as a result of expanding the xsl:use-attribute-sets attribute of the literal result element, if present.

The sequence that is used to construct the content of the literal result element (as described in 5.8.1 Constructing Complex Content) is the concatenation of the following four sequences, in order:

  1. The sequence of namespace nodes produced as described in 11.1.3 Namespace Nodes for Literal Result Elements.

  2. The sequence of attribute nodes produced by expanding the xsl:use-attribute-sets attribute (if present) following the rules given in 10.2 Named Attribute Sets

  3. The attributes produced by processing the attributes of the literal result element itself, other than attributes in the XSLT namespace. The way these are processed is described below.

  4. The sequence produced by evaluating the contained sequence constructor, if the element is not empty.


The significance of this order is that an attribute produced by an xsl:attribute, xsl:copy, or xsl:copy-of instruction in the content of the literal result element takes precedence over an attribute produced by expanding an attribute of the literal result element itself, which in turn takes precedence over an attribute produced by expanding the xsl:use-attribute-sets attribute. This is because of the rules in 5.8.1 Constructing Complex Content, which specify that when two or more attributes in the sequence have the same name, all but the last of the duplicates are discarded.

Although the above rules place namespace nodes before attributes, this is not strictly necessary, because the rules in 5.8.1 Constructing Complex Content allow the namespaces and attributes to appear in any order so long as both come before other kinds of node. The order of namespace nodes and attribute nodes in the sequence has no effect on the relative position of the nodes in document order once they are added to a tree.

Each attribute of the literal result element, other than an attribute in the XSLT namespace, is processed to produce an attribute for the element in the result tree.

The value of such an attribute is interpreted as an attribute value template: it can therefore contain expressions contained in curly brackets ({}). The new attribute node will have the same expanded QName (that is, the same namespace URI, local name, and namespace prefix) as the attribute in the stylesheet tree, and its string value will be the same as the effective value of the attribute in the stylesheet tree. The type annotation on the attribute will initially be xs:untypedAtomic, and the typed value of the attribute node will be the same as its string value.


The eventual type annotation of the attribute in the result tree depends on the xsl:validation and xsl:type attributes of the parent literal result element, and on the instructions used to create its ancestor elements. If the xsl:validation attribute is set to preserve or strip, the type annotation will be xs:untypedAtomic, and the typed value of the attribute node will be the same as its string value. If the xsl:validation attribute is set to strict or lax, or if the xsl:type attribute is used, the type annotation on the attribute will be set as a result of the schema validation process applied to the parent element. If neither attribute is present, the type annotation on the attribute will be xs:untypedAtomic.

If the name of a constructed attribute is xml:id, the processor must perform attribute value normalization by effectively applying the normalize-spaceFO30 function to the value of the attribute, and the resulting attribute node must be given the is-id property.


If the attribute name is xml:space, it is not an error when the value is something other than default or preserve. Although the XML specification states that other values are erroneous, a document containing such values is well-formed; if erroneous values are to be rejected, schema validation should be used.


The xml:base, xml:lang, xml:space, and xml:id attributes have two effects in XSLT. They behave as standard XSLT attributes, which means for example that if they appear on a literal result element, they will be copied to the result tree in the same way as any other attribute. In addition, they have their standard meaning as defined in the core XML specifications. Thus, an xml:base attribute in the stylesheet affects the base URI of the element on which it appears, and an xml:space attribute affects the interpretation of whitespace text nodes within that element. One consequence of this is that it is inadvisable to write these attributes as attribute value templates: although an XSLT processor will understand this notation, the XML parser will not. See also 11.1.4 Namespace Aliasing which describes how to use xsl:namespace-alias with these attributes.

The same is true of the schema-defined attributes xsi:type, xsi:nil, xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation, and xsi:schemaLocation. If the stylesheet is processed by a schema processor, these attributes will be recognized and interpreted by the schema processor, but in addition the XSLT processor treats them like any other attribute on a literal result element: that is, their effective value (after expanding attribute value templates) is copied to the result tree in the same way as any other attribute. If the result tree is validated, the copied attributes will again be recognized and interpreted by the schema processor.

None of these attributes will be generated in the result tree unless the stylesheet writes them to the result tree explicitly, in the same way as any other attribute.

[ERR XTSE0805] It is a static error if an attribute on a literal result element is in the XSLT namespace, unless it is one of the attributes explicitly defined in this specification.


If there is a need to create attributes in the XSLT namespace, this can be achieved using xsl:attribute, or by means of the xsl:namespace-alias declaration.

11.1.3 Namespace Nodes for Literal Result Elements

The created element node will have a copy of the namespace nodes that were present on the element node in the stylesheet tree with the exception of any namespace node whose string value is designated as an excluded namespace. Special considerations apply to aliased namespaces: see 11.1.4 Namespace Aliasing.

The following namespaces are designated as excluded namespaces:

  • The XSLT namespace URI (

  • A namespace URI declared as an extension namespace (see 25.2 Extension Instructions)

  • A namespace URI designated by using an [xsl:]exclude-result-prefixes attribute either on the literal result element itself or on an ancestor element. The attribute must be in the XSLT namespace only if its parent element is not in the XSLT namespace.

    The value of the attribute is either #all, or a whitespace-separated list of tokens, each of which is either a namespace prefix or #default. The namespace bound to each of the prefixes is designated as an excluded namespace.

    [ERR XTSE0808] It is a static error if a namespace prefix is used within the [xsl:]exclude-result-prefixes attribute and there is no namespace binding in scope for that prefix.

    The default namespace of the parent element of the [xsl:]exclude-result-prefixes attribute (see Section 6.2 Element Nodes DM30) may be designated as an excluded namespace by including #default in the list of namespace prefixes.

    [ERR XTSE0809] It is a static error if the value #default is used within the [xsl:]exclude-result-prefixes attribute and the parent element of the [xsl:]exclude-result-prefixes attribute has no default namespace.

    The value #all indicates that all namespaces that are in scope for the stylesheet element that is the parent of the [xsl:]exclude-result-prefixes attribute are designated as excluded namespaces.

    The designation of a namespace as an excluded namespace is effective within the subtree of the stylesheet module rooted at the element bearing the [xsl:]exclude-result-prefixes attribute; a subtree rooted at an xsl:stylesheet element does not include any stylesheet modules imported or included by children of that xsl:stylesheet element.

The excluded namespaces, as described above, only affect namespace nodes copied from the stylesheet when processing a literal result element. There is no guarantee that an excluded namespace will not appear on the result tree for some other reason. Namespace nodes are also written to the result tree as part of the process of namespace fixup (see 5.8.3 Namespace Fixup), or as the result of instructions such as xsl:copy and xsl:element.


When a stylesheet uses a namespace declaration only for the purposes of addressing a source tree, specifying the prefix in the [xsl:]exclude-result-prefixes attribute will avoid superfluous namespace declarations in the serialized result tree. The attribute is also useful to prevent namespaces used solely for the naming of stylesheet functions or extension functions from appearing in the serialized result tree.

Example: Excluding Namespaces from the Result Tree

Consider the following stylesheet:

<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
<xsl:template match="/">
  <foo xmlns:c="c.uri" xmlns:d="d.uri" xmlns:a2="a.uri" 


The result of this stylesheet will be:

<foo xmlns:d="d.uri"/>

The namespaces a.uri and b.uri are excluded by virtue of the exclude-result-prefixes attribute on the xsl:stylesheet element, and the namespace c.uri is excluded by virtue of the xsl:exclude-result-prefixes attribute on the foo element. The setting #all does not affect the namespace d.uri because d.uri is not an in-scope namespace for the xsl:stylesheet element. The element in the result tree does not have a namespace node corresponding to xmlns:a2="a.uri" because the effect of exclude-result-prefixes is to designate the namespace URI a.uri as an excluded namespace, irrespective of how many prefixes are bound to this namespace URI.

If the stylesheet is changed so that the literal result element has an attribute b:bar="3", then the element in the result tree will typically have a namespace declaration xmlns:b="b.uri" (the processor may choose a different namespace prefix if this is necessary to avoid conflicts). The exclude-result-prefixes attribute makes b.uri an excluded namespace, so the namespace node is not automatically copied from the stylesheet, but the presence of an attribute whose name is in the namespace b.uri forces the namespace fixup process (see 5.8.3 Namespace Fixup) to introduce a namespace node for this namespace.

A literal result element may have an optional xsl:inherit-namespaces attribute, with the value yes or no. The default value is yes. If the value is set to yes, or is omitted, then the namespace nodes created for the newly constructed element are copied to the children and descendants of the newly constructed element, as described in 5.8.1 Constructing Complex Content. If the value is set to no, then these namespace nodes are not automatically copied to the children. This may result in namespace undeclarations (such as xmlns="" or, in the case of XML 1.1, xmlns:p="") appearing on the child elements when they are serialized.

11.1.4 Namespace Aliasing

When a stylesheet is used to define a transformation whose output is itself a stylesheet module, or in certain other cases where the result document uses namespaces that it would be inconvenient to use in the stylesheet, namespace aliasing can be used to declare a mapping between a namespace URI used in the stylesheet and the corresponding namespace URI to be used in the result document.

[Definition: A namespace URI in the stylesheet tree that is being used to specify a namespace URI in the result tree is called a literal namespace URI.]

[Definition: The namespace URI that is to be used in the result tree as a substitute for a literal namespace URI is called the target namespace URI.]

Either of the literal namespace URI or the target namespace URI can be null: this is treated as a reference to the set of names that are in no namespace.

<!-- Category: declaration -->
  stylesheet-prefix = prefix | "#default"
  result-prefix = prefix | "#default" />

[Definition: A stylesheet can use the xsl:namespace-alias element to declare that a literal namespace URI is being used as an alias for a target namespace URI.]

The effect is that when names in the namespace identified by the literal namespace URI are copied to the result tree, the namespace URI in the result tree will be the target namespace URI, instead of the literal namespace URI. This applies to:

  • the namespace URI in the expanded QName of a literal result element in the stylesheet

  • the namespace URI in the expanded QName of an attribute specified on a literal result element in the stylesheet

The effect of an xsl:namespace-alias declaration is local to the package in which it appears: that is, it only affects the result of literal result elements within the same package.

Where namespace aliasing changes the namespace URI part of the expanded QName containing the name of an element or attribute node, the namespace prefix in that expanded QName is replaced by the prefix indicated by the result-prefix attribute of the xsl:namespace-alias declaration.

The xsl:namespace-alias element declares that the namespace URI bound to the prefix specified by the stylesheet-prefix is the literal namespace URI, and the namespace URI bound to the prefix specified by the result-prefix attribute is the target namespace URI. Thus, the stylesheet-prefix attribute specifies the namespace URI that will appear in the stylesheet, and the result-prefix attribute specifies the corresponding namespace URI that will appear in the result tree.

The default namespace (as declared by xmlns) may be specified by using #default instead of a prefix. If no default namespace is in force, specifying #default denotes the null namespace URI. This allows elements that are in no namespace in the stylesheet to acquire a namespace in the result document, or vice versa. Defining an alias for the null namespace URI does not affect no-namespace attributes; these remain in no namespace. However, where result-prefix="#default" is specified and no default namespace is in force, attributes whose namespace matches the literal namespace URI are renamed to be in no namespace. [XSLT 3.0 Erratum E48, bug 30397]

If a literal namespace URI is declared to be an alias for multiple different target namespace URIs, then the declaration with the highest import precedence is used.

[ERR XTSE0810] It is a static error if within a package there is more than one such declaration with the same literal namespace URI and the same import precedence and different values for the target namespace URI, unless there is also an xsl:namespace-alias declaration with the same literal namespace URI and a higher import precedence.

No error occurs if there is more than one such xsl:namespace-alias declaration having the same literal namespace URI and the same target namespace URI, even if the result-prefix differs; in this case the result-prefix used is the one that appears last in declaration order.

[ERR XTSE0812] It is a static error if a value other than #default is specified for either the stylesheet-prefix or the result-prefix attributes of the xsl:namespace-alias element when there is no in-scope binding for that namespace prefix.

When a literal result element is processed, its namespace nodes are handled as follows:

In the event that the same URI is used as a literal namespace URI and a target namespace URI, the second of these rules takes precedence.


These rules achieve the effect that the element generated from the literal result element will have an in-scope namespace node that binds the result-prefix to the target namespace URI, provided that the namespace declaration associating this prefix with this URI is in scope for both the xsl:namespace-alias instruction and for the literal result element. Conversely, the stylesheet-prefix and the literal namespace URI will not normally appear in the result tree.

Example: Using xsl:namespace-alias to Generate a Stylesheet

When literal result elements are being used to create element, attribute, or namespace nodes that use the XSLT namespace URI, the stylesheet may use an alias.

For example, the stylesheet


<xsl:namespace-alias stylesheet-prefix="axsl" result-prefix="xsl"/>

<xsl:template match="/">
  <axsl:stylesheet version="3.0">

<xsl:template match="elements">
  <axsl:template match="/">
     <axsl:comment select="system-property('xsl:version')"/>

<xsl:template match="block">
  <axsl:template match="{.}">


will generate an XSLT stylesheet from a document of the form:


The output of the transformation will be a stylesheet such as the following. Whitespace has been added for clarity. Note that an implementation may output different namespace prefixes from those appearing in this example; however, the rules guarantee that there will be a namespace node that binds the prefix xsl to the URI, which makes it safe to use the QName xsl:version in the content of the generated stylesheet.


<xsl:template match="/">
  <xsl:comment select="system-property('xsl:version')"/>
<xsl:template match="p">

<xsl:template match="h1">

<xsl:template match="h2">

<xsl:template match="h3">

<xsl:template match="h4">



It may be necessary also to use aliases for namespaces other than the XSLT namespace URI. For example, it can be useful to define an alias for the namespace, so that the stylesheet can use the attributes xsi:type, xsi:nil, and xsi:schemaLocation on a literal result element, without running the risk that a schema processor will interpret these as applying to the stylesheet itself. Equally, literal result elements belonging to a namespace dealing with digital signatures might cause XSLT stylesheets to be mishandled by general-purpose security software; using an alias for the namespace would avoid the possibility of such mishandling.

Example: Aliasing the XML Namespace

It is possible to define an alias for the XML namespace.

<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:axml=""

<xsl:namespace-alias stylesheet-prefix="axml" result-prefix="xml"/>

<xsl:template match="/">
  <name axml:space="preserve">
    <xsl:text> </xsl:text>


produces the output:

<name xml:space="preserve"><first>James</first> <last>Clark</last></name>

This allows an xml:space attribute to be generated in the output without affecting the way the stylesheet is parsed. The same technique can be used for other attributes such as xml:lang, xml:base, and xml:id.


Namespace aliasing is only necessary when literal result elements are used. The problem of reserved namespaces does not arise when using xsl:element and xsl:attribute to construct the result tree. Therefore, as an alternative to using xsl:namespace-alias, it is always possible to achieve the desired effect by replacing literal result elements with xsl:element and xsl:attribute instructions.

11.2 Creating Element Nodes Using xsl:element

<!-- Category: instruction -->
  name = { qname }
  namespace? = { uri }
  inherit-namespaces? = boolean〔'yes'〕
  use-attribute-sets? = eqnames〔''〕
  type? = eqname
  validation? = "strict" | "lax" | "preserve" | "strip" >
  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

The xsl:element instruction allows an element to be created with a computed name. The expanded QName of the element to be created is specified by a required name attribute and an optional namespace attribute.

The result of evaluating the xsl:element instruction, in usual circumstances, is the newly constructed element node.

11.2.1 The Content of the Constructed Element Node

The content of the xsl:element instruction is a sequence constructor for the children, attributes, and namespaces of the created element. The sequence obtained by evaluating this sequence constructor (see 5.8 Sequence Constructors) is used to construct the content of the element, as described in 5.8.1 Constructing Complex Content.

The xsl:element element may have a use-attribute-sets attribute, whose value is a whitespace-separated list of QNames that identify xsl:attribute-set declarations. If this attribute is present, it is expanded as described in 10.2 Named Attribute Sets to produce a sequence of attribute nodes. This sequence is prepended to the sequence produced as a result of evaluating the sequence constructor, as described in 5.8.1 Constructing Complex Content.

11.2.2 The Name of the Constructed Element Node

The name attribute is interpreted as an attribute value template, whose effective value must be a lexical QName.

[ERR XTDE0820] It is a dynamic error if the effective value of the name attribute is not a lexical QName.

[ERR XTDE0830] In the case of an xsl:element instruction with no namespace attribute, it is a dynamic error if the effective value of the name attribute is a lexical QName whose prefix is not declared in an in-scope namespace declaration for the xsl:element instruction.

If the namespace attribute is not present then the lexical QName is expanded into an expanded QName using the namespace declarations in effect for the xsl:element element, including any default namespace declaration.

If the namespace attribute is present, then it too is interpreted as an attribute value template. The effective value must be in the lexical space of the xs:anyURI type. If the string is zero-length, then the expanded QName of the element has a null namespace URI. Otherwise, the string is used as the namespace URI of the expanded QName of the element to be created. The local part of the lexical QName specified by the name attribute is used as the local part of the expanded QName of the element to be created.

[ERR XTDE0835] It is a dynamic error if the effective value of the namespace attribute is not in the lexical space of the xs:anyURI datatype or if it is the string


The XDM data model requires the name of a node to be an instance of xs:QName, and XML Schema defines the namespace part of an xs:QName to be an instance of xs:anyURI. However, the schema specification, and the specifications that it refers to, give implementations some flexibility in how strictly they enforce these constraints.

The prefix of the lexical QName specified in the name attribute (or the absence of a prefix) is copied to the prefix part of the expanded QName representing the name of the new element node. In the event of a conflict a prefix may subsequently be added, changed, or removed during the namespace fixup process (see 5.8.3 Namespace Fixup). The term conflict here means any violation of the constraints defined in [XDM 3.0], for example the use of the same prefix to refer to two different namespaces in the element and in one of its attributes, the use of the prefix xml to refer to a namespace other than the XML namespace, or any use of the prefix xmlns.

11.2.3 Other Properties of the Constructed Element Node

The xsl:element instruction has an optional inherit-namespaces attribute, with the value yes or no. The default value is yes. If the value is set to yes, or is omitted, then the namespace nodes created for the newly constructed element (whether these were copied from those of the source node, or generated as a result of namespace fixup) are copied to the children and descendants of the newly constructed element, as described in 5.8.1 Constructing Complex Content. If the value is set to no, then these namespace nodes are not automatically copied to the children. This may result in namespace undeclarations (such as xmlns="" or, in the case of XML Namespaces 1.1, xmlns:p="") appearing on the child elements when the element is serialized.

The base URI of the new element is copied from the base URI of the xsl:element instruction in the stylesheet, unless the content of the new element includes an xml:base attribute, in which case the base URI of the new element is the value of that attribute, resolved (if it is a relative URI) against the base URI of the xsl:element instruction in the stylesheet. (Note, however, that this is only relevant when creating parentless elements. When the new element is copied to form a child of an element or document node, the base URI of the new copy is taken from that of its new parent.)

The values of the nilled, is-id, and is-idrefs properties of the new element depend on the type and validation attributes of the xsl:element instruction, as explained in 26.4 Validation.

11.2.4 The Type Annotation of the Constructed Element Node

The optional attributes type and validation may be used on the xsl:element instruction to invoke validation of the contents of the element against a type definition or element declaration in a schema, and to determine the type annotation that the new element node will carry. These attributes also affect the type annotation carried by any elements and attributes that have the new element node as an ancestor. These two attributes are both optional, and if one is specified then the other must be omitted. The permitted values of these attributes and their semantics are described in 26.4 Validation.


The final type annotation of the element in the result tree also depends on the type and validation attributes of the instructions used to create the ancestors of the element.

11.3 Creating Attribute Nodes Using xsl:attribute

<!-- Category: instruction -->
  name = { qname }
  namespace? = { uri }
  select? = expression
  separator? = { string }
  type? = eqname
  validation? = "strict" | "lax" | "preserve" | "strip" >
  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

The xsl:attribute element can be used to add attributes to result elements whether created by literal result elements in the stylesheet or by instructions such as xsl:element or xsl:copy. The expanded QName of the attribute to be created is specified by a required name attribute and an optional namespace attribute. Except in error cases, the result of evaluating an xsl:attribute instruction is the newly constructed attribute node.

The string value of the new attribute node may be defined either by using the select attribute, or by the sequence constructor that forms the content of the xsl:attribute element. These are mutually exclusive: if the select attribute is present then the sequence constructor must be empty, and if the sequence constructor is non-empty then the select attribute must be absent. If the select attribute is absent and the sequence constructor is empty, then the string value of the new attribute node will be a zero-length string. The way in which the value is constructed is specified in 5.8.2 Constructing Simple Content.

[ERR XTSE0840] It is a static error if the select attribute of the xsl:attribute element is present unless the element has empty content.

If the separator attribute is present, then the effective value of this attribute is used to separate adjacent items in the result sequence, as described in 5.8.2 Constructing Simple Content. In the absence of this attribute, the default separator is a single space (#x20) when the content is specified using the select attribute, or a zero-length string when the content is specified using a sequence constructor.

The name attribute is interpreted as an attribute value template, whose effective value must be a lexical QName.

[ERR XTDE0850] It is a dynamic error if the effective value of the name attribute is not a lexical QName.

[ERR XTDE0855] In the case of an xsl:attribute instruction with no namespace attribute, it is a dynamic error if the effective value of the name attribute is the string xmlns.

[ERR XTDE0860] In the case of an xsl:attribute instruction with no namespace attribute, it is a dynamic error if the effective value of the name attribute is a lexical QName whose prefix is not declared in an in-scope namespace declaration for the xsl:attribute instruction.

If the namespace attribute is not present, then the lexical QName is expanded into an expanded QName using the namespace declarations in effect for the xsl:attribute element, not including any default namespace declaration.

If the namespace attribute is present, then it too is interpreted as an attribute value template. The effective value must be in the lexical space of the xs:anyURI type. If the string is zero-length, then the expanded QName of the attribute has a null namespace URI. Otherwise, the string is used as the namespace URI of the expanded QName of the attribute to be created. The local part of the lexical QName specified by the name attribute is used as the local part of the expanded QName of the attribute to be created.

[ERR XTDE0865] It is a dynamic error if the effective value of the namespace attribute is not in the lexical space of the xs:anyURI datatype or if it is the string


The same considerations apply as for elements: [see ERR XTDE0835] in 11.2 Creating Element Nodes Using xsl:element .

The prefix of the lexical QName specified in the name attribute (or the absence of a prefix) is copied to the prefix part of the expanded QName representing the name of the new attribute node. In the event of a conflict this prefix may subsequently be added, changed, or removed during the namespace fixup process (see 5.8.3 Namespace Fixup). If the attribute is in a non-null namespace and no prefix is specified, then the namespace fixup process will invent a prefix. The term conflict here means any violation of the constraints defined in [XDM 3.0], for example the use of the same prefix to refer to two different namespaces in the element and in one of its attributes, the use of the prefix xml to refer to a namespace other than the XML namespace, or any use of the prefix xmlns.

If the name of a constructed attribute is xml:id, the processor must perform attribute value normalization by effectively applying the normalize-spaceFO30 function to the value of the attribute, and the resulting attribute node must be given the is-id property. This applies whether the attribute is constructed using the xsl:attribute instruction or whether it is constructed using an attribute of a literal result element. This does not imply any constraints on the value of the attribute, or on its uniqueness, and it does not affect the type annotation of the attribute, unless the containing document is validated.


The effect of setting the is-id property is that the parent element can be located within the containing document by use of the idFO30 function. In effect, XSLT when constructing a document performs some of the functions of an xml:id processor, as defined in [xml:id]; the other aspects of xml:id processing are performed during validation.

Example: Creating a List-Valued Attribute

The following instruction creates the attribute colors="red green blue":

<xsl:attribute name="colors" select="'red', 'green', 'blue'"/>


Example: Namespaces are not Attributes

It is not an error to write:

<xsl:attribute name="xmlns:xsl" 

However, this will not result in the namespace declaration xmlns:xsl="" being output. Instead, it will produce an attribute node with local name xsl, and with a system-allocated namespace prefix mapped to the namespace URI file://some.namespace. This is because the namespace fixup process is not allowed to use xmlns as the name of a namespace node.

As described in 5.8.1 Constructing Complex Content, in a sequence that is used to construct the content of an element, any attribute nodes must appear in the sequence before any element, text, comment, or processing instruction nodes. Where the sequence contains two or more attribute nodes with the same expanded QName, the one that comes last is the only one that takes effect.


If a collection of attributes is generated repeatedly, this can be done conveniently by using named attribute sets: see 10.2 Named Attribute Sets

11.3.1 Setting the Type Annotation for a Constructed Attribute Node

The optional attributes type and validation may be used on the xsl:attribute instruction to invoke validation of the contents of the attribute against a type definition or attribute declaration in a schema, and to determine the type annotation that the new attribute node will carry. These two attributes are both optional, and if one is specified then the other must be omitted. The permitted values of these attributes and their semantics are described in 26.4 Validation.

The process of validation also determines the values of the is-id and is-idrefs properties on the new attribute node.


The final type annotation of the attribute in the result tree also depends on the type and validation attributes of the instructions used to create the ancestors of the attribute.

11.4 Creating Text Nodes

This section describes three different ways of creating text nodes: by means of literal text nodes in the stylesheet, or by using the xsl:text and xsl:value-of instructions. It is also possible to create text nodes using the xsl:number instruction described in 12 Numbering.

If and when the sequence that results from evaluating a sequence constructor is used to form the content of a node, as described in 5.8.2 Constructing Simple Content and 5.8.1 Constructing Complex Content, adjacent text nodes in the sequence are merged. Within the sequence itself, however, they exist as distinct nodes.

Example: A Sequence of Text Nodes

The following function returns a sequence of three text nodes:

<xsl:function name="f:wrap">
  <xsl:param name="s"/>
  <xsl:value-of select="$s"/>

When this function is called as follows:

<xsl:value-of select="f:wrap('---')"/>

the result is:


No additional spaces are inserted, because the calling xsl:value-of instruction merges adjacent text nodes before atomizing the sequence. However, the result of the instruction:

<xsl:value-of select="data(f:wrap('---'))"/>


( --- )

because in this case the three text nodes are atomized to form three strings, and spaces are inserted between adjacent strings.

It is possible to construct text nodes whose string value is zero-length. A zero-length text node, when atomized, produces a zero-length string. However, zero-length text nodes are ignored when they appear in a sequence that is used to form the content of a node, as described in 5.8.1 Constructing Complex Content and 5.8.2 Constructing Simple Content.

11.4.1 Literal Text Nodes

A sequence constructor can contain text nodes. Each text node in a sequence constructor remaining after whitespace text nodes have been stripped as specified in 3.13.1 Stripping Whitespace and Commentary from the Stylesheet will construct a new text node with the same string value. The resulting text node is added to the result of the containing sequence constructor.

Text is processed at the tree level. Thus, markup of &lt; in a template will be represented in the stylesheet tree by a text node that includes the character <. This will create a text node in the result tree that contains a < character, which will be represented by the markup &lt; (or an equivalent character reference) when the result tree is serialized as an XML document, unless otherwise specified using character maps (see 27.1 Character Maps) or disable-output-escaping (see 27.2 Disabling Output Escaping).

11.4.2 Creating Text Nodes Using xsl:text

<!-- Category: instruction -->
  [disable-output-escaping]? = boolean〔'no'〕 >
  <!-- Content: #PCDATA -->

The xsl:text element is evaluated to construct a new text node.

If the element or one of its ancestors has an [xsl:]expand-text attribute, and the nearest ancestor with such an attribute has the value yes, then any unescaped curly brackets in the value of the element indicate the presence of text value templates, which are expanded as described in 5.7.2 Text Value Templates.

In the absence of such an attribute, or if the effective value is no, the content of the xsl:text element is a single text node whose value forms the string value of the new text node. An xsl:text element may be empty, in which case the result of evaluating the instruction is a text node whose string value is the zero-length string.

The result of evaluating an xsl:text instruction is the newly constructed text node.

A text node that is an immediate child of an xsl:text instruction will not be stripped from the stylesheet tree, even if it consists entirely of whitespace (see 4.3.2 Stripping Whitespace from a Source Tree).

For the effect of the deprecated disable-output-escaping attribute, see 27.2 Disabling Output Escaping


It is not always necessary to use the xsl:text instruction to write text nodes to the result tree. Literal text can be written to the result tree by including it anywhere in a sequence constructor, while computed text can be output using the xsl:value-of instruction. The principal reason for using xsl:text is that it offers improved control over whitespace handling.

11.4.3 Generating Text with xsl:value-of

Within a sequence constructor, the xsl:value-of instruction can be used to generate computed text nodes. The xsl:value-of instruction computes the text using an expression that is specified as the value of the select attribute, or by means of contained instructions. This might, for example, extract text from a source tree or insert the value of a variable.

<!-- Category: instruction -->
  select? = expression
  separator? = { string }
  [disable-output-escaping]? = boolean〔'no'〕 >
  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

The xsl:value-of instruction is evaluated to construct a new text node; the result of the instruction is the newly constructed text node.

The string value of the new text node may be defined either by using the select attribute, or by the sequence constructor (see 5.8 Sequence Constructors) that forms the content of the xsl:value-of element. These are mutually exclusive: if the select attribute is present then the sequence constructor must be empty, and if the sequence constructor is non-empty then the select attribute must be absent. If the select attribute is absent and the sequence constructor is empty, then the result of the instruction is a text node whose string value is zero-length. The way in which the value is constructed is specified in 5.8.2 Constructing Simple Content.

[ERR XTSE0870] It is a static error if the select attribute of the xsl:value-of element is present when the content of the element is non-empty.

If the separator attribute is present, then the effective value of this attribute is used to separate adjacent items in the result sequence, as described in 5.8.2 Constructing Simple Content. In the absence of this attribute, the default separator is a single space (#x20) when the content is specified using the select attribute, or a zero-length string when the content is specified using a sequence constructor.

Special rules apply when the instruction is processed with XSLT 1.0 behavior. If no separator attribute is present, and if the select attribute is present, then all items in the atomized result sequence other than the first are ignored.

Example: Generating a List with Separators

The instruction:

<x><xsl:value-of select="1 to 4" separator="|"/></x>

produces the output:



The xsl:copy-of element can be used to copy a sequence of nodes to the result tree without atomization. See 11.9.2 Deep Copy.

For the effect of the deprecated disable-output-escaping attribute, see 27.2 Disabling Output Escaping

11.5 Creating Document Nodes

<!-- Category: instruction -->
  validation? = "strict" | "lax" | "preserve" | "strip"
  type? = eqname >
  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

The xsl:document instruction is used to create a new document node. The content of the xsl:document element is a sequence constructor for the children of the new document node. A document node is created, and the sequence obtained by evaluating the sequence constructor is used to construct the content of the document, as described in 5.8.1 Constructing Complex Content.

Except in error situations, the result of evaluating the xsl:document instruction is a single node, the newly constructed document node.


The new document is not serialized. To construct a document that is to form a final result rather than an intermediate result, use the xsl:result-document instruction described in 26.1 Creating Secondary Results.

The optional attributes type and validation may be used on the xsl:document instruction to validate the contents of the new document, and to determine the type annotation that elements and attributes within the result tree will carry. The permitted values and their semantics are described in 26.4.2 Validating Document Nodes.

The base URI of the new document node is taken from the base URI of the xsl:document instruction.

The document-uri and unparsed-entities properties of the new document node are set to empty.

Example: Checking Uniqueness Constraints in a Temporary Tree

The following example creates a temporary tree held in a variable. The use of an enclosed xsl:document instruction ensures that uniqueness constraints defined in the schema for the relevant elements are checked.

<xsl:variable name="tree" as="document-node()">
  <xsl:document validation="strict">

11.6 Creating Processing Instructions

<!-- Category: instruction -->
  name = { ncname }
  select? = expression >
  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

The xsl:processing-instruction element is evaluated to create a processing instruction node.

The xsl:processing-instruction element has a required name attribute that specifies the name of the processing instruction node. The value of the name attribute is interpreted as an attribute value template.

The string value of the new processing-instruction node may be defined either by using the select attribute, or by the sequence constructor that forms the content of the xsl:processing-instruction element. These are mutually exclusive: if the select attribute is present then the sequence constructor must be empty, and if the sequence constructor is non-empty then the select attribute must be absent. If the select attribute is absent and the sequence constructor is empty, then the string value of the new processing-instruction node will be a zero-length string. The way in which the value is constructed is specified in 5.8.2 Constructing Simple Content.

[ERR XTSE0880] It is a static error if the select attribute of the xsl:processing-instruction element is present unless the element has empty content.

Except in error situations, the result of evaluating the xsl:processing-instruction instruction is a single node, the newly constructed processing instruction node.

Example: Creating a Processing Instruction

This instruction:

<xsl:processing-instruction name="xml-stylesheet"
  select="('href=&quot;book.css&quot;', 'type=&quot;text/css&quot;')"/>

creates the processing instruction

<?xml-stylesheet href="book.css" type="text/css"?>

Note that the xml-stylesheet processing instruction contains pseudo-attributes in the form name="value". Although these have the same textual form as attributes in an element start tag, they are not represented as XDM attribute nodes, and cannot therefore be constructed using xsl:attribute instructions.

[ERR XTDE0890] It is a dynamic error if the effective value of the name attribute is not both an NCNameNames and a PITargetXML.


Because these rules disallow the name xml, the xsl:processing-instruction cannot be used to output an XML declaration. The xsl:output declaration should be used to control this instead (see 27 Serialization).

If the result of evaluating the content of the xsl:processing-instruction contains the string ?>, this string is modified by inserting a space between the ? and > characters.

The base URI of the new processing-instruction is copied from the base URI of the xsl:processing-instruction element in the stylesheet. (Note, however, that this is only relevant when creating a parentless processing instruction. When the new processing instruction is copied to form a child of an element or document node, the base URI of the new copy is taken from that of its new parent.)

11.7 Creating Namespace Nodes

<!-- Category: instruction -->
  name = { ncname }
  select? = expression >
  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

The xsl:namespace element is evaluated to create a namespace node. Except in error situations, the result of evaluating the xsl:namespace instruction is a single node, the newly constructed namespace node.

The xsl:namespace element has a required name attribute that specifies the name of the namespace node (that is, the namespace prefix). The value of the name attribute is interpreted as an attribute value template. If the effective value of the name attribute is a zero-length string, a namespace node is added for the default namespace.

The string value of the new namespace node (that is, the namespace URI) may be defined either by using the select attribute, or by the sequence constructor that forms the content of the xsl:namespace element. These are mutually exclusive: if the select attribute is present then the sequence constructor must be empty, and if the sequence constructor is non-empty then the select attribute must be absent. Since the string value of a namespace node cannot be a zero-length string, either a select attribute or a non-empty sequence constructor must be present. The way in which the value is constructed is specified in 5.8.2 Constructing Simple Content.

[ERR XTDE0905] It is a dynamic error if the string value of the new namespace node is not valid in the lexical space of the datatype xs:anyURI, or if it is the string

[ERR XTSE0910] It is a static error if the select attribute of the xsl:namespace element is present when the element has content other than one or more xsl:fallback instructions, or if the select attribute is absent when the element has empty content.

Note the restrictions described in 5.8.1 Constructing Complex Content for the position of a namespace node relative to other nodes in the node sequence returned by a sequence constructor.

Example: Constructing a QName-Valued Attribute

This literal result element:

<data xsi:type="xs:integer" 
  <xsl:namespace name="xs" 

would typically cause the output document to contain the element:

<data xsi:type="xs:integer"

In this case, the element is constructed using a literal result element, and the namespace xmlns:xs="" could therefore have been added to the result tree simply by declaring it as one of the in-scope namespaces in the stylesheet. In practice, the xsl:namespace instruction is more likely to be useful in situations where the element is constructed using an xsl:element instruction, which does not copy all the in-scope namespaces from the stylesheet.

[ERR XTDE0920] It is a dynamic error if the effective value of the name attribute is neither a zero-length string nor an NCNameNames, or if it is xmlns.

[ERR XTDE0925] It is a dynamic error if the xsl:namespace instruction generates a namespace node whose name is xml and whose string value is not, or a namespace node whose string value is and whose name is not xml.

[ERR XTDE0930] It is a dynamic error if evaluating the select attribute or the contained sequence constructor of an xsl:namespace instruction results in a zero-length string.

For details of other error conditions that may arise, see 5.8 Sequence Constructors.


It is rarely necessary to use xsl:namespace to create a namespace node in the result tree; in most circumstances, the required namespace nodes will be created automatically, as a side-effect of writing elements or attributes that use the namespace. An example where xsl:namespace is needed is a situation where the required namespace is used only within attribute values in the result document, not in element or attribute names; especially where the required namespace prefix or namespace URI is computed at run-time and is not present in either the source document or the stylesheet.

Adding a namespace node to the result tree will never change the expanded QName of any element or attribute node in the result tree: that is, it will never change the namespace URI of an element or attribute. It might, however, constrain the choice of prefixes when namespace fixup is performed.

Namespace prefixes for element and attribute names are initially established by the rules of the instruction that creates the element or attribute node, and in the event of conflicts, they may be changed by the namespace fixup process described in 5.8.3 Namespace Fixup. The fixup process ensures that an element has in-scope namespace nodes for the namespace URIs used in the element name and in its attribute names, and the serializer will typically use these namespace nodes to determine the prefix to use in the serialized output. The fixup process cannot generate namespace nodes that are inconsistent with those already present in the tree. This means that it is not possible for the processor to decide the prefix to use for an element or for any of its attributes until all the namespace nodes for the element have been added.

If a namespace prefix is mapped to a particular namespace URI using the xsl:namespace instruction, or by using xsl:copy or xsl:copy-of to copy a namespace node, this prevents the namespace fixup process (and hence the serializer) from using the same prefix for a different namespace URI on the same element.

Example: Conflicting Namespace Prefixes

Given the instruction:

<xsl:element name="p:item" 
  <xsl:namespace name="p"></xsl:namespace>

a possible serialization of the result tree is:


The processor must invent a namespace prefix for the URI p.uri; it cannot use the prefix p because that prefix has been explicitly associated with a different URI.


The xsl:namespace instruction cannot be used to generate a namespace undeclaration of the form xmlns="" (nor the new forms of namespace undeclaration permitted in [Namespaces in XML 1.1]). Namespace undeclarations are generated automatically by the serializer if undeclare-prefixes="yes" is specified on xsl:output, whenever a parent element has a namespace node for the default namespace prefix, and a child element has no namespace node for that prefix.

11.8 Creating Comments

<!-- Category: instruction -->
  select? = expression >
  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

The xsl:comment element is evaluated to construct a new comment node. Except in error cases, the result of evaluating the xsl:comment instruction is a single node, the newly constructed comment node.

The string value of the new comment node may be defined either by using the select attribute, or by the sequence constructor that forms the content of the xsl:comment element. These are mutually exclusive: if the select attribute is present then the sequence constructor must be empty, and if the sequence constructor is non-empty then the select attribute must be absent. If the select attribute is absent and the sequence constructor is empty, then the string value of the new comment node will be a zero-length string. The way in which the value is constructed is specified in 5.8.2 Constructing Simple Content.

[ERR XTSE0940] It is a static error if the select attribute of the xsl:comment element is present unless the element has empty content.

Example: Generating a Comment Node

For example, this

<xsl:comment>This file is automatically generated. Do not edit!</xsl:comment>

would create the comment

<!--This file is automatically generated. Do not edit!-->

In the generated comment node, the processor must insert a space after any occurrence of x2D (hyphen) that is followed by another occurrence of x2D (hyphen) or that ends the comment.

11.9 Copying Nodes

11.9.1 Shallow Copy

<!-- Category: instruction -->
  select? = expression
  copy-namespaces? = boolean〔'yes'〕
  inherit-namespaces? = boolean〔'yes'〕
  use-attribute-sets? = eqnames〔''〕
  type? = eqname
  validation? = "strict" | "lax" | "preserve" | "strip" >
  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

The xsl:copy instruction provides a way of copying a selected item. The selected item is the item selected by evaluating the expression in the select attribute if present, or the context item otherwise. If the selected item is a node, evaluating the xsl:copy instruction constructs a copy of the selected node, and the result of the xsl:copy instruction is this newly constructed node. By default, the namespace nodes of the context node are automatically copied as well, but the attributes and children of the node are not automatically copied.

[ERR XTTE0945] It is a type error to use the xsl:copy instruction with no select attribute when the context item is absent.

If the select expression returns an empty sequence, the xsl:copy instruction returns an empty sequence, and the contained sequence constructor is not evaluated.

[ERR XTTE3180] It is a type error if the result of evaluating the select expression is a sequence of more than one item.

When the selected item is an atomic value or function item, the xsl:copy instruction returns this value. The sequence constructor is not evaluated.

When the selected item is an attribute node, text node, comment node, processing instruction node, or namespace node, the xsl:copy instruction returns a new node that is a copy of the context node. The new node will have the same node kind, name, and string value as the context node. In the case of an attribute node, it will also have the same values for the is-id and is-idrefs properties. The sequence constructor is not evaluated.

When the selected item is a document node or element node, the xsl:copy instruction returns a new node that has the same node kind and name as the selected node. The content of the new node is formed by evaluating the sequence constructor contained in the xsl:copy instruction. If the select attribute is present then the sequence constructor is evaluated with the selected item as the singleton focus; otherwise it is evaluated using the context of the xsl:copy instruction unchanged. The sequence obtained by evaluating this sequence constructor is used (after prepending any attribute nodes or namespace nodes as described in the following paragraphs) to construct the content of the document or element node, as described in 5.8.1 Constructing Complex Content.

When the selected item is a document node, the unparsed-entities property of the existing document node is copied to the new document node.

When the selected item is an element or attribute node, the values of the is-id, is-idrefs, and nilled properties of the new element or attribute depend on the values of the validation and type attributes, as defined in 26.4 Validation.

The xsl:copy instruction has an optional use-attribute-sets attribute, whose value is a whitespace-separated list of QNames that identify xsl:attribute-set declarations. This attribute is used only when copying element nodes. This list is expanded as described in 10.2 Named Attribute Sets to produce a sequence of attribute nodes. This sequence is prepended to the sequence produced as a result of evaluating the sequence constructor.

The xsl:copy instruction has an optional copy-namespaces attribute, with the value yes or no. The default value is yes. The attribute is used only when copying element nodes. If the value is set to yes, or is omitted, then all the namespace nodes of the source element are copied as namespace nodes for the result element. These copied namespace nodes are prepended to the sequence produced as a result of evaluating the sequence constructor (it is immaterial whether they come before or after any attribute nodes produced by expanding the use-attribute-sets attribute). If the value is set to no, then the namespace nodes are not copied. However, namespace nodes will still be added to the result element as required by the namespace fixup process: see 5.8.3 Namespace Fixup.

The xsl:copy instruction has an optional inherit-namespaces attribute, with the value yes or no. The default value is yes. The attribute is used only when copying element nodes. If the value is set to yes, or is omitted, then the namespace nodes created for the newly constructed element (whether these were copied from those of the source node, or generated as a result of namespace fixup) are copied to the children and descendants of the newly constructed element, as described in 5.8.1 Constructing Complex Content. If the value is set to no, then these namespace nodes are not automatically copied to the children. This may result in namespace undeclarations (such as xmlns="" or, in the case of XML Namespaces 1.1, xmlns:p="") appearing on the child elements when a final result tree is serialized.

[ERR XTTE0950] It is a type error to use the xsl:copy or xsl:copy-of instruction to copy a node that has namespace-sensitive content if the copy-namespaces attribute has the value no and its explicit or implicit validation attribute has the value preserve. It is also a type error if either of these instructions (with validation="preserve") is used to copy an attribute having namespace-sensitive content, unless the parent element is also copied. A node has namespace-sensitive content if its typed value contains an item of type xs:QName or xs:NOTATION or a type derived therefrom. The reason this is an error is because the validity of the content depends on the namespace context being preserved.


When attribute nodes are copied, whether with xsl:copy or with xsl:copy-of, the processor does not automatically copy any associated namespace information. The namespace used in the attribute name itself will be declared by virtue of the namespace fixup process (see 5.8.3 Namespace Fixup) when the attribute is added to an element in the result tree, but if namespace prefixes are used in the content of the attribute (for example, if the value of the attribute is an XPath expression) then it is the responsibility of the stylesheet author to ensure that suitable namespace nodes are added to the result tree. This can be achieved by copying the namespace nodes using xsl:copy, or by generating them using xsl:namespace.

The optional attributes type and validation may be used on the xsl:copy instruction to validate the contents of an element, attribute or document node against a type definition, element declaration, or attribute declaration in a schema, and thus to determine the type annotation that the new copy of an element or attribute node will carry. These attributes are ignored when copying an item that is not an element, attribute or document node. When the node being copied is an element or document node, these attributes also affect the type annotation carried by any elements and attributes that have the copied element or document node as an ancestor. These two attributes are both optional, and if one is specified then the other must be omitted. The permitted values of these attributes and their semantics are described in 26.4 Validation.


The final type annotation of the node in the result tree also depends on the type and validation attributes of the instructions used to create the ancestors of the node.

When a node is copied, its base URI is copied, except when the result of the xsl:copy instruction is an element node having an xml:base attribute, in which case the base URI of the new node is taken as the value of its xml:base attribute, resolved if it is relative against the base URI of the xsl:copy instruction.

When an xml:id attribute is copied, using either the xsl:copy or xsl:copy-of instruction, it is implementation-defined whether the value of the attribute is subjected to attribute value normalization (that is, effectively applying the normalize-spaceFO30 function).


In most cases the value will already have been subjected to attribute value normalization on the source tree, but if this processing has not been performed on the source tree, it is not an error for it to be performed on the result tree.

11.9.2 Deep Copy

<!-- Category: instruction -->
  select = expression
  copy-accumulators? = boolean〔'no'〕
  copy-namespaces? = boolean〔'yes'〕
  type? = eqname
  validation? = "strict" | "lax" | "preserve" | "strip" />

The xsl:copy-of instruction can be used to construct a copy of a sequence of nodes, atomic values, and/or function items with each new node containing copies of all the children, attributes, and (by default) namespaces of the original node, recursively. The result of evaluating the instruction is a sequence of items corresponding one-to-one with the supplied sequence, and retaining its order.

The required select attribute contains an expression, whose value may be any sequence of nodes, atomic values, and/or function items. The items in this sequence are processed as follows:

  • If the item is an element node, a new element is constructed and appended to the result sequence. The new element will have the same expanded QName as the original, and it will have deep copies of the attribute nodes and children of the element node.

    The new element will also have namespace nodes copied from the original element node, unless they are excluded by specifying copy-namespaces="no". If this attribute is omitted, or takes the value yes, then all the namespace nodes of the original element are copied to the new element. If it takes the value no, then none of the namespace nodes are copied: however, namespace nodes will still be created in the result tree as required by the namespace fixup process: see 5.8.3 Namespace Fixup. This attribute affects all elements copied by this instruction: both elements selected directly by the select expression, and elements that are descendants of nodes selected by the select expression.

    The values of the is-id, is-idrefs, and nilled properties of the new element depend on the values of the validation and type attributes, as defined in 26.4 Validation.

  • If the item is a document node, the instruction adds a new document node to the result sequence; the children of this document node will be one-to-one copies of the children of the original document node (each copied according to the rules for its own node kind). The unparsed-entities property of the original document node is copied to the new document node.

  • If the item is an attribute or namespace node, or a text node, a comment, or a processing instruction, the same rules apply as with xsl:copy (see 11.9.1 Shallow Copy).

  • If the item is an atomic value or a function item, the value is appended to the result sequence, as with xsl:sequence.

The optional attributes type and validation may be used on the xsl:copy-of instruction to validate the contents of an element, attribute or document node against a type definition, element declaration, or attribute declaration in a schema and thus to determine the type annotation that the new copy of an element or attribute node will carry. These attributes are applied individually to each element, attribute, and document node that is selected by the expression in the select attribute. These attributes are ignored when copying an item that is not an element, attribute or document node.

The specified type and validation apply directly only to elements, attributes and document nodes created as copies of nodes actually selected by the select expression, they do not apply to nodes that are implicitly copied because they have selected nodes as an ancestor. However, these attributes do indirectly affect the type annotation carried by such implicitly copied nodes, as a consequence of the validation process.

These two attributes are both optional, and if one is specified then the other must be omitted. The permitted values of these attributes and their semantics are described in 26.4 Validation.

Errors may occur when copying namespace-sensitive elements or attributes using validation="preserve". [see ERR XTTE0950].

If removal of namespaces is requested using copy-namespaces="no", then any validation that is requested is applied to the tree that remains after the relevant namespaces have been removed. This will cause validation to fail if there is namespace-sensitive content that depends on the presence of the removed namespaces.

The base URI of a node is copied, except in the case of an element node having an xml:base attribute, in which case the base URI of the new node is taken as the value of the xml:base attribute, resolved if it is relative against the base URI of the xsl:copy-of instruction. If the copied node is subsequently attached as a child to a new element or document node, the final copy of the node inherits its base URI from its parent node, unless this is overridden using an xml:base attribute.

For any node N that is explicitly selected by the evaluation of the select expression, the base URI of the new copy is as follows:

  • If N is an element node having an xml:base attribute, the base URI of the new node is taken as the value of the xml:base attribute, resolved if it is relative against the static base URI of the xsl:copy-of instruction.

  • Otherwise, the base URI of the new copy is the same as the base URI of N.

For any element or processing-instruction node that has N as an ancestor, the base URI of the new copy is set to be the same as that of its new parent, with the following exception: if a copied element has an xml:base attribute, then its base URI is set to the value of that attribute, resolved if it is relative against the base URI of the new parent node.


If two elements in a subtree have different base URIs for some reason unconnected with xml:base attributes (for example, if they originated in different external entities), then these differences are lost when the subtree is copied.


As a consequence of rules specified elsewhere (see 5.8.1 Constructing Complex Content), if a node created using the xsl:copy-of instruction is subsequently attached as a child to a new element or document node, the final copy of the node inherits its base URI from its new parent node, unless this is overridden using an xml:base attribute.

[XSLT 3.0 Erratum E16, bug 30222]

The effect of the copy-accumulators attribute is described in 18.2.2 Applicability of Accumulators.

11.10 Constructing Sequences

<!-- Category: instruction -->
  select? = expression >
  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

The xsl:sequence instruction may be used within a sequence constructor to construct a sequence of nodes, atomic values, and/or function items. This sequence is returned as the result of the instruction. Unlike most other instructions, xsl:sequence can return a sequence containing existing nodes, rather than constructing new nodes. When xsl:sequence is used to select atomic values or function items, the effect is very similar to the xsl:copy-of instruction.

The items comprising the result sequence are evaluated either using the select attribute, or using the contained sequence constructor. These are mutually exclusive; if the instruction has a select attribute, then it must have no children other than xsl:fallback instructions. If there is no select attribute and no contained sequence constructor, the result is an empty sequence.

[ERR XTSE3185] For the elements xsl:sequence, xsl:on-empty, xsl:on-non-empty, xsl:when, xsl:otherwise, xsl:matching-substring, and xsl:non-matching-substring, it is a static error if the select attribute is present and the instruction has children other than xsl:fallback.

Any contained xsl:fallback instructions are ignored by an XSLT 2.0 or 3.0 processor, but can be used to define fallback behavior for an XSLT 1.0 processor running in forwards compatibility mode.

Example: Constructing a Sequence of Integers

The following code:

<xsl:variable name="values" as="xs:integer*">
    <xsl:sequence select="(1,2,3,4)"/>
    <xsl:sequence select="(8,9,10)"/>
<xsl:value-of select="sum($values)"/>

produces the output: 37


Example: Using xsl:for-each to Construct a Sequence

The following code constructs a sequence containing the value of the @price attribute for selected elements (which we assume to be typed as xs:decimal), or a computed price for those elements that have no @price attribute. It then returns the average price:

<xsl:variable name="prices" as="xs:decimal*">
  <xsl:for-each select="//product">
      <xsl:when test="@price">
        <xsl:sequence select="@price"/>
        <xsl:sequence select="@cost * 1.5"/>
<xsl:value-of select="avg($prices)"/>

Note that the existing @price attributes could equally have been added to the $prices sequence using xsl:copy-of or xsl:value-of. However, xsl:copy-of would create a copy of the attribute node, which is not needed in this situation, while xsl:value-of would create a new text node, which then has to be converted to an xs:decimal. Using xsl:sequence, which in this case atomizes the existing attribute node and adds an xs:decimal atomic value to the result sequence, is a more direct way of achieving the same result.

This example could alternatively be solved at the XPath level:

<xsl:value-of select="avg(//product/(+@price, @cost*1.5)[1])"/>

The apparently redundant + operator is there to atomize the attribute value: the expression on the right hand side of the / operator must not return a sequence containing both nodes and non-nodes (atomic values or function items).


The main use case for allowing xsl:sequence to contain a sequence constructor is to allow the instructions within an xsl:fork element to be divided into groups.

It can also be used to limit the scope of local variables or of standard attributes such as [xsl:]default-collation.

12 Numbering

<!-- Category: instruction -->
  value? = expression
  select? = expression
  level? = "single" | "multiple" | "any"〔'single'〕
  count? = pattern
  from? = pattern
  format? = { string }〔'1'〕
  lang? = { language }
  letter-value? = { "alphabetic" | "traditional" }
  ordinal? = { string }〔'no'〕
  start-at? = { string }
  grouping-separator? = { char }
  grouping-size? = { integer } />

The xsl:number instruction is used to create a formatted number. The result of the instruction is a newly constructed text node containing the formatted number as its string value.

[Definition: The xsl:number instruction performs two tasks: firstly, determining a place marker (this is a sequence of integers, to allow for hierarchic numbering schemes such as 1.12.2 or 3(c)ii), and secondly, formatting the place marker for output as a text node in the result sequence.] The place marker to be formatted can either be supplied directly, in the value attribute, or it can be computed based on the position of a selected node within the tree that contains it.

[ERR XTSE0975] It is a static error if the value attribute of xsl:number is present unless the select, level, count, and from attributes are all absent.


The facilities described in this section are specifically designed to enable the calculation and formatting of section numbers, paragraph numbers, and the like. For formatting of other numeric quantities, the format-numberFO30 function may be more suitable.

Furthermore, formatting of integers where there is no requirement to calculate the position of a node in the document can now be accomplished using the format-integerFO30 function, which borrows many concepts from the xsl:number specification.

12.1 The start-at Attribute

The effective value of the start-at attribute must be a string representing a whitespace-separated sequence of one or more integers, each one optionally preceded by a minus sign, separated by whitespace. More specifically, the value must be a string matching the regular expression -?[0-9]+(\s+-?[0-9]+)*. This sequence of integers is used to re-base the sequence of integers being formatted. Specifically if $S is the sequence of integers represented by the start-at attribute, and $V is the sequence of integers to be formatted, then the following transformation is applied to $V:

for $i in 1 to count($V) return
  if ($i le count($S))
  then $V[$i] + $S[$i] - 1
  else $V[$i] + $S[last()] - 1


This means that if there are N integers in the start-at attribute, then these are used to re-base the first N numbers, while numbers after the Nth are re-based using the last (Nth) integer in the start-at attribute. If the start-at attribute contains more integers than are required, the surplus is ignored.

For example, if the attribute is given as start-at="3 0 0", and the number sequence to be formatted is (1, 1, 1, 1), then the re-based sequence is 3, 0, 0, 0.

12.2 Formatting a Supplied Number

The place marker to be formatted may be specified by an expression. The value attribute contains the expression. The value of this expression is atomized using the procedure defined in [XPath 3.0], and each value $V in the atomized sequence is then converted to the integer value returned by the XPath expression xs:integer(round(number($V))). If the start-at attribute is present, this sequence is then re-based as described in 12.1 The start-at Attribute. The resulting sequence of integers is used as the place marker to be formatted.

If the instruction is processed with XSLT 1.0 behavior, then:

  • All items in the atomized sequence after the first are discarded;

  • If the atomized sequence is empty, it is replaced by a sequence containing the xs:double value NaN as its only item;

  • If any value in the sequence cannot be converted to an integer (this includes the case where the sequence contains a NaN value) then the string NaN is inserted into the formatted result string in its proper position. The error described in the following paragraph does not apply in this case.

[ERR XTDE0980] It is a dynamic error if any undiscarded item in the atomized sequence supplied as the value of the value attribute of xsl:number cannot be converted to an integer, or if the resulting integer is less than 0 (zero).


The value zero does not arise when numbering nodes in a source document, but it can arise in other numbering sequences. It is permitted specifically because the rules of the xsl:number instruction are also invoked by functions such as format-timeFO30: the minutes and seconds component of a time value can legitimately be zero.

The resulting sequence is formatted as a string using the effective values of the attributes specified in 12.4 Number to String Conversion Attributes; each of these attributes is interpreted as an attribute value template. After conversion, the xsl:number element constructs a new text node containing the resulting string, and returns this node.

Example: Numbering a Sorted List

The following example numbers a sorted list:

<xsl:template match="items">
  <xsl:for-each select="item">
    <xsl:sort select="."/>
      <xsl:number value="position()" format="1. "/>
      <xsl:value-of select="."/>

12.3 Numbering based on Position in a Document

If no value attribute is specified, then the xsl:number instruction returns a new text node containing a formatted place marker that is based on the position of a selected node within its containing document. If the select attribute is present, then the expression contained in the select attribute is evaluated to determine the selected node. If the select attribute is omitted, then the selected node is the context node.

[ERR XTTE0990] It is a type error if the xsl:number instruction is evaluated, with no value or select attribute, when the context item is not a node.

[ERR XTTE1000] It is a type error if the result of evaluating the select attribute of the xsl:number instruction is anything other than a single node.

The following attributes control how the selected node is to be numbered:

  • The level attribute specifies rules for selecting the nodes that are taken into account in allocating a number; it has the values single, multiple or any. The default is single.

  • The count attribute is a pattern that specifies which nodes are to be counted at those levels. If count attribute is not specified, then it defaults to the pattern that matches any node with the same node kind as the selected node and, if the selected node has an expanded QName, with the same expanded QName as the selected node.

  • The from attribute is a pattern that specifies where counting starts.

In addition, the attributes specified in 12.4 Number to String Conversion Attributes are used for number to string conversion, as in the case when the value attribute is specified.

The xsl:number element first constructs a sequence of positive integers using the level, count and from attributes. Where level is single or any, this sequence will either be empty or contain a single number; where level is multiple, the sequence may be of any length. The sequence is constructed as follows:

Let matches-count($node) be a function that returns true if and only if the given node $node matches the pattern given in the count attribute, or the implied pattern (according to the rules given above) if the count attribute is omitted.

Let matches-from($node) be a function that returns true if and only if the given node $node matches the pattern given in the from attribute, or if $node is the root node of a tree. If the from attribute is omitted, then the function returns true if and only if $node is the root node of a tree.

Let $S be the selected node.

When level="single":

  • Let $A be the node sequence selected by the following expression:


    (this selects the innermost ancestor-or-self node that matches the count pattern)

  • Let $F be the node sequence selected by the expression:


    (this selects the innermost ancestor-or-self node that matches the from pattern)

  • Let $AF be the value of:

       $A[ancestor-or-self::node()[. is $F]]

    (this selects $A if it is in the subtree rooted at $F, or the empty sequence otherwise)

  • If $AF is empty, return the empty sequence, ()

  • Otherwise return the value of:

       1 + count($AF/preceding-sibling::node()[matches-count(.)])

    (the number of preceding siblings of the counted node that match the count pattern, plus one).

When level="multiple":

  • Let $A be the node sequence selected by the expression:


    (the set of ancestor-or-self nodes that match the count pattern)

  • Let $F be the node sequence selected by the expression:


    (the innermost ancestor-or-self node that matches the from pattern)

  • Let $AF be the value of:

       $A[ancestor-or-self::node()[. is $F]]

    (the nodes selected in the first step that are in the subtree rooted at the node selected in the second step)

  • Return the result of the expression:

       for $af in $AF return 1+count($af/preceding-sibling::node()[matches-count(.)])

    (a sequence of integers containing, for each of these nodes, one plus the number of preceding siblings that match the count pattern)

When level="any":

  • Let $A be the node sequence selected by the expression:


    (the set of nodes consisting of the selected node together with all nodes, other than attributes and namespaces, that precede the selected node in document order, provided that they match the count pattern)

  • Let $F be the node sequence selected by the expression:


    (the last node in document order that matches the from pattern and that precedes the selected node, using the same definition)

  • Let $AF be the node sequence $A[. is $F or . >> $F]

    (the nodes selected in the first step, excluding those that precede the node selected in the second step)

  • If $AF is empty, return the empty sequence, ()

  • Otherwise return the value of the expression count($AF)

The resulting sequence of numbers is referred to as the place marker.

If the start-at attribute is present, then the place marker is re-based as described in 12.1 The start-at Attribute.

The sequence of numbers is then converted into a string using the effective values of the attributes specified in 12.4 Number to String Conversion Attributes; each of these attributes is interpreted as an attribute value template. After conversion, the resulting string is used to create a text node, which forms the result of the xsl:number instruction.

Example: Numbering the Items in an Ordered List

The following will number the items in an ordered list:

<xsl:template match="ol/item">
    <xsl:text>. </xsl:text>


Example: Multi-Level Numbering

The following two rules will number title elements. This is intended for a document that contains a sequence of chapters followed by a sequence of appendices, where both chapters and appendices contain sections, which in turn contain subsections. Chapters are numbered 1, 2, 3; appendices are numbered A, B, C; sections in chapters are numbered 1.1, 1.2, 1.3; sections in appendices are numbered A.1, A.2, A.3. Subsections within a chapter are numbered 1.1.1, 1.1.2, 1.1.3; subsections within an appendix are numbered A.1.1, A.1.2, A.1.3.

<xsl:template match="title">
     <xsl:number level="multiple"
                 format="1.1 "/>

<xsl:template match="appendix//title" priority="1">
     <xsl:number level="multiple"
                 format="A.1 "/>


Example: Numbering Notes within a Chapter

This example numbers notes sequentially within a chapter, starting from the number 100: :

<xsl:template match="note">
     <xsl:number level="any" from="chapter" format="(1) " start-at="100"/>

12.4 Number to String Conversion Attributes


This specification is aligned with that of the format-integerFO30 function, but there are differences; for example grouping separators are part of the primary format token in format-integerFO30, but are indicated by separate attributes in xsl:number.

The following attributes are used to control conversion of a sequence of numbers into a string. The numbers are integers greater than or equal to 0 (zero). The attributes are all optional.

The main attribute is format. The default value for the format attribute is 1. The format attribute is split into a sequence of tokens where each token is a maximal sequence of alphanumeric characters or a maximal sequence of non-alphanumeric characters. Alphanumeric means any character that has a Unicode category of Nd, Nl, No, Lu, Ll, Lt, Lm or Lo (see [UNICODE]). The alphanumeric tokens (format tokens) indicate the format to be used for each number in the sequence; in most cases the format token is the same as the required representation of the number 1 (one).

Each non-alphanumeric token is either a prefix, a separator, or a suffix. If there is a non-alphanumeric token but no format token, then the single non-alphanumeric token is used as both the prefix and the suffix. The prefix, if it exists, is the non-alphanumeric token that precedes the first format token: the prefix always appears exactly once in the constructed string, at the start. The suffix, if it exists, is the non-alphanumeric token that follows the last format token: the suffix always appears exactly once in the constructed string, at the end. All other non-alphanumeric tokens (those that occur between two format tokens) are separator tokens and are used to separate numbers in the sequence.

The nth format token is used to format the nth number in the sequence. If there are more numbers than format tokens, then the last format token is used to format remaining numbers. If there are no format tokens, then a format token of 1 is used to format all numbers. Each number after the first is separated from the preceding number by the separator token preceding the format token used to format that number, or, if that is the first format token, then by . (dot).

Example: Formatting a List of Numbers

Given the sequence of numbers 5, 13, 7 and the format token A-001(i), the output will be the string E-013(vii)

Format tokens are interpreted as follows:

  • Any token where the last character has a decimal digit value of 1 (as specified in the Unicode character property database, see [UNICODE]), and the Unicode value of preceding characters is one less than the Unicode value of the last character generates a decimal representation of the number where each number is at least as long as the format token. The digits used in the decimal representation are the set of digits containing the digit character used in the format token. Thus, a format token 1 generates the sequence 0 1 2 ... 10 11 12 ..., and a format token 01 generates the sequence 00 01 02 ... 09 10 11 12 ... 99 100 101. A format token of &#x661; (Arabic-Indic digit one) generates the sequence ١ then ٢ then ٣ ...

  • A format token A generates the sequence A B C ... Z AA AB AC....

  • A format token a generates the sequence a b c ... z aa ab ac....

  • A format token i generates the sequence i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x ....

  • A format token I generates the sequence I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X ....

  • A format token w generates numbers written as lower-case words, for example in English, one two three four ....

  • A format token W generates numbers written as upper-case words, for example in English, ONE TWO THREE FOUR ....

  • A format token Ww generates numbers written as title-case words, for example in English, One Two Three Four ....

  • Any other format token indicates a numbering sequence in which that token represents the number 1 (one) (but see the note below). It is implementation-defined which numbering sequences, additional to those listed above, are supported. If an implementation does not support a numbering sequence represented by the given token, it must use a format token of 1.


    In some traditional numbering sequences additional signs are added to denote that the letters should be interpreted as numbers; these are not included in the format token. An example, see also the example below, is classical Greek where a dexia keraia and sometimes an aristeri keraia is added.

For all format tokens other than the first kind above (one that consists of decimal digits), there may be implementation-defined lower and upper bounds on the range of numbers that can be formatted using this format token; indeed, for some numbering sequences there may be intrinsic limits. For example, the format token &#x2460; (circled digit one, ①) has a range imposed by the Unicode character repertoire (zero to 20 in Unicode versions prior to 3.2, or zero to 50 in subsequent versions). For the numbering sequences described above any upper bound imposed by the implementation must not be less than 1000 (one thousand) and any lower bound must not be greater than 1. Numbers that fall outside this range must be formatted using the format token 1. The numbering sequence associated with the format token 1 has a lower bound of 0 (zero).

The above expansions of numbering sequences for format tokens such as a and i are indicative but not prescriptive. There are various conventions in use for how alphabetic sequences continue when the alphabet is exhausted, and differing conventions for how roman numerals are written (for example, IV versus IIII as the representation of the number 4). Sometimes alphabetic sequences are used that omit letters such as i and o. This specification does not prescribe the detail of any sequence other than those sequences consisting entirely of decimal digits.

Many numbering sequences are language-sensitive. This applies especially to the sequence selected by the tokens w, W and Ww. It also applies to other sequences, for example different languages using the Cyrillic alphabet use different sequences of characters, each starting with the letter #x410 (Cyrillic capital letter A). In such cases, the lang attribute specifies which language’s conventions are to be used; its effective value must either be a string in the value space of xs:language, or a zero-length string. If no lang value is specified, or if the value is a zero-length string, the language that is used is implementation-defined. The set of languages for which numbering is supported is implementation-defined. If a language is requested that is not supported, the processor may use a fallback language identified by removing successive hyphen-separated suffixes from the supplied value until a supported language code is obtained; failing this, the processor uses the language that it would use if the lang attribute were omitted.

The optional ordinal attribute is used to indicate whether cardinal or ordinal numbers are required, and to select other options relating to the grammatical context of the number to be formatted. The allowed set of values is implementation-defined. If the attribute is absent, or if its value is zero-length, or if its value is no or 0 or false, then cardinal numbers appropriate to the selected language are output. If the value is yes or 1 or true, then ordinal numbers appropriate to the target language are output. Other values are implementation-defined.

For example, in English, the value ordinal="yes" when used with the format token 1 outputs the sequence 1st 2nd 3rd 4th ..., and when used with the format token w outputs the sequence first second third fourth ....


In some languages, the form of numbers (especially ordinal numbers) varies depending on the grammatical context: they may have different genders and may decline with the noun that they qualify. In such cases the value of the ordinal attribute may be used to indicate the variation of the cardinal or ordinal number required, in an implementation-defined way.

The way in which the variation is indicated will depend on the conventions of the language.

For inflected languages that vary the ending of the word, the approach recommended in the previous version of this specification was to indicate the required ending, preceded by a hyphen: for example in German, appropriate values might be ordinal="-e", ordinal="-er", ordinal="-es", ordinal="-en".

Another approach, which might usefully be adopted by an implementation based on the open-source ICU localization library [ICU], or any other library making use of the Unicode Common Locale Data Repository [Unicode CLDR], is to allow the value of the attribute to be the name of a registered numbering rule set for the language in question, conventionally prefixed with a percent sign: for example, ordinal="%spellout-ordinal-masculine", or ordinal="%spellout-cardinal-year". (The attribute name ordinal in this case is a misnomer, but serves the purpose.)

Example: Ordinal Numbering in Italian

The specification format="1" ordinal="-º" lang="it", if supported, should produce the sequence:

1º 2º 3º 4º ...

The specification format="Ww" ordinal="-o" lang="it", if supported, should produce the sequence:

Primo Secondo Terzo Quarto Quinto ...

The letter-value attribute disambiguates between numbering sequences that use letters. In many languages there are two commonly used numbering sequences that use letters. One numbering sequence assigns numeric values to letters in alphabetic sequence, and the other assigns numeric values to each letter in some other manner traditional in that language. In English, these would correspond to the numbering sequences specified by the format tokens a and i. In some languages, the first member of each sequence is the same, and so the format token alone would be ambiguous. A value of alphabetic specifies the alphabetic sequence; a value of traditional specifies the other sequence. If the letter-value attribute is not specified, then it is implementation-dependent how any ambiguity is resolved.


Implementations may use extension attributes on xsl:number to provide additional control over the way in which numbers are formatted.

The grouping-separator attribute gives the separator used as a grouping (for example, thousands) separator in decimal numbering sequences, and the optional grouping-size specifies the size (normally 3) of the grouping. For example, grouping-separator="," and grouping-size="3" would produce numbers of the form 1,000,000 while grouping-separator="." and grouping-size="2" would produce numbers of the form If only one of the grouping-separator and grouping-size attributes is specified, then it is ignored.

The effective value of the grouping-separator attribute may be any string, including a zero-length string.

The effective value of the grouping-size attribute must be a string in the lexical space of xs:integer. If the resulting integer is positive then it defines the number of digits between adjacent grouping separators; it if is zero or negative, then no grouping separators are inserted.

Example: Format Tokens and the Resulting Sequences

These examples use non-Latin characters which might not display correctly in all browsers, depending on the system configuration.

Format tokens for use with xsl:number
Description Format Token Sequence
French cardinal words format="Ww" lang="fr" Un, Deux, Trois, Quatre
German ordinal words format="w" ordinal="-e" lang="de" erste, zweite, dritte, vierte
Katakana numbering format="&#x30A2;" ア, イ, ウ, エ, オ, カ, キ, ク, ケ, コ, サ, シ, ス, セ, ソ, タ, チ, ツ, テ, ト, ナ, ニ, ヌ, ネ, ノ, ハ, ヒ, フ, ヘ, ホ, マ, ミ, ム, メ, モ, ヤ, ユ, ヨ, ラ, リ, ル, レ, ロ, ワ, ヰ, ヱ, ヲ, ン
Katakana numbering in iroha order format="&#x30A4;" イ, ロ, ハ, ニ, ホ, ヘ, ト, チ, リ, ヌ, ル, ヲ, ワ, カ, ヨ, タ, レ, ソ, ツ, ネ, ナ, ラ, ム, ウ, ヰ, ノ, オ, ク, ヤ, マ, ケ, フ, コ, エ, テ, ア, サ, キ, ユ, メ, ミ, シ, ヱ, ヒ, モ, セ, ス
Thai numbering format="&#x0E51;" ๑, ๒, ๓, ๔, ๕, ๖, ๗, ๘, ๙, ๑๐, ๑๑, ๑๒, ๑๓, ๑๔, ๑๕, ๑๖, ๑๗, ๑๘, ๑๙, ๒๐
Traditional Hebrew numbering format="&#x05D0;" letter-value="traditional" א, ב, ג, ד, ה, ו, ז, ח, ט, י, יא, יב, יג, יד, טו, טז, יז, יח, יט, כ
Traditional Georgian numbering format="&#x10D0;" letter-value="traditional" ა, ბ, გ, დ, ე, ვ, ზ, ჱ, თ, ი, ია, იბ, იგ, იდ, იე, ივ, იზ, იჱ, ით, კ
Classical Greek numbering (see note) format="&#x03B1;" letter-value="traditional" αʹ, βʹ, γʹ, δʹ, εʹ, ϛʹ, ζʹ, ηʹ, θʹ, ιʹ, ιαʹ, ιβʹ, ιγʹ, ιδʹ, ιεʹ, ιϛʹ, ιζʹ, ιηʹ, ιθʹ, κʹ
Old Slavic numbering format="&#x0430;" letter-value="traditional" А, В, Г, Д, Е, Ѕ, З, И, Ѳ, Ӏ, АӀ, ВӀ, ГӀ, ДӀ, ЕӀ, ЅӀ, ЗӀ, ИӀ, ѲӀ, К

Note that Classical Greek is an example where the format token is not the same as the representation of the number 1.

13 Sorting

[Definition: A sort key specification is a sequence of one or more adjacent xsl:sort elements which together define rules for sorting the items in an input sequence to form a sorted sequence.]

[Definition: Within a sort key specification, each xsl:sort element defines one sort key component.] The first xsl:sort element specifies the primary component of the sort key specification, the second xsl:sort element specifies the secondary component of the sort key specification, and so on.

A sort key specification may occur immediately within an xsl:apply-templates, xsl:for-each, xsl:perform-sort, or xsl:for-each-group element.


When used within xsl:for-each, xsl:for-each-group, or xsl:perform-sort, xsl:sort elements must occur before any other children.

13.1 The xsl:sort Element

  select? = expression
  lang? = { language }
  order? = { "ascending" | "descending" }〔'ascending'〕
  collation? = { uri }
  stable? = { boolean }〔'yes'〕
  case-order? = { "upper-first" | "lower-first" }
  data-type? = { "text" | "number" | eqname } >
  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

The xsl:sort element defines a sort key component. A sort key component specifies how a sort key value is to be computed for each item in the sequence being sorted, and also how two sort key values are to be compared.

The value of a sort key component is determined either by its select attribute or by the contained sequence constructor. If neither is present, the default is select=".", which has the effect of sorting on the actual value of the item if it is an atomic value, or on the typed-value of the item if it is a node. If a select attribute is present, its value must be an XPath expression.

[ERR XTSE1015] It is a static error if an xsl:sort element with a select attribute has non-empty content.

Those attributes of the xsl:sort elements whose values are attribute value templates are evaluated using the same focus as is used to evaluate the select attribute of the containing instruction (specifically, xsl:apply-templates, xsl:for-each, xsl:for-each-group, or xsl:perform-sort).

The stable attribute is permitted only on the first xsl:sort element within a sort key specification.

[ERR XTSE1017] It is a static error if an xsl:sort element other than the first in a sequence of sibling xsl:sort elements has a stable attribute.

[Definition: A sort key specification is said to be stable if its first xsl:sort element has no stable attribute, or has a stable attribute whose effective value is yes.]

13.1.1 The Sorting Process

[Definition: The sequence to be sorted is referred to as the initial sequence.]

[Definition: The sequence after sorting as defined by the xsl:sort elements is referred to as the sorted sequence.]

[Definition:  For each item in the initial sequence, a value is computed for each sort key component within the sort key specification. The value computed for an item by using the Nth sort key component is referred to as the Nth sort key value of that item.]

The items in the initial sequence are ordered into a sorted sequence by comparing their sort key values. The relative position of two items A and B in the sorted sequence is determined as follows. The first sort key value of A is compared with the first sort key value of B, according to the rules of the first sort key component. If, under these rules, A is less than B, then A will precede B in the sorted sequence, unless the order attribute of this sort key component specifies descending, in which case B will precede A in the sorted sequence. If, however, the relevant sort key values compare equal, then the second sort key value of A is compared with the second sort key value of B, according to the rules of the second sort key component. This continues until two sort key values are found that compare unequal. If all the sort key values compare equal, and the sort key specification is stable, then A will precede B in the sorted sequence if and only if A preceded B in the initial sequence. If all the sort key values compare equal, and the sort key specification is not stable, then the relative order of A and B in the sorted sequence is implementation-dependent.


If two items have equal sort key values, and the sort is stable, then their order in the sorted sequence will be the same as their order in the initial sequence, regardless of whether order="descending" was specified on any or all of the sort key components.

The Nth sort key value is computed by evaluating either the select attribute or the contained sequence constructor of the Nth xsl:sort element, or the expression . (dot) if neither is present. This evaluation is done with the focus set as follows:


As in any other XPath expression, the current function may be used within the select expression of xsl:sort to refer to the item that is the context item for the expression as a whole; that is, the item whose sort key value is being computed.

The sort key values are atomized, and are then compared. The way they are compared depends on their datatype, as described in the next section.

13.1.2 Comparing Sort Key Values

It is possible to force the system to compare sort key values using the rules for a particular datatype by including a cast as part of the sort key component. For example, <xsl:sort select="xs:date(@dob)"/> will force the attributes to be compared as dates. In the absence of such a cast, the sort key values are compared using the rules appropriate to their datatype. Any values of type xs:untypedAtomic are cast to xs:string.

For backwards compatibility with XSLT 1.0, the data-type attribute remains available. If this has the effective value text, the atomized sort key values are converted to strings before being compared. If it has the effective value number, the atomized sort key values are converted to doubles before being compared. The conversion is done by using the stringFO30 or numberFO30 function as appropriate. If the data-type attribute has any other effective value, then this value must be an EQName denoting an expanded QName with a non-absent namespace, and the effect of the attribute is implementation-defined. If the attribute is omitted, no conversion takes place.

[ERR XTTE1020] If any sort key value, after atomization and any type conversion required by the data-type attribute, is a sequence containing more than one item, then the effect depends on whether the xsl:sort element is processed with XSLT 1.0 behavior. With XSLT 1.0 behavior, the effective sort key value is the first item in the sequence. In other cases, this is a type error.

The set of sort key values (after any conversion) is first divided into two categories: empty values, and ordinary values. The empty sort key values represent those items where the sort key value is an empty sequence. These values are considered for sorting purposes to be equal to each other, but less than any other value. The remaining values are classified as ordinary values.

[ERR XTDE1030] It is a dynamic error if, for any sort key component, the set of sort key values evaluated for all the items in the initial sequence, after any type conversion requested, contains a pair of ordinary values for which the result of the XPath lt operator is an error. If the processor is able to detect the error statically, it may optionally signal it as a static error.


The above error condition may occur if the values to be sorted are of a type that does not support ordering (for example, xs:QName) or if the sequence is heterogeneous (for example, if it contains both strings and numbers). The error can generally be prevented by invoking a cast or constructor function within the sort key component.

The error condition is subject to the usual caveat that a processor is not required to evaluate any expression solely in order to determine whether it raises an error. For example, if there are several sort key components, then a processor is not required to evaluate or compare minor sort key values unless the corresponding major sort key values are equal.

In general, comparison of two ordinary values is performed according to the rules of the XPath lt operator. To ensure a total ordering, the same implementation of the lt operator must be used for all the comparisons: the one that is chosen is the one appropriate to the most specific type to which all the values can be converted by subtype substitution and/or type promotion. For example, if the sequence contains both xs:decimal and xs:double values, then the values are compared using xs:double comparison, even when comparing two xs:decimal values. NaN values, for sorting purposes, are considered to be equal to each other, and less than any other numeric value. Special rules also apply to the xs:string and xs:anyURI types, and types derived by restriction therefrom, as described in the next section.

13.1.3 Sorting Using Collations

The rules given in this section apply when comparing values whose type is xs:string or a type derived by restriction from xs:string, or whose type is xs:anyURI or a type derived by restriction from xs:anyURI.

[Definition: Facilities in XSLT 3.0 and XPath 3.0 that require strings to be ordered rely on the concept of a named collation. A collation is a set of rules that determine whether two strings are equal, and if not, which of them is to be sorted before the other.] A collation is identified by a URI, but the manner in which this URI is associated with an actual rule or algorithm is largely implementation-defined.

For more information about collations, see Section 5.3 Comparison of stringsFO40 in [Functions and Operators 4.0]. Some specifications, for example [UNICODE TR10], use the term “collation” to describe rules that can be tailored or parameterized for various purposes. In this specification, a collation URI refers to a collation in which all such parameters have already been fixed. Therefore, if a collation URI is specified, other attributes such as case-order and lang are ignored.

Every implementation must recognize the collation URI, which provides the ability to compare strings based on the Unicode codepoint values of the characters in the string.

Furthermore, every implementation must recognize collation URIs representing tailorings of the Unicode Collation Algorithm (UCA), as described in 13.4 The Unicode Collation Algorithm. Although this form of collation URI must be recognized, implementations are not required to support every possible tailoring.

If the xsl:sort element has a collation attribute, then the strings are compared according to the rules for the named collation: that is, they are compared using the XPath function call compare($a, $b, $collation).

If the effective value of the collation attribute of xsl:sort is a relative URI, then it is resolved against the base URI of the xsl:sort element.

[ERR XTDE1035] It is a dynamic error if the collation attribute of xsl:sort (after resolving against the base URI) is not a URI that is recognized by the implementation as referring to a collation.


It is entirely for the implementation to determine whether it recognizes a particular collation URI. For example, if the implementation allows collation URIs to contain parameters in the query part of the URI, it is the implementation that determines whether a URI containing an unknown or invalid parameter is or is not a recognized collation URI. The fact that this situation is described as an error thus does not prevent an implementation applying a fallback collation if it chooses to do so.

The lang and case-order attributes are ignored if a collation attribute is present. But in the absence of a collation attribute, these attributes provide input to an implementation-defined algorithm to locate a suitable collation:

  • The lang attribute indicates that a collation suitable for a particular natural language should be used. The effective value of the attribute must either be a string in the value space of xs:language, or a zero-length string. Supplying the zero-length string has the same effect as omitting the attribute. If a language is requested that is not supported, the processor may use a fallback language identified by removing successive hyphen-separated suffixes from the supplied value until a supported language code is obtained; failing this, the processor behaves as if the lang attribute were omitted.


    The fallback algorithm described above is identical to the rules in RFC4647 Basic Filtering used in BCP 47, and is specified in [RFC4647] in greater detail.

  • The case-order attribute indicates whether the desired collation should sort upper-case letters before lower-case or vice versa. The effective value of the attribute must be either lower-first (indicating that lower-case letters precede upper-case letters in the collating sequence) or upper-first (indicating that upper-case letters precede lower-case).

    When lower-first is requested, the returned collation should have the property that when two strings differ only in the case of one or more characters, then a string in which the first differing character is lower-case should precede a string in which the corresponding character is title-case, which should in turn precede a string in which the corresponding character is upper-case. When upper-first is requested, the returned collation should have the property that when two strings differ only in the case of one or more characters, then a string in which the first differing character is upper-case should precede a string in which the corresponding character is title-case, which should in turn precede a string in which the corresponding character is lower-case.

    So, for example, if lang="en", then A a B b are sorted with case-order="upper-first" and a A b B are sorted with case-order="lower-first".

    As a further example, if lower-first is requested, then a sorted sequence might be “MacAndrew, macintosh, macIntosh, Macintosh, MacIntosh, macintoshes, Macintoshes, McIntosh”. If upper-first is requested, the same sequence would sort as “MacAndrew, MacIntosh, Macintosh, macIntosh, macintosh, MacIntoshes, macintoshes, McIntosh”.

If none of the collation, lang, or case-order attributes is present, the collation is chosen in an implementation-defined way. It is not required that the default collation for sorting should be the same as the default collation used when evaluating XPath expressions, as described in 5.3.1 Initializing the Static Context and 3.7.1 The default-collation Attribute.


It is usually appropriate, when sorting, to use a strong collation, that is, one that takes account of secondary differences (accents) and tertiary differences (case) between strings that are otherwise equal. A weak collation, which ignores such differences, may be more suitable when comparing strings for equality.

Useful background information on international sorting is provided in [UNICODE TR10]. The case-order attribute may be interpreted as described in section 6.6 of [UNICODE TR10].

The collation, case-order, and lang attributes are ignored when no string comparisons are performed during the sorting process; this includes the cases where (a) the sequences to be sorted are empty, (b) the sort keys are of a non-string type such as xs:integer, or (c) data-type="number" is specified. In these cases, an implementation may report errors in the value of these attributes, but is not required to do so. As always, an implementation may issue warnings. [XSLT 3.0 Erratum E45, bug 30386]

13.2 Creating a Sorted Sequence

<!-- Category: instruction -->
  select? = expression >
  <!-- Content: (xsl:sort+, sequence-constructor) -->

The xsl:perform-sort instruction is used to return a sorted sequence.

The initial sequence is obtained either by evaluating the select attribute or by evaluating the contained sequence constructor (but not both). If there is no select attribute and no sequence constructor then the initial sequence (and therefore, the sorted sequence) is an empty sequence.

[ERR XTSE1040] It is a static error if an xsl:perform-sort instruction with a select attribute has any content other than xsl:sort and xsl:fallback instructions.

The result of the xsl:perform-sort instruction is the result of sorting its initial sequence using its contained sort key specification.

Example: Sorting a Sequence of Atomic Values

The following stylesheet function sorts a sequence of atomic values using the value itself as the sort key.

<xsl:function name="local:sort" 
  <xsl:param name="in" as="xs:anyAtomicType*"/>
  <xsl:perform-sort select="$in">
    <xsl:sort select="."/>


Example: Writing a Function to Perform a Sort

The following example defines a function that sorts books by price, and uses this function to output the five books that have the lowest prices:

<xsl:function name="bib:books-by-price" 
  <xsl:param name="in" as="schema-element(bib:book)*"/>
  <xsl:perform-sort select="$in">
    <xsl:sort select="xs:decimal(bib:price)"/>
   <xsl:copy-of select="bib:books-by-price(//bib:book)
                             [position() = 1 to 5]"/>

13.3 Processing a Sequence in Sorted Order

When used within xsl:for-each or xsl:apply-templates, a sort key specification indicates that the sequence of items selected by that instruction is to be processed in sorted order, not in the order of the supplied sequence.

Example: Processing Elements in Sorted Order

For example, suppose an employee database has the form


Then a list of employees sorted by name could be generated using:

<xsl:template match="employees">
    <xsl:apply-templates select="employee">
      <xsl:sort select="name/family"/>
      <xsl:sort select="name/given"/>

<xsl:template match="employee">
    <xsl:value-of select="name/given"/>
    <xsl:text> </xsl:text>
    <xsl:value-of select="name/family"/>

When used within xsl:for-each-group, a sort key specification indicates the order in which the groups are to be processed. For the effect of xsl:for-each-group, see 14 Grouping.

13.4 The Unicode Collation Algorithm

The description of the Unicode Collation Algorithm in this section is technically identical to the description found in [XPath 3.1]. The description here is to be used by a processor that does not implement the XPath 3.1 feature; if the processor does implement the XPath 3.1 feature, the description in [XPath 3.1] applies.

XSLT 3.0 defines a family of collation URIs representing tailorings of the Unicode Collation Algorithm (UCA) as defined in [UNICODE TR10]. The parameters used for tailoring the UCA are based on the parameters defined in the Locale Data Markup Language (LDML), defined in [UNICODE TR35].

This family of URIs use the scheme and path followed by an optional query part. The query part, if present, consists of a question mark followed by a sequence of zero or more semicolon-separated parameters. Each parameter is a keyword-value pair, the keyword and value being separated by an equals sign.

All implementations must recognize URIs in this family. This applies to all places where collations are used, including (for example) the xsl:sort, xsl:key, xsl:for-each-group, and xsl:merge-key elements, the [xsl:]default-collation attribute, and the collation argument of functions such as containsFO30, maxFO30, and collation-key. If the fallback parameter is present with the value no, then the implementation must either use a collation that conforms with the rules in the Unicode specifications for the requested tailoring, or fail with a static or dynamic error indicating that it does not provide the collation (the error code should be the same as if the collation URI were not recognized). If the fallback parameter is omitted or takes the value yes, and if the collation URI is well-formed according to the rules in this section, then the implementation must accept the collation URI, and should use the available collation that most closely reflects the user’s intentions. For example, if the collation URI requested is;fallback=yes and the implementation does not include a fully conformant version of the UCA tailored for Swedish, then it may choose to use a Swedish collation that is known to differ from the UCA definition, or one whose conformance has not been established. It might even, as a last resort, fall back to using codepoint collation.

If two query parameters use the same keyword then the last one wins. If a query parameter uses a keyword or value which is not defined in this specification then the meaning is implementation-defined. If the implementation recognizes the meaning of the keyword and value then it should interpret it accordingly; if it does not recognize the keyword or value then if the fallback parameter is present with the value no it should reject the collation as unsupported, otherwise it should ignore the unrecognized parameter.

The following query parameters are defined. If any parameter is absent, the default is implementation-defined except where otherwise stated. The meaning given for each parameter is non-normative; the normative specification is found in [UNICODE TR35].

Options for the Unicode Collation Algorithm
Keyword Values Meaning
fallback yes | no (default yes) Determines whether the processor uses a fallback collation if a conformant collation is not available.
lang language code, as defined for the lang attribute of xsl:sort The language whose collation conventions are to be used.
version string The version number of the UCA to be used.
strength primary | secondary | tertiary | quaternary | identical, or 1|2|3|4|5 as synonyms The collation strength as defined in UCA. Primary strength takes only the base form of the character into account (so A=a=Â=â); secondary strength ignores case but considers accents and diacritics as significant (so A=a and Â=â but â!=a); tertiary considers case as significant (A!=a!=Â!=â); quaternary considers spaces and punctuation that would otherwise be ignored (for example data-base=database).
maxVariable space | punct | symbol | currency (default punct) Indicates that all characters in the specified group and earlier groups are treated as “noise” characters to be handled as defined by the alternate parameter. For example, maxVariable=punct indicates that characters classified as whitespace or punctuation get this treatment.
alternate non-ignorable | shifted | blanked (default non-ignorable) Controls the handling of characters such as spaces and hyphens; specifically, the “noise” characters in the groups selected by the maxVariable parameter. The value non-ignorable indicates that such characters are treated as distinct at the primary level (so data base sorts before datatype); shifted indicates that they are used to differentiate two strings only at the quaternary level, and blanked indicates that they are taken into account only at the identical level.
backwards yes | no (default no) The value backwards=yes indicates that the last accent in the search term is the most significant.
normalization yes | no (default no) Indicates whether search terms are converted to normalization form D.
caseLevel yes | no (default no) When used with primary strength, setting caseLevel=yes has the effect of ignoring accents while taking account of case.
caseFirst upper | lower Indicates whether upper-case precedes lower-case or vice versa.
numeric yes | no (default no) When numeric=yes is specified, a sequence of consecutive digits is interpreted as a number, for example chap2 sorts before chap12.
reorder a comma-separated sequence of reorder codes, where a reorder code is one of space, punct, symbol, currency, digit, or a four-letter script code defined in [ISO 15924 Register], the register of scripts maintained by the Unicode Consortium in its capacity as registration authority for [ISO 15924]. Determines the relative ordering of text in different scripts; for example the value digit,Grek,Latn indicates that digits precede Greek letters, which precede Latin letters.


This list excludes parameters that are inconvenient to express in a URI, or that are applicable only to substring matching.

14 Grouping

The facilities described in this section are designed to allow items in a sequence to be grouped based on common values; for example it allows grouping of elements having the same value for a particular attribute, or elements with the same name, or elements with common values for any other expression. Since grouping identifies items with duplicate values, the same facilities also allow selection of the distinct values in a sequence of items, that is, the elimination of duplicates.


Simple elimination of duplicates can also be achieved using the function distinct-valuesFO30: see [Functions and Operators 4.0].

In addition these facilities allow grouping based on sequential position, for example selecting groups of adjacent para elements. The facilities also provide an easy way to do fixed-size grouping, for example identifying groups of three adjacent nodes, which is useful when arranging data in multiple columns.

For each group of items identified, it is possible to evaluate a sequence constructor for the group. Grouping is nestable to multiple levels so that groups of distinct items can be identified, then from among the distinct groups selected, further sub-grouping of distinct items in the current group can be done.

It is also possible for one item to participate in more than one group.

14.1 The xsl:for-each-group Element

The xsl:for-each-group instruction allows a flat sequence of items to be processed as a sequence of groups, allowing a number of criteria to be used to define the grouping. The instruction may be used anywhere within a sequence constructor.

As with xsl:for-each, the instruction is extended in XSLT 4.0 to allow maps and arrays to be processed.

<!-- Category: instruction -->
  select? = expression
  group-by? = expression
  group-adjacent? = expression
  group-starting-with? = pattern
  group-ending-with? = pattern
  break-when? = expression
  composite? = boolean〔'no'〕
  collation? = { uri } >
  <!-- Content: (xsl:sort*, sequence-constructor) -->

The attributes select, array, and map are mutually exclusive: exactly one of these three attributes must be present.

Specifying array="EXPR" is equivalent to specifying select="array:for-each(EXPR, function($x){map{'value':$x})?*. That is, it maps the elements of an input array to a sequence of items, each item being a map having a single entry, whose key is the string value and whose corresponding value is the relevant element of the array. Within the contained sequence constructor, the current array element can be refered to as ?value.

Specifying map="EXPR" is equivalent to specifying select="map:for-each(EXPR, function($k, $v){map{'key':$k, 'value':$v}). That is, it maps the key-value entries of an input map to a sequence of items (in undefined order), each item being a map having two entries, one entry holding the key, and the other holding the value. Within the contained sequence constructor, the key and value of the current entry in the input map can be refered to as ?key and ?value respectively.

The select attribute (whether written explicitly, or constructed as described above) contains an expression which is evaluated to produce a sequence, called the population.

[Definition: The xsl:for-each-group instruction allocates the items in an input sequence into groups of items (that is, it establishes a collection of sequences) based either on common values of a grouping key, or on a pattern that the initial or final item in a group must match.] The sequence constructor that forms the content of the xsl:for-each-group instruction is evaluated once for each of these groups.

[Definition: The sequence of items to be grouped, which is referred to as the population, is determined by evaluating the XPath expression contained in the select attribute.]

[Definition: The population is treated as a sequence; the order of items in this sequence is referred to as population order.]

A group is never empty. If the population is empty, the number of groups will be zero.

The assignment of items to groups depends on the group-by, group-adjacent, group-starting-with, group-ending-with, and break-when attributes.

[ERR XTSE1080] These five attributes are mutually exclusive: it is a static error if none of these attributes is present or if more than one of them is present.

[ERR XTSE1090] It is a static error to specify the collation attribute or the composite attribute if neither the group-by attribute nor group-adjacent attribute is specified.

[Definition: If either of the group-by or group-adjacent attributes is present, then for each item in the population a set of grouping keys is calculated, as follows: the expression contained in the group-by or group-adjacent attribute is evaluated; the result is atomized; and any xs:untypedAtomic values are cast to xs:string. If composite="yes" is specified, there is a single grouping key whose value is the resulting sequence; otherwise, there is a set of grouping keys, consisting of the distinct atomic values present in the result sequence.]

When calculating grouping keys for an item in the population, the expression contained in the group-by or group-adjacent attribute is evaluated with that item as the context item, with its position in population order as the context position, and with the size of the population as the context size.

If the group-by attribute is present, and if the composite attribute is omitted or takes the value no, then an item in the population may have multiple grouping keys: that is, the group-by expression evaluates to a sequence, and each item in the sequence is treated as a separate grouping key. The item is included in as many groups as there are distinct grouping keys (which may be zero).

If the group-adjacent attribute is used, and if the composite attribute is omitted or takes the value no, then each item in the population must have exactly one grouping key value.

[ERR XTTE1100] It is a type error if the result of evaluating the group-adjacent expression is an empty sequence or a sequence containing more than one item, unless composite="yes" is specified.

Grouping keys are compared using the rules of the distinct-values function, using the relevant collation. The relevant collation is the collation specified as the effective value of the collation attribute, resolved if relative against the base URI of the xsl:for-each-group element; if there is no collation attribute then the default collation is used. Given this collation, two grouping keys K1 and K2 are considered equal if count(distinct-values(($K1, $K2), $collation)) = 1.

[ERR XTDE1110] It is a dynamic error if the collation URI specified to xsl:for-each-group (after resolving against the base URI) is a collation that is not recognized by the implementation. (For notes, [see ERR XTDE1035].)

For more information on collations, see 13.1.3 Sorting Using Collations.

The way in which an xsl:for-each-group element is evaluated depends on which of the four group-defining attributes is present:

  • If the group-by attribute is present, the items in the population are examined, in population order. For each item J, the expression in the group-by attribute is evaluated to produce a sequence of zero or more grouping key values. If composite="yes" is specified, there will be a single grouping key, which will in general be a sequence of zero or more atomic values; otherwise, there will be zero or more grouping keys, each of which will be a single atomic value. For each one of these grouping keys, if there is already a group created to hold items having that grouping key value, J is appended to that group; otherwise a new group is created for items with that grouping key value, and J becomes its first member.

    An item in the population may thus be appended to zero, one, or many groups. An item will never be appended more than once to the same group; if two or more grouping keys for the same item are equal, then the duplicates are ignored. An item here means the item at a particular position within the population—if the population contains the same node at several different positions in the sequence then a group may indeed contain duplicate nodes.

    The number of groups will be the same as the number of distinct grouping key values present in the population.

    If the population contains values of different numeric types that differ from each other by small amounts, then the eq operator is not transitive, because of rounding effects occurring during type promotion. The effect of this is described in 14.5 Non-Transitivity.

  • If the group-adjacent attribute is present, the items in the population are examined, in population order. If an item has the same value for the grouping key as its preceding item within the population (in population order), then it is appended to the same group as its preceding item; otherwise a new group is created and the item becomes its first member.

  • If the group-starting-with attribute is present, then its value must be a pattern.

    The items in the population are examined in population order. If an item matches the pattern, or is the first item in the population, then a new group is created and the item becomes its first member. Otherwise, the item is appended to the same group as its preceding item within the population.

  • If the group-ending-with attribute is present, then its value must be a pattern.

    The items in the population are examined in population order. If an item is the first item in the population, or if the previous item in the population matches the pattern, then a new group is created and the item becomes its first member. Otherwise, the item is appended to the same group as its preceding item within the population.

  • If the break-when attribute is present, then its value must be an expression. This expression is evaluated once for every item in the population except the first. The context item is that item, the context position is its position in the population, and the context size is the size of the population. The current group is set to contain all items that have already been added to the latest group. It is supplied with two variables: $group is set to the current group being constructed, and $next is the next item in the population. If the effective boolean valueXP40 of the expression is true, then this item forms the start of a new group; if it is false, the item is added to the existing group.

    For example:

    • break-when="count($group) = 3" starts a new group whenever the existing group has exactly three members; that is, it partitions the population into groups of size 3 (with the last group being smaller if necessary).

    • break-when="$next[self::h1]" starts a new group whenever an h1 element is encountered. The effect is the same as specifying group-starting-with="h1"

    • break-when="$group[last()]/@continued='no'" starts a new group immediately after any element having @continued="no". The effect is the same as specifying group-ending-with="*[@continued='no']"

    • break-when="node-name($group[last()] != node-name($next)" starts a new group whenever the name of an item differs from the name of the previous item. The effect is the same as specifying group-adjacent="node-name(.)".

    • break-when="$group[last()][self::hr] or $next[self::hr]" starts a new group immediately before and immediately after every hr element. (That is, hr elements become singleton groups.)

    • break-when="$next ne $group[last()] + 1" starts a new group whenever the current item is not equal to the previous item plus one. For example 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11 is grouped as (1, 2), (5, 6, 7), (10, 11).

    • break-when="sum($group/string-length()) gt 40" starts a new group when the sum of the string lengths of the items in the current group exceeds 40.

    • break-when="ends-with($group[last()], '.') and matches($next, '^\p{Lu}')" starts a new group when the last item in the current group ends with "." and the next item starts with a capital letter.

    • break-when="deep-equal(slice($group, -2 to -1), ('', ''))" starts a new group after two consecutive zero-length strings.

    • break-when="count($group) gt 1 and $group[1]/@name = $group[last()]/@name" starts a new group if the last item in the current group has the same value for @name as the first item in that group (provided they are not the same item).

In all cases the order of items within each group is predictable, and reflects the original population order, in that the items are processed in population order and each item is appended at the end of zero or more groups.


As always, a different algorithm may be used if it achieves the same effect.

[Definition: For each group, the item within the group that is first in population order is known as the initial item of the group.]

The sequence constructor contained in the xsl:for-each-group element is evaluated once for each of the groups, in processing order. The sequences that result are concatenated, in processing order, to form the result of the xsl:for-each-group element. Within the sequence constructor, the context item is the initial item of the relevant group, the context position is the position of this group in the processing order of the groups, and the context size is the number of groups This has the effect that within the sequence constructor, a call on position() takes successive values 1, 2, ... last().

14.2 Accessing Information about the Current Group Value

Two pieces of information are available during the processing of each group (that is, while evaluating the sequence constructor contained in the xsl:for-each-group instruction, and also while evaluating the sort key of a group as expressed by the select attribute or sequence constructor of an xsl:sort child of the xsl:for-each-group element):

  • [Definition: The current group is the group itself, as a sequence of items].

  • [Definition: The current grouping key is a single atomic value, or in the case of a composite key, a sequence of atomic values, containing the grouping key of the items in the current group.]

Information about the current group and the current grouping key is held in the dynamic context, and is available using the current-group and current-grouping-key functions respectively.

In XSLT 2.0, the current group and the current grouping key were passed unchanged through calls of xsl:apply-templates and xsl:call-template, and also xsl:apply-imports and xsl:next-match. This behavior is retained in XSLT 3.0 except in the case where streaming is in use: specifically, if the xsl:apply-templates, xsl:call-template, xsl:apply-imports, or xsl:next-match instruction occurs within a declared-streamable construct (typically, within an xsl:source-document instruction, or within a streamable template rule), then the current group and current grouping key are set to absent in the called template. The reason for this is to allow the streamability of an xsl:for-each-group instruction to be assessed statically, as described in Streamability of xsl:for-each-group.

14.2.1 fn:current-group


Returns the group currently being processed by an xsl:for-each-group instruction.

fn:current-group() as item()*

This function is deterministicFO30, context-dependentFO30, and focus-independentFO30.


The evaluation context for XPath expressions includes a component called the current group, which is a sequence.

The function current-group returns the sequence of items making up the current group.

The current group is bound during evaluation of the xsl:for-each-group instruction. If no xsl:for-each-group instruction is being evaluated, the current group will be absent: that is, any reference to it will cause a dynamic error.

The effect of invocation constructs on the current group is as follows:

  • If the invocation construct is contained within a declared-streamable construct (for example, if it is within an xsl:source-document instruction with the attribute streamable="yes", or within a streamable template), then the invocation construct sets the current group to absent. In this situation the scope of the current group is effectively static; it can only be referenced within the body of the xsl:for-each-group instruction to which it applies.

  • If the invocation construct is a (static or dynamic) function call, then the invocation construct sets the current group to absent.

  • Otherwise the invocation construct leaves the current group unchanged. In this situation the scope of the current group is effectively dynamic: it can be referenced within called templates and attribute sets.

The current group is initially absent during the evaluation of global variables and stylesheet parameters, during the evaluation of the use attribute or contained sequence constructor of xsl:key, and during the evaluation of the initial-value attribute of xsl:accumulator and the select attribute of contained sequence constructor of xsl:accumulator-rule.

Error Conditions

[ERR XTSE1060] It is a static error if the current-group function is used within a pattern.

[ERR XTDE1061] It is a dynamic error if the current-group function is used when the current group is absent , or when it is invoked in the course of evaluating a pattern. The error may be reported statically if it can be detected statically.


Like other XSLT extensions to the dynamic evaluation context, the current group is not retained as part of the closure of a function value. This means that the expression current-group#0 is valid and returns a function value, but any invocation of this function will fail with a dynamic error [see ERR XTDE1061].

14.2.2 fn:current-grouping-key


Returns the grouping key of the group currently being processed using the xsl:for-each-group instruction.

fn:current-grouping-key() as xs:anyAtomicType*

This function is deterministicFO30, context-dependentFO30, and focus-independentFO30.


The evaluation context for XPath expressions includes a component called the current grouping key, which is a sequence of atomic values. The current grouping key is the grouping key shared in common by all the items within the current group.

The function current-grouping-key returns the current grouping key.

The current grouping key is bound during evaluation of an xsl:for-each-group instruction that has a group-by or group-adjacent attribute. If no xsl:for-each-group instruction is being evaluated, the current grouping key will be absent, which means that any reference to it causes a dynamic error. The current grouping key is also set to absent during the evaluation of an xsl:for-each-group instruction with a group-starting-with or group-ending-with attribute.

The effect of invocation constructs on the current grouping key is as follows:

  • If the invocation construct is contained within a declared-streamable construct (for example, if it is within an xsl:source-document instruction with the attribute streamable="yes", or within a streamable template), then the invocation construct sets the current grouping key to absent. In this situation the scope of the current group is effectively static; it can only be referenced within the body of the xsl:for-each-group instruction to which it applies.

  • If the invocation construct is a (static or dynamic) function call, then the invocation construct sets the current grouping key to absent.

  • Otherwise the invocation construct leaves the current grouping key unchanged. In this situation the scope of the current group is effectively dynamic: it can be referenced within called templates and attribute sets.

The current grouping key is initially absent during the evaluation of global variables and stylesheet parameters, during the evaluation of the use attribute or contained sequence constructor of xsl:key, and during the evaluation of the initial-value attribute of xsl:accumulator and the select attribute of contained sequence constructor of xsl:accumulator-rule.

While an xsl:for-each-group instruction with a group-by or group-adjacent attribute is being evaluated, the current grouping key will be a single atomic value if composite="no" is specified (explicitly or implicitly), or a sequence of atomic values if composite="yes" is specified.

At other times, the current grouping key will be absent.

The grouping keys of all items in a group are not necessarily identical. For example, one might be an xs:float while another is a numerically equal xs:decimal. The current-grouping-key function returns the grouping key of the initial item in the group, after atomization and casting of xs:untypedAtomic values to xs:string.

The function takes no arguments.

Error Conditions

[ERR XTSE1070] It is a static error if the current-grouping-key function is used within a pattern.

[ERR XTDE1071] It is a dynamic error if the current-grouping-key function is used when the current grouping key is absent, or when it is invoked in the course of evaluating a pattern. The error may be reported statically if it can be detected statically.


Like other XSLT extensions to the dynamic evaluation context, the current grouping key is not retained as part of the closure of a function value. This means that the expression current-grouping-key#0 is valid and returns a function value, but any invocation of this function will fail with a dynamic error [see ERR XTDE1071].

14.3 Ordering among Groups

[Definition: There is a total ordering among groups referred to as the order of first appearance. A group G is defined to precede a group H in order of first appearance if the initial item of G precedes the initial item of H in population order. If two groups G and H have the same initial item (because the item is in both groups) then G precedes H if the grouping key of G precedes the grouping key of H in the sequence that results from evaluating the group-by expression of this initial item.]

[Definition: There is another total ordering among groups referred to as processing order. If group R precedes group S in processing order, then in the result sequence returned by the xsl:for-each-group instruction the items generated by processing group R will precede the items generated by processing group S.]

If there are no xsl:sort elements immediately within the xsl:for-each-group element, the processing order of the groups is the order of first appearance.

Otherwise, the xsl:sort elements immediately within the xsl:for-each-group element define the processing order of the groups (see 13 Sorting). They do not affect the order of items within each group. Multiple sort key components are allowed, and are evaluated in major-to-minor order. If two groups have the same values for all their sort key components, they are processed in order of first appearance if the sort key specification is stable, otherwise in an implementation-dependent order.

The select expression of an xsl:sort element is evaluated once for each group. During this evaluation, the context item is the initial item of the group, the context position is the position of this item within the set of initial items (that is, one item for each group in the population) in population order, the context size is the number of groups, the current group is the group whose sort key value is being determined, and the current grouping key is the grouping key for that group. If the xsl:for-each-group instruction uses the group-starting-with, group-ending-with, or break-when attributes, then the current grouping key is absent.

Example: Sorting Groups

For example, this means that if the grouping key is @category, you can sort the groups in order of their grouping key by writing <xsl:sort select="current-grouping-key()"/>; or you can sort the groups in order of size by writing <xsl:sort select="count(current-group())"/>

14.4 Examples of Grouping

Example: Grouping Nodes based on Common Values

The following example groups a list of nodes based on common values. The resulting groups are numbered and sorted, and a total is calculated for each group.

Source XML document:

  <city name="Milano"  country="Italia"      pop="5"/>
  <city name="Paris"   country="France"      pop="7"/>
  <city name="München" country="Deutschland" pop="4"/>
  <city name="Lyon"    country="France"      pop="2"/>
  <city name="Venezia" country="Italia"      pop="1"/>

More specifically, the aim is to produce a four-column table, containing one row for each distinct country. The four columns are to contain first, a sequence number giving the number of the row; second, the name of the country, third, a comma-separated alphabetical list of the city names within that country, and fourth, the sum of the pop attribute for the cities in that country.

Desired output:

    <th>List of Cities</th>
    <td>Milano, Venezia</td>
    <td>Lyon, Paris</td>


<table xsl:version="3.0" xmlns:xsl="">
    <th>City List</th>
  <xsl:for-each-group select="cities/city" group-by="@country">
      <td><xsl:value-of select="position()"/></td>
      <td><xsl:value-of select="current-grouping-key()"/></td>
        <xsl:for-each select="current-group()/@name">
          <xsl:sort select="."/>
          <xsl:if test="position() ne 1">, </xsl:if>
          <xsl:value-of select="."/>
      <td><xsl:value-of select="sum(current-group()/@pop)"/></td>


Example: A Composite Grouping Key

Sometimes it is necessary to use a composite grouping key: for example, suppose the source document is similar to the one used in the previous examples, but allows multiple entries for the same country and city, such as:

  <city name="Milano"  country="Italia"  year="1950"   pop="5.23"/>
  <city name="Milano"  country="Italia"  year="1960"   pop="5.29"/>  
  <city name="Padova"  country="Italia"  year="1950"   pop="0.69"/>
  <city name="Padova"  country="Italia"  year="1960"   pop="0.93"/>    
  <city name="Paris"   country="France"  year="1951"   pop="7.2"/>
  <city name="Paris"   country="France"  year="1961"   pop="7.6"/>

Now suppose we want to list the average value of @pop for each (country, name) combination. One way to handle this is to concatenate the parts of the key, for example <xsl:for-each-group select="concat(@country, '/', @name)">. A second solution is to nest one xsl:for-each-group element directly inside another. XSLT 3.0 introduces a third option, which is to define the grouping key as composite:

<xsl:for-each-group select="cities/city" 
                    group-by="@name, @country" 
    <xsl:value-of select="current-grouping-key()[1] || ', ' ||
                          current-grouping-key()[2] || ': ' || 


The string concatenation operator || is new in XPath 3.0.


Example: Identifying a Group by its Initial Element

The next example identifies a group not by the presence of a common value, but rather by adjacency in document order. A group consists of an h2 element, followed by all the p elements up to the next h2 element.

Source XML document:

  <p>XSLT is used to write stylesheets.</p>
  <p>XQuery is used to query XML databases.</p>
  <h2>What is a stylesheet?</h2>
  <p>A stylesheet is an XML document used to define a transformation.</p>
  <p>Stylesheets may be written in XSLT.</p>
  <p>XSLT 2.0 introduces new grouping constructs.</p>

Desired output:

  <section title="Introduction">
    <para>XSLT is used to write stylesheets.</para>
    <para>XQuery is used to query XML databases.</para>
  <section title="What is a stylesheet?">
    <para>A stylesheet is used to define a transformation.</para>
    <para>Stylesheets may be written in XSLT.</para>
    <para>XSLT 2.0 introduces new grouping constructs.</para>


<xsl:template match="body">
    <xsl:for-each-group select="*" group-starting-with="h2">
      <section title="{self::h2}">
        <xsl:for-each select="current-group()[self::p]">
          <para><xsl:value-of select="."/></para>

The use of title="{self::h2}" rather than title="{.}" is to handle the case where the first element is not an h2 element.


Example: Identifying a Group by its Final Element

The next example illustrates how a group of related elements can be identified by the last element in the group, rather than the first. Here the absence of the attribute continued="yes" indicates the end of the group.

Source XML document:

  <page continued="yes">Some text</page>
  <page continued="yes">More text</page>    
  <page>Yet more text</page>
  <page continued="yes">Some words</page>
  <page continued="yes">More words</page>    
  <page>Yet more words</page>        

Desired output:

    <page>Some text</page>
    <page>More text</page>    
    <page>Yet more text</page>
    <page>Some words</page>
    <page>More words</page>    
    <page>Yet more words</page>


<xsl:template match="doc">
  <xsl:for-each-group select="*" 
      <xsl:for-each select="current-group()">
        <page><xsl:value-of select="."/></page>


Example: Adding an Element to Several Groups

The next example shows how an item can be added to multiple groups. Book titles will be added to one group for each indexing term marked up within the title.

Source XML document:

    <title>A Beginner's Guide to <ix>Java</ix></title>
    <title>Learning <ix>XML</ix></title>
    <title>Using <ix>XML</ix> with <ix>Java</ix></title>

Desired output:

    <p>A Beginner's Guide to Java</p>
    <p>Using XML with Java</p>
    <p>Learning XML</p>
    <p>Using XML with Java</p>


<xsl:template match="titles">
    <xsl:for-each-group select="title" group-by="ix">
      <h2><xsl:value-of select="current-grouping-key()"/></h2>
      <xsl:for-each select="current-group()">
        <p><xsl:value-of select="."/></p>


Example: Grouping Alternating Sequences of Elements

In this example, the membership of a node within a group is based both on adjacency of the nodes in document order, and on common values. In this case, the grouping key is a boolean condition, true or false, so the effect is that a grouping establishes a maximal sequence of nodes for which the condition is true, followed by a maximal sequence for which it is false, and so on.

Source XML document:

<p>Do <em>not</em>:
    <li>eat, or</li>
    <li>use your mobile telephone</li>
    while you are in the cinema.</p>

Desired output:

<p>Do <em>not</em>:</p>
    <li>eat, or</li>
    <li>use your mobile telephone</li>
    <p>while you are in the cinema.</p>


This requires creating a p element around the maximal sequence of sibling nodes that does not include a ul or ol element.

This can be done by using group-adjacent, with a grouping key that is true if the element is a ul or ol element, and false otherwise:

<xsl:template match="p">
    <xsl:for-each-group select="node()" 
            group-adjacent="self::ul or self::ol">
            <xsl:when test="current-grouping-key()">
                <xsl:copy-of select="current-group()"/>  
                    <xsl:copy-of select="current-group()"/>


Example: Grouping entries in a Map

Consider a map with composite keys that might appear in a JSON document as:

   "Africa/Abidjan": {"offset": "+00:00", "DST-offset": "+00:00" },
   "Africa/Algiers": {"offset": "+01:00", "DST-offset": "+01:00" },
   "Africa/Nairobi": {"offset": "+03:00", "DST-offset": "+03:00" },
   "America/Anchorage": {"offset": "-09:00", "DST-offset": "-08:00" },
   "America/Los_Angeles": {"offset": "-08:00", "DST-offset": "-07:00" },
   "Asia/Dubai": {"offset": "+04:00", "DST-offset": "+04:00" },
   "Asia/Kolkata": {"offset": "+05:30", "DST-offset": "+05:30" }                 

And suppose we wish to group this into a two-level map, thus:

   "Africa": {
       "Abidjan": {"offset": "+00:00", "DST-offset": "+00:00" },
       "Algiers": {"offset": "+01:00", "DST-offset": "+01:00" },
       "Nairobi": {"offset": "+03:00", "DST-offset": "+03:00" }
   "America": {
       "Anchorage": {"offset": "-09:00", "DST-offset": "-08:00" },
       "Los_Angeles": {"offset": "-08:00", "DST-offset": "-07:00" }
   "Asia": {
       "Dubai": {"offset": "+04:00", "DST-offset": "+04:00" },
       "Kolkata": {"offset": "+05:30", "DST-offset": "+05:30" }

This can be achieved as follows:

   <xsl:for-each-group select="json-doc('tz.json') => map:pairs()" group-by="substring-before(?key, '/')">
     <xsl:map-entry key="current-grouping-key()">
         <xsl:for-each select="current-group()">
           <xsl:map-entry key="substring-after(?key, '/')" select="?value"/>

14.5 Non-Transitivity

If the population contains values of different numeric types that differ from each other by small amounts, then the eq operator is not transitive, because of rounding effects occurring during type promotion. It is thus possible to have three values A, B, and C among the grouping keys of the population such that A eq B, B eq C, but A ne C.

For example, this arises when computing

<xsl:for-each-group group-by="." select="

because the values of type xs:float and xs:double both compare equal to the value of type xs:decimal but not equal to each other.

In this situation the results must be equivalent to the results obtained by the following algorithm:

  • For each item J in the population in population order, for each of the grouping keys K for that item in sequence, the processor identifies those existing groups G such that the grouping key of the initial item of G is equal to K.

  • If there is exactly one group G, then J is added to this group, unless J is already a member of this group.

  • If there is no group G, then a new group is created with J as its first item.

  • If there is more than one group G (which can only happen in exceptional circumstances involving non-transitivity), then one of these groups is selected in an implementation-dependent way, and J is added to this group, unless J is already a member of this group.

The effect of these rules is that (a) every item in a non-singleton group has a grouping key that is equal to that of at least one other item in that group, (b) for any two distinct groups, there is at least one pair of items (one from each group) whose grouping keys are not equal to each other.

15 Merging

The xsl:merge instruction allows a sorted sequence of items to be constructed by merging several input sequences. Each input sequence must have a merge key (one or more atomic values that can be computed as a function of the items in the sequence); the input sequence must either already be sorted on the value of its merge keys, or pre-sorting on these values must be requested. The merge keys for the different input sequences must be compatible in the sense that key values from an item in one sequence are always comparable with key values from an item in a different sequence.

For example, if two log files contain details of events sorted by date and time, then the xsl:merge instruction can be used to combine these into a single sequence that is also sorted by date and time.

The data written to the output sequence can be computed in an arbitrary way from the data in the input sequences, provided it follows the ordering of the input sequences.

The xsl:merge instruction can be used to merge several sequences of items that all have the same structure (more precisely, sequences whose merge keys are computed in the same way): for example, log files created by the same application running on different machines in a server farm. Alternatively, xsl:merge can be used to merge sequences that have different structure (sequences whose merge keys are computed in different ways), provided that the computed merge keys are compatible: an example might be two log files created by different applications, using different XML vocabularies, that both contain timestamped events but represent the timestamp in different ways. The xsl:merge-source element represents a set of input sequences that follow common rules, including the rules for computing the merge key. The xsl:merge operation may take any number of xsl:merge-source elements representing different rules for input sequences, and each xsl:merge-source element may describe any number (zero or more) of input sequences. The number of input sequences to the merging operation is thus fixed only at the time the xsl:merge instruction is evaluated, and may vary from one evaluation to another.

The following examples illustrate some of the possibilities. The detailed explanation of the constructs used follows later in this section.

Example: Merging All the Files in a Collection

This example takes as input a homogeneous collection of XML log files each of which contains a sorted sequence of event elements with a timestamp attribute validated as an instance of xs:dateTime. It merges the events from the input files into a single sorted output file.

<xsl:result-document href="merged-events.xml">
      <xsl:merge-source for-each-source="uri-collection('log-files')"
        <xsl:merge-key select="@timestamp"/>
        <xsl:copy-of select="current-merge-group()"/>

The example assumes that there are several input files each of which has a structure similar to the following, in which the timestamp attribute has a typed value that is an instance of xs:dateTime:

   <event timestamp="2009-08-20T12:01:01Z">Transaction T1234 started</event>
   <event timestamp="2009-08-20T12:01:08Z">Transaction T1235 started</event>
   <event timestamp="2009-08-20T12:01:12Z">Transaction T1235 ended</event>
   <event timestamp="2009-08-20T12:01:15Z">Transaction T1234 ended</event>

The output file will have the same structure, and will contain copies of all the event elements from all of the input files, in sorted order. Note that multiple events with the same timestamp can occur either within a single file or across multiple files: the order of appearance of these events in the output file corresponds to the order of the log files within the collection (which might or might not be predictable, depending on the implementation).


Example: Merging Two Heterogeneous Files

This example takes as input two log files with different structure, producing a single merged output in which the entries have a common structure:

<xsl:result-document href="merged-events.xml">
      <xsl:merge-source select="doc('log-file-1.xml')/events/event">
        <xsl:merge-key select="@timestamp"/>
      <xsl:merge-source select="doc('log-files-2.xml')/log/day/record">
        <xsl:merge-key select="dateTime(../@date, time)"/>
        <xsl:apply-templates select="current-merge-group()" 

Here the first input file has a structure similar to that shown in the previous example, while the second input has a different structure, of the form:

  <day date="2009-08-20">
      <message>Temperature 15.4C</message>
      <message>Temperature 18.2C</message>

The templates in mode standardize-log-entry convert the log entries to a common output format, for example:

<xsl:template match="event" mode="standardize-log-entry" 
  <xsl:copy-of select="." validation="preserve"/>
<xsl:template match="record" mode="standardize-log-entry" 
  <event timestamp="{dateTime(../@date, time)}" xsl:validation="strict">
    <xsl:value-of select="message"/>


The xsl:merge instruction is designed to enable streaming of data, so that there is no need to allocate memory to hold the input sequences. However, it can also be used in cases where streamed processing is not possible, for example when the input needs to be sorted.

15.1 Terminology for Merging

[Definition: A merge source definition is the definition of one kind of input to the merge operation. It selects zero or more merge input sequences, and it includes a merge key specification to define how the merge key values are computed for each such merge input sequence.] A merge source definition corresponds to an xsl:merge-source element in the stylesheet.

[Definition: A merge input sequence is an arbitrary sequenceDM30 of items which is already sorted according to the merge key specification for the corresponding merge source definition.]

[Definition: A merge key specification consists of one or more adjacent xsl:merge-key elements which together define how the merge input sequences selected by a merge source definition are sorted. Each xsl:merge-key element defines one merge key component.] For example, a merge key specification for a log file might specify two merge key components, date and time.

[Definition: A merge key component specifies one component of a merge key specification; it corresponds to a single xsl:merge-key element in the stylesheet.]

[Definition:  For each item in a merge input sequence, a value is computed for each merge key component within the merge key specification. The value computed for an item by using the Nth merge key component is referred to as the Nth merge key value of that item.]

[Definition:  The ordered collection of merge key values computed for one item in a merge input sequence (one for each merge key component within the merge key specification) is referred to as a composite merge key value.]

[Definition: A merge activation is a single evaluation of the sequence constructor contained within the xsl:merge-action element, which occurs once for each distinct composite merge key value.]

15.2 The xsl:merge Instruction

<!-- Category: instruction -->
  <!-- Content: (xsl:merge-source+, xsl:merge-action, xsl:fallback*) -->

The effect of the xsl:merge instruction is to produce a sorted result sequence from a number of input sequences.

The input sequences to the merge operation are defined by the xsl:merge-source child elements, as described in the next section.

The sequence constructor contained in the xsl:merge-action element is evaluated once for each distinct composite merge key value to form a partial result sequence. The result of the xsl:merge instruction is the concatenation of these partial result sequences. For example, the action might be to copy the items from all the input sequences to the result sequence without change; or it might be to select the items from one input sequence in preference to the others. In the general case, the items in the partial result sequence are produced by an arbitrary computation that has access to the items (from the various input sequences) that share the same value for the composite merge key.

The xsl:merge-source and xsl:merge-action elements are described in the following sections.

Any xsl:fallback children of the xsl:merge instruction are ignored by an XSLT 3.0 processor, but are used by an XSLT 1.0 or XSLT 2.0 processor to perform fallback processing.


An xsl:merge instruction that has no input sequences returns an empty sequence. An xsl:merge instruction with a single input sequence performs processing that is very similar in concept to xsl:for-each-group with the group-adjacent attribute, except that it requires the input to be sorted on the grouping key.

15.3 Selecting the Sequences to be Merged

  name? = ncname
  for-each-item? = expression
  for-each-source? = expression
  select = expression
  streamable? = boolean
  use-accumulators? = tokens〔''〕
  sort-before-merge? = boolean〔'no'〕
  validation? = "strict" | "lax" | "preserve" | "strip"
  type? = eqname >
  <!-- Content: xsl:merge-key+ -->

Each xsl:merge-source element defines one or more merge input sequences.

The name attribute provides a means of distinguishing items from different merge sources within the xsl:merge-action instructions. If the name attribute is present on an xsl:merge-source element, then it must not be equal to the name attribute of any sibling xsl:merge-source element. If the name attribute is absent, then an implementation-dependent name, different from all explicitly specified names, is allocated to the merge source.

[ERR XTSE3195] If the for-each-item attribute is present then the for-each-source, use-accumulators, and streamable attributes must all be absent. If either or both of the use-accumulators or streamable attributes is present then the for-each-source attribute must be present. If the for-each-source attribute is present then the for-each-item attribute must be absent. [XSLT 3.0 Erratum E40, bugs 30265 and 30378].

The use-accumulators attribute defines the set of accumulators that are applicable to the streamed document, as explained in 18.2.2 Applicability of Accumulators.

If neither of for-each-item and for-each-source is present, the xsl:merge-source element defines a single merge input sequence. This sequence is the result of evaluating the expression in the select attribute. This is evaluated using the dynamic context of the containing xsl:merge instruction. This sequence will be merged with the sequences defined by other xsl:merge-source elements, if present.

When the for-each-item attribute is present, the xsl:merge-source element defines a collection of merge input sequences. The selection of items in these input sequences is a two-stage process: the for-each-item attribute of the xsl:merge-source element is an expression that selects a sequence of anchor items, and for each anchor item, the select attribute is evaluated to select the items that make up one merge input sequence. The for-each-item expression is evaluated with the dynamic context of the containing xsl:merge instruction, while the select attribute is evaluated with the focus for the evaluation as follows:

When the for-each-source attribute is present, its value must be an expression that returns a sequence of URIs. The expression is evaluated with the same dynamic context as the containing xsl:merge instruction. The expected type of the expression is xs:string*, and the actual result of the expression is converted to this type using the coercion rules. Each of these URIs is used to obtain a document node. Each must be a valid URI reference. If it is an absolute URI reference, it is used as is; if it is a relative URI reference, it is made absolute by resolving it against the base URI of the xsl:merge-source element. The process of obtaining a document node given a URI is the same as for the docFO30 function, and may trigger the same error conditions. However, unlike the docFO30 function, the xsl:merge instruction offers no guarantee that the resulting document will be stable (that is, that multiple calls specifying the same URI will return the same document). The resulting document nodes act as the anchor items. These anchor items are then used in the same way as a sequence of anchor items selected directly using the for-each-item attribute: in particular, the focus is determined in the same way.


Examples of expressions that return a sequence of URIs are:

  • for-each-source="'inputA.xml', 'inputB.xml'"

  • for-each-source="(1 to $N) ! ('input' || $N || '.xml')"

  • for-each-source="uri-collection('input/dir/')

Relative URIs are resolved relative to the base URI of the xsl:merge-source element.

The attributes validation and type are used to control schema validation of documents read by virtue of their appearance in the result of the for-each-source expression. These attributes are mutually exclusive [see ERR XTSE1505]. The rules are the same as for an xsl:source-document instruction specifying streamable="yes". If the for-each-source attribute is absent, then the validation and type attributes must both be absent. The process of validation follows the rules defined in 26.4 Validation [XSLT 3.0 Erratum E44, bug 30384].

If the sort-before-merge attribute is absent or has the value no, then each merge input sequence must already be in the correct order for merging (a dynamic error occurs if it is not). If the attribute is present with the value yes, then each input sequence will first be sorted to ensure that it is in the correct order. The sorting is carried out as if by evaluating an xsl:perform-sort instruction with xsl:sort children corresponding one-to-one with the xsl:merge-key children of the xsl:merge-source element, differing only (a) in the change of element name, and (b) in the addition of the attribute stable="yes" to the first such element. [XSLT 3.0 Erratum E41, bug 30380].

Example: Merging Several Documents with the Same Structure

The following xsl:merge-source element selects two anchor items (the root nodes of two documents), and for each of these it selects an input sequence consisting of selected event elements within the relevant document.

<xsl:merge-source for-each-source="'log-A.xml', 'log-B.xml'"
   <xsl:merge-key select="@timestamp" order="ascending"/>

This example can be extended to merge any number of input documents with the same structure:

<xsl:merge-source for-each-source="uri-collection('log-collection')"
   <xsl:merge-key select="@time" order="ascending"/>

In both the above examples the anchor items are document nodes, and the items in the input sequence are elements within the document that is rooted at this node. This is a common usage pattern, but by no means the only way in which the construct can be used.

The number of anchor items selected by an xsl:merge-source element, and therefore the number of input sequences, is variable, but the input sequences selected by one xsl:merge-source element must all use the same expressions to select the items in the input sequence and to compute their merge keys. If different expressions are needed for different input sequences, then multiple xsl:merge-source elements can be used.

Example: Merging Two Documents with Different Structure

The following code merges two log files having different internal structure:

<xsl:merge-source for-each-source="'event-log.xml'" 
                  streamable="yes" select="/*/event">
  <xsl:merge-key select="@timestamp"/>
<xsl:merge-source for-each-source="'error-log.xml'" 
                  streamable="yes" select="/*/error">
  <xsl:merge-key select="dateTime(@date, @time)"/>

Although the merge keys are computed in different ways for the two input sequences, the keys must be compatible across the two sequences: in this case they are both atomic values of type xs:dateTime.

In the common case where there is only one input sequence of a particular kind, the for-each-item attribute of xsl:merge-source may be omitted; the select expression is then evaluated relative to the focus of the xsl:merge instruction itself.

Example: Sorting before Merging

Where one or more of the inputs to the merging process is not pre-sorted, a sort can be requested using the sort-before-merge attribute. For example:

<xsl:merge-source select="doc('event-log.xml')/*/event">
  <xsl:merge-key select="@timestamp"/>
<xsl:merge-source select="doc('error-log.xml')//error" 
  <xsl:merge-key select="dateTime(current-date(), @time)"/>

[ERR XTSE3190] It is a static error if two sibling xsl:merge-source elements have the same name.

15.4 Streamable Merging

Any input to a merging operation, provided it is selected by means of the xsl:merge-source element with a for-each-source attribute, may be designated as streamable by including the attribute streamable="yes" on the xsl:merge-source element.

When streamable="yes" is specified on an xsl:merge-source element, then (whether or not streamed processing is actually used, and whether or not the processor supports streaming) the expression appearing in the select attribute is implicitly used as the argument of a call on the snapshot function, which means that merge keys for each selected node are computed with reference to this snapshot, and the current-merge-group function, when used within the xsl:merge-action sequence constructor, delivers snapshots of the selected nodes.


There are therefore no constraints on the navigation that may be performed in computing the merge key, or in the course of evaluating the xsl:merge-action body. An attempt to navigate outside the portion of the source document delivered by the snapshot function will typically not cause an error, but will return empty results.

There is no rule to prevent the select expression returning atomic values, or grounded nodes from a different source document, or newly constructed nodes, but they are still processed using the snapshot function.

Because the snapshot copies accumulator values as described in 18.2.11 Copying Accumulator Values, the functions accumulator-before and accumulator-after may be used to gain access to information that is not directly available in the nodes that are present within each snapshot (for example, information in a header section of the merge input document).

An xsl:merge-source element is guaranteed-streamable if it satisfies all the following conditions:

  1. The xsl:merge-source element has the attribute value streamable="yes";

  2. The for-each-source attribute is present on that xsl:merge-source element;

  3. The expression in the select attribute of that xsl:merge-source element, assessed with a context posture of striding and a context item type of U{document-node()}, has striding or grounded posture and motionless or consuming sweep;

  4. The sort-before-merge attribute of that xsl:merge-source element is either absent or takes its default value of no.

Specifying streamable="yes" on an xsl:merge-source element declares an intent that the xsl:merge instruction should be streamable with respect to that particular source, either because it is guaranteed-streamable, or because it takes advantage of streamability extensions offered by a particular processor. The consequences of declaring the instruction to be streamable when it is not in fact guaranteed streamable depend on the conformance level of the processor, and are explained in 19.10 Streamability Guarantees.

Example: Streamed Merging

The following example merges two log files, processing each of them using streaming.

      <xsl:merge-source for-each-source="'log-file-1.xml'" 
         <xsl:merge-key select="@timestamp"/>
      <xsl:merge-source for-each-source="'log-files-2.xml'" 
         <xsl:merge-key select="dateTime(../@date, time)"/>
         <events time="{current-merge-key()}">
            <xsl:copy-of select="current-merge-group()"/>

Note that the merge key for the second merge source includes data from a child element of the selected element and also from an attribute of the parent element. This works because the merge key is evaluated on the result of implicitly applying the snapshot function.

Example: Merging XML and non-XML Data

The following example merges two log files, one in text format and one in XML format.

      <xsl:merge-source name="fax" 
         <xsl:merge-key select="xs:dateTime(substring-before(., ' '))"/>
      <xsl:merge-source name="mail"
         <xsl:merge-key select="dateTime(../@date, @time)"/>
         <messages at="{current-merge-key()}">
                  <xsl:for-each select="current-merge-group('fax')">
                     <message xsl:expand-text="true">{
                        substring-after(., ' ')
                  <xsl:sequence select="current-merge-group('mail')/*"/>

15.5 Defining the Merge Keys

The keys on which the input sequences are sorted are referred to as merge keys. If the attribute sort-before-merge has the value yes, the input sequences will be sorted into the correct sequence before the merge operation takes place (alternatively, the processor may use an algorithm that has the same effect as sorting followed by merging). If the attribute is absent or has the value no, then the input sequences must already be in the correct order.

The merge key for each type of input sequence (that is, for each xsl:merge-source element) is defined by a sequence of xsl:merge-key element children of the xsl:merge-source element. Each xsl:merge-key element defines one merge key component. The syntax and semantics of an xsl:merge-key element are closely based on the rules for the xsl:sort element (with minor exceptions noted below; the only difference in syntax is the absence of the stable attribute); the main difference is that xsl:merge-key elements do not cause a sort to take place, they merely declare the existing sort order of the input sequence. [See XSLT 3.0 Erratum E42, bugs 30130 and 30382].

  select? = expression
  lang? = { language }
  order? = { "ascending" | "descending" }〔'ascending'〕
  collation? = { uri }
  case-order? = { "upper-first" | "lower-first" }
  data-type? = { "text" | "number" | eqname } >
  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

The select attribute and the contained sequence constructor are mutually exclusive:

[ERR XTSE3200] It is a static error if an xsl:merge-key element with a select attribute has non-empty content.

The value of Nth item in the merge key of an item J in a merge input sequence S is computed as follows, where K is the Nth xsl:merge-key element of the relevant xsl:merge-source:

  1. If K has a select attribute, then the result of evaluating and atomizing that select expression;

  2. If K contains a non-empty sequence constructor, then the result of evaluating and atomizing that sequence constructor;

  3. Otherwise, the result of atomizing the context item.

In each case the evaluation uses a singleton focus based on J, or, if streamable="yes" is specified on the xsl:merge-source element, a singleton focus based on a snapshot of J (see 15.4 Streamable Merging). [XSLT 3.0 Erratum E42, bugs 30130 and 30382].


This means that position() and last() return 1 (one). This differs from the way xsl:sort keys are evaluated, where position() is the position in the unsorted sequence, and last() is the size of the unsorted sequence.

The effect of the xsl:merge-key elements is defined in terms of the rules for an equivalent sequence of xsl:sort elements: if the rules for sorting (see 13.1.1 The Sorting Process) with stable="yes" would place an item A before an item B in the sorted sequence produced by the sorting process, then A must precede B in the input sequence to the merging process.

The merge keys of the various input sequences to a merge operation must be compatible with each other, since the merge operation will decide the ordering of the result sequence by comparing merge key values across input sequences. This means that across all the xsl:merge-source children of an xsl:merge instruction:

  • Each xsl:merge-source element must have the same number of xsl:merge-key child elements; let this number be N.

  • For each integer J in 1..N, consider the set S of xsl:merge-key elements that are in position J among the xsl:merge-key children of their parent xsl:merge-source element. For each attribute A in the set lang, order, collation, case-order, and data-type it must be the case that for any two elements s1 and s2 in S, the effective value of attribute A on s1 is the same as the effective value of attribute A on s2, where two attributes are said to have the same effective value if either (a) both attributes are absent, or (b) both attributes are present and the results of evaluating them (they are attribute value templates) are codepoint-equal. Furthermore, in the case of the collation attribute, the absolute collation URI must be the same after resolving against the base URI. [XSLT 3.0 Erratum E29, bug 30267].

If any of the attributes lang, order, collation, case-order, or data-type are attribute value templates, then their effective values are evaluated using the focus of the containing xsl:merge instruction.

[ERR XTSE2200] It is a static error if the number of xsl:merge-key children of a xsl:merge-source element is not equal to the number of xsl:merge-key children of another xsl:merge-source child of the same xsl:merge instruction.

[ERR XTDE2210] It is a dynamic error if there are two xsl:merge-key elements that occupy corresponding positions among the xsl:merge-key children of two different xsl:merge-source elements and that have differing effective values for any of the attributes lang, order, collation, case-order, or data-type. Values are considered to differ if the attribute is present on one element and not on the other, or if it is present on both elements with they have different effective values. In the case of the collation attribute, the values are compared as absolute URIs after resolving against the base URI. The error may be reported statically if it is detected statically.

[ERR XTDE2220] It is a dynamic error if any input sequence to an xsl:merge instruction contains two items that are not correctly sorted according to the merge key values defined on the xsl:merge-key children of the corresponding xsl:merge-source element, when compared using the collation rules defined by the attributes of the corresponding xsl:merge-key children of the xsl:merge instruction, unless the attribute sort-before-merge is present with the value yes.

[ERR XTTE2230] It is a type error if some item selected by a particular merge key in one input sequence is not comparable using the XPath le operator with some item selected by the corresponding sort key in another input sequence.

15.6 The Current Merge Group and Key

During processing of an xsl:merge instruction, two additional values are available within the dynamic context:

  • [Definition: The current merge group is a map. During evaluation of an xsl:merge instruction, as each group of items with equal composite merge key values is processed, the current merge group is set to a map whose keys are the names of the various merge sources, and whose associated values are the items from each merge source having the relevant composite merge key value.]

  • [Definition: The current merge key is a sequence of atomic values. During evaluation of an xsl:merge instruction, as each group of items with equal composite merge key values is processed, the current merge key is set to the composite merge key value that these items have in common.]

These values are made available through the functions current-merge-group and current-merge-key.

The current merge group and current merge key are available within the sequence constructor contained by an xsl:merge-action element. The values are initially absent during the evaluation of global variables and stylesheet parameters, during the evaluation of the use attribute or contained sequence constructor of xsl:key, and during the evaluation of the initial-value attribute of xsl:accumulator and the select attribute of contained sequence constructor of xsl:accumulator-rule. All invocation constructs set the current merge group and current merge key to absent.


Taken together, these rules mean that any invocation of current-merge-group or current-merge-key that is not lexically scoped by an xsl:merge-action element will raise a dynamic error.

When an inner xsl:merge instruction is lexically nested within the xsl:merge-action element of an outer xsl:merge instruction, any use of current-merge-group or current-merge-key that appears within the xsl:merge-action of the inner xsl:merge instruction is a reference to the current merge group or current merge key of the inner xsl:merge instruction, while any such reference that appears within the outer xsl:merge-action element, but not within the inner xsl:merge-action, is a reference to the current merge group or current merge key of the outer xsl:merge instruction. This means, for example, that a reference to the current merge group of the outer xsl:merge can appear in the select attribute of an xsl:merge-source child of the inner xsl:merge.

On completion of the evaluation of the xsl:merge-action sequence constructor, the current merge group and current merge key revert to their previous values.

15.6.1 fn:current-merge-group


Returns the group of items currently being processed by an xsl:merge instruction.

$source as xs:string?
) as item()*

This function is deterministicFO30, context-dependentFO30, and focus-independentFO30.


The current merge group is bound during evaluation of the xsl:merge-action child of an xsl:merge instruction. If no xsl:merge-action is being evaluated, then the current merge group is absent, in which case the function raises a dynamic error (see below).

The current merge group (if not absent) is a map. It contains the set of items, from all merge inputs, that share a common value for the merge key. This is structured as a map so that the items from each merge source can be identified. The key in the map is the value of the name attribute of the corresponding xsl:merge-source element (or an invented name, in its absence), and the associated value is the set of items contributed by that merge group.

The map itself is not made visible, but this function returns values derived from the map. Specifically, if the map is denoted by $G:

  • If $source is supplied and is non-empty, the function returns the value of the expression if (map:contains($source)) then $G($source) else error(). Informally, if there is an xsl:merge-source element whose name attribute matches $source, the function returns the items in the current merge group that are contributed by this merge source; otherwise it raises a dynamic error (see below).

  • Otherwise (when $source is absent or empty) the function returns the value of the expression sort(map:keys($G))!$G(.), where the sort() function sorts the names of xsl:merge-source elements into the document order of the xsl:merge-source elements in the stylesheet. Informally, it returns all the items in the current merge group regardless of which merge source they derive from.

Within the current merge group, the ordering of items from the input sequences is as follows, in major-to-minor order:

  • Items are first ordered by the xsl:merge-source element that defined the input sequence from which the item was taken; items from xsl:merge-source A precede items from xsl:merge-source B if A precedes B in document order within the stylesheet.

  • Items from different input sequences selected by the same xsl:merge-source element are then ordered based on the order of the anchor items in the sequence selected by evaluating the select attribute of the xsl:merge-source element.

  • Finally, duplicate items from the same input sequence retain their order from the input sequence.

Duplicates are not eliminated: for example, if the same node is selected in more than one input sequence, it may appear twice in the current merge group.

Error Conditions

[ERR XTSE3470] It is a static error if the current-merge-group function is used within a pattern.

[ERR XTDE3480] It is a dynamic error if the current-merge-group function is used when the current merge group is absent. The error may be reported statically if it can be detected statically.

[ERR XTDE3490] It is a dynamic error if the $source argument of the current-merge-group function (when supplied) does not match the name attribute of any xsl:merge-source element for the current merge operation. The error may be reported statically if it can be detected statically.


Because the current merge group is cleared by function calls and template calls, the current-merge-group function only has useful effect when the call appears as a descendant of an xsl:merge-action element.

If an xsl:merge-source element has no name attribute, then it is not possible to discover the items in the current merge group that derive specifically from that source, but these items will still be present in the current merge group, and will be included in the result when the function is called with no arguments.

Like other XSLT extensions to the dynamic evaluation context, the current merge group is not retained as part of the closure of a function value. This means that the expression current-merge-group#0 is valid and returns a function value, but any invocation of this function will fail with a dynamic error [see ERR XTDE3480].

15.6.2 fn:current-merge-key


Returns the merge key of the merge group currently being processed using the xsl:merge instruction.

fn:current-merge-key() as xs:anyAtomicType*

This function is deterministicFO30, context-dependentFO30, and focus-independentFO30.


The evaluation context for XPath expressions includes a component called the current merge key, which is a sequence of atomic values. The current merge key is the composite merge key value shared in common by all the items within the current merge group.

The function current-merge-key returns the current merge key.

While the xsl:merge-action child of an xsl:merge instruction is being evaluated, the current merge key will be a single atomic value if there is a single merge key, or a sequence of atomic values if there are multiple merge keys.

At other times, the current merge key will be absent.

The merge keys of all items in a group are not necessarily identical. For example, one might be an xs:float while another is a numerically equal xs:decimal. The current-merge-key function returns the merge key of the first item in the group, after atomization and casting of xs:untypedAtomic values to xs:string.

Error Conditions

[ERR XTSE3500] It is a static error if the current-merge-key function is used within a pattern.

[ERR XTDE3510] It is a dynamic error if the current-merge-key function is used when the current merge key is absent, or when it is invoked in the course of evaluating a pattern. The error may be reported statically if it can be detected statically.


Like other XSLT extensions to the dynamic evaluation context, the current merge key is not retained as part of the closure of a function value. This means that the expression current-merge-key#0 is valid and returns a function value, but any invocation of this function will fail with a dynamic error [see ERR XTDE3510].

15.7 The xsl:merge-action Element

The xsl:merge-action child of an xsl:merge instruction defines the processing to be applied for each distinct composite merge key value found in the input sequences to the xsl:merge instruction.

  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

The merge key values for each item in an input sequence are calculated based on the corresponding xsl:merge-key elements, in the same way as sort key values are calculated using a sequence of xsl:sort elements (see 13.1.1 The Sorting Process). If several items from the same or from different input sequences have the same values for all their merge keys (comparing pairwise), then they are considered to form a group. The sequence constructor contained in the xsl:merge-action element is evaluated once for each such group of items, and the result of the xsl:merge instruction is the concatenation of the results obtained by processing each group in turn.

The groups are processed one by one, based on the values of the merge keys for the group. If group G has a set of merge key values M, while group H has a set of merge key values N, then in the result of the xsl:merge instruction, the result of processing group G will precede the result of processing H if and only if M precedes N in the sort order defined by the lang, order, collation, case-order, and data-type attributes of the merge key definitions.

Comparison of merge key values follows the rules for xsl:sort given in 13.1.2 Comparing Sort Key Values. This means that except for special cases such as empty sequences and NaN, two sets of merge key values are distinct if any corresponding items in the two sets of values do not compare equal under the rules for the XPath eq operator, under the collating rules for the corresponding merge key definition. In rare cases, when considering more than two sets of merge key values, ambiguities may arise because of the non-transitivity of the eq operator when applied across different numeric types. In this situation, the partitioning of items into sets having distinct key values is handled in the same way as for xsl:for-each-group (see 14.5 Non-Transitivity), and is to some extent implementation-dependent. [XSLT 3.0 Erratum E39, bug 30377].

The focus for evaluation of the sequence constructor contained in the xsl:merge-action element is as follows:

  • The context item is the first item in the group being processed, that is current-merge-group()[1]

  • The context position is the position of the current group within the sequence of groups (so the first evaluation of xsl:merge-action has position()=1, the second has position()=2, and so on).

  • The context size is as follows:

    • If any of the xsl:merge-source elements within the xsl:merge instruction specifies streamable="yes" (explicitly or implicitly), then absent.


      This means that within the xsl:merge-action of a streamable xsl:merge, calling last() throws error [ERR XPDY0002] XP40.

    • Otherwise, the number of groups, that is, the number of distinct sets of merge key values.

Example: Selective Processing of Merge Inputs

Consider a situation where there are two merge sources, named "master" and "update"; the master source identifies a single merge input file (the master file), while the update source identifies a set of N update files, perhaps one for each day of the week. The required logic is that if a merge key is present only in the master file, then the corresponding item should be copied to the output; if it is present in a single update file then that item replaces the corresponding item from the master file; if it is present in several update files, then an error is raised. This can be achieved as follows:

  <xsl:merge-source name="master" 
      <xsl:merge-key select="@key"/>
  <xsl:merge-source name="updates" 
      <xsl:merge-key select="@affected-key"/>
      <xsl:when test="empty(current-merge-group('master'))">
           Error: update is present with no matching master record!
      <xsl:when test="empty(current-merge-group('updates'))">
        <xsl:copy-of select="current-merge-group('master')"/>
      <xsl:when test="count(current-merge-group('updates')) = 1">
        <xsl:copy-of select="current-merge-group('updates')"/>
           Conflict: multiple updates for the same master record!

Some words of explanation:

  • Error messages are produced if there is an update element whose key does not correspond to any element in the master source, or if there is more than one update element corresponding to the same master element.

  • In the absence of errors, if there is a single update element then it is copied to the output; if there is none, then the master element is copied.

15.8 Examples of xsl:merge

Previous sections introduced examples designed to illustrate some specific features of the xsl:merge instruction. This section provides some further examples to illustrate different ways in which the instruction can be used.

Example: Applying Transactions to a Master File

This example applies transactions from a transaction file to a master file. Records in the master file for which there is no corresponding transaction are copied unchanged. The transaction file contains instructions to delete, replace, or insert records identified by an ID value. The master file is known to be sorted on the ID value; the transaction file is unsorted.

Master file document structure:

  <record ID="A0001">...</record>
  <record ID="A0002">...</record>
  <record ID="A0003">...</record>

Transaction file document structure:

  <update record="A0004" action="insert">...</update>
  <update record="A0002" action="delete"/>
  <update record="A0003" action="replace">...</update>


  <xsl:merge-source name="master" 
      <xsl:merge-key select="@ID"/>
  <xsl:merge-source name="updates"
      <xsl:merge-key select="@record"/>
      <xsl:when test="empty(current-merge-group('updates'))">
        <xsl:copy-of select="current-merge-group('master')"/>
      <xsl:when test="current-merge-group('updates')/@action=('insert', 'replace')">
        <record ID="{current-merge-key()}">
          <xsl:copy-of select="current-merge-group('updates')/*"/>
      <xsl:when test="current-merge-group('updates')/@action='delete'"/>


Example: Merging Two Sequences of Numbers

The xsl:merge instruction can be used to determine the union, intersection, or difference of two sequences of numbers (or other atomic values). This code gives the union:

  <xsl:merge-source select="1 to 30">
      <xsl:merge-key select="."/>
  <xsl:merge-source select="20 to 40">
      <xsl:merge-key select="."/>
    <xsl:sequence select="current-merge-key()"/>

While this gives the intersection:

  <xsl:merge-source select="1 to 30">
      <xsl:merge-key select="."/>
  <xsl:merge-source select="20 to 40">
      <xsl:merge-key select="."/>
    <xsl:if test="count(current-merge-group()) eq 2">
      <xsl:sequence select="current-merge-key()"/>

16 Splitting

Sometimes it is convenient to be able to compute multiple results during a single scan of the input data. For example, a transformation may wish to rename selected elements, and also to output a count of how many elements have been renamed. Traditionally in a functional language this means computing two separate functions of the input sequence, which (in the absence of sophisticated optimization) will result in the input being scanned twice. This is inconsistent with streaming, where the input is only available to be scanned once, and it can also lead to poor performance in non-streaming applications.

To meet this requirement, XSLT 3.0 introduces the instruction xsl:fork. The content of this instruction is a restricted form of sequence constructor, and in a formal sense the effect of the instruction is simply to return the result of evaluating the sequence constructor. However, the presence of the instruction affects the analysis of streamability (see 19 Streamability). In particular, when xsl:fork is used in a context where streaming is required, each independent instruction within the sequence constructor must be streamable, but the analysis assumes that these instructions can all be evaluated during a single pass of the streamed input document.


The semantics of the instruction require a number of result sequences to be computed during a single pass of the input. A processor may interpret this as a request to use multiple threads. However, implementations using a single thread are feasible, and this instruction is not intended primarily as a means for stylesheet authors to express their intentions with regard to multi-threaded execution.


Because multiple results are computed during a single pass of the input, and then concatenated into a single sequence, this instruction will generally involve some buffering of results. The amount of memory used should not exceed that needed to hold the results of the instruction. However, within this principle, implementations may adopt a variety of strategies for evaluation; for example, there may be cases where buffering of the input is more efficient than buffering of output.

Generally, stylesheet authors indicate that buffering of input is the preferred strategy by using the copy-of or snapshot functions, and indicate that buffering of output is preferred by using xsl:fork. However, conformant processors are not constrained in their choice of evaluation strategies.

The content model of the xsl:fork instruction (given that an XSLT 3.0 processor ignores xsl:fallback) takes two possible forms:

  1. A sequence of xsl:sequence instructions

  2. A single xsl:for-each-group instruction. This will normally use the group-by attribute, because in all other cases the containing xsl:fork instruction has no useful effect.

The first form is appropriate when splitting a single input stream into a fixed number of output streams, known statically: for example, one output stream for credit transactions, a second for debit transactions. The second form is appropriate when the number of output streams depends on the data: for example, one output stream for each distinct city name found in the input data.

The following section describes the xsl:fork instruction more formally.

16.1 The xsl:fork Instruction

<!-- Category: instruction -->
  <!-- Content: (xsl:fallback*, ((xsl:sequence, xsl:fallback*)* | (xsl:for-each-group, xsl:fallback*))) -->


The content model can be described as follows: there is either a single xsl:for-each-group instruction, or a sequence of zero or more xsl:sequence instructions; in addition, xsl:fallback instructions may be added anywhere.

The result of the xsl:fork instruction is the sequence formed by concatenating the results of evaluating each of its contained instructions, in order. That is, the result can be determined by treating the content as a sequence constructor and evaluating it as such.


Any xsl:fallback children will be ignored by an XSLT 3.0 processor.

By using the xsl:fork instruction, the stylesheet author is suggesting to the processor that buffering of output is acceptable even though this might use unbounded memory and thus violate the normal expectations of streamable processing

The presence of an xsl:fork instruction affects the analysis of streamability, as described in 19 Streamability.

16.2 Examples of Splitting with Streamed Data

This section gives examples of how splitting using xsl:fork can be used to enable streaming of input documents in cases where several results need to be computed during a single pass over the input data.

Example: Splitting a Transaction File into Credits and Debits

Consider a transaction file that contains a sequence of debits and credits:

  <transaction value="5.60"/>
  <transaction value="11.20"/>
  <transaction value="-3.40"/>
  <transaction value="8.90"/>
  <transaction value="-1.99"/>

where the requirement is to split this into two separate files containing credits and debits respectively.

This can be achieved in guaranteed-streamable code as follows:

<xsl:source-document streamable="yes" href="transactions.xml">
      <xsl:result-document href="credits.xml">
          <xsl:for-each select="transactions/transaction[@value &gt;= 0]">
            <xsl:copy-of select="."/>
      <xsl:result-document href="debits.xml">
          <xsl:for-each select="transactions/transaction[@value &lt; 0]">
            <xsl:copy-of select="."/>

In the absence of the xsl:fork instruction, this would not be streamable, because the sequence constructor includes two consuming instructions. With the addition of the xsl:fork instruction, however, each xsl:result-document instruction is allowed to make a downwards selection.

One possible implementation model for this is as follows: a single thread reads the source document, and sends parsing events such as start-element and end-element to two other threads, each of which is writing one of the two result documents. Each of these implements the downwards-selecting path expression using a process that waits until the next transaction start-element event is received; when this event is received, the process examines the @value attribute to determine whether or not this transaction is to be copied; if it is, then all events until the matching transaction end-element event are copied to the serializer for the result document; otherwise, these events are discarded.


Example: Splitting a Transaction File by Customer Account

Consider a transaction file that contains a sequence of debits and credits:

  <transaction value="5.60" account="01826370"/>
  <transaction value="11.20" account="92741838"/>
  <transaction value="-3.40" account="01826370"/>
  <transaction value="8.90" account="92741838"/>
  <transaction value="-1.99" account="43861562"/>

where the requirement is to split this into a number of separate files, one for each account number found in the input.

This can be achieved in guaranteed-streamable code as follows:

<xsl:source-document streamable="yes" href="transactions.xml">
    <xsl:for-each-group select="transactions/transaction" group-by="@account">
      <xsl:result-document href="account{current-grouping-key()}.xml">
        <transactions account="{current-grouping-key()}">
          <xsl:copy-of select="current-group()"/>

In the absence of the xsl:fork instruction, this would not be streamable, because in the general case the output of xsl:for-each-group with a group-by attribute needs to be buffered. (The streamability rules do not recognize an xsl:for-each-group whose body comprises an xsl:result-document instruction as a special case.) With the addition of the xsl:fork instruction, however, the code becomes guaranteed streamable.

One possible implementation model for this is as follows: the processor opens a new serializer each time a new account number is encountered in the input, and writes the <transactions> start tag to the serializer. When a transaction element is encountered in the input, it is copied to the relevant serializer, according to the value of the account attribute. At the end of the input, a <transactions> end tag is written to each of the serializers, and each output file is closed.

In the more general case, where the body of the xsl:for-each-group instruction contributes output to the principal result document, the output generated by processing each group needs to be buffered in memory. The requirement to use xsl:fork exists so that this use of (potentially unbounded) memory has to be a conscious decision by the stylesheet author.


Example: Arithmetic using Multiple Child Elements as Operands

The rules for streamability do not allow two instructions in a sequence constructor to both read child or descendant elements of the context node, which makes it tricky to perform a calculation in which multiple child elements act as operands. This restriction can be avoided by using xsl:fork, as shown below, where each of the two branches of the xsl:fork instruction selects children of the context node.

<xsl:template match="order" mode="a-streamable-mode">                  
  <xsl:variable name="price-and-discount" as="xs:decimal+">
      <xsl:sequence select="xs:decimal(price)"/>
      <xsl:sequence select="xs:decimal(discount)"/>
  <xsl:value-of select="$price-and-discount[1] - $price-and-discount[2]"/>

A possible implementation strategy here is for events from the XML parser to be sent to two separate agents (perhaps but not necessarily running in different threads), one of which computes xs:decimal(price) and the other xs:decimal(discount); on completion the results computed by the two agents are appended to the sequence that forms the value of the variable.

With this strategy, the processor would require sufficient memory to hold the results of evaluating each branch of the fork. If these results (unlike this example) are large, this could defeat the purpose of streaming by requiring large amounts of memory; nevertheless, this code is treated as streamable.


An alternative solution to this requirement is to use map constructors: see 21.3 Map Constructors.


Example: Deleting Elements, and Counting Deletions

In this example the input is a narrative document containing note elements at any level of nesting. The requirement is to output a copy of the input document in which (a) the note elements have been removed, and (b) a footnote is added at the end indicating how many note elements have been deleted.

<xsl:mode on-no-match="shallow-copy" streamable="yes"/>

<xsl:template match="note"/>

<xsl:template match="/*">
        <p>Removed <xsl:value-of select="count(.//note)"/> 
                 note elements.</p>

The xsl:fork instruction contains two independent branches. These can therefore be evaluated in the same pass over the input data. The first branch (the xsl:apply-templates instruction) causes everything except the note elements to be copied to the result; the second instruction (the literal result element footnote) outputs a count of the number of descendant note elements.

Note that although the processing makes a single pass over the input stream, there is some buffering of results required, because the results of the instructions within the xsl:fork instruction need to be concatenated. In this case an intelligent implementation might be able to restrict the buffered data to a single integer.

In a formal sense, however, the result is exactly the same as if the xsl:fork element were not there.

An alternative way of solving this example problem would be to count the number of note elements using an accumulator: see 18.2 Accumulators.

17 Regular Expressions

The function library for XPath 3.0 defines several functions that make use of regular expressions:

These functions are described in [Functions and Operators 4.0].

Supplementing these functions, XSLT provides an instruction xsl:analyze-string, which is defined in this section.


The xsl:analyze-string instruction predates the analyze-stringFO30 function, and provides very similar functionality, though in a different way. The two constructs are not precisely equivalent; for example, xsl:analyze-string allows a regular expression that matches a zero-length string while the analyze-stringFO30 function does not. The xsl:analyze-string instruction (via the use of regex-group) provides information about the value of captured substrings; the analyze-stringFO30 function additionally provides information about the position of the captured substrings within the original string.

The regular expressions used by this instruction, and the flags that control the interpretation of these regular expressions, must conform to the syntax defined in [Functions and Operators 4.0] (see Section 5.6.1 Regular expression syntaxFO40), which is itself based on the syntax defined in [XML Schema Part 2].

17.1 The xsl:analyze-string Instruction

<!-- Category: instruction -->
  select = expression
  regex = { string }
  flags? = { string }〔''〕 >
  <!-- Content: (xsl:matching-substring?, xsl:non-matching-substring?, xsl:fallback*) -->

  select? = expression >
  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

  select? = expression >
  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

The xsl:analyze-string instruction takes as input a string (the result of evaluating the expression in the select attribute) and a regular expression (the effective value of the regex attribute).

If the result of evaluating the select expression is an empty sequence, it is treated as a zero-length string. If the value is not a string, it is converted to a string by applying the coercion rules.

The flags attribute may be used to control the interpretation of the regular expression. If the attribute is omitted, the effect is the same as supplying a zero-length string. This is interpreted in the same way as the $flags attribute of the functions matchesFO30, replaceFO30, and tokenizeFO30. Specifically, if it contains the letter m, the match operates in multiline mode. If it contains the letter s, it operates in dot-all mode. If it contains the letter i, it operates in case-insensitive mode. If it contains the letter x, then whitespace within the regular expression is ignored. For more detailed specifications of these modes, see [Functions and Operators 4.0] (Section 5.6.2 FlagsFO40).


Because the regex attribute is an attribute value template, curly brackets within the regular expression must be doubled. For example, to match a sequence of one to five characters, write regex=".{{1,5}}". For regular expressions containing many curly brackets it may be more convenient to use a notation such as regex="{'[0-9]{1,5}[a-z]{3}[0-9]{1,2}'}", or to use a variable.

The xsl:analyze-string instruction may have two child elements: xsl:matching-substring and xsl:non-matching-substring. Both elements are optional, and neither may appear more than once. At least one of them must be present. If both are present, the xsl:matching-substring element must come first.

The content of the xsl:analyze-string instruction must take one of the following forms:

  1. A single xsl:matching-substring instruction, followed by zero or more xsl:fallback instructions

  2. A single xsl:non-matching-substring instruction, followed by zero or more xsl:fallback instructions

  3. A single xsl:matching-substring instruction, followed by a single xsl:non-matching-substring instruction, followed by zero or more xsl:fallback instructions

[ERR XTSE1130] It is a static error if the xsl:analyze-string instruction contains neither an xsl:matching-substring nor an xsl:non-matching-substring element.

Any xsl:fallback elements among the children of the xsl:analyze-string instruction are ignored by an XSLT 2.0 or 3.0 processor, but allow fallback behavior to be defined when the stylesheet is used with an XSLT 1.0 processor operating with forwards-compatible behavior.

For the xsl:matching-substring and xsl:non-matching-substring elements, the select attribute and the contained sequence constructor are mutually exclusive [see ERR XTSE3185].

This instruction is designed to process all the non-overlapping substrings of the input string that match the regular expression supplied.

[ERR XTDE1140] It is a dynamic error if the effective value of the regex attribute does not conform to the required syntax for regular expressions, as specified in [Functions and Operators 4.0]. If the regular expression is known statically (for example, if the attribute does not contain any expressions enclosed in curly brackets) then the processor may signal the error as a static error.

[ERR XTDE1145] It is a dynamic error if the effective value of the flags attribute has a value other than the values defined in [Functions and Operators 4.0]. If the value of the attribute is known statically (for example, if the attribute does not contain any expressions enclosed in curly brackets) then the processor may signal the error as a static error.

To explain the behavior of the instruction it is useful to consider an input string of length N characters as having N+1 inter-character positions, including one just before the first character and one just after the last. Each of these positions is a possible position for testing whether the regular expression matches. These positions are numbered from zero to N.


The term character, here as elsewhere in this specification, means a Unicode codepoint. When strings are held in decomposed form, the multiple codepoints representing a composite character are considered to be multiple characters. A codepoint greater than 65535 is considered as one character, not as a surrogate pair.

The processor starts by setting the current position to position zero, and the current non-matching substring to a zero-length string. It then does the following repeatedly:

  1. Test whether the regular expression matches at the current position.

  2. If there is a match:

    1. If the current non-matching substring has length greater than zero, evaluate the xsl:non-matching-substring select expression or sequence constructor with the current non-matching substring as the context item.

    2. Reset the current non-matching substring to a zero-length string.

    3. Evaluate the xsl:matching-substring select expression or sequence constructor with the matching substring as the context item.

    4. Do the appropriate one of the following:

      1. If the matching substring is non-zero length, set the current position to coincide with the end of the matching substring, exit, and repeat.

      2. If the matching substring is zero length and the current position is at the end of the input string, exit.

      3. If the matching substring is zero length and the current position is not at the end of the input string, add the character that immediately follows the current position to the current non-matching substring, set the current position to the position immediately after this character, exit, and repeat.

  3. If there is no match:

    1. If the current position is the last position (that is, just after the last character):

      1. If the current non-matching substring has length greater than zero, evaluate the xsl:non-matching-substring select expression or sequence constructor with the current non-matching substring as the context item.

      2. Exit.

    2. Otherwise, add the character at the current position to the current non-matching substring, increment the current position, and repeat.

When the matcher is looking for a match at a particular starting position and there are several alternatives within the regular expression that match at this position in the input string, then the match that is chosen is the first alternative that matches. For example, if the input string is The quick brown fox jumps and the regular expression is jump|jumps, then the match that is chosen is jump.

The input string is thus partitioned into a sequence of substrings, some of which match the regular expression, others which do not match it. Each non-matching substring will contain at least one character, but a matching substring may be zero-length. This sequence of substrings is processed using the contained xsl:matching-substring and xsl:non-matching-substring elements. A matching substring is processed using the xsl:matching-substring element, a non-matching substring using the xsl:non-matching-substring element. Each of these elements has either a select attribute or a contained sequence constructor. If the element is absent, the effect is the same as if it were present with empty content. In processing each substring, the contents of the substring will be the context item (as a value of type xs:string); the position of the substring within the sequence of matching and non-matching substrings will be the context position; and the number of matching and non-matching substrings will be the context size.

17.2 fn:regex-group


Returns the string captured by a parenthesized subexpression of the regular expression used during evaluation of the xsl:analyze-string instruction.

$number as xs:integer
) as xs:string

This function is deterministicFO30, context-dependentFO30, and focus-independentFO30.


[Definition: While the xsl:matching-substring instruction is active, a set of current captured substrings is available, corresponding to the parenthesized subexpressions of the regular expression.] These captured substrings are accessible using the function regex-group. This function takes an integer argument to identify the group, and returns a string representing the captured substring.

The Nth captured substring (where N > 0) is the string matched by the subexpression contained by the Nth left parenthesis in the regex, excluding any non-capturing groups, which are written as (?:xxx). The zeroth captured substring is the string that matches the entire regex. This means that the value of regex-group(0) is initially the same as the value of . (dot).

The function returns the zero-length string if there is no captured substring with the relevant number. This can occur for a number of reasons:

  1. The number is negative.

  2. The regular expression does not contain a parenthesized subexpression with the given number.

  3. The parenthesized subexpression exists, and did not match any part of the input string.

  4. The parenthesized subexpression exists, and matched a zero-length substring of the input string.

The set of captured substrings is a context variable with dynamic scope. It is initially an empty sequence. During the evaluation of an xsl:matching-substring instruction it is set to the sequence of matched substrings for that regex match. During the evaluation of an xsl:non-matching-substring instruction or a pattern or a stylesheet function it is set to an empty sequence. On completion of an instruction that changes the value, the variable reverts to its previous value.

The value of the current captured substrings is unaffected through calls of xsl:apply-templates, xsl:call-template, xsl:apply-imports or xsl:next-match, or by expansion of named attribute sets.

17.3 Examples of Regular Expression Matching

Example: Replacing Characters by Elements

Problem: replace all newline characters in the abstract element by empty br elements:


<xsl:analyze-string select="abstract" regex="\n">
    <xsl:value-of select="."/>


Example: Recognizing non-XML Markup Structure

Problem: replace all occurrences of [...] in the body by cite elements, retaining the content between the square brackets as the content of the new element.


<xsl:analyze-string select="body" regex="\[(.*?)\]">
    <cite><xsl:value-of select="regex-group(1)"/></cite>
    <xsl:value-of select="."/>

Note that this simple approach fails if the body element contains markup that needs to be retained. In this case it is necessary to apply the regular expression processing to each text node individually. If the [...] constructs span multiple text nodes (for example, because there are elements within the square brackets) then it probably becomes necessary to make two or more passes over the data.


Example: Parsing a Date

Problem: the input string contains a date such as 23 March 2002. Convert it to the form 2002-03-23.

Solution (with no error handling if the input format is incorrect):

<xsl:variable name="months" 
        select="'January', 'February', 'March', ..."/>

<xsl:analyze-string select="normalize-space($input)" 
        <xsl:number value="regex-group(3)" format="0001"/>          
        <xsl:number value="index-of($months, regex-group(2))" format="01"/>
        <xsl:number value="regex-group(1)" format="01"/>

Note the use of normalize-space to simplify the work done by the regular expression, and the use of doubled curly brackets because the regex attribute is an attribute value template.


Example: Matching Zero-Length Strings

This example removes all empty and whitespace-only lines from a file.

<xsl:analyze-string select="unparsed-text('in.txt')"
                    regex="^[\t ]*$" flags="m" expand-text="yes">


Example: Parsing comma-separated values

There are many variants of CSV formats. This example is designed to handle input where:

  • Each record occupies one line.

  • Fields are separated by commas.

  • Quotation marks around a field are optional, unless the field contains a comma or quotation mark, in which case they are mandatory.

  • A quotation mark within the value of a field is represented by a pair of two adjacent quotation marks.

For example, the input record:

Ten Thousand,10000,,"10,000","It's ""10 Grand"", mister",10K

contains six fields, specifically:

  • Ten Thousand

  • 10000

  • <zero-length-string>

  • 10,000

  • It's "10 Grand", mister

  • 10K

The following code parses such CSV input into an XML structure containing row and col elements:

<xsl:for-each select="unparsed-text-lines('in.csv')" expand-text="yes">
    <xsl:analyze-string select="." 
        <col>{replace(regex-group(1), '""', '"')||regex-group(2)}</col>

Note that because this regular expression matches a zero-length string, it is not permitted in XSLT 2.0.

18 Streaming

XSLT 3.0 introduces a number of constructs that are specifically designed to enable streamed applications to be written, but which are also useful in their own right; it also includes some features that are very specialized to streaming.

18.1 The xsl:source-document Instruction

<!-- Category: instruction -->
  href = { uri }
  streamable? = boolean〔'no'〕
  use-accumulators? = tokens〔''〕
  validation? = "strict" | "lax" | "preserve" | "strip"
  type? = eqname >
  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

The xsl:source-document instruction reads a source document whose URI is supplied, and processes the content of the document by evaluating the contained sequence constructor. The streamable attribute (default "no") allows streamed processing to be requested.

For example, if a document represents a book holding a sequence of chapters, then the following code can be used to split the book into multiple XML files, one per chapter, without allocating memory to hold the entire book in memory at one time:

<xsl:source-document streamable="yes" href="book.xml">
  <xsl:for-each select="book">             
    <xsl:for-each select="chapter">
      <xsl:result-document href="chapter{position()}.xml">
        <xsl:copy-of select="."/>


In earlier drafts of this specification the xsl:source-document element was named xsl:stream. The instruction has been generalised to handle both streamed and unstreamed input.

The document to be read is determined by the effective value of the href attribute (which is defined as an attribute value template). This must be a valid URI reference. If it is an absolute URI reference, it is used as is; if it is a relative URI reference, it is made absolute by resolving it against the base URI of the xsl:source-document element. The process of obtaining a document node given a URI is the same as for the docFO30 function. However, unlike the docFO30 function, the xsl:source-document instruction offers no guarantee that the resulting document will be stable (that is, that multiple calls specifying the same URI will return the same document).

Specifically, if an xsl:source-document instruction is evaluated several times (or if different xsl:source-document instructions are evaluated) with the same URI (after making it absolute) as the value of the href attribute, it is implementation-dependent whether the same nodes or different nodes are returned on each occasion; it is also possible that the actual document content will be different.


A different node will necessarily be returned if there are differences in attributes such as validation, type, streamable, or use-accumulators, or if the calls are in different packages with variations in the rules for whitespace stripping or stripping of type annotations.

The result of the xsl:source-document instruction is the same as the result of the following (non-streaming) process:

  1. The source document is read from the supplied URI and parsed to form a tree of nodes in the XDM data model.

  2. The contained sequence constructor is evaluated with the root node of this tree as the context item, and with the context position and context size set to one; and the resulting sequence is returned as the result of the xsl:source-document instruction.

The xsl:source-document instruction is guaranteed-streamable if both the following conditions are satisfied:

  1. It is declared-streamable, by specifying streamable="yes".

  2. the contained sequence constructor is grounded, as assessed using the streamability analysis in 19 Streamability. The consequences of being or not being guaranteed streamable depend on the processor conformance level, and are explained in 19.10 Streamability Guarantees.

The use-accumulators attribute defines the set of accumulators that are applicable to the document, as explained in 18.2.2 Applicability of Accumulators.


The following notes apply specifically to streamed processing.

The rules for guaranteed streamability ensure that the sequence constructor (and therefore the xsl:source-document instruction) cannot return any nodes from the streamed document. For example, it cannot contain the instruction <xsl:sequence select="//chapter"/>. If nodes from this document are to be returned, they must first be copied, for example by using the xsl:copy-of instruction or by calling the copy-of or snapshot functions.

Because the xsl:source-document instruction cannot (if it satisfies the rules for guaranteed streamability) return nodes from the streamed document, any nodes it does return will be conventional (unstreamed) nodes that can be processed without restriction. For example, if xsl:source-document is invoked within a stylesheet function f:firstChapter, and the sequence constructor consists of the instruction <xsl:copy-of select="//chapter"/>, then the calling code can manipulate the resulting chapter elements as ordinary trees rooted at parentless element nodes.

If the sequence constructor in an xsl:source-document instruction were to return nodes from the document for which streaming has been requested, the instruction would not be guaranteed streamable. Processors which support the streaming feature would then not be required to process it in a streaming manner, and this specification imposes no restrictions on the processing of the nodes returned. (The ability of a streaming processor to handle such stylesheets in a streaming manner might, of course, depend on how the nodes returned are processed, but those details are out of scope for this specification.)

18.1.1 Validation of Source Documents

The validation and type attributes of xsl:source-document may be used to control schema validation of the input document. They have the same effect as the corresponding attributes of the xsl:copy-of instruction when applied to a document node, except that when streamable="yes" is specified, the copy that is produced is itself a streamed document. The process is described in more detail in 26.4.2 Validating Document Nodes.

These two attributes are both optional, and if one is specified then the other must be omitted ([see ERR XTSE1505]).

The presence of a validation or type attribute on an xsl:source-document instruction causes any input-type-annotations attribute to have no effect on any document read using that instruction.


In effect, setting validation to strict or lax, or supplying the type attribute, requests document-level validation of the input as it is read. Setting validation="preserve" indicates that if the incoming document contains type annotations (for example, produced by validating the output of a previous step in a streaming pipeline) then they should be retained, while the value strip indicates that any such type annotations should be dropped.

It is a consequence of the way validation is defined in XSD that the type annotation of an element node can be determined during the processing of its start tag, although the actual validity of the element is not known until the end tag is encountered. When validation is requested, a streamed document should not present data to the stylesheet except to the extent that such data could form the leading part of a valid document. If the document proves to be invalid, the processor should not pass invalid data to the stylesheet to be processed, but should immediately signal the appropriate error. For the purposes of xsl:try and xsl:catch, this error can only be caught at the level of the xsl:source-document instruction that initiated validation, not at a finer level. If validation errors are caught in this way, any output that has been computed up to the point of the error is not added to the final result tree; the mechanisms to achieve this may use memory, which may reduce the efficacy of streaming.

The analysis of guaranteed streamability (see 19 Streamability) takes no account of information that might be obtained from a schema-aware static analysis of the stylesheet. Implementations may, however, be able to use streaming strategies for stylesheets that are not guaranteed-streamable, by taking advantage of such information. For example, an implementation might be able to treat the expression .//title as striding rather than crawling if it can establish from knowledge of the schema that two title elements will never be nested one inside the other.

18.1.2 Examples of xsl:source-document

The xsl:source-document instruction can be used to initiate processing of a document using streaming with a variety of coding styles, illustrated in the examples below.

Example: Using xsl:source-document with Aggregate Functions

The following example computes the number of transactions in a transaction file


  <transaction value="12.51"/>
  <transaction value="3.99"/>

Stylesheet code:

<xsl:source-document streamable="yes" href="transactions.xml">
    <xsl:value-of select="count(transactions/transaction)"/>




  1. The literal result element count has the same sweep as the xsl:value-of instruction.

  2. The xsl:value-of instruction has the same sweep as its select expression.

  3. The call to count has the same sweep as its argument.

  4. The argument to count is a RelativePathExpr. Under the rules in Streamability of Path Expressions, this expression is striding and consuming. The call on count is therefore grounded and consuming.

  5. The entire body of the xsl:source-document instruction is therefore grounded and consuming.

The following example computes the highest-value transaction in the same input file:

<xsl:source-document streamable="yes" href="transactions.xml">
    <xsl:value-of select="max(transactions/transaction/@value)"/>




  1. The literal result element maxValue has the same sweep as the xsl:value-of instruction.

  2. The xsl:value-of instruction has the same sweep as its select expression.

  3. The call to max has the same sweep as its argument.

  4. The argument to max is a RelativePathExpr whose two operands are the RelativePathExpr transactions/transaction and the AxisStep @value. The left-hand operand transactions/transaction has striding posture. The right-hand operand @value, given that the context posture is striding, is motionless. The RelativePathExpr argument to max is therefore consuming. [XSLT 3.0 Erratum E9, bug 30130].

  5. The entire body of the xsl:source-document instruction is therefore consuming.

To compute both the count and the maximum value in a single pass over the input, several approaches are possible. The simplest is to use maps (map constructors are exempt from the usual rule that multiple downward selections are not allowed):

<xsl:source-document streamable="yes" href="transactions.xml">
  <xsl:variable name="tally" select="map{ 'count': count(transactions/transaction), 
                                          'max':   max(transactions/transaction/@value)}"/>
  <value count="{$tally('count')}" max="{$tally('max')}"/>

Other options include the use of xsl:fork, or multiple xsl:accumulator declarations, one for each value to be computed.


Example: Using xsl:source-document with xsl:for-each to Process a Collection of Input Documents

This example displays a list of the chapter titles extracted from each book in a collection of books.

Each input document is assumed to have a structure such as:

  <chapter number-of-pages="18">
    <title>The first chapter of book A</title>
  <chapter number-of-pages="15">
    <title>The second chapter of book A</title>
  <chapter number-of-pages="12">
    <title>The third chapter of book A</title>

Stylesheet code:

  <xsl:for-each select="uri-collection('books')">
    <xsl:source-document streamable="yes" href="{.}">
      <xsl:for-each select="book">
        <xsl:for-each select="chapter">
           <title><xsl:value-of select="title"/></title>


  <title>The first chapter of book A</title>
  <title>The second chapter of book A</title>
  <title>The first chapter of book B</title>


This example uses the function uri-collectionFO30 to obtain the document URIs of all the documents in a collection, so that each one can be processed in turn using xsl:source-document.


Example: Using xsl:source-document with xsl:iterate

This example assumes that the input is a book with multiple chapters, as shown in the previous example, with the page count for each chapter given as an attribute of the chapter. The transformation determines the starting page number for each chapter by accumulating the page counts for previous chapters, and rounding up to an odd number if necessary.

   <xsl:source-document streamable="yes" href="book.xml">
      <xsl:iterate select="book/chapter">
         <xsl:param name="start-page" select="1"/>
         <chapter title="{title}" start-page="{$start-page}"/>
            <xsl:with-param name="start-page" 
                            select="$start-page + @number-of-pages + 
                                      (@number-of-pages mod 2)"/>


  <chapter title="The first chapter of book A" start-page="1"/>
  <chapter title="The second chapter of book A" start-page="19"/>
  <chapter title="The third chapter of book A" start-page="35"/>


This example assumes that the input is a book with multiple chapters, and that each chapter belongs to a part, which is present as an attribute of the chapter (for example, chapters 1-4 might constitute Part 1, the next three chapters forming Part 2, and so on):

  <chapter part="1">
    <title>The first chapter of book A</title>
  <chapter part="1">
    <title>The second chapter of book A</title>
  <chapter part="2">
    <title>The fifth chapter of book A</title>

The transformation copies the full text of the chapters, creating an extra level of hierarchy for the parts.

   <xsl:source-document streamable="yes" href="book.xml">
      <xsl:for-each select="book">
         <xsl:for-each-group select="chapter" group-adjacent="data(@part)">
            <part number="{current-grouping-key()}">
               <xsl:copy-of select="current-group()"/>


  <part number="1">
    <chapter part="1">
      <title>The first chapter of book A</title>
    <chapter part="1">
      <title>The second chapter of book A</title>
  <part number="2">
    <chapter part="2">
      <title>The fifth chapter of book A</title>


This example copies an XML document while deleting all the ednote elements at any level of the tree, together with their descendants. This example is a complete stylesheet, which is intended to be evaluated by nominating main as the initial named template. The use of on-no-match="deep-copy" in the xsl:mode declaration means that the built-in template rule copies nodes unchanged, except where overridden by a user-defined template rule.

<xsl:transform version="3.0" 

<xsl:mode name="delete-ednotes" streamable="yes" 

<xsl:template name="main">
   <xsl:source-document streamable="yes" href="book.xml">
      <xsl:apply-templates mode="delete-ednotes"/>

<xsl:template match="ednote" mode="delete-ednotes"/>


Additional template rules could be added to process other elements and attributes in the same pass through the data: for example, to modify the value of a last-updated attribute (wherever it appears) to the current date and time, the following rule suffices:

<xsl:template match="@last-updated" mode="delete-ednotes">
  <xsl:attribute name="last-updated" select="current-dateTime()"/>

18.1.3 fn:stream-available


Determines, as far as possible, whether a document is available for streamed processing using xsl:source-document.

$uri as xs:string?
) as xs:boolean

This function is nondeterministicFO30, context-dependentFO30, and focus-independentFO30. It depends on available documents.


The intent of the stream-available function is to allow a stylesheet author to determine, before calling xsl:source-document with streamable="yes" and with a particular URI as the value of its href attribute, whether a document is available at that location for streamed processing.

If the $uri argument is an empty sequence then the function returns false.

If the function returns true then the caller can conclude that the following conditions are true:

  1. The supplied URI is valid;

  2. A resource can be retrieved at that URI;

  3. An XML representation of the resource can be delivered, which is well-formed at least to the extent that some initial sequence of octets can be decoded into characters and matched against the production:

    prolog (EmptyElemTag | STag )

    as defined in the XML 1.0 or XML 1.1 Recommendation.


    That is, the XML is well-formed at least as far as the end of the first element start tag; to establish this, a parser will typically retrieve any external entities referenced in the Doctype declaration or DTD.

If the function returns false, the caller can conclude that either one of the above conditions is not satisfied, or the processor detected some other condition that would prevent a call on xsl:source-document with streamable="yes" executing successfully.

Like xsl:source-document itself, the function is not deterministic, which means that multiple calls during the execution of a stylesheet will not necessarily return the same result. The caller cannot make any inferences about the point in time at which the input conditions for stream-available are present, and in particular there is no guarantee that because stream-available returns true, xsl:source-document will necessarily succeed.

The value of the $uri argument must be a URI in the form of a string. If it is a relative URI, it is resolved relative to the static base URI of the function call.

Error Conditions

If the URI is invalid, such that a call on doc-availableFO30 would signal an error, then stream-available signals the same error: [ERR FODC0005] FO30.

18.2 Accumulators

Accumulators are introduced in XSLT 3.0 to enable data that is read during streamed processing of a document to be accumulated, processed or retained for later use. However, they may equally be used with non-streamed processing.

[Definition: An accumulator defines a series of values associated with the nodes of the tree. If an accumulator is applicable to a particular tree, then for each node in the tree, other than attribute and namespace nodes, there will be two values available, called the pre-descent and post-descent values. These two values are available via a pair of functions, accumulator-before and accumulator-after.]

There are two ways the values of an accumulator can be established for a given tree: they can be computed by evaluating the rules appearing in the xsl:accumulator declaration, or they can be copied from the corresponding nodes in a different tree. The second approach (copying the values) is available via the snapshot and copy-of functions, or by use of the xsl:copy-of instruction specifying copy-accumulators="yes". Accumulator values are also copied during the implicit invocation of the snapshot function performed by the xsl:merge instruction.


Accumulators can apply to trees rooted at any kind of node. But because they are most often applied to trees rooted at a document node, this section sometimes refers to the “document” to which an accumulator applies; use of this term should be taken to include all trees whether or not they are rooted at a document node.

Accumulators can apply to trees rooted at nodes (such as text nodes) that cannot have children, though this serves no useful purpose. In the case of a tree rooted at an attribute or namespace node, there is no way to obtain the value of the accumulator.

The following sections give first, the syntax rules for defining an accumulator; then an informal description of the semantics; then a more formal definition; and finally, examples. But to illustrate the concept intuitively, the following simple example shows how an accumulator can be used for numbering of nodes:

Example: Numbering Figures within a Chapter

This example assumes document input in which figure elements can appear within chapter elements (which we assume are not nested), and the requirement is to render the figures with a caption that includes the figure number within its containing chapter.

When the document is processed using streaming, the xsl:number instruction is not available, so a solution using accumulators is needed.

The required accumulator can be defined and used like this:

<xsl:accumulator name="figNr" as="xs:integer" 
                    initial-value="0" streamable="yes">
     <xsl:accumulator-rule match="chapter" select="0"/>
     <xsl:accumulator-rule match="figure" select="$value + 1"/>
   <xsl:mode streamable="yes"/>
   <xsl:template match="figure">
     <p>Figure <xsl:value-of select="accumulator-before('figNr')"/></p>

18.2.1 Declaring an Accumulator

<!-- Category: declaration -->
  name = eqname
  initial-value = expression
  as? = sequence-type〔'item()*'〕
  streamable? = boolean〔'no'〕 >
  <!-- Content: xsl:accumulator-rule+ -->

  match = pattern
  phase? = "start" | "end"〔'start'〕
  select? = expression
  capture? = boolean〔'no'〕 >
  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

An xsl:accumulator element is a declaration of an accumulator. The name attribute defines the name of the accumulator. The value of the name attribute is an EQName, which is expanded as described in 5.1.1 Qualified Names.

An xsl:accumulator declaration can only appear as a top-level element in a stylesheet module.

The capture attribute is allowed only on an xsl:accumulator-rule element that specifies phase="end". Its effect is described in 18.2.9 Capturing Accumulators.

The functions accumulator-before and accumulator-after return, respectively, the value of the accumulator before visiting the descendants of a given node, and the value after visiting the descendants of a node. Each of these functions takes a single argument, the name of the accumulator, and the function applies implicitly to the context node. The type of the return value (for both functions) is determined by the as attribute of the xsl:accumulator element.

[Definition: The functions accumulator-before and accumulator-after are referred to as the accumulator functions.]

For constructs that use accumulators to be guaranteed-streamable:

The initial value of the accumulator is obtained by evaluating the expression in the initial-value attribute. This attribute is mandatory. The expression in the initial-value attribute is evaluated with a singleton focus based on the root node of the streamed input tree to which the accumulator is being applied.

The values of the accumulator for individual nodes in a tree are obtained by applying the xsl:accumulator-rule rules contained within the xsl:accumulator declaration, as described in subsequent sections. The match attribute of xsl:accumulator-rule is a pattern which determines which nodes trigger execution of the rule; the phase attribute indicates whether the rule fires before descendants are processed (phase="start", which is the default), or after descendants are processed (phase="end").

The select attribute and the contained sequence constructor of the xsl:accumulator-rule element are mutually exclusive: if the select attribute is present then the sequence constructor must be empty. The expression in the select attribute of xsl:accumulator-rule or the contained sequence constructor is evaluated with a static context that follows the normal rules for expressions in stylesheets, except that:

  • An additional variable is present in the context. The name of this variable is value (in no namespace), and its type is the type that appears in the as attribute of the xsl:accumulator declaration.

  • The context item for evaluation of the expression or sequence constructor will always be a node that matches the pattern in the match attribute.

The result of both the initial-value and select expressions (or contained sequence constructor) is converted to the type declared in the as attribute by applying the coercion rules. A type error occurs if conversion is not possible. The as attribute defaults to item()*.

The effect of the streamable and capture attributes are defined in 18.2.10 Streamability of Accumulators.

18.2.2 Applicability of Accumulators

It is not the case that every accumulator is applicable to every tree. The details depend on how the accumulator is declared, and how the tree is created. The rules are as follows:

  1. An accumulator is applicable to a tree unless otherwise specified in these rules. (For example, when a document is read using the document, docFO30, or collectionFO30 functions, all accumulators are applicable. Similarly, all accumulators are applicable to a temporary tree created using xsl:variable.)

  2. Regardless of the rules below, an accumulator is not applicable to a streamed document unless the accumulator is declared with streamable="yes". (The converse does not apply: for unstreamed documents, accumulators are applicable regardless of the value of the streamable attribute.)

  3. For a document read using the xsl:source-document instruction, the accumulators that are applicable are those determined by the use-accumulators attribute of that instruction.

  4. For a document read using the for-each-source attribute of an xsl:merge-source child of an xsl:merge instruction, the accumulators that are applicable are those determined by the use-accumulators attribute of the xsl:merge-source element.

  5. For a document containing nodes supplied in the initial match selection, the accumulators that are applicable are those determined by the xsl:mode declaration of the initial mode. This means that in the absence of an xsl:mode declaration, no accumulators are applicable.

  6. For a tree T created by copying a node in a tree S using the copy-of or snapshot functions, or the instruction xsl:copy-of with copy-accumulators="yes", an accumulator is applicable to T if and only if it is applicable to S.

If an accumulator is not applicable to the tree containing the context item, calls to the functions accumulator-before and accumulator-after, supplying the name of that accumulator, will fail with a dynamic error.


The reason that accumulators are not automatically applicable to every streamed document is to avoid the cost of evaluating them, and to avoid the possibility of dynamic errors occuring if they are not designed to work with a particular document structure.

In the case of unstreamed documents, there are no compelling reasons to restrict which accumulators are applicable, because an implementation can avoid the cost of evaluating every accumulator against every document by evaluating the accumulator lazily, for example, by only evaluating the accumulator for a particular tree the first time its value is requested for a node in that tree. In the interests of orthogonality, however, restricting the applicable accumulators works in the same way for streamable and non-streamable documents.

The value of the use-accumulators attribute of xsl:source-document, xsl:merge-source, or xsl:mode must either be a whitespace-separated list of EQNames, or the special token #all. The list may be empty, and the default value is an empty list. Every EQName in the list must be the name of an accumulator, visible in the containing package, and declared with streamable="yes". The value #all indicates that all accumulators that are visible in the containing package are applicable (except that for a streamable input document, an accumulator is not applicable unless it specifies streamable="yes").

[ERR XTSE3300] It is a static error if the list of accumulator names contains an invalid token, contains the same token more than once, or contains the token #all along with any other value; or if any token (other than #all) is not the name of a declared-streamable accumulator visible in the containing package.

18.2.3 Informal Model for Accumulators

This section describes how accumulator values are established by evaluating the rules in an xsl:accumulator declaration. This process does not apply to trees created with accumulator values copied from another document, for example by using the copy-of or snapshot functions.

Informally, an accumulator is evaluated by traversing a tree, as follows.

Each node is visited twice, once before processing its descendants, and once after processing its descendants. For consistency, this applies even to leaf nodes: each is visited twice. Attribute and namespace nodes, however, are not visited.

Before the traversal starts, a variable (called the accumulator variable) is initialized to the value of the expression given as the initial-value attribute.

On each node visit, the xsl:accumulator-rule elements are examined to see if there is a matching rule. For a match to occur, the pattern in the match attribute must match the node, and the phase attribute must be start if this is the first visit, and end if it is the second visit. If there is a matching rule, then a new value is computed for the accumulator variable using the expression contained in that rule’s select attribute or the contained sequence constructor. If there is more than one matching rule, the last in document order is used. If there is no matching rule, the value of the accumulator variable does not change.

Each node is labeled with a pre-descent value for the accumulator, which is the value of the accumulator variable immediately after processing the first visit to that node, and with a post-descent value for the accumulator, which is the value of the accumulator variable immediately after processing the second visit.

The function accumulator-before delivers the pre-descent value of the accumulator at the context node; the function accumulator-after delivers the post-descent value of the accumulator at the context node.

Although this description is expressed in procedural terms, it can be seen that the two values of the accumulator for any given node depend only on the node and its preceding and (in the case of the post-descent value) descendant nodes. Calculation of both values is therefore deterministic and free of side-effects; moreover, it is clear that the values can be computed during a streaming pass of a document, provided that the rules themselves use only information that is available without repositioning the input stream.

It is permitted for the select expression of an accumulator rule, or the contained sequence constructor, to invoke an accumulator function. For a streamable accumulator, the rules ensure that a rule with phase="start" cannot call the accumulator-after function. When such function calls exist in an accumulator rule, they impose a dependency of one accumulator on another, and create the possibility of cyclic dependencies. Processors are allowed to report the error statically if they can detect it statically. Failing this, processors are allowed to fail catastrophically in the event of a cycle, in the same way as they might fail in the event of infinite function or template recursion. Catastrophic failure might manifest itself, for example, as a stack overflow, or as non-termination of the transformation.

18.2.4 Formal Model for Accumulators

This section describes how accumulator values are established by evaluating the rules in an xsl:accumulator declaration. This process does not apply to trees created with accumulator values copied from another document, for example by using the copy-of or snapshot functions.

[Definition: A traversal of a tree is a sequence of traversal events.]

[Definition: a traversal event (shortened to event in this section) is a pair comprising a phase (start or end) and a node.] It is modelled as a map with two entries: map{"phase": p, "node": n} where p is the string "start" or "end" and n is a node.

The traversal of a tree contains two traversal events for each node in the tree, other than attribute and namespace nodes. One of these events (the “start event”) has phase "start", the other (the “end event”) has phase "end".

The order of traversal events within a traversal is such that, given any two nodes M and N with start/end events denoted by M0, M1, N0, and N1, :

  • For any node N, N0 precedes N1;

  • If M is an ancestor of N then M0 precedes N0 and N1 precedes M1;

  • If M is on the preceding axis of N then M1 precedes N0.

The accumulator defines a (private) delta function Δ. The delta function computes the value of the accumulator for one traversal event in terms of its value for the previous traversal event. The function is defined as follows:

  1. The signature of Δ is function ($old-value as T, $event as map(*)) as T, where T is the sequence type declared in the as attribute of the accumulator declaration;

  2. The implementation of the function is equivalent to the following algorithm:

    1. Let R be the set of xsl:accumulator-rule elements among the children of the accumulator declaration whose phase attribute equals $event("phase") and whose match attribute is a pattern that matches $event("node")

    2. If R is empty, return $old-value

    3. Let Q be the xsl:accumulator-rule in R that is last in document order

    4. Return the value of the expression in the select attribute of Q, or the contained sequence constructor, evaluating this with a singleton focus set to $event("node") and with a dynamic context that binds the variable whose name is $value (in no namespace) to the value $old-value.


      The argument names old-value and event are used here purely for definitional purposes; these names are not available for use within the select expression or contained sequence constructor.


      There is a slight variation here for an accumulator rule specifying phase="end" and capture="yes". For details, see 18.2.10 Streamability of Accumulators.

For every node N, other than attribute and namespace nodes, the accumulator defines a pre-descent value BN and a post-descent value AN whose values are as follows:

  1. Let T be the traversal of the tree rooted at fn:root(N).

  2. Let SB be the subsequence of T starting at the first event in T and ending with the start event for node N (that is, the event map{ "phase":"start", "node":N }).

  3. Let SA be the subsequence of T starting at the first event in T, and ending with the end event for node N (that is, the event map{ "phase":"end", "node":N }).

  4. Let Z be the result of evaluating the expression contained in the initial-value attribute of the xsl:accumulator declaration, evaluated with a singleton focus based on root(N).

  5. Then the pre-descent value BN is the value of fn:fold-left(SB, Z, Δ), and the post-descent value AN is the value of fn:fold-left(SA, Z, Δ).

18.2.5 Dynamic Errors in Accumulators

If a dynamic error occurs when evaluating the initial-value expression of xsl:accumulator, or the select expression of xsl:accumulator-rule, or the sequence constructor contained in xsl:accumulator-rule, then the error is signaled as an error from any subsequent call on accumulator-before or accumulator-after that references the accumulator. If no such call on accumulator-before or accumulator-after happens, then the error goes unreported. [XSLT 3.0 Erratum E38, bug 30376].


In the above rule, the phrase subsequent call is to be understood in terms of functional dependency; that is, a call to accumulator-before or accumulator-after signals an error if the accumulator value at the node in question is functionally dependent on a computation that fails with a dynamic error.


Particularly in the case of streamed accumulators, this may mean that the implementation has to “hold back” the error until the next time the accumulator is referenced, to give applications the opportunity to catch the error using xsl:try and xsl:catch in a predictable way.


Errors that occur during the evaluation of the pattern in the match attribute of xsl:accumulator-rule are handled as described in 5.4.3 Errors in Patterns: specifically, the pattern does not match the relevant node, and no error is signaled.

18.2.6 fn:accumulator-before


Returns the pre-descent value of the selected accumulator at the context node.

$name as union(xs:QName, xs:string)
) as item()*

This function is deterministicFO30, context-dependentFO30, and focus-dependentFO30.


The $name argument specifies the name of the accumulator. The value of the argument must be either an xs:QName, or a string containing an EQName. If it is a lexical QName, then it is expanded as described in 5.1.1 Qualified Names (no prefix means no namespace).

The function returns the pre-descent value B(N)of the selected accumulator where N is the context node, as defined in 18.2.4 Formal Model for Accumulators.

If the context item is a node in a streamed document, then the accumulator must be declared with streamable="yes".


The converse is not true: an accumulator declared to be streamable is available on both streamed and unstreamed nodes.

Error Conditions

[ERR XTDE3340] It is a dynamic error if the value of the first argument to the accumulator-before or accumulator-after function is a string that is not a valid EQName, or if there is no namespace declaration in scope for the prefix of the QName, or if the name obtained by expanding the QName is not the same as the expanded name of any xsl:accumulator declaration appearing in the package in which the function call appears. If the processor is able to detect the error statically (for example, when the argument is supplied as a string literal), then the processor may optionally signal this as a static error.

[ERR XTDE3350] It is a dynamic error to call the accumulator-before or accumulator-after function when there is no context item.

[ERR XTTE3360] It is a type error to call the accumulator-before or accumulator-after function when the context item is not a node, or when it is an attribute or namespace node.

[ERR XTDE3362] It is a dynamic error to call the accumulator-before or accumulator-after function when the context item is a node in a tree to which the selected accumulator is not applicable (including the case where it is not applicable because the document is streamed and the accumulator is not declared with streamable="yes"). Implementations may raise this error but are not required to do so, if they are capable of streaming documents without imposing this restriction.

[ERR XTDE3400] It is an error if there is a cyclic set of dependencies among accumulators such that the (pre- or post-descent) value of an accumulator depends directly or indirectly on itself. A processor may report this as a static error if it can be detected statically. Alternatively a processor may report this as a dynamic error. As a further option, a processor may fail catastrophically when this error occurs.


The term catastrophic failure here means a failure similar to infinite function or template recursion, which might result in stack overflow or even in non-termination of the transformation, rather than in a dynamic error of the kind that can be processed using xsl:try and xsl:catch.


The accumulator-before function can be applied to a node whether or not the accumulator has a phase="start" rule for that node. In effect, there is a phase="start" rule for every node, where the default rule is to leave the accumulator value unchanged; the accumulator-before function delivers the value of the accumulator after processing the explicit or implicit phase="start" rule.


Given the accumulator:

<xsl:accumulator name="a" initial-value="0">
   <xsl:accumulator-rule match="section" select="$value + 1"/>

and the template rule:

<xsl:template match="section">
   <xsl:value-of select="accumulator-before('a')"/>

The stylesheet will precede the output from processing each section with a section number that runs sequentially 1, 2, 3... irrespective of the nesting of sections.

18.2.7 fn:accumulator-after


Returns the post-descent value of the selected accumulator at the context node.

$name as union(xs:QName, xs:string)
) as item()*

This function is deterministicFO30, context-dependentFO30, and focus-dependentFO30.


The $name argument specifies the name of the accumulator. The value of the argument must be either an xs:QName, or a string containing an EQName. If it is a lexical QName, then it is expanded as described in 5.1.1 Qualified Names (no prefix means no namespace).

The function returns the post-descent value A(N) of the selected accumulator where N is the context node, as defined in 18.2.4 Formal Model for Accumulators.

If the context item is a node in a streamed document, then the accumulator must be declared with streamable="yes".


The converse is not true: an accumulator declared to be streamable is available on both streamed and unstreamed nodes.

Error Conditions

The following errors apply: [see ERR XTDE3340], [see ERR XTDE3350], [see ERR XTTE3360], [see ERR XTDE3362], [see ERR XTDE3400].

For constraints on the use of accumulator-after when streaming, see Streamability of the accumulator-after Function.


The accumulator-after function can be applied to a node whether or not the accumulator has a phase="end" rule for that node. In effect, there is a phase="end" rule for every node, where the default rule is to leave the accumulator value unchanged; the accumulator-after function delivers the value of the accumulator after processing the explicit or implicit phase="end" rule.


Given the accumulator:

<xsl:accumulator name="w" initial-value="0" streamable="true" as="xs:integer">
   <xsl:accumulator-rule match="text()" 
                         select="$value + count(tokenize(.))"/>

and the template rule:

<xsl:template match="section">
   (words: <xsl:value-of select="accumulator-after('w') - accumulator-before('w')"/>)

The stylesheet will output at the end of each section a (crude) count of the number of words in that section.

Note: the call on tokenize(.) relies on XPath 3.1

18.2.8 Importing of Accumulators

If a package contains more than one xsl:accumulator declaration with a particular name, then the one with the highest import precedence is used.

[ERR XTSE3350] It is a static error for a package to contain two or more non-hidden accumulators with the same expanded QName and the same import precedence, unless there is another accumulator with the same expanded QName, and a higher import precedence.

Accumulators cannot be referenced from, or overridden in, a different package from the one in which they are declared.

18.2.9 Capturing Accumulators

The capture attribute is intended primarily for use with streamable accumulators, but in the interests of consistency, it has the same effect both for streamable and non-streamable accumulators. If an accumulator rule with phase="end" specifies capture="yes", then the rule is evaluated not with the matched node as the context item, but rather with a snapshot copy of the matched node. The snapshot copy is made following the rules of the snapshot function, with one exception: no accumulator values are copied into the snapshot tree (which would otherwise happen: see 18.2.11 Copying Accumulator Values).


The principal effect of specifying capture="yes" is to relax the rules for streamability. With this option, the phase="end" accumulator rule has access to the full subtree rooted at the node being visited. In a typical implementation, a streaming processor encountering an element that matches a capturing accumulator rule will make an on-the-fly in-memory copy of that element, allowing the phase="end" accumulator rule full access to the subtree, and also to attributes of ancestors.

This means that an accumulator that needs access to the typed value or string value of an element can get this directly with a rule that matches the element, avoiding the need to write rules that match the element’s text node children.

For example, to capture a copy of the most recent h2 element in a document, the following accumulator might be declared:

<xsl:accumulator name="most-recent-h2" streamable="yes">
  <xsl:accumulator-rule match="h2" phase="end" capture="yes" select="."/>

and subsequent processing wishing to copy the most recent h2 element into the result tree can simply use <xsl:copy-of select="accumulator-before('most-recent-h2')"/>.

Without the capture="yes" attribute, this accumulator would be rejected as non-streamable, because the select expression on the accumulator rule is consuming.

Example: Using a capturing accumulator to construct a glossary

Suppose a document contains definitions of technical terms with markup such as:

<define term="oxidation">In <topic>chemistry</topic>, 
   <term>oxidation</term> is a chemical process in which atoms lose electrons.</define>

and the requirement is to generate a glossary that lists all the defined terms in the document, as an appendix.

This can be achieved by capturing all the defined terms in a map:

<xsl:accumulator name="glossary-terms" 
         as="map{xs:string, element(define)}" 
   <xsl:accumulator-rule match="define[@term]" 
           select="map:put($value, @term, .)"/>

Suppose that the input XML document contains an element <glossary/> marking the point where the glossary is to be inserted. The glossary can then be generated using a template rule such as:

<xsl:template match="glossary">
    <xsl:for-each select="map:pairs(accumulator-before('glossary-terms'))">
      <xsl:sort select="?key"/>
      <dd><xsl:apply-templates select="?value"/></dd>

[ERR XTSE3355] It is a static error for a an xsl:accumulator-rule element to specify capture="yes" unless it also specifies phase="end".


Since capture="yes" causes the subtree of the relevant element node to be built in memory, using this option on an element that has a large subtree is best avoided, because it can defeat the purpose of streaming.

18.2.10 Streamability of Accumulators

An accumulator is guaranteed-streamable if it satisfies all the following conditions:

  1. The xsl:accumulator declaration has the attribute streamable="yes".

  2. In every contained xsl:accumulator-rule, the pattern in the match attribute is a motionless pattern (see 19.8.10 Classifying Patterns).

  3. The expression in the initial-value attribute is grounded and motionless.

  4. In an xsl:accumulator-rule with phase="start" (the default value), the type-adjusted posture and sweep of the expression in the select attribute or the contained sequence constructor, with respect to the declared type of the accumulator, is grounded and motionless.

  5. In an xsl:accumulator-rule with phase="end", one of the following conditions holds:

    1. The rule has capture="no" (the default value), and the type-adjusted posture and sweep of the expression in the select attribute or the contained sequence constructor, with respect to the declared type of the accumulator, is grounded and motionless.

    2. The rule has capture="yes".

Specifying streamable="yes" on an xsl:accumulator element declares an intent that the accumulator should be streamable, either because it is guaranteed-streamable, or because it takes advantage of streamability extensions offered by a particular processor. The consequences of declaring the accumulator to be streamable when it is not in fact guaranteed streamable depend on the conformance level of the processor, and are explained in 19.10 Streamability Guarantees.

When an accumulator is declared to be streamable, the stylesheet author must ensure that the accumulator function accumulator-after is only called at appropriate points in the processing, as explained in Streamability of the accumulator-after Function.

18.2.11 Copying Accumulator Values

When nodes (including streamed nodes) are copied using the snapshot or copy-of functions, or using the xsl:copy-of instruction with the attribute copy-accumulators="yes", then the pre-descent and post-descent values of accumulators for that tree are not determined by traversing the tree as described in 18.2.3 Informal Model for Accumulators and 18.2.4 Formal Model for Accumulators. Instead the values are the same as the values on the corresponding nodes of the source tree.

This applies also to the implicit invocation of the snapshot function that happens during the evaluation of xsl:merge.

If an accumulator is not applicable to a tree S, then it is also not applicable to any tree formed by copying nodes from S using the above methods.


During streamed processing, accumulator values will typically be computed “on the fly”; when the copy-of or snapshot functions are applied to a streamed node, the computed accumulator values for the streamed document will typically be materialized and saved as part of the copy.

Accumulator values for a non-streamed document will often be computed lazily, that is, they will not be computed unless and until they are needed. A call on copy-of or snapshot on a non-streamed document whose accumulator values have not yet been computed can then be handled in a variety of ways. The implementation might interpret the call on copy-of or snapshot as a trigger causing the accumulator values to be computed; or it might retain a link between the nodes of the copied tree and the nodes of the original tree, so that a request for accumulator values on the copied tree can trigger computation of accumulator values for the original tree.

18.2.12 Examples of Accumulators

Example: Remember the Title of a Document

Consider an XHTML document in which the title of the document is represented by the content of a title element appearing as a child of the head element, which in turn appears as a child of the html element. Suppose that we want to process the document in streaming mode, and that we want to avoid outputting the content of the h1 element if it is the same as the document title.

This can be achieved by remembering the value of the title in an accumulator variable.

<xsl:accumulator name="firstTitle" as="xs:string?" initial-value="()" 
    <xsl:accumulator-rule match="/html/head/title/text()" select="string(.)"/>

Subsequently, while processing an h1 element appearing later in the document, the value can be referenced:

<xsl:template match="h1">
    <xsl:variable name="firstTitle" select="accumulator-before('firstTitle')"/>
    <xsl:variable name="thisTitle" select="string(.)"/>
    <xsl:if test="$thisTitle ne $firstTitle">
      <div class="heading-1"><xsl:value-of select="$thisTitle"/></div>


Example: Keep a Word Count

Suppose that there is a requirement to output, at the end of the HTML rendition of a document, a paragraph giving the total number of words in the document.

An accumulator can be used to maintain a (crude) word count as follows:

<xsl:accumulator name="word-count" 
    <xsl:accumulator-rule match="text()" 
         select="$value + count(tokenize(.))"/>

Note: the call on tokenize#1 relies on XPath 3.1

The final value can be output at the end of the document:

<xsl:template match="/">
     <p>Word count: <xsl:value-of select="accumulator-after('word-count')"/></p>


Example: Output Hierarchic Section Numbers

Consider a document in which section elements are nested within section elements to arbitrary depth, and there is a requirement to render the document with hierarchic section numbers of the form

The current section number can be maintained in an accumulator in the form of a sequence of integers, managed as a stack. The number of integers represents the current level of nesting, and the value of each integer represents the number of preceding sibling sections encountered at that level. For convenience the first item in the sequence represents the top of the stack.

<xsl:accumulator name="section-nr" as="xs:integer*" 
  <xsl:accumulator-rule match="section" phase="start" 
                 select="0, head($value)+1, tail($value)"/>
  <xsl:accumulator-rule match="section" phase="end" 
                 select="tail($value) (:pop:)"/>

To illustrate this, consider the values after processing a series of start and end tags:

Example data illustrating the effect of parsing events on an accumulator
events accumulator value required section number
<section> 0, 1 1
<section> 0, 1, 1 1.1
</section> 1, 1
<section> 0, 2, 1 1.2
</section> 2, 1
<section> 0, 3, 1 1.3
<section> 0, 1, 3, 1 1.3.1
</section> 1, 3, 1
<section> 0, 2, 3, 1 1.3.2
</section> 2, 3, 1
</section> 3, 1
</section> 1

The section number for a section can thus be generated as:

<xsl:template match="section">
    <xsl:value-of select="reverse(tail(accumulator-before('section-nr')))" 


Example: Compute a Histogram showing the Number of Books, by Publisher
<xsl:accumulator name="histogram" as="map(xs:string, xs:integer)"
    <xsl:accumulator-rule match="book">
        <xsl:when test="map:contains($value, @publisher)">
          <xsl:sequence select="map:put($value, string(@publisher), 
          <xsl:sequence select="map:put($value, string(@publisher), 1)"/>

The contained sequence constructor is evaluated with the variable $value set to the current value, and with the context node as the node being visited.


In the two calls on map:put(), it is necessary to explicitly convert @publisher to an xs:string value, because this is the declared type of the keys in the result map. Relying on atomization would produce keys of type xs:untypedAtomic, which would not satisfy the declared type of the map.

The accumulated histogram might be displayed as follows:

<xsl:source-document streamable="yes" href="booklist.xml">
   <h1>Number of books, by publisher</h1>
       <th>Number of books</th>
       <xsl:variable name="histogram" select="accumulator-after('histogram')"/>
       <xsl:for-each select="map:keys($histogram)">
           <td><xsl:value-of select="."/></td>
           <td><xsl:value-of select="$histogram(.)"/></td>

18.3 fn:copy-of


Returns a deep copy of the sequence supplied as the $input argument, or of the context item if the argument is absent.

$input as item()* := .
) as item()*

The zero-argument form of this function is nondeterministicFO30, focus-dependentFO30, and context-independentFO30.

The one-argument form of this function is nondeterministicFO30, focus-independentFO30, and context-independentFO30.


The zero-argument form of this function is defined so that copy-of() returns the value of internal:copy-item(.), where internal:copy-item (which exists only for the purpose of this exposition) is defined below. Informally, copy-of() copies the context item.

The single argument form of this function is defined in terms of the internal:copy-item as follows: copy-of($input) is equivalent to $input ! internal:copy-item(.). Informally, copy-of($input) copies each item in the input sequence in turn.

The internal:copy-item function is defined as follows:

<xsl:function name="internal:copy-item" as="item()" 
  <xsl:param name="input" as="item()"/>
  <xsl:copy-of select="$input" 

The streamability analysis, however, is different: see 19.8.9 Classifying Calls to Built-In Functions.

The use of new-each-time="maybe" in the above definition means that if the internal:copy-item function is called more than once with the same node as argument (whether or not these calls are part of the same call on copy-of), then it is implementation-dependent whether each call returns the same node, or whether multiple calls return different nodes. Returning the original node, however, is not allowed, except as an optimization when the processor can determine that this is equivalent.


One case where such optimization might be possible is when the copy is immediately atomized.


The copy-of function is available for use (and is primarily intended for use) when a source document is processed using streaming. It can also be used when not streaming. The effect, when applied to element and document nodes, is to take a copy of the subtree rooted at the current node, and to make this available as a normal tree: one that can be processed without any of the restrictions that apply while streaming, for example only being able to process children once. The copy, of course, does not include siblings or ancestors of the context node, so any attempt to navigate to siblings or ancestors will result in an empty sequence being returned.

All nodes in the result sequence will be parentless.

If atomic values or functions (including maps and arrays) are present in the input sequence, they will be included unchanged at the corresponding position of the result sequence.

Accumulator values are taken from the copied document as described in 18.2.11 Copying Accumulator Values.


Using copy-of() while streaming:

This example copies from the source document all employees who work in marketing and are based in Dubai. Because there are two accesses using the child axis, it is not possible to do this without buffering each employee in memory, which can be achieved using the copy-of function.

<xsl:source-document streamable="yes" href="employees.xml">
  <xsl:sequence select="copy-of(employees/employee)
                          [department='Marketing' and location='Dubai']"/>

18.4 fn:snapshot


Returns a copy of a sequence, retaining copies of the ancestors and descendants of any node in the input sequence, together with their attributes and namespaces.

$input as item()* := .
) as item()*

The zero-argument form of this function is nondeterministicFO30, focus-dependentFO30, and context-independentFO30.

The one-argument form of this function is nondeterministicFO30, focus-independentFO30, and context-independentFO30.


The zero-argument form of this function is defined so that snapshot() returns the value of internal:snaphot-item(.), where internal:snapshot-item (which exists only for the purpose of this exposition) is defined below. Informally, snapshot() takes a snapshot of the context item.

The single argument form of this function is defined in terms of the internal:snapshot-item as follows: snapshot($input) is equivalent to $input ! internal:snapshot-item(.). Informally, snapshot($input) takes a snapshot of each item in the input sequence in turn.

The internal:snapshot-item function behaves as follows:

  • If the supplied item is an atomic value or a function item (including maps and arrays), then it returns that item unchanged.

  • If the supplied item is a node, then it returns a snapshot of that node, as defined below.

[Definition: A snapshot of a node N is a deep copy of N, as produced by the xsl:copy-of instruction with copy-namespaces set to yes, copy-accumulators set to yes, and validation set to preserve, with the additional property that for every ancestor of N, the copy also has a corresponding ancestor whose name, node-kind, and base URI are the same as the corresponding ancestor of N, and that has copies of the attributes, namespaces and accumulator values of the corresponding ancestor of N. But the ancestor has a type annotation of xs:anyType, has the properties nilled, is-id, and is-idref set to false, and has no children other than the child that is a copy of N or one of its ancestors.]

If the function is called more than once with the same argument, it is implementation-dependent whether each call returns the same node, or whether multiple calls return different nodes. That is, the result of the expression snapshot($X) is snapshot($X) is implementation-dependent.

Except for the effect on accumulators, the internal:snapshot-item function can be expressed as follows:

<xsl:function name="internal:snapshot-item" as="item()">
        <xsl:param name="input" as="item()"/>
        <xsl:apply-templates select="$input" mode="internal:snapshot"/>
    <!-- for atomic values and function items, return the item unchanged -->
    <xsl:template match="." mode="internal:snapshot" priority="1">
        <xsl:sequence select="."/>
    <!-- for a document node, or any other root node, return a deep copy -->
    <xsl:template match="root()" mode="internal:snapshot" priority="5">
        <xsl:copy-of select="."/>
    <!-- for an element, comment, text node, or processing instruction: -->
    <xsl:template match="node()" mode="internal:snapshot" 
                                 as="node()" priority="3">
        <xsl:sequence select="internal:graft-to-parent(
                                ., .., function($n){$n/node()})"/>
    <!-- for an attribute: -->
    <xsl:template match="@*" mode="internal:snapshot" 
                             as="attribute()" priority="3">
        <xsl:variable name="name" select="node-name(.)"/>
        <xsl:sequence select="internal:graft-to-parent(., .., 
                                function($n){$n/@*[node-name(.) = $name]})"/>
    <!-- for a namespace node: -->
    <xsl:template match="namespace-node()" mode="internal:snapshot" 
                  as="namespace-node()" priority="3">
        <xsl:variable name="name" select="local-name(.)"/>
        <xsl:sequence select="internal:graft-to-parent(., .., 
                  function($n){$n/namespace-node()[local-name(.) = $name]})"/>
    <!-- make a copy C of a supplied node N, grafting it to a shallow copy of 
         C's original parent, and returning the copy C -->
    <xsl:function name="internal:graft-to-parent" as="node()">
        <xsl:param name="n" as="node()"/>
        <xsl:param name="original-parent" as="node()?"/>
        <xsl:param name="down-function" as="function(node()) as node()"/>
            <xsl:when test="exists($original-parent)">
                <xsl:variable name="p" as="node()">
                    <xsl:copy select="$original-parent">
                        <xsl:copy-of select="@*"/>
                        <xsl:copy-of select="$n"/>
                <xsl:variable name="copied-parent" 
                        $p, $original-parent/.., function($n){$n/node()}))"/>
                <xsl:sequence select="$down-function($copied-parent)"/>              
                <xsl:sequence select="$n"/>

The snapshot function is available for use (and is primarily intended for use) when a source document is processed using streaming. It can also be used when not streaming. The effect is to take a copy of the subtree rooted at the current node, along with copies of the ancestors and their attributes, and to make this available as a normal tree, that can be processed without any of the restrictions that apply while streaming, for example only being able to process children once. The copy, of course, does not include siblings of the context node or of its ancestors, so any attempt to navigate to these siblings will result in an empty sequence being returned.

For parentless nodes, the effect of snapshot($x) is identical to the effect of copy-of($x).


Using snapshot() while streaming:

This example copies from the source document all employees who work in marketing and are based in Dubai. It assumes that employees are grouped by location. Because there are two accesses using the child axis (referencing department and salary), it is not possible to do this without buffering each employee in memory. The snapshot function is used in preference to the simpler copy-of so that access to attributes of the parent location element remains possible.

<xsl:source-document streamable="yes" href="employees.xml">
  <xsl:for-each select="snapshot(locations/location[@name='Dubai']
      <location code="{../@code}"/>
      <salary value="{salary}"/>

19 Streamability

This section contains rules that can be used to determine properties of constructs in the stylesheet — specifically, the posture and sweep of a construct — which enable the streamability of the stylesheet to be assessed.

These properties are used to determine the streamability of:

In each case, the conditions for constructs to be guaranteed-streamable are defined in terms of these properties. The result of this analysis in turn (see 19.10 Streamability Guarantees) imposes rules on how the constructs are handled by processors that implement the streaming feature. The analysis has no effect on the behavior of processors that do not implement this feature.

The analysis is relevant to constructs such as streamable template rules and the xsl:source-document instruction that process a single streamed input document. The xsl:merge instruction, which processes multiple streamed inputs, has its own rules.

The rules in this section operate on the expression tree (more properly, construct tree) that is typically output by the XSLT and XPath parser. For the most part, the rules depend only on identifying the syntactic constructs that are present.

The rules in this section generally consider each component in the stylesheet (and in the case of template rules, each template rule) in isolation. The exception is that where a component contains references to other components (such as global variables, functions, or named templates), then information from the signature of the referenced component is sometimes used. This is invariably information that cannot be changed if a component is overridden in a different package. The analysis thus requires as a pre-condition that function calls and calls on named templates have been resolved to the extent that the corresponding function/template signature is known.

The detailed way in which the construct tree is derived from the lexical form of the stylesheet is not described in this specification. There are many ways in which the tree can be optimized without affecting the result of the rules in this section: for example, a sequence constructor containing a single instruction can be replaced by that instruction, and a parenthesized expression can be replaced by its content.

[Definition: The term construct refers to the union of the following: a sequence constructor, an instruction, an attribute set, a value template, an expression, or a pattern.]

These constructs are classified into construct kinds: in particular, instructions are classified according to the name of the XSLT instruction, and expressions are classified according to the most specific production in the XPath grammar that the expression satisfies. (This means, for example, that 2+2 is classified as an AdditiveExpr, rather than say as a UnionExpr; although it also satisfies the production rule for UnionExpr, AdditiveExpr is more specific.)

[Definition: For every construct kind, there is a set of zero or more operand roles.] For example, an AdditiveExpr has two operand roles, referred to as the left-hand operand and the right-hand operand, while an IfExpr has three, referred to as the condition, the then-clause, and the else-clause. A function call with three arguments has three operand roles, called the first, second, and third arguments. The names of the operand roles for each construct kind are not formally listed, but should be clear from the context.

[Definition: In an actual instance of a construct, there will be a number of operands. Each operand is itself a construct; the construct tree can be defined as the transitive relation between constructs and their operands.] Each operand is associated with exactly one of the operand roles for the construct type. There may be operand roles where the operand is optional (for example, the separator attribute of the xsl:value-of instruction), and there may be operand roles that can be occupied by multiple operands (for example, the xsl:when/@test condition in xsl:choose, or the arguments of the concatFO30 function).

Operand roles have a number of properties used in the analysis:


There is one known case where this definition makes an operand higher-order even though it is only evaluated once: specifically, the sequence constructor contained in the body of an xsl:copy instruction that has a select attribute. See Streamability of xsl:copy for further details.

[Definition: For some construct kinds, one or more operand roles may be defined to form a choice operand group. This concept is used where it is known that operands are mutually exclusive (for example the then and else clauses in a conditional expression).]

[Definition: The combined posture of a choice operand group is determined by the postures of the operands in the group (the operand postures), and is the first of the following that applies:

  1. If any of the operand postures is roaming, then the combined posture is roaming.

  2. If all of the operand postures are grounded, then the combined posture is grounded.

  3. If one or more of the operand postures is climbing and the remainder (if any) are grounded, then the combined posture is climbing.

  4. If one or more of the operand postures is striding and the remainder (if any) are grounded, then the combined posture is striding.

  5. If one or more of the operand postures is crawling and each of the remainder (if any) is either striding or grounded, then the combined posture is crawling.

  6. Otherwise (for example, if the group includes both an operand with climbing posture and one with crawling posture), the combined posture is roaming.


[Definition: The type-determined usage of an operand is as follows: if the required type (ignoring occurrence indicator) is function(*) or a subtype thereof, then inspection; if the required type (ignoring occurrence indicator) is an atomic or union type, then absorption; otherwise navigation.]

[Definition: The type-adjusted posture and sweep of a construct C, with respect to a type T, are the posture and sweep established by applying the general streamability rules to a construct D whose single operand is the construct C, where the operand usage of C in D is the type-determined usage based on the required type T.]


In effect, the type-adjusted posture and sweep are the posture and sweep of the implicit expression formed to apply the coercion rules to the argument of a function or template call, or to the result of a function or template, given knowledge of the required type. For example, an expression such as discount in the function call abs(discount), which would otherwise be striding and consuming, becomes grounded and consuming because of the implicit atomization triggered by the coercion rules.

The process of determining whether a construct is streamable reduces to determining properties of the constructs in the construct tree. The properties in question (which are described in greater detail in subsequent sections) are:

  1. The static type of the construct. When the construct is evaluated, its value will always be an instance of this type. The value is a U-type; although type inferencing is capable of determining information about the cardinality as well as the item type, the streamability analysis makes no use of this.

  2. The context item type: that is, the static type of the context item potentially used as input to the construct. When the construct is evaluated, the context item used to evaluate the construct (if it is used at all) will be an instance of this type.

  3. [Definition: The posture of the expression. This captures information about the way in which the streamed input document is positioned on return from evaluating the construct. The posture takes one of the values climbing, striding, crawling, roaming, or grounded.] The meanings of these terms are explained in 19.4 Determining the Posture of a Construct.

  4. [Definition: The context posture. This captures information about how the context item used as input to the construct is positioned relative to the streamed input. The context posture of a construct C is the posture of the expression whose value sets the focus for the evaluation of C.] Rules for determining the context posture of any construct are given in 19.5 Determining the Context Posture.

  5. The sweep of the construct. The sweep of a construct gives information about whether and how the evaluation of the construct changes the current position in a streamed input document. The possible values are motionless, consuming, and free-ranging. These terms are explained in 19.6 The Sweep of a Construct.

The values of these properties for a top-level construct such as the body of a template rule determine whether the construct is streamable.

The values of these properties are not independent. For example, if the static type is atomic, then the posture will always be grounded; if the sweep is free-ranging, then the posture will always be roaming.

The posture and sweep of a construct, as defined above, are calculated in relation to a particular streamed input document. If there is more than one streamed input document, then a construct that is motionless with respect to one streamed input might be consuming with respect to another. In practice, though, the streamability analysis is only ever concerned with one particular streamed input at a time; constructs are analyzed in relation to the innermost containing xsl:template, xsl:source-document, xsl:accumulator, or xsl:merge-source element, and this container implicitly defines the streamed input document that is relevant. The streamed input document affecting a construct is always the document that contains the context item for evaluation of that construct.

19.1 Determining the Static Type of a Construct

[Definition: The static type of a construct is such that all values produced by evaluating the construct will conform to that type. The static type of a construct is a U-type.]

[Definition: A U-type is a set of fundamental item types.]

[Definition: There are 28 fundamental item types: the 7 node kinds defined in [XDM 3.0] (element, attribute, etc.), the 19 primitive atomic types defined in [XML Schema Part 2], plus the types function(*) and xs:untypedAtomic. The fundamental item types are disjoint, and every item is an instance of exactly one of them.]

More specifically, the fundamental item types are:

  • document-node(), element(), attribute(), text(), comment(), processing-instruction(), namespace-node();

  • xs:boolean, xs:double, xs:decimal, xs:float, xs:string, xs:dateTime, xs:date, xs:time, xs:gYear, xs:gYearMonth, xs:gMonth, xs:gMonthDay, xs:gDay, xs:anyURI, xs:QName, xs:NOTATION, xs:base64Binary, xs:hexBinary, xs:duration

  • function(*)

  • xs:untypedAtomic

A value V (in general, a sequence) is an instance of a U-type U if every item in V is an instance of one of the fundamental item types in U. For example, the sequence (23, "Paris") is an instance of the U-type U{xs:string, xs:decimal, xs:date} because both items in the sequence belong to item types in this U-type.


It is a consequence of this rule that the empty sequence, (), is an instance of every U-type.

A U-type is represented in this specification using the notation U{t1, t2, t3, ...} where t1, t2, t3, ... are the names of the fundamental item types making up the U-type. The item types are represented using the syntax of the ItemTypeXP40 production in XPath, for example comment() or xs:date.


This means that the order of t1, t2, t3, ... has no significance: U{A, B} is the same U-type as U{B, A}.

The smallest U-type is denoted U{}. This is not an empty type; like every other U-type, it has the empty sequence () as an instance. For convenience, the universal U-type is represented as U{*}; the U-type corresponding to the set of 7 node kinds is written U{N}, and the U-type corresponding to all atomic values (that is, the 19 primitive atomic types plus xs:untypedAtomic) is written U{A}.

Because a U-type is a set, the operations of union, intersection, and difference are defined over U-types, and the result is always a U-type. If one U-type U is a subset of another U-type V, then U is said to be a subtype of V, and V is said to be a supertype of U.

In some cases the inference of a static type depends on the declared types of variables or functions. Since declared types use the SequenceType syntax, there is therefore a mapping defined from SequenceTypes to U-types. The mapping is as follows:

  • The SequenceType empty-sequence() maps to U{}

  • For every other SequenceType, the mapping depends only on the item type and ignores the occurrence indicator. The mapping from item types is as follows:

    • item() maps to U{*}

    • AnyKindTest (node()) maps to U{N}

    • DocumentTest maps to U{document-node()}

    • ElementTest and SchemaElementTest map to U{element()}

    • AttributeTest and SchemaAttributeTest map to U{attribute()}

    • TextTest maps to U{text()}

    • CommentTest maps to U{comment()}

    • PITest maps to U{processing-instruction()}

    • NamespaceNodeTest maps to U{namespace-node()}

    • FunctionTest, MapTest, and (if the XPath 3.1 feature is implemented) ArrayTest map to U{function(*)}

    • The QName xs:error maps to U{}

    • A QName Q representing an atomic type that is a fundamental item type maps to U{Q}

    • A QName Q representing an atomic type derived from a fundamental item type F maps to U{F}

    • A QName Q representing a pure union type maps to a U-type containing the fundamental item types present in the transitive membership of the union, or from which the transitive members of the union are derived.

Although all constructs have a static type, the streamability analysis only needs to know the static type of XPath expressions, so the rules here are largely confined to that case. For patterns, the static type is deemed to be U{xs:boolean}, reflecting the fact that a pattern is essentially a function that can be applied to items to deliver a true or false (matching or non-matching) result. For constructs other than expressions and patterns, the static type for the purpose of streamability analysis is taken as U{*}.

The rules given here are deliberately simple. Implementations may well be able to compute a more precise static type, but this will rarely be useful for streamability analysis. The item type for each kind of XPath expression is determined by the rules below. In the first column, numbers in square brackets are production numbers from the XPath 3.0 and XPath 3.1 specifications respectively. In the second column, the Proforma uses an informal notation used both to provide a reminder of the syntax of the construct in question, and to attach labels to its operand roles so that they can be referred to in the text of the third column.

Inferring a Static Type for XPath 3.0 Expressions
Construct Proforma Static Type
Expr [6,6] E,F the union of the static types of E and F
ForExpr [8,8] for $x in S return E the static type of E
LetExpr [11,11] let $x := S return E the static type of E
QuantifiedExpr [14,14] some|every $x in S satisfies C U{xs:boolean}
IfExpr [15,15] if (C) then T else E the union of the static types of T and E
OrExpr [16,16] E or F U{xs:boolean}
AndExpr [17,17] E and F U{xs:boolean}
ComparisonExpr [18,18] E = F, E eq F, E is F U{xs:boolean}
StringConcatExpr [19,19] E || F U{xs:string}
RangeExpr [20,20] E to F U{xs:decimal}
AdditiveExpr [21,21] E + F U{A}. But if the expression is a predicate (that is, if it appears between square brackets in a filter expression or axis step), then U{xs:decimal, xs:double, xs:float}
MultiplicativeExpr [22,22] E * F U{A}. But if the expression is a predicate (that is, if it appears between square brackets in a filter expression or axis step), then U{xs:decimal, xs:double, xs:float}
UnionExpr [23,23] E | F the union of the static types of E and F
IntersectExceptExpr [24,24] E intersect F the intersection of the static types of E and F
E except F the static type of E
InstanceOfExpr [25,25] E instance of T U{xs:boolean}
TreatExpr [26,26] E treat as T the U-type corresponding to the SequenceType T
CastableExpr [27,27] E castable as T U{xs:boolean}
CastExpr [28,28] E cast as T if T is an atomic or pure union type, the corresponding U-type. Otherwise, for example if T is a list type, U{A}.
UnaryExpr [29,30] -N U{xs:decimal, xs:double, xs:float}
SimpleMapExpr [34,35] E ! F the static type of F
PathExpr [35,36] / U{document-node()}
/P the static type of P
//P the static type of P
RelativePathExpr [36,37] P/Q, P//Q the static type of Q
AxisStep [38,39] E[P] the static type of E: see 19.1.1 Static Type of an Axis Step
ForwardStep [39,40], ReverseStep [42,43] Axis::NodeTest See 19.1.1 Static Type of an Axis Step
PostfixExpr [48,49] Filter Expression E[P] the static type of E
Dynamic Function Call F(X, Y) U{*}, unless ancillary information is available about the function signature of F: see below.
Literal [53,57] "pH", 93.7 U{xs:string}, U{xs:decimal}, or U{xs:double}, depending on the form of the literal
VarRef [55,59] $V For a variable declared using xsl:variable or xsl:param, and for parameters of inline function expressions: the declared type of the variable, defaulting to U{*}. For variables declared using for, let, some, and every expressions: the static type of the expression to which the variable is bound.
ParenthesizedExpr [57,61] (E) the type of E
() U{} (a type whose only instance is the empty sequence)
ContextItemExpr [58,62] . the context item type: see below
FunctionCall [59,63] F(X, Y) In general: the U-type corresponding to the declared result type of function F. But:
  • If one or more of the arguments to the function have operand usage transmission, then the intersection of the U-type corresponding to the declared result type with the union of the static types of the arguments having usage transmission. (For example, the static type of the function call head(//text()) is U{text()}.)

  • Special rules apply to the current function: see 19.1.2 Static Type of a Call to current.

NamedFunctionRef [63,67] F#n U{function(*)}
InlineFunctionExpr [64,68] function(P) {E} U{function(*)}
MapConstructor [,69] map{"A":E, "B":F} U{function(*)}
Postfix Lookup [,49] E ? K If the type of E is a map type map(K, V) or an array type array(V), then the U-type corresponding to the item type of V; otherwise U{*}
(Unary) Lookup [,53] ? K If the context item type is a map type map(K, V) or an array type array(V), then the U-type corresponding to the item type of V; otherwise U{*}
ArrowExpr [,29] X => F(Y, Z) The static type of the equivalent static or dynamic function call F(X, Y, Z)
SquareArrayConstructor [,74] [X, Y, ...] U{function(*)}
CurlyArrayConstructor [,75] array{X, Y, ...} U{function(*)}

Where the static type of an expression is U{function(*)}, it is useful to retain additional information: specifically, the signature of the function. This may be regarded as information ancillary to the U-type of the expression; it does not play any role in operations such as testing whether one U-type is a subtype of another, or forming the union of two U-types. This ancillary information is available for a NamedFunctionRef, for an InlineFunctionExpr, for a MapConstructor, for a FunctionCall whose static type is U{function(*)}, and for a VarRef if the variable is bound to any of the forgoing, or if it has a declared type corresponding to U{function(*)}.


The special case type inference used for an AdditiveExpr or MultiplicativeExpr appearing as a predicate is possible because if an arithmetic operation within a predicate produces any other result, for example an xs:duration or xs:dateTime, this would cause a type error (on the grounds that an xs:duration or xs:dateTime has no effective boolean value), and static type inference only needs to consider the type of non-error results. The benefit of this special rule is that filter expressions such as /descendant::section[$i + 1] can be recognized as returning a singleton, and therefore as being striding, even if the type of $i is unknown.

19.1.1 Static Type of an Axis Step

An AxisStep consists of either a ForwardStep or ReverseStep followed by zero or more predicates. The predicates have no effect on the inferred type of the AxisStep.

The static type of an abbreviated step is the static type of its expansion, for example the static type of @* is the same as the static type of attribute::*.

Both the constructs ForwardStep or ReverseStep, in their unabbreviated form, are written as Axis::NodeTest. The static type depends on both the Axis and the NodeTest, and also on the context item type, determined as described in 19.2 Determining the Context Item Type.

If the context item type has an empty intersection with U{N} (that is, if the context item type cannot be a node), then evaluation of the AxisStep will always fail; it is permissible to raise a type error statically in this case, but for the sake of the analysis, the static type of the AxisStep can be taken as U{}. In other cases, let CIT be the intersection of the context item type with U{N}.

Let K(A, CIT) be the set of reachable node kinds given an axis A (a U-type) as defined by the following table:

Axis Reachable Node Kinds
self CIT
attribute if CIT includes U{element()} then U{attribute()} else U{}
namespace if CIT includes U{element()} then U{namespace-node()} else U{}
child, descendant if CIT includes U{element()} or U{document-node()} then U{element(), text(), comment(), processing-instruction()} else U{}
following-sibling, preceding-sibling, following, preceding if CIT is U{document-node()} then U{} else U{element(), text(), comment(), processing-instruction()}
parent, ancestor if CIT is U{document-node()} then U{} else U{element(), document-node()}
ancestor-or-self the union of K(ancestor, CIT) and CIT
descendant-or-self the union of K(descendant, CIT) and CIT

Let T(NT) be the set of node kinds that are capable of satisfying a NodeTest NT, defined by the following table:

NodeTest Possible Node Kinds
AnyKindTest (that is, node()) U{N} (that is, any node)
Any other KindTest The corresponding U-type (for example, U{text()} for the KindTest text())
NameTest The U-type corresponding to the principal node kind of the specified axis

The static type of an AxisStep with axis A and node test NT, given a context item type CIT, is then defined to be the intersection of K(A, CIT) with T(NT).

19.1.2 Static Type of a Call to current

The rules in this section define the static type of a call to the current function.

  1. If the call is within a pattern, the static type of the function call is the match type of the pattern.


    There is no circularity in this definition: a call to current in a pattern can only appear within a predicate, and the match type of a pattern never depends on anything appearing in a predicate.

  2. Otherwise (the function call is within an XPath expression), the static type of the function call is the context item type that applies to the outermost containing XPath expression, determined by the rules in 19.2 Determining the Context Item Type.

19.1.3 Schema-Aware Streamability Analysis


The streamability analysis in this chapter is not schema-aware. There are cases where use of schema type information might enable a processor to determine that a construct is streamable when it would be unable to make this determination otherwise. Two examples:

  • A processor might decide that a construct such as price + salesTax is streamable if both the child elements have a simple type such as xs:decimal, or if the order in which they appear in the input document is known.

  • A processor might decide that a step using the descendant axis, such as .//title, has striding rather than crawling posture if it can establish that two title elements will never be nested (that is, a title cannot contain another title). This would allow the instruction <xsl:apply-templates select=".//title"/> to be used in a streaming template rule.

Although such constructs are not guaranteed streamable according to this specification, there is nothing to prevent a processor providing a streamed implementation if it is able to do so.

19.2 Determining the Context Item Type

[Definition: For every expression, it is possible to establish by static analysis, information about the item type of the context item for evaluation of that expression. This is called the context item type of the expression.]

The context item type of an expression is a U-type.

The semantics of every construct, defined in this specification or in the XPath specification, describe how the focus for evaluating each operand of the construct is determined. In most cases the focus is the same as that of the parent construct. In some cases the focus is determined by evaluating some other expression, for example in the expressions A/B, A!B, or A[B], the focus for evaluating B is A. More generally:

  • [Definition: A focus-changing construct is a construct that has one or more operands that are evaluated with a different focus from the parent construct.]


    Examples of focus-changing constructs include the instructions xsl:for-each, xsl:iterate, and xsl:for-each-group; path expressions, filter expressions, and simple mapping expressions; and all patterns.

  • [Definition: Within a focus-changing construct there is in many cases one operand whose value determines the focus for evaluating other operands; this is referred to as the controlling operand.]


    For example, the controlling operand of an xsl:for-each, xsl:iterate, or xsl:for-each-group instruction is the expression in its select attribute; the controlling operand of a filter expression E[P] is E, and the controlling operand of a simple mapping expression A!B is A.

  • [Definition: Within a focus-changing construct there are one or more operands that are evaluated with a focus determined by the controlling operand (or in some cases such as xsl:on-completion, with an absent focus); these are referred to as controlled operands.]


    For example, the main controlled operand of an xsl:for-each, xsl:iterate, or xsl:for-each-group instruction is the contained sequence constructor; the controlled operand of a filter expression E[P] is P, and the controlled operand of a simple mapping expression A!B is B.

  • [Definition: The focus-setting container of a construct C is the innermost focus-changing construct F (if one exists) such that C is directly or indirectly contained in a controlled operand of F. If there is no such construct F, then the focus-setting container is the containing declaration, for example an xsl:function or xsl:template element.]


    For example, if an instruction appears as a child of xsl:for-each, then its focus-setting container is the xsl:for-each instruction; if an expression appears within the predicate of a filter expression, its focus-setting container is the filter expression.

The context item type of a construct C is the first of the following that applies:

  1. If the focus-setting container of C is an xsl:function element, an inline function declaration, or an xsl:on-completion element, then the context item type is U{}.


    This is essentially an error case; expressions that depend on the focus should not normally appear within a construct that sets the focus to absent.

  2. If the focus-setting container of C is an xsl:source-document instruction, then the context item type is U{document-node()}.

  3. If the focus-setting container of C is a template rule, then the context item type is the match type of the match pattern of the template rule, defined below.

  4. If the focus-setting container of C is a PredicatePattern, then the context item type is U{*}.

  5. If the focus-setting container is a global variable declaration, the context item type is determined by the type attribute of the xsl:global-context-item declaration, defaulting to U{*}, or U{} if the xsl:global-context-item declaration specifies use="absent".

  6. If the focus-setting container is any other declaration, for example xsl:key or xsl:accumulator, the context item type is U{*}.

  7. Otherwise, the context item type is the static type (see 19.1 Determining the Static Type of a Construct) of the controlling operand of the focus-setting container of C.

[Definition: The match type of a pattern is the most specific U-type that is known to match all items that the pattern can match.] The match type of a pattern is the inferred static type of the pattern’s equivalent expression, determined according to the rules in 19.1 Determining the Static Type of a Construct. For example, the match type of the pattern para[1] is U{element()}, while that of the pattern @code[.='x'] is U{attribute()}

19.3 Operand Roles

An operand role gives information about the operands of a particular kind of construct. The two important properties of an operand role are the required type and the operand usage.

The usage of an operand role is relevant only when the value of an operand supplied in that role is a node, or a sequence that contains nodes. It is one of the following:

  • [Definition: An operand usage of absorption indicates that the construct reads the subtree(s) rooted at a supplied node(s).] Examples are constructs that atomize their operands, or that obtain the string value of a supplied node, or that copy the supplied node to a new tree. Another example is the deep-equalFO30 function, which compares the subtrees rooted at the nodes supplied in its first two arguments.

  • [Definition: An operand usage of inspection indicates that the construct accesses properties of a supplied node that are available without reading its subtree.] Examples are functions such as nameFO30 and base-uriFO30, and the instance of expression which tests the type of a node (or other item), or functions such as countFO30, existsFO30, and booleanFO30 which are only interested in the existence of the node, and not in its properties.

  • [Definition: An operand usage of transmission indicates that the construct will (potentially) return a supplied node as part of its result to the calling construct (that is, to its parent in the construct tree).] It also indicates that document order is preserved: if the input is in document order, then the result must be in document order. An example is a filter expression, where nodes in the base expression (the expression being filtered) will typically appear in the result of the filter expression, in their original order.

  • [Definition: An operand usage of navigation indicates that the construct may navigate freely from the supplied node to other nodes in the same tree, in a way that is not constrained by the streamability rules.] This covers several cases: cases where it is known that the construct performs impermissible navigation (for example, the xsl:number instruction) or reordering (the reverseFO30 function), or that require look-ahead (the innermostFO30 function) and also cases where the analysis is unable to determine what use is made of the node, for example because it is passed as an argument to a user-defined function, or retained in a variable.

The concept of operand usage is not used for all constructs (for example, it is not used in the analysis of path expressions). Where it is used, the assignment of operand usages to each operand role of a construct is defined in 19.8 Classifying Constructs.

19.3.1 Examples showing the Effect of Operand Usage

Example: The Effect of Operand Usage on the Streamability of a Context Item Expression

Consider the following construct:

<xsl:source-document streamable="yes" href="emps.xml">
  <xsl:for-each select="*/emp">
    <xsl:value-of select="."/>

To assess the streamability, we follow the following logic:

  1. The top-level construct is a sequence constructor. It is evaluated with a document node as the context item, and with a striding posture.

  2. The sequence constructor has one child instruction, which has an operand usage of transmission.

  3. The xsl:for-each instruction evaluates its select expression, with the context item and posture unchanged.

  4. The step child::* is evaluated with this context item and posture. The posture transition rules permit this; we now have a sequence of child elements, and still a striding posture.

  5. The same applies to the next step, child::emp

  6. The content of the xsl:for-each instruction is a sequence constructor which itself has a single operand, the xsl:value-of instruction.

  7. The xsl:value-of instruction is evaluated once for each emp child, with that child as context item and in a striding posture. This instruction uses the general streamability rules. The operand usage of the select expression is absorption. This means that the result of the xsl:value-of instruction is grounded and consuming.

  8. The result of the trivial sequence constructor contained in the xsl:for-each instruction is therefore grounded and consuming

  9. The result of the xsl:for-each instruction (see Streamability of xsl:for-each) is therefore grounded and consuming

  10. The result of the trivial sequence constructor contained in the xsl:source-document instruction is therefore grounded and consuming

  11. The xsl:source-document instruction is therefore guaranteed-streamable.

Now consider a slightly different construct:

<xsl:source-document streamable="yes" href="emps.xml">
  <xsl:for-each select="*/emp">
    <xsl:sequence select="."/>

To assess the streamability, we follow the following logic:

  1. The top-level construct is a sequence constructor. It is evaluated with a document node as the context item, and with a striding posture.

  2. The sequence constructor has one child instruction, which has an operand usage of transmission.

  3. The xsl:for-each instruction evaluates its select expression, with the context item and posture unchanged.

  4. The step child::* is evaluated with this context item and posture. The posture transition rules permit this; we now have a sequence of child elements, and still a striding posture.

  5. The same applies to the next step, child::emp

  6. The content of the xsl:for-each instruction is a sequence constructor which itself has a single operand, the xsl:sequence instruction.

  7. The xsl:sequence instruction is evaluated once for each emp child, with that child as context item and in a striding posture. This instruction uses the general streamability rules. The operand usage of the select expression is transmission. This means that the result of the xsl:sequence instruction is striding and motionless.

  8. The result of the trivial sequence constructor contained in the xsl:for-each instruction is therefore also striding and motionless.

  9. The result of the xsl:for-each instruction (see Streamability of xsl:for-each) is therefore striding and consuming (the wider of the sweeps of the select expression and the sequence constructor).

  10. The result of the trivial sequence constructor contained in the xsl:source-document instruction is therefore striding and consuming.

  11. Since the result is not grounded, the xsl:source-document instruction is therefore not guaranteed-streamable.

Expressed informally, the result of a declared-streamable xsl:source-document instruction (or of a declared-streamable template rule) must not contain streamed nodes. The reason for this is that once streamed nodes are returned to constructs that are not declared streamable and therefore have no streamability constraints, there is no way to analyze what happens to them, and thus to guarantee streamability.


Example: The Effect of Operand Roles on the Streamability of Path Expressions

Consider the expression .//chapter.

When this appears as an argument to the function countFO30 or existsFO30, it can be streamed (it is a consuming expression, meaning that the subtree rooted at the context item needs to be read in order to evaluate the expression). A possible strategy for performing a streamed evaluation is to read all descendants of the context item in document order, checking each one to see whether its name is chapter. The sweep of the expression will be consuming, and its posture will be crawling.

The operand usage (the usage of the argument to countFO30 or existsFO30) is defined as inspection. The general streamability rules show that when the posture of an operand is crawling and the operand usage is inspection, the resulting expression is grounded and consuming. This means that (in the absence of other consuming expressions) the containing template or function will generally be streamable.

In the expression tail(.//chapter), the operand usage is classified as transmission, meaning that the nodes are simply passed up the tree to the next containing expression. In general, when a crawling expression is passed as an argument and the operand role is transmission, the containing expression will also be crawling. However, there is an exception where the expression is known to deliver a singleton (for example, head(.//chapter)). In this case the returned sequence cannot contain any nested nodes, so it is crawling.

When the same expression appears as an argument to an atomizing function string-joinFO30, the processor knows that it will need to access the subtree of each selected section element in order to compute the result of the function (the argument to string-joinFO30 is classified as having operand usage absorption). The processor does not know whether these subtrees will be nested (one section might contain another). In most cases they will not be nested, because atomizing a sequence that contains nested nodes is not generally a useful thing to do. The streamability analysis therefore makes an optimistic assumption, by treating atomization of a crawling expression as a streamable operation. In the worst case, where it turns out that the selected nodes are indeed nested, the processor must handle this, typically by buffering the content of inner nodes until the end tag of the outer nodes is reached.

This treatment of nodes in a crawling expression applies to all cases in which the content of the nodes is handled in a way defined entirely by the rules of this specification: for example, operations such as atomization, obtaining the string value of nodes, deep copy of nodes, and the deep-equalFO30 function. It does not extend to cases where the processing applied to the nodes is user-defined: for example, operations such as xsl:apply-templates, xsl:for-each, or xsl:for-each-group. In these cases, the nodes selected for processing must not be nested (a crawling posture is not permitted in these contexts).

When a crawling expression appears as an argument to a call on a user-defined function, the effect depends on the streamability category of the function, as described in 19.8.5 Classifying Stylesheet Functions.

19.4 Determining the Posture of a Construct

The posture of a construct indicates the relationship of the nodes selected by the construct to a streamed input document. The value is one of the following:

  • [Definition: Grounded: indicates that the value returned by the construct does not contain nodes from the streamed input document]. Atomic values and function items are always grounded; nodes are grounded if it is known that they are in a non-streamed document. For example the expressions doc('x') and copy-of(.) both return grounded nodes.

  • [Definition: Climbing: indicates that streamed nodes returned by the construct are reached by navigating the parent, ancestor[-or-self], attribute, and/or namespace axes from the node at the current streaming position.] When the context posture is climbing, use of certain axes such as parent and ancestor is permitted, but use of other axes such as child or descendant violates the streamability rules.

  • [Definition: Crawling: typically indicates that streamed nodes returned by a construct are reached by navigating the descendant[-or-self] axis.] Nodes reached in this way are potentially nested (one might be an ancestor of another), so further downward navigation is not permitted. Expressions that can be statically determined to return a singleton node (for example head(.//title)) generate a result with no such nesting, so they are striding rather than crawling.

  • [Definition: Striding: indicates that the result of a construct contains a sequence of streamed nodes, in document order, that are peers in the sense that none of them is an ancestor or descendant of any other.] This is typically achieved by using one or more steps involving the child or attribute axes only. Use of the outermostFO30 function can also result in a striding posture, as can functions such as headFO30 or zero-or-oneFO30 that ensure the result will be a singleton node.

  • [Definition: Roaming: indicates that the nodes returned by an expression could be anywhere in the tree, which inevitably means that the construct cannot be evaluated using streaming.] For example, the posture of an axis step using the following or preceding axis will typically be roaming, which leads the analysis to conclude that the construct is not streamable.


One way to think about the posture values is as labels for states in a finite state automaton, where the alphabet of symbols accepted by the automaton is the set of 13 XPath axes, and the sentence being parsed is a path expression containing a sequence of axis steps. For example, use of the descendant axis when the current state is striding moves the new state to crawling, and use of the parent axis then takes it to climbing.

The posture of a construct is determined in one of several ways:

  • For axis steps, the posture of the expression is determined by the context posture and the choice of axis. For example, an axis step using the ancestor axis always has a posture of climbing, while an axis step using the child axis, if the context posture is striding, will itself have a posture of striding. The rules for the posture transitions produced by axis steps are given in Streamability of Axis Steps.

  • For many other constructs, the posture is determined by the general streamability rules. These determine the result posture in terms of the operands of the construct and the way in which each operand is used. For example, a construct that accepts a streamed node as the value of an operand, and atomizes that node, will generally have a posture of grounded.

  • Other constructs have their own special rules, which are all listed in this chapter. For example, a call on the rootFO30 function behaves analogously to an axis step, and is described in Streamability of the root Function. Special rules are needed for:

    • Constructs that evaluate an operand more than once, such as an XPath for expression;

    • Constructs that have alternatives among their operands, such as an XPath if expression;

    • Constructs that navigate relative to the context item, such as axis steps;

    • Constructs with implicit inputs, such as the context item expression . (dot);

    • Constructs that change the focus, such as a filter expression;

    • Constructs that invoke functions or templates.

The characterization of an expression as striding, crawling, climbing, or roaming applies only to the streamed nodes in the result of the expression. The result of the expression may also contain non-streamed (grounded) nodes or atomic values. For example if /x/y is a striding expression, then (/x/y | $doc//x) is also striding, given that $doc contains non-streamed nodes. The assertion that the nodes in the result of a striding expression are in document order and are peers thus applies only to the subset of the nodes that are streamed.


A consequence of this is that when striding expressions are used in a context that requires sorting into document order, for example (/x/y | $doc//x) / @price, the fact that the expression is striding does not eliminate the need for the sequence to be re-ordered. However, there will never be a need for the relative order of the streamed nodes in the value to change.

Since the data model leaves the relative order of nodes in different trees implementation-defined, and since streamed and unstreamed nodes will necessarily be in different trees, a useful implementation strategy might be to arrange that streamed nodes always precede unstreamed nodes in document order (or vice versa). An operation that needs to process the result of a striding expression in document order can then first deliver all the streamed nodes (by consuming the input stream) in the order they arrive, and then deliver the unstreamed nodes, suitably sorted.

19.5 Determining the Context Posture

In the same way as the type of the context item can be determined for any construct C by reference to the type of the construct that establishes the context for the evaluation of C, so the posture of the context item C can be determined by reference to the posture of the construct that establishes the context.

The context posture of a construct C is the first of the following that applies:

  1. If the focus-setting container of C is an xsl:function declaration, an inline function declaration, or an xsl:on-completion element, then the context posture is roaming.


    This is essentially an error case; expressions that depend on the context item should not normally appear within these constructs.

  2. If the focus-setting container of C is an xsl:source-document instruction, then the context posture is striding if the instruction is declared-streamable, or grounded otherwise.

  3. If the focus-setting container of C is a template rule whose mode is declared with streamable="yes", then the context posture is striding.

  4. If the focus-setting container of C is a pattern, then the context posture is striding.

  5. If the focus-setting container of C is an xsl:attribute-set declaration with the attribute streamable="yes", then the context posture is striding.

  6. If the focus-setting container is any other declaration, for example a global variable declaration, a named template, or a template rule or attribute set that does not specify streamable="yes", then the context posture is roaming.

  7. Otherwise, the context posture is the posture of the controlling operand of the focus-setting container of C.

19.6 The Sweep of a Construct

[Definition: Every construct has a sweep, which is a measure of the extent to which the current position in the input stream moves during the evaluation of the expression. The sweep is one of: motionless, consuming, or free-ranging .] This list of values is ordered: a free-ranging expression has wider sweep than a consuming expression, which has wider sweep than a motionless expression.

[Definition: A motionless construct is any construct deemed motionless by the rules in this section (19 Streamability).] Informally, a motionless construct is one that can be evaluated without changing the current position in the input stream.


The context item expression . is classified as motionless; however a construct that uses . as an operand (for example, string(.)) might be consuming. The streamability rules effectively consider expressions such as . within the context of the containing construct.

[Definition: A consuming construct is any construct deemed consuming by the rules in this section (19 Streamability).] Informally, a consuming construct is one whose evaluation requires repositioning of the input stream from the start of the current node to the end of the current node.

[Definition: A free-ranging construct is any construct deemed free-ranging by the rules in this section (19 Streamability).] Informally, a free-ranging construct is one whose evaluation may require access to information that is not available from the subtree rooted at the current node, together with information about ancestors of the current node and their attributes.

The table below shows some examples of expressions having different combinations of posture and sweep.

Combinations of Sweep and Posture
Motionless Consuming Free-Ranging
Grounded name() string(title) See Note
Climbing parent::* child::x/ancestor::y See Note
Striding @status child::* See Note
Crawling The subexpression . in //a/. descendant::* //x[child::y]
Roaming See Note See Note preceding::*


In all cases where either the posture is roaming, or the sweep is free-ranging, or both, the effect is to make an expression non-streamable. For convenience, therefore, evaluation of the streamability rules in most cases returns the values roaming and free-ranging only in combination with each other. In cases where the rules return a posture of roaming combined with some other sweep, or a sweep of free-ranging with some other posture, the final result of the analysis is always the same as if the expression were both roaming and free-ranging.

For an example of a case where an expression is roaming but not free-ranging, consider the right-hand operand of the relative path expression (preceding::x/.). The rules for the streamability of a context item expression (see Streamability of the Context Item Expression) give . in this context a roaming posture, combined with motionless sweep. But the relative path expression as a whole is roaming and free-ranging (see Streamability of Path Expressions), so the apparent inconsistency is transient.

19.7 Grounded Consuming Constructs

A construct is grounded if the items it delivers do not include nodes from a streamed document; it is consuming if evaluation of the construct reads nodes from a streamed input in a way that requires advancing the current position in the input.

Grounded consuming constructs play an important role in streaming, and this section discusses some of their characteristics.

Examples of grounded consuming constructs (assuming the context item is a streamed node) include:

  • sum(.//transaction/@value)

  • copy-of(./account/history/event)

  • distinct-values(./account/@account-nr)

  • <xsl:for-each select="transaction"><t><xsl:value-of select="@value"/></t></xsl:for-each>

XSLT 3.0 provides the two functions copy-of and snapshot with the explicit purpose of creating a sequence of grounded nodes, that can be processed one-by-one without the usual restrictions that apply to streamed processing, such as the rule permitting at most one downward selection. The processing style that exploits these functions is often called “windowed streaming”.

In general the result of a grounded consuming construct is a sequence. Depending on how this sequence is used, it may or may not be necessary for the processor to allocate sufficient memory to hold the entire sequence. The streamability rules in this specification place few constraints on how a grounded sequence is used. This is deliberate, because it gives users control: by creating a grounded sequence (for example, by use of the copy-of function) stylesheet authors create the possibility to process data in arbitrary ways (for example, by sorting the sequence), and accept the possibility that this may consume memory.

Pipelined evaluation of a sequence is analogous to streamed processing of a source document. Pipelined evaluation occurs when the items in a sequence can be processed one-by-one, without materializing the entire sequence in memory. Pipelining is a common optimization technique in all functional programming languages. Operations for which pipelined evaluation is commonly performed include filtering ($transactions[@value gt 1000]), mapping ($transactions!(@value - @processing-fee)), and aggregation (sum($transactions)). Operations that cannot be pipelined (because, for example, the first item in the result sequence cannot be computed without knowing the last item in the input sequence) include those that change the order of items (reverse(), sort()). Other operations such as distinct-values() allow the input to be processed one item at a time, but require memory that potentially increases as the sequence length increases. Saving a grounded sequence in a variable is also likely in many cases to require allocation of memory to hold the entire sequence.

When the input to an operation is a grounded consuming sequence (more accurately, a sequence resulting from the evaluation of a grounded consuming construct), this specification does not attempt to dictate whether the operation is pipelined or not. The goal of interoperable streaming in finite memory can therefore only be achieved if stylesheet authors take care to avoid constructing grounded sequences that occupy large amounts of memory. In practice, however, users can expect that many grounded consuming constructs will be pipelined where the semantics permit this.


Some processors may recognize an opportunity for pipelining only if the expression is written in a particular way. For example the constructs copy-of(/a/b/c) and /a/b/c/copy-of(.) are to all intents and purposes equivalent, but some processors might recognize the second form more easily as suitable for pipelining.

(There is one minor difference between these expressions: the order of nodes in copy-of(/a/b/c) is required to reflect the document order of the nodes in /a/b/c, while the result of /a/b/c/copy-of(.) can be in any order, in consequence of the rule that document order for nodes in different trees is implementation-dependent.)

The use of the lastFO30 function requires particular care because of its effect on pipelining. The streamability rules prevent the use of last() in conjunction with an expression that returns streamed nodes (because it would require look-ahead in the stream), but there is no similar constraint for grounded sequences. So for example it is not permitted (in a context that requires streaming) to write

<xsl:for-each select="transaction">
  <xsl:value-of select="position(), ' of ', last()"/>

but it is quite permissible to write

<xsl:for-each select="transaction/copy-of()">
  <xsl:value-of select="position(), ' of ', last()"/>

because the call on copy-of makes the sequence grounded. This construct cannot be pipelined because computing the first item in the result sequence depends on knowing the length of the input sequence; in consequence, a processor might be obliged to buffer all the transactions (or their copies) in memory. In this simple example the impact of the call on lastFO30 is easily detected both by the human reader and by the XSLT processor, but there are other cases where the effect is less obvious. For example if the stylesheet executes the instruction

<xsl:apply-templates select="transaction/copy-of(.)"/>

then the presence of a call on lastFO30 in one of the template rules that gets invoked might not be easily spotted; yet the effect is exactly the same in preventing the result being computed by processing input items strictly one at a time. Avoiding such effects is entirely the responsibility of the stylesheet author.

By contrast, there is no intrinsic reason why use of the positionFO30 should prevent pipelined processing: all it requires is for the processor to count how many items have been processed so far. Processors may also be able to handle the construct position() = last() without storing the entire sequence in memory; rather than actually evaluating the numeric values of position() and last(), this can be done by testing whether the context item is the last item in the sequence, which only requires a one-item lookahead.

19.8 Classifying Constructs

This section defines the properties of every kind of construct that may appear in a stylesheet. It identifies the operand roles and their usage, and it gives the rules that define the posture and sweep of the construct. In cases where the general streamability rules apply, there is still an entry for the construct in order to define its operands and their usages, since this information is needed by the general rules.

The following sections describe this categorization for each kind of construct:

19.8.1 General Rules for Streamability

[Definition: Many constructs share the same streamability rules. These rules, referred to as the general streamability rules, are defined here.]

Examples of constructs that use these rules are: an arithmetic expression, an attribute value template, a sequence constructor, the xsl:value-of instruction, and a call to the docFO30 function.

The rules determine both the posture and sweep of a construct. To determine the posture and sweep of a construct C, assuming these general rules are applicable to that kind of construct:

  1. For each operand of C:

    1. Establish:

      1. The static type T of the operand (see 19.1 Determining the Static Type of a Construct).


        The static type is a U-type. For example, the static type of the expression (@*, *) is U{element(), attribute()}.

      2. The sweep S and posture P of the operand (by applying the rules in this section 19.8 Classifying Constructs to that operand, recursively).

      3. The operand usage U corresponding to the role of the operand within C (from the information in this section 19.8 Classifying Constructs).

    2. Compute the adjusted sweep S′ of the operand by taking the first of the following that applies:

      1. If S is free-ranging or P is roaming, then S′ is free-ranging. (In this case the posture and sweep of C are roaming and free-ranging, regardless of any other operands.)

      2. If P is grounded, then S′ is S.

      3. Otherwise (P is not grounded, which implies that the operand is capable of returning streamed nodes), compute S′ as follows:

        1. Compute the adjusted usage U′ as follows:

          1. If U is absorption and the intersection of T with U{element(), document-node()} is U{} (that is, if T is a type that does not allow nodes with children), then U′ is inspection.


            This is because the entire subtree of nodes such as text nodes is available without reading further data from the input stream.

          2. Otherwise, U′ is U.

        2. Compute the adjusted sweep S′ from the table below:

          Computing the Adjusted Sweep of an Expression
          Posture (P) Adjusted Usage (U')
          Absorption Inspection Transmission Navigation
          Climbing Free-ranging S S Free-ranging
          Striding Consuming S S Free-ranging
          Crawling Consuming S S Free-ranging
    3. [Definition: An operand is potentially consuming if at least one of the following conditions applies:

      1. The operand’s adjusted sweep S′ is consuming.

      2. The operand usage is transmission and the operand is not grounded.


  2. Having computed the adjusted sweep S′(o) of each operand o, the posture and sweep of C are the first of the following that applies:

    1. If C has no operands, then grounded and motionless.

    2. If any operand o has an adjusted sweep S′(o) of free-ranging, then roaming and free-ranging.

    3. If more than one operand is potentially consuming, then:

      1. If all these operands form part of a choice operand group, then the posture of C is the combined posture of the operands in this group, and the sweep of C is the widest sweep of the operands in this group

      2. If all these operands have S′ = motionless, (which necessarily means they have U′ = U = transmission) and if they all have the same posture P0, then motionless with posture P0.


        For example, the expression (@a, @b) is motionless and striding.

      3. Otherwise, roaming and free-ranging.

    4. If exactly one operand o is potentially consuming, then:

      1. If o is a higher-order operand of C, then roaming and free-ranging.

      2. If the operand usage of o is absorption or inspection, then grounded and consuming.

      3. If the posture of o is crawling and C is a function call of a built-in function whose signature indicates a return type with a maximum cardinality of one then striding and the adjusted sweep of o.


        Although this rule is written in general terms, the only functions that it applies to (at the time of publication) are headFO30, exactly-oneFO30, and zero-or-oneFO30. This rule only applies if the argument usage is transmission (other cases having been handled by earlier rules); of the built-in functions, the three functions listed are the only ones having an argument with usage transmission and a return type with maximum cardinality one.

      4. Otherwise (the operand usage of o is transmission), the posture and adjusted sweep of o.

    5. Otherwise (all operands are motionless) grounded and motionless.


The rules ensure that if more than one operand is consuming, that is, if more than one operand reads the subtree of the context node in a way that would cause the current position of the input stream to change, then the construct is not streamable.

The rules also prevent multiple streamed nodes being returned in the result of an expression if they are delivered by different operands. For example, the expression count((.., *)) is not guaranteed streamable. This is to make static analysis possible: the posture needs to be statically determined to ensure that streaming does not fail at execution time. It is permitted, however, for streamed nodes to be mixed in a sequence with non-streamed nodes or with atomic values; in this case the posture of the result will be that of the streamed nodes. It is also permitted to have multiple operands delivering streamed nodes in different branches of a conditional, provided the sweep and posture are compatible: for example if (X) then @name else name is guaranteed streamable.

Expressions that have more than one operand with usage transmission, for example (A, B), or (A | B), or insert-before(A, n, B), generally allow only one of these operands to select streamed nodes. The result of the expression will contain a mixture of streamed and grounded nodes, but its posture and sweep will be that of the streamed operand. The nodes in the result will not necessarily be in document order, but the subset of the nodes that are streamed will always be in document order.

19.8.2 Examples of the General Streamability Rules

This section provides some examples of how the general streamability rules operate. In each example, the emphasis is on the outermost construct shown; explanations for how the sweep and posture of its operands are derived are not given, though in many cases they are explained in earlier examples.

The examples assume that the context item type for evaluation of the expression shown is an element node, and that its posture is striding.

  • 2 + 2 is grounded and motionless, because both the operands are grounded and motionless.

  • price * 2 is grounded and consuming, because one of the operands is consuming and the relevant operand usage is absorption.

  • price - discount is roaming and free-ranging, because both the operands are consuming (and they are not members of a parallel operand group).

  • price * @discount is grounded and consuming. The left-hand operand is consuming and the corresponding operand usage is absorption, while the right-hand operand is motionless, again with an operand usage of absorption, and its item type is attribute() which changes the effective usage to inspection.

  • a/b/c is striding and consuming. This is determined not by the general streamability rules, but by the rules for path expressions in Streamability of Path Expressions.

  • a//c is crawling and consuming. This is similarly determined by the rules for path expressions in Streamability of Path Expressions.

  • count(a/b/c) is grounded and consuming, because the operand (the argument to the count function) is striding and consuming (see earlier example) and the operand usage is inspection.

  • sum(a/b/c) is grounded and consuming, because the operand (the argument to the sum function) is striding and consuming (see earlier example) and the operand usage is absorption.

  • count(descendant::c) is grounded and consuming, because the operand (the argument to the count function) is crawling and consuming (see earlier example) and the operand usage is inspection.

  • tail(descendant::c) is crawling and consuming. The operand is crawling, the operand usage is transmission, so the posture and sweep of the result are the same as the posture and sweep of the consuming operand.

  • unordered(a|b) is crawling and consuming. The operand (the argument to the unordered function) is crawling (see Streamability of union, intersect, and except Expressions), and the operand usage is transmission, so the posture and sweep of the result are the same as the posture and sweep of the consuming operand.

  • zero-or-one(descendant::c) is striding and consuming. Although the operand is crawling, the operand usage is transmission and the cardinality of the expression is zero or one, so the posture of the result is striding. The same analysis applies to exactly-one(descendant::c) and to head(descendant::c).

  • sum(descendant::c) is grounded and consuming, because the operand (the argument to the sum function) is crawling and consuming (see earlier example) and the operand usage is absorption. In theory (although it is unlikely in practice) the selected c elements might be nested one inside another. The processor is expected to handle this situation, which may require some buffering. For example, given the untyped source document <a><c><c>1</c><c>2</c><c>3</c></c></a>, the result of the expression is 129 (123 + 1 + 2 + 3), and to evaluate this, a streaming processor will typically maintain a stack of buffers to accumulate the typed values of each of the four c elements during a single pass of the source document.

  • "Q{" || namespace-uri(.) || "}" || local-name(.) is grounded and motionless. The two literal operands are grounded and motionless because they have no operands; the two function calls are grounded and motionless because they have a single operand that is striding and motionless, with an operand usage of inspection.

  • copy-of(.)/head/following-sibling::* is grounded and consuming. The left-hand operand copy-of(.)/head is grounded and consuming because, under the rules in Streamability of Path Expressions, its left-hand operand copy-of(.) is grounded and consuming. This in turn is because . is striding and motionless, and the operand usage is absorption.

  • if ($discounted) then price else discounted-price is striding and consuming, because the two branches of the conditional are both striding and consuming, and they form a choice operand group with usage transmission.

  • if ($gratis) then 0 else price is striding and consuming because there is only one consuming operand (the fact that it is part of a choice operand group does not affect the reasoning).

  • count((author, editor)) is roaming and free-ranging. The first argument to the count function is an expression with two operands, both having usage=transmission, and neither being grounded.

  • count((author | editor)) is grounded and consuming. A union expression is not subject to the general streamability rules; it has its own rules, defined in Streamability of union, intersect, and except Expressions, which establish in this case that the argument to the countFO30 is crawling and consuming. The countFO30 function does follow the general streamability rules, with an operand usage of inspection: under rule 1(b)(iii)(B) the adjusted sweep is consuming, and rule 2(d)(iii) then applies.

  • ('{', author, '}') is striding and consuming. Exactly one operand is consuming; it has usage transmission, so the result has the posture and sweep of that operand. (The formal analysis treats comma as a binary operator, but the same result can be obtained by treating the content of the parenthesized expression as an expression with three operands.)

19.8.3 Classifying Sequence Constructors

The posture and sweep of a sequence constructor are determined by the general streamability rules.

The operand roles and their usages are:

  1. The immediately contained instructions and literal result elements, including any xsl:on-empty or xsl:on-non-empty instructions. The operand usage for these operands is transmission.

  2. Any text value templates appearing in text nodes within the sequence constructor, if text value templates are enabled. The operand usage for these operands is absorption.


Some consequences of these rules are:

  1. An empty sequence constructor is motionless, and its posture is grounded.

  2. A sequence constructor containing a single instruction has the same sweep and posture as that instruction. (This means that sequence constructors containing a single instruction can usefully be dropped from the construct tree.)

  3. Informally, a sequence constructor is not streamable if it contains more than one instruction that moves the position of the input stream.

  4. xsl:on-empty or xsl:on-non-empty instructions are not treated specially. For example, there is no attempt to take into account that they are mutually exclusive: if one is evaluated, the other will not be evaluated. In most use cases for these instructions, they will be motionless, so the additional complexity of doing more advanced analysis would rarely be justified.

19.8.4 Classifying Instructions

This section describes how instructions are classified with respect to their streamability. The criteria are given first for literal result elements and extension instructions, then for each XSLT instruction, listed alphabetically. Streamability of Literal Result Elements

The posture and sweep of a literal result element follow the general streamability rules. The operand roles and their usages are:

  1. The contained sequence constructor (usage absorption)

  2. Any expressions contained in attribute value templates among the literal result element’s attributes (usage absorption)

  3. Any attribute sets named in the xsl:use-attribute-sets attribute (usage irrelevant, but can be taken as inspection).


    In practice, a reference to an attribute set that is declared-streamable does not affect the analysis, while a reference to any other attribute set makes the literal result element roaming and free-ranging. Streamability of extension instructions

For a processor that recognizes an extension instruction, the posture and sweep of the instruction are implementation-defined.

For a processor that does not recognize an extension instruction, the posture and sweep of the instruction are determined by applying the general streamability rules, The operand roles and their usages are:

  1. The sequence constructors contained in any xsl:fallback children (usage transmission)

Instructions in the XSLT namespace that are present under the provisions for forwards compatible behavior are treated in the same way as unrecognized extension instructions.


These rules mean that if there is no xsl:fallback child instruction, the containing construct will be classified as streamable. However, any attempt to execute the instruction will lead to a dynamic error, so in fact, neither streamed nor unstreamed evaluation is possible. Streamability of xsl:analyze-string

The posture and sweep of xsl:analyze-string follow the general streamability rules. The operand roles and their usages are:

  1. the select expression (usage absorption);

  2. the regex attribute value template (usage absorption);

  3. the sequence constructors contained in the xsl:matching-substring and xsl:non-matching-substring elements. These have usage navigation, because they can be evaluated more than once. The context posture for the two sequence constructors is grounded, reflecting the fact that their context item type is xs:string.


In practice, the sweep of the instruction will usually be the same as the sweep of the select expression, and its posture will be grounded. Exceptions occur for example if the regex attribute is not motionless, or if the contained sequence constructors refer to a grouping variable bound in a contained xsl:for-each-group instruction. Streamability of xsl:apply-imports

The rules in this section apply also to xsl:next-match.

The posture and sweep of these two instructions follow the general streamability rules. The operand roles and their usages are:

  1. An implicit operand: a context item expression (.), with usage absorption;

  2. The select attribute or contained sequence constructor of each xsl:with-param child element, with type-determined usage based on the type declared in the xsl:with-param/@as attribute, or item()* if absent.


The instruction will normally be grounded and consuming, provided that nodes in a streamed document are not passed as parameters to the called template rule. Streamability of xsl:apply-templates

If there is no select attribute, the following analysis assumes the presence of an implicit operand select="child::node()".

The posture and sweep of the xsl:apply-templates instruction are the first of the following that apply:

  1. If the select expression is grounded, then the posture and sweep of the xsl:apply-templates instruction follow the general streamability rules, with the operand roles and their usages as follows:

    1. The select expression (the operand usage is irrelevant, but can be taken as absorption)

    2. The select expressions and contained sequence constructors of any child xsl:with-param elements (usage type-determined, based on the type in the xsl:with-param/@as attribute, defaulting to item()*)

    3. Any attribute value templates appearing in attributes of a child xsl:sort instruction (usage absorption)

    4. The select expression or contained sequence constructor of any xsl:sort children, assessed with a context posture of grounded (usage absorption).

    For example, <xsl:apply-templates select="copy-of(.)"/> is grounded and consuming.

  2. If there is an xsl:sort child element, then roaming and free-ranging.

  3. If the implicit or explicit mode attribute identifies a mode that is not declared with streamable="yes", then roaming and free-ranging.


    When mode="#current" is specified, this is treated as equivalent to specifying a streamable mode; although it is not known statically what the mode will be, it is always the case that if the template is invoked with a streamed node as the context item, then the current mode must be a streamable mode.

  4. If the select expression is climbing or crawling, then roaming and free-ranging

  5. Otherwise, the posture and sweep of the xsl:apply-templates instruction follow the general streamability rules. The operand roles and their usages are as follows:

    1. The (explicit or implicit) select expression, with usage absorption;

    2. The select attribute or contained sequence constructor of each xsl:with-param child element, with type-determined usage based on the type declared in the xsl:with-param/@as attribute, or item()* if absent. Streamability of xsl:assert

The posture and sweep of xsl:assert follow the general streamability rules. The operand roles and their usages are as follows:

  1. The test expression (usage inspection)

  2. The select expression (usage absorption)

  3. The error-code attribute value template (usage absorption)

  4. The contained sequence constructor (usage absorption). Streamability of xsl:attribute

The posture and sweep of xsl:attribute follow the general streamability rules. The operand roles and their usages are as follows:

  1. The name attribute value template (usage absorption)

  2. The namespace attribute value template (usage absorption)

  3. The select expression (usage absorption)

  4. The separator attribute value template (usage absorption)

  5. The contained sequence constructor (usage absorption). Streamability of xsl:break

The posture and sweep of xsl:break follow the general streamability rules. The operand roles and their usages are as follows:

  1. The select expression (usage transmission)

  2. The contained sequence constructor (usage transmission). Streamability of xsl:call-template

The posture and sweep of xsl:call-template follow the general streamability rules. The operand roles and their usages are as follows:

  1. Unless the referenced template has a child xsl:context-item element with the attribute use="prohibited", there is an implicit operand, a context item expression (.): its operand usage is the type-determined usage based on the type declared in the xsl:context-item/@as attribute of the target named template, defaulting to item()* if absent.

  2. The select expression or sequence constructor content of any contained xsl:with-param child element: its operand usage is the type-determined usage based on the type declared in the xsl:with-param/@as attribute, or the xsl:param/@as attribute of the corresponding parameter on the target named template, whichever is more restrictive, defaulting to item()* if both are absent.


Calling xsl:call-template will usually make stylesheet code unstreamable if a streamed node is passed explicitly or implicitly to the called template, unless it is atomized by declaring the expected type to be atomic. Streamability of xsl:choose

The posture and sweep of xsl:choose follow the general streamability rules. The operand roles and their usages are as follows:

  1. The test attribute of contained xsl:when elements (usage inspection).

  2. The sequence constructors and select expressions contained within xsl:when and xsl:otherwise child elements (usage transmission). These sequence constructor operands form a choice operand group.


The effect is to allow either of the following:

  1. Any or all of the sequence constructors and select expressions in xsl:when and xsl:otherwise branches may be consuming, in which case the test expressions must all be motionless.

  2. Any one of the test expressions may be consuming, in which case all the other test expressions, and all the sequence constructors and select expressions, must be motionless. Streamability of xsl:comment

The posture and sweep of xsl:comment follow the general streamability rules. The operand roles and their usages are as follows:

  1. The select expression (usage absorption)

  2. The contained sequence constructor (usage absorption). Streamability of xsl:copy

The posture and sweep of xsl:copy follow the general streamability rules. The operand roles and their usages are as follows:

  1. The expression in the select attribute, defaulting to a context item expression (.) (usage inspection)

  2. The contained sequence constructor (usage absorption), assessed with context posture and context item type based on the select expression if present, or the outer focus otherwise.

  3. Any attribute sets named in the use-attribute-sets attribute (usage irrelevant, but can be taken as inspection).


    In practice, a reference to an attribute set that is declared-streamable does not affect the analysis, while a reference to any other attribute set makes the xsl:copy instruction roaming and free-ranging.


The effect of these rules is that when a select attribute is present, the sequence constructor contained by the xsl:copy instruction is deemed to be a higher-order operand of the instruction, even though it can only be evaluated once.

This has the practical consequence that the following example is not guaranteed-streamable, even though it is possible to imagine a strategy for streamed evaluation:

<xsl:for-each-group select="product" group-adjacent="@category">
     <xsl:copy select="..">
         <xsl:copy-of select="current-group()"/>

A workaround in this case might be to rewrite the code as follows:

<xsl:for-each-group select="product" group-adjacent="@category">
     <xsl:element name="{name(..)}" namespace="{namespace-uri(..)}">
         <xsl:copy-of select="current-group()"/>
 </xsl:for-each-group> Streamability of xsl:copy-of

The posture and sweep of xsl:copy-of follow the general streamability rules. The operand roles and their usages are as follows:

  1. The select expression (usage absorption). Streamability of xsl:document

The posture and sweep of xsl:document follow the general streamability rules. The operand roles and their usages are as follows:

  1. The contained sequence constructor (usage absorption). Streamability of xsl:element

The posture and sweep of xsl:element follow the general streamability rules. The operand roles and their usages are as follows:

  1. The name attribute value template (usage absorption)

  2. The namespace attribute value template (usage absorption)

  3. Any attribute sets named in the use-attribute-sets attribute (usage irrelevant, but can be taken as inspection).


    In practice, a reference to an attribute set that is declared-streamable does not affect the analysis, while a reference to any other attribute set makes the xsl:element instruction roaming and free-ranging.

  4. The contained sequence constructor (usage absorption). Streamability of xsl:evaluate

The posture and sweep of xsl:evaluate follow the general streamability rules. The operand roles and their usages are as follows:

  1. The xpath expression (usage absorption)

  2. The context-item expression (usage navigation)

  3. The with-params expression (usage navigation)

  4. The base-uri attribute value template (usage absorption)

  5. The namespace-context expression (usage inspection)

  6. The schema-aware attribute value template (usage absorption)

  7. The select attributes and contained sequence constructors of any xsl:with-param child elements (usage type-determined, based on the type in the xsl:with-param/@as attribute, defaulting to item()*)


In practice, code containing an xsl:evaluate instruction will usually be streamable provided that streamed nodes are not passed to the dynamic expression either as the context item or as the value of a parameter. Streamability of xsl:fallback

The posture and sweep of the xsl:fallback instruction depend on whether the processor is performing fallback (which is known statically).

If the processor is performing fallback, then the posture and sweep of the xsl:fallback instruction are the posture and sweep of the contained sequence constructor.

If the processor is not performing fallback, then the instruction is grounded and motionless. Streamability of xsl:for-each

The posture and sweep of the xsl:for-each instruction are the first of the following that applies:

  1. If the select expression is grounded, then the posture and sweep of the xsl:for-each instruction follow the general streamability rules, with the operand roles and their usages as follows:

    1. The select expression (the operand usage is irrelevant, but can be taken as inspection)

    2. The contained sequence constructor (usage transmission). This is a higher-order operand; its context posture is grounded.

    3. Any attribute value templates appearing in attributes of a child xsl:sort instruction (usage absorption)

    4. The select expression or contained sequence constructor of any xsl:sort children, assessed with a context posture of grounded (usage absorption). These are higher-order operands; their context posture is grounded.

  2. If there is an xsl:sort child element, then roaming and free-ranging.

  3. If the posture of the select expression is crawling and the sweep of the contained sequence constructor is consuming, then roaming and free-ranging.

  4. Otherwise:

    1. The posture of the instruction is the posture of the contained sequence constructor, assessed with the context posture and context item type set to the posture and type of the select expression.

    2. The sweep of the instruction is the wider of the sweep of the select expression and the sweep of the contained sequence constructor.


      The ordering of sweep values is in increasing order: motionless, consuming, free-ranging.


    Because the body of the xsl:for-each instruction is a higher-order operand of the instruction, any variable reference within the body that is bound to a streaming parameter of a containing stylesheet function will not be singular, which in many cases will make the entire function non-streamable. Streamability of xsl:for-each-group

The posture and sweep of the xsl:for-each-group instruction are the first of the following that applies:

  1. If the select expression is grounded, then the posture and sweep of the xsl:for-each-group instruction follow the general streamability rules, with the operand roles and their usages as follows:

    1. The select expression (the operand usage is irrelevant, but can be taken as inspection)

    2. The collation attribute value template (usage absorption)

    3. Any attribute value templates appearing in attributes of a child xsl:sort instruction (usage absorption)

    4. The group-by or group-adjacent expression, assessed with a context posture of grounded (usage absorption).

    5. The select expression or contained sequence constructor of any xsl:sort children, assessed with a context posture of grounded (usage absorption).

    6. The group-starting-with or group-ending-with patterns if present; these are higher-order operands with usage inspection.

  2. If there is a group-by attribute and the instruction is not a child of xsl:fork, then roaming and free-ranging.

  3. If there is a group-by or group-adjacent attribute that is not motionless, then roaming and free-ranging.

  4. If there is an xsl:sort child element and the instruction is not a child of xsl:fork, then roaming and free-ranging.

  5. If the posture of the select expression is crawling and the sweep of the contained sequence constructor is consuming, then roaming and free-ranging.

  6. Otherwise:

    1. The posture of the instruction is the posture of the contained sequence constructor, assessed with the context posture and context item type set to the posture and type of the select expression.

    2. The sweep of the instruction is the wider of the sweeps of the select expression and the contained sequence constructor, where the ordering of increasing width is motionless, consuming, free-ranging.


    Because the body of the xsl:for-each-group instruction is a higher-order operand of the instruction, any variable reference within the body that is bound to a streaming parameter of a containing stylesheet function will not be singular, which in many cases will make the entire function non-streamable.


The above rules do not explicitly mention any constraints on the presence or absence of a call on the current-group function. In practice, however, this plays an important role. In the most common case, the select expression of xsl:for-each-group is likely to be striding, for example an expression such as select="*". Any call on current-group associated with this xsl:for-each-group instruction will ordinarily be striding and consuming, which is consistent with streaming provided there is only one such call, and if it appears in a suitable context (for example, not within a predicate). If there is more than one call, or if it appears in an unsuitable context (for example, within a predicate), then this will have the same effect as multiple appearances of other consuming expressions: the construct as a whole will be free-ranging. These rules are not spelled out explicitly, but rather emerge as a consequence of the general streamability rules. Streamability of xsl:fork

The posture and sweep of xsl:fork are the first of the following that applies:

  1. If there is a child xsl:for-each-group instruction, then the posture and the sweep of that instruction.

  2. If there are no child xsl:sequence instructions (other than xsl:fallback), then grounded and motionless.

  3. If there is a child xsl:sequence instruction whose posture is not grounded, then roaming and free-ranging.

  4. Otherwise, the posture is grounded, and the sweep is the widest sweep of the xsl:sequence child instructions.


None of the branches of xsl:fork can return streamed nodes. The reason for this is that xsl:fork has to assemble its results in the correct order, and streamed nodes cannot be re-ordered.

The effect of the rules is that each of the child xsl:sequence instructions can independently consume the streamed input document, provided that the result of each child instruction is grounded.

Thus the following example is streamable:

   <xsl:sequence select="copy-of(author)"/>
   <xsl:sequence select="copy-of(editor)"/>

While the following is not streamable, because it returns streamed nodes in an order that might not be document order:

   <xsl:sequence select="author"/>
   <xsl:sequence select="editor"/>
</xsl:fork> Streamability of xsl:if

The posture and sweep of xsl:if follow the general streamability rules. The operand roles and their usages are as follows:

  1. The test expression (usage inspection)

  2. The then and else expressions and the contained sequence constructor (usage transmission). These operands form a choice operand group


The effect is to allow either of the following:

  1. The test expression may be motionless, in which case any or all of the then and else expressions, and the containing sequence constructor, may be consuming.

  2. The test expression may be consuming, in which case the then and else expressions, and the containing sequence constructor, must all be motionless. Streamability of xsl:iterate

The posture and sweep of the xsl:iterate instruction are the first of the following that applies:

  1. If the select expression is grounded, then the posture and sweep of the xsl:iterate instruction follow the general streamability rules, with the operand roles and their usages as follows:

    1. The select expression (the operand usage is irrelevant, but can be taken as inspection)

    2. The select expression or contained sequence constructor of any xsl:param children (usage navigation)

    3. The sequence constructor contained within the xsl:iterate instruction itself, assessed with its context item type and context posture based on the select expression (usage transmission)

    4. The select expression or contained sequence constructor of any child xsl:on-completion element, assessed with a context item type of xs:error and a context posture of roaming to reflect the fact that any attempt to reference the context item within the xsl:on-completion element is an error (usage transmission)


      The on-completion element can cause the instruction to become non-streamable if, for example, it contains a call on current-group or a variable reference bound to a streaming parameter.

  2. If there is an xsl:param child whose initializing select expression or sequence constructor is not grounded and motionless, then roaming and free-ranging.

  3. If there is an xsl:on-completion child whose select expression or sequence constructor is not grounded and motionless, then roaming and free-ranging.

  4. If the posture of the select expression is crawling and the sweep of the contained sequence constructor is consuming, then roaming and free-ranging.

  5. Otherwise:

    1. The posture of the instruction is the posture of the contained sequence constructor, assessed with the context posture and context item type set to the posture and type of the select expression.

    2. The sweep of the instruction is the wider of the sweeps of the select expression and the contained sequence constructor, where the ordering of increasing width is motionless, consuming, free-ranging.


If any xsl:break or xsl:next-iteration instructions appear within the sequence constructor, their posture and sweep will be assessed in the course of evaluating the posture and sweep of the sequence constructor, by reference to the rules in Streamability of xsl:break and Streamability of xsl:next-iteration respectively.


Because the body of the xsl:iterate instruction is a higher-order operand of the instruction, any variable reference within the body that is bound to a streaming parameter of a containing stylesheet function will not be singular, which in many cases will make the entire function non-streamable. Streamability of xsl:map

The posture and sweep of the xsl:map instruction are determined by the first of the following that applies:

  1. If the sequence constructor within the instruction consists exclusively of xsl:map-entry instructions (and xsl:fallback instructions, which are ignored), then:

    1. If any of these xsl:map-entry children is roaming or free-ranging, then roaming and free-ranging;

    2. Otherwise, grounded and the widest sweep of the xsl:map-entry children.

  2. Otherwise, the posture and sweep of the xsl:map instruction are the posture and sweep of the contained sequence constructor.


See discussion in 21.4 Maps and Streaming.

The effect of the rules is that it is possible to compute multiple map entries in a single pass of the streamed input document. For example, the following is streamable:

  <xsl:map-entry key="'authors'" select="copy-of(author)"/>
  <xsl:map-entry key="'editors'" select="copy-of(editor)"/>

The call on copy-of is necessary to ensure that the content of the map entry is grounded; it is not possible to create a map whose entries contain references to streamed nodes. Streamability of xsl:map-entry

The posture and sweep of xsl:map-entry follow the general streamability rules. The operand roles and their usages are as follows:

  1. The key expression (usage absorption)

  2. The select expression (usage navigation)


    This effectively means that the select expression must not return nodes from a streamed input document.

  3. The contained sequence constructor (usage navigation). Streamability of xsl:merge


This section is concerned with the (not very interesting) impact of the xsl:merge instruction on the streamability of its containing template rule or xsl:source-document instruction.

For the (more important) rules concerning the way in which xsl:merge performs streamed processing of its own inputs, see 15.4 Streamable Merging.

The posture and sweep of xsl:merge are as follows:

  1. If every xsl:merge-source child element satisfies all the following conditions:

    1. The expression in the for-each-item attribute is either absent, or grounded and motionless;

    2. The expression in the for-each-source attribute is either absent, or grounded and motionless;

    3. Either at least one of the attributes for-each-item and for-each-source is present, or the expression in the select attribute is grounded and motionless

    then the xsl:merge instruction is grounded and motionless.

  2. Otherwise, the xsl:merge instruction is roaming and free-ranging. Streamability of xsl:message

The posture and sweep of xsl:message follow the general streamability rules. The operand roles and their usages are as follows:

  1. The select expression (usage absorption)

  2. The terminate attribute value template (usage absorption)

  3. The error-code attribute value template (usage absorption)

  4. The contained sequence constructor (usage absorption). Streamability of xsl:namespace

The posture and sweep of xsl:namespace follow the general streamability rules. The operand roles and their usages are as follows:

  1. The name attribute value template (usage absorption)

  2. The select expression (usage absorption)

  3. The contained sequence constructor (usage absorption). Streamability of xsl:next-iteration

The posture and sweep of xsl:next-iteration follow the general streamability rules. The operand roles and their usages are as follows:

  1. The select expression or sequence constructor content of any contained xsl:with-param child element: its operand usage is the type-determined usage based on the type declared in the xsl:with-param/@as attribute, or the xsl:param/@as attribute of the corresponding parameter on the containing xsl:iterate instruction, whichever is more restrictive, defaulting to item()* if both are absent. Streamability of xsl:number

The posture and sweep of xsl:number follow the general streamability rules. The operand roles and their usages are as follows:

  1. The value attribute if present: usage absorption

  2. The select attribute if there is no value attribute, defaulting to the context item expression (.) if the select attribute is also absent: usage navigation

  3. The attribute value templates in the format, lang, letter-value, ordinal, start-at, grouping-separator, and grouping-size attributes (usage absorption)

  4. The from and count patterns if present. These can be treated as higher-order operands with usage inspection, though neither of these properties affects the outcome.


The effect of these rules is that xsl:number can be used for formatting of numbers supplied directly using the value attribute, and also for numbering of nodes in a non-streamed document, but it cannot be used for numbering streamed nodes.

In practice the rules depend very little on the from and count patterns. This is because when the instruction is applied to a streamed node, the instruction will be free-ranging regardless of these patterns; while if it is applied to a grounded node or atomic value, the instruction will normally be motionless regardless of the values of these patterns. The pattern does matter, however, if it contains a variable reference bound to a streaming parameter; because such a reference occurs within a higher-order operand of the xsl:number instruction, its presence automatically makes the variable reference free-ranging, which in turn ensures that the containing stylesheet function is not guaranteed-streamable. Streamability of xsl:on-empty

The streamability rules for the xsl:on-empty instruction are the same as the rules for xsl:sequence: see Streamability of xsl:sequence.


The streamability rules for a sequence constructor containing an xsl:on-empty instruction are given in 19.8.3 Classifying Sequence Constructors. Streamability of xsl:on-non-empty

The streamability rules for the xsl:on-non-empty instruction are the same as the rules for xsl:sequence: see Streamability of xsl:sequence.


The streamability rules for a sequence constructor containing an xsl:on-non-empty instruction are given in 19.8.3 Classifying Sequence Constructors. Streamability of xsl:perform-sort

The posture and sweep of xsl:perform-sort follow the general streamability rules. The operand roles and their usages are as follows:

  1. The expression in the select attribute: usage navigation (because order is not preserved)

  2. The expressions in the attribute value templates of xsl:sort child elements: usage absorption

  3. The expression in the select attribute or contained sequence constructor in child xsl:sort child elements, with usage absorption, assessed with context posture based on the expression in the xsl:perform-sort/@select attribute.


In practice, the xsl:perform-sort instruction cannot be used to sort nodes from the streamed input document, but it can be used to sort atomic values or grounded nodes, for example a copy of nodes from the streamed document made using the copy-of function. Streamability of xsl:processing-instruction

The posture and sweep of xsl:processing-instruction follow the general streamability rules. The operand roles and their usages are as follows:

  1. The name attribute value template (usage absorption)

  2. The select expression (usage absorption)

  3. The contained sequence constructor (usage absorption). Streamability of xsl:result-document

The posture and sweep of xsl:result-document follow the general streamability rules. The operand roles and their usages are as follows:

  1. The href attribute value template (usage absorption)

  2. The attribute value templates containing serialization properties (usage absorption)

  3. The contained sequence constructor (usage absorption). Streamability of xsl:sequence

The posture and sweep of xsl:sequence follow the general streamability rules. The operand roles and their usages are as follows:

  1. The select attribute value template (usage transmission)

  2. The contained sequence constructor (usage transmission). Streamability of xsl:source-document


The concern here is with the impact of xsl:source-document on any streaming template, or ancestor xsl:source-document instruction, and not with the streamed processing of the document accessed using the xsl:source-document/@href attribute.

The streamability of the document opened by the xsl:source-document instruction is not assessed using the rules in this section; it depends only on the streamability properties of the contained sequence constructor, as described in 18.1 The xsl:source-document Instruction

The posture and sweep of xsl:source-document are the first of the following that applies:

  1. If the contained sequence constructor contains, at any depth, a call on the current-group function whose nearest containing xsl:for-each-group instruction exists and is an ancestor of the xsl:source-document instruction, then roaming and free-ranging.

  2. If the contained sequence constructor contains, at any depth, a call on the current-merge-group function whose nearest containing xsl:merge instruction exists and is an ancestor of the xsl:source-document instruction, then roaming and free-ranging.

  3. Otherwise, the posture is grounded and the sweep is the sweep of the href attribute value template. Streamability of xsl:switch

The posture and sweep of xsl:switch follow the general streamability rules. The operand roles and their usages are as follows:

  1. The select attribute of the xsl:switch elements (usage absorption).

  2. The test attribute of contained xsl:when elements (usage absorption).

  3. The sequence constructors and select expressions contained within xsl:when and xsl:otherwise child elements (usage transmission). These operands form a choice operand group.


The effect is to allow any of the following:

  1. The select expression of the xsl:switch instruction may be consuming, in which case all the other operands must be motionless.

  2. Any one of the test expressions may be consuming, in which case all the other operands must be motionless.

  3. Any or all of the sequence constructors and select expressions in xsl:when and xsl:otherwise branches may be consuming, in which case the test expressions and the select of the xsl:switch instruction must all be motionless. Streamability of xsl:text

The posture and sweep of xsl:text follow the general streamability rules. There are no operands.


The instruction is therefore grounded and motionless. Streamability of xsl:try

The posture and sweep of the xsl:try instruction follow the general streamability rules. The operand roles and usages are as follows:

  1. The select expression or contained sequence constructor of the xsl:try element. This has operand usage transmission. (Note that the xsl:catch children of xsl:try are not part of the sequence constructor and therefore not part of this operand.)

  2. The select expressions and/or contained sequence constructor of the xsl:catch child elements. These form a choice operand group with operand usage transmission.


The overall effect of these rules is that either the xsl:try branch or the xsl:catch branch may consume the streamed input, but not both. If there is more than one xsl:catch branch then they may all consume the input, since only one of these branches can be evaluated. Streamability of xsl:value-of

The posture and sweep of xsl:value-of follow the general streamability rules. The operand roles and their usages are as follows:

  1. The select expression (usage absorption)

  2. The separator attribute value template (usage absorption)

  3. The contained sequence constructor (usage absorption). Streamability of xsl:variable

The posture and sweep of xsl:variable follow the general streamability rules. The operand roles and their usages depend on the as attribute, as follows:

  1. If there is an as attribute, then:

    1. The select expression (with type-determined usage based on the as attribute).

    2. The contained sequence constructor (with type-determined usage based on the as attribute).

  2. If there is no as attribute, then:

    1. The select expression (usage navigation).

    2. The contained sequence constructor (usage absorption).


The effect of the initialization expression having usage navigation is that it is not possible in streamable constructs to bind a variable to a node in a streamed document. Streamability of xsl:where-populated

The posture and sweep of an xsl:where-populated instruction are the posture and sweep of the contained sequence constructor.

19.8.5 Classifying Stylesheet Functions

Under specific conditions, described in this section, a stylesheet function can be used to process nodes from a streamed input document.

[Definition: Stylesheet functions belong to one of a number of streamability categories: the choice of category characterizes the way in which the function handles streamed input.]

The category to which a function belongs is declared in the streamability attribute of the xsl:function declaration, and defaults to unclassified.

The streamability categories defined in this specification are: unclassified, absorbing, inspection, filter, shallow-descent, deep-descent, and ascent. It is also possible to specify the streamability category as a QName in an implementation-defined namespace, in which case the streamability rules are implementation-defined; a processor that does not recognize a category defined in this way must analyze the function as if streamability="unclassified" were specified.

A stylesheet function is declared-streamable if the xsl:function declaration has a streamability attribute with a value other than unclassified.

The only category permitted for a zero-arity function (one with no arguments) is unclassified. All function calls to zero-arity stylesheet functions are grounded and motionless.

In general (subject to more detailed rules below), a node belonging to a streamed document can be present within the value of an argument of a call on a stylesheet function only if one of the following conditions is true:

  1. The stylesheet function is declared-streamable, and the argument in question is the first argument of the function call.

  2. The corresponding function parameter is declared with a required type that triggers atomization of any supplied node.

[Definition: The first parameter of a declared-streamable stylesheet function is referred to as a streaming parameter.]


If a stylesheet function returns streamed nodes, then these nodes can only derive from streamed nodes passed in an argument to the function. This is because streamed nodes cannot be bound to global variables, and they cannot be returned by an xsl:source-document instruction within the function body (the result of xsl:source-document is always grounded).

The choice of category places constraints on the function body, and also on calls to the function. These constraints are defined below, separately for each category. A function is guaranteed-streamable only if the constraints are satisfied, and a static function call is guaranteed-streamable only if the function is guaranteed-streamable and the function call itself satisfies the constraints for the chosen category.

Dynamic function calls are guaranteed-streamable only in trivial cases, for example where the function signature indicates that an argument is required to be a text node or an attribute node. For details, see Streamability of Dynamic Function Calls.

The constraints on the function body are expressed in terms of the posture and sweep of the function result. The posture and sweep of the function result are the type-adjusted posture and sweep of the sequence constructor contained within the xsl:function element, given the declared return type of the function, which defaults to item()*.


Determining the posture and sweep of the function result requires first determining the posture and sweep of the contained sequence constructor, which is done according to the rules in 19.8.3 Classifying Sequence Constructors. This in turn will usually involve examination of variable references that are bound to the function’s parameters. The analysis of these variable references is described in Streamability of Variable References.

If the function is declared-streamable but does not satisfy the constraints that make it guaranteed-streamable, the consequences are explained in 19.10 Streamability Guarantees.

If a stylesheet function is overridden in another package (using xsl:override), then the overriding stylesheet function must belong to the same streamability category as the function that it overrides. This ensures that overriding a function cannot affect the streamability of calls to that function.

The rules for each streamability category are given in the following sections. Streamability Category: unclassified

Informal description: Functions in this category cannot be called with streamed nodes supplied in an argument, unless the function signature causes such nodes to be atomized.

Rules for the function signature: there are no constraints.

Rules for the function body: there are no constraints.

Rules for references to the streaming parameter: not applicable, because there is no streaming parameter.

Rules for function calls: the general streamability rules apply. The operands are the expressions appearing in the argument list of the function call, with the operand usage of each operand being the type-determined usage based on the declared type of the corresponding parameter in the function signature.

Example: An unclassified stylesheet function that accepts nodes

The streamability category is unclassified.

<xsl:function name="f:exclude-first" as="node()*">
  <xsl:param name="nodes" as="node()*"/>
  <xsl:sequence select="$nodes[not(node-name() = preceding-sibling::*/node-name())]"/>

The effect of the rules is that a call to this function is guaranteed streamable if and only if the sequence supplied as the value of the $nodes argument is grounded (that is, it contains no streamed nodes).


Example: An unclassified stylesheet function that accepts atomic values

The streamability category is unclassified.

<xsl:function name="f:min" as="xs:integer">
  <xsl:param name="arg0" as="xs:integer"/>
  <xsl:param name="arg1" as="xs:integer"/>
  <xsl:sequence select="min(($arg0, $arg1))"/>

The effect of the rules is that a call to this function is streamable under similar circumstances to those that apply to a binary operator such as +. For example, a call is streamable if two atomic values are supplied, or if two attribute nodes are supplied, whether from streamed or unstreamed documents. The main constraint is that it is not permitted for both arguments to be consuming; for example, if the context node is a node in a streamed document, then the function call f:min((price, discount)) would not be guaranteed streamable. Streamability Category: absorbing

Informal description: Functions in this category typically read the subtrees rooted at the node or nodes supplied in the first argument. These subtrees must not overlap each other. The function must not return any streamed nodes.

Rules for the function signature: there are no constraints.

Rules for the function body: For the function to be guaranteed-streamable, the type-adjusted posture of the function body with respect to the declared return type must be grounded, and the type-adjusted sweep of the function body with respect to the declared return type must be motionless or consuming.

Rules for references to the streaming parameter: If the declared type of the streaming parameter permits more than one node, then a variable reference referring to the streaming parameter is striding and consuming. Otherwise such a variable reference is striding and motionless.

Rules for function calls: If the first argument is crawling then the function call is roaming and free-ranging; otherwise the general streamability rules apply. The operands are the expressions appearing in the argument list of the function call. The operand usage of the first argument is absorption; the operand usage of other arguments is the type-determined usage based on the declared type of the corresponding parameter in the function signature.


Absorbing functions perform an operation analogous to atomization on their supplied arguments, in that they typically use information from the subtree rooted at a node to compute atomic values. Atomization can be seen as a special case of absorption. Calls on absorbing functions are therefore, from a streamability point of view, equivalent to calls on functions that implicitly atomize the supplied nodes.

An important difference, however, is that whereas atomization can be applied to any argument of a function call, absorption applies only to the first argument.

Another difference is that atomization is allowed on a sequence of nodes in crawling posture, whereas generalized absorption is not. Within a sequence, there may be nodes whose subtrees overlap, and the code for atomization is expected to handle this, but more general absorption operations are not. To write a function that accepts streamed nodes and atomizes them, it is better to use the streamability category unclassified, and to declare the first argument with an atomic type, rather than using the category absorbing which allows more general processing, but restricts what can be supplied in the argument to the function call.

Example: An absorbing stylesheet function

The following function is declared as absorbing, and the function body meets the rules for this category because it makes downward selections only, and returns an atomic value.

<xsl:function name="f:count-descendants" as="xs:integer" streamability="absorbing">
  <xsl:param name="input" as="node()*"/>
  <xsl:sequence select="count($input//*)"/>

The effect of the rules is that a call to this function is guaranteed-streamable provided that the sequence supplied as the value of the $input argument is motionless or consuming, and is either grounded or striding.


Example: An absorbing stylesheet function with two arguments

The following function is declared as absorbing, and the function body meets the rules for this category because it makes downward selections only from the node supplied as the first argument, and returns an atomic value.

<xsl:function name="f:compare-size" as="xs:integer" streamability="absorbing">
  <xsl:param name="input0" as="node()"/>
  <xsl:param name="input1" as="node()"/>
  <xsl:sequence select="count($input0//*) - count($input1//*)"/>

This function takes two nodes as its arguments. Some examples of function calls include:

  • Streamable: f:compare-size(a, b) where a is an element in a streamed document and b is an element in an unstreamed document

  • Streamable: f:compare-size(a, b) where a and b are both elements in unstreamed documents

  • Not streamable: f:compare-size(a, b) where a is an element in an unstreamed document and b is an element in a streamed document

The reason for the asymmetry is that for the first argument the operand usage is absorption, while for the second argument it is navigation. It is a consequence of the general streamability rules that when streamed nodes are supplied to an operand with usage navigation, the resulting expression is roaming and free-ranging.


Example: A recursive absorbing stylesheet function

The following function is declared as absorbing, and the function body meets the rules for this category. Analysis of the function body reveals that it is grounded and consuming; to establish this, it is necessary to analyze the recursive call f:outline(*), and this is possible because it is known to be a call on an absorbing stylesheet function.

<xsl:function name="f:outline" as="xs:string" streamability="absorbing">
  <xsl:param name="input" as="element()*"/>
  <xsl:value-of select="$input ! (name() || '(' || f:outline(*) || ')')" 
                separator=", "/>

The effect of the rules is that a call to this function is guaranteed streamable in the typical case where the sequence supplied as the value of the $input argument is striding and consuming. Streamability Category: inspection

Informal description: Functions in this category typically return properties of the node supplied in the first argument, where these properties can be determined without advancing the input stream. This allows access to properties such as the name and type of each node, and also to its ancestors, attributes, and namespaces.

Rules for the function signature: If the declared type of the streaming parameter permits more than one node, the function is not guaranteed-streamable.

Rules for the function body: For the function to be guaranteed-streamable, the type-adjusted posture of the function body with respect to the declared return type must be grounded, and the type-adjusted sweep of the function body with respect to the declared return type must be motionless.

Rules for references to the streaming parameter: Such a variable reference is striding and motionless.

Rules for function calls: the general streamability rules apply. The operands are the expressions appearing in the argument list of the function call. The operand usage of the first argument is inspection; the operand usage of other arguments is the type-determined usage based on the declared type of the corresponding argument in the function signature.


The streaming parameter is restricted to be a single node because if $input were a sequence of nodes, then an expression such as ($input/name(), $input/@id) would not be streamable.

Example: Example of an inspection stylesheet function

The following function is declared with category inspection, and the function body meets the rules for this category because all references to the supplied node are motionless.

<xsl:function name="f:depth" as="xs:integer" streamability="inspection">
  <xsl:param name="input" as="node()"/>
  <xsl:sequence select="count($input/ancestor-or-self::*)"/>

The effect of the rules is that a call to this function is guaranteed streamable provided that the expression supplied as the value of the $input argument is motionless or consuming.


Example: Example of an inspection stylesheet function with two arguments

The following function is declared with category inspection, and the function body meets the rules for this category because the function signature ensures that the second argument cannot be a node.

<xsl:function name="f:get-attribute-value" as="xs:string">
  <xsl:param name="element" as="node()"/>
  <xsl:param name="attribute-name" as="xs:string"/>
  <xsl:sequence select="string($element/@*[local-name() = $attribute-name])"/>

Although the normal usage of this function might be to supply an element from a streamed document as the first argument, and a literal string as the second, it is also permissible (and guaranteed streamable) to supply an unstreamed element as the first argument, and an element node from a streamed document as the second. When applying the general streamability rules in this case, the first operand is grounded and motionless, while the second is grounded and consuming (by virtue of the rules for type-determined usage), and this makes the function call grounded and consuming. Streamability Category: filter

Informal description: Functions in this category typically return either the node supplied in the first argument or nothing, depending on the values of properties that can be determined without advancing the input stream. This allows access to properties such as the name and type of each node, and also to its ancestors, attributes, and namespaces.

Rules for the function signature: If the declared type of the streaming parameter permits more than one node, the function is not guaranteed-streamable.

Rules for the function body: For the function to be guaranteed-streamable, the type-adjusted posture of the function body with respect to the declared return type must be striding, and the type-adjusted sweep of the function body with respect to the declared return type must be motionless.

Rules for references to the streaming parameter: Such a variable reference is striding and motionless.

Rules for function calls: The posture and sweep of a call to a function in this category are determined by applying the general streamability rules. The operands are the expressions supplied as arguments to the function call. The first argument has operand usage transmission; any further arguments have type-determined usage based on the declared type of the corresponding parameter in the function signature.

Example: Example of a filtering stylesheet function

The following function is declared as filtering, and the function body meets the rules for this category because it selects nodes from the input based on motionless properties (namely, the existence of attributes).

<xsl:function name="f:large-regions" as="element(region)" streamability="filter">
  <xsl:param name="input" as="element(region)"/>
  <xsl:sequence select="$input[@size gt 1000]"/>

The effect of the rules is that the posture and sweep of a function call f:large-regions(EXPR) are the same as the posture and sweep of EXPR.

Although the name filter suggests that the result must always be a subset of the input, this is not strictly required by the rules. The function can also return atomic values, as well as attribute and namespace nodes. Streamability Category: shallow-descent

Informal description: Functions in this category typically return children of the nodes supplied in the first argument. They may also select deeper in the subtrees of these nodes, provided that no node in the result can possibly be an ancestor of any other node in the result.

Rules for the function signature: If the declared type of the streaming parameter permits more than one node, the function is not guaranteed-streamable.

Rules for the function body: For the function to be guaranteed-streamable, the type-adjusted posture of the function body with respect to the declared return type must be striding, and the type-adjusted sweep of the function body with respect to the declared return type must be motionless or consuming.

Rules for references to the streaming parameter: Such a variable reference is striding and motionless.

Rules for function calls: The rules are as follows, in order:

  1. Let T0 be the U-type corresponding to the declared type of the streaming parameter in the function signature (defaulting to U{*}).

  2. Let P0 and S0 be the type-adjusted posture and sweep of the first argument expression, based on type T0.

  3. If P0 is not striding or grounded, the function call is roaming and free-ranging.

  4. Consider a construct C whose operands are the argument expressions other than the first argument, with type-determined operand usage based on the declared type of the corresponding parameter in the function signature. Let P1 and S1 be the posture and sweep of C, assessed using the general streamability rules.


    If there is only one argument, then P1 is grounded and S1 is motionless.

  5. If P1 is not grounded, the function call is roaming and free-ranging.

  6. If S0 and S1 are both consuming, or if either is free-ranging, then the function call is roaming and free-ranging.

  7. If P0 is grounded, then the posture of the function call is grounded, and the sweep of the function call is the wider of S0 and S1.

  8. Otherwise, the posture of the function call is P0, and the sweep of the function call is as follows:

    1. If the intersection of T0 with U{document-node(), element()} is empty (that is, the declared type of the first argument does not permit document or element nodes) then S0.

    2. Let A be the static type of the expression supplied as the first argument. If the intersection of A with U{document-node(), element()} is empty (that is, the inferred type of the expression supplied as the first argument does not permit document or element nodes) then S0.

    3. Otherwise, consuming.

Example: A shallow-descent stylesheet function

The following function is declared as shallow-descent, and the function body meets the rules for this category because it selects children of the supplied input node.

<xsl:function name="f:alternate-children" as="node()*" 
  <xsl:param name="input" as="element()"/>
  <xsl:sequence select="$input/node()[position() mod 2 = 1]"/>

The effect of the rules is that a call to this function is guaranteed streamable in the typical case where the node supplied as the value of the $input argument is striding and consuming. Streamability Category: deep-descent

Informal description: Functions in this category typically return descendants of the nodes supplied in the first argument.

Rules for the function signature: If the declared type of the streaming parameter permits more than one node, the function is not guaranteed-streamable.

Rules for the function body: For the function to be guaranteed-streamable, the type-adjusted posture of the function body with respect to the declared return type must be crawling, and the type-adjusted sweep of the function body with respect to the declared return type must be motionless or consuming.

Rules for references to the streaming parameter: Such a variable reference is striding and motionless.

Rules for function calls: The rules are as follows, in order:

  1. Let T0 be the U-type corresponding to the declared type of the streaming parameter in the function signature (defaulting to U{*}).

  2. Let P0 and S0 be the type-adjusted posture and sweep of the first argument expression, based on type T0.

  3. If P0 is not striding or grounded, the function call is roaming and free-ranging.

  4. Consider a construct C whose operands are the argument expressions other than the first argument, with type-determined operand usage based on the declared type of the corresponding parameter in the function signature. Let P1 and S1 be the posture and sweep of C, assessed using the general streamability rules


    If there is only one argument, then P1 is grounded and S1 is motionless.

  5. If P1 is not grounded, the function call is roaming and free-ranging.

  6. If S0 and S1 are both consuming, or if either is free-ranging, the function call is roaming and free-ranging.

  7. If P0 is grounded, then the posture of the function call is grounded, and the sweep of the function call is the wider of S0 and S1.

  8. Otherwise, the posture of the function call is crawling, and the sweep of the function call is as follows:

    1. If the intersection of T0 with U{document-node(), element()} is empty (that is, the declared type of the first argument does not permit document or element nodes) then S0.

    2. Let A be the static type of the expression supplied as the first argument. If the intersection of A with U{document-node(), element()} is empty (that is, the inferred type of the expression supplied as the first argument does not permit document or element nodes) then S0.

    3. Otherwise, consuming.

Example: A deep-descent stylesheet function

The following function is declared as deep-descent, and the function body meets the rules for this category because it selects descendants of the supplied input node.

<xsl:function name="f:all-comments" as="comment()*" 
  <xsl:param name="input" as="element()"/>
  <xsl:sequence select="$input//comment()"/>

The effect of the rules is that a call to this function is guaranteed streamable in the typical case where the node supplied as the value of the $input argument is striding and consuming. Streamability Category: ascent

Informal description: Functions in this category typically return ancestors of the nodes supplied in the first argument.

Rules for the function signature: If the declared type of the streaming parameter permits more than one node, the function is not guaranteed-streamable.

Rules for the function body: For the function to be guaranteed-streamable, the type-adjusted posture of the function body with respect to the declared return type must be either climbing or grounded, and the type-adjusted sweep of the function body with respect to the declared return type must be motionless.

Rules for references to the streaming parameter: Such a variable reference is climbing and motionless.

Rules for function calls: The posture and sweep of a call to a function in this category are determined as follows:

  1. Let P0 and S0 be the posture and sweep obtained by assessing the function call using the general streamability rules, where the operands are the arguments to the function call, with an operand usage for the first argument of transmission, and an operand usage for arguments after the first being the type-determined usage based on the declared type of the corresponding function parameter. [XSLT 3.0 Erratum E31, bug 30289]

  2. If P0 is roaming or S0 is free-ranging, then the function call is roaming and free-ranging.

  3. If S0 is not motionless, then the function call is roaming and free-ranging.

  4. If P0 is roaming, then the function call is roaming and free-ranging.

  5. If P0 is grounded, then the function call is grounded and motionless.

  6. If the declared return type of the function does not permit nodes, then the function call is grounded and motionless. [XSLT 3.0 Erratum E31, bug 30289].

  7. Otherwise, the function call is climbing and motionless.

Example: An ascending stylesheet function

The following function is declared with category ascent, and the function body meets the rules for this category because it selects ancestors of the supplied node.

<xsl:function name="f:containing-section" as="element(section)" 
  <xsl:param name="input" as="element(para)*"/>
  <xsl:sequence select="$input/ancestor::section[last()]"/>

The effect of the rules is that a call to this function is guaranteed streamable provided that the node supplied as the value of the input argument is not roaming or free-ranging. There are no other constraints on the node supplied in the input sequence.

19.8.6 Classifying Attribute Sets

The posture of an attribute set is always grounded (its result can never return streamed nodes).

The sweep of an attribute set is motionless if all the following conditions hold:

  1. Every xsl:attribute instruction within the declarations comprising the attribute set is motionless when assessed as described in 10.2.3 Streamability of Attribute Sets, using a context posture of striding.

  2. Every attribute set referenced in the use-attribute-sets attribute of an xsl:attribute-set declaration of the attribute set has the attribute streamable="yes".

If the sweep of an attribute set is not motionless then it is free-ranging.


Attribute sets will always be grounded, because they return newly constructed attribute nodes.

Attribute sets will very often be motionless, but if they access the context item, they may be free-ranging. Although some attribute sets could theoretically be classified as consuming, this option has been excluded because it is unlikely to be useful; given the requirement to create attributes whose values are obtained by reading a streamed input document, use of a streamable template rule is a more versatile approach.

Because attribute sets can be overridden in another package, the streamability of a construct such as an xsl:element instruction containing a use-attribute-sets attribute is based on the declared streamability of the named attribute sets, as defined by the streamable attribute of the xsl:attribute-set element. If streamable="yes" is specified, then there is a requirement that any overriding attribute set should also specify streamable="yes", and a streaming processor is required to check that an attribute set containing such a declaration does in fact satisfy the streamability rules.

19.8.7 Classifying Value Templates

A value template (that is, an attribute value template or text value template) is a construct whose operands are the expressions contained within curly brackets. The required type for this operand role is xs:string and the usage is absorption.

The sweep and posture of a value template are determined using the general rules in 19.8.1 General Rules for Streamability.

If there are no expressions contained within curly brackets, the value template is motionless.

19.8.8 Classifying Expressions

XPath expressions are classified using the rules in this section.

In the analysis that follows, expressions are classified according to the most specific production rule that they match for which there is an entry in this section. A production P is considered more specific than a production Q (QP) if every expression that matches P also matches Q. For example:

  • The expression 3 satisfies the productions NumericLiteral, Literal, and ArithmeticExpression; the most specific of these for which there is an entry in this section is Literal.

  • The expression text() (appearing as an expression) is a TextTest, and therefore a KindTest, which is itself a NodeTest, and therefore an AxisStep with a defaulted ForwardAxis. The most specific of these for which there is an entry in this section is AxisStep. Although the expression is also a RelativePathExpr, that production is less specific than AxisStep so its rules do not apply.

  • The expression section/title is a RelativePathExpr, for which there is an entry in this section. Although the expression is also a PathExpr, that production is less specific than RelativePathExpr so its rules do not apply.

The production rules for different kinds of expression are listed (with their names and numbers) in the order in which they appear in Appendix A.1 of the XPath 3.0 specification; rules are also given for new constructs introduced by XPath 3.1. Where two numbers are given, they are the production rule numbers in XPath 3.0 and XPath 3.1 respectively; where there is a single number, it is the production rule number in XPath 3.1.

Many expressions can be analyzed using the general streamability rules. These are indicated in the table below by means of a simple proforma in which the operand roles are represented by a short code (A = absorption, I = inspection, T = transmission, N = navigation). For example the proforma A + A indicates that for an arithmetic expression, both operands have operand usage absorption, while I or I indicates that for an or expression, both operands have operand usage inspection. For expressions where further explanation is needed, the table contains a link to the relevant section.

Operand Roles for XPath Expressions
Construct Proforma or Reference to Detailed Rules Further Information
Expr [6,6] T, T
ForExpr [8,8] See Streamability of for Expressions
LetExpr [11,11] let $var := N return T Binding of variables to streamed nodes is not allowed.
QuantifiedExpr [14,14] See Streamability of Quantified Expressions
IfExpr [15,15] if (I) then T else T The then-clause and else-clause form a choice operand group with usage transmission
OrExpr [16,16] I or I
AndExpr [17,17] I and I
StringConcatExpr [19,19] A || A
RangeExpr [20,20] A to A
AdditiveExpr [21,21] A + A, A - A
MultiplicativeExpr [22,22] A * A, A div A, etc.
UnionExpr [23,23] See Streamability of union, intersect, and except Expressions
IntersectExceptExpr [24,24] See Streamability of union, intersect, and except Expressions
InstanceOfExpr [25,25] See Streamability of instance of Expressions
TreatExpr [26,26] See Streamability of treat as Expressions
CastableExpr [27,27] A castable as TYPE
CastExpr [28,28] A cast as TYPE
UnaryExpr [29,30] +A, -A
GeneralComp [31,32] A = A, A < A, A != A, etc.
ValueComp [32,33] A eq A, A lt A, A ne A, etc.
NodeComp [33,34] I is I, I << I, I >> I See Note 1 below
SimpleMapExpr [34,35] See Streamability of Simple Mapping Expressions
PathExpr [35,36] See Streamability of Path Expressions
RelativePathExpr [36,37] See Streamability of Path Expressions
AxisStep [38,39] See Streamability of Axis Steps
ForwardStep [39,40], ReverseStep [42,43] See Streamability of Axis Steps
PostfixExpr [48,49]: Filter Expression See Streamability of Filter Expressions
PostfixExpr [48,49]: Dynamic Function Call See Streamability of Dynamic Function Calls
Literal [53,57] There are no operands, so the construct is grounded and motionless
VarRef [55,59] See Streamability of Variable References
ParenthesizedExpr [57,61] (T)
() There are no operands, so the construct is grounded and motionless
ContextItemExpr [58,62] See Streamability of the Context Item Expression
FunctionCall [59,63] See Streamability of Static Function Calls
NamedFunctionRef [63,67] See Streamability of Named Function References
InlineFunctionExpr [64,68] See Streamability of Inline Function Declarations
MapConstructor [,69] See Streamability of Map Constructors
Lookup (Postfix [,49] and Unary [,53]) See Streamability of Lookup Expressions
ArrowExpr [,29] See Streamability of Static Function Calls and Streamability of Dynamic Function Calls: the rules for X => F(Y, Z) are the same as the rules for F(X, Y, Z)
SquareArrayConstructor [,74] [N, N, ...]
CurlyArrayConstructor [,75] array{N, N, ...}


  1. The operators is, <<, and >> apply to streamed nodes just as to any other nodes, though there are few practical situations where they will be useful. A streamed document conforms to the rules of the XDM data model, and its nodes are therefore distinct and ordered. They follow the usual rules, for example that a parent node precedes its children in document order. Expressions such as .. is parent::X or ancestor::x[1] << ancestor::y[1] are therefore perfectly meaningful. The usefulness of the operators is limited by the fact that variables cannot be bound to nodes in a streamed document. It is permitted, though perhaps not useful, for one of the operands to be consuming: one can write . << child::x, and the resulting expression is (by applying the general rules) consuming and grounded.

    The restriction that variables cannot be bound to streamed nodes prevents writing of expressions such as let $x := . return descendant::x[ancestor::y[1] is $x]. As a workaround, the intended effect can be achieved by comparing node identity using the generate-idFO30 function: let $x := generate-id(.) return descendant::x[generate-id(ancestor::y[1]) = $x] Streamability of for Expressions

Writing the expression as for $v in S return R, the two operand roles are S and R.

The posture and sweep are determined by the first of the following that applies:

  1. If S is not grounded, then roaming and free-ranging.

  2. Otherwise, the general streamability rules apply. The operand roles are:

    1. The in expression (S). This has usage navigation.

    2. The return expression (R). This is a higher-order operand with usage transmission.


Expressions of the form for $i in 1 to 3 return $i*2, where there is no reference to a streamed node, are clearly streamable.

The in expression can also be consuming, for example for $e in copy-of(emp) return $e/salary.

The rule that S must be grounded prevents the variable being bound to a node in a streamed document. This disallows expressions of the form for $x in child::section return $x/para, because this requires data flow analysis (tracing from the binding of a variable to its usages), rather than purely syntactic analysis. Some implementations may be able to stream such constructs.

The fact that the return clause is a higher-order operand prevents it from being a consuming expression, for example for $i in 1 to 3 return salary. Use of a motionless expression that accesses streamed nodes is however allowed, for example for $i in 1 to 3 return name(ancestor::x[$i]). Streamability of Quantified Expressions

An expression with multiple in-clauses is first rewritten using nested quantified expressions: for example some $i in X, $j in Y satisfies $i eq $j can be rewritten as some $i in X satisfies (some $j in Y satisfies $i eq $j). The analysis therefore only needs to consider expressions with a single in-clause.

Writing such an expression as some|every $v in S satisfies C, the two operand roles are S and C.

The general streamability rules apply. The operand roles are:

  1. The in expression (S). This has usage navigation.

  2. The satisfies expression (C). This is a higher-order operand with usage inspection.


Expressions of the form some $i in 1 to 3 satisfies $i lt 2, where there is no reference to a streamed node, are clearly streamable.

The expression S can be consuming, so long as it is grounded: for example some $e in emp/salary/number(.) satisfies $e gt 10000.

The rule that S has usage navigation prevents the variable being bound to a node in a streamed document. This disallows expressions of the form some $x in child::section satisfies has-children($x), because this requires data flow analysis (tracing from the binding of a variable to its usages), rather than purely syntactic analysis. Some implementations may be able to stream such constructs.

The fact that C is a higher-order operand prevents it from being a consuming expression: for example some $i in 1 to 3 satisfies author[$i] eq "Kay" is not streamable. Use of a motionless expression that accesses streamed nodes is however allowed, for example some $i in 1 to 3 satisfies @grade = $i.

Quantified expressions that fail the streamability rules can often be rewritten as filter expressions. For example, the expression some $x in child::section satisfies has-children($x) can be rewritten as exists(child::section[has-children(.)]), which is grounded and consuming. Streamability of if expressions

Writing the expression as if (C) then T else E, there are three operand roles: C, T, and E. The usage of C is inspection, while the usage of T and E is transmission. Operands T and E form a choice operand group, meaning that they can both consume the input stream, provided they have consistent posture. The general streamability rules apply. Streamability of union, intersect, and except Expressions

The posture and sweep are the first of the following that applies:

  1. If either of the two operands is free-ranging, then roaming and free-ranging (Example: . | following-sibling::*).

  2. If either of the two operands is grounded and motionless, then the posture and sweep of the other operand (Example: . | doc('')//x)

  3. If both operands are climbing, then climbing and the wider of the sweeps of the two operands (Example: parent::A | */ancestor::B).

  4. If the left-hand operand is striding or crawling and the right-hand operand is also striding or crawling, then crawling and the wider of the sweeps of the two operands (Example: * | */*).

  5. Otherwise, roaming and free-ranging (Example: child::div | parent::div).


Essentially the principle is that if both operands are streamable, then the result is streamable (this assumes an evaluation strategy where both operands are evaluated during the same pass of the streamed input document, and the results merged). But there are caveats because of the need for static streamability analysis of the result. This prevents constructs such as .. | * that have heterogeneous posture.

Where the two operands are both striding, there are cases where an implementation could determine that the result is also striding: for example (author | editor). In general, however, the combination of two striding operands may produce a sequence of nodes that have nested subtrees (consider author | author/name), so the result is classified as crawling.

The expression (author | editor), although it is not striding, can be rewritten in the form *[self::author or self::editor], which is striding. Streamability of instance of Expressions

For an expression of the form X instance of ST (where X is an expression and ST is a SequenceType), the posture and sweep are determined by the general streamability rules. There is a single operand X, whose operand usage is as follows:

  1. If the ItemType of ST is a DocumentTest, optionally parenthesized, that contains an ElementTest or SchemaElementTest then absorption

  2. Otherwise, inspection.


In general, it is possible to determine whether a node matches an ItemType without consuming the node. For example it can be established whether an element matches the test element(para) when positioned at the start tag.

An ItemType of the form document-node(element(X)) is an exception to this rule because it matches a document node only if it has exactly one element node child, and this cannot be determined without consuming the document.

A processor may have knowledge that the document node cannot contain multiple element nodes, for example because it knows that the source of the streamed document is an XML parser that is not capable of generating such a stream. In such cases the processor may make a different assessment of the streamability of this construct. This comes under the general provision that a processor is always at liberty to use streaming even when the stylesheet is not guaranteed streamable.


As with other constructs that are evaluated with inspection usage, for example the nameFO30 function or access to an attribute node, evaluation of a construct such as $X instance of schema-element(E) as true or false may be invalidated if reading of the input stream subsequently fails. Dynamic errors during streamed processing of an input document invalidate all output generated prior to the failure, and this case is no different.


Given an expression such as child::* instance of element(E)*, the expression as a whole is consuming and grounded. By contrast, the expression . instance of element(E)* is motionless and grounded. This can be verified by applying the general streamability rules to these cases. Streamability of treat as Expressions

For an expression of the form X treat as ST (where X is an expression and ST is a SequenceType), the posture and sweep are determined as follows:

  1. If the ItemType of ST is a DocumentTest, optionally parenthesized, that contains an ElementTest or SchemaElementTest then roaming and free-ranging.

  2. Otherwise, the general streamability rules apply. There is a single operand X, whose operand usage is transmission.


See the notes in Streamability of instance of Expressions for a discussion of the streamability difficulties associated with document-node() tests. Streamability of Simple Mapping Expressions

The mapping operator ! is treated as a left-associative binary operator, so the expression a!b!c is processed as (a!b)!c.

The posture of the expression is the posture of the right-hand operand, assessed with a context posture and type set to the posture and type of the left-hand operand.

The sweep of the expression is the wider of the sweeps of the two operands. Streamability of Path Expressions

The streamability analysis applies after the expansion of the // pseudo-operator to /descendant-or-self::node()/, and after expanding .. to parent::node(), @X to attribute::X, and an omitted axis to the default axis for the node kind.

Following the rules in XPath, a leading "/" is converted to (root(self::node()) treat as document-node())/ (with the final "/" omitted for the expression "/" on its own). This is followed by a rewrite of the call on rootFO30, as described in Streamability of the root Function.


Taken together, these rewrites have the effect that a path expression such as //a is streamable only if the statically determined context item type is document-node(), which will be the case for example immediately within xsl:source-document, or in a template rule with match="/".

A RelativePathExpr with more than two operands (such as a/b/c) is taken as a tree of binary expressions (that is, (a/b)/c).

The sweep of a relative path expression is the wider sweep of the two operands, where the ordering of increasing width is motionless, consuming, free-ranging.



The posture of a relative path expression is assessed in two phases, as follows:

  1. First, the provisional posture is determined as follows: The provisional posture of the expression is the posture of the right-hand operand, assessed with a context posture and type set to the posture and type of the left-hand operand; and the provisional sweep is the wider of the sweeps of the two operands.

  2. If the provisional posture is roaming, then it is reassessed as follows:

    1. [Definition: A RelativePathExpr is a scanning expression if and only if it is syntactically equivalent to some motionless pattern.]


      This means that a RelativePathExpr is a scanning expression if it conforms to the grammar for a RelativePathExprP in the grammar for patterns (see 5.4.2 Syntax of Patterns), and if, when considered as a pattern, the pattern is motionless according to the rules in 19.8.10 Classifying Patterns.

      In practice, the test as to whether the construct is equivalent to a pattern is likely to be made by examining the structure of the expression tree, rather than by re-parsing the lexical form of the expression against the grammar for patterns; but the outcome is the same.

    2. If the expression is a scanning expression then:

      1. If the static type of the expression contains U{element} then its posture is crawling.

      2. Otherwise, its posture is striding

  3. Otherwise (if the provisional posture is not roaming, or the expression is not a scanning expression), the posture of the expression is the provisional posture.


The special rules for scanning expressions are designed to ensure that expressions such as //section/head are streamable. The problem with such an expression is that it is possible to have two nested sections A and B, where A is the parent of B and thus precedes B in document order, but where there are children of A that come after children of B in document order. This means that a nested-loop strategy for the evaluation of /descendant::section/child::head is not guaranteed to deliver nodes in document order without a sort, and is therefore not a viable strategy for streaming.

However, there is a different strategy for evaluating such an expression, which is in effect to rewrite the expression as /descendant::head[parent::section]; specifically, it is possible to scan all descendants in document order, looking for a head element that has a section parent. Hence the term scanning expressions.

The expressions that qualify as scanning expressions are paths that can be evaluated by scanning all descendants and testing each one (independently) to see whether the elements on its ancestor axis match the specified path. The subset of expressions that qualify as scanning expressions is therefore the same as the subset that qualify as motionless patterns.

Scanning expressions cannot use positional predicates: for example //section/head[1] is not recognized as a scanning expression because this would require information about a streamed node (specifically, about its preceding siblings) that is not retained during streaming.


Perhaps surprisingly, the expression .//section/head is not a scanning expression and is therefore not guaranteed streamable. This is because it does not take the syntactic form of a pattern. To make it streamable, it can be rewritten as descendant::section/head or as self::node()//section/head.

Similarly, within a streamable stylesheet function whose streaming parameter is $node, the expression $node//section/head is not a scanning expression. In this case the expression does have the syntactic form of a pattern, but the pattern is not classified as motionless. (See 19.8.10 Classifying Patterns — a motionless pattern cannot contain a RootedPath.) A workaround in this case is to rewrite the expression as $node/(descendant::section/head). Assuming that the function in question declares streamability="absorbing", the analysis here is that the left-hand operand ($node) is striding and consuming, while the right hand operand (descendant::section/head) is crawling and consuming (because it is a scanning expression). The expression as a whole is therefore crawling and consuming.

These are cases where an implementation might reasonably choose to relax the rules, insofar as this is permitted by 19.10 Streamability Guarantees.



In each of the following cases, assume that the context posture is striding.

  • The posture of the expression a/b/c is striding, because (under the rules for AxisStep [38]) a child axis step evaluated with striding context posture creates a new striding posture.

  • The posture of the expression a/descendant::c is crawling, because a descendant axis step evaluated with striding context posture creates a new crawling posture.

  • The posture of the expression ../@status is striding, because a parent axis step evaluated with striding context posture creates a new climbing posture, and an attribute axis step evaluated with climbing context posture creates a new striding posture.

  • The posture of the expression copy-of(.)//a/following-sibling::* is grounded, because the copy-of evaluated with striding posture creates a grounded posture, and all subsequent axis steps leave this posture unchanged.

  • The expression section//head expands to (section/descendant-or-self::node())/child::head. The posture of the left-hand operand section/descendant-or-self::node() is crawling, because a descendant axis step evaluated with striding context posture creates a new crawling posture. The provisional posture of the expression as a whole is therefore roaming, because a child axis step evaluated with crawling context posture gives a resulting roaming posture. However, the expression is a scanning expression (both section//head and its expansion are motionless patterns), so the expression as a whole has crawling posture.

  • The expression section//head[1] is free-ranging: unlike the previous example, it contains a positional predicate, which means that the operands do not satisfy the rules for scanning expressions. Streamability of Axis Steps

The sweep and posture of an AxisStep S are determined by the first of the following rules that applies:

  1. If the context posture is grounded, then the sweep is motionless and the posture is grounded;

  2. If the context posture is roaming, then the sweep is free-ranging and the posture is roaming;

  3. If the statically inferred context item type is such that the axis will always be empty (for example, applying the child axis to a text node or the parent axis to a document node), or if the NodeTest is one that can never select nodes on the chosen axis (for example, selecting attribute nodes on the child axis), then the sweep is motionless and the posture is grounded (because the expression is statically known to return an empty sequence);

  4. If all the following conditions are satisfied:

    1. The context posture is striding

    2. The axis is descendant or descendant-or-self

    3. There is a predicate P in the PredicateList that satisfies all the following conditions:

      1. The static type of P is a subtype of U{xs:decimal, xs:double, xs:float}

      2. Neither P, nor any operand of P, at any depth provided it has the AxisStep S as its focus-setting container, is a context item expression, an axis expression, or a call on a focus-dependent function;

    then striding and consuming


    Examples are descendant::section[1], descendant::section[$i+1], descendant::section[count($x)]. The significance of this rule is that it detects cases where the descendant axis selects a singleton, and where the posture of the result can therefore be striding rather than crawling.

  5. If the PredicateList contains a Predicate that is not motionless, then the sweep is free-ranging and the posture is roaming;

  6. Otherwise, the sweep and posture of the expression are as determined by the table below, based on the context posture, the choice of axis, and the node test. The condition “Selects elements?” is true if the U-type of S has a non-empty intersection with U{element()}.

    Streamability of Axis Steps Based on Context Posture
    Context posture Axis Selects elements? Result posture Sweep
    Grounded any Grounded Motionless
    Climbing self, parent, ancestor-or-self, ancestor Climbing Motionless
    Climbing attribute, namespace Striding Motionless
    Striding parent, ancestor-or-self, ancestor Climbing Motionless
    Striding self, attribute, namespace Striding Motionless
    Striding child Striding Consuming
    Striding descendant, descendant-or-self Yes Crawling Consuming
    Striding descendant, descendant-or-self No Striding Consuming
    Crawling parent, ancestor-or-self, ancestor Climbing Motionless
    Crawling attribute, namespace Striding Motionless
    Crawling self Yes Crawling Motionless
    Crawling self No Striding Motionless
    Any other combination Roaming Free-ranging


This analysis does not attempt to classify para[title] as a consuming expression; an implementation might choose to do so. Streamability of Filter Expressions

For a filter expression F of the form B[P] (where B might itself be a filter expression), the posture and sweep are the first of the following that applies:

  1. If all the following conditions are satisfied:

    1. B is crawling;

    2. The static type of P is a subtype of U{xs:decimal, xs:double, xs:float}, and

    3. Neither P, nor any operand of P, at any depth provided it has F as its focus-setting container, is a context item expression, an axis expression, or a call on a focus-dependent function

    then the posture is striding and the sweep is the sweep of B.


    This rule captures cases where it can be statically determined that the predicate is numeric and is independent of the focus. In such cases, the filter expression selects at most one node, and the posture can therefore be changed from crawling to striding (if there is only one node, there can be no overlapping trees). Examples of filter expressions that satisfy this test are (//x)[3], (//x)[$i+1], (//x)[index-of($a, $b)[last()]], and (//x)[1 to 5]. The last example will actually raise a type error because 1 to 5 has no effective boolean value; but if expressions are going to fail, it does not matter what their streamability properties are.

  2. If P is motionless, then the posture and sweep of B;


    This includes the case where B is grounded. The predicate P is assessed with the posture of B as its context posture, and if this is grounded, then P will almost invariably be motionless, making the filter expression as a whole grounded and motionless. For example if $s is grounded, then $s[child::*] is also grounded. A counter-example is the expression $s[$n = 2] where $n is a reference to the first argument of a stylesheet function that is declared-streamable: here the predicate is not motionless, so the filter expression is roaming and free-ranging.

  3. Otherwise, roaming and free-ranging.


The first rule allows a construct such as <xsl:apply-templates select="(//title)[1]"/>, where a crawling operand would not be guaranteed streamable.


This section is not applicable to predicates forming part of an axis step, such as //title[1], as these are not technically filter expressions. See Streamability of Axis Steps. Streamability of Dynamic Function Calls


This section applies to dynamic function calls written using the traditional syntax $F(X, Y, Z) and equally to those using the syntax X => $F(Y, Z)

The posture and sweep of a dynamic function call such as $F(X, Y) are determined by the 19.8.1 General Rules for Streamability. The operands and their usages are as follows:

  1. The base expression that computes the function value itself (here $F). This has usage inspection.

  2. The argument expressions excluding any ? placeholders (here X and Y). These have type-determined usage dependent on ancillary information associated with the static type of the base expression, where available (see 19.1 Determining the Static Type of a Construct). If this information indicates that the base expression is a function with signature function(A, B, ...) as R, then the first argument X has type-determined usage based on the first argument type A, the second argument Y has type-determined usage based on the second argument type B, and so on. If no function signature is available, then the usage of each of the argument expressions is navigation.


As explained in 10.3.6 Dynamic Access to Functions, use of a dynamic function call where the function value is bound to a focus-dependent function such as name#0, lang#1, or last#0 is likely to lead to a dynamic error if the context item is a node in a streamed document, but this does not affect the static streamability analysis.


Maps and arrays are functions, and it is possible to look up a value in a map or array using a dynamic function call of the form $map($key) or $array($index). If it is statically known that the function in question is a map or array, then it is also known that the argument type is xs:anyAtomicType, and that the operand usage is therefore absorption. A call that passes a streamed node will therefore be grounded and consuming. However, if it is not known statically that the function is a map or array, then the expression will generally be roaming and free-ranging.

This means it is desirable to declare the type of any variable holding a map or array. If streamable nodes are used to lookup a value in a map or array, then it may be advisable to use the map:get or array:get functions explicitly; or, if XPath 3.1 is available, the lookup operator (?). Streamability of Variable References

For variable references that are bound to the streaming parameter of a declared-streamable stylesheet function, see the rules for the streamability category of the containing function, under 19.8.5 Classifying Stylesheet Functions.

In all other cases, variable references are grounded and motionless. Streamability of the Context Item Expression

The posture of the expression is the context posture, and the sweep is motionless.


Although . is intrinsically motionless, when used in certain contexts (such as data(.)) the containing expression will be consuming. This arises because of the operand usage: the argument to dataFO30 has usage absorption, and the combination of a motionless operand with usage absorption leads to the containing expression being consuming.

Similarly, if . is used where the operand usage is navigation, the containing expression will be free-ranging. Streamability of Static Function Calls


This section applies to static function calls written using the traditional syntax F(X, Y, Z) and equally to those using the syntax X => F(Y, Z)

For calls to built-in functions, see 19.8.9 Classifying Calls to Built-In Functions.

For calls to stylesheet functions, see 19.8.5 Classifying Stylesheet Functions.

For partial function applications (where one or more of the arguments is supplied as a ? placeholder), see the rules at the end of this section.

For a call to a constructor function, the 19.8.1 General Rules for Streamability apply. There is a single operand role (the argument to the function), with operand usage absorption.

For a call to an extension function, the posture and sweep are implementation-defined.

If the function call is a partial function application (that is, if one or more of the arguments is given as a ? placeholder), then:

  1. If the function is focus-dependent and the context posture is not grounded, then the function call is roaming and free-ranging.

  2. If the target of the function call is a stylesheet function that is declared-streamable, and if the first argument is actually supplied (that is, this argument is not supplied as a ? placeholder), and if the expression that is supplied as the first argument is not grounded, then the function call is roaming and free-ranging.

  3. If the target is an extension function, the posture and sweep are implementation-defined.

  4. Otherwise, the general streamability rules apply. The operands of a partial function application are the expressions actually supplied as arguments to the function, ignoring ? place-holders; the corresponding operand usage is the type-determined usage based on the declared type of that argument. Streamability of Named Function References

Let F be the function to which the NamedFunctionRef refers.

If F is focus-dependent and the context posture is not grounded, then the NamedFunctionRef is roaming and free-ranging.

If F is an extension function, the posture and sweep are implementation-defined.

Otherwise, the NamedFunctionRef is grounded and motionless.


The main intent behind these rules is to ensure that the function item returned by a named function reference does not encapsulate a reference to a streamed node.

In the case of an expression such as local-name#0, implementations might be able to do better by pre-evaluating the function at the point where the named function reference occurs.

In the case of extension functions, implementations may be able to distinguish whether the function is focus-dependent, and decide the streamability of the named function reference accordingly. Streamability of Inline Function Declarations

An inline function declaration that textually contains a variable reference bound to a streaming parameter (of some containing stylesheet function) is roaming and free-ranging.

All other inline function declarations are grounded and motionless.


It is not possible to pass a streamed node as an argument to a call to an inline function unless the declared type of the corresponding function parameter causes the node to be atomized: see Streamability of Dynamic Function Calls. The only other way an inline function could access a streamed node is by having the streamed node in its closure, and this is prevented by the rule above. Streamability of Map Constructors

The posture and sweep of a map constructor (see 21.3 Map Constructors) are the same as the posture and sweep of the equivalent xsl:map instruction. The equivalent xsl:map instruction is formed by creating a sequence of xsl:map-entry instructions, one for each key/value pair in the map expression, where the key expression becomes the value of xsl:map-entry/@key, and the value expression becomes the value of xsl:map-entry/@select; this sequence of xsl:map-entry instructions is then wrapped in an xsl:map parent instruction.

For example, the map constructor map{'red':false(), 'green':true()} translates to the instruction:

  <xsl:map-entry key="'red'" select="false()"/>
  <xsl:map-entry key="'green'" select="true()"/>

The rules for the streamability of xsl:map appear in Streamability of xsl:map.

See also 21.4 Maps and Streaming. Streamability of Lookup Expressions

Lookup expressions for maps are defined in XPath 3.1, and are available in XSLT 3.0 whether or not XPath 3.1 is supported. Lookup expressions for arrays are defined in the XPath 3.1 specification (see Section 4.15.3 The Lookup Operator ("?") for Maps and ArraysXP40), and are available only in XSLT 3.0 processors that provide the XPath 3.1 Feature (see ....).

For the unary lookup operator, the posture and sweep of the expression ?X are defined to be the same as the posture and sweep of the postfix lookup expression .?X.

For the postfix lookup expression E?K, the general streamability rules apply as follows:

  1. In the wildcard form of the expression, E?*, there is only one operand, E. This has operand usage inspection.

  2. Where the construct K is an NCName, the expression E?NAME is treated as equivalent to E?("NAME").

  3. Where the construct K is an integer, the expression E?N is treated as equivalent to E?(N).

  4. In the general case where K is a parenthesized expression, the lookup expression E?(K) has two operands. The first operand E has operand usage inspection, while the second operand K has operand usage absorption.

19.8.9 Classifying Calls to Built-In Functions

This section describes the rules that determine the streamability of calls to built-in functions. These differ from user-written functions because it is known (defined in the specification) how nodes supplied as operands are used. Knowledge of the usage of each operand, together with the posture of the actual operands, is in most cases enough to determine the posture and sweep of the function result.

All the built-in functions are listed below. For most functions, a simple proforma is shown that indicates the operand usage of each argument, using the code (A = absorption, I = inspection, T = transmission, N = navigation). So, for example, the entry fn:remove(T, A) means that for the function fn:remove#2, the operand usage of the first argument is transmission, and the operand usage of the second argument is absorption. By reference to the general rules in 19.8.1 General Rules for Streamability, this demonstrates that if the context posture is striding, the posture and sweep of the expression sum(remove(*,1)) will be grounded and consuming respectively.

For functions that default one of their arguments (typically to the context item), the relevant entry shows the equivalence, and the posture and sweep can in these cases be computed by filling in the default value for the relevant argument.

Some functions do not follow the general rules, and these are listed with a link to the section where the particular rules for that function are described.

  • array:append(I, N)

  • array:build(I, I)

  • array:empty(I)

  • array:exists(I)

  • array:filter(I, I)

  • array:flatten(A)

  • array:fold-left(I, N, I)

  • array:fold-right(I, N, I)

  • array:foot(I)

  • array:for-each(I, I)

  • array:for-each-pair(I, I, I)

  • array:get(I, A, A)

  • array:head(I)

  • array:index-where(A, A)

  • array:insert-before(I, A, N)

  • array:join(I)

  • array:members(I)

  • array:of-members(I)

  • array:put(I, I, N)

  • array:remove(I, A)

  • array:replace(I, I, N)

  • array:reverse(I)

  • array:size(I)

  • array:slice(T, A, A, A)

  • array:sort(I, A, I)

  • array:split(I)

  • array:subarray(I, A, A)

  • array:tail(I)

  • array:trunk(I)

  • array:values(A)

  • fn:abs(A)

  • fn:accumulator-after – See Streamability of the accumulator-after Function

  • fn:accumulator-before – See Streamability of the accumulator-before Function

  • fn:adjust-date-to-timezone(A, A)

  • fn:adjust-dateTime-to-timezone(A, A)

  • fn:adjust-time-to-timezone(A, A)

  • fn:all-different(N, A)

  • fn:all-equal(N, A)

  • fn:analyze-string(A, A, A)

  • fn:apply(A, I)

  • fn:atomic-equal(A, A)

  • fn:available-environment-variables()

  • fn:available-system-properties()

  • fn:avg(A)

  • fn:base-uri(I)

  • fn:boolean(I)

  • fn:build-uri(A, A)

  • fn:ceiling(A)

  • fn:char(A)

  • fn:characters(A)

  • fn:codepoint-equal(A, A)

  • fn:codepoints-to-string(A)

  • fn:collation-key(A, A)

  • fn:collection(A)

  • fn:compare(A, A, A)

  • fn:concat(A)

  • fn:contains(A, A, A)

  • fn:contains-sequence(T, T, A)

  • fn:contains-token(A, A, A)

  • fn:copy-of(A)

  • fn:count(I)

  • fn:csv-fetch-field-by-column(A, I, I)

  • fn:csv-to-xdm(A, I)

  • fn:csv-to-xml(A, I)

  • fn:current – See Streamability of the current Function

  • fn:current-date()

  • fn:current-dateTime()

  • fn:current-group – See Streamability of the current-group Function

  • fn:current-grouping-key – See Streamability of the current-grouping-key Function

  • fn:current-merge-group – See Streamability of the current-merge-group Function

  • fn:current-merge-key – See Streamability of the current-merge-key Function

  • fn:current-mode()

  • fn:current-output-uri()

  • fn:current-time()

  • fn:data(A)

  • fn:dateTime(A, A)

  • fn:day-from-date(A)

  • fn:day-from-dateTime(A)

  • fn:days-from-duration(A)

  • fn:decode-from-uri(A)

  • fn:deep-equal(A, A, A, A)

  • fn:default-collation()

  • fn:default-language()

  • fn:distinct-values(A, A)

  • fn:doc(A)

  • fn:doc-available(A)

  • fn:document(A, I)

  • fn:document-uri(I)

  • fn:duplicate-values(A, A)

  • fn:element-available(A)

  • fn:element-with-id(A, N)

  • fn:elements-to-maps(A, I)

  • fn:empty(I)

  • fn:encode-for-uri(A)

  • fn:ends-with(A, A, A)

  • fn:ends-with-sequence(T, T, A)

  • fn:environment-variable(A)

  • fn:error(A, A, N)

  • fn:escape-html-uri(A)

  • fn:every(A, A)

  • fn:exactly-one(T)

  • fn:exists(I)

  • fn:expanded-QName(A)

  • fn:false()

  • fn:filter(N, I)

  • fn:floor(A)

  • fn:fold-left(N, A, I)

  • fn:fold-right – See Streamability of the fold-right Function

  • fn:foot(T)

  • fn:for-each(N, I)

  • fn:for-each-pair(N, N, I)

  • fn:format-date(A, A, A, A, A)

  • fn:format-dateTime(A, A, A, A, A)

  • fn:format-integer(A, A, A)

  • fn:format-number(A, A, A)

  • fn:format-time(A, A, A, A, A)

  • fn:function-annotations(A)

  • fn:function-arity(A)

  • fn:function-available(A, A)

  • fn:function-lookup – See Streamability of the function-lookup Function

  • fn:function-name(A)

  • fn:generate-id(I)

  • fn:has-children(I)

  • fn:head(T)

  • fn:highest(N, A, I)

  • fn:hours-from-dateTime(A)

  • fn:hours-from-duration(A)

  • fn:hours-from-time(A)

  • fn:id(A, N)

  • fn:identity(N)

  • fn:idref(A, N)

  • fn:implicit-timezone()

  • fn:in-scope-namespaces(I)

  • fn:in-scope-prefixes(I)

  • fn:index-of(A, A, A)

  • fn:index-where(A, A)

  • fn:innermost – See Streamability of the innermost Function

  • fn:insert-before(T, A, T)

  • fn:intersperse(N, N)

  • fn:iri-to-uri(A)

  • fn:is-NaN(A)

  • fn:items-after(A, A)

  • fn:items-at(T, A)

  • fn:items-before(A, A)

  • fn:items-ending-where(A, A)

  • fn:items-starting-where(A, A)

  • fn:iterate-while(A, A, A)

  • fn:json-doc(A, I)

  • fn:json-to-xml(A, I)

  • fn:key(A, A, N)

  • fn:lang(A, I)

  • fn:last – See Streamability of the last Function

  • fn:load-xquery-module(A, I)

  • fn:local-name(I)

  • fn:local-name-from-QName(A)

  • fn:log(T, A)

  • fn:lower-case(A)

  • fn:lowest(N, A, I)

  • fn:matches(A, A, A)

  • fn:max(A, A)

  • fn:min(A, A)

  • fn:minutes-from-dateTime(A)

  • fn:minutes-from-duration(A)

  • fn:minutes-from-time(A)

  • fn:month-from-date(A)

  • fn:month-from-dateTime(A)

  • fn:months-from-duration(A)

  • fn:name(I)

  • fn:namespace-uri(I)

  • fn:namespace-uri-for-prefix(A, I)

  • fn:namespace-uri-from-QName(A)

  • fn:nilled(I)

  • fn:node-name(I)

  • fn:normalize-space(A)

  • fn:normalize-unicode(A, A)

  • fn:not(I)

  • fn:number(A)

  • fn:one-or-more(T)

  • fn:op(A)

  • fn:outermost – See Streamability of the outermost Function

  • fn:parse-csv(A, I)

  • fn:parse-html(A, A)

  • fn:parse-ietf-date(A)

  • fn:parse-integer(A, A)

  • fn:parse-json(A, I)

  • fn:parse-QName(A)

  • fn:parse-uri(A, A)

  • fn:parse-xml(A)

  • fn:parse-xml-fragment(A)

  • fn:partition(A, A)

  • fn:path(N)

  • fn:position – See Streamability of the position Function

  • fn:prefix-from-QName(A)

  • fn:QName(A, A)

  • fn:random-number-generator(A)

  • fn:regex-group(A)

  • fn:remove(T, A)

  • fn:replace(A, A, A, A, A)

  • fn:replicate(N, A)

  • fn:resolve-QName(A, I)

  • fn:resolve-uri(A, A)

  • fn:reverse – See Streamability of the reverse Function

  • fn:root – See Streamability of the root Function

  • fn:round(A, A)

  • fn:round-half-to-even(A, A)

  • fn:seconds-from-dateTime(A)

  • fn:seconds-from-duration(A)

  • fn:seconds-from-time(A)

  • fn:serialize(A, A)

  • fn:slice(T, A, A, A)

  • fn:snapshot(A)

  • fn:some(A, A)

  • fn:sort(N, A, I, A)

  • fn:stack-trace()

  • fn:starts-with(A, A, A)

  • fn:starts-with-sequence(T, T, A)

  • fn:static-base-uri()

  • fn:stream-available(A)

  • fn:string(A)

  • fn:string-join(A, A)

  • fn:string-length(A)

  • fn:string-to-codepoints(A)

  • fn:subsequence(T, A, A)

  • fn:substring(A, A, A)

  • fn:substring-after(A, A, A)

  • fn:substring-before(A, A, A)

  • fn:sum(A, A)

  • fn:system-property(A)

  • fn:tail(T)

  • fn:timezone-from-date(A)

  • fn:timezone-from-dateTime(A)

  • fn:timezone-from-time(A)

  • fn:tokenize(A, A, A)

  • fn:trace(T, A)

  • fn:transform(I)

  • fn:transitive-closure(A, A, A)

  • fn:translate(A, A, A)

  • fn:true()

  • fn:trunk(T)

  • fn:type-available(A)

  • fn:unordered(T)

  • fn:unparsed-entity-public-id(A, I)

  • fn:unparsed-entity-uri(A, I)

  • fn:unparsed-text(A, A)

  • fn:unparsed-text-available(A, A)

  • fn:unparsed-text-lines(A, A)

  • fn:upper-case(A)

  • fn:uri-collection(A)

  • fn:void(A)

  • fn:xml-to-json(A, I)

  • fn:year-from-date(A)

  • fn:year-from-dateTime(A)

  • fn:years-from-duration(A)

  • fn:zero-or-one(T)

  • map:build(A, A, A, A)

  • map:contains(I, A)

  • map:entries(I)

  • map:entry(A, N)

  • map:filter(I, I)

  • map:find(I, A)

  • map:for-each(I, I)

  • map:get(I, A, A)

  • map:keys(I, A)

  • map:merge(I, I)

  • map:of-pairs(I, I)

  • map:pair(A, N)

  • map:pairs(I)

  • map:put(I, A, N)

  • map:remove(I, A)

  • map:replace(I, I, I)

  • map:size(I)

  • map:substitute(I, I)

  • map:values(I)

  • math:acos(A)

  • math:asin(A)

  • math:atan(A)

  • math:atan2(A, A)

  • math:cos(A)

  • math:exp(A)

  • math:exp10(A)

  • math:log(A)

  • math:log10(A)

  • math:pi()

  • math:pow(A, A)

  • math:sin(A)

  • math:sqrt(A)

  • math:tan(A) Streamability of the accumulator-after Function

See also 18.2.10 Streamability of Accumulators.

The posture of the function call is in all cases grounded.

The sweep is determined by applying the following rules, in order:

  1. If the first argument (the accumulator name) is not motionless, the function is free-ranging.

  2. If the context posture is grounded, the function is motionless.

  3. If the context item type has an empty intersection with U{document-node(), element()} (that is, if the context item cannot have children), the function is motionless.

  4. If the function call is contained in the select expression or contained sequence constructor of an xsl:accumulator-rule specifying phase="start", then it is free-ranging.

  5. If the function call is contained in the select expression or contained sequence constructor of an xsl:accumulator-rule specifying phase="end", then it is motionless.

  6. If no enclosing node of the function call is part of a sequence constructor, then it is free-ranging. For this purpose, the enclosing nodes of a function call are the attribute or text node that immediately contains the XPath expression in which the function call appears, and its ancestors.

  7. If the focus-setting container of the function call is different from the focus-setting container of the innermost containing instruction, then the function is free-ranging.

  8. If no enclosing node N of the function call has a preceding sibling node P such that (a) N and P are part of the same sequence constructor, and (b) the sweep of P is consuming, then the function call is consuming. (The term enclosing node is defined above.)

  9. Otherwise, the function call is motionless.


The following notes apply to the above rules with matching numbers:

  1. This rule prevents the accumulator name being computed by reading the streamed source document. This is disallowed primarily because there is no conceivable use case for doing it.

  2. If the context posture is grounded, then the target of the accumulator is not a streamed node, so no streaming restrictions apply.

  3. If the context item is a childless node (such as a text node), then both the pre-descent and post-descent values of the accumulator can be computed before evaluating any user-written constructs that access this node; there are therefore no constraints on where a call to accumulator-after can appear.

  4. This rule ensures that when computing the pre-descent value of an accumulator for a particular streamed node, the post-descent values of accumulators for that node are not available.

  5. This rule states that the post-descent value of an accumulator is allowed to depend on the post-descent values of other accumulators for the same node. There is a rule preventing cycles [see ERR XTDE3400].

  6. This rule prevents the use of the function (when applied to a streamed node) in contexts like the use attribute of xsl:key. It allows its use in the attributes of an instruction or literal result element, or in a text value template. It does not allow use in an xsl:sort or xsl:param element, as these elements do not form part of a sequence constructor (see 5.8 Sequence Constructors).

  7. This rule prevents the use of the function (when applied to a streamed node) in contexts such as predicates, or the right-hand side of the / operator. The focus for evaluation of the function must be the same as the focus for a containing sequence constructor. Sequence constructors are treated differently from all other constructs for this purpose in that their operands (the contained instructions) are treated as ordered: in conjunction with the next rule, this rule is assuming that instructions in a sequence constructor that follow a consuming instruction are evaluated after the consuming instruction and therefore have access to the post-descent accumulator value.

  8. This rule is subtle, and has a number of consequences. In these notes, the term instruction should be read as including all nodes making up a sequence constructor, including XSLT instructions, extension instructions, literal result elements, and text nodes containing text value templates.

    • In a sequence constructor that contains a consuming instruction such as <xsl:apply-templates/>, it allows any number of calls on accumulator-after to appear in instructions that follow the call on <xsl:apply-templates/>.

    • In such a sequence constructor it prevents a call on accumulator-after from appearing in an instruction that precedes the <xsl:apply-templates/>, because there would then be two consuming instructions.

    • In a sequence constructor that contains calls on accumulator-after, and contains no other consuming construct, the first instruction that contains a call on accumulator-after is consuming (unless it contains more than one such call, in which case it is free-ranging), and subsequent instructions containing such a call are motionless. So it is possible to have two or more calls on accumulator-after provided they appear in different instructions, which allows the analysis to assume an order of execution.

    • It prevents a call on accumulator-after from appearing in the same instruction as another consuming construct: for example it disallows concat(child::p, accumulator-after('a')). This rule preserves the ability to evaluate the arguments of the concat function in any order.

    • It disallows a call on accumulator-after from appearing in a sequence constructor that is required to be motionless, for example within xsl:sort.

    • The reference to a “preceding sibling node within the same sequence constructor” is carefully worded to ensure that preceding siblings among the children of xsl:fork are not taken into account; the children of xsl:fork are sibling instructions, but do not constitute a sequence constructor. The term also excludes elements such as xsl:param and xsl:sort that may precede a sequence constructor but are not part of it.

  9. The final rule states that if none of the previous rules apply, the function is considered motionless. This applies when the accumulator-after appears after a consuming instruction within the same sequence constructor.

    Note also that a call to accumulator-after can safely appear within a construct such as a named template or (non-streamable) stylesheet function; this is safe because the rules ensure that in such situations, the context item cannot be a streamed node.

Dynamic invocation of accumulator-after is covered by the rules in 10.3.6 Dynamic Access to Functions. These rules ensure that a function item cannot include a streamed node in its closure; circumventing the streamability rules for accumulator-after by making a dynamic call is therefore not possible. Streamability of the accumulator-before Function

See also 18.2.10 Streamability of Accumulators.

The posture and sweep of the function call are assessed as follows:

  1. If the argument to accumulator-before is motionless, the function call is grounded and motionless.

  2. Otherwise, the function call is roaming and free-ranging. Streamability of the current Function

The sweep and posture of a call to the current function are determined as follows:

  1. If the call appears within a pattern, then climbing and motionless.


    The call to current will always be within a predicate of the pattern. The use of climbing posture here allows predicates such as [@class = current()/@class], while disallowing downwards navigation from the node returned by the function.

  2. Otherwise, let E be the outermost containing XPath expression of the call to the current function.

  3. If the context posture of E is grounded, then motionless and grounded.

  4. If the path in the expression tree that connects the call on current to E (excluding E itself) contains an expression that is a higher-order operand of its parent expression, then motionless and climbing.


    Many common uses of the current, such as //p[@class=current()/@class], fall into this category: a predicate is a higher-order operand of its containing filter expression.

    The use of climbing posture here might seem unrelated to its usual connection with the ancestor axis. The explanation (apart from the fact that it happens to produce the right results) lies in the fact that at the point where the current call is evaluated, the node it returns will always be an ancestor-or-self of the context node, as a consequence of the fact that the containing XPath expression is required to be either motionless or consuming.

    The effect of the rule is to allow expressions such as //*[name() = name(current())] or //*[@ref = current()/@id].

  5. Otherwise, the posture is the context posture, and the sweep is motionless. Streamability of the current-group Function

The sweep and posture of a call C to the current-group function are as follows:

  1. If all the following conditions are true:

    1. C has a containing xsl:for-each-group instruction (call it F)

    2. The path in the construct tree that connects C to the sequence constructor forming the body of F is such that no child construct is a higher-order operand of its parent

    3. The focus-setting container of C is F

    then the sweep and posture of C are the sweep and posture of the select expression of F.

  2. Otherwise, roaming and free-ranging.


Informally, for streamed evaluation to be possible, a call to current-group must not appear in a construct that is evaluated repeatedly. For example, the expression for $i in 1 to 10 return current-group() would not be streamable. Streamability of the current-grouping-key Function

A call to the current-grouping-key function is grounded and motionless. Streamability of the current-merge-group Function

A call to the current-merge-group function is grounded and motionless.


This is because the nodes to be merged are always snapshots, and therefore grounded: see 15.4 Streamable Merging. Streamability of the fold-leftFO30 Function

The function call fold-left($seq, $zero, $f), follows the general streamability rules, with the first argument $seq having type-determined usage based on the type of the second argument of the function supplied as $f.

For example, given the call fold-left(/*/transaction, 0, function($x as xs:decimal, $y as xs:decimal) as xs:decimal {$x+$y}), the operand usage of the argument /*/transaction is determined by the declared type of $y, namely xs:decimal. Since this is an atomic type, the type-determined usage is absorption. Applying this to the general streamability rules, the function call is grounded and consuming. Streamability of the fold-rightFO30 Function

The function follows the general streamability rules, with the first argument having operand usage navigation to reflect the fact that the supplied sequence is processed in reverse order.


The same considerations apply as for the reverseFO30 function: see Streamability of the reverse Function. Streamability of the for-eachFO30 Function

The function call for-each($seq, $f), follows the general streamability rules, with the first argument $seq having type-determined usage based on the type of the (single) argument of the function supplied as $f.

For example, given the call for-each(/*/transaction, function($x as xs:decimal) as xs:decimal {abs($x)}), the operand usage of the argument /*/transaction is determined by the declared type of $x, namely xs:decimal. Since this is an atomic type, the type-determined usage is absorption. Applying this to the general streamability rules, the function call is grounded and consuming.


In practice, the filterFO30 function is streamable if either (a) the supplied sequence is grounded, or (b) the supplied function is statically known to atomize its argument. Streamability of the for-each-pairFO30 Function

The function call for-each($seq1, $seq2, $f), follows the general streamability rules, where:

  1. The first argument $seq1 has type-determined usage based on the type of the first argument of the function supplied as $f.

  2. The second argument $seq2 has type-determined usage based on the type of the second argument of the function supplied as $f


In practice, the for-each-pairFO30 function is streamable provided (a) at most one of the input sequences is consuming, and (b) either (i) that input sequence is grounded, or (ii) the supplied function is statically known to atomize the relevant argument.

If it is necessary to combine two sequences that are both streamed, consider using xsl:merge. Streamability of the function-lookupFO30 Function

See 10.3.6 Dynamic Access to Functions for special rules that relate to streamability of calls to the function-lookupFO30 function.

With the caveats given there, the function follows the general streamability rules, for a function with two arguments that both have operand usage absorption. Streamability of the innermostFO30 Function

The function follows the general streamability rules, with the first argument having operand usage navigation. This is to reflect the fact that the processing is not strictly sequential: it cannot be determined that a node is part of the result sequence of innermostFO30 until all its descendants have been read. Streamability of the lastFO30 Function

If the context posture for a call on the lastFO30 function is striding, crawling, or roaming, then the posture of the function is roaming, and the sweep is free-ranging.

In all other cases the function is grounded and motionless.


The cases where lastFO30 can be used without affecting streamability are where the context item is either grounded or climbing. The latter condition makes expressions like ancestor::*[@xml:space][last()] streamable.

There are special rules restricting the use of lastFO30 in the predicate of a pattern: see 19.8.10 Classifying Patterns.

Note that there are no restrictions preventing the use of last() when the context posture is grounded. The implications of this are discussed in 19.7 Grounded Consuming Constructs. In the case where the sequence being processed is delivered by a consuming expression, using last() may result in this sequence being buffered in memory. Streamability of the outermostFO30 Function

The single argument to this function has operand usage transmission.

The streamability of the function call follows the general streamability rules with one exception: if the posture of the argument is crawling, then the posture of the result is striding.


There are cases where the streaming rules allow the construct outermost(//para) but do not allow //para; the function can therefore be useful in cases where it is known that para elements will not be nested, as well as cases where the application actually wishes to process all para elements except those that are nested within another.

By contrast, the innermostFO30 function offers no streaming benefits. Although it delivers a subset of the input nodes as its result, in the correct order, it is classed as navigational because it needs to look ahead in the input stream before deciding whether a node can be included in the result. Streamability of the positionFO30 Function

The positionFO30 function follows the general streamability rules. Since it has no operands, this means it is grounded and motionless.


Within an expression, there are no special difficulties in evaluating the positionFO30 function.

It does have special treatment within a predicate of a pattern, however: a pattern is not motionless if it contains a call to positionFO30, as explained in 19.8.10 Classifying Patterns. Streamability of the reverseFO30 Function

The reverseFO30 function follows the general streamability rules, with its operand classified as having operand usage navigation.


This means in effect that a call on reverseFO30 is not streamable unless the operand is grounded. This may cause few surprises:

  • The expression reverse(/*/emp/copy-of()) is considered streamable, although all the emp elements will typically need to be in memory at the same time. The explanation here is that the streamability rules do not attempt to restrict the amount of memory used for data that is explicitly copied by use of a function such as copy-of.

  • The expression reverse(ancestor::*)/name() is considered non-streamable, because the operand is not grounded. This problem can be circumvented by rewriting the expression as reverse(ancestor::*/name()) Streamability of the rootFO30 Function

The zero-argument function root() is equivalent to root(.).

Given the expression root(X), if the static type of X is U{document-node()}, and if its posture is striding, then root(X) is rewritten as X. Otherwise, it is rewritten as head((X)/ancestor-or-self::node()). Streamability analysis is then applied to the rewritten expression.


Because path expressions starting with / are rewritten to use the rootFO30 function, this ensures that a leading slash is ignored if the context item is a document node, for example within a template rule with match="/". This improves streamability, because upwards navigation followed by downward navigation is disallowed.

19.8.10 Classifying Patterns


Patterns differ from other kinds of construct in that they are not composable in the same way. It is best to think of a pattern as specialized syntax for a function that takes an item as its argument and returns a boolean: true if the pattern matches the item, otherwise false. The static type of a pattern is therefore taken as U{xs:boolean} (this is not to be confused with the type of the items that the pattern is capable of matching).

The sweep of a pattern is either motionless or free-ranging. (Although there are patterns that could in principle be evaluated by consuming the element node that they match, these are of no interest in the analysis, so they are classified as free-ranging.)

The posture of a pattern is grounded if the pattern is motionless, or roaming otherwise. (This reflects the fact that a pattern always returns a boolean result; it never returns a node in a streamed document.)

Informally, a motionless pattern is one that can be evaluated by a streaming processor when the input stream is positioned at the start of the node being matched, without advancing the input stream.

A pattern is motionless if and only if it satisfies all the following conditions:

  1. The pattern does not contain a RootedPath.

  2. If the pattern contains predicates, then every top-level Predicate in the pattern satisfies all the following conditions:

    1. The expression immediately contained in the predicate is motionless, when assessed with a context posture of striding, and a context item type set to the static type of the expression to which the predicate applies, determined using the rules in 19.1 Determining the Static Type of a Construct.

    2. The predicate is a non-positional predicate.

    The use of the term top-level in this rule means that predicates that are nested within other predicates do not themselves have to be non-positional, though they may play a role in the analysis of top-level predicates.

  3. The pattern does not contain (at any depth) a variable reference that is bound to a streaming parameter. (See Streamability of Static Function Calls).

[Definition: A predicate is a non-positional predicate if it satisfies both of the following conditions:

  1. The predicate does not contain a function call or named function reference to any of the following functions, unless that call or reference occurs within a nested predicate:

    1. positionFO30

    2. lastFO30

    3. function-lookupFO30.


    The exception for nested predicates is there to ensure that patterns such as match="p[@code = $status[last()]] are not disqualified.

  2. The expression immediately contained in the predicate is a non-numeric expression. An expression is non-numeric if the intersection of its static type (see 19.1 Determining the Static Type of a Construct) with U{xs:decimal, xs:double, xs:float} is U{}.



A non-positional predicate can be evaluated by considering each item in the filtered sequence independently; the result never depends on the position of other items in the sequence or the length of the sequence.

A pattern that is not motionless is classified as free-ranging.

The following list shows examples of motionless patterns:

  • /

  • *

  • /*

  • p

  • p|q

  • p/q

  • p[@status='red']

  • p[base-uri()]

  • p[@class or @style]

  • p[@status]

  • p[@status = $status-codes[1]]

  • p[@class | @style]

  • p[contains(@class, ':')]

  • p[substring-after(@class, ':')]

  • p[ancestor::*[@xml:lang]]

  • text()[starts-with(., '$')]

  • @price

  • @price[starts-with(., '$')]

  • //p/text()[. = 'Introduction']

  • document-node(element(html)) (Note: this is classified as motionless even though testing a document node against the pattern might require a small amount of look-ahead.)

The following list shows examples of patterns that are not motionless, explaining why not:

  • id('abc') (contains a RootedPath)

  • $doc//p (contains a RootedPath)

  • p[b] (the predicate is not motionless)

  • p[. = 'Introduction'] (the predicate is not motionless)

  • p[starts-with(., '$')] (the predicate is not motionless)

  • p[preceding-sibling::p[1] = ''] (the predicate is not motionless)

  • p[1] (contains a positional predicate: return type is numeric)

  • p[$pnum + 1] (contains a positional predicate: return type is numeric)

  • p[data(@status)] (contains a positional predicate: return type is potentially numeric)

  • p[position() gt 2] (contains a positional predicate: calls position())

  • p[last()] (contains a positional predicate: calls last())

19.9 Examples of Streamability Analysis

The examples in this section are intended to illustrate how the streamability rules are applied “top down” to establish whether template rules are guaranteed streamable.

Example: A recursive-descent template rule

Consider the following template rule, where mode s is defined with streamable="yes":

<xsl:template match="para" mode="s">
  <div class="para">
    <xsl:apply-templates mode="s"/>

The processor is required to establish that this template meets the streamability rules. Specifically, as stated in 6.7.6 Streamable Templates, it must satisfy three conditions:

  1. The match pattern must be motionless.

  2. The body of the template rule must be grounded.

  3. The initializers of any template parameters must be motionless.

The third condition is satisfied trivially because there are no parameters.

The first rule depends on the rules for assessing patterns, which are given in 19.8.10 Classifying Patterns. This pattern is motionless because (a) it does not contain a RootedPath, and (b) it contains no predicates.

So it remains to determine that the body of the template is grounded. The proof of this is as follows:

  1. The sequence constructor forming the body of the template is assessed according to the rules in 19.8.3 Classifying Sequence Constructors, which tell us that there is a single operand (the <div> literal result element) which has operand usage U = transmission.

  2. The assessment of the sequence constructor uses the general streamability rules. These rules require us to determine the type T, sweep S, posture P, and usage U of each operand. We have already established that there is a single operand, with U = transmission. Section 19.1 Determining the Static Type of a Construct tells us that for all instructions, we can take T = U{*}. The posture P and sweep S of the literal result element are established as follows:

    1. The rules for literal result elements (specifically the <div> element) are given in Streamability of Literal Result Elements. This particular literal result element has only one operand (its contained sequence constructor), with operand usage U = absorption.

    2. The general streamability rules again apply. Again the static type T of the operand is U{*}, and we need to determine the posture P and sweep S.

    3. To determine the posture and sweep of this sequence constructor (the one that contains the xsl:apply-templates instruction) we refer again to the general streamability rules.

      1. The sequence constructor has a single operand (the xsl:apply-templates instruction); again U = transmission, T = U{*}.

      2. The posture P and sweep S of the xsl:apply-templates instruction are established as follows:

        1. The rules that apply are in Streamability of xsl:apply-templates.

        2. Rule 1 does not apply because the select expression (which defaults to child::node()) is not grounded. This is a consequence of the rules in Streamability of Axis Steps, specifically:

          1. The context posture of the axis step is established by the template rule as a whole, as striding.

          2. Therefore rules 1 and 2 do not apply.

          3. The statically inferred context item type is derived from the match pattern (match="para"). This gives a type of U{element()}. The child axis for element nodes is not necessarily empty, so rule 3 does not apply.

          4. Rule 4 does not apply because there are no predicates.

          5. So the posture and sweep of the axis step child::node() are given by the table in rule 5. The entry for (context posture = striding, axis = child) gives a posture of striding and a sweep of consuming.

          6. So the select expression is not grounded. (The same result can be reached intuitively: an expression that selects streamed nodes will never be grounded.)

        3. Rule 2 does not apply because there is no xsl:sort element.

        4. Rule 3 does not apply because the mode is declared with streamable="yes".

        5. So the posture P and sweep S of the xsl:apply-templates instruction are established by the general streamability rules, as follows:

          1. There is a single operand, the implicit select="child::node()" expression, with usage U = absorption.

          2. We have already established that for this operand, the posture P = striding and the sweep S = consuming.

          3. By the rules in 19.1 Determining the Static Type of a Construct, the type T of the select expression is node().

          4. In the general streamability rules, the adjusted sweep S′ for an operand with (P = striding, U = absorption) is consuming,

          5. Rule 2(d) then applies, so the xsl:apply-templates instruction is consuming and grounded.

      3. So the sequence constructor that contains the xsl:apply-templates instruction has one operand with U = transmission, T = item(), P = grounded, S = consuming. Rule 2(d) of the general streamability rules applies, so the sequence constructor itself has P = grounded, S = consuming.

    4. So the literal result element has one operand with U = absorption, T = item(), P = grounded, S = consuming. Rule 2(d) of the general streamability rules applies, so the literal result element has P = grounded, S = consuming.

  3. So the sequence constructor containing the literal result element has one operand with U = transmission, T = item(), P = grounded, S = consuming. Rule 2(d) of the general streamability rules applies, so this sequence constructor itself has P = grounded, S = consuming.

  4. So we have established that the sequence constructor forming the body of the template rule is grounded.

Therefore, since the other conditions are also satisfied, the template is guaranteed-streamable.

The analysis presented above could have been simplified by taking into account the fact that the streamability properties of a sequence constructor containing a single instruction are identical to the properties of that instruction. This simplification will be exploited in the next example.


Example: An aggregating template rule

Consider the following template rule, where mode s is defined with streamable="yes":

<xsl:template match="transactions[@currency='USD']" mode="s">
  <total><xsl:value-of select="sum(transaction/@value)"/></total>

Again, as stated in 6.7.6 Streamable Templates, it must satisfy three conditions:

  1. The match pattern must be motionless.

  2. The body of the template rule must be grounded.

  3. The initializers of any template parameters must be motionless.

The third condition is satisfied trivially because there are no parameters.

The first rule depends on the rules for assessing patterns, which are given in 19.8.10 Classifying Patterns. This pattern is motionless because (a) it is not a RootedPath, and (b) every predicate is motionless and non-positional. The analysis that proves the predicate is motionless and non-positional proceeds as follows:

  1. First establish that the expression @currency='USD' is motionless, as follows:

    1. The predicate is a general comparison (GeneralComp) which follows the general streamability rules.

    2. There are two operands: an AxisStep with a defaulted ForwardAxis, and a Literal. Both operand roles are absorption.

    3. The left-hand operand has type T = attribute(). Its posture and sweep are determined by the rules in Streamability of Axis Steps. The context posture is striding, so the posture and sweep are determined by the entry in the table (rule 5) with context posture = striding, axis = attribute: that is, the result posture is striding and the sweep is motionless.

    4. The right-hand operand, being a literal, is grounded and motionless.

    5. In the general streamability rules, rule 2(e) applies, so the predicate is grounded and motionless

  2. Now establish that the expression @currency='USD' is non-positional, as follows:

    1. Rule 1 is satisfied: the predicate does not call positionFO30, lastFO30, or function-lookupFO30.

    2. Rule 2 is satisfied: the expression @currency='USD' is non-numeric. The static type of the expression is determined using the rules in 19.1 Determining the Static Type of a Construct as U{xs:boolean}, and this has no intersection with U{xs:decimal, xs:double, xs:float}.

So both conditions in 19.8.10 Classifying Patterns are satisfied, and the pattern is therefore motionless.

It remains to show that the body of the template rule is grounded. The proof of this is as follows. Unlike the previous example, the analysis is shown in simplified form; in particular the two sequence constructors which each contain a single instruction are ignored, and replaced in the construct tree by their contained instruction.

  1. We need to show that the <total> literal result element is grounded.

  2. The rules that apply are in Streamability of Literal Result Elements.

  3. These rules refer to the general streamability rules. There is one operand, the xsl:value-of child element, which has operand usage U = absorption, and type T = item().

  4. So we need to determine the posture and sweep of the xsl:value-of instruction.

    1. The rules are given in Streamability of xsl:value-of.

    2. The general streamability rules apply. There is one operand, the expression sum(transaction/@value), which has operand usage U = absorption.

    3. The type T of this operand is the return type defined in the signature of the sumFO30 function, that is, xs:anyAtomicType.

    4. The posture P and sweep S are established as follows:

      1. The rules that apply to the call on sumFO30 are given in 19.8.9 Classifying Calls to Built-In Functions.

      2. The relevant proforma is fn:sum(A), indicating that the general streamability rules apply, and that there is a single operand with usage U = absorption.

      3. The type T of the operand transaction/@value is determined (by the rules in 19.1 Determining the Static Type of a Construct) as attribute().

      4. The posture P and sweep S of the operand transaction/@value are determined by the rules in Streamability of Path Expressions, as follows:

        1. The expression is expanded to child::transaction/attribute::value.

        2. The posture and sweep of the left-hand operand child::transaction are determined by the rules in Streamability of Axis Steps, as follows:

          1. The context posture is striding, because the focus-setting container is the template rule itself.

          2. The context item type is element(), based on the match type of the pattern match="transactions[@currency='USD']".

          3. Rules 1 and 2 do not apply because the context posture is striding.

          4. Rule 3 does not apply because the child axis applied to an element node is not necessarily empty.

          5. Rule 4 does not apply because there are no predicates.

          6. Rule 5 applies, and the table entry with context posture = striding, axis = child gives a result posture of striding and a sweep of consuming.

        3. The posture of the relative path expression child::transaction/attribute::value is therefore the posture of its right-hand operand attribute::value, assessed with a context posture of striding. This is determined by the rules in Streamability of Axis Steps, as follows:

          1. The context posture, as we have seen, is striding.

          2. The context item type is element(), based on the type of the left-hand operand child::transaction.

          3. Rules 1 and 2 do not apply because the context posture is striding.

          4. Rule 3 does not apply because the attribute axis applied to an element node is not necessarily empty.

          5. Rule 4 does not apply because there are no predicates.

          6. Rule 5 applies, and the table entry with context posture = striding, axis = attribute gives a result posture of striding and a sweep of motionless.

        4. The posture of the relative path expression child::transaction/attribute::value is therefore striding.

        5. The sweep of the relative path expression child::transaction/attribute::value is the wider of the sweeps of its two operands, namely consuming and motionless. That is, it is consuming.

      5. So the first and only operand to the call on sum() has U = absorption, T = attribute(), P = climbing, and S = consuming

      6. Rule 1(b) of the general streamability rules computes the adjusted sweep S′. Rule 1(b)(iii)(A) applies, so the effective operand usage U′ is inspection. Rule 1(b)(iii)(A) then computes the adjusted sweep from the table entry for P = climbing, U′ = inspection; this shows S′ = S, that is, consuming.

      7. Rule 2(d) now applies, so the call on sum() is grounded and consuming.

    5. Since the xsl:value-of instruction has one operand with U = absorption, T = xs:anyAtomicType, P = grounded, and S = consuming, rule 2(d) again applies, and the xsl:value-of instruction is grounded and consuming.

  5. Since the literal result element has one operand with U = absorption, T = item(), P = grounded, and S = consuming, rule 2(d) again applies, and the literal result element is grounded and consuming.

  6. Therefore the body of the template rule is grounded, and since the other conditions are also satisfied, it is guaranteed-streamable.


Example: Streamed Grouping

Consider the following code, which is designed to process a transaction file containing transactions in chronological order, and output the total value of the transactions for each day.

<xsl:template name="go">
    <xsl:source-document streamable="yes" href="transactions.xml">
      <xsl:for-each-group select="/account/transaction" 
         <total date="{current-grouping-key()}" value="{sum(current-group()/@value)}"/>

The rules for xsl:source-document say that the instruction is guaranteed-streamable if the contained sequence constructor is grounded, and the task of streamability analysis is to prove that this is the case. As in the previous example, we will take a short-cut by making the assumption that a sequence constructor containing a single instruction can be replaced by that instruction in the construct tree.

So the task is to show that the xsl:for-each-group instruction is grounded, which we can do as follows:

  1. The relevant rules are to be found in Streamability of xsl:for-each-group.


    Rule numbers may be different in a version of the specification with change markings.

  2. Rule 1 applies only if the select expression is grounded. It is easy to see informally that this is not the case (an expression that returns streamed nodes is never grounded). More formally:

    1. The select expression is a path expression; the rules in Streamability of Path Expressions apply.

    2. The expression is rewritten as ((root(.) treat as document-node())/child::account)/child::transaction

    3. The left-hand operand (root(.) treat as document-node())/child::account is also a path expression, so the rules in Streamability of Path Expressions apply recursively:

      1. The left-hand operand root(.) treat as document-node() follows the rules for a TreatExpr in 19.8.8 Classifying Expressions; the proforma T treat as TYPE indicates that the general streamability rules apply with a single operand having usage transmission.

      2. This single operand root(.) follows the rules in Streamability of the root Function. The item type of the operand . is the context item type, which is the type established by the xsl:source-document instruction, namely document-node(). Under these conditions root(.) is rewritten as ., so the posture is the context posture established by the xsl:source-document instruction, namely striding. The sweep is motionless.

      3. The posture and sweep of the expression root(.) treat as document-node() are the same as the posture and sweep of root(.), namely striding and motionless

      4. The right-hand operand child::account is governed by the rules in Streamability of Axis Steps. The context posture is striding, and the axis is child, so the result posture is striding and the sweep is consuming.

      5. The posture of the path expression is the posture of the right-hand operand, that is striding, and its sweep is the wider sweep of the two operands, that is consuming

    4. Returning to the outer path expression, the posture of the right hand operand child::transaction is striding, and its sweep is consuming.

    5. So the posture of the select expression as a whole is the posture of the right hand operand, that is striding; and its sweep is the wider of the sweeps of the operands, which is consuming.

  3. Rule 2 does not apply: there is no group-by attribute.

  4. Rule 3 does not apply: there is a group-adjacent attribute, but it is motionless. The reasoning is as follows:

    1. The value is a call to the constructor function xs:date. The rules in Streamability of Static Function Calls apply. There is a single operand, whose required type is atomic, so the operand usage is absorption.

    2. These rules refer to the general streamability rules, so we need to determine the context item type, posture, and sweep of the operand expression @timestamp. This is done as follows:

      1. The expression is an AxisStep, so the relevant rules are in Streamability of Axis Steps.

      2. The context posture is the posture of the controlling operand of the focus-setting container, that is, is the select expression of the containing xsl:for-each-group instruction, which as established above is striding. The context item type is similarly the inferred type of the select expression, and is element().

      3. Rules 1 and 2 do not apply because the context posture is striding.

      4. Rule 3 does not apply because the attribute axis for an element node is not necessarily empty.

      5. Rule 4 does not apply because there is no predicate.

      6. So the sweep and posture of the expression @timestamp are given by the table in Rule 5 as striding and motionless.

    3. Returning to the general streamability rules for the expression xs:date(@timestamp), the operand @timestamp has U = absorption, T = attribute(), P = striding, S = motionless.

    4. Under Rule 1(b)(iii)(A), because T = attribute(), the operand usage U′ becomes inspection.

    5. Under Rule 1(b)(iii)(A), S′ = S = motionless.

    6. Under Rule 2(e), the expression xs:date(@timestamp) is grounded and motionless.

  5. Rule 4 (under xsl:for-each-group) does not apply, because there is no xsl:sort child.

  6. So Rule 5 applies. This relies on knowing the posture of the sequence constructor contained in the xsl:for-each-group instruction: that is, the posture of the total literal result element. This is calculated as follows:

    1. The rules that apply are in Streamability of Literal Result Elements. The general streamability rules apply; there are two operands, the attribute value templates {current-grouping-key()} and {sum(current-group()/@value)}, and in each case the usage is absorption. We can simplify the analysis by observing that the empty sequence constructor contained in the literal result element can be ignored, since it is grounded and motionless.

    2. Consider first the operand {current-grouping-key()}.

      1. Section 19.8.7 Classifying Value Templates applies. This refers to the general streamability rules; there is a single operand, the expression current-grouping-key(), with usage absorption.

      2. Section Streamability of the current-grouping-key Function applies. This establishes that the expression is grounded and motionless.

      3. It follows that the operand {current-grouping-key()} expression is also grounded and motionless.

    3. Now consider the operand {sum(current-group()/@value)}.

    4. Section 19.8.7 Classifying Value Templates applies. This refers to the general streamability rules; there is a single operand, the expression sum(current-group()/@value), with usage absorption.

    5. The rules for the sum function appear in 19.8.9 Classifying Calls to Built-In Functions. The proforma is given there as fn:sum(A), which means that the general streamability rules apply, and that the single operand current-group()/@value has usage absorption. So we need to establish the posture, sweep, and type of this expression, which we can do as follows:

      1. The expression is a RelativePathExpr, so section Streamability of Path Expressions applies.

      2. The expression is expanded to current-group()/attribute::value.

      3. The posture and sweep of the left-hand operand current-group() are defined in Streamability of the current-group Function. Since all the required conditions are satisfied, the posture of current-group() is the posture of the select expression, that is striding, and its sweep is the sweep of the select expression, that is consuming.

      4. The posture and sweep of the right hand operand @value are defined in Streamability of Axis Steps. The context posture is the posture of the left-hand operand current-group(), namely striding; the table in Rule 5 applies, giving the result climbing and motionless

      5. The posture of the RelativePathExpr is the posture of the right hand operand, namely striding. The sweep of the RelativePathExpr is the wider of the sweeps of its operands, which is consuming

      6. The type of the expression current-group()/@value is determined using the rules in 19.1 Determining the Static Type of a Construct as attribute().

    6. So the sum function has a single operand with U = absorption, P = striding, S = consuming, T = attribute().

    7. In the general streamability rules, Rule 1(b)(iii)(A) gives the adjusted usage as U′ = inspection, and Rule 1(b)(iii)(B) gives the adjusted sweep as S′ = S = consuming. Rule 2(d) gives the posture and sweep of the call to sum as grounded and consuming.

  7. So the literal result element has two operands, one of which is grounded and motionless, the other grounded and consuming. Rule 2(d) of the general streamability rules determines that the literal result element is grounded and consuming.

  8. So the content of the xsl:source-document instruction is grounded, which means that the instruction is guaranteed-streamable.

19.10 Streamability Guarantees

Certain constructs allow a stylesheet author to declare that a construct is streamable. Specifically:

  • Specifying streamable="yes" on xsl:mode declares that all template rules in that mode (and all template rules that specify mode="#all") are streamable;

  • Specifying streamable="yes" on xsl:source-document declares that its contained sequence constructor is streamable;

  • Specifying streamable="yes" on xsl:function declares that the stylesheet function in question is streamable;

  • Specifying streamable="yes" on xsl:attribute-set declares that the attribute set in question is streamable;

  • Specifying streamable="yes" (explicitly or implicitly) on xsl:merge-source declares that the merging process is streamable with respect to that particular input.

  • Specifying streamable="yes" on xsl:accumulator declares that the accumulator can be evaluated on a streamed document.

[Definition: The above constructs (template rules belonging to a mode declared with streamable="yes"; and xsl:source-document, xsl:attribute-set, xsl:function, xsl:merge-source, and xsl:accumulator elements specifying streamable="yes") are said to be declared-streamable.]

In each case the construct in question is said to be guaranteed-streamable if it satisfies two conditions:

  1. The construct is declared-streamable.

  2. Streamability analysis following the rules defined in this specification determines that streamed processing is possible (the detailed conditions vary from one construct to another).

[Definition: A guaranteed-streamable construct is a construct that is declared to be streamable and that follows the particular rules for that construct to make streaming possible, as defined by the analysis in this specification.]

For a streaming processor, that is, a processor that claims conformance with the streaming feature:

  1. If a construct is guaranteed-streamable and the input is provided in streamable form, then the input must be processed using streaming.


    The requirement to process the input using streaming does not apply if the processor is able to determine that this would convey no benefit: for example, if the input is supplied as a tree in memory. However, this does not remove the requirement to verify that the relevant stylesheet constructs are guaranteed-streamable.

  2. If a construct is declared as streamable but is not guaranteed-streamable (that is, if it fails to satisfy the conditions for streamability defined in this specification), then the processor must be prepared to do any one of the following at user option:

    1. Signal a static error [see ERR XTSE3430]

    2. Process the stylesheet as if it were a non-streaming processor (see below)

    3. Process the stylesheet with streaming if it is able to do so, or signal a static error [see ERR XTSE3430] if it is not able to do so.

[ERR XTSE3430] It is a static error if a package contains a construct that is declared to be streamable but which is not guaranteed-streamable, unless the user has indicated that the processor is to handle this situation by processing the stylesheet without streaming or by making use of processor extensions to the streamability rules where available.

For a non-streaming processor, the processor must evaluate the construct delivering the same results as if execution used streaming, but with no constraints on the evaluation strategy. (Processing may, of course, fail due to insufficient memory being available, or for other reasons.) A non-streaming processor is not required to assess whether constructs are guaranteed-streamable, or to apply restrictions such as the rules for where calls on the functions accumulator-before and accumulator-after may appear. However, a non-streaming processor must enforce the constraint implied by a use-accumulators attribute restricting which accumulators can be used with a particular document.


This specification does not attempt to legislate precisely what constitutes evaluation “using streaming”. The most important test is that the amount of memory needed should be for practical purposes independent of the size of the source document, and in particular that the finite size of memory available should not impose a limit on the size of source document that can be processed.

The rules are designed to ensure that streaming processors can analyze streamability using rules different from those in this specification, provided that all constructs that are guaranteed-streamable according to this specification are actually streamable by the implementation. Furthermore, non-streaming processors are not required to analyze streamability at all.

20 Additional Functions

This section describes XSLT-specific additions to the XPath function library. Some of these additional functions also make use of information specified by declarations in the stylesheet; this section also describes these declarations.

20.1 fn:document


Provides access to XML documents identified by a URI.

$uri-sequence as item()*,
$base-node as node()? := ()
) as node()*

The one-argument form of this function is deterministicFO30, focus-independentFO30, and context-dependentFO30. It depends on static base URI.

The two-argument form of this function is deterministicFO30, focus-independentFO30, and context-independentFO30.


The document function allows access to XML documents identified by a URI.

The first argument contains a sequence of URI references. The second argument, if present, is a node whose base URI is used to resolve any relative URI references contained in the first argument.

A sequence of absolute URI references is obtained as follows.

  • For an item in $uri-sequence that is an instance of xs:string, xs:anyURI, or xs:untypedAtomic, the value is cast to xs:anyURI. If the resulting URI reference is an absolute URI reference then it is used as is. If it is a relative URI reference, then it is resolved as follows:

    1. If $base-node is supplied (that is, if the argument is present and non-empty), then it is resolved against the base URI of $base-node.

    2. Otherwise it is resolved against the static base URI from the static context of the expression containing the call to the document function. In cases where the source code of the stylesheet is available at execution time, this will typically be the location of the relevant stylesheet module.

  • For an item in $uri-sequence that is a node, the node is atomized. The result must be a sequence whose items are all instances of xs:string, xs:anyURI, or xs:untypedAtomic. Each of these values is cast to xs:anyURI, and if the resulting URI reference is an absolute URI reference then it is used as is. If it is a relative URI reference, then it is resolved against the base URI of $base-node if supplied, or against the base URI of the node that contained it otherwise.

  • A relative URI is resolved against a base URI using the rules of the resolve-uriFO30 function. A dynamic error occurs (see below) if no base URI is available.

  • If $uri-sequence (after atomizing any nodes) contains an item other than an atomic value of type xs:string, xs:anyURI, or xs:untypedAtomic then a type error is raised [ERR XPTY0004] XP40.

Each of these absolute URI references is then processed as follows. Any fragment identifier that is present in the URI reference is removed, and the resulting absolute URI is cast to a string and then passed to the docFO30 function defined in [Functions and Operators 3.0]. This returns a document node. If an error occurs during evaluation of the docFO30 function, the processor may either signal this error in the normal way, or may recover by ignoring the failure, in which case the failing URI will not contribute any nodes to the result of the document function.

If the URI reference contained no fragment identifier, then this document node is included in the sequence of nodes returned by the document function.

If the URI reference contained a fragment identifier, then the fragment identifier is interpreted according to the rules for the media type of the resource representation identified by the URI, and is used to select zero or more nodes that are descendant-or-self nodes of the returned document node. As described in 2.3 Initiating a Transformation, the media type is available as part of the evaluation context for a transformation.

The sequence of nodes returned by the function is in document order, with no duplicates. This order has no necessary relationship to the order in which URIs were supplied in the $uri-sequence argument.

Error Conditions

[ERR XTDE1160] When a URI reference contains a fragment identifier, it is a dynamic error if the media type is not one that is recognized by the processor, or if the fragment identifier does not conform to the rules for fragment identifiers for that media type, or if the fragment identifier selects something other than a sequence of nodes (for example, if it selects a range of characters within a text node).

A processor may provide an option which, if selected, causes the processor instead of signaling this error, to ignore the fragment identifier and return the document node.

The set of media types recognized by a processor is implementation-defined.

[ERR XTDE1162] When a URI reference is a relative reference, it is a dynamic error if no base URI is available to resolve the relative reference. This can arise for example when the URI is contained in a node that has no base URI (for example a parentless text node), or when the second argument to the function is a node that has no base URI, or when the base URI from the static context is undefined.


One effect of these rules is that in an interpreted environment where the source code of the stylesheet is available and its base URI is known, then unless XML entities or xml:base are used, the expression document("") refers to the document node of the containing stylesheet module (the definitive rules are in [RFC3986]). The XML resource containing the stylesheet module is then processed exactly as if it were any other XML document, for example there is no special recognition of xsl:text elements, and no special treatment of comments and processing instructions.

The XPath rules for function calling ensure that it is a type error if the supplied value of the second argument is anything other than a single node. If XPath 1.0 compatibility mode is enabled, then a sequence of nodes may be supplied, and the first node in the sequence will be used.

20.2 Keys

Keys provide a way to work with documents that contain an implicit cross-reference structure. They make it easier to locate the nodes within a document that have a given value for a given attribute or child element, and they provide a hint to the implementation that certain access paths in the document need to be efficient.

20.2.1 The xsl:key Declaration

<!-- Category: declaration -->
  name = eqname
  match = pattern
  use? = expression
  composite? = boolean〔'no'〕
  collation? = uri >
  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

The xsl:key declaration is used to declare keys. The name attribute specifies the name of the key. The value of the name attribute is an EQName, which is expanded as described in 5.1.1 Qualified Names. The match attribute is a Pattern; an xsl:key element applies to all nodes that match the pattern specified in the match attribute.

[Definition: A key is defined as a set of xsl:key declarations in the same package that share the same name.]

The key name is scoped to the containing package, and is available for use in calls to the key function within that package.

The value of the key may be specified either using the use attribute or by means of the contained sequence constructor.

[ERR XTSE1205] It is a static error if an xsl:key declaration has a use attribute and has non-empty content, or if it has empty content and no use attribute.

If the use attribute is present, its value is an expression specifying the values of the key. The expression will be evaluated with a singleton focus based on the node that matches the pattern. The result of evaluating the expression is atomized.

Similarly, if a sequence constructor is present, it is used to determine the values of the key. The sequence constructor will be evaluated with the node that matches the pattern as the context node. The result of evaluating the sequence constructor is atomized.

[Definition: The expression in the use attribute and the sequence constructor within an xsl:key declaration are referred to collectively as the key specifier. The key specifier determines the values that may be used to find a node using this key.]

When evaluation of the key specifier results in a sequence (after atomization) containing more than one atomic value, the effect depends on the value of the composite attribute:

  • When the attribute is absent or has the value no, each atomic value in the sequence acts as an individual key. For example, if match="book" use="author" composite="no" is specified, then a book element may be located using the value of any author element.

  • When the attribute is present and has the value yes, the sequence of atomic values is treated as a composite key that must be matched in its entirety. For example, if match="book" use="author" composite="yes" is specified, then a book element may be located using the value of all its author elements, supplied in the correct order.

If there are several xsl:key declarations in the same package with the same key name, then they must all have the same effective value for their composite attribute. The effective value is the actual value of the attribute if present, or "no" if the attribute is absent.


There is no requirement that all the values of a key should have the same type.

The presence of an xsl:key declaration makes it easy to find a node that matches the match pattern if the values of the key specifier (when applied to that node) are known. It also provides a hint to the implementation that access to the nodes by means of these values needs to be efficient (many implementations are likely to construct an index or hash table to achieve this).


An xsl:key declaration is not bound to a specific source document. The source document to which it applies is determined only when the key function is used to locate nodes using the key. Keys can be used to locate nodes within any source document (including temporary trees), but each use of the key function searches one document only.

Keys can only be used to search within a tree that is rooted at a document node.

The optional collation attribute is used only when deciding whether two strings are equal for the purposes of key matching. Specifically, two key values $a and $b are considered equal if the result of the function call deep-equal($a, $b, $collation) returns true. The effective collation for an xsl:key declaration is the collation specified in its collation attribute if present, resolved against the base URI of the xsl:key element, or the default collation that is in scope for the xsl:key declaration otherwise; the effective collation must be the same for all the xsl:key declarations making up a key.

[ERR XTSE1210] It is a static error if the xsl:key declaration has a collation attribute whose value (after resolving against the base URI) is not a URI recognized by the implementation as referring to a collation.

[ERR XTSE1220] It is a static error if there are several xsl:key declarations in the same package with the same key name and different effective collations. Two collations are the same if their URIs are equal under the rules for comparing xs:anyURI values, or if the implementation can determine that they are different URIs referring to the same collation.

[ERR XTSE1222] It is a static error if there are several xsl:key declarations in a package with the same key name and different effective values for the composite attribute.

It is possible to have:

  • multiple xsl:key declarations with the same name;

  • a node that matches the match patterns of several different xsl:key declarations, whether these have the same key name or different key names;

  • a node that returns more than one value from its key specifier (which can be treated either as separate individual key values, or as a single composite key value);

  • a key value that identifies more than one node (the key values for different nodes do not need to be unique).

An xsl:key declaration with higher import precedence does not override another of lower import precedence; all the xsl:key declarations in the stylesheet are effective regardless of their import precedence.

20.2.2 fn:key


Returns the nodes that match a supplied key value.

$key-name as union(xs:string, xs:QName),
$key-value as xs:anyAtomicType*,
$top as node() := /
) as node()*

The two-argument form of this function is deterministicFO30, focus-dependentFO30, and context-dependentFO30.

The three-argument form of this function is deterministicFO30, focus-independentFO30, and context-dependentFO30.


The key function does for keys what the element-with-idFO30 function does for IDs.

The $key-name argument specifies the name of the key. The value of the argument must be either an xs:QName, or a string containing an EQName. If it is a lexical QName, then it is expanded as described in 5.1.1 Qualified Names (no prefix means no namespace).

The $key-value argument to the key function is considered as a sequence. The effect depends on the value of the composite attribute of the corresponding xsl:key declaration.

  • If composite is no or absent, the set of requested key values is formed by atomizing the supplied value of the argument, using the standard coercion rules. Each of the resulting atomic values is considered as a requested key value. The result of the function is a sequence of nodes, in document order and with duplicates removed, comprising those nodes in the selected subtree (see below) that are matched by an xsl:key declaration whose name is the same as the supplied key name, where the result of evaluating the key specifier contains a value that is equal to one of these requested key values, under the rules appropriate to the XPath eq operator for the two values in question, using the collation attributes of the xsl:key declaration when comparing strings. No error is reported if two values are encountered that are not comparable; they are regarded for the purposes of this function as being not equal.

    If the second argument is an empty sequence, the result of the function will be an empty sequence.

  • If composite is yes, the requested key value is the sequence formed by atomizing the supplied value of the argument, using the standard coercion rules. The result of the function is a sequence of nodes, in document order and with duplicates removed, comprising those nodes in the selected subtree (see below) that are matched by an xsl:key declaration whose name is the same as the supplied key name, where the result of evaluating the key specifier is deep-equal to the requested key value, under the rules appropriate to the deep-equalFO30 function applied to the two values in question, using the collation attributes of the xsl:key declaration when comparing strings. Note that the deep-equalFO30 function reports no error if two values are encountered that are not comparable; they are regarded for the purposes of this function as being not equal.

    If the second argument is an empty sequence, the result of the function will be the set of nodes having an empty sequence as the value of the key specifier.

Different rules apply when XSLT 1.0 compatible behavior is enabled.

A key (that is, a set of xsl:key declarations sharing the same key name) is processed in backwards compatible mode if (a) at least one of the xsl:key elements in the definition of the key enables backwards compatible behavior, and (b) the effective value of the composite attribute is no.

When a key is processed in backwards compatible mode, then:

  • The result of evaluating the key specifier in any xsl:key declaration having this key name is converted after atomization to a sequence of strings, by applying a cast to each item in the sequence.

  • When the first argument to the key function specifies this key name, then the value of the second argument is converted after atomization to a sequence of strings, by applying a cast to each item in the sequence. The values are then compared as strings.

The third argument is used to identify the selected subtree. If the argument is present, the selected subtree is the set of nodes that have $top as an ancestor-or-self node. If the argument is omitted, the selected subtree is the document containing the context node. This means that the third argument effectively defaults to /.

The result of the key function can be described more specifically as follows. The result is a sequence containing every node $N that satisfies the following conditions:

  • $N/ancestor-or-self::node() intersect $top is non-empty. (If the third argument is omitted, $top defaults to /)

  • $N matches the pattern specified in the match attribute of an xsl:key declaration whose name attribute matches the name specified in the $key-name argument.

  • When composite="no", and the key specifier of that xsl:key declaration is evaluated with a singleton focus based on $N, the atomized value of the resulting sequence includes a value that compares equal to at least one item in the atomized value of the sequence supplied as $key-value, under the rules of the eq operator with the collation selected as described above.

    When composite="yes", and the key specifier of that xsl:key declaration is evaluated with a singleton focus based on $N, the atomized value of the resulting sequence compares equal to the atomized value of the sequence supplied as $key-value, under the rules of the deep-equalFO30 function with the collation selected as described above.

The sequence returned by the key function will be in document order, with duplicates (that is, nodes having the same identity) removed.

Error Conditions

[ERR XTDE1260] It is a dynamic error if the value is not a valid QName, or if there is no namespace declaration in scope for the prefix of the QName, or if the name obtained by expanding the QName is not the same as the expanded name of any xsl:key declaration in the containing package. If the processor is able to detect the error statically (for example, when the argument is supplied as a string literal), then the processor may optionally signal this as a static error.

[ERR XTDE1270] It is a dynamic error to call the key function with two arguments if there is no context node, or if the root of the tree containing the context node is not a document node; or to call the function with three arguments if the root of the tree containing the node supplied in the third argument is not a document node.


Untyped atomic values are converted to strings, not to the type of the other operand. This means, for example, that if the expression in the use attribute returns a date, supplying an untyped atomic value in the call to the key function will return an empty sequence.

Example: Using a Key to Follow Cross-References

Given a declaration

<xsl:key name="idkey" match="div" use="@id"/>

an expression key("idkey",@ref) will return the same nodes as id(@ref), assuming that the only ID attribute declared in the XML source document is:


and that the ref attribute of the context node contains no whitespace.

Example: Using a Key to Generate Hyperlinks

Suppose a document describing a function library uses a prototype element to define functions

<prototype name="sqrt" return-type="xs:double">
  <arg type="xs:double"/>

and a function element to refer to function names


Then the stylesheet could generate hyperlinks between the references and definitions as follows:

<xsl:key name="func" match="prototype" use="@name"/>

<xsl:template match="function">
  <a href="#{generate-id(key('func',.))}">

<xsl:template match="prototype">
    <a name="{generate-id()}">
      <b>Function: </b>

When called with two arguments, the key function always returns nodes that are in the same document as the context node. To retrieve a node from any other document, it is necessary either to change the context node, or to supply a third argument.

Example: Using Keys to Reference other Documents

For example, suppose a document contains bibliographic references in the form <bibref>XSLT</bibref>, and there is a separate XML document bib.xml containing a bibliographic database with entries in the form:

<entry name="XSLT">...</entry>

Then the stylesheet could use the following to transform the bibref elements:

<xsl:key name="bib" match="entry" use="@name"/>

<xsl:template match="bibref">
  <xsl:variable name="name" select="."/>
  <xsl:apply-templates select="document('bib.xml')/key('bib',$name)"/>


This relies on the ability in XPath 2.0 to have a function call on the right-hand side of the / operator in a path expression.

The following code would also work:

<xsl:key name="bib" match="entry" use="@name"/>

<xsl:template match="bibref">
  <xsl:apply-templates select="key('bib', ., document('bib.xml'))"/>
Example: Using a Composite Key

This example uses a composite key consisting of first name and last name to locate employees in an employee file.

The key can be defined like this:

<xsl:key name="emp-name-key" 
         use="name/first, name/last" 

A particular employee can then be located using the function call:

key('emp-name-key', ('Tim', 'Berners-Lee'), doc('employees.xml'))

20.3 Keys and Streaming

Keys are not applicable to streamed documents.

This is ensured by the rules for the streamability of the key function (see 19.8.9 Classifying Calls to Built-In Functions). These rules make the operand usage of the third argument navigation, which has the consequence that when the key function is applied to a streamed input document, the call is roaming and free-ranging, which effectively makes the containing construct non-streamable.

20.4 Miscellaneous Additional Functions

20.4.1 fn:current


Returns the item that is the context item for the evaluation of the containing XPath expression

fn:current() as item()

This function is deterministicFO30, context-dependentFO30, and focus-dependentFO30.


The current function, used within an XPath expression, returns the item that was the context item at the point where the expression was invoked from the XSLT stylesheet. This is referred to as the current item. For an outermost expression (an expression not occurring within another expression), the current item is always the same as the context item. Thus,

<xsl:value-of select="current()"/>

means the same as

<xsl:value-of select="."/>

However, within square brackets, or on the right-hand side of the / operator, the current item is generally different from the context item.

If the current function is used within a pattern, its value is the item that is being matched against the pattern.

Error Conditions

[ERR XTDE1360] If the current function is evaluated within an expression that is evaluated when the context item is absent, a dynamic error occurs.

When the current is called by means of a dynamic function call (for example, current#0()), it is evaluated as if the context item is absent ([see ERR XTDE1360]).


The instruction:

<xsl:apply-templates select="//glossary/entry[@name=current()/@ref]"/>

will process all entry elements that have a glossary parent element and that have a name attribute with value equal to the value of the current item’s ref attribute. This is different from

<xsl:apply-templates select="//glossary/entry[@name=./@ref]"/>

which means the same as

<xsl:apply-templates select="//glossary/entry[@name=@ref]"/>

and so would process all entry elements that have a glossary parent element and that have a name attribute and a ref attribute with the same value.

20.4.2 fn:unparsed-entity-uri


Returns the URI (system identifier) of an unparsed entity

$entity-name as xs:string,
$doc as node() := .
) as xs:anyURI

This function is deterministicFO30, focus-dependentFO30, and context-dependentFO30.


Calling the single-argument form of this function has the same effect as calling the two-argument form with the context item as the second argument.

The two-argument unparsed-entity-uri function returns the URI of the unparsed entity whose name is given by the value of the $entity-name argument, in the document containing the node supplied as the value of the $doc argument. It returns the zero-length xs:anyURI if there is no such entity. This function maps to the dm:unparsed-entity-system-id accessor defined in [XDM 3.0].

Error Conditions

[ERR XTDE1370] It is a dynamic error if $node, or the context item if the second argument is omitted, is a node in a tree whose root is not a document node.

The following errors may be raised when $node is omitted:


The XDM accessor dm:unparsed-entity-system-id is defined to return an absolute URI, obtained by resolving the system identifier as written against the base URI of the document. If no base URI is available for the document, the unparsed-entity-uri function should return the system identifier as written, without any attempt to make it absolute.

XML permits more than one unparsed entity declaration with the same name to appear, and says that the first declaration is the one that should be used. This rule should be respected during construction of the data model; the data model instance should not contain more than one unparsed entity with the same name.

20.4.3 fn:unparsed-entity-public-id


Returns the public identifier of an unparsed entity

$entity-name as xs:string,
$doc as node() := .
) as xs:string

This function is deterministicFO30, focus-dependentFO30, and context-dependentFO30.


Calling the single-argument form of this function has the same effect as calling the two-argument form with the context item as the second argument.

The two-argument unparsed-entity-public-id function returns the public identifier of the unparsed entity whose name is given by the value of the $entity-name argument, in the document containing the node supplied as the value of the $doc argument. It returns the zero-length string if there is no such entity, or if the entity has no public identifier. This function maps to the dm:unparsed-entity-public-id accessor defined in [XDM 3.0].

Error Conditions

[ERR XTDE1380] It is a dynamic error if $node, or the context item if the second argument is omitted, is a node in a tree whose root is not a document node.

The following errors may be raised when $node is omitted:


XML permits more than one unparsed entity declaration with the same name to appear, and says that the first declaration is the one that should be used. This rule should be respected during construction of the data model; the data model instance should not contain more than one unparsed entity with the same name.

20.4.4 fn:system-property


Returns the value of a system property

$name as union(xs:QName, xs:string)
) as xs:string

This function is deterministicFO30, focus-independentFO30, and context-dependentFO30. It depends on namespaces.


The value of the $name argument must be either an xs:QName, or a string containing an EQName. If it is a lexical QName with a prefix, then it is expanded into an expanded QName using the namespace declarations in the static context of the expression. If there is no prefix, the name is taken as being in no namespace.

The system-property function returns a string representing the value of the system property identified by the name. If there is no such system property, the zero-length string is returned.

Implementations must provide the following system properties, which are all in the XSLT namespace:

  • xsl:version, a number giving the version of XSLT implemented by the processor; for implementations conforming to the version of XSLT specified by this document, this is the string "3.0". The value will always be a string in the lexical space of the decimal datatype defined in XML Schema (see [XML Schema Part 2]). This allows the value to be converted to a number for the purpose of magnitude comparisons.

  • xsl:vendor, a string identifying the implementer of the processor

  • xsl:vendor-url, a string containing a URL identifying the implementer of the processor; typically this is the host page (home page) of the implementer’s Web site.

  • xsl:product-name, a string containing the name of the implementation, as defined by the implementer. This should normally remain constant from one release of the product to the next. It should also be constant across platforms in cases where the same source code is used to produce compatible products for multiple execution platforms.

  • xsl:product-version, a string identifying the version of the implementation, as defined by the implementer. This should normally vary from one release of the product to the next, and at the discretion of the implementer it may also vary across different execution platforms.

  • xsl:is-schema-aware, returns the string "yes" in the case of a processor that claims conformance as a schema-aware XSLT processor, or "no" in the case of a basic XSLT processor.

  • xsl:supports-serialization, returns the string "yes" in the case of a processor that offers the serialization feature, or "no" otherwise.

  • xsl:supports-backwards-compatibility, returns the string "yes" in the case of a processor that offers the XSLT 1.0 compatibility feature, or "no" otherwise.

  • xsl:supports-namespace-axis, returns the string "yes" in the case of a processor that offers the XPath namespace axis even when not in backwards compatible mode, or "no" otherwise. Note that a processor that supports backwards compatible mode must support the namespace axis when in that mode, so this property is not relevant to that case.

  • xsl:supports-streaming, returns the string "yes" in the case of a processor that offers the streaming feature (see 28.5 Streaming Feature), or "no" otherwise.

  • xsl:supports-dynamic-evaluation, returns the string "yes" in the case of a processor that offers the dynamic evaluation feature (see 28.6 Dynamic Evaluation Feature), or "no" otherwise.

  • xsl:supports-higher-order-functions, always returns the string "yes".


    In XSLT 4.0, support for higher-order functions is no longer an optional feature.
  • xsl:xpath-version, a number giving the version of XPath implemented by the processor. The value will always be a string in the lexical space of the decimal datatype defined in XML Schema (see [XML Schema Part 2]). This allows the value to be converted to a number for the purpose of magnitude comparisons. Typical values are "3.0" or "3.1". The value "3.0" indicates that the processor implements XPath 3.0 plus the extensions defined in 21 Maps and 23 Processing JSON Data.

  • xsl:xsd-version, a number giving the version of XSD (XML Schema) implemented by the processor. The value will always be a string in the lexical space of the decimal datatype defined in XML Schema (see [XML Schema Part 2]). This allows the value to be converted to a number for the purpose of magnitude comparisons. Typical values are "1.0" or "1.1". This property is relevant even when the processor is not schema-aware, since the built-in datatypes for XSD 1.1 differ from those in XSD 1.0.

Some of these properties relate to the conformance levels and features offered by the processor: these options are described in 28 Conformance.

The actual values returned for the above properties are implementation-defined.

The set of system properties that are supported, in addition to those listed above, is also implementation-defined. Implementations must not define additional system properties in the XSLT namespace.

Error Conditions

[ERR XTDE1390] It is a dynamic error if the value supplied as the $property-name argument is not a valid QName, or if there is no namespace declaration in scope for the prefix of the QName. If the processor is able to detect the error statically (for example, when the argument is supplied as a string literal), then the processor may optionally signal this as a static error.


An implementation must not return the value 3.0 as the value of the xsl:version system property unless it is conformant to XSLT 3.0.

It is recognized that vendors who are enhancing XSLT 1.0 or 2.0 processors may wish to release interim implementations before all the mandatory features of this specification are implemented. Since such products are not conformant to XSLT 3.0, this specification cannot define their behavior. However, implementers of such products are encouraged to return a value for the xsl:version system property that is intermediate between 1.0 and 3.0, and to provide the element-available and function-available functions to allow users to test which features have been fully implemented.

20.4.5 fn:available-system-properties


Returns a list of system property names that are suitable for passing to the system-property function, as a sequence of QNames.

fn:available-system-properties() as xs:QName*

This function is deterministicFO30, context-independentFO30, and focus-independentFO30.


The function returns a sequence of QNames, being the names of the system properties recognized by the processor, in some implementation-dependent order.

The prefix part of a returned QName is implementation-dependent.

The function is deterministicFO30: that is, the set of available system properties does not vary during the course of a transformation.


The function returns a list of QNames, containing no duplicates.

The QNames in this list are suitable for passing to the system-property function. However, they must first be converted to the form expected by the system-property function, which is either a lexical QName or to an EQName in the form Q{uri}local. Because the prefix of the returned QName is unpredictable, the Q{uri}local is likely to be more convenient. Conversion of an xs:QName value to an EQName in Q{uri}local format can be achieved using the function:

21 Maps

Maps are defined in the XDM Data Model.

21.1 The Type of a Map

The syntax of ItemTypeXP40 as defined in XPath is extended as follows:

[69]    ItemType    ::=    KindTest | ("item" "(" ")") | FunctionTest | AtomicOrUnionType | ParenthesizedItemType
| MapType
[201]    MapType    ::=    'map' '(' ( '*' | (AtomicOrUnionTypeXP40 ',' SequenceTypeXP40) ')'

The following rules express the matching rules for a map item type and a map, and extend the set of rules given in Section 3.6 Item TypesXP40:

  • The ItemType map(K, V) matches an item M if (a) M is a map, and (b) every entry in M has a key that matches K and an associated value that matches V. For example, map(xs:integer, element(employee)) matches a map if all the keys in the map are integers, and all the associated values are employee elements. Note that a map (like a sequence) carries no intrinsic type information separate from the types of its entries, and the type of existing entries in a map does not constrain the type of new entries that can be added to the map.


    In consequence, map(K, V) matches an empty map, whatever the types K and V might be.

  • The ItemType map(*) matches any map regardless of its contents. It is equivalent to map(xs:anyAtomicType, item()*).

A map also acts as a function. This means that maps match certain function item types. Specifically, the following rule extends the list of rules in Section Function TestXP40:

  • function(*) matches any map.

  • function(xs:anyAtomicType) as item()* matches any map.

Because of the rules for subtyping of function types according to their signature, it follows that the item type function(A) as item()*, where A is an atomic type, also matches any map, regardless of the type of the keys actually found in the map. For example, a map whose keys are all strings can be supplied where the required type is function(xs:integer) as item()*; a call on the map that treats it as a function with an integer argument will always succeed, and will always return an empty sequence.

The function signature of the map, treated as a function, is always function(xs:anyAtomicType) as item()*, regardless of the actual types of the keys and values in the map. This means that a function item type with a more specific return type, such as function(xs:anyAtomicType) as xs:integer, does not match a map in the sense required to satisfy the instance of operator. However, the rules for function coercion mean that any map can be supplied as a value in a context where such a type is the required type, and a type error will only occur if an actual call on the map (treated as a function) returns a value that is not an instance of the required return type.


So, given a map $M whose keys are integers and whose results are strings, such as map{0:"no", 1:"yes"}, the following relations hold, among others:

  • $M instance of map(*)

  • $M instance of map(xs:integer, xs:string)

  • $M instance of map(xs:decimal, xs:anyAtomicType)

  • not($M instance of map(xs:int, xs:string))

  • not($M instance of map(xs:integer, xs:token))

  • $M instance of function(*)

  • $M instance of function(xs:anyAtomicType) as item()*

  • $M instance of function(xs:integer) as item()*

  • $M instance of function(xs:int) as item()*

  • $M instance of function(xs:string) as item()*

  • not($M instance of function(xs:integer) as xs:string)

The last case might seem surprising; however, function coercion ensures that $M can be used successfully anywhere that the required type is function(xs:integer) as xs:string.

The rules for judging whether one item type is a subtype of another, given in Section 3.7.2 Subtypes of Item TypesXP40, are extended with some additional rules. The judgement subtype-itemtype(Ai, Bi) is true if:

  • Ai is map(K, V) and Bi is map(*), for any K and V.

  • Ai is map(Ka, Va) and Bi is map(Kb, Vb), where subtype-itemtype(Ka, Kb) and subtype(Va, Vb).

  • Ai is map(*) (or, because of the transitivity rules, any other map type) and Bi is function(*).

  • Ai is map(*), (or, because of the transitivity rules, any other map type) and Bi is function(xs:anyAtomicType) as item()*.

21.2 Map Instructions

Two instructions are added to XSLT to facilitate the construction of maps.

<!-- Category: instruction -->
  on-duplicates? = expression〔error(xs:QName(err:XTDE3365))〕 >
  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

The instruction xsl:map constructs and returns a new map.

The contained sequence constructor must evaluate to a sequence of maps: call this $maps.

In the absense of duplicate keys, the result of the instruction is then given by the XPath 3.1 expression:



Informally: in the absence of duplicate keys the resulting map contains the union of the map entries from the supplied sequence of maps.

The handling of duplicate keys is described in 21.2.1 Handling of duplicate keys below.

There is no requirement that the supplied input maps should have the same or compatible types. The type of a map (for example map(xs:integer, xs:string)) is descriptive of the entries it currently contains, but is not a constraint on how the map may be combined with other maps.


A common coding pattern is to supply the input as a set of singleton maps, that is, maps containing a single entry. Moreover, it is often convenient to construct these using the xsl:map-entry instruction. However, it is not required that the input maps should be singletons, nor is it required that they should be constructed using this instruction.

[ERR XTTE3375] A type error occurs if the result of evaluating the sequence constructor is not an instance of the required type map(*)*.


In practice, the effect of this rule is that the sequence constructor contained in the xsl:map instruction is severely constrained: it doesn’t make sense, for example, for it to contain instructions such as xsl:element that create new nodes. As with other type errors, processors are free to signal the error statically if they are able to determine that the sequence constructor would always fail when evaluated.

<!-- Category: instruction -->
  key = expression
  select? = expression >
  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

The instruction xsl:map-entry constructs and returns a singleton map: that is, a map which contains one key and one value. Such a map is primarily used as a building block when constructing maps using the xsl:map instruction.

The select attribute and the contained sequence constructor are mutually exclusive: if a select attribute is present, then the content must be empty except optionally for xsl:fallback instructions.

[ERR XTSE3280] It is a static error if the select attribute of the xsl:map-entry element is present unless the element has no children other than xsl:fallback elements.

The key of the entry in the new map is the value obtained by evaluating the expression in the key attribute, converted to the required type xs:anyAtomicType by applying the coercion rules. If the supplied key (after conversion) is of type xs:untypedAtomic, it is cast to xs:string.

The associated value is the value obtained by evaluating the expression in the select attribute, or the contained sequence constructor, with no conversion. If there is no select attribute and the sequence constructor is empty, the associated value is the empty sequence.

Example: Using XSLT instructions to create a fixed map

The following example binds a variable to a map whose content is statically known:

<xsl:variable name="week" as="map(xs:string, xs:string)">
    <xsl:map-entry key="'Mo'" select="'Monday'"/>
    <xsl:map-entry key="'Tu'" select="'Tuesday'"/>
    <xsl:map-entry key="'We'" select="'Wednesday'"/>
    <xsl:map-entry key="'Th'" select="'Thursday'"/>
    <xsl:map-entry key="'Fr'" select="'Friday'"/>
    <xsl:map-entry key="'Sa'" select="'Saturday'"/>
    <xsl:map-entry key="'Su'" select="'Sunday'"/>


Example: Using XSLT instructions to create a computed map

The following example binds a variable to a map acting as an index into a source document:

<xsl:variable name="index" as="map(xs:string, element(employee))">
    <xsl:for-each select="//employee">
      <xsl:map-entry key="@empNr" select="."/>


Example: Modifying the keys in a map

The following example modifies a supplied map $input by changing all the keys to upper case. A dynamic error occurs if this results in duplicate keys:

  <xsl:for-each select="map:key-value-pairs($map)">
    <xsl:map-entry key="upper-case(?key)" select="?value"/>


Example: Modifying the values in a map

The following example modifies a supplied map $input by wrapping each of the values in an array:

  <xsl:for-each select="map:key-value-pairs($map)">
    <xsl:map-entry key="?key">
       <xsl:array select="?value"/>

21.2.1 Handling of duplicate keys

This section describes what happens when two or more maps returned by the sequence constructor within an xsl:map instruction contain duplicate keys: that is, when one of these maps contains an entry with key K, and another contains an entry with key L, and fn:atomic-equal(K, L) returns true.

[ERR XTDE3365] In the absence of the on-duplicates attribute, a dynamic error occurs if the set of keys in the maps resulting from evaluating the sequence constructor contains duplicates.

The result of evaluating the on-duplicates attribute, if present, must be a function with arity 2. When the xsl:map instruction encounters two map entries having the same key, the two values associated with this key are passed as arguments to this function, and the function returns the value that should be associated with this key in the final map.

The order of the arguments passed to the function reflects the order of the maps in which the duplicate entries appear: if map M and map N contain values VM and VN for the same key, and M precedes N in the sequence of maps returned by the sequence constructor, then the callback function is called with arguments VM and VN in that order.

If more than two maps contain values for the same key, then the callback function is invoked repeatedly. Let F be the callback function. Then if (for example) four maps supply the values A, B, C, and D for a given key K, in that order, the evaluation is as follows:

  1. F(A, B) is called; let its return value be X.

  2. F(X, C) is called; let its return value be Y.

  3. F(Y, D) is called; let its return value be Z.

  4. The value that is associated with key K in the final map will be Z.

Thus, if the values are all singleton items (which is not necessarily the case), and if the sequence of values is S, then the final result is fold-left(tail(S), head(S), F).

For example, the following table shows some useful callback functions that might be supplied, and explains their effect:

Function Effect
function($a, $b){$a} The first of the duplicate values is used.
function($a, $b){$b} The last of the duplicate values is used.
function($a, $b){$a, $b} The sequence-concatenation of the duplicate values is used. This could also be expressed as on-duplicates="op(',')".
function($a, $b){max(($a, $b))} The highest of the duplicate values is used.
function($a, $b){min(($a, $b))} The lowest of the duplicate values is used.
function($a, $b){string-join(($a, $b), ', ')} The comma-separated string concatenation of the duplicate values is used.
function($a, $b){$a + $b)} The sum of the duplicate values is used. This could also be expressed as on-duplicates="op('+')"
function($a, $b){error()} Duplicates are rejected as an error (this is the default in the absence of a callback function).
Example: Combining Duplicates into an Array

This example takes as input an XML document such as:

   <event id="A23" value="12"/>
   <event id="A24" value="5"/>
   <event id="A25" value="9"/>
   <event id="A23" value="2"/>

and constructs a map whose JSON representation is:

{"A23": [12, 2], "A24": [5], "A23": [9]}

The logic is:

<xsl:template match="data">
   <xsl:map on-duplicates="function($a, $b){array:join(($a, $b))}">
     <xsl:for-each select="event">
        <xsl:map-entry key="@id" select="[xs:integer(@value)]"/>

21.3 Map Constructors

A Map Constructor is a new kind of expression added to the syntax of XPath.


Map Constructors are defined in XPath 3.1. They are available in XSLT 3.0 whether or not XPath 3.1 is supported. The specification given here is intended to be identical to the specification in XPath 3.1.

The syntax of PrimaryExprXP40 is extended to permit MapConstructor as an additional alternative.

[52]    PrimaryExpr    ::=    Literal | VarRef | ParenthesizedExpr | ContextItemExpr | FunctionCall | FunctionItemExpr
| MapConstructor
[202]    MapConstructor    ::=    "map" "{" (MapConstructorEntry ("," MapConstructorEntry )*)? "}"
[203]    MapConstructorEntry    ::=    MapKeyExpr ":" MapValueExpr
[204]    MapKeyExpr    ::=    ExprSingleXP40
[205]    MapValueExpr    ::=    ExprSingleXP40


In some circumstances, it is necessary to include whitespace before or after the colon to ensure that this grammar is correctly parsed; this arises for example when the KeyExpr ends with a name and the ValueExpr starts with a name.

The value of the expression is a map whose entries correspond to the key-value pairs obtained by evaluating the successive KeyExpr and ValueExpr expressions.

Each KeyExpr expression is evaluated and atomized; a type error [ERR XPTY0004] XP40 occurs if the result is not a single atomic value. If the key is of type xs:untypedAtomic it is converted to xs:string. The associated value is the result of evaluating the corresponding ValueExpr. If two or more entries have the same key then a dynamic error occurs [see ERR XTDE3365].

For example, the following expression constructs a map with seven entries:

map {
  "Su" : "Sunday",
  "Mo" : "Monday",
  "Tu" : "Tuesday",
  "We" : "Wednesday",
  "Th" : "Thursday",
  "Fr" : "Friday",
  "Sa" : "Saturday"


Unlike the map:merge function, the number of entries in a map that is constructed using a map expression is known statically.

21.4 Maps and Streaming

Maps have many uses, but their introduction to XSLT 3.0 was strongly motivated by streaming use cases. In essence, when a source document is processed in streaming mode, data that is encountered in the course of processing may need to be retained in variables for subsequent use, because the nodes cannot be revisited. This creates a need for a flexible data structure to accommodate such temporary data, and maps were designed to fulfil this need.

The entries in a map are not allowed to contain references to streamed nodes. This is achieved by ensuring that for all constructs that supply content to be included in a map (for example the third argument of map:put, and the select attribute of xsl:map-entry), the relevant operand is defined to have operand usage navigation. Because maps cannot contain references to streamed nodes, they are effectively grounded, and can therefore be used freely in contexts (such as parameters to functions or templates) where only grounded operands are permitted.

The xsl:map instruction, and the XPath MapConstructor construct, are exceptions to the general rule that during streaming, only one downward selection (one consuming subexpression) is permitted. They share this characteristic with xsl:fork. As with xsl:fork, a streaming processor is expected to be able to construct the map during a single pass of the streamed input document, which may require multiple expressions to be evaluated in parallel.

In the case of the xsl:map instruction, this exemption applies only in the case where the instruction consists exclusively of xsl:map-entry (and xsl:fallback) children, and not in more complex cases where the map entries are constructed dynamically (for example using a control flow implemented using xsl:choose, xsl:for-each, or xsl:call-template). Such cases may, of course, be streamable if they only have a single consuming subexpression.

For example, the following XPath expression is streamable, despite making two downward selections:

let $m := map{'price':xs:decimal(price), 'discount':xs:decimal(discount)} 
return ($m?price - $m?discount)


  1. Because the return clause is motionless, the sweep of the let expression is the sweep of the map expression (the expression in curly brackets).

  2. The sweep of a map expression is the maximum sweep of its key/value pairs.

  3. For both key/value pairs, the key is motionless and the value is consuming.

  4. The expression carefully atomizes both values, because retaining references to streamed nodes in a map is not permitted.

  5. Therefore the map expression, and hence the expression as a whole, is grounded and consuming.

See also: Streamability of Map Constructors, Streamability of xsl:map, Streamability of xsl:map-entry

21.5 Examples using Maps

This section gives some examples of where maps can be useful.

Example: Using Maps with xsl:iterate

This example uses maps in conjunction with the xsl:iterate instruction to find the highest-earning employee in each department, in a single streaming pass of an input document containing employee records.

<xsl:source-document streamable="yes" href="employees.xml">
  <xsl:iterate select="*/employee">
    <xsl:param name="highest-earners" 
               as="map(xs:string, element(employee))" 
      <xsl:for-each select="map:keys($highest-earners)">
        <department name="{.}">
          <xsl:copy-of select="$highest-earners(.)"/>
    <xsl:variable name="this" select="copy-of(.)" as="element(employee)"/> 
      <xsl:with-param name="highest-earners"
          select="let $existing := $highest-earners($this/department)
                  return if ($existing/salary gt $this/salary)
                         then $highest-earners
                         else map:put($highest-earners, $this/department, $this)"/>


Example: Using Maps to Implement Complex Numbers

A complex number might be represented as a map with two entries, the keys being the xs:boolean value true for the real part, and the xs:boolean value false for the imaginary part. A library for manipulation of complex numbers might include functions such as the following:

<xsl:variable name="REAL" static="yes" as="xs:int" select="0"/> 
<xsl:variable name="IMAG" static="yes" as="xs:int" select="1"/> 
<xsl:function name="i:complex" as="map(xs:int, xs:double)">
  <xsl:param name="real" as="xs:double"/>
  <xsl:param name="imaginary" as="xs:double"/>
  <xsl:sequence select="map{ $REAL : $real, $IMAG : $imaginary }"/>

<xsl:function name="i:real" as="xs:double">
  <xsl:param name="complex" as="map(xs:int, xs:double)"/>
  <xsl:sequence select="$complex($REAL)"/>

<xsl:function name="i:imaginary" as="xs:double">
  <xsl:param name="complex" as="map(xs:int, xs:double)"/>
  <xsl:sequence select="$complex($IMAG)"/>

<xsl:function name="i:add" as="map(xs:int, xs:double)">
  <xsl:param name="arg1" as="map(xs:int, xs:double)"/>
  <xsl:param name="arg2" as="map(xs:int, xs:double)"/>
  <xsl:sequence select="i:complex(i:real($arg1)+i:real($arg2), 

<xsl:function name="i:multiply" as="map(xs:boolean, xs:double)">
  <xsl:param name="arg1" as="map(xs:boolean, xs:double)"/>
  <xsl:param name="arg2" as="map(xs:boolean, xs:double)"/>
  <xsl:sequence select="i:complex(
      i:real($arg1)*i:real($arg2) - i:imaginary($arg1)*i:imaginary($arg2),
      i:real($arg1)*i:imaginary($arg2) + i:imaginary($arg1)*i:real($arg2))"/>


Example: Using a Map as an Index

Given a set of book elements, it is possible to construct an index in the form of a map allowing the books to be retrieved by ISBN number.

Assume the book elements have the form:

  <author>Michael H. Kay</author>
  <title>XSLT 2.0 and XPath 2.0 Programmer's Reference</title>

An index may be constructed as follows:

<xsl:variable name="isbn-index" as="map(xs:string, element(book))"
    select="map:merge(for $b in //book return map{$b/isbn : $b})"/>

This index may then be used to retrieve the book for a given ISBN using either of the expressions map:get($isbn-index, "0470192747") or $isbn-index("0470192747").

In this simple form, this replicates the functionality available using xsl:key and the key function. However, it also provides capabilities not directly available using the key function: for example, the index can include book elements in multiple source documents. It also allows processing of all the books using a construct such as <xsl:for-each select="map:keys($isbn-index)">


Example: A Map containing Named Functions

As in JavaScript, a map whose keys are strings and whose associated values are function items can be used in a similar way to a class in object-oriented programming languages.

Suppose an application needs to handle customer order information that may arrive in three different formats, with different hierarchic arrangements:

  1. Flat structure:

    <customer id="c123">...</customer>
    <product id="p789">...</product>
    <order customer="c123" product="p789">...</order>
  2. Orders within customer elements:

    <customer id="c123">
       <order product="p789">...</order>
    <product id="p789">...</product>
  3. Orders within product elements:

    <customer id="c123">...</customer>
    <product id="p789">
      <order customer="c123">...</order>

An application can isolate itself from these differences by defining a set of functions to navigate the relationships between customers, orders, and products: orders-for-customer, orders-for-product, customer-for-order, product-for-order. These functions can be implemented in different ways for the three different input formats. For example, with the first format the implementation might be:

<xsl:variable name="flat-input-functions" as="map(xs:string, function(*))*"
            'orders-for-customer' : 
                 function($c as element(customer)) as element(order)* 
            'orders-for-product' : 
                 function($p as element(product)) as element(order)* 
            'customer-for-order' : 
                 function($o as element(order)) as element(customer) 
            'product-for-order' : 
                 function($o as element(order)) as element(product) 
                    {$o/../product[@id=$o/@product]} }                    

Having established which input format is in use, the application can bind the appropriate implementation of these functions to a variable such as $input-navigator, and can then process the input using XPath expressions such as the following, which selects all products for which there is no order: //product[empty($input-navigator("orders-for-product")(.))]

22 Arrays

Arrays are defined in the XDM Data Model.

22.1 Array Construction

The instruction xsl:array constructs and returns a new array.

<!-- Category: instruction -->
  select? = expression
  use? = expression〔.〕 >
  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

If the use attribute is omitted, the resulting array has one singleton member for each item returned by the select attribute or sequence constructor. For example <xsl:array select="1 to 5"/> returns an array with five members: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].

If the use attribute is present then it is evaluated once for each item in the sequence returned by the select attribute or sequence constructor, with a singleton focus based on that item, to produce the value of the corresponding array member.

For example, <xsl:array select="'red', 'green', 'blue'" use="characters(.)"/> returns an array with three members: [("r", "e", "d"), ("g", "r", "e", "e", "n"), ("b", "l", "u", "e")] .

A useful convention is to construct each array member as a value record (a singleton map whose single entry has the key "value"): <xsl:array select="map:entry('value', 1 to 3), map:entry('value': 8 to 10)" use="?value"/> returns an array with two members: [(1,2,3), (8,9,10)]. This is essentially equivalent to the effect of the array:of-members function.

The select attribute and the contained sequence constructor are mutually exclusive: if the select attribute is present, then the only permitted child element is xsl:fallback.

For convenience and readability, the instruction xsl:array-member can be used to construct a zero-arity function suitable for use with xsl:array.

Example: Constructing an array whose members are single items

The following example constructs an array by tokenizing a string:

<xsl:array select="tokenize('The cat sat on the mat')"/>

The result is the array ["The", "cat", "sat", "on", "the", "mat"].

The following example constructs an array containing items computed using nested instructions:

   <xsl:for-each-group select="0 to 19" group-adjacent=". idiv 4">
     <xsl:sequence select="string-join(current-group(), '-')"/>

The result is the array ["0-1-2-3", "4-5-6-7", "8-9-10-11", "12-13-14-15", "16-17-18-19"].


Example: Constructing an array whose members are arbitrary sequences

The following example constructs an array whose members are sequences:

<xsl:array use="?value">
   <xsl:for-each-group select="0 to 19" group-adjacent=". idiv 4">
     <xsl:map-entry key="'value'" select="current-group()"/>

The result is the array [(0,1,2,3), (4,5,6,7), (8,9,10,11), (12,13,14,15), (16,17,18,19)].

The technique used here is to capture each member sequence in a singleton map (known as a value record) with the conventional key "value".

The following example delivers the same result in a different way:

<xsl:array use=".()">
   <xsl:for-each-group select="0 to 19" group-adjacent=". idiv 4">
     <xsl:sequence select="current-group#0"/>

In this approach, the member sequence is captured in the value of the zero-arity function current-group#0, which is then applied using the expression .() to yield the actual value.


TODO: this example only works if we fix issue #407. Without that fix, calling current-group#0 raises XTDE1061.

A third approach would be to capture the member sequences as arrays:

<xsl:array use="?*">
   <xsl:for-each-group select="0 to 19" group-adjacent=". idiv 4">
     <xsl:array select="current-group()"/>


Example: Constructing an array based on an existing array

The xsl:array instruction can be used in conjunction with the array:membersFO30 function to construct an array from the members of an existing array. For example, the following code combines two arrays and sorts the result:

<xsl:array use="?value">
   <xsl:perform-sort select="array:members($input-1), array:members($input-2)">
      <xsl:sort select="count(?value)"/>

The following code inverts a nested array (such as [[1,2,3], [4,5,6], [7,8,9]]) so the result is organized by columns rather than rows ([[1,4,7], [2,5,8], [3,6,9]]):

   <xsl:for-each select="1 to array:size($input?1)">
      <xsl:variable name="index" select="."/>
      <xsl:array select="array:members($input)?value?($index)"/>

23 Processing JSON Data

JSON is a popular format for exchange of structured data on the web: it is specified in [RFC 7159]. This section describes facilities allowing JSON data to be processed using XSLT.


RFC7159 is taken as the definitive specification of JSON for the purposes of this document. The RFC explains its relationship with other JSON specifications such as [ECMA-404].


XPath 3.1 incorporates the functions defined in this section. It also provides additional JSON capability, in the form of functions parse-json, json-doc, and extensions to the serializeFO30 function. These facilities are incorporated in XSLT 3.0 only if the XPath 3.1 feature is supported. They depend on support for arrays.

23.1 XML Representation of JSON

This specification defines a mapping from JSON data to XML (specifically, to XDM instances). A function json-to-xml is provided to take a JSON string as input and convert it to the XML representation. Two stylesheet modules are provided to perform the reverse transformation: one produces JSON in compact linear form, the other in indented form suitable for display, editing, or printing.

The XML representation is designed to be capable of representing any valid JSON text other than one that uses characters which are not valid in XML. The transformation is lossless: that is, distinct JSON texts convert to distinct XML representations. When converting JSON to XML, options are provided to reject unsupported characters, to replace them with a substitute character, or to leave them in backslash-escaped form.

The following example demonstrates the correspondence of a JSON text and the corresponding XML representation.

Example: A JSON Text and its XML Representation

Consider the following JSON text:

  "desc"    : "Distances between several cities, in kilometers.",
  "updated" : "2014-02-04T18:50:45",
  "uptodate": true,
  "author"  : null,
  "cities"  : {
    "Brussels": [
      {"to": "London",    "distance": 322},
      {"to": "Paris",     "distance": 265},
      {"to": "Amsterdam", "distance": 173}
    "London": [
      {"to": "Brussels",  "distance": 322},
      {"to": "Paris",     "distance": 344},
      {"to": "Amsterdam", "distance": 358}
    "Paris": [
      {"to": "Brussels",  "distance": 265},
      {"to": "London",    "distance": 344},
      {"to": "Amsterdam", "distance": 431}
    "Amsterdam": [
      {"to": "Brussels",  "distance": 173},
      {"to": "London",    "distance": 358},
      {"to": "Paris",     "distance": 431}

The XML representation of this text is as follows. Whitespace is included in the XML representation for purposes of illustration, and is ignored by the stylesheets that convert XML to JSON, but it will not be present in the output of the json-to-xml function.

<map xmlns="">
    <string key='desc'>Distances between several cities, in kilometers.</string>
    <string key='updated'>2014-02-04T18:50:45</string>
    <boolean key="uptodate">true</boolean>
    <null key="author"/>
    <map key='cities'>
      <array key="Brussels">
            <string key="to">London</string>
            <number key="distance">322</number>
            <string key="to">Paris</string>
            <number key="distance">265</number>
            <string key="to">Amsterdam</string>
            <number key="distance">173</number>
      <array key="London">
            <string key="to">Brussels</string>
            <number key="distance">322</number>
            <string key="to">Paris</string>
            <number key="distance">344</number>
            <string key="to">Amsterdam</string>
            <number key="distance">358</number>
      <array key="Paris">
            <string key="to">Brussels</string>
            <number key="distance">265</number>
            <string key="to">London</string>
            <number key="distance">344</number>
            <string key="to">Amsterdam</string>
            <number key="distance">431</number>
      <array key="Amsterdam">
            <string key="to">Brussels</string>
            <number key="distance">173</number>
            <string key="to">London</string>
            <number key="distance">358</number>
            <string key="to">Paris</string>
            <number key="distance">431</number>

An XSD 1.0 schema for the XML representation is provided in B.1 Schema for the XML Representation of JSON. It is not necessary to import this schema (using xsl:import-schema) unless the stylesheet makes explicit reference to the components defined in the schema. If the stylesheet does import a schema for the namespace, then:

  1. The processor (if it is schema-aware) must recognize an xsl:import-schema declaration for this namespace, whether or not the schema-location is supplied.

  2. If a schema-location is provided, then the schema document at that location must be equivalent to the schema document at B.1 Schema for the XML Representation of JSON; the effect if it is not is implementation-dependent

The rules governing the mapping from JSON to XML are as follows. In these rules, the phrase “an element named N” is to be interpreted as meaning “an element node whose local name is N and whose namespace URI is”.

  1. The JSON value null is represented by an element named null, with empty content.

  2. The JSON values true and false are represented by an element named boolean, with content conforming to the type xs:boolean.

  3. A JSON number is represented by an element named number, with content conforming to the type xs:double, with the additional restriction that the value must not be positive or negative infinity, nor NaN.

  4. A JSON string is represented by an element named string, with content conforming to the type xs:string.

  5. A JSON array is represented by an element named array. The content is a sequence of child elements representing the members of the array in order, each such element being the representation of the array member obtained by applying these rules recursively.

  6. A JSON object is represented by an element named map. The content is a sequence of child elements each of which represents one of the name/value pairs in the object. The representation of the name/value pair N:V is obtained by taking the element that represents the value V (by applying these rules recursively) and adding an attribute with name key (in no namespace), whose value is N as an instance of xs:string.

The attribute escaped="true" may be specified on a string element to indicate that the string value contains backslash-escaped characters that are to be interpreted according to the JSON rules. The attribute escaped-key="true" may be specified on any element with a key attribute to indicate that the key contains backslash-escaped characters that are to be interpreted according to the JSON rules. Both attributes have the default value false.

The JSON grammar for number is a subset of the lexical space of the XSD type xs:double. The mapping from JSON number values to xs:double values is defined by the XPath rules for casting from xs:string to xs:double. Note that these rules will never generate an error for out-of-range values; instead very large or very small values will be converted to +INF or -INF. Since JSON does not impose limits on the range or precision of numbers, the conversion is not guaranteed to be lossless.

Although the order of entries in a JSON object is generally considered to have no significance, the function json-to-xml and the stylesheets that perform the reverse transformation both retain order.

The XDM representation of a JSON value may either be untyped (all elements annotated as xs:untyped, attributes as xs:untypedAtomic), or it may be typed. If it is typed, then it must have the type annotations obtained by validating the untyped representation against the schema given in B.1 Schema for the XML Representation of JSON. If it is untyped, then it must be an XDM instance such that validation against this schema would succeed.

23.2 Option Parameter Conventions

This section describes conventions which in principle can be adopted by the specification of any function. At the time of writing, the function which invoke these conventions are xml-to-json and json-to-xml.

As a matter of convention, a number of functions defined in this document take a parameter whose value is a map, defining options controlling the detail of how the function is evaluated. Maps are a new data type introduced in XSLT 3.0.

For example, the function fn:xml-to-json has an options parameter allowing specification of whether the output is to be indented. A call might be written:

xml-to-json($input, map{'indent':true()})

[Definition: Functions that take an options parameter adopt common conventions on how the options are used. These are referred to as the option parameter conventions. These rules apply only to functions that explicitly refer to them.]

Where a function adopts the option parameter conventions, the following rules apply:

  1. The value of the relevant argument must be a map. The entries in the map are referred to as options: the key of the entry is called the option name, and the associated value is the option value. Option names defined in this specification are always strings (single xs:string values). Option values may be of any type.

  2. The type of the options parameter in the function signature is always given as map(*).

  3. Although option names are described above as strings, the actual key may be any value that compares equal to the required string (using the eq operator with Unicode codepoint collation). For example, instances of xs:untypedAtomic or xs:anyURI are equally acceptable.


    This means that the implementation of the function can check for the presence and value of particular options using the functions map:contains and/or map:get.

  4. It is not an error if the options map contains options with names other than those described in this specification. Implementations may attach an implementation-defined meaning to such entries, and may define errors that arise if such entries are present with invalid values. Implementations must ignore such entries unless they have a specific implementation-defined meaning. Implementations that define additional options in this way should use values of type xs:QName as the option names, using an appropriate namespace.

  5. All entries in the options map are optional, and supplying an empty map has the same effect as omitting the relevant argument in the function call, assuming this is permitted.

  6. For each named option, the function specification defines a required type for the option value. The value that is actually supplied in the map is converted to this required type using the coercion rules. A type error [ERR XPTY0004] XP40 occurs if conversion of the supplied value to the required type is not possible, or if this conversion delivers a coerced function whose invocation fails with a type error. A dynamic error occurs if the supplied value after conversion is not one of the permitted values for the option in question: the error codes for this error are defined in the specification of each function.


    It is the responsibility of each function implementation to invoke this conversion; it does not happen automatically as a consequence of the function calling rules.

  7. In cases where an option is list-valued, by convention the value may be supplied either as a sequence or as an array. Accepting a sequence is convenient if the value is generated programmatically using an XPath expression; while accepting an array allows the options to be held in an external file in JSON format, to be read using a call on the fn:json-doc function.

  8. In cases where the value of an option is itself a map, the specification of the particular function must indicate whether or not these rules apply recursively to the contents of that map.

23.3 Transforming XML to JSON

Given an XML structure that does not use the XML representation of JSON defined in 23.1 XML Representation of JSON, there are two practical ways to convert it to JSON: either perform a transformation to the XML representation of JSON and then call the xml-to-json function; or transform it to JSON directly by using custom template rules.

To assist with the second approach, a stylesheet is provided in B.2 Stylesheet for converting XML to JSON. This stylesheet includes a function j:xml-to-json which, apart from being in a different namespace, is functionally very similar to the xml-to-json function described in the previous section. (It differs in doing less validation of the input than the function specification requires, and in the details of how special characters are escaped.) The implementation of the function is exposed, using template rules to perform a recursive descent of the supplied input, and the behavior of the function can therefore be customized (typically by importing the stylesheet and adding additional template rules) to handle arbitrary XML input.

The stylesheet is provided under the W3C software license for the convenience of users. There is no requirement for any conformant XSLT processor to make this stylesheet available. Processors may implement the xml-to-json function by invoking this stylesheet (adapted to achieve full conformance), but there is no requirement to do so.

24 Diagnostics

24.1 Messages

<!-- Category: instruction -->
  select? = expression
  terminate? = { boolean }〔'no'〕
  error-code? = { eqname }〔'Q{}XTMM9000'〕 >
  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

The xsl:message instruction sends a message in an implementation-defined way. The xsl:message instruction causes the creation of a new document, which is typically serialized and output to an implementation-defined destination. The result of the xsl:message instruction is an empty sequence.

The content of the message may be specified by using either or both of the optional select attribute and the sequence constructor that forms the content of the xsl:message instruction.

If the xsl:message instruction contains a sequence constructor, then the sequence obtained by evaluating this sequence constructor is used to construct the content of the new document node, as described in 5.8.1 Constructing Complex Content.

If the xsl:message instruction has a select attribute, then the value of the attribute must be an XPath expression. The effect of the xsl:message instruction is then the same as if a single xsl:copy-of instruction with this select attribute were added to the start of the sequence constructor.

If the xsl:message instruction has no content and no select attribute, then an empty message is produced.

The tree produced by the xsl:message instruction is not technically a final result tree. The tree has no URI and processors are not required to make the tree accessible to applications.


In many cases, the XML document produced using xsl:message will consist of a document node owning a single text node. However, it may contain a more complex structure.


An implementation might implement xsl:message by popping up an alert box or by writing to a log file. Because the order of execution of instructions is implementation-defined, the order in which such messages appear is not predictable.

The terminate attribute is interpreted as an attribute value template.

If the effective value of the terminate attribute is yes, then the processor must signal a dynamic error after sending the message. This error may be caught in the same way as any other dynamic error using xsl:catch. The default value is no. Note that because the order of evaluation of instructions is implementation-dependent, this gives no guarantee that any particular instruction will or will not be evaluated before processing terminates.

The optional error-code attribute (also interpreted as an attribute value template) may be used to indicate the error code associated with the message. This may be used irrespective of the value of terminate. The effective value of the error code attribute is expected to be an EQName. If no error code is specified, or if the effective value is not a valid EQName, the error code will have local part XTMM9000 and namespace URI User-defined error codes should be in a namespace other than When the value of terminate is yes, the error code may be matched in an xsl:catch element to catch the error and cause processing to continue normally.

[ERR XTMM9000] When a transformation is terminated by use of <xsl:message terminate="yes"/>, the effect is the same as when a dynamic error occurs during the transformation. The default error code is XTMM9000; this may be overridden using the error-code attribute of the xsl:message instruction.

Example: Localizing Messages

One convenient way to do localization is to put the localized information (message text, etc.) in an XML document, which becomes an additional input file to the stylesheet. For example, suppose messages for a language L are stored in an XML file resources/L.xml in the form:

  <message name="problem">A problem was detected.</message>
  <message name="error">An error was detected.</message>

Then a stylesheet could use the following approach to localize messages:

<xsl:param name="lang" select="'en'"/>
<xsl:variable name="messages"
  select="document(concat('resources/', $lang, '.xml'))/messages"/>

<xsl:template name="localized-message">
  <xsl:param name="name"/>
  <xsl:message select="string($messages/message[@name=$name])"/>

<xsl:template name="problem">
  <xsl:call-template name="localized-message">
    <xsl:with-param name="name">problem</xsl:with-param>

Any dynamic error that occurs while evaluating the select expression or the contained sequence constructor, and any serialization error that occurs while processing the result, does not cause the transformation to fail; at worst, it means that no message is output, or that the only message that is output is one that relates to the error that occurred.


An example of such an error is the serialization error that occurs when processing the instruction <xsl:message select="@code"/> (on the grounds that free-standing attributes cannot be serialized). Making such errors recoverable means that it is implementation-defined whether or not they are signaled to the user and whether they cause termination of the transformation. If the processor chooses to recover from the error, the content of any resulting message is implementation-dependent.

One possible recovery action is to include a description of the error in the generated message text.

24.2 Assertions

The xsl:assert instruction is used to assert that the value of a particular expression is true; if the value of the expression is false, and assertions are enabled, then a dynamic error occurs.

<!-- Category: instruction -->
  test = expression
  select? = expression
  error-code? = { eqname }〔'Q{}XTMM9001'〕 >
  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

By default, assertions are disabled.

An implementation must provide an external mechanism to enable or disable assertion checking. This may work either statically or dynamically, and may be at the level of the stylesheet as a whole, or at the level of an individual package, or otherwise. The detail of such mechanisms is implementation-defined.

If assertion checking is enabled, the instruction is evaluated as follows:

  1. The expression in the test attribute is evaluated. If the effective boolean value of the result is true, the assertion succeeds, and no further action is taken. If the effective boolean value is false, or if a dynamic error occurs during evaluation of the expression, then the assertion fails.

  2. If the assertion fails, then the effect of the instruction is governed by the rules for evaluation of an xsl:message instruction with the same select attribute, error-code attribute, and contained sequence constructor, and with the value terminate="yes". However, the default error code if the error-code attribute is omitted is XTMM9001 rather than XTMM9000.


    To the extent that the behavior of xsl:message is implementation-defined, this rule does not prevent an implementation treating xsl:assert and xsl:message differently.


    If evaluation of the test expression fails with a dynamic error, the effect is exactly the same as if the evaluation returns false, including the fact that the instruction fails with error code XTMM9001.

  3. If an assertion fails, then the following sibling instructions of the xsl:assert instruction are not evaluated.


    This means that xsl:assert can be used (rather like xsl:if and xsl:choose) to prevent subsequent instructions from executing if a particular precondition is not true, which might be useful if the subsequent instructions have side-effects (for example, by calling extension functions) or if they can fail in uncatchable ways (for example, non-terminating recursion). It is worth noting that there are limits to this guarantee. It does not ensure, for example, that when an assertion within a template fails, the following siblings of the xsl:call-template instruction that invokes that template will not be evaluated; nor does it ensure that if an assertion fails while processing the first item of a sequence using xsl:for-each, then subsequent items in the sequence will not be processed.

[ERR XTMM9001] When a transformation is terminated by use of xsl:assert, the effect is the same as when a dynamic error occurs during the transformation. The default error code is XTMM9001; this may be overridden using the error-code attribute of the xsl:assert instruction.

As with any other dynamic error, an error caused by an assertion failing may be trapped using xsl:try: see 8.4 Try/Catch.

The result of the xsl:assert instruction is an empty sequence.

Example: Using Assertions with Static Parameters

The following example shows a stylesheet function that checks that the value of its supplied argument is in range. The check is performed only if the static parameter $DEBUG is set to true.

<xsl:param name="DEBUG" as="xs:boolean" select="false()" 
           static="yes" required="no"/>
<xsl:function name="f:days-elapsed" as="xs:integer">
  <xsl:param name="date" as="xs:date"/>
  <xsl:assert use-when="$DEBUG" test="$date lt current-date()"/>
  <xsl:sequence select="(current-date() - $since) 
                            div xs:dayTimeDuration('PT1D')"/>


Implementations should avoid optimizing xsl:assert instructions away. As a guideline, if the result of a sequence constructor is required by the transformation, the implementation should ensure that all xsl:assert instructions in that sequence constructor are evaluated. Conversely, if the result of a sequence constructor is not required by the transformation, its xsl:assert instructions should not be evaluated.

This guidance is not intended to prevent optimizations such as lazy evaluation, where evaluation of a sequence constructor may finish early, as soon as enough information is available to evaluate the containing instruction.

An implementation may provide a user option allowing a processor to treat assertions as being true without explicit checking. This option must not be enabled by default. If such an option is in force, the effect of any assertion not being true is implementation-dependent.


For example, given the assertion <xsl:assert test="count(//title)=1"/>, a processor might generate code for the expression <xsl:value-of select="//title"/> that stops searching for title elements after finding the first one. In the event that the source document contains more than one title, execution of the stylesheet may fail in arbitrary ways, or it may produce incorrect output.

25 Extensibility and Fallback

XSLT allows two kinds of extension, extension instructions and extension functions.

[Definition: An extension instruction is an element within a sequence constructor that is in a namespace (not the XSLT namespace) designated as an extension namespace.]

[Definition: An extension function is a named function introduced to the static or dynamic context by mechanisms outside the scope of this specification.]

This specification does not define any mechanism for creating or binding implementations of extension instructions or extension functions, and it is not required that implementations support any such mechanism. Such mechanisms, if they exist, are implementation-defined. Therefore, an XSLT stylesheet that must be portable between XSLT implementations cannot rely on particular extensions being available. XSLT provides mechanisms that allow an XSLT stylesheet to determine whether the implementation makes particular extensions available, and to specify what happens if those extensions are not available. If an XSLT stylesheet is careful to make use of these mechanisms, it is possible for it to take advantage of extensions and still retain portability.

[ERR XTSE0085] It is a static error to use a reserved namespace in the name of any extension function or extension instruction, other than a function or instruction defined in this specification or in a normatively referenced specification. It is a static error to use a prefix bound to a reserved namespace in the [xsl:]extension-element-prefixes attribute.

25.1 Extension Functions

The set of functions that can be called from a FunctionCallXP40 within an XPath expression may include one or more extension functions. The expanded QName of an extension function always has a non-null namespace URI, which must not be the URI of a reserved namespace.


The definition of the term extension function is written to exclude user-written stylesheet functions, constructor functions for built-in and user-defined types, functions in the fn, math, map, and array namespaces, anonymous XPath inline functions, maps and arrays, and partial function applications (including partial applications of extension functions). It also excludes functions obtained by invoking XPath-defined functions such as load-xquery-moduleFO40. The definition allows extension functions to be discovered at evaluation time (typically using function-lookupFO30) rather than necessarily being known statically.

Technically, the definition of extension functions excludes anonymous functions obtained by calling or partially applying other extension functions. Since such functions are by their nature implementation-defined, they may however share some of the characteristics of extension functions.

25.1.1 fn:function-available


Determines whether a particular function is or is not available for use. The function is particularly useful for calling within an [xsl:]use-when attribute (see 3.13.3 Conditional Element Inclusion) to test whether a particular extension function is available.

$name as union(xs:QName, xs:string),
$arity as xs:integer? := ()
) as xs:boolean

This function is deterministicFO30, context-dependentFO30, and focus-independentFO30. It depends on namespaces, and known function signatures.


A function is said to be available within an XPath expression if it is present in the statically known function definitionsXP40 for that expression (see 5.3.1 Initializing the Static Context). Function definitions in the static context are uniquely identified by the name of the function (a QName) in combination with its arity range.

The value of $name must be either an xs:QName, or a string containing an EQName. A lexical QName is expanded into an expanded QName using the namespace declarations in scope for the expression. If the value is an unprefixed lexical QName, then the standard function namespace is used in the expanded QName.

When the $arity argument is present and non-empty, the function-available function returns true if and only if there is an available function whose name matches the value of the $function-name argument and whose arity range includes the value of the $arity argument.

When the $arity argument is omitted or empty, the function-available function returns true if and only if there is at least one available function (with some arity) whose name matches the value of the $name argument.

When the containing expression is evaluated with XPath 1.0 compatibility mode set to true, the function-available function returns false in respect of a function name and arity for which no implementation is available (other than the fallback error function that raises a dynamic error whenever it is called). This means that it is possible (as in XSLT 1.0) to use logic such as the following to test whether a function is available before calling it:

Example: Calling an extension function with backwards compatibility enabled
<summary xsl:version="1.0">
    <xsl:when test="function-available('my:summary')">
      <xsl:value-of select="my:summary()"/>
      <xsl:text>Summary not available</xsl:text>
Error Conditions

[ERR XTDE1400] It is a dynamic error if the $name argument evaluates to a string that is not a valid EQName, or if the value is a lexical QName with a prefix for which no namespace declaration is present in the static context. If the processor is able to detect the error statically (for example, when the argument is supplied as a string literal), then the processor may optionally signal this as a static error.


The fact that a function with a given name is available gives no guarantee that any particular call on the function will be successful. For example, it is not possible to determine the types of the arguments expected.

The introduction of the function-lookupFO30 function in XPath 3.0 reduces the need for function-available, since function-lookupFO30 not only tests whether a function is available, but also returns a function item that enables it to be dynamically called.

If a function is present in the static context but with no useful functionality (for example, if the system has been configured for security reasons so that available-environment-variablesFO30 returns no information), then function-available when applied to that function should return false.

It is not necessary that there be a direct equivalence between the results of function-available and function-lookupFO30 in all cases. For example, there may be extension functions whose side-effects are such that for security reasons, dynamic calls to the function are disallowed; function-lookupFO30 might then not provide access to the function. The main use-case for function-available, by contrast, is for use in [xsl:]use-when conditions to test whether static calls on the function are possible.

Example: Stylesheet portable between XSLT 1.0, XSLT 2.0, and XSLT 3.0

A stylesheet that is designed to use XSLT 2.0 facilities when running under an XSLT 2.0 or XSLT 3.0 processor, but to fall back to XSLT 1.0 capabilities when not, might be written using the code:

<out xsl:version="2.0">
    <xsl:when test="function-available('matches')">
      <xsl:value-of select="matches(/doc/title, '[a-z]*')"/>
      <xsl:value-of select="string-length(
	        translate(/doc/title, 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz', '')) = 0"/>

Here an XSLT 2.0 or XSLT 3.0 processor will always take the xsl:when branch, while a 1.0 processor will follow the xsl:otherwise branch. The single-argument version of the function-available function is used here, because that is the only version available in XSLT 1.0. Under the rules of XSLT 1.0, the call on the matches function is not an error, because it is never evaluated.

Example: Stylesheet portable between XSLT 3.0 and a future version of XSLT

A stylesheet that is designed to use facilities in some future XSLT version when they are available, but to fall back to XSLT 2.0 or XSLT 3.0 capabilities when not, might be written using code such as the following. This hypothesizes the availability in some future version of a function pad which pads a string to a fixed length with spaces:

<xsl:value-of select="pad(/doc/title, 10)" 
               use-when="function-available('pad', 2)"/>
 <xsl:value-of select="concat(/doc/title, string-join(
                          for $i in 1 to 10 - string-length(/doc/title) 
						  return ' ', ''))"
               use-when="not(function-available('pad', 2))"/>

In this case the two-argument version of function-available is used, because there is no requirement for this code to run under XSLT 1.0.

25.1.2 Calling Extension Functions

If the function name used in a FunctionCallXP40 within an XPath expression identifies an extension function, then to evaluate the FunctionCallXP40, the processor will first evaluate each of the arguments in the FunctionCallXP40. If the processor has information about the datatypes expected by the extension function, then it may perform any necessary type conversions between the XPath datatypes and those defined by the implementation language. If multiple extension functions are available with the same name, the processor may decide which one to invoke based on the number of arguments, the types of the arguments, or any other criteria. The result returned by the implementation is returned as the result of the function call, again after any necessary conversions between the datatypes of the implementation language and those of XPath. The details of such type conversions are outside the scope of this specification.

[ERR XTDE1420] It is a dynamic error if the arguments supplied to a call on an extension function do not satisfy the rules defined for that particular extension function, or if the extension function reports an error, or if the result of the extension function cannot be converted to an XPath value.


Implementations may also provide mechanisms allowing extension functions to report recoverable dynamic errors, or to execute within an environment that treats some or all of the errors listed above as recoverable.

[ERR XTDE1425] When the containing element is processed with XSLT 1.0 behavior, it is a dynamic error to evaluate an extension function call if no implementation of the extension function is available.


When XSLT 1.0 behavior is not enabled, this is a static error [ERR XPST0017] XP40.


There is no prohibition on calling extension functions that have side-effects (for example, an extension function that writes data to a file). However, the order of execution of XSLT instructions is not defined in this specification, so the effects of such functions are unpredictable.

Implementations are not required to perform full validation of values returned by extension functions. It is an error for an extension function to return a string containing characters that are not permitted in XML, but the consequences of this error are implementation-defined. The implementation may raise an error, may convert the string to a string containing valid characters only, or may treat the invalid characters as if they were permitted characters.


The ability to execute extension functions represents a potential security weakness, since untrusted stylesheets may invoke code that has privileged access to resources on the machine where the processor executes. Implementations may therefore provide mechanisms that restrict the use of extension functions by untrusted stylesheets.

All observations in this section regarding the errors that can occur when invoking extension functions apply equally when invoking extension instructions.

25.1.3 External Objects

An implementation may allow an extension function to return an object that does not have any natural representation in the XDM data model, whether as an atomic value, a node, or a function item. For example, an extension function sql:connect might return an object that represents a connection to a relational database; the resulting connection object might be passed as an argument to calls on other extension functions such as sql:insert and sql:select.

The way in which such objects are represented in the type system is implementation-defined. They might be represented by a completely new datatype, or they might be mapped to existing datatypes such as integer, string, or anyURI.

25.1.4 fn:type-available


Used to control how a stylesheet behaves if a particular schema type is or is not available in the static context.

$name as union(xs:QName, xs:string)
) as xs:boolean

This function is deterministicFO30, context-dependentFO30, and focus-independentFO30. It depends on namespaces, and schema definitions.


A schema type (that is, a simple type or a complex type) is said to be available within an XPath expression if it is a type definition that is present in the in-scope schema typesXP40 for that expression (see 5.3.1 Initializing the Static Context). This includes built-in types, types imported using xsl:import-schema, and extension types defined by the implementation.

The value of the $name argument must be either an xs:QName, or a string containing an EQName. The EQName is expanded into an expanded QName using the namespace declarations in scope for the expression. If the value is an unprefixed lexical QName, then the default namespace is used in the expanded QName.

The function returns true if and only if there is an available type whose name matches the value of the $name argument.

Error Conditions

[ERR XTDE1428] It is a dynamic error if the argument evaluates to a string that is not a valid EQName, or if the value is a lexical QName with a prefix for which no namespace declaration is present in the static context. If the processor is able to detect the error statically (for example, when the argument is supplied as a string literal), then the processor may optionally signal this as a static error.


The type-available function is of limited use within an [xsl:]use-when expression, because the static context for the expression does not include any user-defined types.

25.2 Extension Instructions

[Definition: The extension instruction mechanism allows namespaces to be designated as extension namespaces. When a namespace is designated as an extension namespace and an element with a name from that namespace occurs in a sequence constructor, then the element is treated as an instruction rather than as a literal result element.] The namespace determines the semantics of the instruction.


Since an element that is a child of an xsl:stylesheet element is not occurring in a sequence constructor , user-defined data elements (see 3.7.3 User-defined Data Elements) are not extension elements as defined here, and nothing in this section applies to them.

25.2.1 Designating an Extension Namespace

A namespace is designated as an extension namespace by using an [xsl:]extension-element-prefixes attribute on an element in the stylesheet (see 3.4 Standard Attributes). The attribute must be in the XSLT namespace only if its parent element is not in the XSLT namespace. The value of the attribute is a whitespace-separated list of namespace prefixes. The namespace bound to each of the prefixes is designated as an extension namespace.

The default namespace (as declared by xmlns) may be designated as an extension namespace by including #default in the list of namespace prefixes.

A reserved namespace cannot be designated as an extension namespace: see [see ERR XTSE0085].

[ERR XTSE1430] It is a static error if there is no namespace bound to the prefix on the element bearing the [xsl:]extension-element-prefixes attribute or, when #default is specified, if there is no default namespace.

The designation of a namespace as an extension namespace is effective for the element bearing the [xsl:]extension-element-prefixes attribute and for all descendants of that element within the same stylesheet module.

25.2.2 fn:element-available


Determines whether a particular instruction is or is not available for use. The function is particularly useful for calling within an [xsl:]use-when attribute (see 3.13.3 Conditional Element Inclusion) to test whether a particular extension instruction is available.

$name as union(xs:QName, xs:string)
) as xs:boolean

This function is deterministicFO30, context-dependentFO30, and focus-independentFO30. It depends on namespaces.


The value of the $name argument must be either an xs:QName, or a string containing an EQName. If it is a lexical QName with a prefix, then it is expanded into an expanded QName using the namespace declarations in the static context of the expression. If there is a default namespace in scope, then it is used to expand an unprefixed lexical QName.

If the resulting expanded QName is in the XSLT namespace, the function returns true if and only if the local name matches the name of an XSLT element that is defined in this specification and implemented by the XSLT processor.

If the expanded QName has a null namespace URI, the element-available function will return false.

If the expanded QName is not in the XSLT namespace, the function returns true if and only if the processor has an external implementation available of an extension instruction with the given expanded QName. This applies whether or not the namespace has been designated as an extension namespace.

The term external implementation excludes the use of a named template as the instruction’s implementation. The function does not return true simply because the name matches the name of a named template.

If the processor does not have an implementation of a particular extension instruction available, and such an extension instruction is evaluated, then the processor must perform fallback for the element as specified in 25.2.3 Fallback. An implementation must not signal an error merely because the stylesheet contains an extension instruction for which no implementation is available.

Error Conditions

[ERR XTDE1440] It is a dynamic error if the argument evaluates to a string that is not a valid EQName, or if the value is a lexical QName with a prefix for which no namespace declaration is present in the static context. If the processor is able to detect the error statically (for example, when the argument is supplied as a string literal), then the processor may optionally signal this as a static error.


For element names in the XSLT namespace:

  • This function can be useful to distinguish processors that implement XSLT 3.0 from processors that implement other (older or newer) versions of the specification, and to distinguish full implementations from incomplete implementations. (Incomplete implementations, of course, cannot be assumed to behave as described in this specification.)

  • In earlier versions of this specification, element-available was defined to return true only for elements classified as instructions. The distinction between instructions and other elements, however, is sometimes rather technical, and in XSLT 3.0 the effect of the function has therefore been aligned to do what its name might suggest.

  • If an instruction is recognized but offers no useful functionality (for example, if the system has been configured for security reasons so that xsl:evaluate always raises an error), then element-available when applied to that instruction should return false.

For element names in other namespaces:

  • The result of the element-available does not depend on whether or not the namespace of the supplied instruction name has been designated as an extension element namespace; it tests whether the instruction would be available if the namespace were designated as such.

25.2.3 Fallback

<!-- Category: instruction -->
  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

The content of an xsl:fallback element is a sequence constructor, and when performing fallback, the value returned by the xsl:fallback element is the result of evaluating this sequence constructor.

When not performing fallback, evaluating an xsl:fallback element returns an empty sequence: the content of the xsl:fallback element is not evaluated.

There are two situations where a processor performs fallback: when an extension instruction that is not available is evaluated, and when an instruction in the XSLT namespace, that is not defined in XSLT 3.0, is evaluated within a region of the stylesheet for which forwards compatible behavior is enabled.


Fallback processing is not invoked in other situations, for example it is not invoked when an XPath expression uses unrecognized syntax or contains a call to an unknown function. To handle such situations dynamically, the stylesheet should call functions such as system-property and function-available to decide what capabilities are available.

[ERR XTDE1450] When a processor performs fallback for an extension instruction that is not recognized, if the instruction element has one or more xsl:fallback children, then the content of each of the xsl:fallback children must be evaluated; it is a dynamic error if it has no xsl:fallback children.


This is different from the situation with unrecognized XSLT elements. As explained in 3.10 Forwards Compatible Processing, an unrecognized XSLT element appearing within a sequence constructor is a static error unless (a) forwards compatible behavior is enabled, and (b) the instruction has an xsl:fallback child.

26 Transformation Results

The output of a transformation includes a principal result and zero or more secondary results.

The way in which these results are delivered to an application is implementation-defined.

Serialization of results is described further in 27 Serialization

26.1 Creating Secondary Results

<!-- Category: instruction -->
  format? = { eqname }
  href? = { uri }
  validation? = "strict" | "lax" | "preserve" | "strip"
  type? = eqname
  method? = { "xml" | "html" | "xhtml" | "text" | "json" | "adaptive" | eqname }
  allow-duplicate-names? = { boolean }
  build-tree? = { boolean }
  byte-order-mark? = { boolean }
  cdata-section-elements? = { eqnames }
  doctype-public? = { string }
  doctype-system? = { string }
  encoding? = { string }
  escape-solidus? = { boolean }
  escape-uri-attributes? = { boolean }
  html-version? = { decimal }
  include-content-type? = { boolean }
  indent? = { boolean }
  item-separator? = { string }
  json-node-output-method? = { "xml" | "html" | "xhtml" | "text" | eqname }
  media-type? = { string }
  normalization-form? = { "NFC" | "NFD" | "NFKC" | "NFKD" | "fully-normalized" | "none" | nmtoken }
  omit-xml-declaration? = { boolean }
  parameter-document? = { uri }
  standalone? = { boolean | "omit" }
  suppress-indentation? = { eqnames }
  undeclare-prefixes? = { boolean }
  use-character-maps? = eqnames
  output-version? = { nmtoken } >
  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

The xsl:result-document instruction is used to create a secondary result. The content of the xsl:result-document element is a sequence constructor, and the value of the secondary result (known as the raw result) is the immediate result of this sequence constructor.

As with the principal result of the transformation, a secondary result may be delivered to the calling application in three ways (see 2.3.6 Post-processing the Raw Result):

  1. The raw result may be delivered as is.

  2. The raw result may be used to construct a final result tree by invoking the process of sequence normalizationSER30.

  3. The raw result may be serialized to a sequence of octets (which may then, optionally, be saved to a persistent storage location).

The decision whether or not to serialize the raw result depends on the processor and on the way it is invoked. This is implementation-defined, and it is not controlled by anything in the stylesheet.

If the result is not serialized, then the decision whether to return the raw result or to construct a tree depends on the effective value of the build-tree attribute. If the effective value of the build-tree attribute is yes, then a final result tree is created by invoking the process of sequence normalizationSER30. The default for the build-tree attribute depends on the serialization method. For the xml, html, xhtml, and text methods the default value is yes. For the json and adaptive methods the default value is no. Conversely, if the result is serialized, then the decision whether or not to construct a tree depends on the choice of serialization method, and the build-tree attribute is then ignored. For example, with method="xml" a tree is always constructed, whereas with method="json" a tree is never constructed. [XSLT 3.0 Erratum E14, bug 30208].

The xsl:result-document instruction defines a URI that may be used to identify the secondary result. The instruction may optionally specify the output format to be used for serializing the result.

Technically, the result of evaluating the xsl:result-document instruction is an empty sequence. This means it does not contribute anything to the result of the sequence constructor it is part of.

The effective value of the format attribute, if specified, must be an EQName. The value is expanded using the namespace declarations in scope for the xsl:result-document element. The resulting expanded QName must match the expanded QName of a named output definition in the stylesheet. This identifies the xsl:output declaration that will control the serialization of the final result tree (see 27 Serialization), if the result tree is serialized. If the format attribute is omitted, the unnamed output definition is used to control serialization of the result tree.

[ERR XTDE1460] It is a dynamic error if the effective value of the format attribute is not a valid EQName, or if it does not match the expanded QName of an output definition in the containing package. If the processor is able to detect the error statically (for example, when the format attribute contains no curly brackets), then the processor may optionally signal this as a static error.


The only way to select the unnamed output definition is to omit the format attribute.

The parameter-document attribute allows serialization parameters to be supplied in an external document. The external document must contain an output:serialization-parameters element with the format described in Section 3.1 Setting Serialization Parameters by Means of a Data Model Instance SER30, and the parameters are interpreted as described in that specification.

If present, the effective value of the URI supplied in the parameter-document attribute is dereferenced, after resolution against the base URI of the xsl:result-document element if it is a relative reference. The parameter document should be read during run-time evaluation of the stylesheet. If the location of the stylesheet at development time is different from the deployed location, any relative reference should be resolved against the deployed location. A serialization error occurs if the result of dereferencing the URI is ill-formed or invalid; but if no document can be found at the specified location, the attribute should be ignored.

A serialization parameter specified in the parameter-document takes precedence over a value supplied directly as an attribute of xsl:result-document, which in turn takes precedence over a value supplied in the selected output definition, except that the values of the cdata-section-elements and suppress-indentation attributes are merged in the same way as when multiple xsl:output declarations are merged.

The attributes method, allow-duplicate-names, build-tree, byte-order-mark cdata-section-elements, doctype-public, doctype-system, encoding, escape-solidus escape-uri-attributes, html-version, indent, item-separator, json-node-output-method, media-type, normalization-form, omit-xml-declaration, standalone, suppress-indentation, undeclare-prefixes, use-character-maps, and output-version may be used to override attributes defined in the selected output definition.

With the exception of use-character-maps, these attributes are all defined as attribute value templates, so their values may be set dynamically. For any of these attributes that is present on the xsl:result-document instruction, the effective value of the attribute overrides or supplements the corresponding value from the output definition. This works in the same way as when one xsl:output declaration overrides another. Some of the attributes have more specific rules:

  • In the case of cdata-section-elements and suppress-indentation, the value of the serialization parameter is the union of the expanded names of the elements named in this instruction and the elements named in the selected output definition.

  • In the case of use-character-maps, the character maps referenced in this instruction supplement and take precedence over those defined in the selected output definition.

  • In the case of doctype-public and doctype-system, setting the effective value of the attribute to a zero-length string has the effect of overriding any value for these attributes obtained from the output definition. The corresponding serialization parameter is not set (is “absent”).

  • In the case of item-separator, setting the effective value of the attribute to the special value "#absent" has the effect of overriding any value for this attribute obtained from the output definition. The corresponding serialization parameter is not set (is “absent”). It is not possible to set the value of the serialization parameter to the literal 7-character string "#absent".

  • In all other cases, the effective value of an attribute actually present on this instruction takes precedence over the value defined in the selected output definition.


In the case of the attributes method, cdata-section-elements, suppress-indentation, and use-character-maps, the effective value of the attribute contains a space-separated list of EQNames. If any of these is a lexical QName with a prefix, the prefix is expanded using the in-scope namespaces for the xsl:result-document element. In the case of cdata-section-elements and suppress-indentation, an unprefixed element name is expanded using the default namespace. In the case of the method attribute, if the method is not one of the system-defined methods (xml, html, xhtml, text) then the expanded name must have a non-absent namespace.

Unless the processor implements the XPath 3.1 feature, the method values json and adaptive must be rejected as invalid, and the attributes allow-duplicate-names and json-node-output-method must be ignored. The meaning of these output methods and serialization parameters is defined in [XSLT and XQuery Serialization 3.1].

The output-version attribute on the xsl:result-document instruction overrides the version attribute on xsl:output (it has been renamed because version is available with a different meaning as a standard attribute: see 3.4 Standard Attributes). In all other cases, attributes correspond if they have the same name.

There are some serialization parameters that apply to some output methods but not to others. For example, the indent attribute has no effect on the text output method. If a value is supplied for an attribute that is inapplicable to the output method, its value is not passed to the serializer. The processor may validate the value of such an attribute, but is not required to do so.

The item-separator serialization parameter is used when the raw result is used to construct a result tree by applying sequence normalization, and it is also used when the result tree is serialized. For example, if the sequence constructor delivers a sequence of integers, and the text serialization method is used, then the result of serialization will be a string obtained by converting each integer to a string, and separating the strings using the defined item-separator.

The href attribute is optional. The default value is the zero-length string. The effective value of the attribute must be a URI Reference, which may be absolute or relative. If it is relative, then it is resolved against the base output URI. There may be implementation-defined restrictions on the form of absolute URI that may be used, but the implementation is not required to enforce any restrictions. Any valid relative URI reference must be accepted. Note that the zero-length string is a valid relative URI reference.

If the implementation provides an API to access secondary results, then it must allow a secondary result to be identified by means of the absolutized value of the href attribute. In addition, if a final result tree is constructed (that is, if the effective value of build-tree is yes), then this value is used as the base URI of the document node at the root of the final result tree.


The base URI of the final result tree is not necessarily the same thing as the URI of its serialized representation on disk, if any. For example, a server (or browser client) might store final result trees only in memory, or in an internal disk cache. As long as the processor satisfies requests for those URIs, it is irrelevant where they are actually written on disk, if at all.


It will often be the case that one final result tree contains links to another final result tree produced during the same transformation, in the form of a relative URI reference. The mechanism of associating a URI with a final result tree has been chosen to allow the integrity of such links to be preserved when the trees are serialized.

As well as being potentially significant in any API that provides access to final result trees, the base URI of the new document node is relevant if the final result tree, rather than being serialized, is supplied as input to a further transformation.

The optional attributes type and validation may be used on the xsl:result-document instruction to validate the contents of a final result tree, and to determine the type annotation that elements and attributes within the final result tree will carry. The permitted values and their semantics are described in 26.4.2 Validating Document Nodes. Any such validation is applied to the document node produced as the result of sequence normalizationSER30. If sequence normalization does not take place (typically because the raw result is delivered to the application directly, or because the selected serialization method does not involve sequence normalization) then the validation and type attributes are ignored.


Validation applies after inserting item separators as determined by the item-separator serialization parameter, and an inappropriate choice of item-separator may cause the result to become invalid.

A processor may allow a final result tree to be serialized. Serialization is described in 27 Serialization. However, an implementation (for example, a processor running in an environment with no access to writable filestore) is not required to support the serialization of final result trees. An implementation that does not support the serialization of final result trees may ignore the format attribute and the serialization attributes. Such an implementation must provide the application with some means of access to the (un-serialized) result tree, using its URI to identify it.

Implementations may provide additional mechanisms, outside the scope of this specification, for defining the way in which final result trees are processed. Such mechanisms may make use of the XSLT-defined attributes on the xsl:result-document and/or xsl:output elements, or they may use additional elements or attributes in an implementation-defined namespace.

Example: Multiple Result Documents

The following example takes an XHTML document as input, and breaks it up so that the text following each <h1> element is included in a separate document. A new document toc.html is constructed to act as an index:

<xsl:output name="toc-format" method="xhtml" indent="yes"
     doctype-public="-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"/>
<xsl:output name="section-format" method="xhtml" indent="no"
     doctype-public="-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"/>	
<xsl:template match="/">
  <xsl:result-document href="toc.html" 
    <html xmlns="">
      <head><title>Table of Contents</title></head>
        <h1>Table of Contents</h1>
        <xsl:for-each select="/*/xhtml:body/(*[1] | xhtml:h1)">
            <a href="section{position()}.html">
              <xsl:value-of select="."/>
  <xsl:for-each-group select="/*/xhtml:body/*" group-starting-with="xhtml:h1">
    <xsl:result-document href="section{position()}.html" 
                         format="section-format" validation="strip">  	
      <html xmlns="">
        <head><title><xsl:value-of select="."/></title></head>
          <xsl:copy-of select="current-group()"/>


26.2 Restrictions on the use of xsl:result-document

There are restrictions on the use of the xsl:result-document instruction, designed to ensure that the results are fully interoperable even when processors optimize the sequence in which instructions are evaluated. Informally, the restriction is that the xsl:result-document instruction can only be used while writing a final result tree, not while writing to a temporary tree or a sequence. This restriction is defined formally as follows.

[Definition: Each instruction in the stylesheet is evaluated in one of two possible output states: final output state or temporary output state.]

[Definition: The first of the two output states is called final output state. This state applies when instructions are writing to a final result tree.]

[Definition: The second of the two output states is called temporary output state. This state applies when instructions are writing to a temporary tree or any other non-final destination.]

The instructions in the initial named template are evaluated in final output state. An instruction is evaluated in the same output state as its calling instruction, except that xsl:variable, xsl:param, xsl:with-param, xsl:function, xsl:key, xsl:sort, xsl:accumulator-rule, and xsl:merge-key always evaluate the instructions in their contained sequence constructor in temporary output state.

[ERR XTDE1480] It is a dynamic error to evaluate the xsl:result-document instruction in temporary output state.

[ERR XTDE1490] It is a dynamic error for a transformation to generate two or more final result trees with the same URI.


Note, this means that it is an error to evaluate more than one xsl:result-document instruction that omits the href attribute, or to evaluate any xsl:result-document instruction that omits the href attribute if an initial final result tree is created implicitly.

In addition, an implementation may report this error if it is able to detect that two or more final result trees are generated with different URIs that refer to the same physical resource.

[ERR XTDE1500] It is a dynamic error for a stylesheet to write to an external resource and read from the same resource during a single transformation, if the same absolute URI is used to access the resource in both cases.

In addition, an implementation may report this error if it is able to detect that a transformation writes to a resource and reads from the same resource using different URIs that refer to the same physical resource. Note that if the error is not detected, it is implementation-dependent whether the document that is read from the resource reflects its state before or after the result tree is written.

26.3 The Current Output URI

[Definition: The current output URI is the URI associated with the principal result or secondary result that is currently being written.]

26.3.1 fn:current-output-uri


Returns the value of the current output URI.

fn:current-output-uri() as xs:anyURI?

This function is deterministicFO30, focus-independentFO30, and context-dependentFO30.


On initial invocation of a stylesheet component, the current output uri is set to the base output URI.

During execution of an xsl:result-document instruction with an href attribute, the current output URI changes to the absolute URI obtained by resolving the effective value of the href attribute against the base output URI.

The current output URI is cleared (set to absent) while evaluating stylesheet functions, dynamic function calls, evaluation of global variables, stylesheet parameters, and patterns. If the function is called when the current output URI is absent, the function returns the empty sequence.

The current output URI may also be absent in the event that a stylesheet is invoked without supplying a base output URI.


The current output URI is not cleared when evaluating a local variable, even though xsl:result-document cannot be used while evaluating a local variable. The reason for this is to allow the value of current-output-uri to be set as the value of a tunnel parameter, so that the original base output URI is accessible even when writing nested result documents.

26.4 Validation

It is possible to control the type annotation applied to individual element and attribute nodes as they are constructed. This is done using the type and validation attributes of the xsl:element, xsl:attribute, xsl:copy, xsl:copy-of, xsl:document, and xsl:result-document instructions, or the xsl:type and xsl:validation attributes of a literal result element. The same attributes are used on xsl:source-document and xsl:merge-source to control validation of input documents.

The [xsl:]type attribute is used to request validation of an element or attribute against a specific simple or complex type defined in a schema. The [xsl:]validation attribute is used to request validation against the global element or attribute declaration whose name matches the name of the element or attribute being validated.

The [xsl:]type and [xsl:]validation attributes are mutually exclusive. Both are optional, but if one is present then the other must be omitted. If both attributes are omitted, the effect is the same as specifying the validation attribute with the value specified in the [xsl:]default-validation attribute of the innermost containing element having such an attribute; if this is not specified, the effect is the same as specifying validation="strip".

The [xsl:]default-validation attribute defines the default value of the validation attribute of all xsl:element, xsl:attribute, xsl:copy, xsl:copy-of, xsl:document, and xsl:result-document instructions, and of the xsl:validation attribute of all literal result elements, appearing as descendants of the element on which the attribute appears, unless there is an inner element that defines a different default. It also determines the validation applied to the implicit final result tree created in the absence of an xsl:result-document instruction. This default applies within the containing stylesheet module or package: it does not extend to included or imported stylesheet modules or used packages. If the attribute is omitted, the default is strip. The permitted values are preserve and strip.

The default-validation attribute on the outermost element of the principal stylesheet module of the top-level package also determines the validation applied to the implicit final result tree created in the absence of an xsl:result-document instruction. [XSLT 3.0 Erratum E15, bug 30211].

The [xsl:]default-validation attribute has no effect on the xsl:source-document and xsl:merge-source elements, which perform no validation unless explicitly requested.

[ERR XTSE1505] It is a static error if both the [xsl:]type and [xsl:]validation attributes are present on the xsl:element, xsl:attribute, xsl:copy, xsl:copy-of, xsl:document, xsl:result-document, xsl:source-document, or xsl:merge-source elements, or on a literal result element.

The detailed rules for validation vary depending on the kind of node being validated. The rules for element and attribute nodes are given in 26.4.1 Validating Constructed Elements and Attributes, while those for document nodes are given in 26.4.2 Validating Document Nodes.

26.4.1 Validating Constructed Elements and Attributes Validation using the [xsl:]validation Attribute

The [xsl:]validation attribute defines the validation action to be taken. It determines not only the type annotation of the node that is constructed by the relevant instruction itself, but also the type annotations of all element and attribute nodes that have the constructed node as an ancestor. Conceptually, the validation requested for a child element or attribute node is applied before the validation requested for its parent element. For example, if the instruction that constructs a child element specifies validation="strict", this will cause the child element to be checked against an element declaration, but if the instruction that constructs its parent element specifies validation="strip", then the final effect will be that the child node is annotated as xs:untyped.

In the paragraphs below, the term contained nodes means the elements and attributes that have the newly constructed node as an ancestor.

  1. The value strip indicates that the new node and each of the contained nodes will have the type annotation xs:untyped if it is an element, or xs:untypedAtomic if it is an attribute. Any previous type annotation present on a contained element or attribute node (for example, a type annotation that is present on an element copied from a source document) is also replaced by xs:untyped or xs:untypedAtomic as appropriate. The typed value of the node is changed to be the same as its string value, as an instance of xs:untypedAtomic. In the case of elements the nilled property is set to false. The values of the is-id and is-idrefs properties are unchanged. Schema validation is not invoked.

  2. The value preserve indicates that nodes that are copied will retain their type annotations, but nodes whose content is newly constructed will be annotated as xs:anyType in the case of elements, or xs:untypedAtomic in the case of attributes. Schema validation is not invoked. The detailed effect depends on the instruction:

    1. In the case of xsl:element and literal result elements, the new element has a type annotation of xs:anyType, and the type annotations of contained nodes are retained unchanged.

      The nilled, is-id and is-idrefs properties on the new element are set to false.

    2. In the case of xsl:attribute, the effect is exactly the same as specifying validation="strip": that is, the new attribute will have the type annotation xs:untypedAtomic.

      The is-id and is-idrefs properties on the new attribute are set to false.

    3. In the case of xsl:copy-of, all the nodes that are copied will retain their type annotations unchanged. The values of their nilled, is-id and is-idrefs properties are also unchanged.

    4. In the case of xsl:copy, the effect depends on the kind of node being copied.

      1. Where the node being copied is an attribute, the copied attribute will retain its type annotation and the values of its is-id and is-idrefs properties.

      2. Where the node being copied is an element, the copied element will have a type annotation of xs:anyType (because this instruction does not copy the content of the element, it would be wrong to assume that the type is unchanged); but any contained nodes will have their type annotations retained in the same way as with xsl:element. The values of the nilled, is-id, and is-idrefs properties are handled in the same way as xsl:element.

  3. The value strict indicates that type annotations are established by performing strict schema validity assessment on the element or attribute node created by this instruction as follows:

    1. In the case of an element, a top-level element declaration is identified whose local name and namespace (if any) match the name of the element, and schema-validity assessment is carried out according to the rules defined in [XML Schema Part 1] (section 3.3.4 “Element Declaration Validation Rules”, validation rule “Schema-Validity Assessment (Element)”, clauses 1.1 and 2, using the top-level element declaration as the “declaration stipulated by the processor”, which is mentioned in clause The element is considered valid if the result of the schema validity assessment is a PSVI in which the relevant element node has a validity property whose value is valid. If there is no matching element declaration, or if the element is not considered valid, the transformation fails [see ERR XTTE1510], [see ERR XTTE1512]. In effect this means that the element being validated must be declared using a top-level declaration in the schema, and must conform to its declaration. The process of validation applies recursively to contained elements and attributes to the extent required by the schema definition.


      It is not an error if the identified type definition is a simple type, although [XML Schema Part 1] does not define explicitly that this case is permitted.

    2. In the case of an attribute, a top-level attribute declaration is identified whose local name and namespace (if any) match the name of the attribute, and schema-validity assessment is carried out according to the rules defined in [XML Schema Part 1] (section 3.2.4 “Attribute Declaration Validation Rules”, validation rule “Schema-Validity Assessment (Attribute)”). The attribute is considered valid if the result of the schema validity assessment is a PSVI in which the relevant attribute node has a validity property whose value is valid. If the attribute is not considered valid, the transformation fails [see ERR XTTE1510]. In effect this means that the attribute being validated must be declared using a top-level declaration in the schema, and must conform to its declaration.

    3. The schema components used to validate an element or attribute may be located in any way described by [XML Schema Part 1] (see section 4.3.2, How schema documents are located on the Web). The components in the schema constructed from the synthetic schema document (see 3.15 Importing Schema Components) will always be available for validating constructed nodes; if additional schema components are needed, they may be located in other ways, for example implicitly from knowledge of the namespace in which the elements and attributes appear, or using the xsi:schemaLocation attribute of elements within the tree being validated.

    4. The type annotations on the resulting nodes, as well as the values of their is-id, is-idrefs, and nilled properties, are defined by the rules in Section 3.3 Construction from a PSVI DM31.

    5. If no validation is performed for a node, which can happen when the schema specifies lax or skip validation for that node or for a subtree, then the node is annotated as xs:anyType in the case of an element, and xs:untypedAtomic in the case of an attribute.

  4. The value lax has the same effect as the value strict, except that whereas strict validation fails if there is no matching top-level element declaration or if the outcome of validity assessment is a validity property of invalid or notKnown, lax validation fails only if the outcome of validity assessment is a validity property of invalid. That is, lax validation does not cause a type error when the outcome is notKnown.

    In practice this means that the element or attribute being validated must conform to its declaration if a top-level declaration is available. If no such declaration is available, then the element or attribute is not validated, but its attributes and children are validated, again with lax validation. Any nodes whose validation outcome is a validity property of notKnown are annotated as xs:anyType in the case of an element, and xs:untypedAtomic in the case of an attribute.

    The type annotations on the resulting nodes, as well as the values of their is-id, is-idrefs, and nilled properties, are defined by the rules in Section 3.3 Construction from a PSVI DM31.


    When the parent element lacks a declaration, the XML Schema specification defines the recursive checking of children and attributes as optional. For this specification, this recursive checking is required.


    If an element that is being validated has an xsi:type attribute, then the value of the xsi:type attribute will be taken into account when performing the validation. However, the presence of an xsi:type attribute will not of itself cause an element to be validated: if validation against a named type is required, as distinct from validation against a top-level element declaration, then it must be requested using the XSLT [xsl:]type attribute on the instruction that invokes the validation, as described in section Validation using the [xsl:]type Attribute

[ERR XTTE1510] If the validation attribute of an xsl:element, xsl:attribute, xsl:copy, xsl:copy-of, or xsl:result-document instruction, or the xsl:validation attribute of a literal result element, has the effective value strict, and schema validity assessment concludes that the validity of the element or attribute is invalid or unknown, a type error occurs. As with other type errors, the error may be signaled statically if it can be detected statically.

[ERR XTTE1512] If the validation attribute of an xsl:element, xsl:attribute, xsl:copy, xsl:copy-of, or xsl:result-document instruction, or the xsl:validation attribute of a literal result element, has the effective value strict, and there is no matching top-level declaration in the schema, then a type error occurs. As with other type errors, the error may be signaled statically if it can be detected statically.

[ERR XTTE1515] If the validation attribute of an xsl:element, xsl:attribute, xsl:copy, xsl:copy-of, or xsl:result-document instruction, or the xsl:validation attribute of a literal result element, has the effective value lax, and schema validity assessment concludes that the element or attribute is invalid, a type error occurs. As with other type errors, the error may be signaled statically if it can be detected statically.


No mechanism is provided to validate an element or attribute against a local declaration in a schema. Such validation can usually be achieved by applying validation to a containing element for which a top-level element declaration exists. Validation using the [xsl:]type Attribute

The [xsl:]type attribute takes as its value an EQNameXP40. If it is a lexical QName with no prefix, it is expanded using the default namespace for types. This must be the name of a type definition included in the in-scope schema components for the stylesheet.

If the [xsl:]type attribute is present, then the newly constructed element or attribute is validated against the type definition identified by this attribute.

  • In the case of an element, schema-validity assessment is carried out according to the rules defined in [XML Schema Part 1] (section 3.3.4 “Element Declaration Validation Rules”, validation rule “Schema-Validity Assessment (Element)”, clauses 1.2 and 2), using this type definition as the “processor-stipulated type definition”. The element is considered valid if the result of the schema validity assessment is a PSVI in which the relevant element node has a validity property whose value is valid.

  • In the case of an attribute, the attribute is considered valid if (in the terminology of XML Schema) the attribute’s normalized value is locally valid with respect to that type definition according to the rules for “String Valid” ([XML Schema Part 1], section 3.14.4). (Normalization here refers to the process of normalizing whitespace according to the rules of the whiteSpace facet for the datatype).

  • If the element or attribute is not considered valid, as defined above, the transformation fails [see ERR XTTE1540].

If an element node is validated against the type xs:untyped, the effect is the same as specifying validation="strip": that is, the elements and attributes in the subtree rooted at the target element are copied with a type annotation of xs:untyped or xs:untypedAtomic respectively.

If an element or attribute node is validated against the type xs:untypedAtomic, the effect is the same as specifying [xsl:]type="xs:string" except that when validation succeeds, the returned element or attribute has a type annotation of xs:untypedAtomic. Validation fails in the case of an element with element children.

[ERR XTSE1520] It is a static error if the value of the type attribute of an xsl:element, xsl:attribute, xsl:copy, xsl:copy-of, xsl:document, xsl:result-document, xsl:source-document, or xsl:merge-source instruction, or the xsl:type attribute of a literal result element, is not a valid QName, or if it uses a prefix that is not defined in an in-scope namespace declaration, or if the QName is not the name of a type definition included in the in-scope schema components for the package. [XSLT 3.0 Erratum E20, bug 30234]

[ERR XTSE1530] It is a static error if the value of the type attribute of an xsl:attribute instruction refers to a complex type definition.

[ERR XTTE1535] It is a type error if the value of the type attribute of an xsl:copy or xsl:copy-of instruction refers to a complex type definition and one or more of the items being copied is an attribute node.

[ERR XTTE1540] It is a type error if an [xsl:]type attribute is defined for a constructed element or attribute, and the outcome of schema validity assessment against that type is that the validity property of that element or attribute information item is other than valid.


Like other type errors, this error may be signaled statically if it can be detected statically. For example, the instruction <xsl:attribute name="dob" type="xs:date">1999-02-29</xsl:attribute> may result in a static error being signaled. If the error is not signaled statically, it will be signaled when the instruction is evaluated. The Validation Process

As well as checking for validity against the schema, the validity assessment process causes type annotations to be associated with element and attribute nodes. If default values for elements or attributes are defined in the schema, the validation process will where necessary create new nodes containing these default values.

Validation of an element or attribute node only takes into account constraints on the content of the element or attribute. Validation rules affecting the document as a whole are not applied. Specifically, this means:

  • The validation rule “Validation Root Valid (ID/IDREF)” is not applied. This means that validation will not fail if there are non-unique ID values or dangling IDREF values in the subtree being validated.

  • The validation rule “Validation Rule: Identity-constraint Satisfied” should be applied.

  • There is no check that the document contains unparsed entities whose names match the values of nodes of type xs:ENTITY or xs:ENTITIES. (XSLT 3.0 provides no facility to construct unparsed entities within a tree.)

With these caveats, validating a newly constructed element, using strict or lax validation, is equivalent to the following steps:

  1. The element is serialized to textual XML form, according to the rules defined in [XSLT and XQuery Serialization] using the XML output method, with all parameters defaulted. Note that this process discards any existing type annotations.

  2. The resulting XML document is parsed to create an XML Information Set (see [XML Information Set].)

  3. The Information Set produced in the previous step is validated according to the rules in [XML Schema Part 1]. The result of this step is a Post-Schema Validation Infoset (PSVI). If the validation process is not successful (as defined above), a type error is raised.

  4. The PSVI produced in the previous step is converted back into the XDM data model by the mapping described in [XDM 3.0] (Section 3.3.1 Mapping PSVI Additions to Node Properties DM30). This process creates nodes with simple or complex type annotations based on the types established during schema validation.

The above process must be done in such a way that the base URI property of every node in the resulting XDM tree is the same as the base URI property of the corresponding node in the input tree.


As an alternative to steps 1 and 2, the XDM tree may be converted to an Infoset directly, using the mapping rules given for each kind of node in [XDM 3.0] (Section 6).

Validating an attribute using strict or lax validation requires a modified version of this procedure. A copy of the attribute is first added to an element node that is created for the purpose, and namespace fixup (see 5.8.3 Namespace Fixup) is performed on this element node. The name of this element is of no consequence, but it must be the same as the name of a synthesized element declaration of the form:

<xs:element name="E">
    <xs:attribute ref="A"/>

where A is the name of the attribute being validated.

This synthetic element is then validated using the procedure given above for validating elements, and if it is found to be valid, a copy of the validated attribute is made, retaining its type annotation, but detaching it from the containing element (and thus, from any namespace nodes).

The XDM data model does not permit an attribute node with no parent to have a typed value that includes a namespace-qualified name, that is, a value whose type is derived from xs:QName or xs:NOTATION. This restriction is imposed because these types rely on the namespace nodes of a containing element to resolve namespace prefixes. Therefore, it is an error to validate a parentless attribute against such a type. This affects the instructions xsl:attribute, xsl:copy, and xsl:copy-of.

[ERR XTTE1545] A type error occurs if a type or validation attribute is defined (explicitly or implicitly) for an instruction that constructs a new attribute node, if the effect of this is to cause the attribute value to be validated against a type that is derived from, or constructed by list or union from, the primitive types xs:QName or xs:NOTATION.

26.4.2 Validating Document Nodes

It is possible to apply validation to a document node. This happens when a new document node is constructed by one of the XSLT elements xsl:source-document, xsl:merge-source, xsl:document, xsl:result-document, xsl:copy, or xsl:copy-of, and this element has a type attribute, or a validation attribute with the value strict or lax.

Document-level validation is not applied to the document node that is created implicitly when a variable-binding element has no select attribute and no as attribute (see 9.4 Creating Implicit Document Nodes). This is equivalent to using validation="preserve" on xsl:document: nodes within such trees retain their type annotation. Similarly, validation is not applied to document nodes created using xsl:message or xsl:assert.

The values validation="preserve" and validation="strip" do not request validation. In the first case, all element and attribute nodes within the tree rooted at the new document node retain their type annotations. In the second case, elements within the tree have their type annotation set to xs:untyped, while attributes have their type annotation set to xs:untypedAtomic.

When validation is requested for a document node (that is, when validation is set to strict or lax, or when a type attribute is present), the following processing takes place:

  • [ERR XTTE1550] A type error occurs unless the children of the document node comprise exactly one element node, no text nodes, and zero or more comment and processing instruction nodes, in any order.

  • The single element node child is validated, using the supplied values of the validation and type attributes, as described in 26.4.1 Validating Constructed Elements and Attributes.


    The type attribute on xsl:source-document, xsl:document and xsl:result-document, and on xsl:copy and xsl:copy-of when copying a document node, thus refers to the required type of the element node that is the only element child of the document node. It does not refer to the type of the document node itself.

  • The validation rule “Validation Root Valid (ID/IDREF)” is applied to the single element node child of the document node. This means that validation will fail if there are non-unique ID values or dangling IDREF values in the document tree.

  • Identity constraints, as defined in section 3.11 of [XML Schema Part 1], are checked. (This refers to constraints defined using xs:unique, xs:key, and xs:keyref.)

  • There is no check that the tree contains unparsed entities whose names match the values of nodes of type xs:ENTITY or xs:ENTITIES. This is because there is no facility in XSLT 3.0 to create unparsed entities in a result tree. It is possible to add unparsed entity declarations to the result document by referencing a suitable DOCTYPE during serialization.

  • All other children of the document node (comments and processing instructions) are copied unchanged.

[ERR XTTE1555] It is a type error if, when validating a document node, document-level constraints (such as ID/IDREF constraints) are not satisfied.

26.4.3 Validating xml:id attributes

This section provides a non-normative summary of the effect of validation on attributes named xml:id. The normative rules can be inferred from rules given elsewhere in this section.

  1. When an attribute named xml:id is encountered in the course of validation:

    1. A validation error occurs if it the attribute is not lexically valid against type xs:ID.

    2. The typed value of the attribute is whitespace-normalized.

    3. The attribute is labeled with type annotation xs:ID.

    4. The attribute acquires the is-id property.

  2. The previous rule applies whether validation is strict, lax, or by type; validation will never fail (or be skipped) on the grounds that no global attribute declaration named xsl:id is available.

  3. Checking xml:id attributes for uniqueness happens if and only if validation is applied at the level of a document node.

27 Serialization

A processor may output a final result tree as a sequence of octets, although it is not required to be able to do so (see 28 Conformance). Stylesheet authors can use xsl:output declarations to specify how they wish result trees to be serialized. If a processor serializes a final result tree, it must do so as specified by these declarations.

The rules governing the output of the serializer are defined in [XSLT and XQuery Serialization]. The serialization is controlled using a number of serialization parameters. The values of these serialization parameters may be set within the stylesheet, using the xsl:output, xsl:result-document, and xsl:character-map declarations.

<!-- Category: declaration -->
  name? = eqname
  method? = "xml" | "html" | "xhtml" | "text" | "json" | "adaptive" | eqname
  allow-duplicate-names? = boolean
  build-tree? = boolean
  byte-order-mark? = boolean
  cdata-section-elements? = eqnames
  doctype-public? = string
  doctype-system? = string
  encoding? = string
  escape-solidus? = boolean
  escape-uri-attributes? = boolean
  html-version? = decimal
  include-content-type? = boolean
  indent? = boolean
  item-separator? = string
  json-node-output-method? = "xml" | "html" | "xhtml" | "text" | eqname
  media-type? = string
  normalization-form? = "NFC" | "NFD" | "NFKC" | "NFKD" | "fully-normalized" | "none" | nmtoken
  omit-xml-declaration? = boolean
  parameter-document? = uri
  standalone? = boolean | "omit"
  suppress-indentation? = eqnames
  undeclare-prefixes? = boolean
  use-character-maps? = eqnames
  version? = nmtoken />

The xsl:output declaration is optional; if used, it must always appear as a top-level element within a stylesheet module.

A stylesheet may contain multiple xsl:output declarations and may include or import stylesheet modules that also contain xsl:output declarations. The name of an xsl:output declaration is the value of its name attribute, if any.

[Definition: All the xsl:output declarations within a package that share the same name are grouped into a named output definition; those that have no name are grouped into a single unnamed output definition.]

An output definition is scoped to a package. If this is a library package the output definition applies only to xsl:result-document instructions within the same package. If it is the top-level package, the output definition applies to xsl:result-document instructions within the same package and also to the implicit final result tree.

A stylesheet always includes an unnamed output definition; in the absence of an unnamed xsl:output declaration, the unnamed output definition is equivalent to the one that would be used if the stylesheet contained an xsl:output declaration having no attributes.

A named output definition is used when its name matches the format attribute used in an xsl:result-document element. The unnamed output definition is used when an xsl:result-document element omits the format attribute. It is also used when serializing the principal result. .

All the xsl:output elements making up an output definition are effectively merged. For those attributes whose values are namespace-sensitive, the merging is done after lexical QNames have been converted into expanded QNames. For the cdata-section-elements and suppress-indentation attributes, the output definition uses the union of the values from all the constituent xsl:output declarations. For the use-character-maps attribute, the output definition uses the concatenation of the sequences of expanded QNames values from all the constituent xsl:output declarations, taking them in order of increasing import precedence, or where several have the same import precedence, in declaration order. For other attributes, the output definition uses the value of that attribute from the xsl:output declaration with the highest import precedence.

The parameter-document attribute allows serialization parameters to be supplied in an external document. The external document must contain an output:serialization-parameters element with the format described in Section 3.1 Setting Serialization Parameters by Means of a Data Model Instance SER30, and the parameters are interpreted as described in that specification.

If present, the URI supplied in the parameter-document attribute is dereferenced, after resolution against the base URI of the xsl:output element if it is a relative reference. The parameter document should be read during static analysis of the stylesheet. A serialization error occurs if the result of dereferencing the URI is ill-formed or invalid; but if no document can be found at the specified location, the attribute should be ignored.

A serialization parameter specified in the parameter-document takes precedence over a value supplied directly in the output declaration, except that the values of the cdata-section-elements and suppress-indentation attributes are merged in the same way as when multiple xsl:output declarations are merged.

[ERR XTSE1560] It is a static error if two xsl:output declarations within an output definition specify explicit values for the same attribute (other than cdata-section-elements, suppress-indentation, and use-character-maps), with the values of the attributes being not equal, unless there is another xsl:output declaration within the same output definition that has higher import precedence and that specifies an explicit value for the same attribute.

The build-tree attribute controls whether the raw principal result or secondary result is converted to a final result tree. The default depends on the value of the method attribute: the default is yes if the method attribute specifies xml, html, xhtml, or text, or if it is omitted; the default is no if the method attribute specifies json or adaptive. A final result tree may be constructed whether or not it is subsequently serialized.

If the result is not serialized, then the decision whether to return the raw result or to construct a tree depends on the effective value of the build-tree attribute. If the effective value of the build-tree attribute is yes, then a final result tree is created by invoking the process of sequence normalization. Conversely, if the result is serialized, then the decision whether or not to construct a tree depends on the choice of serialization method, and the build-tree attribute is then ignored. For example, with method="xml" a tree is always constructed, whereas with method="json" a tree is never constructed. [XSLT 3.0 Erratum E14, bug 30208].


The default for build-tree may differ for user-defined serialization methods or for serialization methods introduced in future versions of this specification.

Unless the processor implements the XPath 3.1 feature, the method values json and adaptive must be rejected as invalid, and the attributes allow-duplicate-names and json-node-output-method must be ignored. The meaning of these output methods and serialization parameters is defined in [XSLT and XQuery Serialization 3.1].

If none of the xsl:output declarations within an output definition specifies a value for a particular attribute, then the corresponding serialization parameter takes a default value. The default value depends on the chosen output method.

There are some serialization parameters that apply to some output methods but not to others. For example, the indent attribute has no effect on the text output method. If a value is supplied for an attribute that is inapplicable to the output method, its value is not passed to the serializer. The processor may validate the value of such an attribute, but is not required to do so.

An implementation may allow the attributes of the xsl:output declaration to be overridden, or the default values to be changed, using the API that controls the transformation.

The location to which final result trees are serialized (whether in filestore or elsewhere) is implementation-defined (which in practice may mean that it is controlled using an implementation-defined API). However, these locations must satisfy the constraint that when two final result trees are both created (implicitly or explicitly) using relative URI references in the href attribute of the xsl:result-document instruction, then these relative URI references may be used to construct references from one tree to the other, and such references must remain valid when both result trees are serialized.

The method attribute on the xsl:output element identifies the overall method that is to be used for outputting the final result tree.

[ERR XTSE1570] The value must (if present) be a valid EQName. If it is a lexical QName with no a prefix, then it identifies a method specified in [XSLT and XQuery Serialization] and must be one of xml, html, xhtml, or text. If it is a lexical QName with a prefix, then the lexical QName is expanded into an expanded QName as described in 5.1.1 Qualified Names; the expanded QName identifies the output method; the behavior in this case is not specified by this document.

The default for the method attribute depends on the contents of the tree being serialized, and is chosen as follows. If the document node of the final result tree has an element child, and any text nodes preceding the first element child of the document node of the result tree contain only whitespace characters, then:

In all other cases, the default output method is xml.

The default output method is used if the selected output definition does not include a method attribute.

The other attributes on xsl:output provide parameters for the output method. The following attributes are allowed:

If the processor performs serialization, then it must signal any serialization errors that occur. These have the same effect as dynamic errors: that is, the processor must signal the error and must not finish as if the transformation had been successful.

27.1 Character Maps

[Definition: A character map allows a specific character appearing in a text or attribute node in the final result tree to be substituted by a specified string of characters during serialization.] The effect of character maps is defined in [XSLT and XQuery Serialization].

The character map that is supplied as a parameter to the serializer is determined from the xsl:character-map elements referenced from the xsl:output declaration for the selected output definition.

The xsl:character-map element is a declaration that may appear as a child of the xsl:stylesheet element.

<!-- Category: declaration -->
  name = eqname
  use-character-maps? = eqnames >
  <!-- Content: (xsl:output-character*) -->

The xsl:character-map declaration declares a character map with a name and a set of character mappings. The character mappings are specified by means of xsl:output-character elements contained either directly within the xsl:character-map element, or in further character maps referenced in the use-character-maps attribute.

The required name attribute provides a name for the character map. When a character map is used by an output definition or another character map, the character map with the highest import precedence is used.

The name of a character map is local to the package in which its declaration appears; it may be referenced only from within the same package.

[ERR XTSE1580] It is a static error if a package contains two or more character maps with the same name and the same import precedence, unless it also contains another character map with the same name and higher import precedence.

The optional use-character-maps attribute lists the names of further character maps that are included into this character map.

[ERR XTSE1590] It is a static error if a name in the use-character-maps attribute of the xsl:output or xsl:character-map elements does not match the name attribute of any xsl:character-map in the containing package.

[ERR XTSE1600] It is a static error if a character map references itself, directly or indirectly, via a name in the use-character-maps attribute.

It is not an error if the same character map is referenced more than once, directly or indirectly.

An output definition, after recursive expansion of character maps referenced via its use-character-maps attribute, may contain several mappings for the same character. In this situation, the last character mapping takes precedence. To establish the ordering, the following rules are used:

  • Within a single xsl:character-map element, the characters defined in character maps referenced in the use-character-maps attribute are considered before the characters defined in the child xsl:output-character elements.

  • The character maps referenced in a single use-character-maps attribute are considered in the order in which they are listed in that attribute. The expansion is depth-first: each referenced character map is fully expanded before the next one is considered.

  • Two xsl:output-character elements appearing as children of the same xsl:character-map element are considered in document order.

The xsl:output-character element is defined as follows:

  character = char
  string = string />

The character map that is passed as a parameter to the serializer contains a mapping for the character specified in the character attribute to the string specified in the string attribute.

Character mapping is not applied to characters for which output escaping has been disabled as described in 27.2 Disabling Output Escaping.

If a character is mapped, then it is not subjected to XML or HTML escaping.

Example: Using Character Maps to Generate Non-XML Output

Character maps can be useful when producing serialized output in a format that resembles, but is not strictly conformant to, HTML or XML. For example, when the output is a JSP page, there might be a need to generate the output:

<jsp:setProperty name="user" property="id" value='<%= "id" + idValue %>'/>

Although this output is not well-formed XML or HTML, it is valid in Java Server Pages. This can be achieved by allocating three Unicode characters (which are not needed for any other purpose) to represent the strings <%, %>, and ", for example:

<xsl:character-map name="jsp">
  <xsl:output-character character="«" string="&lt;%"/>   
  <xsl:output-character character="»" string="%&gt;"/>
  <xsl:output-character character="§" string='"'/>

When this character map is referenced in the xsl:output declaration, the required output can be produced by writing the following in the stylesheet:

<jsp:setProperty name="user" property="id" value='«= §id§ + idValue »'/>

This works on the assumption that when an apostrophe or quotation mark is generated as part of an attribute value by the use of character maps, the serializer will (where possible) use the other choice of delimiter around the attribute value.


Example: Constructing a Composite Character Map

The following example illustrates a composite character map constructed in a modular fashion:

<xsl:output name="htmlDoc" use-character-maps="htmlDoc"/>

<xsl:character-map name="htmlDoc"
  use-character-maps="html-chars doc-entities windows-format"/>
<xsl:character-map name="html-chars"
  use-character-maps="latin1 ..."/>

<xsl:character-map name="latin1">
  <xsl:output-character character="&#160;" string="&amp;nbsp;"/>
  <xsl:output-character character="&#161;" string="&amp;iexcl;"/>

<xsl:character-map name="doc-entities">
  <xsl:output-character character="&#xE400;" string="&amp;t-and-c;"/>
  <xsl:output-character character="&#xE401;" string="&amp;chap1;"/>
  <xsl:output-character character="&#xE402;" string="&amp;chap2;"/>

<xsl:character-map name="windows-format">
  <!-- newlines as CRLF -->
  <xsl:output-character character="&#xA;" string="&#xD;&#xA;"/>

  <!-- tabs as three spaces -->
  <xsl:output-character character="&#x9;" string="   "/>

  <!-- images for special characters -->
  <xsl:output-character character="&#xF001;"
    string="&lt;img src='special1.gif' /&gt;"/>
  <xsl:output-character character="&#xF002;"
    string="&lt;img src='special2.gif' /&gt;"/>


When character maps are used, there is no guarantee that the serialized output will be well-formed XML (or HTML). Furthermore, the fact that the result tree was validated against a schema gives no guarantee that the serialized output will still be valid against the same schema. Conversely, it is possible to use character maps to produce schema-valid output from a result tree that would fail validation.

27.2 Disabling Output Escaping

Normally, when using the XML, HTML, or XHTML output method, the serializer will escape special characters such as & and < when outputting text nodes. This ensures that the output is well-formed. However, it is sometimes convenient to be able to produce output that is almost, but not quite well-formed XML; for example, the output may include ill-formed sections which are intended to be transformed into well-formed XML by a subsequent non-XML-aware process. For this reason, XSLT defines a mechanism for disabling output escaping.

This feature is deprecated.

This is an optional feature: it is not required that an XSLT processor that implements the serialization option should offer the ability to disable output escaping, and there is no conformance level that requires this feature.

This feature requires the serializer (described in [XSLT and XQuery Serialization]) to be extended as follows. Conceptually, the final result tree provides an additional boolean property disable-escaping associated with every character in a text node. When this property is set, the normal action of the serializer to escape special characters such as & and < is suppressed.

An xsl:value-of or xsl:text element may have a disable-output-escaping attribute; the allowed values are yes or no. The default is no; if the value is yes, then every character in the text node generated by evaluating the xsl:value-of or xsl:text element should have the disable-escaping property set.

Example: Disable Output Escaping

For example,

<xsl:text disable-output-escaping="yes">&lt;</xsl:text>

should generate the single character <.

If output escaping is disabled for an xsl:value-of or xsl:text instruction evaluated when temporary output state is in effect, the request to disable output escaping is ignored.

Similarly, if an xsl:value-of or xsl:text instruction specifies that output escaping is to be disabled when writing to a final result tree that is not being serialized, the request to disable output escaping is ignored.


Furthermore, a request to disable output escaping has no effect when the newly constructed text node is used to form the value of an attribute, comment, processing instruction, or namespace node. This is because the rules for constructing such nodes (see 5.8.2 Constructing Simple Content) cause the text node to be atomized, and the process of atomizing a text node takes no account of the disable-escaping property.

If output escaping is disabled for text within an element that would normally be output using a CDATA section, because the element is listed in the cdata-section-elements, then the relevant text will not be included in a CDATA section. In effect, CDATA is treated as an alternative escaping mechanism, which is disabled by the disable-output-escaping option.

Example: Interaction of Output Escaping and CDATA

For example, if <xsl:output cdata-section-elements="title"/> is specified, then the following instructions:

  <xsl:text disable-output-escaping="yes">This is not &lt;hr/&gt; 
                                          good coding practice</xsl:text>

should generate the output:

<title><![CDATA[This is not ]]><hr/><![CDATA[ good coding practice]]></title>

The disable-output-escaping attribute may be used with the html output method as well as with the xml output method. The text output method ignores the disable-output-escaping attribute, since this method does not perform any output escaping.

A processor will only be able to disable output escaping if it controls how the final result tree is output. This might not always be the case. For example, the result tree might be used as a source tree for another XSLT transformation instead of being output. It is implementation-defined whether (and under what circumstances) disabling output escaping is supported. If disabling output escaping is not supported, any request to disable output escaping is ignored.

If output escaping is disabled for a character that is not representable in the encoding that the processor is using for output, the request to disable output escaping is ignored in respect of that character.

Since disabling output escaping might not work with all implementations and can result in XML that is not well-formed, it should be used only when there is no alternative.


When disable-output-escaping is used, there is no guarantee that the serialized output will be well-formed XML (or HTML). Furthermore, the fact that the result tree was validated against a schema gives no guarantee that the serialized output will still be valid against the same schema. Conversely, it is possible to use disable-output-escaping to produce schema-valid output from a result tree that would fail validation.


The facility to define character maps for use during serialization, as described in 27.1 Character Maps, has been produced as an alternative mechanism that can be used in many situations where disabling of output escaping was previously necessary, without the same difficulties.

28 Conformance

A processor that claims conformance with this specification must satisfy the conformance requirements for a basic XSLT processor and for each of the optional features with which it claims conformance.

The following optional features are defined:

  1. The schema-awareness feature, defined in 28.2 Schema-Awareness Conformance Feature

  2. The serialization feature, defined in 28.3 Serialization Feature

  3. The backwards compatibility feature, defined in 28.4 Compatibility Features

  4. The streaming feature, defined in 28.5 Streaming Feature.

  5. The dynamic evaluation feature, defined in 28.6 Dynamic Evaluation Feature.

  6. The higher-order functions feature, defined in 28.7 Higher-Order Functions Feature.

  7. The XPath 3.1 feature, defined in ... .

A processor that does not claim conformance with an optional feature must satisfy the requirements for processors that do not implement that feature.


There is no conformance level or feature defined in this specification that requires implementation of the static typing features described in [XPath 3.0]. An XSLT processor may provide a user option to invoke static typing, but to be conformant with this specification it must allow a stylesheet to be processed with static typing disabled. The interaction of XSLT stylesheets with the static typing feature of XPath 3.0 has not been specified, so the results of using static typing, if available, are implementation-defined.

An XSLT processor takes as its inputs a stylesheet and zero or more XDM trees conforming to the data model defined in [XDM 3.0]. It is not required that the processor supports any particular method of constructing XDM trees, but conformance can only be tested if it provides a mechanism that enables XDM trees representing the stylesheet and primary source document to be constructed and supplied as input to the processor.

The output of the XSLT processor consists of zero or more final result trees. It is not required that the processor supports any particular method of accessing a final result tree, but if it does not support the serialization feature, conformance can only be tested if it provides some alternative mechanism that enables access to the results of the transformation.

Certain facilities in this specification are described as producing implementation-defined results. A claim that asserts conformance with this specification must be accompanied by documentation stating the effect of each implementation-defined feature. For convenience, a non-normative checklist of implementation-defined features is provided at F Checklist of Implementation-Defined Features.

A conforming processor must signal any static error occurring in the stylesheet, or in any XPath expression, except where specified otherwise either for individual error conditions or under the general provisions for forwards compatible behavior (see 3.10 Forwards Compatible Processing). After signaling such an error, the processor may continue for the purpose of signaling additional errors, but must terminate abnormally without performing any transformation.

When a dynamic error occurs during the course of a transformation, and is not caught using xsl:catch, the processor must signal it and must eventually terminate abnormally.

Some errors, notably type errors, may be treated as static errors or dynamic errors at the discretion of the processor.

A conforming processor may impose limits on the processing resources consumed by the processing of a stylesheet.

The mandatory requirements of this specification are taken to include the mandatory requirements of [XPath 3.0], [XDM 3.0], and [Functions and Operators 4.0]. An XSLT 3.0 processor must provide a mode of operation which conforms to the 3.0 versions of those specifications as extended by 21 Maps and 23 Processing JSON Data.

A processor may also provide a mode of operation which conforms to the 3.1 versions of those specifications; in this case it must do so as described in XPath 3.1 feature.

A processor may also provide a mode of operation which conforms to versions of those specifications later than the 3.1 versions; in such cases the detail of how XSLT 3.0 interacts with new features introduced by such later versions (for example, extensions to the data model) is implementation-defined.

A requirement is mandatory unless the specification includes wording (such as the use of the words should or may) that clearly indicates that it is optional.

Some of the optional features are defined in such a way that if the feature is not provided, the data model is constrained to exclude certain kinds of item. For example:

[ERR XTDE1665] A dynamic error may be raised if the input to the processor includes an item that requires availability of an optional feature that the processor does not provide.


It is not necessarily possible to trigger this error. A processor that does not provide an optional feature might not define or recognize any representation of the items that are disallowed. The error code is provided for use in cases where a processor is able to interoperate with other software that does not have the same constraints — for example, where a package compiled with a non-schema-aware processor is able to invoke functions in a package that was compiled with a schema-aware processor. Even in that case, processors have the option of filtering or converting the input so that it meets the relevant constraints: for example, a non-schema-aware processor when presented with a schema-validated document in the form of a PSVI might simply ignore the properties it does not understand.

The dynamic error is optional: for example a processor might report no error if the offending item is not actually used.

The phrase input to the processor is deliberately wide: it includes (inter alia) the global context item, items present in the initial match selection, items passed as stylesheet parameters, items returned by functions such as document, docFO30, and collectionFO30, items returned by extension functions and extension instructions, items supplied in function or template parameters or results across package boundaries, and nodes reachable from any of the above by axis navigation.

28.1 Basic XSLT Processor

[Definition: A basic XSLT processor is an XSLT processor that implements all the mandatory requirements of this specification with the exception of constructs explicitly associated with an optional feature.] These constructs are listed below.

28.2 Schema-Awareness Conformance Feature

A conformant processor must either be a conformant schema-aware XSLT processor or a conformant non-schema-aware processor.

[Definition: A schema-aware XSLT processor is an XSLT processor that implements the mandatory requirements of this specification connected with the xsl:import-schema declaration, the [xsl:]validation and [xsl:]type attributes, and the ability to handle input documents whose nodes have type annotations other than xs:untyped and xs:untypedAtomic. The mandatory requirements of this specification are taken to include the mandatory requirements of XPath 3.0, as described in [XPath 3.0]. A requirement is mandatory unless the specification includes wording (such as the use of the words should or may) that clearly indicates that it is optional.]

[Definition: A non-schema-aware processor is a processor that does not claim conformance with the schema-aware conformance feature. Such a processor must handle constructs associated with schema-aware processing as described in this section.]

[ERR XTSE1650] A non-schema-aware processor must signal a static error if a package includes an xsl:import-schema declaration.


A processor that rejects an xsl:import-schema declaration will also reject any reference to a user-defined type defined in a schema, or to a user-defined element or attribute declaration; it will not, however, reject references to the built-in types listed in 3.14 Built-in Types.

A non-schema-aware processor is not able to validate input documents, and is not able to handle input documents containing type annotations other than xs:untyped or xs:untypedAtomic. Therefore, such a processor must treat any [xsl:]validation attribute with a value of preserve or lax, or a [xsl:]default-validation attribute with a value of preserve as if the value were strip.


The values lax and preserve indicate that the validation to be applied depends on the calling application, so it is appropriate for the request to be treated differently by different kinds of processor. By contrast, requesting strict validation, either through the [xsl:]validation attribute or the type attribute, indicates that the stylesheet is expecting to deal with typed data, and therefore cannot be processed without performing the validation.

[ERR XTSE1660] A non-schema-aware processor must signal a static error if a package includes an [xsl:]type attribute; or an [xsl:]validation or [xsl:]default-validation attribute with a value other than strip, preserve, or lax; or an xsl:mode element whose typed attribute is equal to yes or strict; or an as attribute whose value is a SequenceType that can only match nodes with a type annotation other than xs:untyped or xs:untypedAtomic (for example, as="element(*, xs:integer)").

A non-schema-aware processor constrains the data model as follows, and raises a dynamic error ([see ERR XTDE1665]) if the constraints are not satisfied:

  • Atomic values must belong to one of the atomic types listed in 3.14 Built-in Types (except as noted below).

    An atomic value may also belong to an implementation-defined type that has been added to the context for use with extension functions or extension instructions.

    The set of constructor functions available are limited to those that construct values of the above atomic types.

    The static context, which defines the full set of type names recognized by an XSLT processor and also by the XPath processor, includes these atomic types, plus xs:anyType, xs:anySimpleType, xs:untyped, and xs:anyAtomicType.

  • Element nodes must be annotated with the type annotation xs:untyped, and attribute nodes with the type annotation xs:untypedAtomic.

28.3 Serialization Feature

[Definition: A processor that claims conformance with the serialization feature must support the conversion of a final result tree to a sequence of octets following the rules defined in 27 Serialization.] It must respect all the attributes of the xsl:output and xsl:character-map declarations, and must provide all four output methods, xml, xhtml, html, and text. Where the specification uses words such as must and required, then it must serialize the result tree in precisely the way described; in other cases it may use an alternative, equivalent representation.

A processor may claim conformance with the serialization feature whether or not it supports the setting disable-output-escaping="yes" on xsl:text, or xsl:value-of.

A processor that does not claim conformance with the serialization feature must not signal an error merely because the stylesheet contains xsl:output or xsl:character-map declarations, or serialization attributes on the xsl:result-document instruction. Such a processor may check that these declarations and attributes have valid values, but is not required to do so. Apart from optional validation, these declarations should be ignored.


A processor that does not claim conformance with the serialization feature may offer alternative serialization capabilities, and these may make use of the serialization parameters defined on xsl:output and/or xsl:result-document. Such a processor may implement selected parts of the serialization capabilities defined in this specification. For example, it may implement selected output methods, or selected serialization properties. It may implement sequence normalization using the item-separator property even if it has no other serialization capabilities. [XSLT 3.0 Erratum E14, bug 30208].

If the processor claims conformance with the serialization feature then it must fully implement the serializeFO30 function defined in [Functions and Operators 4.0], and must not raise error [ERR FODC0010] FO40 as the result of such a call.

If the processor does not claim conformance with the serialization feature, then it may raise error [ERR FODC0010] FO40 in respect of some or all calls on the serializeFO30 function; it must not return a result from a call on this function unless the result is conformant with the specification, given the parameters actually supplied.

A processor that claims conformance with the Serialization Feature must satisfy the mandatory requirements of [XSLT and XQuery Serialization]. It must provide a mode of operation which conforms to the 3.0 version of that specification. It may also provide a mode of operation which conforms to a later version of that specification; in such cases the detail of how XSLT 3.0 interacts with new features introduced by such a version (for example, support for new serialization properties) is implementation-defined.

28.4 Compatibility Features

[Definition: A processor that claims conformance with the XSLT 1.0 compatibility feature must support the processing of stylesheet instructions and XPath expressions with XSLT 1.0 behavior, as defined in 3.9 Backwards Compatible Processing.]

Note that a processor that does not claim conformance with the XSLT 1.0 compatibility feature must raise a dynamic error if an instruction is evaluated whose effective version is 1.0. [see ERR XTDE0160].


The reason this is a dynamic error rather than a static error is to allow stylesheets to contain conditional logic, following different paths depending on whether the XSLT processor implements XSLT 1.0, 2.0, or 3.0. The selection of which path to use can be controlled by using the system-property function to test the xsl:version system property.

A processor that claims conformance with the XSLT 1.0 compatibility feature must permit the use of the namespace axis in XPath expressions when backwards compatible behavior is enabled. In all other circumstances, support for the namespace axis is optional.


There are no incompatibilities between 3.0 and 2.0 that would justify a 2.0-compatibility mode. When a 3.0 processor encounters a stylesheet that specifies version="2.0", evaluation therefore proceeds exactly as if it specified version="3.0". However, a software product may invoke an XSLT 2.0 processor in preference to an XSLT 3.0 processor when the stylesheet specifies version="2.0", in which case any use of new 3.0 constructs will be rejected.

28.5 Streaming Feature

[Definition: A processor that claims conformance with the streaming feature must use streamed processing in cases where (a) streaming is requested (for example by using the attribute streamable="yes" on xsl:mode, or on the xsl:source-document instruction) and (b) the constructs in question are guaranteed-streamable according to this specification.]

A processor that does not claim conformance with the streaming feature is not required to use streamed processing and is not required to determine whether any construct is guaranteed streamable. Such a processor must, however, implement the semantics of all constructs in the language provided that enough memory is available to perform the processing without streaming.

A processor that conforms with the feature must return the value "yes" in response to the function call system-property('xsl:supports-streaming'); a processor that does not conform with the feature must return the value "no".


The term streamed processing as used here means the ability to process arbitrarily large input documents without ever-increasing memory requirements.

28.6 Dynamic Evaluation Feature

[Definition: A processor that claims conformance with the dynamic evaluation feature must evaluate the xsl:evaluate function as described in this specification.]

A processor that does not claim conformance with the dynamic evaluation feature must report a dynamic error if an xsl:evaluate instruction is evaluated. It must not report a static error merely because of the presence of an xsl:evaluate instruction in the stylesheet, unless a processor that conforms with the feature would report the same static error.

A processor that conforms with the feature must return the value "yes" in response to the function call system-property('xsl:supports-dynamic-evaluation'); a processor that does not conform with the feature must return the value "no".

A processor that conforms with the feature must return the value true in response to the function call element-available('xsl:evaluate'); a processor that does not conform with the feature must return the value false.


A processor may allow dynamic evaluation to be enabled and disabled by means of configuration settings, perhaps for security reasons. In consequence, it may be impossible to tell during static analysis of the stylesheet whether or not the feature will be available during execution. A stylesheet author wanting to check whether the feature is available should therefore make the test using a run-time call on system-property, rather than relying on tests in an [xsl:]use-when attribute.

28.7 Higher-Order Functions Feature

[Definition: The higher-order functions feature contains functionality connected with the use of functions as items in the data model, that can be stored in variables and passed to other functions.]

[ERR XTSE3540] A processor that does not provide the higher-order functions feature raises a static error if any of the following XPath constructs are found in an expression, pattern, SequenceType, or ItemType: a TypedFunctionTestXP40, a NamedFunctionRefXP40, an InlineFunctionExprXP40, or an ArgumentPlaceholderXP40.


The effect is to disallow the three constructs used to create function-valued items: named function references such as round#1, inline function expressions such as function($x){$x+1}, and partial function application such as starts-with(?, '#'), along with sequence types such as function(xs:integer) as xs:string that serve no useful purpose in the absence of such items.

The item type function(*) is allowed by these rules, and serves as a generic type for maps and arrays.

Where a processor does not provide the higher-order functions feature, functions whose specification in [Functions and Operators 3.1] labels them with the higher-order property are excluded from the static context of expressions and patterns. An attempt to reference such a function therefore fails in the same way as an attempt to call a non-existent function.


Examples of functions labeled with this property are filterFO30, for-eachFO30, fold-leftFO30, and fold-rightFO30.

A processor that does not provide the higher-order functions feature constrains the data model by disallowing function items other than maps and arrays, and may raise a dynamic error ([see ERR XTDE1665]) if this constraint is not satisfied.

The same rules apply to a dynamic XPath expression processed using xsl:evaluate.

A References

A.1 Normative References

XDM 3.0
XQuery and XPath Data Model (XDM) 3.0, Norman Walsh, Anders Berglund, John Snelson, Editors. World Wide Web Consortium, 08 April 2014. This version is The latest version is available at
XDM 3.1
XQuery and XPath Data Model (XDM) 3.1, Norman Walsh, John Snelson, Andrew Coleman, Editors. World Wide Web Consortium, 21 March 2017. This version is The latest version is available at
XDM 4.0
XQuery and XPath Data Model (XDM) 4.0, XSLT Extensions Community Group, World Wide Web Consortium.
Functions and Operators 3.0
XQuery and XPath Functions and Operators 3.0, Michael Kay, Editor. World Wide Web Consortium, 08 April 2014. This version is The latest version is available at
Functions and Operators 3.1
XQuery and XPath Functions and Operators 3.1, Michael Kay, Editor. World Wide Web Consortium, 21 March 2017. This version is The latest version is available at
Functions and Operators 4.0
XML Information Set
XML Information Set (Second Edition), John Cowan and Richard Tobin, Editors. World Wide Web Consortium, 04 Feb 2004. This version is The latest version is available at
ISO 15924
ISO (International Organization for Standardization) Information and documentation — Codes for the representation of names of scripts ISO 15924:2004, January 2004. See!iso:std:iso:15924:ed-1:v1:en.
ISO 15924 Register
Unicode Consortium. Codes for the representation of names of scripts — Alphabetical list of four-letter script codes. See Retrieved February 2013; continually updated.
XSLT and XQuery Serialization
XSLT and XQuery Serialization 3.0, Henry Zongaro, Andrew Coleman, Michael Sperberg-McQueen, Editors. World Wide Web Consortium, 08 April 2014. This version is The latest version is available at
XSLT and XQuery Serialization 3.1
XSLT and XQuery Serialization 3.1, Andrew Coleman and Michael Sperberg-McQueen, Editors. World Wide Web Consortium, 21 March 2017. This version is The latest version is available at
RFC 7159
IETF. The JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Data Interchange Format. March 2014. See
Unicode Consortium. The Unicode Standard as updated from time to time by the publication of new versions. See for the latest version and additional information on versions of the standard and of the Unicode Character Database. The version of Unicode to be used is implementation-defined, but implementations are recommended to use the latest Unicode version.
Unicode Consortium. Unicode Technical Standard #10. Unicode Collation Algorithm. Unicode Technical Report. See
Unicode Consortium. Unicode Technical Standard #35. Unicode Locale Data Markup Language. Unicode Technical Report. See
XML 1.0
World Wide Web Consortium. Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0. W3C Recommendation. See The edition of XML 1.0 must be no earlier than the Third Edition; the edition used is implementation-defined, but we recommend that implementations use the latest version.
XML 1.1
Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.1 (Second Edition), Tim Bray, Jean Paoli, Michael Sperberg-McQueen, et. al., Editors. World Wide Web Consortium, 16 Aug 2006. This version is The latest version is available at
XML Base
XML Base (Second Edition), Jonathan Marsh and Richard Tobin, Editors. World Wide Web Consortium, 28 Jan 2009. This version is The latest version is available at
xml:id Version 1.0, Jonathan Marsh, Daniel Veillard, and Norman Walsh, Editors. World Wide Web Consortium, 09 Sep 2005. This version is The latest version is available at
Namespaces in XML
Namespaces in XML 1.0 (Third Edition), Tim Bray, Dave Hollander, Andrew Layman, et. al., Editors. World Wide Web Consortium, 08 Dec 2009. This version is The latest version is available at
Namespaces in XML 1.1
Namespaces in XML 1.1 (Second Edition), Tim Bray, Dave Hollander, Andrew Layman, and Richard Tobin, Editors. World Wide Web Consortium, 16 Aug 2006. This version is The latest version is available at
XML Schema Part 1
XML Schema Part 1: Structures Second Edition, Henry Thompson, David Beech, Murray Maloney, and Noah Mendelsohn, Editors. World Wide Web Consortium, 28 Oct 2004. This version is The latest version is available at
XML Schema Part 2
XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes Second Edition, Paul V. Biron and Ashok Malhotra, Editors. World Wide Web Consortium, 28 Oct 2004. This version is The latest version is available at
XML Schema 1.1 Part 1
W3C XML Schema Definition Language (XSD) 1.1 Part 1: Structures, Sandy Gao, Michael Sperberg-McQueen, Henry Thompson, et. al., Editors. World Wide Web Consortium, 05 Apr 2012. This version is The latest version is available at
XML Schema 1.1 Part 2
W3C XML Schema Definition Language (XSD) 1.1 Part 2: Datatypes, David Peterson, Sandy Gao, Ashok Malhotra, et. al., Editors. World Wide Web Consortium, 05 Apr 2012. This version is The latest version is available at
XPath 3.0
XML Path Language (XPath) 3.0, Jonathan Robie, Don Chamberlin, Michael Dyck, John Snelson, Editors. World Wide Web Consortium, 08 April 2014. This version is The latest version is available at
XPath 3.1
XML Path Language (XPath) 3.1, Jonathan Robie, Michael Dyck and Josh Spiegel, Editors. World Wide Web Consortium, 21 March 2017. This version is The latest version is available at
XPath 4.0
XSLT Media Type
World Wide Web Consortium. Registration of MIME Media Type application/xslt+xml. In Appendix B.1 of the XSLT 2.0 specification.

A.2 Other References

Unicode CLDR
CLDR - Unicode Common Locale Data Repository. Available at:
DOM Level 2
Document Object Model (DOM) Level 2 Core Specification, Arnaud Le Hors, Philippe Le Hégaret, Lauren Wood, et. al., Editors. World Wide Web Consortium, 13 Nov 2000. This version is The latest version is available at
ECMA International. The JSON Data Interchange Format October 2013. See
ICU - International Components for Unicode. Available at
S. Bradner. Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels. IETF RFC 2119. See
T. Berners-Lee, R. Fielding, and L. Masinter. Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI): Generic Syntax. IETF RFC 3986. See
M. Duerst, M. Suignard. Internationalized Resource Identifiers (IRIs). IETF RFC 3987. See
A. Phillips and M. Davis. Matching of Language Tags. IETF RFC 4647. See
H. Thompson and C. Lilley. XML Media Types. IETF RFC 7303. See
Tom Preston-Werner, Semantic Versioning 2.0.0. See Undated (retrieved 1 August 2014).
Petr Cimprich et al, Streaming Transformations for XML (STX) Version 1.0. Working Draft 27 April 2007. See
XML Linking Language (XLink) Version 1.0, Steven DeRose, Eve Maler, and David Orchard, Editors. World Wide Web Consortium, 27 Jun 2001. This version is The latest version is available at
XML Schema 1.0 and XML 1.1
World Wide Web Consortium. Processing XML 1.1 documents with XML Schema 1.0 processors. W3C Working Group Note 11 May 2005. See
XML Stylesheet
Associating Style Sheets with XML documents 1.0 (Second Edition), James Clark, Simon Pieters, and Henry Thompson, Editors. World Wide Web Consortium, 28 Oct 2010. This version is The latest version is available at
XPointer Framework
XPointer Framework, Paul Grosso, Eve Maler, Jonathan Marsh, and Norman Walsh, Editors. World Wide Web Consortium, 25 Mar 2003. This version is The latest version is available at
Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL) Version 1.1, Anders Berglund, Editor. World Wide Web Consortium, 05 Dec 2006. This version is The latest version is available at
XSLT 1.0
XSL Transformations (XSLT) Version 1.0, James Clark, Editor. World Wide Web Consortium, 16 Nov 1999. This version is The latest version is available at
XSLT 2.0
XSL Transformations (XSLT) Version 2.0 (Second Edition), Michael Kay, Editor. World Wide Web Consortium, 23 January 2007. This version is The latest version is available at
XSLT 3.0
XSL Transformations (XSLT) Version 3.0, Michael Kay, Editor. World Wide Web Consortium, 7 February 2017. This version is The latest version is available at

B XML Representation of JSON

This appendix contains the schema for the XML representation of JSON described in 23.1 XML Representation of JSON, together with the stylesheets used for converting from this XML representation to strings matching the JSON grammar.

These schema documents and stylesheets are also available as separate resources (links are listed at the top of this document).

B.1 Schema for the XML Representation of JSON

The schema is reproduced below:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xs:schema xmlns:xs=""
     * This is a schema for the XML representation of JSON used as the target for the
     * function fn:json-to-xml()
     * The schema is made available under the terms of the W3C software notice and license
     * at
    <xs:element name="map" type="j:mapType">
        <xs:unique name="unique-key">
            <xs:selector xpath="*"/>
            <xs:field xpath="@key"/>
            <xs:field xpath="@escaped-key"/>
    <xs:element name="array" type="j:arrayType"/>
    <xs:element name="string" type="j:stringType"/>
    <xs:element name="number" type="j:numberType"/>
    <xs:element name="boolean" type="xs:boolean"/>
    <xs:element name="null" type="j:nullType"/>
    <xs:complexType name="nullType">
    <xs:complexType name="stringType">
            <xs:extension base="xs:string">
                <xs:attribute name="escaped" type="xs:boolean" use="optional" default="false"/>
    <xs:simpleType name="numberType">
        <xs:restriction base="xs:double">
            <!-- exclude positive and negative infinity, and NaN -->
            <xs:minExclusive value="-INF"/>
            <xs:maxExclusive value="INF"/>
    <xs:complexType name="arrayType">
        <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
            <xs:element ref="j:map"/>
            <xs:element ref="j:array"/>
            <xs:element ref="j:string"/>
            <xs:element ref="j:number"/>
            <xs:element ref="j:boolean"/>
            <xs:element ref="j:null"/>
    <xs:complexType name="mapType">
        <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
            <xs:element name="map">
                        <xs:extension base="j:mapType">
                            <xs:attribute name="key" type="xs:string"/>
                <xs:unique name="unique-key-2">
                    <xs:selector xpath="*"/>
                    <xs:field xpath="@key"/>
            <xs:element name="array">
                        <xs:extension base="j:arrayType">
                            <xs:attributeGroup ref="j:key-group"/>
            <xs:element name="string">
                        <xs:extension base="j:stringType">
                            <xs:attributeGroup ref="j:key-group"/>
            <xs:element name="number">
                        <xs:extension base="j:numberType">
                            <xs:attributeGroup ref="j:key-group"/>
            <xs:element name="boolean">
                        <xs:extension base="xs:boolean">
                            <xs:attributeGroup ref="j:key-group"/>
            <xs:element name="null">
                    <xs:attributeGroup ref="j:key-group"/>
    <xs:attributeGroup name="key-group">
        <xs:attribute name="key" type="xs:string" use="required"/>
        <xs:attribute name="escaped-key" type="xs:boolean" use="optional" default="false"/>

B.2 Stylesheet for converting XML to JSON

This stylesheet contains the implementation of a function very similar to xml-to-json, but implemented in XSLT so that it can be customized and extended. This stylesheet is provided for the benefit of users and there are no conformance requirements associated with it; there is no requirement that processors should make this stylesheet available. The stylesheet is reproduced below:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

        * This is a stylesheet for converting XML to JSON. 
        * It expects the XML to be in the format produced by the XSLT 3.0 function
        * fn:json-to-xml(), but is designed to be highly customizable.
        * The stylesheet is made available under the terms of the W3C software notice and license
        * at

    exclude-result-prefixes="xs fn j" default-mode="j:xml-to-json" version="3.0">

    <xsl:variable name="quot" visibility="private">"</xsl:variable>
    <xsl:param name="indent-spaces" select="2"/>
    <!-- The static parameter STREAMABLE controls whether the stylesheet is declared as streamable -->
    <xsl:param name="STREAMABLE" static="yes" as="xs:boolean" select="true()"/>
    <xsl:mode name="j:xml-to-json"/> <!-- fixes erratum E30 for bug 30288 -->
    <xsl:mode name="indent" _streamable="{$STREAMABLE}" visibility="public"/>
    <xsl:mode name="no-indent" _streamable="{$STREAMABLE}" visibility="public"/>
    <xsl:mode name="key-attribute" streamable="false" on-no-match="fail" visibility="public"/>
    <!-- The static parameter VALIDATE controls whether the input, if untyped, should be validated -->
    <xsl:param name="VALIDATE" static="yes" as="xs:boolean" select="false()"/>
    <xsl:import-schema namespace="" use-when="$VALIDATE"/>

    <!-- Entry point: function to convert a supplied XML node to a JSON string -->
    <xsl:function name="j:xml-to-json" as="xs:string" visibility="public">
        <xsl:param name="input" as="node()"/>
        <xsl:sequence select="j:xml-to-json($input, map{})"/>

    <!-- Entry point: function to convert a supplied XML node to a JSON string, supplying options -->
    <xsl:function name="j:xml-to-json" as="xs:string" visibility="public">
        <xsl:param name="input" as="node()"/>
        <xsl:param name="options" as="map(*)"/>
        <xsl:variable name="input" as="node()" use-when="$VALIDATE">
            <xsl:copy-of select="$input" validation="strict"/>
            <xsl:when test="$options('indent') eq true()">
                <xsl:apply-templates select="$input" mode="indent">
                    <xsl:with-param name="fallback" as="(function(element()) as xs:string)?"
                        select="$options('fallback')" tunnel="yes"/>
                <xsl:apply-templates select="$input" mode="no-indent">
                    <xsl:with-param name="fallback" as="(function(element()) as xs:string)?"
                        select="$options('fallback')" tunnel="yes"/>
    <!-- A document node is ignored -->
    <xsl:template match="/" mode="indent no-indent">
        <xsl:apply-templates mode="#current"/>

    <!-- Template rule for fn:map elements, representing JSON objects -->

    <xsl:template match="fn:map" mode="indent">
            <xsl:variable name="depth" select="count(ancestor::*) + 1"/>
            <xsl:for-each select="*">
                <xsl:if test="position() gt 1">
                    <xsl:text>, </xsl:text>
                    <xsl:value-of select="j:indent($depth)"/>
                <xsl:apply-templates select="snapshot(@key)" mode="key-attribute"/>
                <xsl:text> : </xsl:text>
                <xsl:apply-templates select="." mode="#current"/>

    <xsl:template match="fn:map" mode="no-indent">
            <xsl:for-each select="*">
                <xsl:if test="position() gt 1">
                <xsl:apply-templates select="snapshot(@key)" mode="key-attribute"/>
                <xsl:apply-templates select="." mode="#current"/>

    <!-- Template rule for fn:array elements, representing JSON arrays -->
    <xsl:template match="fn:array" mode="indent">
            <xsl:variable name="depth" select="count(ancestor::*) + 1"/>
            <xsl:for-each select="*">
                <xsl:if test="position() gt 1">
                    <xsl:text>, </xsl:text>
                    <xsl:value-of select="j:indent($depth)"/>
                <xsl:apply-templates select="." mode="#current"/>

    <xsl:template match="fn:array" mode="no-indent">
            <xsl:for-each select="*">
                <xsl:if test="position() gt 1">
                <xsl:apply-templates select="." mode="#current"/>

    <!-- Template rule for fn:string elements in which 
         special characters are already escaped -->
    <xsl:template match="fn:string[@escaped='true']" mode="indent no-indent">
        <xsl:sequence select="concat($quot, ., $quot)"/>

    <!-- Template rule for fn:string elements in which 
         special characters need to be escaped -->
    <xsl:template match="fn:string[not(@escaped='true')]" mode="indent no-indent">
        <xsl:sequence select="concat($quot, j:escape(.), $quot)"/>

    <!-- Template rule for fn:boolean elements -->
    <xsl:template match="fn:boolean" mode="indent no-indent">
        <xsl:sequence select="xs:string(xs:boolean(.))"/>

    <!-- Template rule for fn:number elements -->
    <xsl:template match="fn:number" mode="indent no-indent">
        <xsl:value-of select="xs:string(xs:double(.))"/>

    <!-- Template rule for JSON null elements -->
    <xsl:template match="fn:null" mode="indent no-indent">

    <!-- Template rule matching a key within a map where 
         special characters in the key are already escaped -->
    <xsl:template match="fn:*[@key-escaped='true']/@key" mode="key-attribute">
        <xsl:value-of select="concat($quot, ., $quot)"/>

    <!-- Template rule matching a key within a map where 
         special characters in the key need to be escaped -->
    <xsl:template match="fn:*[not(@key-escaped='true')]/@key" mode="key-attribute">
        <xsl:value-of select="concat($quot, j:escape(.), $quot)"/>
    <!-- Template matching "invalid" elements -->
    <xsl:template match="*" mode="indent no-indent">
        <xsl:param name="fallback" as="(function(element()) as xs:string)?"
            tunnel="yes" required="yes"/>
            <xsl:when test="exists($fallback)">
                <xsl:value-of select="$fallback(snapshot(.))"/>
                <xsl:message terminate="yes">>Inc</xsl:message>

    <!-- Template rule matching (and discarding) whitespace text nodes in the XML -->
    <xsl:template match="text()[not(normalize-space())]" mode="indent no-indent"/>

    <!-- Function to escape special characters -->
    <xsl:function name="j:escape" as="xs:string" visibility="final">
        <xsl:param name="in" as="xs:string"/>
            <xsl:for-each select="string-to-codepoints($in)">
                    <xsl:when test=". gt 65535">
                        <xsl:value-of select="concat('\u', j:hex4((. - 65536) idiv 1024 + 55296))"/>
                        <xsl:value-of select="concat('\u', j:hex4((. - 65536) mod 1024 + 56320))"/>
                    <xsl:when test=". = 34">\"</xsl:when>
                    <xsl:when test=". = 92">\\</xsl:when>
                    <xsl:when test=". = 08">\b</xsl:when>
                    <xsl:when test=". = 09">\t</xsl:when>
                    <xsl:when test=". = 10">\n</xsl:when>
                    <xsl:when test=". = 12">\f</xsl:when>
                    <xsl:when test=". = 13">\r</xsl:when>
                    <xsl:when test=". lt 32 or (. ge 127 and . le 160)">
                        <xsl:value-of select="concat('\u', j:hex4(.))"/>
                        <xsl:value-of select="codepoints-to-string(.)"/>

    <!-- Function to convert a UTF16 codepoint into a string of four hex digits -->
    <xsl:function name="j:hex4" as="xs:string" visibility="final">
        <xsl:param name="ch" as="xs:integer"/>
        <xsl:variable name="hex" select="'0123456789abcdef'"/>
            <xsl:value-of select="substring($hex, $ch idiv 4096 + 1, 1)"/>
            <xsl:value-of select="substring($hex, $ch idiv 256 mod 16 + 1, 1)"/>
            <xsl:value-of select="substring($hex, $ch idiv 16 mod 16 + 1, 1)"/>
            <xsl:value-of select="substring($hex, $ch mod 16 + 1, 1)"/>

    <!-- Function to output whitespace indentation based on 
         the depth of the node supplied as a parameter -->

    <xsl:function name="j:indent" as="text()" visibility="public">
        <xsl:param name="depth" as="xs:integer"/>
        <xsl:value-of select="'&#xa;', string-join((1 to ($depth + 1) * $indent-spaces) ! ' ', '')"/>


C Glossary (Non-Normative)


A component of the context that has no value is said to be absent.


An operand usage of absorption indicates that the construct reads the subtree(s) rooted at a supplied node(s).


An accumulator defines a series of values associated with the nodes of the tree. If an accumulator is applicable to a particular tree, then for each node in the tree, other than attribute and namespace nodes, there will be two values available, called the pre-descent and post-descent values. These two values are available via a pair of functions, accumulator-before and accumulator-after.

accumulator function

The functions accumulator-before and accumulator-after are referred to as the accumulator functions.


A stylesheet can use the xsl:namespace-alias element to declare that a literal namespace URI is being used as an alias for a target namespace URI.


A template rule is applicable to one or more modes. The modes to which it is applicable are defined by the mode attribute of the xsl:template element. If the attribute is omitted, then the template rule is applicable to the default mode specified in the [xsl:]default-mode attribute of the innermost containing element that has such an attribute, which in turn defaults to the unnamed mode. If the mode attribute is present, then its value must be a non-empty whitespace-separated list of tokens, each of which defines a mode to which the template rule is applicable.

arity range

A function definition has an arity range which defines the minimum and maximum number of arguments that must be supplied in a call to the function. The static context can contain multiple function definitions with the same name, provided that their arity ranges do not overlap.


The term atomization is defined in Section 2.5.2 AtomizationXP40. It is a process that takes as input a sequence of items, and returns a sequence of atomic values, in which the nodes are replaced by their typed values as defined in [XDM 3.0]. If the XPath 3.1 feature is implemented, then Arrays (see 22 Arrays) are atomized by atomizing their members, recursively.

attribute set

An attribute set is defined as a set of xsl:attribute-set declarations in the same package that share the same expanded QName.

attribute set invocation

An attribute set invocation is a pseudo-instruction corresponding to a single EQName appearing within an [xsl:]use-attribute-sets attribute; the effect of the pseudo-instruction is to cause the referenced attribute set to be evaluated.

attribute value template

In an attribute that is designated as an attribute value template, such as an attribute of a literal result element, an expression can be used by surrounding the expression with curly brackets ({}), following the general rules for value templates

backwards compatible behavior

An element is processed with backwards compatible behavior if its effective version is less than 4.0.

base output URI

The base output URI is a URI to be used as the base URI when resolving a relative URI reference allocated to a final result tree. If the transformation generates more than one final result tree, then typically each one will be allocated a URI relative to this base URI.

basic XSLT processor

A basic XSLT processor is an XSLT processor that implements all the mandatory requirements of this specification with the exception of constructs explicitly associated with an optional feature.

character map

A character map allows a specific character appearing in a text or attribute node in the final result tree to be substituted by a specified string of characters during serialization.

choice operand group

For some construct kinds, one or more operand roles may be defined to form a choice operand group. This concept is used where it is known that operands are mutually exclusive (for example the then and else clauses in a conditional expression).


A circularity is said to exist if a construct such as a global variable, an attribute set, or a key, is defined in terms of itself. For example, if the expression or sequence constructor specifying the value of a global variable X references a global variable Y, then the value for Y must be computed before the value of X. A circularity exists if it is impossible to do this for all global variable definitions.


Climbing: indicates that streamed nodes returned by the construct are reached by navigating the parent, ancestor[-or-self], attribute, and/or namespace axes from the node at the current streaming position.

coercion rules

When used in this specification without further qualification, the term coercion rules means the coercion rules defined in [XPath 4.0], applied with XPath 1.0 compatibility mode set to false.


Facilities in XSLT 3.0 and XPath 3.0 that require strings to be ordered rely on the concept of a named collation. A collation is a set of rules that determine whether two strings are equal, and if not, which of them is to be sorted before the other.

combined posture

The combined posture of a choice operand group is determined by the postures of the operands in the group (the operand postures), and is the first of the following that applies:

  1. If any of the operand postures is roaming, then the combined posture is roaming.

  2. If all of the operand postures are grounded, then the combined posture is grounded.

  3. If one or more of the operand postures is climbing and the remainder (if any) are grounded, then the combined posture is climbing.

  4. If one or more of the operand postures is striding and the remainder (if any) are grounded, then the combined posture is striding.

  5. If one or more of the operand postures is crawling and each of the remainder (if any) is either striding or grounded, then the combined posture is crawling.

  6. Otherwise (for example, if the group includes both an operand with climbing posture and one with crawling posture), the combined posture is roaming.


The signatures of two components are compatible if they present the same interface to the user of the component. The additional rules depend on the kind of component.


The term component is used to refer to any of the following: a stylesheet function, a named template, a mode, an accumulator, an attribute set, a key, global variable, or a mode.

composite merge key value

The ordered collection of merge key values computed for one item in a merge input sequence (one for each merge key component within the merge key specification) is referred to as a composite merge key value.


The term construct refers to the union of the following: a sequence constructor, an instruction, an attribute set, a value template, an expression, or a pattern.


A consuming construct is any construct deemed consuming by the rules in this section (19 Streamability).

containing package

A component declaration results in multiple components, one in the package in which the declaration appears, and potentially one in each package that uses the declaring package, directly or indirectly, subject to the visibility of the component. Each of these multiple components has the same declaring package, but each has a different containing package. For the original component, the declaring package and the containing package are the same; for a copy of a component made as a result of an xsl:use-package declaration, the declaring package will be the original package, and the containing package will be the package in which the xsl:use-package declaration appears.

context item

The context item is the item currently being processed. An item (see [XDM 3.0]) is either an atomic value (such as an integer, date, or string), a node, or a function item. It changes whenever instructions such as xsl:apply-templates and xsl:for-each are used to process a sequence of items; each item in such a sequence becomes the context item while that item is being processed.

context item type

For every expression, it is possible to establish by static analysis, information about the item type of the context item for evaluation of that expression. This is called the context item type of the expression.

context node

If the context item is a node (as distinct from an atomic value such as an integer), then it is also referred to as the context node. The context node is not an independent variable, it changes whenever the context item changes. When the context item is an atomic value or a function item, there is no context node.

context position

The context position is the position of the context item within the sequence of items currently being processed. It changes whenever the context item changes. When an instruction such as xsl:apply-templates or xsl:for-each is used to process a sequence of items, the first item in the sequence is processed with a context position of 1, the second item with a context position of 2, and so on.

context posture

The context posture. This captures information about how the context item used as input to the construct is positioned relative to the streamed input. The context posture of a construct C is the posture of the expression whose value sets the focus for the evaluation of C.

context size

The context size is the number of items in the sequence of items currently being processed. It changes whenever instructions such as xsl:apply-templates and xsl:for-each are used to process a sequence of items; during the processing of each one of those items, the context size is set to the count of the number of items in the sequence (or equivalently, the position of the last item in the sequence).

controlled operand

Within a focus-changing construct there are one or more operands that are evaluated with a focus determined by the controlling operand (or in some cases such as xsl:on-completion, with an absent focus); these are referred to as controlled operands.

controlling operand

Within a focus-changing construct there is in many cases one operand whose value determines the focus for evaluating other operands; this is referred to as the controlling operand.


Crawling: typically indicates that streamed nodes returned by a construct are reached by navigating the descendant[-or-self] axis.

current captured substrings

While the xsl:matching-substring instruction is active, a set of current captured substrings is available, corresponding to the parenthesized subexpressions of the regular expression.

current group

The current group is the group itself, as a sequence of items

current grouping key

The current grouping key is a single atomic value, or in the case of a composite key, a sequence of atomic values, containing the grouping key of the items in the current group.

current merge group

The current merge group is a map. During evaluation of an xsl:merge instruction, as each group of items with equal composite merge key values is processed, the current merge group is set to a map whose keys are the names of the various merge sources, and whose associated values are the items from each merge source having the relevant composite merge key value.

current merge key

The current merge key is a sequence of atomic values. During evaluation of an xsl:merge instruction, as each group of items with equal composite merge key values is processed, the current merge key is set to the composite merge key value that these items have in common.

current mode

At any point in the processing of a stylesheet, there is a current mode. When the transformation is initiated, the current mode is the initial mode, as described in 2.3 Initiating a Transformation. Whenever an xsl:apply-templates instruction is evaluated, the current mode becomes the mode selected by this instruction.

current output URI

The current output URI is the URI associated with the principal result or secondary result that is currently being written.

current template rule

At any point in the processing of a stylesheet, there may be a current template rule. Whenever a template rule is chosen as a result of evaluating xsl:apply-templates, xsl:apply-imports, or xsl:next-match, the template rule becomes the current template rule for the evaluation of the rule’s sequence constructor.

decimal format

All the xsl:decimal-format declarations in a package that share the same name are grouped into a named decimal format; those that have no name are grouped into a single unnamed decimal format.


Top-level elements fall into two categories: declarations, and user-defined data elements. Top-level elements whose names are in the XSLT namespace are declarations. Top-level elements in any other namespace are user-defined data elements (see 3.7.3 User-defined Data Elements)

declaration order

The declarations within a stylesheet level have a total ordering known as declaration order. The order of declarations within a stylesheet level is the same as the document order that would result if each stylesheet module were inserted textually in place of the xsl:include element that references it.


The above constructs (template rules belonging to a mode declared with streamable="yes"; and xsl:source-document, xsl:attribute-set, xsl:function, xsl:merge-source, and xsl:accumulator elements specifying streamable="yes") are said to be declared-streamable.

declaring package

The declaring package of a component is the package that contains the declaration (or, in the case of xsl:attribute-set and xsl:key, multiple declarations) of the component.

default collation

In this specification the term default collation means the collation that is used by XPath operators such as eq and lt appearing in XPath expressions within the stylesheet.

default priority

If no priority attribute is specified on an xsl:template element, a default priority is computed, based on the syntax of the pattern supplied in the match attribute.

defining element

A string in the form of a lexical QName may occur as the value of an attribute node in a stylesheet module, or within an XPath expression contained in an attribute or text node within a stylesheet module, or as the result of evaluating an XPath expression contained in such a node. The element containing this attribute or text node is referred to as the defining element of the lexical QName.


Some constructs defined in this specification are described as being deprecated. The use of this term implies that stylesheet authors should not use the construct, and that the construct may be removed in a later version of this specification.

dynamic error

An error that is not capable of detection until a source document is being transformed is referred to as a dynamic error.

dynamic evaluation feature

A processor that claims conformance with the dynamic evaluation feature must evaluate the xsl:evaluate function as described in this specification.


An xsl:function declaration F is said to be eclipsed if the containing package includes an xsl:function declaration G such that F and G have the same name, F has lower import precedence than G, and the arity range of G includes the totality of the arity range of F.

effective value

The effective value of an attribute or text node in the stylesheet is the value after any required expansion or normalization.

effective version

The effective version of an element in a stylesheet module or package manifest is the decimal value of the [xsl:]version attribute (see 3.4 Standard Attributes) on that element or on the innermost ancestor element that has such an attribute, excluding the version attribute on an xsl:output element.

embedded stylesheet module

A stylesheet module whose outermost element is the child of a non-XSLT element in a host document is referred to as an embedded stylesheet module. See 3.12 Embedded Stylesheet Modules.

enclosing mode

A mode declared by an xsl:mode declaration that has one or more contained xsl:template declarations is referred to as an enclosing mode.


An EQName is a string representing an expanded QName where the string, after removing leading and trailing whitespace, is in the form defined by the EQNameXP40 production in the XPath specification.

expanded QName

An expanded QName is a value in the value space of the xs:QName datatype as defined in the XDM data model (see [XDM 3.0]): that is, a triple containing namespace prefix (optional), namespace URI (optional), and local name. Two expanded QNames are equal if the namespace URIs are the same (or both absent) and the local names are the same. The prefix plays no part in the comparison, but is used only if the expanded QName needs to be converted back to a string.

explicit default

An explicit default for a parameter is indicated by the presence of either a select attribute or a non-empty sequence constructor.

explicitly mandatory

A parameter is explicitly mandatory if it is a function parameter with no required attribute, or if the required attribute is present and has the value yes.


Within this specification, the term XPath expression, or simply expression, means a string that matches the production ExprXP40 defined in [XPath 3.0], with the extensions defined in 21 Maps.

extension attribute

An element from the XSLT namespace may have any attribute not from the XSLT namespace, provided that the expanded QName (see [XPath 3.0]) of the attribute has a non-null namespace URI. These attributes are referred to as extension attributes.

extension function

An extension function is a named function introduced to the static or dynamic context by mechanisms outside the scope of this specification.

extension instruction

An extension instruction is an element within a sequence constructor that is in a namespace (not the XSLT namespace) designated as an extension namespace.

extension namespace

The extension instruction mechanism allows namespaces to be designated as extension namespaces. When a namespace is designated as an extension namespace and an element with a name from that namespace occurs in a sequence constructor, then the element is treated as an instruction rather than as a literal result element.

final output state

The first of the two output states is called final output state. This state applies when instructions are writing to a final result tree.

final result tree

A final result tree is a result tree that forms part of the output of a transformation: specifically, a tree built by post-processing the items in the principal result or in a secondary result. Once created, the contents of a final result tree are not accessible within the stylesheet itself.


When a sequence constructor is evaluated, the processor keeps track of which items are being processed by means of a set of implicit variables referred to collectively as the focus.

focus-changing construct

A focus-changing construct is a construct that has one or more operands that are evaluated with a different focus from the parent construct.

focus-setting container

The focus-setting container of a construct C is the innermost focus-changing construct F (if one exists) such that C is directly or indirectly contained in a controlled operand of F. If there is no such construct F, then the focus-setting container is the containing declaration, for example an xsl:function or xsl:template element.

forwards compatible behavior

An element is processed with forwards compatible behavior if its effective version is greater than 4.0.


A free-ranging construct is any construct deemed free-ranging by the rules in this section (19 Streamability).

function definition

The term function definition is defined in Section 2.2.1 Static ContextXP40. It is the definition of a function that can be called statically from within an XPath expression: in the case of XSLT it typically means either a stylesheet function, or a built-in function such as those defined in [Functions and Operators 4.0]

function parameter

An xsl:param element may appear as a child of an xsl:function element, before any non-xsl:param children of that element. Such a parameter is known as a function parameter. A function parameter is a local variable with the additional property that its value can be set when the function is called, using a function call in an XPath expression.

fundamental item type

There are 28 fundamental item types: the 7 node kinds defined in [XDM 3.0] (element, attribute, etc.), the 19 primitive atomic types defined in [XML Schema Part 2], plus the types function(*) and xs:untypedAtomic. The fundamental item types are disjoint, and every item is an instance of exactly one of them.

general streamability rules

Many constructs share the same streamability rules. These rules, referred to as the general streamability rules, are defined here.

global context item

An item that acts as the global context item for the transformation. This item acts as the context item when evaluating the select expression or sequence constructor of a global variable whose declaration is within the top-level package, as described in Maintaining Position: the Focus. The global context item may also be available in a named template when the stylesheet is invoked as described in 2.3.4 Call-Template Invocation

global variable

A top-level variable-binding element declares a global variable that is visible everywhere (except within its own declaration, and where it is shadowed by another binding) except (a) within the xsl:variable or xsl:param element itself, (b) within any other global variable declaration that binds a variable with the same name, and (c) within any region where it is shadowed by another variable binding..


Grounded: indicates that the value returned by the construct does not contain nodes from the streamed input document


The xsl:for-each-group instruction allocates the items in an input sequence into groups of items (that is, it establishes a collection of sequences) based either on common values of a grouping key, or on a pattern that the initial or final item in a group must match.

grouping key

If either of the group-by or group-adjacent attributes is present, then for each item in the population a set of grouping keys is calculated, as follows: the expression contained in the group-by or group-adjacent attribute is evaluated; the result is atomized; and any xs:untypedAtomic values are cast to xs:string. If composite="yes" is specified, there is a single grouping key whose value is the resulting sequence; otherwise, there is a set of grouping keys, consisting of the distinct atomic values present in the result sequence.


A guaranteed-streamable construct is a construct that is declared to be streamable and that follows the particular rules for that construct to make streaming possible, as defined by the analysis in this specification.

higher-order operand

Whether or not the operand is higher-order. For this purpose an operand O of a construct C is higher-order if the semantics of C potentially require O to be evaluated more than once during a single evaluation of C.


Two components are said to be homonymous if they have the same symbolic identifier.

identical (types)

Types S and T are considered identical for the purpose of these rules if and only if subtype(S, T) and subtype(T, S) both hold, where the subtype relation is defined in Section 3.7.1 Subtypes of Sequence TypesXP40.

immediate result

The result of evaluating a sequence constructor is the sequence of items formed by concatenating the results of evaluating each of the nodes in the sequence constructor, retaining order. This is referred to as the immediate result of the sequence constructor.


A specific product that performs the functions of an XSLT processor is referred to as an implementation.


In this specification, the term implementation-defined refers to a feature where the implementation is allowed some flexibility, and where the choices made by the implementation must be described in documentation that accompanies any conformance claim.


The term implementation-dependent refers to a feature where the behavior may vary from one implementation to another, and where the vendor is not expected to provide a full specification of the behavior.

implicit default

If a parameter that is not explicitly mandatory has no explicit default value, then it has an implicit default value, which is the empty sequence if there is an as attribute, or a zero-length string if not.

implicitly mandatory

If a parameter has an implicit default value which cannot be converted to the required type (that is, if it has an as attribute which does not permit the empty sequence), then the parameter is implicitly mandatory.

import precedence

A declaration D in the stylesheet is defined to have lower import precedence than another declaration E if the stylesheet level containing D would be visited before the stylesheet level containing E in a post-order traversal of the import tree (that is, a traversal of the import tree in which a stylesheet level is visited after its children). Two declarations within the same stylesheet level have the same import precedence.

import tree

The stylesheet levels making up a stylesheet are treated as forming an import tree. In the import tree, each stylesheet level has one child for each xsl:import declaration that it contains.

in-scope schema component

The schema components that may be referenced by name in a package are referred to as the in-scope schema components.

initial function

A stylesheet may be evaluated by calling a named stylesheet function, referred to as the initial function.

initial item

For each group, the item within the group that is first in population order is known as the initial item of the group.

initial match selection

A stylesheet may be evaluated by supplying a value to be processed, together with an initial mode. The value (which can be any sequence of items) is referred to as the initial match selection. The processing then corresponds to the effect of the xsl:apply-templates instruction.

initial mode

The initial mode is the mode used to select template rules for processing items in the initial match selection when apply-templates invocation is used to initiate a transformation.

initial named template

A stylesheet may be evaluated by selecting a named template to be evaluated; this is referred to as the initial named template.

initial sequence

The sequence to be sorted is referred to as the initial sequence.

initial setting

The initial setting of a component of the dynamic context is used when evaluating global variables and stylesheet parameters, when evaluating the use and match attributes of xsl:key, and when evaluating the initial-value of xsl:accumulator and the select expressions or contained sequence constructors of xsl:accumulator-rule


An operand usage of inspection indicates that the construct accesses properties of a supplied node that are available without reading its subtree.


An instruction is either an XSLT instruction or an extension instruction.

invocation construct

The following constructs are classified as invocation constructs: the instructions xsl:call-template, xsl:apply-templates, xsl:apply-imports, and xsl:next-match; XPath function calls that bind to stylesheet functions; XPath dynamic function calls; the functions accumulator-before and accumulator-after; the [xsl:]use-attribute-sets attribute. These all have the characteristic that they can cause evaluation of constructs that are not lexically contained within the calling construct.


A key is defined as a set of xsl:key declarations in the same package that share the same name.

key specifier

The expression in the use attribute and the sequence constructor within an xsl:key declaration are referred to collectively as the key specifier. The key specifier determines the values that may be used to find a node using this key.

lexical QName

A lexical QName is a string representing an expanded QName where the string, after removing leading and trailing whitespace, is within the lexical space of the xs:QName datatype as defined in XML Schema (see [XML Schema Part 2]): that is, a local name optionally preceded by a namespace prefix and a colon.

library package

Every package within a stylesheet, other than the top-level package, is referred to as a library package.

literal namespace URI

A namespace URI in the stylesheet tree that is being used to specify a namespace URI in the result tree is called a literal namespace URI.

literal result element

In a sequence constructor, an element in the stylesheet that does not belong to the XSLT namespace and that is not an extension instruction (see 25.2 Extension Instructions) is classified as a literal result element.

local variable

As well as being allowed as a declaration, the xsl:variable element is also allowed in sequence constructors. Such a variable is known as a local variable.

match type

The match type of a pattern is the most specific U-type that is known to match all items that the pattern can match.

merge activation

A merge activation is a single evaluation of the sequence constructor contained within the xsl:merge-action element, which occurs once for each distinct composite merge key value.

merge input sequence

A merge input sequence is an arbitrary sequenceDM30 of items which is already sorted according to the merge key specification for the corresponding merge source definition.

merge key component

A merge key component specifies one component of a merge key specification; it corresponds to a single xsl:merge-key element in the stylesheet.

merge key specification

A merge key specification consists of one or more adjacent xsl:merge-key elements which together define how the merge input sequences selected by a merge source definition are sorted. Each xsl:merge-key element defines one merge key component.

merge key value

For each item in a merge input sequence, a value is computed for each merge key component within the merge key specification. The value computed for an item by using the Nth merge key component is referred to as the Nth merge key value of that item.

merge source definition

A merge source definition is the definition of one kind of input to the merge operation. It selects zero or more merge input sequences, and it includes a merge key specification to define how the merge key values are computed for each such merge input sequence.


A mode is a set of template rules; when the xsl:apply-templates instruction selects a set of items for processing, it identifies the rules to be used for processing those items by nominating a mode, explicitly or implicitly.

mode definition

All the xsl:mode declarations in a package that share the same name are grouped into a named mode definition; those that have no name are grouped into a single unnamed mode definition.


A motionless construct is any construct deemed motionless by the rules in this section (19 Streamability).

named template

Templates can be invoked by name. An xsl:template element with a name attribute defines a named template.

namespace fixup

The rules for the individual XSLT instructions that construct a result tree (see 11 Creating Nodes and Sequences) prescribe some of the situations in which namespace nodes are written to the tree. These rules, however, are not sufficient to ensure that the prescribed constraints are always satisfied. The XSLT processor must therefore add additional namespace nodes to satisfy these constraints. This process is referred to as namespace fixup.


An operand usage of navigation indicates that the construct may navigate freely from the supplied node to other nodes in the same tree, in a way that is not constrained by the streamability rules.

node pattern

A node pattern uses a subset of the syntax for path expressions, and is defined to match a node if the corresponding path expression would select the node. Node patterns may also be formed by combining other patterns using union, intersection, and difference operators.

non-contextual function call

The term non-contextual function call is used to refer to function calls that do not pass the dynamic context to the called function. This includes all calls on stylesheet functions and all dynamic function invocationsXP40, (that is calls to function items as permitted by XPath 3.0). It excludes calls to some functions in the namespace, in particular those that explicitly depend on the context, such as the current-group and regex-group functions. It is implementation-defined whether, and under what circumstances, calls to extension functions are non-contextual.

non-positional predicate

A predicate is a non-positional predicate if it satisfies both of the following conditions:

  1. The predicate does not contain a function call or named function reference to any of the following functions, unless that call or reference occurs within a nested predicate:

    1. positionFO30

    2. lastFO30

    3. function-lookupFO30.


    The exception for nested predicates is there to ensure that patterns such as match="p[@code = $status[last()]] are not disqualified.

  2. The expression immediately contained in the predicate is a non-numeric expression. An expression is non-numeric if the intersection of its static type (see 19.1 Determining the Static Type of a Construct) with U{xs:decimal, xs:double, xs:float} is U{}.

non-schema-aware processor

A non-schema-aware processor is a processor that does not claim conformance with the schema-aware conformance feature. Such a processor must handle constructs associated with schema-aware processing as described in this section.


In an actual instance of a construct, there will be a number of operands. Each operand is itself a construct; the construct tree can be defined as the transitive relation between constructs and their operands.

operand role

For every construct kind, there is a set of zero or more operand roles.

operand usage

The operand usage. This gives information, in the case where the operand value contains nodes, about how those nodes are used. The operand usage takes one of the values absorption, inspection, transmission, or navigation.

order of first appearance

There is a total ordering among groups referred to as the order of first appearance. A group G is defined to precede a group H in order of first appearance if the initial item of G precedes the initial item of H in population order. If two groups G and H have the same initial item (because the item is in both groups) then G precedes H if the grouping key of G precedes the grouping key of H in the sequence that results from evaluating the group-by expression of this initial item.

output definition

All the xsl:output declarations within a package that share the same name are grouped into a named output definition; those that have no name are grouped into a single unnamed output definition.

output state

Each instruction in the stylesheet is evaluated in one of two possible output states: final output state or temporary output state.


A component in a using package may override a component in a used package, provided that the visibility of the component in the used package is either abstract or public. The overriding declaration is written as a child of the xsl:override element, which in turn appears as a child of xsl:use-package.


An explicit package is represented by an xsl:package element, which will generally be the outermost element of an XML document. When the xsl:package element is not used explicitly, the entire stylesheet comprises a single implicit package.

package manifest

The content of the xsl:package element is referred to as the package manifest


The xsl:param element declares a parameter, which may be a stylesheet parameter, a template parameter, a function parameter, or an xsl:iterate parameter. A parameter is a variable with the additional property that its value can be set by the caller.


A pattern specifies a set of conditions on an item. An item that satisfies the conditions matches the pattern; an item that does not satisfy the conditions does not match the pattern.

picture string

The picture string is the string supplied as the second argument of the format-numberFO30 function.

place marker

The xsl:number instruction performs two tasks: firstly, determining a place marker (this is a sequence of integers, to allow for hierarchic numbering schemes such as 1.12.2 or 3(c)ii), and secondly, formatting the place marker for output as a text node in the result sequence.


The sequence of items to be grouped, which is referred to as the population, is determined by evaluating the XPath expression contained in the select attribute.

population order

The population is treated as a sequence; the order of items in this sequence is referred to as population order.


The integer literals and the optional NamePart within the version number are referred to as the portions of the version number.


The posture of the expression. This captures information about the way in which the streamed input document is positioned on return from evaluating the construct. The posture takes one of the values climbing, striding, crawling, roaming, or grounded.

potentially consuming

An operand is potentially consuming if at least one of the following conditions applies:

  1. The operand’s adjusted sweep S′ is consuming.

  2. The operand usage is transmission and the operand is not grounded.

predicate pattern

A predicate pattern is written as . (dot) followed by zero or more predicates in square brackets, and it matches any item for which each of the predicates evaluates to true.

principal result

A principal result: this can be any sequence of items (as defined in [XDM 3.0]).

principal stylesheet module

Within a package, one stylesheet module functions as the principal stylesheet module. The complete package is assembled by finding the stylesheet modules referenced directly or indirectly from the principal stylesheet module using xsl:include and xsl:import elements: see 3.11.2 Stylesheet Inclusion and 3.11.3 Stylesheet Import.


The priority of a template rule is specified by the priority attribute on the xsl:template declaration. If no priority is specified explicitly for a template rule, its default priority is used, as defined in 6.6 Default Priority for Template Rules.

processing order

There is another total ordering among groups referred to as processing order. If group R precedes group S in processing order, then in the result sequence returned by the xsl:for-each-group instruction the items generated by processing group R will precede the items generated by processing group S.


The software responsible for transforming source trees into result trees using an XSLT stylesheet is referred to as the processor. This is sometimes expanded to XSLT processor to avoid any confusion with other processors, for example an XML processor.

raw result

The result of invoking the selected component, after any required conversion to the declared result type of the component, is referred to as the raw result.

reference binding

The process of identifying the component to which a symbolic reference applies (possibly chosen from several homonymous alternatives) is called reference binding.

required type

The context within a stylesheet where an XPath expression appears may specify the required type of the expression. The required type indicates the type of the value that the expression is expected to return.

reserved namespace

The XSLT namespace, together with certain other namespaces recognized by an XSLT processor, are classified as reserved namespaces and must be used only as specified in this and related specifications.

result tree

The term result tree is used to refer to any tree constructed by instructions in the stylesheet. A result tree is either a final result tree or a temporary tree.


Roaming: indicates that the nodes returned by an expression could be anywhere in the tree, which inevitably means that the construct cannot be evaluated using streaming.

scanning expression

A RelativePathExpr is a scanning expression if and only if it is syntactically equivalent to some motionless pattern.

schema component

Type definitions and element and attribute declarations are referred to collectively as schema components.

schema instance namespace

The schema instance namespace is used as defined in [XML Schema Part 1]

schema namespace

The schema namespace is used as defined in [XML Schema Part 1]

schema-aware XSLT processor

A schema-aware XSLT processor is an XSLT processor that implements the mandatory requirements of this specification connected with the xsl:import-schema declaration, the [xsl:]validation and [xsl:]type attributes, and the ability to handle input documents whose nodes have type annotations other than xs:untyped and xs:untypedAtomic. The mandatory requirements of this specification are taken to include the mandatory requirements of XPath 3.0, as described in [XPath 3.0]. A requirement is mandatory unless the specification includes wording (such as the use of the words should or may) that clearly indicates that it is optional.

secondary result

Zero or more secondary results: each secondary result can be any sequence of items (as defined in [XDM 3.0]).

sequence constructor

A sequence constructor is a sequence of zero or more sibling nodes in the stylesheet that can be evaluated to return a sequence of nodes, atomic values, and function items. The way that the resulting sequence is used depends on the containing instruction.


A SequenceType constrains the type and number of items in a sequence. The term is used both to denote the concept, and to refer to the syntactic form in which sequence types are expressed in the XPath grammar: specifically SequenceTypeXP40 in [XPath 3.0].


A frequent requirement is to output a final result tree as an XML document (or in other formats such as HTML). This process is referred to as serialization.

serialization error

If a transformation has successfully produced a principal result or secondary result, it is still possible that errors may occur in serializing that result . For example, it may be impossible to serialize the result using the encoding selected by the user. Such an error is referred to as a serialization error.

serialization feature

A processor that claims conformance with the serialization feature must support the conversion of a final result tree to a sequence of octets following the rules defined in 27 Serialization.


Within a region of the stylesheet where a binding B1 is visible, B1 shadows another binding B2 having the same name as B1 if B1 occurs at a point where B2 is visible.

simplified stylesheet

A simplified stylesheet, which is a subtree rooted at a literal result element, as described in 3.8 Simplified Stylesheet Modules. This is first converted to a standard stylesheet module by wrapping it in an xsl:stylesheet element using the transformation described in 3.8 Simplified Stylesheet Modules.

singleton focus

A singleton focus based on an item J has the context item (and therefore the context node, if J is a node) set to J, and the context position and context size both set to 1 (one).


A snapshot of a node N is a deep copy of N, as produced by the xsl:copy-of instruction with copy-namespaces set to yes, copy-accumulators set to yes, and validation set to preserve, with the additional property that for every ancestor of N, the copy also has a corresponding ancestor whose name, node-kind, and base URI are the same as the corresponding ancestor of N, and that has copies of the attributes, namespaces and accumulator values of the corresponding ancestor of N. But the ancestor has a type annotation of xs:anyType, has the properties nilled, is-id, and is-idref set to false, and has no children other than the child that is a copy of N or one of its ancestors.

sort key component

Within a sort key specification, each xsl:sort element defines one sort key component.

sort key specification

A sort key specification is a sequence of one or more adjacent xsl:sort elements which together define rules for sorting the items in an input sequence to form a sorted sequence.

sort key value

For each item in the initial sequence, a value is computed for each sort key component within the sort key specification. The value computed for an item by using the Nth sort key component is referred to as the Nth sort key value of that item.

sorted sequence

The sequence after sorting as defined by the xsl:sort elements is referred to as the sorted sequence.

source tree

The term source tree means any tree provided as input to the transformation. This includes the document containing the global context item if any, documents containing nodes present in the initial match selection, documents containing nodes supplied as the values of stylesheet parameters, documents obtained from the results of functions such as document, docFO30, and collectionFO30, documents read using the xsl:source-document instruction, and documents returned by extension functions or extension instructions. In the context of a particular XSLT instruction, the term source tree means any tree provided as input to that instruction; this may be a source tree of the transformation as a whole, or it may be a temporary tree produced during the course of the transformation.


A sort key specification is said to be stable if its first xsl:sort element has no stable attribute, or has a stable attribute whose effective value is yes.

standard attributes

There are a number of standard attributes that may appear on any XSLT element: specifically default-collation, default-mode, default-validation, exclude-result-prefixes, expand-text, extension-element-prefixes, use-when, version, and xpath-default-namespace.

standard error namespace

The standard error namespace is used for error codes defined in this specification and related specifications. It is also used for the names of certain predefined variables accessible within the scope of an xsl:catch element.

standard function namespace

The standard function namespace is used for functions in the function library defined in [Functions and Operators 4.0] and for standard functions defined in this specification.

standard stylesheet module

A standard stylesheet module, which is a subtree rooted at an xsl:stylesheet or xsl:transform element.

static error

An error that can be detected by examining a stylesheet before execution starts (that is, before the source document and values of stylesheet parameters are available) is referred to as a static error.

static expression

A static expression is an XPath expression whose value must be computed during static analysis of the stylesheet.

static parameter

A static variable declared using an xsl:param element is referred to as a static parameter.

static type

The static type of a construct is such that all values produced by evaluating the construct will conform to that type. The static type of a construct is a U-type.

static variable

A top-level variable-binding element having the attribute static="yes" declares a static variable: that is, a global variable whose value is known during static analysis of the stylesheet.

streamability category

Stylesheet functions belong to one of a number of streamability categories: the choice of category characterizes the way in which the function handles streamed input.

streamable mode

A streamable mode is a mode that is declared in an xsl:mode declaration with the attribute streamable="yes".

streamed document

A streamed document is a source tree that is processed using streaming, that is, without constructing a complete tree of nodes in memory.

streamed node

A streamed node is a node in a streamed document.


The term streaming refers to a manner of processing in which XML documents (such as source and result documents) are not represented by a complete tree of nodes occupying memory proportional to document size, but instead are processed “on the fly” as a sequence of events, similar in concept to the stream of events notified by an XML parser to represent markup in lexical XML.

streaming feature

A processor that claims conformance with the streaming feature must use streamed processing in cases where (a) streaming is requested (for example by using the attribute streamable="yes" on xsl:mode, or on the xsl:source-document instruction) and (b) the constructs in question are guaranteed-streamable according to this specification.

streaming parameter

The first parameter of a declared-streamable stylesheet function is referred to as a streaming parameter.


Striding: indicates that the result of a construct contains a sequence of streamed nodes, in document order, that are peers in the sense that none of them is an ancestor or descendant of any other.

string value

The term string value is defined in Section 5.13 string-value Accessor DM30. Every node has a string value. For example, the string value of an element is the concatenation of the string values of all its descendant text nodes.


A stylesheet consists of one or more packages: specifically, one top-level package and zero or more library packages.

stylesheet function

An xsl:function declaration declares the name, parameters, and implementation of a family of stylesheet functions that can be called from any XPath expression within the stylesheet (subject to visibility rules).

stylesheet level

A stylesheet level is a collection of stylesheet modules connected using xsl:include declarations: specifically, two stylesheet modules A and B are part of the same stylesheet level if one of them includes the other by means of an xsl:include declaration, or if there is a third stylesheet module C that is in the same stylesheet level as both A and B.

stylesheet module

A package consists of one or more stylesheet modules, each one forming all or part of an XML document.

stylesheet parameter

A top-level xsl:param element declares a stylesheet parameter. A stylesheet parameter is a global variable with the additional property that its value can be supplied by the caller when a transformation is initiated.

supplied value

The value of the variable is computed using the expression given in the select attribute or the contained sequence constructor, as described in 9.3 Values of Variables and Parameters. This value is referred to as the supplied value of the variable.


Every construct has a sweep, which is a measure of the extent to which the current position in the input stream moves during the evaluation of the expression. The sweep is one of: motionless, consuming, or free-ranging .

symbolic identifier

The symbolic identifier of a component is a composite name used to identify the component uniquely within a package. The symbolic identifier comprises the kind of component (stylesheet function, named template, accumulator, attribute set, global variable, key, or mode), the expanded QName of the component (namespace URI plus local name), and in the case of stylesheet functions, the upper bound of the arity range.

symbolic reference

The declaration of a component includes constructs that can be interpreted as references to other components by means of their symbolic identifiers. These constructs are generically referred to as symbolic references. Examples of constructs that give rise to symbolic references are the name attribute of xsl:call-template; the [xsl:]use-attribute-sets attribute of xsl:copy, xsl:element, and literal result elements; the explicit or implicit mode attribute of xsl:apply-templates; XPath variable references referring to global variables; XPath static function calls (including partial function applications) referring to stylesheet functions; and named function references (example: my:f#1) referring to stylesheet functions.

tail position

An instruction J is in a tail position within a sequence constructor SC if it satisfies one of the following conditions:

target expression

The string that results from evaluating the expression in the xpath attribute is referred to as the target expression.

target namespace URI

The namespace URI that is to be used in the result tree as a substitute for a literal namespace URI is called the target namespace URI.


An xsl:template declaration defines a template, which contains a sequence constructor; this sequence constructor is evaluated to determine the result of the template. A template can serve either as a template rule, invoked by matching items against a pattern, or as a named template, invoked explicitly by name. It is also possible for the same template to serve in both capacities.

template parameter

An xsl:param element may appear as a child of an xsl:template element, before any non-xsl:param children of that element. Such a parameter is known as a template parameter. A template parameter is a local variable with the additional property that its value can be set when the template is called, using any of the instructions xsl:call-template, xsl:apply-templates, xsl:apply-imports, or xsl:next-match.

template rule

A stylesheet contains a set of template rules (see 6 Template Rules). A template rule has three parts: a pattern that is matched against selected items (often but not necessarily nodes), a (possibly empty) set of template parameters, and a sequence constructor that is evaluated to produce a sequence of items.

temporary output state

The second of the two output states is called temporary output state. This state applies when instructions are writing to a temporary tree or any other non-final destination.

temporary tree

The term temporary tree means any tree that is neither a source tree nor a final result tree.

text value template

In a text node that is designated as a text value template, expressions can be used by surrounding each expression with curly brackets ({}).


An element occurring as a child of an xsl:package, xsl:stylesheet, xsl:transform, or xsl:override element is called a top-level element.

top-level package

For a given transformation, one package functions as the top-level package. The complete stylesheet is assembled by finding the packages referenced directly or indirectly from the top-level package using xsl:use-package declarations: see 3.5.2 Dependencies between Packages.


An operand usage of transmission indicates that the construct will (potentially) return a supplied node as part of its result to the calling construct (that is, to its parent in the construct tree).


A traversal of a tree is a sequence of traversal events.


a traversal event (shortened to event in this section) is a pair comprising a phase (start or end) and a node.


The term tree is used (as in [XDM 3.0]) to refer to the aggregate consisting of a parentless node together with all its descendant nodes, plus all their attributes and namespaces.

tunnel parameter

A parameter passed to a template may be defined as a tunnel parameter. Tunnel parameters have the property that they are automatically passed on by the called template to any further templates that it calls, and so on recursively.

type annotation

The term type annotation is used in this specification to refer to the value returned by the dm:type-name accessor of a node: see Section 5.14 type-name Accessor DM30.

type error

Certain errors are classified as type errors. A type error occurs when the value supplied as input to an operation is of the wrong type for that operation, for example when an integer is supplied to an operation that expects a node.

type pattern

A type pattern can be written as type(T) (where T is an ItemTypeXP40 followed by zero or more predicates in square brackets, and it matches any item of type T which each of the predicates evaluates to true.

type-adjusted posture and sweep

The type-adjusted posture and sweep of a construct C, with respect to a type T, are the posture and sweep established by applying the general streamability rules to a construct D whose single operand is the construct C, where the operand usage of C in D is the type-determined usage based on the required type T.

type-determined usage

The type-determined usage of an operand is as follows: if the required type (ignoring occurrence indicator) is function(*) or a subtype thereof, then inspection; if the required type (ignoring occurrence indicator) is an atomic or union type, then absorption; otherwise navigation.

typed value

The term typed value is defined in Section 5.15 typed-value Accessor DM30. Every node, other than an element whose type annotation identifies it as having element-only content, has a typed value. For example, the typed value of an attribute of type xs:IDREFS is a sequence of zero or more xs:IDREF values.


A U-type is a set of fundamental item types.

unnamed mode

The unnamed mode is the default mode used when no mode attribute is specified on an xsl:apply-templates instruction or xsl:template declaration, unless a different default mode has been specified using the [xsl:]default-mode attribute of a containing element.

URI Reference

Within this specification, the term URI Reference, unless otherwise stated, refers to a string in the lexical space of the xs:anyURI datatype as defined in [XML Schema Part 2].


If a package Q contains an xsl:use-package element that references package P, then package Q is said to use package P. In this relationship package Q is referred to as the using package, package P as the used package.

user-defined data element

In addition to declarations, the xsl:stylesheet element may contain among its children any element not from the XSLT namespace, provided that the expanded QName of the element has a non-null namespace URI. Such elements are referred to as user-defined data elements.


An item is vacuous if it is one of the following: a zero-length text node; a document node with no children; an atomic value which, on casting to xs:string, produces a zero-length string; or (when XPath 3.1 is supported) an array which on flattening using the array:flattenFO40 function produces either an empty sequence or a sequence consisting entirely of vacuous items.


A variable is a binding between a name and a value. The value of a variable is any sequence (of nodes, atomic values, and/or function items), as defined in [XDM 3.0].

value template

Collectively, attribute value templates and text value templates are referred to as value templates.


The xsl:variable element declares a variable, which may be a global variable or a local variable.

variable-binding element

The two elements xsl:variable and xsl:param are referred to as variable-binding elements.


The visibility of a component is one of: private, public, abstract, final, or hidden.

whitespace text node

A whitespace text node is a text node whose content consists entirely of whitespace characters (that is, #x09, #x0A, #x0D, or #x20).

XML namespace

The XML namespace, defined in [Namespaces in XML] as, is used for attributes such as xml:lang, xml:space, and xml:id.

XPath 1.0 compatibility mode

The term XPath 1.0 compatibility mode is defined in Section 2.2.1 Static ContextXP40. This is a setting in the static context of an XPath expression; it has two values, true and false. When the value is set to true, the semantics of function calls and certain other operations are adjusted to give a greater degree of backwards compatibility between XPath 4.0 and XPath 1.0.

XSLT 1.0 behavior

An element in the stylesheet is processed with XSLT 1.0 behavior if its effective version is equal to 1.0.

XSLT 1.0 compatibility feature

A processor that claims conformance with the XSLT 1.0 compatibility feature must support the processing of stylesheet instructions and XPath expressions with XSLT 1.0 behavior, as defined in 3.9 Backwards Compatible Processing.

XSLT 2.0 behavior

An element is processed with XSLT 2.0 behavior if its effective version is equal to 2.0.

XSLT 3.0 behavior

An element is processed with XSLT 3.0 behavior if its effective version is equal to 3.0.

XSLT element

An XSLT element is an element in the XSLT namespace whose syntax and semantics are defined in this specification.

XSLT instruction

An XSLT instruction is an XSLT element whose syntax summary in this specification contains the annotation <!-- category: instruction -->.

XSLT namespace

The XSLT namespace has the URI It is used to identify elements, attributes, and other names that have a special meaning defined in this specification.

D Element Syntax Summary (Non-Normative)

The syntax of each XSLT element is summarized below, together with the context in the stylesheet where the element may appear. Some elements (specifically, instructions) are allowed as a child of any element that is allowed to contain a sequence constructor. These elements are:


Syntax summary for element xsl:accept


  component = "template" | "function" | "attribute-set" | "variable" | "mode" | "*"
  names = tokens
  visibility = "public" | "private" | "final" | "abstract" | "hidden" />

Permitted parent elements:


Syntax summary for element xsl:accumulator

Category: declaration


  name = eqname
  initial-value = expression
  as? = sequence-type〔'item()*'〕
  streamable? = boolean〔'no'〕 >
  <!-- Content: xsl:accumulator-rule+ -->

Permitted parent elements:


Syntax summary for element xsl:accumulator-rule


  match = pattern
  phase? = "start" | "end"〔'start'〕
  select? = expression
  capture? = boolean〔'no'〕 >
  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

Permitted parent elements:


Syntax summary for element xsl:analyze-string

Category: instruction


  select = expression
  regex = { string }
  flags? = { string }〔''〕 >
  <!-- Content: (xsl:matching-substring?, xsl:non-matching-substring?, xsl:fallback*) -->

Permitted parent elements:

  • any XSLT element whose content model is sequence constructor
  • any literal result element


Syntax summary for element xsl:apply-imports

Category: instruction


  <!-- Content: xsl:with-param* -->

Permitted parent elements:

  • any XSLT element whose content model is sequence constructor
  • any literal result element


Syntax summary for element xsl:apply-templates

Category: instruction


  select? = expression
  mode? = token
  separator? = { string } >
  <!-- Content: (xsl:sort | xsl:with-param)* -->

Permitted parent elements:

  • any XSLT element whose content model is sequence constructor
  • any literal result element


Syntax summary for element xsl:array

Category: instruction


  select? = expression
  use? = expression〔.〕 >
  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

Permitted parent elements:

  • any XSLT element whose content model is sequence constructor
  • any literal result element


Syntax summary for element xsl:assert

Category: instruction


  test = expression
  select? = expression
  error-code? = { eqname }〔'Q{}XTMM9001'〕 >
  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

Permitted parent elements:

  • any XSLT element whose content model is sequence constructor
  • any literal result element


Syntax summary for element xsl:attribute

Category: instruction


  name = { qname }
  namespace? = { uri }
  select? = expression
  separator? = { string }
  type? = eqname
  validation? = "strict" | "lax" | "preserve" | "strip" >
  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

Permitted parent elements:

  • xsl:attribute-set
  • any XSLT element whose content model is sequence constructor
  • any literal result element


Syntax summary for element xsl:attribute-set

Category: declaration


  name = eqname
  use-attribute-sets? = eqnames〔''〕
  visibility? = "public" | "private" | "final" | "abstract"〔'private'〕
  streamable? = boolean〔'no'〕 >
  <!-- Content: xsl:attribute* -->

Permitted parent elements:


Syntax summary for element xsl:break

Category: instruction


  select? = expression >
  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

Permitted parent elements:

  • any XSLT element whose content model is sequence constructor
  • any literal result element


Syntax summary for element xsl:call-template

Category: instruction


  name = eqname >
  <!-- Content: xsl:with-param* -->

Permitted parent elements:

  • any XSLT element whose content model is sequence constructor
  • any literal result element


Syntax summary for element xsl:catch


  errors? = tokens〔'*'〕
  select? = expression >
  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

Permitted parent elements:


Syntax summary for element xsl:character-map

Category: declaration


  name = eqname
  use-character-maps? = eqnames >
  <!-- Content: (xsl:output-character*) -->

Permitted parent elements:


Syntax summary for element xsl:choose

Category: instruction


  <!-- Content: (xsl:when+, xsl:otherwise?) -->

Permitted parent elements:

  • any XSLT element whose content model is sequence constructor
  • any literal result element


Syntax summary for element xsl:comment

Category: instruction


  select? = expression >
  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

Permitted parent elements:

  • any XSLT element whose content model is sequence constructor
  • any literal result element


Syntax summary for element xsl:context-item


  as? = item-type
  use? = "required" | "optional" | "absent"〔'optional'〕 />

Permitted parent elements:


Syntax summary for element xsl:copy

Category: instruction


  select? = expression
  copy-namespaces? = boolean〔'yes'〕
  inherit-namespaces? = boolean〔'yes'〕
  use-attribute-sets? = eqnames〔''〕
  type? = eqname
  validation? = "strict" | "lax" | "preserve" | "strip" >
  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

Permitted parent elements:

  • any XSLT element whose content model is sequence constructor
  • any literal result element


Syntax summary for element xsl:copy-of

Category: instruction


  select = expression
  copy-accumulators? = boolean〔'no'〕
  copy-namespaces? = boolean〔'yes'〕
  type? = eqname
  validation? = "strict" | "lax" | "preserve" | "strip" />

Permitted parent elements:

  • any XSLT element whose content model is sequence constructor
  • any literal result element


Syntax summary for element xsl:decimal-format

Category: declaration


  name? = eqname
  decimal-separator? = char〔'.'〕
  grouping-separator? = char〔','〕
  infinity? = string〔'Infinity'〕
  minus-sign? = char〔'-'〕
  exponent-separator? = char〔'e'〕
  NaN? = string〔'NaN'〕
  percent? = char〔'%'〕
  per-mille? = char〔'‰'〕
  zero-digit? = char〔'0'〕
  digit? = char〔'#'〕
  pattern-separator? = char〔';'〕 />

Permitted parent elements:


Syntax summary for element xsl:document

Category: instruction


  validation? = "strict" | "lax" | "preserve" | "strip"
  type? = eqname >
  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

Permitted parent elements:

  • any XSLT element whose content model is sequence constructor
  • any literal result element


Syntax summary for element xsl:element

Category: instruction


  name = { qname }
  namespace? = { uri }
  inherit-namespaces? = boolean〔'yes'〕
  use-attribute-sets? = eqnames〔''〕
  type? = eqname
  validation? = "strict" | "lax" | "preserve" | "strip" >
  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

Permitted parent elements:

  • any XSLT element whose content model is sequence constructor
  • any literal result element


Syntax summary for element xsl:evaluate

Category: instruction


  xpath = expression
  as? = sequence-type〔'item()*'〕
  base-uri? = { uri }
  with-params? = expression
  context-item? = expression
  namespace-context? = expression
  schema-aware? = { boolean }〔'no'〕 >
  <!-- Content: (xsl:with-param | xsl:fallback)* -->

Permitted parent elements:

  • any XSLT element whose content model is sequence constructor
  • any literal result element


Syntax summary for element xsl:expose


  component = "template" | "function" | "attribute-set" | "variable" | "mode" | "*"
  names = tokens
  visibility = "public" | "private" | "final" | "abstract" />

Permitted parent elements:


Syntax summary for element xsl:fallback

Category: instruction


  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

Permitted parent elements:


Syntax summary for element xsl:for-each

Category: instruction


  select? = expression
  separator? = { string } >
  <!-- Content: (xsl:sort*, sequence-constructor) -->

Permitted parent elements:

  • any XSLT element whose content model is sequence constructor
  • any literal result element


Syntax summary for element xsl:for-each-group

Category: instruction


  select? = expression
  group-by? = expression
  group-adjacent? = expression
  group-starting-with? = pattern
  group-ending-with? = pattern
  break-when? = expression
  composite? = boolean〔'no'〕
  collation? = { uri } >
  <!-- Content: (xsl:sort*, sequence-constructor) -->

Permitted parent elements:

  • any XSLT element whose content model is sequence constructor
  • any literal result element


Syntax summary for element xsl:fork

Category: instruction


  <!-- Content: (xsl:fallback*, ((xsl:sequence, xsl:fallback*)* | (xsl:for-each-group, xsl:fallback*))) -->

Permitted parent elements:

  • any XSLT element whose content model is sequence constructor
  • any literal result element


Syntax summary for element xsl:function

Category: declaration


  name = eqname
  as? = sequence-type〔'item()*'〕
  visibility? = "public" | "private" | "final" | "abstract"〔'private'〕
  streamability? = "unclassified" | "absorbing" | "inspection" | "filter" | "shallow-descent" | "deep-descent" | "ascent" | eqname〔'unclassified'〕
  override-extension-function? = boolean〔'yes'〕
  [override]? = boolean〔'yes'〕
  new-each-time? = "yes" | "true" | "1" | "no" | "false" | "0" | "maybe"
  cache? = boolean〔'no'〕 >
  <!-- Content: (xsl:param*, sequence-constructor) -->

Permitted parent elements:


Syntax summary for element xsl:function-library

Category: declaration


  namespace? = uri
  schema-location? = uri >
  <!-- Content: xsl:function-namespace* -->

Permitted parent elements:


Syntax summary for element xsl:function-namespace


  uri = uri
  prefix? = ncname
  exclude? = ncnames />

Permitted parent elements:


Syntax summary for element xsl:global-context-item

Category: declaration


  as? = item-type
  use? = "required" | "optional" | "absent"〔'optional'〕 />

Permitted parent elements:


Syntax summary for element xsl:if

Category: instruction


  test = expression
  then? = expression
  else? = expression〔()〕 >
  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

Permitted parent elements:

  • any XSLT element whose content model is sequence constructor
  • any literal result element


Syntax summary for element xsl:import

Category: declaration


  href = uri />

Permitted parent elements:


Syntax summary for element xsl:import-schema

Category: declaration


  namespace? = uri
  schema-location? = uri >
  <!-- Content: xs:schema? -->

Permitted parent elements:


Syntax summary for element xsl:include

Category: declaration


  href = uri />

Permitted parent elements:


Syntax summary for element xsl:item-type

Category: declaration


  name = eqname
  as? = item-type
  visibility? = "private" | "final" />

Permitted parent elements:


Syntax summary for element xsl:iterate

Category: instruction


  select? = expression >
  <!-- Content: (xsl:param*, xsl:on-completion?, sequence-constructor) -->

Permitted parent elements:

  • any XSLT element whose content model is sequence constructor
  • any literal result element


Syntax summary for element xsl:key

Category: declaration


  name = eqname
  match = pattern
  use? = expression
  composite? = boolean〔'no'〕
  collation? = uri >
  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

Permitted parent elements:


Syntax summary for element xsl:map

Category: instruction


  on-duplicates? = expression〔error(xs:QName(err:XTDE3365))〕 >
  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

Permitted parent elements:

  • any XSLT element whose content model is sequence constructor
  • any literal result element


Syntax summary for element xsl:map-entry

Category: instruction


  key = expression
  select? = expression >
  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

Permitted parent elements:

  • any XSLT element whose content model is sequence constructor
  • any literal result element


Syntax summary for element xsl:matching-substring


  select? = expression >
  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

Permitted parent elements:


Syntax summary for element xsl:merge

Category: instruction


  <!-- Content: (xsl:merge-source+, xsl:merge-action, xsl:fallback*) -->

Permitted parent elements:

  • any XSLT element whose content model is sequence constructor
  • any literal result element


Syntax summary for element xsl:merge-action


  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

Permitted parent elements:


Syntax summary for element xsl:merge-key


  select? = expression
  lang? = { language }
  order? = { "ascending" | "descending" }〔'ascending'〕
  collation? = { uri }
  case-order? = { "upper-first" | "lower-first" }
  data-type? = { "text" | "number" | eqname } >
  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

Permitted parent elements:


Syntax summary for element xsl:merge-source


  name? = ncname
  for-each-item? = expression
  for-each-source? = expression
  select = expression
  streamable? = boolean
  use-accumulators? = tokens〔''〕
  sort-before-merge? = boolean〔'no'〕
  validation? = "strict" | "lax" | "preserve" | "strip"
  type? = eqname >
  <!-- Content: xsl:merge-key+ -->

Permitted parent elements:


Syntax summary for element xsl:message

Category: instruction


  select? = expression
  terminate? = { boolean }〔'no'〕
  error-code? = { eqname }〔'Q{}XTMM9000'〕 >
  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

Permitted parent elements:

  • any XSLT element whose content model is sequence constructor
  • any literal result element


Syntax summary for element xsl:mode

Category: declaration


  name? = eqname
  as? = sequence-type〔'item()*'〕
  streamable? = boolean〔'no'〕
  use-accumulators? = tokens〔''〕
  on-no-match? = "deep-copy" | "shallow-copy" | "shallow-copy-all" | "deep-skip" | "shallow-skip" | "text-only-copy" | "fail"〔'text-only-copy'〕
  on-multiple-match? = "use-last" | "fail"〔'use-last'〕
  warning-on-no-match? = boolean
  warning-on-multiple-match? = boolean
  typed? = boolean | "strict" | "lax" | "unspecified"〔'unspecified'〕
  visibility? = "public" | "private" | "final"〔'private'〕 >
  <!-- Content: (xsl:template*) -->

Permitted parent elements:


Syntax summary for element xsl:namespace

Category: instruction


  name = { ncname }
  select? = expression >
  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

Permitted parent elements:

  • any XSLT element whose content model is sequence constructor
  • any literal result element


Syntax summary for element xsl:namespace-alias

Category: declaration


  stylesheet-prefix = prefix | "#default"
  result-prefix = prefix | "#default" />

Permitted parent elements:


Syntax summary for element xsl:next-iteration

Category: instruction


  <!-- Content: (xsl:with-param*) -->

Permitted parent elements:

  • any XSLT element whose content model is sequence constructor
  • any literal result element


Syntax summary for element xsl:next-match

Category: instruction


  <!-- Content: (xsl:with-param | xsl:fallback)* -->

Permitted parent elements:

  • any XSLT element whose content model is sequence constructor
  • any literal result element


Syntax summary for element xsl:non-matching-substring


  select? = expression >
  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

Permitted parent elements:


Syntax summary for element xsl:note


  #any#? = string >
  <!-- Content: any -->


Syntax summary for element xsl:number

Category: instruction


  value? = expression
  select? = expression
  level? = "single" | "multiple" | "any"〔'single'〕
  count? = pattern
  from? = pattern
  format? = { string }〔'1'〕
  lang? = { language }
  letter-value? = { "alphabetic" | "traditional" }
  ordinal? = { string }〔'no'〕
  start-at? = { string }
  grouping-separator? = { char }
  grouping-size? = { integer } />

Permitted parent elements:

  • any XSLT element whose content model is sequence constructor
  • any literal result element


Syntax summary for element xsl:on-completion


  select? = expression >
  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

Permitted parent elements:


Syntax summary for element xsl:on-empty

Category: instruction


  select? = expression >
  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

Permitted parent elements:

  • any XSLT element whose content model is sequence constructor
  • any literal result element


Syntax summary for element xsl:on-non-empty

Category: instruction


  select? = expression >
  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

Permitted parent elements:

  • any XSLT element whose content model is sequence constructor
  • any literal result element


Syntax summary for element xsl:otherwise


  select? = expression >
  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

Permitted parent elements:


Syntax summary for element xsl:otherwise


  select? = expression >
  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

Permitted parent elements:


Syntax summary for element xsl:output

Category: declaration


  name? = eqname
  method? = "xml" | "html" | "xhtml" | "text" | "json" | "adaptive" | eqname
  allow-duplicate-names? = boolean
  build-tree? = boolean
  byte-order-mark? = boolean
  cdata-section-elements? = eqnames
  doctype-public? = string
  doctype-system? = string
  encoding? = string
  escape-solidus? = boolean
  escape-uri-attributes? = boolean
  html-version? = decimal
  include-content-type? = boolean
  indent? = boolean
  item-separator? = string
  json-node-output-method? = "xml" | "html" | "xhtml" | "text" | eqname
  media-type? = string
  normalization-form? = "NFC" | "NFD" | "NFKC" | "NFKD" | "fully-normalized" | "none" | nmtoken
  omit-xml-declaration? = boolean
  parameter-document? = uri
  standalone? = boolean | "omit"
  suppress-indentation? = eqnames
  undeclare-prefixes? = boolean
  use-character-maps? = eqnames
  version? = nmtoken />

Permitted parent elements:


Syntax summary for element xsl:output-character


  character = char
  string = string />

Permitted parent elements:


Syntax summary for element xsl:override


  <!-- Content: (xsl:template | xsl:function | xsl:variable | xsl:param | xsl:attribute-set)* -->

Permitted parent elements:


Syntax summary for element xsl:package


  id? = id
  name? = uri
  package-version? = string〔'1'〕
  version = decimal
  input-type-annotations? = "preserve" | "strip" | "unspecified"〔'unspecified'〕
  declared-modes? = boolean〔'yes'〕
  default-mode? = eqname | "#unnamed"〔'#unnamed'〕
  default-validation? = "preserve" | "strip"〔'strip'〕
  default-collation? = uris
  extension-element-prefixes? = prefixes
  exclude-result-prefixes? = prefixes
  expand-text? = boolean〔'no'〕
  use-when? = expression〔true()〕
  xpath-default-namespace? = uri >
  <!-- Content: ((xsl:expose | declarations)*) -->

Permitted parent elements:

  • None


Syntax summary for element xsl:param

Category: declaration


  name = eqname
  select? = expression
  as? = sequence-type
  required? = boolean
  tunnel? = boolean〔'no'〕
  static? = boolean〔'no'〕 >
  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

Permitted parent elements:


Syntax summary for element xsl:perform-sort

Category: instruction


  select? = expression >
  <!-- Content: (xsl:sort+, sequence-constructor) -->

Permitted parent elements:

  • any XSLT element whose content model is sequence constructor
  • any literal result element


Syntax summary for element xsl:preserve-space

Category: declaration


  elements = tokens />

Permitted parent elements:


Syntax summary for element xsl:processing-instruction

Category: instruction


  name = { ncname }
  select? = expression >
  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

Permitted parent elements:

  • any XSLT element whose content model is sequence constructor
  • any literal result element


Syntax summary for element xsl:result-document

Category: instruction


  format? = { eqname }
  href? = { uri }
  validation? = "strict" | "lax" | "preserve" | "strip"
  type? = eqname
  method? = { "xml" | "html" | "xhtml" | "text" | "json" | "adaptive" | eqname }
  allow-duplicate-names? = { boolean }
  build-tree? = { boolean }
  byte-order-mark? = { boolean }
  cdata-section-elements? = { eqnames }
  doctype-public? = { string }
  doctype-system? = { string }
  encoding? = { string }
  escape-solidus? = { boolean }
  escape-uri-attributes? = { boolean }
  html-version? = { decimal }
  include-content-type? = { boolean }
  indent? = { boolean }
  item-separator? = { string }
  json-node-output-method? = { "xml" | "html" | "xhtml" | "text" | eqname }
  media-type? = { string }
  normalization-form? = { "NFC" | "NFD" | "NFKC" | "NFKD" | "fully-normalized" | "none" | nmtoken }
  omit-xml-declaration? = { boolean }
  parameter-document? = { uri }
  standalone? = { boolean | "omit" }
  suppress-indentation? = { eqnames }
  undeclare-prefixes? = { boolean }
  use-character-maps? = eqnames
  output-version? = { nmtoken } >
  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

Permitted parent elements:

  • any XSLT element whose content model is sequence constructor
  • any literal result element


Syntax summary for element xsl:sequence

Category: instruction


  select? = expression >
  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

Permitted parent elements:

  • any XSLT element whose content model is sequence constructor
  • any literal result element


Syntax summary for element xsl:sort


  select? = expression
  lang? = { language }
  order? = { "ascending" | "descending" }〔'ascending'〕
  collation? = { uri }
  stable? = { boolean }〔'yes'〕
  case-order? = { "upper-first" | "lower-first" }
  data-type? = { "text" | "number" | eqname } >
  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

Permitted parent elements:


Syntax summary for element xsl:source-document

Category: instruction


  href = { uri }
  streamable? = boolean〔'no'〕
  use-accumulators? = tokens〔''〕
  validation? = "strict" | "lax" | "preserve" | "strip"
  type? = eqname >
  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

Permitted parent elements:

  • any XSLT element whose content model is sequence constructor
  • any literal result element


Syntax summary for element xsl:strip-space

Category: declaration


  elements = tokens />

Permitted parent elements:


Syntax summary for element xsl:stylesheet


  id? = id
  version = decimal
  default-mode? = eqname | "#unnamed"〔'#unnamed'〕
  default-validation? = "preserve" | "strip"〔'strip'〕
  input-type-annotations? = "preserve" | "strip" | "unspecified"〔'unspecified'〕
  default-collation? = uris
  extension-element-prefixes? = prefixes
  exclude-result-prefixes? = prefixes
  expand-text? = boolean
  main-module? = uri
  use-when? = expression〔true()〕
  xpath-default-namespace? = uri >
  <!-- Content: (declarations) -->


Syntax summary for element xsl:switch

Category: instruction


  select = expression >
  <!-- Content: (xsl:when+, xsl:otherwise?, xsl:fallback*) -->

Permitted parent elements:

  • any XSLT element whose content model is sequence constructor
  • any literal result element


Syntax summary for element xsl:template

Category: declaration


  match? = pattern
  name? = eqname
  priority? = decimal
  mode? = tokens
  as? = sequence-type〔'item()*'〕
  visibility? = "public" | "private" | "final" | "abstract" >
  <!-- Content: (xsl:context-item?, xsl:param*, sequence-constructor) -->

Permitted parent elements:


Syntax summary for element xsl:text

Category: instruction


  [disable-output-escaping]? = boolean〔'no'〕 >
  <!-- Content: #PCDATA -->

Permitted parent elements:

  • any XSLT element whose content model is sequence constructor
  • any literal result element


Syntax summary for element xsl:transform


  id? = id
  version = decimal
  default-mode? = eqname | "#unnamed"〔'#unnamed'〕
  default-validation? = "preserve" | "strip"〔'strip'〕
  input-type-annotations? = "preserve" | "strip" | "unspecified"〔'unspecified'〕
  default-collation? = uris
  extension-element-prefixes? = prefixes
  exclude-result-prefixes? = prefixes
  expand-text? = boolean〔'no'〕
  main-module? = uri
  use-when? = expression〔true()〕
  xpath-default-namespace? = uri >
  <!-- Content: (declarations) -->


Syntax summary for element xsl:try

Category: instruction


  select? = expression
  rollback-output? = boolean〔'yes'〕 >
  <!-- Content: (sequence-constructor, xsl:catch, (xsl:catch | xsl:fallback)*) -->

Permitted parent elements:

  • any XSLT element whose content model is sequence constructor
  • any literal result element


Syntax summary for element xsl:use-package

Category: declaration


  name = uri
  package-version? = string〔'*'〕 >
  <!-- Content: (xsl:accept | xsl:override)* -->

Permitted parent elements:


Syntax summary for element xsl:value-of

Category: instruction


  select? = expression
  separator? = { string }
  [disable-output-escaping]? = boolean〔'no'〕 >
  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

Permitted parent elements:

  • any XSLT element whose content model is sequence constructor
  • any literal result element


Syntax summary for element xsl:variable

Category: declaration instruction


  name = eqname
  select? = expression
  as? = sequence-type
  static? = boolean〔'no'〕
  visibility? = "public" | "private" | "final" | "abstract" >
  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

Permitted parent elements:


Syntax summary for element xsl:when


  test = expression
  select? = expression >
  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

Permitted parent elements:


Syntax summary for element xsl:when


  test = expression
  select? = expression >
  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

Permitted parent elements:


Syntax summary for element xsl:where-populated

Category: instruction


  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

Permitted parent elements:

  • any XSLT element whose content model is sequence constructor
  • any literal result element


Syntax summary for element xsl:with-param


  name = eqname
  select? = expression
  as? = sequence-type
  tunnel? = boolean〔'no'〕 >
  <!-- Content: sequence-constructor -->

Permitted parent elements:

E Summary of Error Conditions (Non-Normative)

This appendix provides a summary of error conditions that a processor may signal. This list includes all error codes defined in this specification, but this is not an exhaustive list of all errors that can occur. Implementations must signal errors using these error codes, and applications can test for these codes; however, when more than one rule in the specification is violated, different processors will not necessarily signal the same error code. Implementations are not required to signal errors using the descriptive text used here.


The appendix is non-normative because the same information is given normatively elsewhere.

Static errors


It is a static error if an XSLT-defined element is used in a context where it is not permitted, if a required attribute is omitted, or if the content of the element does not correspond to the content that is allowed for the element.


It is a static error if an attribute (other than an attribute written using curly brackets in a position where an attribute value template is permitted) contains a value that is not one of the permitted values for that attribute.


It is a static error to use a reserved namespace in the name of a named template, a mode, an attribute set, a key, a decimal-format, a variable or parameter, a stylesheet function, a named output definition, an accumulator, or a character map; except that the name xsl:initial-template is permitted as a template name.


It is a static error to use a reserved namespace in the name of any extension function or extension instruction, other than a function or instruction defined in this specification or in a normatively referenced specification. It is a static error to use a prefix bound to a reserved namespace in the [xsl:]extension-element-prefixes attribute.


It is a static error for an element from the XSLT namespace to have an attribute whose namespace is either null (that is, an attribute with an unprefixed name) or the XSLT namespace, other than attributes defined for the element in this document.


The value of the version attribute must be a number: specifically, it must be a valid instance of the type xs:decimal as defined in [XML Schema Part 2].


An xsl:stylesheet, xsl:transform, or xsl:package element must not have any text node children.


It is a static error if the value of an [xsl:]default-collation attribute, after resolving against the base URI, contains no URI that the implementation recognizes as a collation URI.


It is a static error if an xsl:stylesheet, xsl:transform, or xsl:package element has a child element whose name has a null namespace URI.


It is a static error if the processor is not able to retrieve the resource identified by the URI reference [ in the href attribute of xsl:include or xsl:import ] , or if the resource that is retrieved does not contain a stylesheet module.


An xsl:include element must be a top-level element.


It is a static error if a stylesheet module directly or indirectly includes itself.


An xsl:import element must be a top-level element.


It is a static error if a stylesheet module directly or indirectly imports itself.


It is a static error if an xsl:import-schema element that contains an xs:schema element has a schema-location attribute, or if it has a namespace attribute that conflicts with the target namespace of the contained schema.


It is a static error if the synthetic schema document does not satisfy the constraints described in [XML Schema Part 1] (section 5.1, Errors in Schema Construction and Structure). This includes, without loss of generality, conflicts such as multiple definitions of the same name.


Within an XSLT element that is required to be empty, any content other than comments or processing instructions, including any whitespace text node preserved using the xml:space="preserve" attribute, is a static error.


It is a static error if there is a stylesheet module in a package that specifies input-type-annotations="strip" and another stylesheet module that specifies input-type-annotations="preserve", or if a stylesheet module specifies the value strip or preserve and the same value is not specified on the xsl:package element of the containing package.


It is a static error if within any package the same NameTestXP40 appears in both an xsl:strip-space and an xsl:preserve-space declaration if both have the same import precedence. Two NameTests are considered the same if they match the same set of names (which can be determined by comparing them after expanding namespace prefixes to URIs).


In the case of a prefixed lexical QName used as the value (or as part of the value) of an attribute in the stylesheet, or appearing within an XPath expression in the stylesheet, it is a static error if the defining element has no namespace node whose name matches the prefix of the lexical QName.


Where an attribute is defined to contain a pattern, it is a static error if the pattern does not match the production Pattern40.


It is a static error if an unescaped left curly bracket appears in a fixed part of a value template without a matching right curly bracket.


It is a static error if an unescaped right curly bracket occurs in a fixed part of a value template.


An xsl:template element must have either a match attribute or a name attribute, or both. An xsl:template element that has no match attribute must have no mode attribute and no priority attribute. An xsl:template element that has no name attribute must have no visibility attribute.


The value of the priority attribute [ of the xsl:template element] must conform to the rules for the xs:decimal type defined in [XML Schema Part 2]. Negative values are permitted.


It is a static error if for any named or unnamed mode, a package explicitly specifies two conflicting values for the same attribute in different xsl:mode declarations having the same import precedence, unless there is another definition of the same attribute with higher import precedence. The attributes in question are the attributes other than name on the xsl:mode element.


It is a static error if the list of modes [in the mode attribute of xsl:template ] is empty, if the same token is included more than once in the list, if the list contains an invalid token, or if the token #all appears together with any other value.


It is a static error if the values of the name attribute of two sibling xsl:param elements represent the same expanded QName.


It is a static error if a variable-binding element has a select attribute and has non-empty content.


It is a static error if a package contains more than one non-hidden binding of a global variable with the same name and same import precedence, unless it also contains another binding with the same name and higher import precedence.


It is a static error if a package contains an xsl:call-template instruction whose name attribute does not match the name attribute of any named template visible in the containing package (this includes any template defined in this package, as well as templates accepted from used packages whose visibility in this package is not hidden). For more details of the process of binding the called template, see Binding References to Components.


It is a static error if a package contains more than one non-hidden template with the same name and the same import precedence, unless it also contains a template with the same name and higher import precedence.


It is a static error if two or more sibling xsl:with-param elements have name attributes that represent the same expanded QName.


In the case of xsl:call-template, it is a static error to pass a non-tunnel parameter named x to a template that does not have a non-tunnel template parameter named x, unless the xsl:call-template instruction is processed with XSLT 1.0 behavior.


It is a static error if a package contains both (a) a named template named T that is not overridden by another named template of higher import precedence and that has an explicitly mandatory non-tunnel parameter named P, and (b) an xsl:call-template instruction whose name attribute equals T and that has no non-tunnel xsl:with-param child element whose name attribute equals P. (All names are compared as QNames.)


It is a static error if the value of the use-attribute-sets attribute of an xsl:copy, xsl:element, or xsl:attribute-set element, or the xsl:use-attribute-sets attribute of a literal result element, is not a whitespace-separated sequence of EQNames, or if it contains an EQName that does not match the name attribute of any xsl:attribute-set declaration in the containing package.


If an xsl:attribute set element specifies streamable="yes" then every attribute set referenced in its use-attribute-sets attribute (if present) must also specify streamable="yes".


It is a static error if a stylesheet function has a name that is in no namespace.


It is a static error if an xsl:param child of an xsl:function element has either a select attribute or non-empty content, unless it specifies required="no".


It is a static error if an xsl:param child of an xsl:function element specifies required="no", unless all following-sibling xsl:param elements also specify required="no".


It is a static error for a package to contain an xsl:function declaration F and an xsl:function declaration G such that F and G have the same expanded QName, F has lower import precedence than G, and the arity range of G includes part but not all of the arity range of F, unless G is itself eclipsed by another xsl:function declaration.


It is a static error for a package to contain an xsl:function declaration F and an xsl:function declaration G such that F and G have the same expanded QName and the same import precedence, if the arity ranges of F and G overlap in whole or in part, unless F and G are both eclipsed by another xsl:function declaration.


It is a static error if an attribute on a literal result element is in the XSLT namespace, unless it is one of the attributes explicitly defined in this specification.


It is a static error if a namespace prefix is used within the [xsl:]exclude-result-prefixes attribute and there is no namespace binding in scope for that prefix.


It is a static error if the value #default is used within the [xsl:]exclude-result-prefixes attribute and the parent element of the [xsl:]exclude-result-prefixes attribute has no default namespace.


It is a static error if within a package there is more than one such declaration [more than one xsl:namespace-alias declaration] with the same literal namespace URI and the same import precedence and different values for the target namespace URI, unless there is also an xsl:namespace-alias declaration with the same literal namespace URI and a higher import precedence.


It is a static error if a value other than #default is specified for either the stylesheet-prefix or the result-prefix attributes of the xsl:namespace-alias element when there is no in-scope binding for that namespace prefix.


It is a static error if the select attribute of the xsl:attribute element is present unless the element has empty content.


It is a static error if the select attribute of the xsl:value-of element is present when the content of the element is non-empty.


It is a static error if the select attribute of the xsl:processing-instruction element is present unless the element has empty content.


It is a static error if the select attribute of the xsl:namespace element is present when the element has content other than one or more xsl:fallback instructions, or if the select attribute is absent when the element has empty content.


It is a static error if the select attribute of the xsl:comment element is present unless the element has empty content.


It is a static error if the value attribute of xsl:number is present unless the select, level, count, and from attributes are all absent.


It is a static error if an xsl:sort element with a select attribute has non-empty content.


It is a static error if an xsl:sort element other than the first in a sequence of sibling xsl:sort elements has a stable attribute.


It is a static error if an xsl:perform-sort instruction with a select attribute has any content other than xsl:sort and xsl:fallback instructions.


It is a static error if the current-group function is used within a pattern.


It is a static error if the current-grouping-key function is used within a pattern.


These five attributes [the group-by, group-adjacent, group-starting-with, group-ending-with, and break-when attributes of xsl:for-each-group ] are mutually exclusive: it is a static error if none of these attributes is present or if more than one of them is present.


It is a static error to specify the collation attribute or the composite attribute if neither the group-by attribute nor group-adjacent attribute is specified.


It is a static error if the xsl:analyze-string instruction contains neither an xsl:matching-substring nor an xsl:non-matching-substring element.


It is a static error if an xsl:key declaration has a use attribute and has non-empty content, or if it has empty content and no use attribute.


It is a static error if the xsl:key declaration has a collation attribute whose value (after resolving against the base URI) is not a URI recognized by the implementation as referring to a collation.


It is a static error if there are several xsl:key declarations in the same package with the same key name and different effective collations. Two collations are the same if their URIs are equal under the rules for comparing xs:anyURI values, or if the implementation can determine that they are different URIs referring to the same collation.


It is a static error if there are several xsl:key declarations in a package with the same key name and different effective values for the composite attribute.


It is a static error if a named or unnamed decimal format contains two conflicting values for the same attribute in different xsl:decimal-format declarations having the same import precedence, unless there is another definition of the same attribute with higher import precedence.


It is a static error if the character specified in the zero-digit attribute is not a digit or is a digit that does not have the numeric value zero.


It is a static error if, for any named or unnamed decimal format, the variables representing characters used in a picture string do not each have distinct values. These variables are decimal-separator-sign, grouping-sign, percent-sign, per-mille-sign, digit-zero-sign, digit-sign, and pattern-separator-sign.


It is a static error if there is no namespace bound to the prefix on the element bearing the [xsl:]extension-element-prefixes attribute or, when #default is specified, if there is no default namespace.


It is a static error if both the [xsl:]type and [xsl:]validation attributes are present on the xsl:element, xsl:attribute, xsl:copy, xsl:copy-of, xsl:document, xsl:result-document, xsl:source-document, or xsl:merge-source elements, or on a literal result element.


It is a static error if the value of the type attribute of an xsl:element, xsl:attribute, xsl:copy, xsl:copy-of, xsl:document, xsl:result-document, xsl:source-document, or xsl:merge-source instruction, or the xsl:type attribute of a literal result element, is not a valid QName, or if it uses a prefix that is not defined in an in-scope namespace declaration, or if the QName is not the name of a type definition included in the in-scope schema components for the package. [XSLT 3.0 Erratum E20, bug 30234]


It is a static error if the value of the type attribute of an xsl:attribute instruction refers to a complex type definition


It is a static error if two xsl:output declarations within an output definition specify explicit values for the same attribute (other than cdata-section-elements, suppress-indentation, and use-character-maps), with the values of the attributes being not equal, unless there is another xsl:output declaration within the same output definition that has higher import precedence and that specifies an explicit value for the same attribute.


The value [of the method attribute on xsl:output ] must (if present) be a valid EQName. If it is a lexical QName with no a prefix, then it identifies a method specified in [XSLT and XQuery Serialization] and must be one of xml, html, xhtml, or text.


It is a static error if a package contains two or more character maps with the same name and the same import precedence, unless it also contains another character map with the same name and higher import precedence.


It is a static error if a name in the use-character-maps attribute of the xsl:output or xsl:character-map elements does not match the name attribute of any xsl:character-map in the containing package.


It is a static error if a character map references itself, directly or indirectly, via a name in the use-character-maps attribute.


A non-schema-aware processor must signal a static error if a package includes an xsl:import-schema declaration.


A non-schema-aware processor must signal a static error if a package includes an [xsl:]type attribute; or an [xsl:]validation or [xsl:]default-validation attribute with a value other than strip, preserve, or lax; or an xsl:mode element whose typed attribute is equal to yes or strict; or an as attribute whose value is a SequenceType that can only match nodes with a type annotation other than xs:untyped or xs:untypedAtomic (for example, as="element(*, xs:integer)").


It is a static error if the number of xsl:merge-key children of a xsl:merge-source element is not equal to the number of xsl:merge-key children of another xsl:merge-source child of the same xsl:merge instruction.


It is a static error if no package matching the package name and version specified in an xsl:use-package declaration can be located.


It is a static error if a package is dependent on itself, where package A is defined as being dependent on package B if A contains an xsl:use-package declaration that references B, or if A contains an xsl:use-package declaration that references a package C that is itself dependent on B.


It is a static error if an xsl:use-package declaration appears in a stylesheet module that is not in the same stylesheet level as the principal stylesheet module of the package.


It is a static error if the explicit exposed visibility of a component is inconsistent with its declared visibility, as defined in the above table. (This error occurs only when the component declaration has an explicit visibility attribute, and the component is also listed explicitly by name in an xsl:expose declaration.)


It is a static error if a token in the names attribute of xsl:expose, other than a wildcard, matches no component in the containing package.


It is a static error if the component attribute of xsl:expose specifies * (meaning all component kinds) and the names attribute is not a wildcard.


It is a static error if the effect of an xsl:expose declaration would be to make a component abstract, unless the component is already abstract in the absence of the xsl:expose declaration.


It is a static error if a token in the names attribute of xsl:accept, other than a wildcard, matches no component in the used package.


It is a static error if the component attribute of xsl:accept specifies * (meaning all component kinds) and the names attribute is not a wildcard.


It is a static error if the visibility assigned to a component by an xsl:accept element is incompatible with the visibility of the corresponding component in the used package, as defined by the above table, unless the token that matches the component name is a wildcard, in which case the xsl:accept element is treated as not matching that component.


It is a static error if the xsl:use-package elements in a package manifest cause two or more homonymous components to be accepted with a visibility other than hidden.


It is a static error if a token in the names attribute of xsl:accept, other than a wildcard, matches the symbolic name of a component declared within an xsl:override child of the same xsl:use-package element.


It is a static error if a component declaration appearing as a child of xsl:override is homonymous with any other declaration in the using package, regardless of import precedence, including any other overriding declaration in the package manifest of the using package.


It is a static error if a component declaration appearing as a child of xsl:override does not match (is not homonymous with) some component in the used package.


It is a static error if the component referenced by an xsl:override declaration has visibility other than public or abstract


It is a static error if the signature of an overriding component is not compatible with the signature of the component that it is overriding.


It is a static error to use the component reference xsl:original when the overridden component has visibility="abstract".


It is a static error if a top-level package (as distinct from a library package) contains components whose visibility is abstract.


It is a static error, when the effective value of the declared-modes attribute of an xsl:package element is yes, if the package contains an explicit reference to an undeclared mode, or if it implicitly uses the unnamed mode and the unnamed mode is undeclared.


It is a static error if more than one xsl:global-context-item declaration appears within a stylesheet module, or if several modules within a single package contain inconsistent xsl:global-context-item declarations


It is a static error if the as attribute is present [on the xsl:context-item element] when use="absent" is specified.


It is a static error if the as attribute is present [on the xsl:global-context-item element] when use="absent" is specified.


It is a static error if a template rule applicable to a mode that is defined with typed="strict" uses a match pattern that contains a RelativePathExprP whose first StepExprP is an AxisStepP whose ForwardStepP uses an axis whose principal node kind is Element and whose NodeTest is an EQName that does not correspond to the name of any global element declaration in the in-scope schema components.


It is a static error if an xsl:break or xsl:next-iteration element appears other than in a tail position within the sequence constructor forming the body of an xsl:iterate instruction.


It is a static error if the select attribute of xsl:break or xsl:on-completion is present and the instruction has children.


It is a static error if the name attribute of an xsl:with-param child of an xsl:next-iteration element does not match the name attribute of an xsl:param child of the innermost containing xsl:iterate instruction.


It is a static error if the select attribute of the xsl:try element is present and the element has children other than xsl:catch and xsl:fallback elements.


It is a static error if the select attribute of the xsl:catch element is present unless the element has empty content.


For the elements xsl:sequence, xsl:on-empty, xsl:on-non-empty, xsl:when, xsl:otherwise, xsl:matching-substring, and xsl:non-matching-substring, it is a static error if the select attribute is present and the instruction has children other than xsl:fallback.


It is a static error if two sibling xsl:merge-source elements have the same name.


If the for-each-item attribute is present then the for-each-source, use-accumulators, and streamable attributes must all be absent. If either or both of the use-accumulators or streamable attributes is present then the for-each-source attribute must be present. If the for-each-source attribute is present then the for-each-item attribute must be absent. [XSLT 3.0 Erratum E40, bugs 30265 and 30378].


It is a static error if an xsl:merge-key element with a select attribute has non-empty content.


It is a static error if the select attribute of the xsl:map-entry element is present unless the element has no children other than xsl:fallback elements.


It is a static error if the list of accumulator names [in the use-accumulators attribute] contains an invalid token, contains the same token more than once, or contains the token #all along with any other value; or if any token (other than #all) is not the name of a declared-streamable accumulator visible in the containing package.


It is a static error for a package to contain two or more non-hidden accumulators with the same expanded QName and the same import precedence, unless there is another accumulator with the same expanded QName, and a higher import precedence.


It is a static error for a an xsl:accumulator-rule element to specify capture="yes" unless it also specifies phase="end".


It is a static error if a package contains a construct that is declared to be streamable but which is not guaranteed-streamable, unless the user has indicated that the processor is to handle this situation by processing the stylesheet without streaming or by making use of processor extensions to the streamability rules where available.


In the case of a template rule (that is, an xsl:template element having a match attribute) appearing as a child of xsl:override, it is a static error if the list of modes in the mode attribute contains #all or #unnamed, or if it contains #default and the default mode is the unnamed mode, or if the mode attribute is omitted when the default mode is the unnamed mode.


It is a static error if a variable declared with static="yes" is inconsistent with another static variable of the same name that is declared earlier in stylesheet tree order and that has lower import precedence.


It is a static error if an xsl:apply-imports element appears in a template rule declared within an xsl:override element. (To invoke the template rule that is being overridden, xsl:next-match should therefore be used.)


It is a static error if the current-merge-group function is used within a pattern.


It is a static error if the current-merge-key function is used within a pattern.


It is a static error if a parameter to xsl:iterate is implicitly mandatory.


It is a static error if an xsl:mode declaration with one or more xsl:template children has no name attribute.


It is a static error if an xsl:mode declaration has a child xsl:template element with a name attribute, with a mode attribute, or with no match attribute.


It is a static error if an xsl:mode declaration having one or more child xsl:template elements has a default-mode attribute whose value differs from its name attribute, or if any of those child xsl:template elements has a default-mode attribute that differs from the name attribute of the xsl:mode declaration.


It is a static error if a package contains both (a) an xsl:mode declaration having one or more child xsl:template elements, and (b) an xsl:template declaration that is not one of those children but that references that xsl:mode declaration in its mode attribute.


It is a static error if a package contains (a) an xsl:mode declaration having one or more child xsl:template elements, and (b) a second xsl:mode declaration having the same name and the same import precedence.


It is a static error if a package contains two xsl:item-type declarations having the same import precedence, unless there is another definition of the same item type with higher import precedence.

Type errors


It is a type error if the result sequence contains a function item.


It is a type error if the result of evaluating the sequence constructor cannot be converted to the required type.


It is a type error if an xsl:apply-templates instruction with no select attribute is evaluated when the context item is not a node.


It is a type error if the supplied value of a variable cannot be converted to the required type.


It is a type error if the conversion of the supplied value of a parameter, or of the context item, does not match the required type, after applying any permitted conversions. [XSLT 3.0 Erratum E22, bug 30238].


If the as attribute [of xsl:function ] is specified, then the result evaluated by the sequence constructor (see 5.8 Sequence Constructors) is converted to the required type, using the coercion rules. It is a type error if this conversion fails.


It is a type error to use the xsl:copy instruction with no select attribute when the context item is absent.


It is a type error to use the xsl:copy or xsl:copy-of instruction to copy a node that has namespace-sensitive content if the copy-namespaces attribute has the value no and its explicit or implicit validation attribute has the value preserve. It is also a type error if either of these instructions (with validation="preserve") is used to copy an attribute having namespace-sensitive content, unless the parent element is also copied. A node has namespace-sensitive content if its typed value contains an item of type xs:QName or xs:NOTATION or a type derived therefrom. The reason this is an error is because the validity of the content depends on the namespace context being preserved.


It is a type error if the xsl:number instruction is evaluated, with no value or select attribute, when the context item is not a node.


It is a type error if the result of evaluating the select attribute of the xsl:number instruction is anything other than a single node.


If any sort key value, after atomization and any type conversion required by the data-type attribute, is a sequence containing more than one item, then the effect depends on whether the xsl:sort element is processed with XSLT 1.0 behavior. With XSLT 1.0 behavior, the effective sort key value is the first item in the sequence. In other cases, this is a type error.


It is a type error if the result of evaluating the group-adjacent expression is an empty sequence or a sequence containing more than one item, unless composite="yes" is specified.


If the validation attribute of an xsl:element, xsl:attribute, xsl:copy, xsl:copy-of, or xsl:result-document instruction, or the xsl:validation attribute of a literal result element, has the effective value strict, and schema validity assessment concludes that the validity of the element or attribute is invalid or unknown, a type error occurs. As with other type errors, the error may be signaled statically if it can be detected statically.


If the validation attribute of an xsl:element, xsl:attribute, xsl:copy, xsl:copy-of, or xsl:result-document instruction, or the xsl:validation attribute of a literal result element, has the effective value strict, and there is no matching top-level declaration in the schema, then a type error occurs. As with other type errors, the error may be signaled statically if it can be detected statically.


If the validation attribute of an xsl:element, xsl:attribute, xsl:copy, xsl:copy-of, or xsl:result-document instruction, or the xsl:validation attribute of a literal result element, has the effective value lax, and schema validity assessment concludes that the element or attribute is invalid, a type error occurs. As with other type errors, the error may be signaled statically if it can be detected statically.


It is a type error if the value of the type attribute of an xsl:copy or xsl:copy-of instruction refers to a complex type definition and one or more of the items being copied is an attribute node.


It is a type error if an [xsl:]type attribute is defined for a constructed element or attribute, and the outcome of schema validity assessment against that type is that the validity property of that element or attribute information item is other than valid.


A type error occurs if a type or validation attribute is defined (explicitly or implicitly) for an instruction that constructs a new attribute node, if the effect of this is to cause the attribute value to be validated against a type that is derived from, or constructed by list or union from, the primitive types xs:QName or xs:NOTATION.


A type error occurs [when a document node is validated] unless the children of the document node comprise exactly one element node, no text nodes, and zero or more comment and processing instruction nodes, in any order.


It is a type error if, when validating a document node, document-level constraints (such as ID/IDREF constraints) are not satisfied.


It is a type error if some item selected by a particular merge key in one input sequence is not comparable using the XPath le operator with some item selected by the corresponding sort key in another input sequence.


It is a type error if the xsl:context-item child of xsl:template specifies that a context item is required and none is supplied by the caller, that is, if the context item is absent at the point where xsl:call-template is evaluated.


It is a type error if an xsl:apply-templates instruction in a particular mode selects an element or attribute whose type is xs:untyped or xs:untypedAtomic when the typed attribute of that mode specifies the value yes, strict, or lax.


It is a type error if an xsl:apply-templates instruction in a particular mode selects an element or attribute whose type is anything other than xs:untyped or xs:untypedAtomic when the typed attribute of that mode specifies the value no.


It is a type error if the result of evaluating the expression in the with-params attribute of the xsl:evaluate instruction is anything other than a single map of type map(xs:QName, item()*).


It is a type error if the result of evaluating the namespace-context attribute of the xsl:evaluate instruction is anything other than a single node.


It is a type error if the result of evaluating the select expression [of the xsl:copy element] is a sequence of more than one item.


If the result of evaluating the context-item expression [of an xsl:evaluate instruction] is a sequence containing more than one item, then a type error is signaled.


A type error occurs if the result of evaluating the sequence constructor [within an xsl:map instruction] is not an instance of the required type map(*)*.

Dynamic errors


It is a dynamic error if the effective value of an attribute written using curly brackets, in a position where an attribute value template is permitted, is a value that is not one of the permitted values for that attribute. If the processor is able to detect the error statically (for example, when any XPath expressions within the curly brackets can be evaluated statically), then the processor may optionally signal this as a static error.


It is a dynamic error if the invocation of the stylesheet specifies a template name that does not match the expanded QName of a named template defined in the stylesheet, whose visibility is public or final.


It is a dynamic error if the invocation of the stylesheet specifies a function name and arity that does not match the expanded QName and arity of a named stylesheet function defined in the stylesheet, whose visibility is public or final.


It is a dynamic error if the invocation of the stylesheet specifies an initial mode when no initial match selection is supplied (either explicitly, or defaulted to the global context item).


It is a dynamic error if the invocation of the stylesheet specifies an initial mode and the specified mode is not eligible as an initial mode (as defined above).


It is a dynamic error if a stylesheet declares a visible stylesheet parameter that is explicitly or implicitly mandatory, and no value for this parameter is supplied when the stylesheet is primed. A stylesheet parameter is visible if it is not masked by another global variable or parameter with the same name and higher import precedence. If the parameter is a static parameter then the value must be supplied prior to the static analysis phase.


It is a dynamic error if an element has an effective version of V (with V < 4.0) when the implementation does not support backwards compatible behavior for XSLT version V.


Where the result of evaluating an XPath expression (or an attribute value template) is required to be a lexical QName, or if it is permitted to be a lexical QName and the actual value takes the form of a lexical QName, then unless otherwise specified it is a dynamic error if the value has a prefix and the defining element has no namespace node whose name matches that prefix. This error may be signaled as a static error if the value of the expression can be determined statically.


It is a dynamic error if the sequence used to construct the content of an element node contains a namespace node or attribute node that is preceded in the sequence by a node that is neither a namespace node nor an attribute node.


It is a dynamic error if the sequence used to construct the content of a document node contains a namespace node or attribute node.


It is a dynamic error if the sequence contains two or more namespace nodes having the same name but different string values (that is, namespace nodes that map the same prefix to different namespace URIs).


It is a dynamic error if the sequence contains a namespace node with no name and the element node being constructed has a null namespace URI (that is, it is an error to define a default namespace when the element is in no namespace).


It is a dynamic error if the conflict resolution algorithm for template rules leaves more than one matching template rule when the declaration of the relevant mode has an on-multiple-match attribute with the value fail.


It is a dynamic error if xsl:apply-templates, xsl:apply-imports or xsl:next-match is used to process an item using a mode whose declaration specifies on-no-match="fail" when there is no template rule in the stylesheet whose match pattern matches that item.


It is a dynamic error if xsl:apply-imports or xsl:next-match is evaluated when the current template rule is absent.


In general, a circularity in a stylesheet is a dynamic error.


It is a dynamic error if a template that has an explicitly mandatory or implicitly mandatory parameter is invoked without supplying a value for that parameter.


It is a dynamic error if the effective value of the name attribute [of the xsl:element instruction] is not a lexical QName.


In the case of an xsl:element instruction with no namespace attribute, it is a dynamic error if the effective value of the name attribute is a lexical QName whose prefix is not declared in an in-scope namespace declaration for the xsl:element instruction.


It is a dynamic error if the effective value of the namespace attribute [of the xsl:element instruction] is not in the lexical space of the xs:anyURI datatype or if it is the string


It is a dynamic error if the effective value of the name attribute [of an xsl:attribute instruction] is not a lexical QName.


In the case of an xsl:attribute instruction with no namespace attribute, it is a dynamic error if the effective value of the name attribute is the string xmlns.


In the case of an xsl:attribute instruction with no namespace attribute, it is a dynamic error if the effective value of the name attribute is a lexical QName whose prefix is not declared in an in-scope namespace declaration for the xsl:attribute instruction.


It is a dynamic error if the effective value of the namespace attribute [of the xsl:attribute instruction] is not in the lexical space of the xs:anyURI datatype or if it is the string


It is a dynamic error if the effective value of the name attribute [of the xsl:processing-instruction instruction] is not both an NCNameNames and a PITargetXML.


It is a dynamic error if the string value of the new namespace node is not valid in the lexical space of the datatype xs:anyURI, or if it is the string


It is a dynamic error if the effective value of the name attribute [of the xsl:namespace instruction] is neither a zero-length string nor an NCNameNames, or if it is xmlns.


It is a dynamic error if the xsl:namespace instruction generates a namespace node whose name is xml and whose string value is not, or a namespace node whose string value is and whose name is not xml.


It is a dynamic error if evaluating the select attribute or the contained sequence constructor of an xsl:namespace instruction results in a zero-length string.


It is a dynamic error if any undiscarded item in the atomized sequence supplied as the value of the value attribute of xsl:number cannot be converted to an integer, or if the resulting integer is less than 0 (zero).


It is a dynamic error if, for any sort key component, the set of sort key values evaluated for all the items in the initial sequence, after any type conversion requested, contains a pair of ordinary values for which the result of the XPath lt operator is an error. If the processor is able to detect the error statically, it may optionally signal it as a static error.


It is a dynamic error if the collation attribute of xsl:sort (after resolving against the base URI) is not a URI that is recognized by the implementation as referring to a collation.


It is a dynamic error if the current-group function is used when the current group is absent , or when it is invoked in the course of evaluating a pattern. The error may be reported statically if it can be detected statically.


It is a dynamic error if the current-grouping-key function is used when the current grouping key is absent, or when it is invoked in the course of evaluating a pattern. The error may be reported statically if it can be detected statically.


It is a dynamic error if the collation URI specified to xsl:for-each-group (after resolving against the base URI) is a collation that is not recognized by the implementation. (For notes, [see ERR XTDE1035].)


It is a dynamic error if the effective value of the regex attribute [of the xsl:analyze-string instruction] does not conform to the required syntax for regular expressions, as specified in [Functions and Operators 4.0]. If the regular expression is known statically (for example, if the attribute does not contain any expressions enclosed in curly brackets) then the processor may signal the error as a static error.


It is a dynamic error if the effective value of the flags attribute [of the xsl:analyze-string instruction] has a value other than the values defined in [Functions and Operators 4.0]. If the value of the attribute is known statically (for example, if the attribute does not contain any expressions enclosed in curly brackets) then the processor may signal the error as a static error.


When a URI reference [supplied to the document function] contains a fragment identifier, it is a dynamic error if the media type is not one that is recognized by the processor, or if the fragment identifier does not conform to the rules for fragment identifiers for that media type, or if the fragment identifier selects something other than a sequence of nodes (for example, if it selects a range of characters within a text node).


When a URI reference [supplied to the document function] is a relative reference, it is a dynamic error if no base URI is available to resolve the relative reference. This can arise for example when the URI is contained in a node that has no base URI (for example a parentless text node), or when the second argument to the function is a node that has no base URI, or when the base URI from the static context is undefined.


It is a dynamic error if the value [of the first argument to the key function] is not a valid QName, or if there is no namespace declaration in scope for the prefix of the QName, or if the name obtained by expanding the QName is not the same as the expanded name of any xsl:key declaration in the containing package. If the processor is able to detect the error statically (for example, when the argument is supplied as a string literal), then the processor may optionally signal this as a static error.


It is a dynamic error to call the key function with two arguments if there is no context node, or if the root of the tree containing the context node is not a document node; or to call the function with three arguments if the root of the tree containing the node supplied in the third argument is not a document node.


If the current function is evaluated within an expression that is evaluated when the context item is absent, a dynamic error occurs.


It is a dynamic error if $node, or the context item if the second argument is omitted, is a node in a tree whose root is not a document node.


It is a dynamic error if $node, or the context item if the second argument is omitted, is a node in a tree whose root is not a document node.


It is a dynamic error if the value supplied as the $property-name argument [to the system-property function] is not a valid QName, or if there is no namespace declaration in scope for the prefix of the QName. If the processor is able to detect the error statically (for example, when the argument is supplied as a string literal), then the processor may optionally signal this as a static error.


It is a dynamic error if the $name argument [passed to the function-available function] evaluates to a string that is not a valid EQName, or if the value is a lexical QName with a prefix for which no namespace declaration is present in the static context. If the processor is able to detect the error statically (for example, when the argument is supplied as a string literal), then the processor may optionally signal this as a static error.


It is a dynamic error if the arguments supplied to a call on an extension function do not satisfy the rules defined for that particular extension function, or if the extension function reports an error, or if the result of the extension function cannot be converted to an XPath value.


When the containing element is processed with XSLT 1.0 behavior, it is a dynamic error to evaluate an extension function call if no implementation of the extension function is available.


It is a dynamic error if the argument [passed to the type-available function] evaluates to a string that is not a valid EQName, or if the value is a lexical QName with a prefix for which no namespace declaration is present in the static context. If the processor is able to detect the error statically (for example, when the argument is supplied as a string literal), then the processor may optionally signal this as a static error.


It is a dynamic error if the argument [passed to the element-available function] evaluates to a string that is not a valid EQName, or if the value is a lexical QName with a prefix for which no namespace declaration is present in the static context. If the processor is able to detect the error statically (for example, when the argument is supplied as a string literal), then the processor may optionally signal this as a static error.


When a processor performs fallback for an extension instruction that is not recognized, if the instruction element has one or more xsl:fallback children, then the content of each of the xsl:fallback children must be evaluated; it is a dynamic error if it has no xsl:fallback children.


It is a dynamic error if the effective value of the format attribute [of an xsl:result-document element] is not a valid EQName, or if it does not match the expanded QName of an output definition in the containing package. If the processor is able to detect the error statically (for example, when the format attribute contains no curly brackets), then the processor may optionally signal this as a static error.


It is a dynamic error to evaluate the xsl:result-document instruction in temporary output state.


It is a dynamic error for a transformation to generate two or more final result trees with the same URI.


It is a dynamic error for a stylesheet to write to an external resource and read from the same resource during a single transformation, if the same absolute URI is used to access the resource in both cases.


A dynamic error may be raised if the input to the processor includes an item that requires availability of an optional feature that the processor does not provide.


It is a dynamic error if there are two xsl:merge-key elements that occupy corresponding positions among the xsl:merge-key children of two different xsl:merge-source elements and that have differing effective values for any of the attributes lang, order, collation, case-order, or data-type. Values are considered to differ if the attribute is present on one element and not on the other, or if it is present on both elements with they have different effective values. In the case of the collation attribute, the values are compared as absolute URIs after resolving against the base URI. The error may be reported statically if it is detected statically.


It is a dynamic error if any input sequence to an xsl:merge instruction contains two items that are not correctly sorted according to the merge key values defined on the xsl:merge-key children of the corresponding xsl:merge-source element, when compared using the collation rules defined by the attributes of the corresponding xsl:merge-key children of the xsl:merge instruction, unless the attribute sort-before-merge is present with the value yes.


It is a dynamic error if an invocation of an abstract component is evaluated.


It is a dynamic error if an xsl:global-context-item declaration specifies use="required", and no global context item is supplied. [XSLT 3.0 Erratum E6, bug 30173].


It is a static error if an xsl:function element with no xsl:param children has a streamability attribute with any value other than unclassified.


It is a dynamic error if the target expression [of an xsl:evaluate instruction] is not a valid expression (that is, if a static error occurs when analyzing the string according to the rules of the XPath specification).


It is a dynamic error if an xsl:evaluate instruction is evaluated when use of xsl:evaluate has been statically or dynamically disabled.


It is a dynamic error if the value of the first argument to the accumulator-before or accumulator-after function is a string that is not a valid EQName, or if there is no namespace declaration in scope for the prefix of the QName, or if the name obtained by expanding the QName is not the same as the expanded name of any xsl:accumulator declaration appearing in the package in which the function call appears. If the processor is able to detect the error statically (for example, when the argument is supplied as a string literal), then the processor may optionally signal this as a static error.


It is a dynamic error to call the accumulator-before or accumulator-after function when there is no context item.


It is a type error to call the accumulator-before or accumulator-after function when the context item is not a node, or when it is an attribute or namespace node.


It is a dynamic error to call the accumulator-before or accumulator-after function when the context item is a node in a tree to which the selected accumulator is not applicable (including the case where it is not applicable because the document is streamed and the accumulator is not declared with streamable="yes"). Implementations may raise this error but are not required to do so, if they are capable of streaming documents without imposing this restriction.


In the absence of the on-duplicates attribute, a dynamic error occurs if the set of keys in the maps resulting from evaluating the sequence constructor [within an xsl:map instruction] contains duplicates.


It is an error if there is a cyclic set of dependencies among accumulators such that the (pre- or post-descent) value of an accumulator depends directly or indirectly on itself. A processor may report this as a static error if it can be detected statically. Alternatively a processor may report this as a dynamic error. As a further option, a processor may fail catastrophically when this error occurs.


It is a dynamic error if the current-merge-group function is used when the current merge group is absent. The error may be reported statically if it can be detected statically.


It is a dynamic error if the $source argument of the current-merge-group function (when supplied) does not match the name attribute of any xsl:merge-source element for the current merge operation. The error may be reported statically if it can be detected statically.


It is a dynamic error if the current-merge-key function is used when the current merge key is absent, or when it is invoked in the course of evaluating a pattern. The error may be reported statically if it can be detected statically.


It is a dynamic error if an xsl:try instruction is unable to recover the state of a final result tree because recovery has been disabled by use of the attribute rollback-output="no".


When a transformation is terminated by use of <xsl:message terminate="yes"/>, the effect is the same as when a dynamic error occurs during the transformation. The default error code is XTMM9000; this may be overridden using the error-code attribute of the xsl:message instruction.


When a transformation is terminated by use of xsl:assert, the effect is the same as when a dynamic error occurs during the transformation. The default error code is XTMM9001; this may be overridden using the error-code attribute of the xsl:assert instruction.

F Checklist of Implementation-Defined Features (Non-Normative)

This appendix provides a summary of XSLT language features whose effect is explicitly implementation-defined. The conformance rules (see 28 Conformance) require vendors to provide documentation that explains how these choices have been exercised.

The implementation-defined features are grouped into categories for convenience.

F.1 Application Programming Interfaces

This category covers interfaces for initiating a transformation, setting its parameters, initializing the static and dynamic context, and collecting the results. In general terms, it is implementation defined how input is passed to the processor and how it returns its output. This includes the interpretation of URIs used to refer to stylesheet packages and modules, source documents and collections, collations, and result documents.

More specifically:

  1. If the initialization of any global variables or parameter depends on the context item, a dynamic error can occur if the context item is absent. It is implementation-defined whether this error occurs during priming of the stylesheet or subsequently when the variable is referenced; and it is implementation-defined whether the error occurs at all if the variable or parameter is never referenced. (See 2.3.2 Priming a Stylesheet)

  2. The way in which an XSLT processor is invoked, and the way in which values are supplied for the source document, starting node, stylesheet parameters, and base output URI, are implementation-defined. (See 2.3.2 Priming a Stylesheet)

  3. The way in which a base output URI is established is implementation-defined (See Serializing the Result)

  4. It is implementation-defined how a package is located given its name and version, and which version of a package is chosen if several are available. (See 3.5.2 Dependencies between Packages)

  5. In the absence of an [xsl:]default-collation attribute, the default collation may be set by the calling application in an implementation-defined way. (See 3.7.1 The default-collation Attribute)

  6. It is implementation-defined what forms of URI reference are acceptable in the href attribute of the xsl:include and xsl:import elements, for example, the URI schemes that may be used, the forms of fragment identifier that may be used, and the media types that are supported. The way in which the URI reference is used to locate a representation of a stylesheet module, and the way in which the stylesheet module is constructed from that representation, are also implementation-defined. (See 3.11.1 Locating Stylesheet Modules)

  7. The statically known documentsXP40, statically known collectionsXP40, and the statically known default collection typeXP40 are implementation-defined. (See 5.3.1 Initializing the Static Context)

  8. Implementations may provide user options that relax the requirement for the docFO30 and collectionFO30 functions (and therefore, by implication, the document function) to return stable results. The manner in which such user options are provided, if at all, is implementation-defined. (See 5.3.4 Initializing the Dynamic Context)

  9. Streamed processing may be initiated by invoking the transformation with an initial mode declared as streamable, while supplying the initial match selection (in an implementation-defined way) as a streamed document. (See 6.7.6 Streamable Templates)

  10. The mechanism by which the caller supplies a value for a stylesheet parameter is implementation-defined. (See 9.5 Global Variables and Parameters)

  11. The detail of any external mechanism allowing a processor to enable or disable checking of assertions is implementation-defined. (See 24.2 Assertions)

  12. The way in which the results of the transformation are delivered to an application is implementation-defined. (See 26 Transformation Results)

  13. It is implementation-defined how the URI appearing in the href attribute of xsl:result-document affects the way in which the result tree is delivered to the application. There may be restrictions on the form of this URI. (See 26.1 Creating Secondary Results)

  14. If serialization is supported, then the location to which a final result tree is serialized is implementation-defined, subject to the constraint that relative URI references used to reference one tree from another remain valid. (See 27 Serialization)

F.2 Vendor and User Extensions

This category covers extensions and extensibility: mechanisms for providing vendor or user extensions to the language without sacrificing interoperability.

In general terms, it is implementation-defined:

  • whether and under what circumstances the implementation recognizes any extension functions, extension instructions, extension attributes, user-defined data elements, additional types, additional serialization methods or serialization parameters, or additional collations, and if so, what effect they have.

  • whether, how, and under what circumstances the implementation allows users to define extension functions, extension instructions, extension attributes, user-defined data elements, additional types, additional serialization methods or serialization parameters, or additional collations. If it does allow users to do so, it must follow the rules given elsewhere in this specification.

  • what information is available to such extensions (for example, whether they have access to the static and dynamic context.)

  • where such extensions are allowed, the extent to which the processor enforces their correct behavior (for example, checking that strings returned by extension functions contain only valid XML characters)

More specifically:

  1. The mechanisms for creating new extension instructions and extension functions are implementation-defined. It is not required that implementations provide any such mechanism. (See 2.9 Extensibility)

  2. The set of namespaces that are specially recognized by the implementation (for example, for user-defined data elements, and extension attributes) is implementation-defined. (See 3.7.3 User-defined Data Elements)

  3. The effect of user-defined data elements whose name is in a namespace recognized by the implementation is implementation-defined. (See 3.7.3 User-defined Data Elements)

  4. An implementation may define mechanisms, above and beyond xsl:import-schema, that allow schema components such as type definitions to be made available within a stylesheet. (See 3.14 Built-in Types)

  5. The set of extension functions available in the static context for the target expression of xsl:evaluate is implementation-defined. (See 10.4.1 Static context for the target expression)

  6. If the data-type attribute of the xsl:sort element has a value other than text or number, the effect is implementation-defined. (See 13.1.2 Comparing Sort Key Values)

  7. The posture and sweep of extension functions (and references to extension functions) and extension instructions are implementation-defined. (See Streamability of extension instructions)

  8. Additional streamability categories for stylesheet functions may be defined by an implementation. (See 19.8.5 Classifying Stylesheet Functions)

  9. The effect of an extension function returning a string containing characters that are not permitted in XML is implementation-defined. (See 25.1.2 Calling Extension Functions)

  10. The way in which external objects are represented in the type system is implementation-defined. (See 25.1.3 External Objects)

F.3 Localization

This specification, and the specifications that it refers to, include facilities for adapting the output of a transformation to meet local expectations: examples include the formatting of numbers and dates, and the choice of collations for sorted output. The general principles are:

  • The specification does not mandate any particular localizations that processors must offer: for example, a conformant processor might choose to provide output in Japanese only.

  • The specification provides fallback mechanisms so that if a particular localization is requested and is not available, processing does not fail.

More specifically:

  1. The combinations of languages and numbering sequences recognized by the xsl:number instruction, beyond those defined as mandatory in this specification, are implementation-defined. There may be implementation-defined upper bounds on the numbers that can be formatted using any particular numbering sequence. There may be constraints on the values of the ordinal attribute recognized for any given language. (See 12.4 Number to String Conversion Attributes)

  2. The facilities for defining collations and allocating URIs to identify them are largely implementation-defined. (See 13.1.3 Sorting Using Collations)

  3. The algorithm used by xsl:sort to locate a collation, given the values of the lang and case-order attributes, is implementation-defined. (See 13.1.3 Sorting Using Collations)

  4. If none of the collation, lang, or case-order attributes is present (on xsl:sort), the collation is chosen in an implementation-defined way. (See 13.1.3 Sorting Using Collations)

F.4 Optional Features

As well as the optional conformance features identified in 28 Conformance, some specific features of the specification are defined to be optional.

  1. It is implementation-defined whether an XSLT 4.0 processor supports backwards compatible behavior for any XSLT version earlier than XSLT 4.0. (See 3.9 Backwards Compatible Processing)

  2. If an xml:id attribute that has not been subjected to attribute value normalization is copied from a source tree to a result tree, it is implementation-defined whether attribute value normalization will be applied during the copy process. (See 11.9.1 Shallow Copy)

  3. It is implementation-defined whether, and under what circumstances, disabling output escaping is supported. (See 27.2 Disabling Output Escaping)

F.5 Dependencies

When this specification refers normatively to other specifications, it generally gives implementations freedom to decide (within constraints) which version of the referenced specification should be used. Specifically:

  1. It is implementation-defined which versions and editions of XML and XML Namespaces (1.0 and/or 1.1) are supported. (See 4.1 XML Versions)

  2. It is implementation-defined which versions of XML, HTML, and XHTML are supported in the version attribute of the xsl:output declaration. (See 27 Serialization)

  3. It is implementation-defined whether (and if so how) an XSLT 3.0 processor is able to work with versions of XPath later than XPath 3.1. (See 28 Conformance)

  4. It is implementation-defined whether (and if so how) an XSLT 3.0 processor is able to work with versions of [XSLT and XQuery Serialization] later than 3.1. (See 28.3 Serialization Feature)

F.6 Defaults and Limits

To accommodate variations in the way that the XSLT language is deployed, and the constraints of different processing environments, defaults for some options are implementation-defined. In addition, limits on the sizes of ranges of values permitted are in general implementation-defined:

  1. Limits on the value space of primitive datatypes, where not fixed by [XML Schema Part 2], are implementation-defined. (See 4.6 Limits)

  2. The default value of the encoding attribute of the xsl:output element is implementation-defined. Where the encoding is UTF-8, the default for the byte-order-mark attribute is implementation-defined. (See 27 Serialization)

F.7 Detection and Reporting of Errors

Some aspects of error handling are implementation-defined:

  1. It is implementation-defined whether type errors are signaled statically. (See 2.14 Error Handling)

  2. If the effective version of any element in the stylesheet is not 1.0 or 2.0 but is less than 4.0, the recommended action is to report a static error; however, processors may recognize such values and process the element in an implementation-defined way. (See 3.9 Backwards Compatible Processing)

  3. The default values for the warning-on-no-match and warning-on-multiple-match attributes of xsl:mode are implementation-defined. (See 6.7.1 Declaring Modes)

  4. The form of any warnings output when there is no matching template rule, or when there are multiple matching template rules, is implementation-defined. (See 6.7.1 Declaring Modes)

  5. The destination and formatting of messages written using the xsl:message instruction are implementation-defined. (See 24.1 Messages)

G Summary of Available Functions (Non-Normative)

G.1 Function Classification

The functions available for use within an XSLT stylesheet can be classified based firstly, on where the function is defined, and secondly, on where it can be used. Specifically, the set of functions available is slightly different for :

The categories are listed in the following table:

Categories of Function, and their Availability
Category Defined where? Available where? Notes
User-defined functions Defined using xsl:function declarations in the stylesheet R, D Functions are private by default; private functions can be referenced only within the package where they are declared (and not in xsl:evaluate expressions).
Constructor functions for built-in types Section 20 Constructor functionsFO40 R, S, D These functions are all in the namespace conventionally associated with the prefix xs. The semantics of a constructor function are identical to the semantics of a cast expression.
Constructor functions for user-defined types Section 20 Constructor functionsFO40 R, D (if schema-aware="yes") This category includes a function for every named user-defined simple type in an imported schema; the function allows the conversion of strings and certain other values to instances of the user-defined type.
Functions defined in XPath 4.0 [Functions and Operators 4.0] R, S, D Includes functions in the namespaces conventionally referred to be the prefixes fn and math.
Functions defined in XSLT 4.0 This specification R, S (see note), D See G.2 List of XSLT-defined functions. There is an overlap with the set of functions defined in XPath 4.0. The functions available in static expressions are: element-available, function-available, type-available, available-system-properties, and system-property.
Extension functions Implementation-defined: see 25.1 Extension Functions. R, S, D Availability is implementation-defined

H Schemas for XSLT 4.0 Stylesheets (Non-Normative)

TODO: the two schemas need to be updated for XSLT 4.0

For convenience, schemas are provided for validation of XSLT 3.0 stylesheets using the XSD 1.1 and Relax NG schema languages. These are non-normative. Neither will detect every static error that might arise in an XSLT 4.0 stylesheet (for example, there is no attempt to check the syntax of XPath expressions); in addition, these schemas may reject some stylesheets that are valid, for example because they rely on xsl:use-when to eliminate sections of code that would otherwise be invalid.

H.1 XSD 1.1 Schema for XSLT Stylesheets

The following XSD 1.1 schema describes the structure of an XSLT stylesheet module. It does not define all the constraints that apply to a stylesheet (for example, it does not attempt to define a datatype that precisely represents attributes containing XPath expressions). However, every valid stylesheet module conforms to this schema, unless it contains elements that invoke forwards compatible behavior.

A copy of this schema is available at schema-for-xslt40.xsd


The schema as written uses a lax wildcard to permit literal result elements to appear in a sequence constructor. This assumes that the schema used for validation will not contain any global element declaration that matches the element name of a literal result element. The content model for an element such as invoice appearing within a stylesheet is not the same as the content model for the same element appearing within a source document (it is likely to contain XSLT instructions rather than other elements from the target vocabulary): therefore, including such declarations in the schema used for validating a stylesheet is inappropriate.

The reason that lax validation rather than skip validation is used is so that XSLT instructions appearing as children of the literal result element will themselves be validated, using the appropriate global element declaration.


The schema uses XSD 1.1 assertions to represent some of the non-grammatical constraints appearing in the specification, for example the rule that some elements can have either a select attribute or a contained sequence constructor, but not both. At this stage, no attempt has been made to represent every such constraint, even where it is not difficult to express the rule. There will always be some constraints that cannot be expressed at all, for example those that require access to multiple stylesheet modules, those that require access to the in-scope schema components, and those that involve parsing a non-regular grammar, such as the grammar for patterns.

Apart from assertions, the only other significant use of XSD 1.1 features is that the elements xsl:param and xsl:variable are in two substitution groups: one containing all instructions, and one containing all declarations. If the schema needs to be converted to an XSD 1.0 schema, removing all assertions is straightforward; the other change needed is to remove xsl:param and xsl:variable from the substitution group for declarations, and instead permit them explicitly as children of xsl:transform.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!--* <!DOCTYPE xs:schema PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XMLSCHEMA 200105//EN"
       "" [
<!ENTITY % schemaAttrs "
  xmlns:xs   CDATA #IMPLIED
  xmlns:xsl  CDATA #IMPLIED
  xmlns:xsd  CDATA #IMPLIED"
<!ENTITY % p "xs:">
<!ENTITY % s ":xs">
]> *-->
<!--<?xml-stylesheet href="" type=" t e x t / x s l"?>-->
<xs:schema xmlns:xs=""

  <!-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
         This is an XSD 1.1 schema for XSLT 4.0 stylesheets. It defines all the
         elements that appear in the XSLT namespace; it also provides hooks that
         allow the inclusion of user-defined literal result elements, extension
         instructions, and top-level data elements.
         This schema is available for use under the conditions of the W3C Software
         License published at
         The schema is organized as follows:
           PART A: definitions of complex types and model groups used as the basis
           for element definitions
           PART B: definitions of individual XSLT elements
           PART C: definitions for literal result elements
           PART D: definitions of simple types used in attribute definitions
         The schema has a number of limitations:
           The XSLT specification allows additional elements and attributes to be
           present where forwards compatibility is invoked. This schema does not.
           The XSLT specification allows arbitrary content in a part of the
           stylesheet that is excluded by virtue of a use-when attribute. This
           schema does not.
           The handling of literal result elements in this schema is imperfect;
           although various options are allowed, none matches the specification
           exactly. For example, the content of a literal result element uses lax
           validation, which permits child elements in the XSLT namespace that have
           no declaration in this schema.
           The schema makes no attempt to check XPath expressions for syntactic or
           semantic correctness, nor to check that component references are
           resolved (for example that a template named in <code>xsl:call-template</code> has a
           declaration). Doing this in general requires cross-document validation,
           which is beyond the scope of XSD.
           The schema imports the schema for XSD 1.0 schema documents. In
           stylesheets that contain an inline XSD 1.1 schema, this import should be
           replaced with one for the schema for XSD 1.1 schema documents.
  <!-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->

The declaration of xml:space and xml:lang may need to be commented out because
of problems processing the schema using various tools

  <xs:import namespace=""/>

    An XSLT stylesheet may contain an in-line schema within an xsl:import-schema element,
    so the Schema for schemas needs to be imported. We use the XSD 1.1 version.

  <xs:import namespace=""

  <!-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
         PART A: definitions of complex types and model groups used as the basis
         for element definitions
  <!-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
    <!-- Allow xsl:note anywhere -->
    <xs:any processContents="strict" 
  <xs:complexType name="generic-element-type" mixed="true">
           This complex type provides a generic supertype for all XSLT elements; it
           contains the definitions of the standard attributes that may appear on
           any element.
    <xs:attribute name="default-collation" type="xsl:uri-list"/>
    <xs:attribute name="default-mode" type="xsl:default-mode-type"/>
    <xs:attribute name="default-validation"
    <xs:attribute name="exclude-result-prefixes" type="xsl:prefix-list-or-all"/>
    <xs:attribute name="expand-text" type="xsl:yes-or-no"/>
    <xs:attribute name="extension-element-prefixes" type="xsl:prefix-list"/>
    <xs:attribute name="use-when" type="xsl:expression"/>
    <xs:attribute name="xpath-default-namespace" type="xs:anyURI"/>
    <xs:attribute name="_default-collation" type="xs:string"/>
    <xs:attribute name="_default-mode" type="xs:string"/>
    <xs:attribute name="_default-validation" type="xs:string"/>
    <xs:attribute name="_exclude-result-prefixes" type="xs:string"/>
    <xs:attribute name="_expand-text" type="xs:string"/>
    <xs:attribute name="_extension-element-prefixes" type="xs:string"/>
    <xs:attribute name="_use-when" type="xs:string"/>
    <xs:attribute name="_xpath-default-namespace" type="xs:string"/>
    <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>

  <xs:complexType name="versioned-element-type" mixed="true">
        <p>This complex type provides a generic supertype for all XSLT elements with
                the exception of <code>xsl:output</code>; it contains the
                definitions of the <code>version</code> attribute that may appear on any element.
        <p>The <code>xsl:output</code> element does not use this definition because, although it
             has a <code>version</code> attribute, the syntax and semantics of this attribute are
             unrelated to the standard <code>version</code> attribute allowed on other elements.</p>
      <xs:extension base="xsl:generic-element-type">
        <xs:attribute name="version" type="xs:decimal" use="optional"/>
        <xs:attribute name="_version" type="xs:string"/>

  <xs:complexType name="element-only-versioned-element-type" mixed="false">
      <xs:restriction base="xsl:versioned-element-type">
        <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>

  <xs:complexType name="sequence-constructor">
           This complex type provides a generic supertype for all XSLT elements
           that allow a sequence constructor as their content.
    <xs:complexContent mixed="true">
      <xs:extension base="xsl:versioned-element-type">
        <xs:group ref="xsl:sequence-constructor-group"
  <xs:complexType name="sequence-constructor-and-select">
           This complex type allows a sequence constructor and a select attribute.
    <xs:complexContent mixed="true">
      <xs:extension base="xsl:sequence-constructor">
        <xs:attribute name="select" type="xsl:expression"/>
        <xs:attribute name="_select" type="xs:string"/>
  <xs:complexType name="sequence-constructor-or-select">
           This complex type allows a sequence constructor or a select attribute,
           but not both.
    <xs:complexContent mixed="true">
      <xs:restriction base="xsl:sequence-constructor-and-select">
        <xs:group ref="xsl:sequence-constructor-group"
        <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
        <xs:assert test="not(exists(@select | @_select) and 
          (exists(* except xsl:fallback) or exists(text()[normalize-space()])))"/>

  <xs:group name="sequence-constructor-group">
           This complex type provides a generic supertype for all XSLT elements
           that allow a sequence constructor as their content.
      <xs:element ref="xsl:instruction"/>
      <xs:group ref="xsl:result-elements"/>

  <xs:element name="declaration" type="xsl:generic-element-type" abstract="true"/>

  <xs:element name="instruction" type="xsl:versioned-element-type" abstract="true"/>

  <!-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
         PART B: definitions of individual XSLT elements Elements are listed in
         alphabetical order.
  <!-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
  <xs:element name="accept">
        <p>This element appears as a child of <code>xsl:use-package</code> and defines 
            any variations that the containing package wishes to make to the visibility of
            components made available from a library package. For example, it may indicate that
            some of the public components in the library package are not to be made available
            to the containing package.</p>
        <xs:extension base="xsl:element-only-versioned-element-type">
          <xs:attribute name="component" type="xsl:component-kind-type"/>
          <xs:attribute name="names" type="xsl:component-tests"/>
          <xs:attribute name="visibility" type="xsl:visibility-type"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_component" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_names" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_visibility" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:assert test="exists(@component | @_component)"/>
          <xs:assert test="exists(@names | @_names)"/>
          <xs:assert test="exists(@visibility | @_visibility)"/>
  <xs:element name="accumulator" substitutionGroup="xsl:declaration">
        <xs:extension base="xsl:element-only-versioned-element-type">
            <xs:element ref="xsl:accumulator-rule" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
          <xs:attribute name="name" type="xsl:EQName"/>
          <xs:attribute name="initial-value" type="xsl:expression"/>
          <xs:attribute name="as" type="xsl:sequence-type"/>
          <xs:attribute name="streamable" type="xsl:yes-or-no"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_name" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_initial-value" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_as" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_streamable" type="xs:string"/>

  <xs:element name="accumulator-rule">
      <xs:complexContent mixed="true">
        <xs:extension base="xsl:sequence-constructor-or-select">
          <xs:attribute name="match" type="xsl:pattern"/>
          <xs:attribute name="phase">
              <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
                <xs:enumeration value="start"/>
                <xs:enumeration value="end"/>
          <xs:attribute name="capture" type="xsl:yes-or-no" default="no"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_match" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_phase" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_capture" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:assert test="exists(@match | @_match)"/>

  <xs:element name="analyze-string" substitutionGroup="xsl:instruction">
        <xs:extension base="xsl:element-only-versioned-element-type">
            <xs:element ref="xsl:matching-substring" minOccurs="0"/>
            <xs:element ref="xsl:non-matching-substring" minOccurs="0"/>
            <xs:element ref="xsl:fallback" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
          <xs:attribute name="select" type="xsl:expression"/>
          <xs:attribute name="regex" type="xsl:avt"/>
          <xs:attribute name="flags" type="xsl:avt" default=""/>
          <xs:attribute name="_select" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_regex" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_flags" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:assert test="exists(@select | @_select)"/>
          <xs:assert test="exists(@regex | @_regex)"/>

  <xs:element name="apply-imports" substitutionGroup="xsl:instruction">
        <xs:extension base="xsl:element-only-versioned-element-type">
            <xs:element ref="xsl:with-param" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>

  <xs:element name="apply-templates" substitutionGroup="xsl:instruction">
        <xs:extension base="xsl:element-only-versioned-element-type">
          <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
            <xs:element ref="xsl:sort"/>
            <xs:element ref="xsl:with-param"/>
          <xs:attribute name="select" type="xsl:expression" default="child::node()"/>
          <xs:attribute name="separator" type="xsl:expression"/>
          <xs:attribute name="mode" type="xsl:mode"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_select" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_separator" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_mode" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:assert test="every $e in subsequence(xsl:sort, 2) 
                           satisfies empty($e/(@stable | @_stable))">
                   It is a static error if an <code>xsl:sort</code> element other than the first
                   in a sequence of sibling <code>xsl:sort</code> elements has a <code>stable</code>
  <xs:element name="array" substitutionGroup="xsl:instruction">
      <xs:complexContent mixed="true">
        <xs:extension base="xsl:sequence-constructor-or-select">
          <xs:attribute name="use" type="xsl:expression"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_use" type="xs:string"/>
  <xs:element name="assert" substitutionGroup="xsl:instruction">
      <xs:complexContent mixed="true">
        <xs:extension base="xsl:sequence-constructor">
          <xs:attribute name="test" type="xsl:expression"/>
          <xs:attribute name="select" type="xsl:expression"/>
          <xs:attribute name="error-code" type="xsl:avt"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_test" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_select" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_error-code" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:assert test="exists(@test | @_test)"/>

  <xs:element name="attribute" substitutionGroup="xsl:instruction">
      <xs:complexContent mixed="true">
        <xs:extension base="xsl:sequence-constructor-or-select">
          <xs:attribute name="name" type="xsl:avt"/>
          <xs:attribute name="namespace" type="xsl:avt"/>
          <xs:attribute name="separator" type="xsl:avt"/>
          <xs:attribute name="type" type="xsl:EQName"/>
          <xs:attribute name="validation" type="xsl:validation-type"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_name" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_namespace" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_separator" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_type" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_validation" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:assert test="not(exists(@type | @_type) and exists(@validation | @_validation))">
                <p>The <code>type</code> and <code>validation</code> attributes are mutually exclusive
                (if one is present, the other must be absent).</p>
          <xs:assert test="exists(@name | @_name)"/>

  <xs:element name="attribute-set" substitutionGroup="xsl:declaration">
        <xs:extension base="xsl:element-only-versioned-element-type">
          <xs:sequence minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
            <xs:element ref="xsl:attribute"/>
          <xs:attribute name="name" type="xsl:EQName"/>
          <xs:attribute name="streamable" type="xsl:yes-or-no"/>
          <xs:attribute name="use-attribute-sets" type="xsl:EQNames" default=""/>
          <xs:attribute name="visibility" type="xsl:visibility-type"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_name" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_streamable" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_use-attribute-sets" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_visibility" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:assert test="exists(@name | @_name)"/>

  <xs:element name="break"

  <xs:element name="call-template" substitutionGroup="xsl:instruction">
        <xs:extension base="xsl:element-only-versioned-element-type">
            <xs:element ref="xsl:with-param" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
          <xs:attribute name="name" type="xsl:EQName"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_name" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:assert test="exists(@name | @_name)"/>

  <xs:element name="catch">
      <xs:complexContent mixed="true">
        <xs:extension base="xsl:sequence-constructor-or-select">
          <xs:attribute name="errors" type="xs:token" use="optional"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_errors" type="xs:string"/>

  <xs:element name="character-map" substitutionGroup="xsl:declaration">
        <xs:extension base="xsl:element-only-versioned-element-type">
            <xs:element ref="xsl:output-character" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
          <xs:attribute name="name" type="xsl:EQName"/>
          <xs:attribute name="use-character-maps" type="xsl:EQNames" default=""/>
          <xs:attribute name="_name" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_use-character-maps" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:assert test="exists(@name | @_name)"/>

  <xs:element name="choose" substitutionGroup="xsl:instruction">
        <xs:extension base="xsl:element-only-versioned-element-type">
            <xs:element ref="xsl:when" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
            <xs:element ref="xsl:otherwise" minOccurs="0"/>

  <xs:element name="comment"
  <xs:element name="context-item">
        <xs:extension base="xsl:element-only-versioned-element-type">
          <xs:attribute name="as" type="xsl:item-type"/>
          <xs:attribute name="use">
              <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
                <xs:enumeration value="required"/>
                <xs:enumeration value="optional"/>
                <xs:enumeration value="absent"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_as" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_use" type="xs:string"/>

  <xs:element name="copy" substitutionGroup="xsl:instruction">
      <xs:complexContent mixed="true">
        <xs:extension base="xsl:sequence-constructor">
          <xs:attribute name="select" type="xsl:expression"/>
          <xs:attribute name="copy-namespaces" type="xsl:yes-or-no" default="yes"/>
          <xs:attribute name="inherit-namespaces" type="xsl:yes-or-no" default="yes"/>
          <xs:attribute name="use-attribute-sets" type="xsl:EQNames" default=""/>
          <xs:attribute name="type" type="xsl:EQName"/>
          <xs:attribute name="validation" type="xsl:validation-type"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_select" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_copy-namespaces" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_inherit-namespaces" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_use-attribute-sets" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_type" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_validation" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:assert test="not(exists(@type | @_type) and exists(@validation | @_validation))">
                <p>The <code>type</code> and <code>validation</code> attributes are mutually exclusive
                  (if one is present, the other must be absent).</p>

  <xs:element name="copy-of" substitutionGroup="xsl:instruction">
      <xs:complexContent mixed="true">
        <xs:extension base="xsl:versioned-element-type">
          <xs:attribute name="select" type="xsl:expression"/>
          <xs:attribute name="copy-accumulators" type="xsl:yes-or-no" default="no"/>
          <xs:attribute name="copy-namespaces" type="xsl:yes-or-no" default="yes"/>
          <xs:attribute name="type" type="xsl:EQName"/>
          <xs:attribute name="validation" type="xsl:validation-type"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_select" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_copy-accumulators" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_copy-namespaces" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_type" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_validation" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:assert test="not(exists(@type | @_type) and exists(@validation | @_validation))">
                <p>The <code>type</code> and <code>validation</code> attributes are mutually exclusive
                  (if one is present, the other must be absent).</p>
          <xs:assert test="exists(@select | @_select)"/>

  <xs:element name="document" substitutionGroup="xsl:instruction">
      <xs:complexContent mixed="true">
        <xs:extension base="xsl:sequence-constructor">
          <xs:attribute name="type" type="xsl:EQName"/>
          <xs:attribute name="validation" type="xsl:validation-type"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_type" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_validation" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:assert test="not(exists(@type | @_type) and exists(@validation | @_validation))">
                <p>The <code>type</code> and <code>validation</code> attributes are mutually exclusive
                  (if one is present, the other must be absent).</p>

  <xs:element name="decimal-format" substitutionGroup="xsl:declaration">
        <xs:extension base="xsl:element-only-versioned-element-type">
          <xs:attribute name="name" type="xsl:EQName"/>
          <xs:attribute name="decimal-separator" type="xsl:char" default="."/>
          <xs:attribute name="grouping-separator" type="xsl:char" default=","/>
          <xs:attribute name="infinity" type="xs:string" default="Infinity"/>
          <xs:attribute name="minus-sign" type="xsl:char" default="-"/>
          <xs:attribute name="exponent-separator" type="xsl:char" default="e"/>
          <xs:attribute name="NaN" type="xs:string" default="NaN"/>
          <xs:attribute name="percent" type="xsl:char" default="%"/>
          <xs:attribute name="per-mille" type="xsl:char" default="~"/>
          <xs:attribute name="zero-digit" type="xsl:zero-digit" default="0"/>
          <xs:attribute name="digit" type="xsl:char" default="#"/>
          <xs:attribute name="pattern-separator" type="xsl:char" default=";"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_name" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_decimal-separator" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_grouping-separator" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_infinity" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_minus-sign" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_exponent-separator" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_NaN" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_percent" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_per-mille" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_zero-digit" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_digit" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_pattern-separator" type="xs:string"/>

  <xs:element name="element" substitutionGroup="xsl:instruction">
    <xs:complexType mixed="true">
        <xs:extension base="xsl:sequence-constructor">
          <xs:attribute name="name" type="xsl:avt"/>
          <xs:attribute name="namespace" type="xsl:avt"/>
          <xs:attribute name="inherit-namespaces" type="xsl:yes-or-no" default="yes"/>
          <xs:attribute name="use-attribute-sets" type="xsl:EQNames" default=""/>
          <xs:attribute name="type" type="xsl:EQName"/>
          <xs:attribute name="validation" type="xsl:validation-type"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_name" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_namespace" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_inherit-namespaces" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_use-attribute-sets" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_type" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_validation" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:assert test="exists(@name | @_name)"/>
          <xs:assert test="not(exists(@type | @_type) and exists(@validation | @_validation))">
                <p>The <code>type</code> and <code>validation</code> attributes are mutually exclusive
                  (if one is present, the other must be absent).</p>

  <xs:element name="evaluate" substitutionGroup="xsl:instruction">
      <xs:complexContent mixed="true">
        <xs:extension base="xsl:element-only-versioned-element-type">
          <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
            <xs:element ref="xsl:with-param"/>
            <xs:element ref="xsl:fallback"/>
          <xs:attribute name="xpath" type="xsl:expression"/>
          <xs:attribute name="as" type="xsl:sequence-type"/>
          <xs:attribute name="base-uri" type="xsl:avt"/>
          <xs:attribute name="context-item" type="xsl:expression"/>
          <xs:attribute name="namespace-context" type="xsl:expression"/>
          <xs:attribute name="schema-aware" type="xsl:avt"/>
          <xs:attribute name="with-params" type="xsl:expression"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_xpath" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_as" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_base-uri" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_context-item" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_namespace-context" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_schema-aware" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_with-params" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:assert test="exists(@xpath | @_xpath)"/>
  <xs:element name="expose">
        <p>This element appears as a child of <code>xsl:use-package</code> and defines 
            the visibility of components that are made available (or not) by this package
            to other using packages.</p>
        <xs:extension base="xsl:element-only-versioned-element-type">
          <xs:attribute name="component" type="xsl:component-kind-type"/>
          <xs:attribute name="names" type="xsl:component-tests"/>
          <xs:attribute name="visibility" type="xsl:visibility-not-hidden-type"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_component" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_names" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_visibility" type="xs:string"/>

  <xs:element name="fallback"

  <xs:element name="for-each" substitutionGroup="xsl:instruction">
      <xs:complexContent mixed="true">
        <xs:extension base="xsl:versioned-element-type">
            <xs:element ref="xsl:sort" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
            <xs:group ref="xsl:sequence-constructor-group"
          <xs:attribute name="select" type="xsl:expression"/>
          <xs:attribute name="separator" type="xsl:expression"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_select" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_separator" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:assert test="every $e in subsequence(xsl:sort, 2) 
                           satisfies empty($e/(@stable | @_stable))">
                   It is a static error if an <code>xsl:sort</code> element other than the first
                   in a sequence of sibling <code>xsl:sort</code> elements has a <code>stable</code>
          <xs:assert test="exists(@select | @_select)"/>

  <xs:element name="for-each-group" substitutionGroup="xsl:instruction">
      <xs:complexContent mixed="true">
        <xs:extension base="xsl:versioned-element-type">
            <xs:element ref="xsl:sort" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
            <xs:group ref="xsl:sequence-constructor-group"
          <xs:attribute name="select" type="xsl:expression"/>
          <xs:attribute name="group-by" type="xsl:expression"/>
          <xs:attribute name="group-adjacent" type="xsl:expression"/>
          <xs:attribute name="group-starting-with" type="xsl:pattern"/>
          <xs:attribute name="group-ending-with" type="xsl:pattern"/>
          <xs:attribute name="composite" type="xsl:yes-or-no"/>
          <xs:attribute name="collation" type="xsl:avt"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_select" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_group-by" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_group-adjacent" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_group-starting-with" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_group-ending-with" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_composite" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_collation" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:assert test="exists(@select | @_select)"/>
          <xs:assert test="every $e in subsequence(xsl:sort, 2) 
                           satisfies empty($e/(@stable | @_stable))">
                   It is a static error if an <code>xsl:sort</code> element other than the first
                   in a sequence of sibling <code>xsl:sort</code> elements has a <code>stable</code>
          <xs:assert test="count(((@group-by|@_group-by)[1], 
                                  (@group-ending-with|@_group-ending-with)[1])) = 1">
                   These four attributes are mutually exclusive: it is a static
                   error if none of these four attributes is present or if more
                   than one of them is present.
          <xs:assert test="if (exists(@collation|@_collation) or exists(@composite|@_composite)) 
                           then (exists(@group-by|@_group-by) or exists(@group-adjacent|@_group-adjacent)) 
                           else true()">
                   It is an error to specify the collation attribute or the
                   composite attribute if neither the group-by attribute nor
                   group-adjacent attribute is specified.

  <xs:element name="fork" substitutionGroup="xsl:instruction">
      <xs:complexContent mixed="true">
        <xs:extension base="xsl:versioned-element-type">
            <xs:element ref="xsl:fallback" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
              <xs:sequence minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                <xs:element ref="xsl:sequence"/>
                <xs:element ref="xsl:fallback" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
                <xs:element ref="xsl:for-each-group"/>
                <xs:element ref="xsl:fallback" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>

  <xs:element name="function" substitutionGroup="xsl:declaration">
      <xs:complexContent mixed="true">
        <xs:extension base="xsl:versioned-element-type">
            <xs:element ref="xsl:param" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
            <xs:group ref="xsl:sequence-constructor-group"
          <xs:attribute name="name" type="xsl:EQName-in-namespace"/>
          <xs:attribute name="override" type="xsl:yes-or-no" default="yes"/>
          <xs:attribute name="as" type="xsl:sequence-type" default="item()*"/>
          <xs:attribute name="visibility" type="xsl:visibility-type"/>
          <xs:attribute name="streamability" type="xsl:streamability-type"/>
          <xs:attribute name="override-extension-function" type="xsl:yes-or-no"/>
          <xs:attribute name="new-each-time" type="xsl:yes-or-no-or-maybe"/>
          <xs:attribute name="cache" type="xsl:yes-or-no"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_name" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_override" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_as" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_visibility" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_streamability" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_override-extension-function" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_new-each-time" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_cache" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:assert test="exists(@name | @_name)"/>
          <xs:assert test="every $e in xsl:param satisfies empty($e/(@visibility | @_visibility))">
                <p>A parameter for a function must have no <code>visibility</code> attribute.</p>
  <xs:element name="global-context-item" substitutionGroup="xsl:declaration">
        <xs:extension base="xsl:element-only-versioned-element-type">
          <xs:attribute name="as" type="xsl:item-type"/>
          <xs:attribute name="use">
              <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
                <xs:enumeration value="required"/>
                <xs:enumeration value="optional"/>
                <xs:enumeration value="absent"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_as" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_use" type="xs:string"/>

  <xs:element name="if" substitutionGroup="xsl:instruction">
      <xs:complexContent mixed="true">
        <xs:extension base="xsl:sequence-constructor">
          <xs:attribute name="test" type="xsl:expression"/>
          <xs:attribute name="then" type="xsl:expression"/>
          <xs:attribute name="else" type="xsl:expression"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_test" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_then" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_else" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:assert test="exists(@test | @_test)"/>
          <xs:assert test="not(exists(@then | @_then) and 
            (exists(* except xsl:fallback) or exists(text()[normalize-space()])))"/>

  <xs:element name="import" substitutionGroup="xsl:declaration">
        <xs:extension base="xsl:element-only-versioned-element-type">
          <xs:attribute name="href" type="xs:anyURI"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_href" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:assert test="exists(@href | @_href)"/>

  <xs:element name="import-schema" substitutionGroup="xsl:declaration">
        <xs:extension base="xsl:element-only-versioned-element-type">
            <xs:element ref="xs:schema" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
          <xs:attribute name="namespace" type="xs:anyURI"/>
          <xs:attribute name="schema-location" type="xs:anyURI"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_namespace" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_schema-location" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:assert test="not(exists(@schema-location | @_schema-location) and exists(xs:schema))">
                   XTSE0215: It is a static error if an <code>xsl:import-schema</code> element
                   that contains an xs:schema element has a <code>schema-location</code>

  <xs:element name="include" substitutionGroup="xsl:declaration">
        <xs:extension base="xsl:element-only-versioned-element-type">
          <xs:attribute name="href" type="xs:anyURI"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_href" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:assert test="exists(@href | @_href)"/>

  <xs:element name="iterate" substitutionGroup="xsl:instruction">
      <xs:complexContent mixed="true">
        <xs:extension base="xsl:versioned-element-type">
            <xs:element ref="xsl:param" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
            <xs:element ref="xsl:on-completion" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
            <xs:group ref="xsl:sequence-constructor-group"
          <xs:attribute name="select" type="xsl:expression"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_select" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:assert test="exists(@select | @_select)"/>

  <xs:element name="key" substitutionGroup="xsl:declaration">
      <xs:complexContent mixed="true">
        <xs:extension base="xsl:sequence-constructor">
          <xs:attribute name="name" type="xsl:EQName"/>
          <xs:attribute name="match" type="xsl:pattern"/>
          <xs:attribute name="use" type="xsl:expression"/>
          <xs:attribute name="composite" type="xsl:yes-or-no"/>
          <xs:attribute name="collation" type="xs:anyURI"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_name" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_match" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_use" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_composite" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_collation" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:assert test="exists(@name | @_name)"/>
          <xs:assert test="exists(@match | @_match)"/>
  <xs:element name="map"
      <xs:complexContent mixed="true">
        <xs:extension base="xsl:sequence-constructor">
          <xs:attribute name="on-duplicates" type="xsl:expression"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_on-duplicates" type="xs:string"/>
  <xs:element name="map-entry" substitutionGroup="xsl:instruction">
      <xs:complexContent mixed="true">
        <xs:extension base="xsl:sequence-constructor-and-select">
          <xs:attribute name="key" type="xsl:expression"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_key" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:assert test="exists(@key | @_key)"/>

  <xs:element name="matching-substring" type="xsl:sequence-constructor"/>

  <xs:element name="merge" substitutionGroup="xsl:instruction">
        <xs:extension base="xsl:element-only-versioned-element-type">
            <xs:element ref="xsl:merge-source" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
            <xs:element ref="xsl:merge-action" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
            <xs:element ref="xsl:fallback" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>

  <xs:element name="merge-action" type="xsl:sequence-constructor"/>

  <xs:element name="merge-key" substitutionGroup="xsl:instruction">
      <xs:complexContent mixed="true">
        <xs:extension base="xsl:versioned-element-type">
            <xs:group ref="xsl:sequence-constructor-group"
          <xs:attribute name="select" type="xsl:expression"/>
          <xs:attribute name="lang" type="xsl:avt"/>
          <xs:attribute name="order" type="xsl:avt"/>
          <xs:attribute name="collation" type="xs:anyURI"/>
          <xs:attribute name="case-order" type="xsl:avt"/>
          <xs:attribute name="data-type" type="xsl:avt"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_select" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_lang" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_order" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_collation" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_case-order" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_data-type" type="xs:string"/>

  <xs:element name="merge-source">
        <xs:extension base="xsl:element-only-versioned-element-type">
            <xs:element ref="xsl:merge-key" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
          <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName"/>
          <xs:attribute name="for-each-item" type="xsl:expression"/>
          <xs:attribute name="for-each-source" type="xsl:expression"/>
          <xs:attribute name="select" type="xsl:expression"/>
          <xs:attribute name="streamable" type="xsl:yes-or-no"/>
          <xs:attribute name="use-accumulators" type="xsl:accumulator-names"/>
          <xs:attribute name="sort-before-merge" type="xsl:yes-or-no"/>
          <xs:attribute name="type" type="xsl:EQName"/>
          <xs:attribute name="validation" type="xsl:validation-type"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_name" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_for-each-item" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_for-each-source" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_select" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_streamable" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_use-accumulators" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_sort-before-merge" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_type" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_validation" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:assert test="exists(@select | @_select)"/>

  <xs:element name="message" substitutionGroup="xsl:instruction">
      <xs:complexContent mixed="true">
        <xs:extension base="xsl:sequence-constructor">
          <xs:attribute name="select" type="xsl:expression"/>
          <xs:attribute name="terminate" type="xsl:avt" default="no"/>
          <xs:attribute name="error-code" type="xsl:avt"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_select" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_terminate" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_error-code" type="xs:string"/>

  <xs:element name="mode" substitutionGroup="xsl:declaration">
      <xs:complexContent mixed="false">
        <xs:extension base="xsl:element-only-versioned-element-type">
          <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
            <xs:element ref="xsl:template"/> 
            <xs:element ref="xsl:fallback"/> 
          <xs:attribute name="as" type="xsl:sequence-type"/>
          <xs:attribute name="name" type="xsl:EQName"/>
          <xs:attribute name="streamable" type="xsl:yes-or-no" default="no"/>
          <xs:attribute name="use-accumulators" type="xsl:accumulator-names"/>
          <xs:attribute name="on-no-match" type="xsl:on-no-match-type" default="shallow-skip"/>
          <xs:attribute name="on-multiple-match"
          <xs:attribute name="warning-on-no-match" type="xsl:yes-or-no"/>
          <xs:attribute name="warning-on-multiple-match" type="xsl:yes-or-no"/>
          <xs:attribute name="typed" type="xsl:typed-type"/>
          <xs:attribute name="visibility">
              <xs:restriction base="xsl:visibility-type">
                <xs:enumeration value="public"/>
                <xs:enumeration value="private"/>
                <xs:enumeration value="final"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_as" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_name" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_streamable" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_use-accumulators" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_on-no-match" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_on-multiple-match" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_warning-on-no-match" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_warning-on-multiple-match" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_typed" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_visibility" type="xs:string"/>

  <xs:element name="namespace" substitutionGroup="xsl:instruction">
      <xs:complexContent mixed="true">
        <xs:extension base="xsl:sequence-constructor-or-select">
          <xs:attribute name="name" type="xsl:avt"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_name" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:assert test="exists(@name | @_name)"/>

  <xs:element name="namespace-alias" substitutionGroup="xsl:declaration">
        <xs:extension base="xsl:element-only-versioned-element-type">
          <xs:attribute name="stylesheet-prefix" type="xsl:prefix-or-default"/>
          <xs:attribute name="result-prefix" type="xsl:prefix-or-default"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_stylesheet-prefix" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_result-prefix" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:assert test="exists(@stylesheet-prefix | @_stylesheet-prefix)"/>
          <xs:assert test="exists(@result-prefix | @_result-prefix)"/>
          <xs:assert test="every $prefix in (@stylesheet-prefix, @result-prefix)/normalize-space(.)[. ne '#default']
                           satisfies $prefix = in-scope-prefixes(.)"/>

  <xs:element name="next-iteration" substitutionGroup="xsl:instruction">
      <xs:complexContent mixed="true">
        <xs:extension base="xsl:element-only-versioned-element-type">
            <xs:element ref="xsl:with-param" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>

  <xs:element name="next-match" substitutionGroup="xsl:instruction">
        <xs:extension base="xsl:element-only-versioned-element-type">
          <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
            <xs:element ref="xsl:with-param"/>
            <xs:element ref="xsl:fallback"/>

  <xs:element name="non-matching-substring" type="xsl:sequence-constructor"/>
  <xs:element name="note" type="xs:anyType"/>

  <xs:element name="number" substitutionGroup="xsl:instruction">
      <xs:complexContent mixed="true">
        <xs:extension base="xsl:versioned-element-type">
          <xs:attribute name="value" type="xsl:expression"/>
          <xs:attribute name="select" type="xsl:expression"/>
          <xs:attribute name="level" type="xsl:level" default="single"/>
          <xs:attribute name="count" type="xsl:pattern"/>
          <xs:attribute name="from" type="xsl:pattern"/>
          <xs:attribute name="format" type="xsl:avt" default="1"/>
          <xs:attribute name="lang" type="xsl:avt"/>
          <xs:attribute name="letter-value" type="xsl:avt"/>
          <xs:attribute name="ordinal" type="xsl:avt"/>
          <xs:attribute name="start-at" type="xsl:avt"/>
          <xs:attribute name="grouping-separator" type="xsl:avt"/>
          <xs:attribute name="grouping-size" type="xsl:avt"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_value" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_select" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_level" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_count" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_from" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_format" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_lang" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_letter-value" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_ordinal" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_start-at" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_grouping-separator" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_grouping-size" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:assert test="if (exists(@value | @_value)) 
                           then empty((@select | @_select, @count | @_count, @from | @_from)) 
                            and (exists(@_level) or normalize-space(@level)='single') 
                           else true()">
                   It is a static error if the value attribute of <code>xsl:number</code> is
                   present unless the <code>select</code>, <code>level</code>, <code>count</code>, 
                   and <code>from</code> attributes are all absent.

  <xs:element name="on-completion" type="xsl:sequence-constructor-or-select"/>
  <xs:element name="on-empty"
  <xs:element name="on-non-empty"

  <xs:element name="otherwise" 

  <xs:element name="output" substitutionGroup="xsl:declaration">
      <xs:complexContent mixed="true">
        <xs:extension base="xsl:generic-element-type">
          <xs:attribute name="name" type="xsl:EQName"/>
          <xs:attribute name="method" type="xsl:method"/>
          <xs:attribute name="allow-duplicate-names" type="xsl:yes-or-no"/>
          <xs:attribute name="build-tree" type="xsl:yes-or-no"/>
          <xs:attribute name="byte-order-mark" type="xsl:yes-or-no"/>
          <xs:attribute name="cdata-section-elements" type="xsl:EQNames"/>
          <xs:attribute name="doctype-public" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="doctype-system" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="encoding" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="escape-solidus" type="xsl:yes-or-no"/>
          <xs:attribute name="escape-uri-attributes" type="xsl:yes-or-no"/>
          <xs:attribute name="html-version" type="xs:decimal"/>
          <xs:attribute name="include-content-type" type="xsl:yes-or-no"/>
          <xs:attribute name="indent" type="xsl:yes-or-no"/>
          <xs:attribute name="item-separator" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="json-node-output-method" type="xsl:method"/>
          <xs:attribute name="media-type" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="normalization-form" type="xs:NMTOKEN"/>
          <xs:attribute name="omit-xml-declaration" type="xsl:yes-or-no"/>
          <xs:attribute name="parameter-document" type="xs:anyURI"/>
          <xs:attribute name="standalone" type="xsl:yes-or-no-or-omit"/>
          <xs:attribute name="suppress-indentation" type="xsl:EQNames"/>
          <xs:attribute name="undeclare-prefixes" type="xsl:yes-or-no"/>
          <xs:attribute name="use-character-maps" type="xsl:EQNames"/>
          <xs:attribute name="version" type="xs:NMTOKEN"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_name" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_method" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_byte-order-mark" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_cdata-section-elements" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_doctype-public" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_doctype-system" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_encoding" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_escape-solidus" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_escape-uri-attributes" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_html-version" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_include-content-type" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_indent" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_item-separator" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_media-type" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_normalization-form" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_omit-xml-declaration" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_parameter-document" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_standalone" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_suppress-indentation" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_undeclare-prefixes" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_use-character-maps" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_version" type="xs:string"/>

  <xs:element name="output-character">
        <xs:extension base="xsl:element-only-versioned-element-type">
          <xs:attribute name="character" type="xsl:char"/>
          <xs:attribute name="string" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_character" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_string" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:assert test="exists(@character | @_character)"/>
          <xs:assert test="exists(@string | @_string)"/>
  <xs:element name="override">
        <p>This element appears as a child of <code>xsl:use-package</code> and defines 
            any overriding definitions of components that the containing package wishes to make 
            to the components made available from a library package.</p>
        <xs:extension base="xsl:element-only-versioned-element-type">
          <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
            <xs:element ref="xsl:template"/>
            <xs:element ref="xsl:function"/>
            <xs:element ref="xsl:variable"/>
            <xs:element ref="xsl:param"/>
            <xs:element ref="xsl:attribute-set"/>
  <xs:element name="package">
        <xs:extension base="xsl:element-only-versioned-element-type">
            <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
              <xs:element ref="xsl:expose"/>
              <xs:element ref="xsl:declaration"/>
              <xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
          <xs:attribute name="declared-modes" type="xsl:yes-or-no"/>
          <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID"/>
          <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:anyURI"/>
          <xs:attribute name="package-version" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="input-type-annotations" type="xsl:input-type-annotations-type"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_declared-modes" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_id" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_name" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_package-version" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_input-type-annotations" type="xs:string"/>

  <xs:element name="param" substitutionGroup="xsl:declaration">
        <p>Declaration of the <code>xsl:param</code> element, used both defining function
            parameters, template parameters, parameters to <code>xsl:iterate</code>,
            and global stylesheet parameters.</p>
      <xs:complexContent mixed="true">
        <xs:extension base="xsl:sequence-constructor-or-select">
          <xs:attribute name="name" type="xsl:EQName"/>
          <xs:attribute name="as" type="xsl:sequence-type"/>
          <xs:attribute name="required" type="xsl:yes-or-no"/>
          <xs:attribute name="tunnel" type="xsl:yes-or-no"/>
          <xs:attribute name="static" type="xsl:yes-or-no"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_name" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_as" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_required" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_tunnel" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_static" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:assert test="exists(@name | @_name)"/>
          <xs:assert test="if (normalize-space(@static) = ('yes', 'true', '1')) 
                           then empty((*,text())) 
                           else true()">
                   When the attribute <code>static="yes"</code> is specified, the <code>xsl:param</code>
                   element must have empty content.


  <xs:element name="perform-sort" substitutionGroup="xsl:instruction">
      <xs:complexContent mixed="true">
        <xs:extension base="xsl:versioned-element-type">
            <xs:element ref="xsl:sort" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
            <xs:group ref="xsl:sequence-constructor-group"
          <xs:attribute name="select" type="xsl:expression"/>
          <xs:assert test="every $e in subsequence(xsl:sort, 2) 
                           satisfies empty($e/(@stable | @_stable))">
                   It is a static error if an <code>xsl:sort</code> element other than the first
                   in a sequence of sibling <code>xsl:sort</code> elements has a <code>stable</code>

  <xs:element name="preserve-space" substitutionGroup="xsl:declaration">
        <xs:extension base="xsl:element-only-versioned-element-type">
          <xs:attribute name="elements" type="xsl:nametests"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_elements" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:assert test="exists(@elements | @_elements)"/>

  <xs:element name="processing-instruction" substitutionGroup="xsl:instruction">
      <xs:complexContent mixed="true">
        <xs:extension base="xsl:sequence-constructor-or-select">
          <xs:attribute name="name" type="xsl:avt"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_name" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:assert test="exists(@name | @_name)"/>

  <xs:element name="result-document" substitutionGroup="xsl:instruction">
      <xs:complexContent mixed="true">
        <xs:extension base="xsl:sequence-constructor">
          <xs:attribute name="format" type="xsl:avt"/>
          <xs:attribute name="href" type="xsl:avt"/>
          <xs:attribute name="type" type="xsl:EQName"/>
          <xs:attribute name="validation" type="xsl:validation-type"/>
          <xs:attribute name="method" type="xsl:avt"/>
          <xs:attribute name="allow-duplicate-names" type="xsl:avt"/>
          <xs:attribute name="build-tree" type="xsl:avt"/>
          <xs:attribute name="byte-order-mark" type="xsl:avt"/>
          <xs:attribute name="cdata-section-elements" type="xsl:avt"/>
          <xs:attribute name="doctype-public" type="xsl:avt"/>
          <xs:attribute name="doctype-system" type="xsl:avt"/>
          <xs:attribute name="encoding" type="xsl:avt"/>
          <xs:attribute name="escape-solidus" type="xsl:avt"/>
          <xs:attribute name="escape-uri-attributes" type="xsl:avt"/>
          <xs:attribute name="html-version" type="xsl:avt"/>
          <xs:attribute name="include-content-type" type="xsl:avt"/>
          <xs:attribute name="indent" type="xsl:avt"/>
          <xs:attribute name="item-separator" type="xsl:avt"/>
          <xs:attribute name="json-node-output-method" type="xsl:avt"/>
          <xs:attribute name="media-type" type="xsl:avt"/>
          <xs:attribute name="normalization-form" type="xsl:avt"/>
          <xs:attribute name="omit-xml-declaration" type="xsl:avt"/>
          <xs:attribute name="parameter-document" type="xsl:avt"/>
          <xs:attribute name="standalone" type="xsl:avt"/>
          <xs:attribute name="suppress-indentation" type="xsl:avt"/>
          <xs:attribute name="undeclare-prefixes" type="xsl:avt"/>
          <xs:attribute name="use-character-maps" type="xsl:EQNames"/>
          <xs:attribute name="output-version" type="xsl:avt"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_format" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_href" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_type" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_validation" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_method" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_byte-order-mark" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_cdata-section-elements" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_doctype-public" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_doctype-system" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_encoding" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_escape-solidus" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_escape-uri-attributes" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_html-version" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_include-content-type" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_indent" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_item-separator" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_media-type" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_normalization-form" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_omit-xml-declaration" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_parameter-document" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_standalone" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_suppress-indentation" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_undeclare-prefixes" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_use-character-maps" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_output-version" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:assert test="not(exists(@type | @_type) and exists(@validation | @_validation))">
                <p>The <code>type</code> and <code>validation</code> attributes are mutually exclusive
                  (if one is present, the other must be absent).</p>
  <xs:element name="sequence"

  <xs:element name="sort">
      <xs:complexContent mixed="true">
        <xs:extension base="xsl:sequence-constructor-or-select">
          <xs:attribute name="lang" type="xsl:avt"/>
          <xs:attribute name="data-type" type="xsl:avt"/>
          <xs:attribute name="order" type="xsl:avt" default="ascending"/>
          <xs:attribute name="case-order" type="xsl:avt"/>
          <xs:attribute name="collation" type="xsl:avt"/>
          <xs:attribute name="stable" type="xsl:avt"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_lang" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_data-type" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_order" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_case-order" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_collation" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_stable" type="xs:string"/>
  <xs:element name="source-document" substitutionGroup="xsl:instruction">
        <xs:extension base="xsl:sequence-constructor">
          <xs:attribute name="href" type="xsl:avt"/>
          <xs:attribute name="streamable" type="xsl:yes-or-no" default="no"/>
          <xs:attribute name="use-accumulators" type="xsl:accumulator-names"/>
          <xs:attribute name="type" type="xsl:EQName"/>
          <xs:attribute name="validation" type="xsl:validation-type"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_href" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_streamable" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_use-accumulators" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_type" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_validation" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:assert test="exists(@href | @_href)"/>
          <xs:assert test="not(exists(@type | @_type) and exists(@validation | @_validation))">
                <p>The <code>type</code> and <code>validation</code> attributes are mutually exclusive
                  (if one is present, the other must be absent).</p>

  <xs:element name="strip-space" substitutionGroup="xsl:declaration">
        <xs:extension base="xsl:element-only-versioned-element-type">
          <xs:attribute name="elements" type="xsl:nametests"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_elements" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:assert test="exists(@elements | @_elements)"/>

  <xs:element name="stylesheet" substitutionGroup="xsl:transform"/>

  <xs:element name="switch" substitutionGroup="xsl:instruction">
        <xs:extension base="xsl:element-only-versioned-element-type">
            <xs:element ref="xsl:when" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
            <xs:element ref="xsl:otherwise" minOccurs="0"/>
          <xs:attribute name="select" type="xsl:expression"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_select" type="xsl:avt"/>
          <xs:assert test="exists(@select | @_select)"/>
  <xs:element name="template" substitutionGroup="xsl:declaration">
      <xs:complexContent mixed="true">
        <xs:extension base="xsl:versioned-element-type">
            <xs:element ref="xsl:context-item" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
            <xs:element ref="xsl:param" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
            <xs:group ref="xsl:sequence-constructor-group"
          <xs:attribute name="match" type="xsl:pattern"/>
          <xs:attribute name="priority" type="xs:decimal"/>
          <xs:attribute name="mode" type="xsl:modes"/>
          <xs:attribute name="name" type="xsl:EQName"/>
          <xs:attribute name="as" type="xsl:sequence-type" default="item()*"/>
          <xs:attribute name="visibility" type="xsl:visibility-type"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_match" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_priority" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_mode" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_name" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_as" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_visibility" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:assert test="exists(@match | @_match) or exists(@name | @_name)">
                   An <code>xsl:template</code> element must have either a <code>match</code> attribute or a
                   <code>name</code> attribute, or both.
          <xs:assert test="if (empty(@match | @_match)) 
                           then (empty(@mode | @_mode) and empty(@priority | @_priority)) 
                           else true()">
                   An <code>xsl:template</code> element that has no <code>match</code> attribute must have no
                   <code>mode</code> attribute and no <code>priority</code> attribute.
          <xs:assert test="not(exists(@visibility | @_visibility) and empty(@name | @_name))">
                   An <code>xsl:template</code> element that has no <code>name</code> attribute must have no
                   <code>visibility</code> attribute
          <xs:assert test="if (normalize-space(@visibility) = 'abstract') 
                           then empty(* except (xsl:context-item, xsl:param)) 
                           else true()">
                   If the <code>visibility</code> attribute is present with the value <code>abstract</code>
                   then (a) the sequence constructor defining the template body
                   must be empty: that is, the only permitted children are
                   <code>xsl:context-item</code> and <code>xsl:param</code>
          <xs:assert test="not(normalize-space(@visibility) = 'abstract' and exists(@match))">
                   If the <code>visibility</code> attribute is present with the value <code>abstract</code>
                   then there must be no <code>match</code> attribute.
          <xs:assert test="every $e in xsl:param satisfies empty($e/(@visibility | @_visibility))">
                <p>A parameter for a template must have no <code>visibility</code> attribute.</p>

  <xs:complexType name="text-element-base-type">
      <xs:restriction base="xsl:versioned-element-type">
          <xs:restriction base="xs:string"/>
        <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>

  <xs:complexType name="text-element-type">
      <xs:extension base="xsl:text-element-base-type">
        <xs:attribute name="disable-output-escaping" type="xsl:yes-or-no" default="no"/>
        <xs:attribute name="_disable-output-escaping" type="xs:string"/>

  <xs:element name="text"

  <xs:complexType name="transform-element-base-type">
      <xs:restriction base="xsl:element-only-versioned-element-type">
        <xs:attribute name="version" type="xs:decimal" use="optional"/>
        <xs:attribute name="_version" type="xs:string">
                 The version attribute indicates the version of XSLT that the
                 stylesheet module requires. The attribute is required, unless the
                 <code>xsl:stylesheet</code> element is a child of an <code>xsl:package</code> element, in
                 which case it is optional: the default is then taken from the
                 parent <code>xsl:package</code> element.
        <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>

  <xs:element name="transform">
        <xs:extension base="xsl:transform-element-base-type">
            <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
              <xs:element ref="xsl:declaration"/>
              <xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
              <!-- weaker than XSLT 1.0 -->
          <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID"/>
          <xs:attribute name="input-type-annotations"
          <xs:attribute name="_id" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_input-type-annotations" type="xs:string"/>
          <!--* The 'static' attribute may be used on 'param' and 'variable'
              * only when they are top-level elements. *-->
          <xs:assert test="every $v in (.//xsl:param, .//xsl:variable)[exists(@static | @_static)] 
                           satisfies $v[parent::xsl:stylesheet or parent::xsl:transform or parent::xsl:override]">
                   The static attribute must not be present on an <code>xsl:variable</code> or
                   <code>xsl:param</code> element unless it is a top-level element.
          <xs:assert test="every $prefix in (@exclude-result-prefixes[not(. = '#all')], 
                           satisfies ((if ($prefix = '#default') then '' else $prefix) = in-scope-prefixes(.))">
                   XTSE0808: It is a static error if a namespace prefix is used
                   within the <code>[xsl:]exclude-result-prefixes</code> attribute and there is
                   no namespace binding in scope for that prefix.
                   XTSE0809: It is a static error if the value #default is used
                   within the <code>[xsl:]exclude-result-prefixes</code> attribute and the
                   parent element of the <code>[xsl:]exclude-result-prefixes</code> attribute
                   has no default namespace.

  <xs:element name="try" substitutionGroup="xsl:instruction">
      <xs:complexContent mixed="true">
        <xs:extension base="xsl:versioned-element-type">
            <xs:group ref="xsl:sequence-constructor-group"
            <xs:element ref="xsl:catch" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
            <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
              <xs:element ref="xsl:catch"/>
              <xs:element ref="xsl:fallback"/>
          <xs:attribute name="rollback-output" type="xsl:yes-or-no" default="yes"/>
          <xs:attribute name="select" type="xsl:expression" use="optional"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_rollback-output" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_select" type="xs:string"/>
  <xs:element name="use-package" substitutionGroup="xsl:declaration">
        <p>This element appears as a child of <code>xsl:package</code> and defines a dependency
            of the containing package on another package, identified by URI in the <code>name</code>
            attribute. The <code>package-version</code> attribute indicates which version of the
            library package is required, or may indicate a range of versions.</p>
      <xs:complexContent mixed="false">
        <xs:extension base="xsl:element-only-versioned-element-type">
          <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
            <xs:element ref="xsl:accept"/>
            <xs:element ref="xsl:override"/>
          <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:anyURI"/>
          <xs:attribute name="package-version" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_name" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_package-version" type="xs:string"/>

  <xs:element name="value-of" substitutionGroup="xsl:instruction">
      <xs:complexContent mixed="true">
        <xs:extension base="xsl:sequence-constructor-or-select">
          <xs:attribute name="separator" type="xsl:avt"/>
          <xs:attribute name="disable-output-escaping" type="xsl:yes-or-no" default="no"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_separator" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_disable-output-escaping" type="xs:string"/>

  <xs:element name="variable" substitutionGroup="xsl:declaration xsl:instruction">
        <p>Declaration of the <code>xsl:variable</code> element, used both for local
            and global variable bindings.</p>
           This definition takes advantage of the ability in XSD 1.1 for an element
           to belong to more than one substitution group. A global variable is a
           declaration, while a local variable can appear as an instruction in a
           sequence constructor.
      <xs:complexContent mixed="true">
        <xs:extension base="xsl:sequence-constructor-or-select">
          <xs:attribute name="name" type="xsl:EQName"/>
          <xs:attribute name="as" type="xsl:sequence-type"/>
          <xs:attribute name="visibility" type="xsl:visibility-type"/>
          <xs:attribute name="static" type="xsl:yes-or-no"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_name" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_as" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_visibility" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_static" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:assert test="exists(@name | @_name)"/>
          <xs:assert test="if (normalize-space(@static) = ('yes', 'true', '1')) 
                           then (exists(@_visibility) or normalize-space(@visibility) 
                                       = ('', 'private', 'final')) 
                           else true()">
                   When the static attribute is present with the value yes, the
                   visibility attribute must not have a value other than private or
          <xs:assert test="if (normalize-space(@static) = ('yes', 'true', '1')) 
                           then (empty((*, text())) and exists(@select | @_select)) 
                           else true()">
                   When the attribute <code>static="yes"</code> is specified, the <code>xsl:variable</code>
                   element must have empty content, and the <code>select</code> attribute must
                   be present to define the value of the variable.

  <xs:element name="when">
      <xs:complexContent mixed="true">
        <xs:extension base="xsl:sequence-constructor">
          <xs:attribute name="select" type="xsl:expression"/>
          <xs:attribute name="test" type="xsl:expression"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_select" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_test" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:assert test="exists(@test | @_test)"/>
          <xs:assert test="not(exists(@select | @_select) and 
            (exists(* except xsl:fallback) or exists(text()[normalize-space()])))"/>
  <xs:element name="where-populated"

  <xs:element name="with-param">
      <xs:complexContent mixed="true">
        <xs:extension base="xsl:sequence-constructor-or-select">
          <xs:attribute name="name" type="xsl:EQName"/>
          <xs:attribute name="as" type="xsl:sequence-type"/>
          <xs:attribute name="tunnel" type="xsl:yes-or-no"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_name" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_as" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:attribute name="_tunnel" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:assert test="exists(@name | @_name)"/>

  <!-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
    <xs:documentation> PART C: definition of literal result elements There are three ways to define
      the literal result elements permissible in a stylesheet. (a) do nothing. This allows any
      element to be used as a literal result element, provided it is not in the XSLT namespace (b)
      declare all permitted literal result elements as members of the <code>xsl:literal-result-element</code>
      substitution group (c) redefine the model group xsl:result-elements to accommodate all
      permitted literal result elements. Literal result elements are allowed to take certain
      attributes in the XSLT namespace. These are defined in the attribute group
      <code>literal-result-element-attributes</code>, which can be included in the definition of any literal
      result element. </xs:documentation>
  <!-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->

  <xs:element name="literal-result-element" abstract="true" type="xs:anyType"/>

  <xs:attributeGroup name="literal-result-element-attributes">
    <xs:attribute name="default-collation" form="qualified" type="xsl:uri-list"/>
    <xs:attribute name="default-mode" type="xsl:default-mode-type"/>
    <xs:attribute name="default-validation"
    <xs:attribute name="expand-text" type="xsl:yes-or-no"/>
    <xs:attribute name="extension-element-prefixes" form="qualified" type="xsl:prefixes"/>
    <xs:attribute name="exclude-result-prefixes" form="qualified" type="xsl:prefixes"/>
    <xs:attribute name="xpath-default-namespace" form="qualified" type="xs:anyURI"/>
    <xs:attribute name="inherit-namespaces"
    <xs:attribute name="use-attribute-sets"
    <xs:attribute name="use-when" form="qualified" type="xsl:expression"/>
    <xs:attribute name="version" form="qualified" type="xs:decimal"/>
    <xs:attribute name="type" form="qualified" type="xsl:EQName"/>
    <xs:attribute name="validation" form="qualified" type="xsl:validation-type"/>

  <xs:group name="result-elements">
      <xs:element ref="xsl:literal-result-element"/>
      <xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
      <xs:any namespace="##local" processContents="lax"/>

  <!-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
         PART D: definitions of simple types used in stylesheet attributes
  <!-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->

  <xs:simpleType name="accumulator-names">
           The <code>use-accumulators</code> attribute of <code>xsl:source-document</code>, 
           <code>xsl:merge-source</code>, or <code>xsl:global-context-item</code>: 
           either a list, each member being a QName; or the value <code>#all</code>
        <xs:list itemType="xsl:EQName"/>
        <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
          <xs:enumeration value="#all"/>
  <xs:simpleType name="avt">
           This type is used for all attributes that allow an attribute value
           template. The general rules for the syntax of attribute value templates,
           and the specific rules for each such attribute, are described in the
           XSLT 4.0 Recommendation.
    <xs:restriction base="xs:string"/>
  <xs:simpleType name="char">
           A string containing exactly one character.
    <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
      <xs:length value="1"/>
   <xs:simpleType name="component-kind-type">
           Describes a kind of component within a package.
    <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
      <xs:enumeration value="template"/>
      <xs:enumeration value="function"/>
      <xs:enumeration value="variable"/>
      <xs:enumeration value="attribute-set"/>
      <xs:enumeration value="mode"/>
      <xs:enumeration value="*"/>
  <xs:simpleType name="default-mode-type">
           The <code>default-mode</code> attribute of <code>xsl:stylesheet</code>, 
           <code>xsl:transform</code>, <code>xsl:package</code>
           (or any other xsl:* element): either a QName or #unnamed.
    <xs:union memberTypes="xsl:EQName">
        <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
          <xs:enumeration value="#unnamed"/>
  <xs:simpleType name="component-test">
        <p> A NameTest or a named function reference. </p>
    <xs:union memberTypes="xsl:nametest xsl:named-function-reference"/>

  <xs:simpleType name="component-tests">
        <p> A list of NameTests or named function references</p>
    <xs:list itemType="xsl:component-test"/>

  <xs:simpleType name="expression">
           An XPath 4.0 expression.
    <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
      <xs:pattern value=".+"/>

  <xs:simpleType name="item-type">
           An XPath 4.0 ItemType
    <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
      <xs:pattern value=".+"/>

  <xs:simpleType name="input-type-annotations-type">
           Describes how type annotations in source documents are handled.
    <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
      <xs:enumeration value="preserve"/>
      <xs:enumeration value="strip"/>
      <xs:enumeration value="unspecified"/>

  <xs:simpleType name="level">
           The <code>level</code> attribute of <code>xsl:number</code>: 
           one of <code>single</code>, <code>multiple</code>, or <code>any</code>.
    <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
      <xs:enumeration value="single"/>
      <xs:enumeration value="multiple"/>
      <xs:enumeration value="any"/>

  <xs:simpleType name="mode">
           The <code>mode</code> attribute of <code>xsl:apply-templates</code>: 
           either a QName, or <code>#current</code>,
           or <code>#unnamed</code>, or <code>#default</code>.
    <xs:union memberTypes="xsl:EQName">
        <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
          <xs:enumeration value="#default"/>
          <xs:enumeration value="#unnamed"/>
          <xs:enumeration value="#current"/>

  <xs:simpleType name="modes">
           The <code>mode</code> attribute of <code>xsl:template</code>: either a list, each member being
           either a QName or <code>#default</code> or <code>#unnamed</code>; or the value <code>#all</code>
                <xs:union memberTypes="xsl:EQName">
                    <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
                      <xs:enumeration value="#default"/>
                      <xs:enumeration value="#unnamed"/>
          <xs:assertion test="count($value) = count(distinct-values($value))">
                   XTSE0550: It is a static error if the same token is included
                   more than once in the list.
        <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
          <xs:enumeration value="#all"/>

   <xs:simpleType name="named-function-reference">
        <p> In simple terms, this is an EQName followed by "#arity" where "arity" is a non-negative integer. However,
          XSD doesn't allow us to reuse the definition of EQName in this way, so it has to be defined from scratch. The simplest
          way to do this is with an assertion. However, the assertion cannot exploit types such as <code>xsl:EQName</code> defined in this
    <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
      <xs:pattern value="((Q\{.*\})|([\i-[:]][\c-[:]]*:))?[\i-[:]][\c-[:]]*#[0-9]+"/>
  <xs:simpleType name="nametest">
        <p> A list of NameTests, as defined in the XPath 31 Recommendation. Each NameTest is either
          an EQName, or "*", or "prefix:*", or "*:localname", or the wildcard Q{uri}*. </p>
    <xs:union memberTypes="xsl:EQName">
        <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
          <xs:enumeration value="*"/>
        <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
          <xs:pattern value="[\i-[:]][\c-[:]]*:\*"/>
          <xs:pattern value="\*:[\i-[:]][\c-[:]]*"/>
          <xs:pattern value="Q\{[^}]*\}\*"/>

  <xs:simpleType name="nametests">
        <p> A list of NameTests, as defined in the XPath 4.0 Recommendation. Each NameTest is either
          a QName, or "*", or "prefix:*", or "*:localname" </p>
    <xs:list itemType="xsl:nametest"/>
  <xs:simpleType name="on-multiple-match-type">
           Describes the action to be taken when there are several template rules
           to match an item in a given mode.
    <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
      <xs:enumeration value="use-last"/>
      <xs:enumeration value="fail"/>
  <xs:simpleType name="on-no-match-type">
           Describes the action to be taken when there is no template rule to match
           an item in a given mode.
    <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
      <xs:enumeration value="deep-copy"/>
      <xs:enumeration value="shallow-copy"/>
      <xs:enumeration value="deep-skip"/>
      <xs:enumeration value="shallow-skip"/>
      <xs:enumeration value="text-only-copy"/>
      <xs:enumeration value="fail"/>

  <xs:simpleType name="prefixes">
    <xs:list itemType="xs:NCName"/>

  <xs:simpleType name="prefix-list-or-all">
    <xs:union memberTypes="xsl:prefix-list">
        <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
          <xs:enumeration value="#all"/>

  <xs:simpleType name="prefix-list">
    <xs:list itemType="xsl:prefix-or-default"/>

  <xs:simpleType name="method">
           The <code>method</code> attribute of <code>xsl:output</code>: Either one of the recognized names
           "xml", "xhtml", "html", "text", "json", or "adaptive",
            or a QName that must include a prefix.
        <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
          <xs:enumeration value="xml"/>
          <xs:enumeration value="xhtml"/>
          <xs:enumeration value="html"/>
          <xs:enumeration value="text"/>
          <xs:enumeration value="json"/>
          <xs:enumeration value="adaptive"/>
        <xs:restriction base="xsl:EQName">
          <xs:pattern value="\c*:\c*"/>

  <xs:simpleType name="pattern">
           A match pattern as defined in the XSLT 4.0 Recommendation. The syntax
           for patterns is a restricted form of the syntax for XPath 4.0
    <xs:restriction base="xsl:expression"/>

  <xs:simpleType name="prefix-or-default">
           Either a namespace prefix, or <code>#default</code>. Used in the <code>xsl:namespace-alias</code>
    <xs:union memberTypes="xs:NCName">
        <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
          <xs:enumeration value="#default"/>

  <xs:simpleType name="EQNames">
           A list of QNames. Used in the <code>[xsl:]use-attribute-sets</code> attribute of
           various elements, and in the <code>cdata-section-elements</code> attribute of
    <xs:list itemType="xsl:EQName"/>

  <xs:simpleType name="EQName">
           An extended QName. This schema does not use the built-in type <code>xs:QName</code>,
           but rather defines its own QName type. This may be either a local name,
           or a prefixed QName, or a name written using the extended QName notation
           Although <code>xs:QName</code> would define the correct validation on these
           attributes, a schema processor would expand unprefixed QNames
           incorrectly when constructing the PSVI, because (as defined in XML
           Schema errata) an unprefixed <code>xs:QName</code> is assumed to be in the default
           namespace, which is not the correct assumption for XSLT. The datatype is
           therefore defined as a union of NCName and QName, so that an unprefixed
           name will be validated as an NCName and will therefore not be treated as
           having the semantics of an unprefixed xs:QName.
    <xs:union memberTypes="xs:NCName xs:QName">
        <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
          <xs:pattern value="Q\{[^{}]*\}[\i-[:]][\c-[:]]*"/>
  <xs:simpleType name="EQName-in-namespace">
           A subtype of EQNames that excludes no-namespace names
    <xs:restriction base="xsl:EQName">
      <xs:pattern value="Q\{.+\}.+|\i\c*:.+"/>
  <xs:simpleType name="sequence-type">
           The description of a datatype, conforming to the SequenceType production
           defined in the XPath 4.0 Recommendation
    <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
      <xs:pattern value=".+"/>
  <xs:simpleType name="streamability-type">
           Describes the category to which a function belongs, with regards to its
           streaming behavior.
    <xs:union memberTypes="xsl:EQName-in-namespace">
        <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
          <xs:enumeration value="unclassified"/>
          <xs:enumeration value="absorbing"/>
          <xs:enumeration value="inspection"/>
          <xs:enumeration value="filter"/>
          <xs:enumeration value="shallow-descent"/>
          <xs:enumeration value="deep-descent"/>
          <xs:enumeration value="ascent"/>
  <xs:simpleType name="typed-type">
           Describes whether a mode is designed to match typed or untyped nodes.
    <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
      <xs:enumeration value="yes"/>
      <xs:enumeration value="no"/>
      <xs:enumeration value="true"/>
      <xs:enumeration value="false"/>
      <xs:enumeration value="1"/>
      <xs:enumeration value="0"/>
      <xs:enumeration value="strict"/>
      <xs:enumeration value="lax"/>
      <xs:enumeration value="unspecified"/>

  <xs:simpleType name="uri-list">
    <xs:list itemType="xs:anyURI"/>

  <xs:simpleType name="validation-strip-or-preserve">
           Describes different ways of type-annotating an element or attribute.
    <xs:restriction base="xsl:validation-type">
      <xs:enumeration value="preserve"/>
      <xs:enumeration value="strip"/>

  <xs:simpleType name="validation-type">
           Describes different ways of type-annotating an element or attribute.
    <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
      <xs:enumeration value="strict"/>
      <xs:enumeration value="lax"/>
      <xs:enumeration value="preserve"/>
      <xs:enumeration value="strip"/>
  <xs:simpleType name="visibility-type">
           Describes the visibility of a component within a package.
    <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
      <xs:enumeration value="public"/>
      <xs:enumeration value="private"/>
      <xs:enumeration value="final"/>
      <xs:enumeration value="abstract"/>
      <xs:enumeration value="hidden"/>
  <xs:simpleType name="visibility-not-hidden-type">
           Describes the visibility of a component within a package.
    <xs:restriction base="xsl:visibility-type">
      <xs:enumeration value="public"/>
      <xs:enumeration value="private"/>
      <xs:enumeration value="final"/>
      <xs:enumeration value="abstract"/>

  <xs:simpleType name="yes-or-no">
           One of the values "yes" or "no": the values "true" or "false", or "1" or
           "0" are accepted as synonyms.
    <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
      <xs:enumeration value="yes"/>
      <xs:enumeration value="no"/>
      <xs:enumeration value="true"/>
      <xs:enumeration value="false"/>
      <xs:enumeration value="1"/>
      <xs:enumeration value="0"/>
  <xs:simpleType name="yes-or-no-or-maybe">
           One of the values "yes" or "no" or "omit". The values "true" or "false",
           or "1" or "0" are accepted as synonyms of "yes" and "no" respectively.
    <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
      <xs:enumeration value="yes"/>
      <xs:enumeration value="no"/>
      <xs:enumeration value="true"/>
      <xs:enumeration value="false"/>
      <xs:enumeration value="1"/>
      <xs:enumeration value="0"/>
      <xs:enumeration value="maybe"/>

  <xs:simpleType name="yes-or-no-or-omit">
           One of the values "yes" or "no" or "omit". The values "true" or "false",
           or "1" or "0" are accepted as synonyms of "yes" and "no" respectively.
    <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
      <xs:enumeration value="yes"/>
      <xs:enumeration value="no"/>
      <xs:enumeration value="true"/>
      <xs:enumeration value="false"/>
      <xs:enumeration value="1"/>
      <xs:enumeration value="0"/>
      <xs:enumeration value="omit"/>
  <xs:simpleType name="zero-digit">
           A digit that has the numerical value zero.
    <xs:restriction base="xsl:char">
      <xs:pattern value="\p{Nd}"/>
      <xs:assertion test="matches(string-join(codepoints-to-string(
           for $i in 0 to 9 return string-to-codepoints($value) + $i), ''), '\p{Nd}{10}')"/>


H.2 Relax-NG Schema for XSLT Stylesheets

The following Relax-NG schema may be used to validate XSLT 4.0 stylesheet modules. Similar caveats apply as for the XSD 1.1 version.

A copy of this schema is available at schema-for-xslt30.rnc

TODO: Needs updating for 4.0.

# XSLT 3.0 Relax NG Schema
# Copyright (c) 2010-2016, Mohamed ZERGAOUI (Innovimax)
# All rights reserved.
# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
# Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
# Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
# Neither the name of the Mohamed ZERGAOUI or Innovimax nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
namespace local = ""
default namespace xsl = ""
namespace xs = ""

start =
  | transform.element
  | package.element  
  | literal-result-element-as-stylesheet
sequence-constructor.model = (instruction.category | literal-result-element | text)*

literal-result-element-as-stylesheet =
  element * - xsl:* {
    attribute xsl:version { decimal.datatype },

literal-result-element =
  element * - xsl:* {

literal-result-element.atts =
  attribute xsl:version { text }?

# These attributes may also appear on a literal result element, but in this case, to distinguish them from user-defined attributes, 
# the names of the attributes are in the XSLT namespace. They are thus typically written as 
# xsl:default-collation,
# xsl:default-mode,
# xsl:default-validation,
# xsl:exclude-result-prefixes,
# xsl:expand-text,
# xsl:extension-element-prefixes,
# xsl:use-when,
# xsl:version,
# or xsl:xpath-default-namespace.
literal-result-element-no-version.atts =
   attribute * - xsl:* { avt.datatype }*
 & attribute xsl:default-collation { uris.datatype }?
 & attribute xsl:default-mode { eqname.datatype | '#unnamed' }?
 & attribute xsl:default-validation  { "preserve" | "strip" }?
 & attribute xsl:exclude-result-prefixes { exclude.prefixes.datatype }? # or prefixes.datatype ?
 & attribute xsl:expand-text { boolean.datatype }?
 & attribute xsl:extension-element-prefixes { extension.prefixes.datatype }? # or prefixes.datatype ?
 & attribute xsl:inherit-namespaces { boolean.datatype }?
 & attribute xsl:on-empty { expression.datatype }?
 & attribute xsl:use-attribute-sets { eqnames.datatype }?
 & attribute xsl:use-when { expression.datatype }?
 & attribute xsl:xpath-default-namespace { xsd:anyURI }?
 & (attribute xsl:type { eqname.datatype }
    | attribute xsl:validation { "strict" | "lax" | "preserve" | "strip" })?

top-level-extension =
  element * - (xsl:* | local:*) {

anyElement =
   grammar {
      start = any
      any =
        (attribute * { text }
         | text
         | element * { any })*
extension.atts = attribute * - (xsl:* | local:*) { text }*

declarations.model = (declaration.category | top-level-extension)*

# [Definition: There are a number of standard attributes that may appear on any XSLT element: specifically 
# default-collation, 
# default-mode, 
# default-validation, 
# exclude-result-prefixes, 
# expand-text, 
# extension-element-prefixes, 
# use-when, 
# version, 
# and xpath-default-namespace.]

global.atts = 
   attribute default-collation { uris.datatype }?,
   attribute _default-collation { avt.datatype }?,
   attribute default-mode { eqname.datatype | '#unnamed' }?,
   attribute _default-mode { avt.datatype }?,
   attribute default-validation  { "preserve" | "strip" }?,
   attribute _default-validation { avt.datatype }?,   
   attribute exclude-result-prefixes { exclude.prefixes.datatype }?,
   attribute _exclude-result-prefixes { avt.datatype }?, # or prefixes.datatype ?
   attribute expand-text { boolean.datatype }?,
   attribute _expand-text { avt.datatype }?,
   attribute extension-element-prefixes { extension.prefixes.datatype }?,
   attribute _extension-element-prefixes { avt.datatype }?, # or prefixes.datatype ?
   attribute use-when { expression.datatype }?,
   attribute _use-when { avt.datatype }?,
   attribute version { decimal.datatype }?,
   attribute _version { avt.datatype }?,
   attribute xpath-default-namespace { uri.datatype }?,
   attribute _xpath-default-namespace { avt.datatype }?

global.atts.except.version = 
   attribute default-collation { uris.datatype }?,
   attribute _default-collation { avt.datatype }?,
   attribute exclude-result-prefixes { exclude.prefixes.datatype }?,
   attribute _exclude-result-prefixes { avt.datatype }?, # or prefixes.datatype ?
   attribute expand-text { boolean.datatype }?,
   attribute _expand-text { avt.datatype }?,
   attribute extension-element-prefixes { extension.prefixes.datatype }?,
   attribute _extension-element-prefixes { avt.datatype }?, # or prefixes.datatype ?
   attribute use-when { expression.datatype }?,
   attribute _use-when { avt.datatype }?,
   attribute xpath-default-namespace { uri.datatype }?,
   attribute _xpath-default-namespace { avt.datatype }?

qname.datatype = xsd:QName
# Extract from XPath 3.0
#[94]   EQName           ::= QName | URIQualifiedName
#[104]  QName            ::= []Names
#[105]  NCName           ::= []Names
#[99]   URIQualifiedName ::= BracedURILiteral NCName
#[100]  BracedURILiteral ::= "Q" "{" [^{}]* "}" = xsd:token { pattern = "Q\{[^\{\}]*\}[\i-[:]][\c-[:]]*" } 
qname.strict = xsd:token { pattern = "[\i-[:]][\c-[:]]:[\i-[:]][\c-[:]]" }
eqname.datatype = xsd:QName | | qname.strict 
qnames.datatype = list { qname.datatype* }
eqnames.datatype = list { eqname.datatype* }
ncname.datatype = xsd:NCName
prefix.datatype = xsd:NCName
boolean.datatype = "yes" | "no" | "true" | "false" | "0" | "1" 
expression.datatype = text
char.datatype = xsd:string { length = "1" }
string.datatype = text
id.datatype = xsd:NCName
tokens.datatype = list { token* }
prefixes.datatype = list { token* }
extension.prefixes.datatype = list { xsd:NCName* }
exclude.prefixes.datatype = list { "#all" | (xsd:NCName | "#default")* }
token.datatype = token
language.datatype = xsd:language
nmtoken.datatype = xsd:NMTOKEN
decimal.datatype = xsd:decimal
integer.datatype = xsd:integer
uri.datatype = xsd:anyURI
uris.datatype = list { xsd:anyURI* }
pattern.datatype = text
qname-but-not-ncname.datatype = xsd:QName { pattern = ".*:.*" }
xs_schema.element = element xs:schema { anyElement* }
item-type.datatype = text
sequence-type.datatype = text

declaration.category =
 | include.element
 | import.element
 | import-schema.element
 | strip-space.element
 | preserve-space.element
 | decimal-format.element
 | template.element
 | mode.element
 | global-context-item.element
 | variable.element
 | param.element
 | attribute-set.element
 | function.element
 | namespace-alias.element
 | accumulator.element
 | key.element
 | output.element
 | character-map.element

instruction.category =
 | apply-imports.element
 | next-match.element
 | for-each.element
 | iterate.element
 | next-iteration.element
 | break.element
 | if.element
 | choose.element
 | try.element
 | variable.element
 | call-template.element
 | evaluate.element
 | element.element
 | attribute.element
 | text.element
 | value-of.element
 | document.element
 | processing-instruction.element
 | namespace.element
 | comment.element
 | copy.element
 | copy-of.element
 | sequence.element
 | where-populated.element
 | on-empty.element
 | on-non-empty.element
 | number.element
 | perform-sort.element
 | for-each-group.element
 | merge.element
 | fork.element
 | analyze-string.element
 | source-document.element
 | map.element
 | map-entry.element
 | message.element
 | assert.element
 | fallback.element
 | result-document.element
package.element =
   element package {
      attribute id { id.datatype }?,
      attribute _id { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute name { uri.datatype }?,
      attribute _name { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute package-version { string.datatype }?,
      attribute _package-version { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute version { decimal.datatype }?,
      attribute _version { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute input-type-annotations { "preserve" | "strip" | "unspecified" }?,
      attribute _input-type-annotations { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute declared-modes { boolean.datatype }?,
      attribute _declared-modes { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute default-mode { eqname.datatype | "#unnamed" }?,
      attribute _default-mode { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute default-validation { "preserve" | "strip" }?,
      attribute _default-validation { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute default-collation { uris.datatype }?,
      attribute _default-collation { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute extension-element-prefixes { prefixes.datatype }?,
      attribute _extension-element-prefixes { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute exclude-result-prefixes { prefixes.datatype }?,
      attribute _exclude-result-prefixes { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute expand-text { boolean.datatype }?,
      attribute _expand-text { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute use-when { expression.datatype }?,
      attribute _use-when { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute xpath-default-namespace { uri.datatype }?,
      attribute _xpath-default-namespace { avt.datatype }?,
      ((expose.element | declarations.model)*)
use-package.element =
   element use-package {
      attribute name { uri.datatype }?,
      attribute _name { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute package-version { string.datatype }?,
      attribute _package-version { avt.datatype }?,
      (accept.element | override.element)*
expose.element =
   element expose {
      attribute component { "template" | "function" | "attribute-set" | "variable" | "mode" | "*" }?,
      attribute _component { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute names { tokens.datatype }?,
      attribute _names { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute visibility { "public" | "private" | "final" | "abstract" }?,
      attribute _visibility { avt.datatype }?,
accept.element =
   element accept {
      (attribute component { "template" | "function" | "attribute-set" | "variable" | "mode" | "*" } |
      attribute _component { avt.datatype })+,
      (attribute names { tokens.datatype } |
      attribute _names { avt.datatype })+,
      (attribute visibility { "public" | "private" | "final" | "abstract" | "hidden" } |
      attribute _visibility { avt.datatype })+,
override.element =
   element override {
      (template.element | function.element | variable.element | param.element | attribute-set.element)*
stylesheet.element =
   element stylesheet {
      attribute id { id.datatype }?,
      attribute _id { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute version { decimal.datatype }?,
      attribute _version { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute default-mode { eqname.datatype | "#unnamed" }?,
      attribute _default-mode { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute default-validation { "preserve" | "strip" }?,
      attribute _default-validation { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute input-type-annotations { "preserve" | "strip" | "unspecified" }?,
      attribute _input-type-annotations { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute default-collation { uris.datatype }?,
      attribute _default-collation { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute extension-element-prefixes { prefixes.datatype }?,
      attribute _extension-element-prefixes { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute exclude-result-prefixes { prefixes.datatype }?,
      attribute _exclude-result-prefixes { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute expand-text { boolean.datatype }?,
      attribute _expand-text { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute use-when { expression.datatype }?,
      attribute _use-when { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute xpath-default-namespace { uri.datatype }?,
      attribute _xpath-default-namespace { avt.datatype }?,
transform.element =
   element transform {
      attribute id { id.datatype }?,
      attribute _id { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute version { decimal.datatype }?,
      attribute _version { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute default-mode { eqname.datatype | "#unnamed" }?,
      attribute _default-mode { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute default-validation { "preserve" | "strip" }?,
      attribute _default-validation { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute input-type-annotations { "preserve" | "strip" | "unspecified" }?,
      attribute _input-type-annotations { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute default-collation { uris.datatype }?,
      attribute _default-collation { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute extension-element-prefixes { prefixes.datatype }?,
      attribute _extension-element-prefixes { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute exclude-result-prefixes { prefixes.datatype }?,
      attribute _exclude-result-prefixes { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute expand-text { boolean.datatype }?,
      attribute _expand-text { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute use-when { expression.datatype }?,
      attribute _use-when { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute xpath-default-namespace { uri.datatype }?,
      attribute _xpath-default-namespace { avt.datatype }?,
include.element =
   element include {
      attribute href { uri.datatype }?,
      attribute _href { avt.datatype }?,
import.element =
   element import {
      (attribute href { uri.datatype }
      | attribute _href { avt.datatype })+,
import-schema.element =
   element import-schema {
      attribute namespace { uri.datatype }?,
      attribute _namespace { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute schema-location { uri.datatype }?,
      attribute _schema-location { avt.datatype }?,
strip-space.element =
   element strip-space {
      (attribute elements { tokens.datatype }
      | attribute _elements { avt.datatype })+,
preserve-space.element =
   element preserve-space {
      (attribute elements { tokens.datatype }
      | attribute _elements { avt.datatype })+,
decimal-format.element =
   element decimal-format {
      attribute name { eqname.datatype }?,
      attribute _name { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute decimal-separator { char.datatype }?,
      attribute _decimal-separator { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute grouping-separator { char.datatype }?,
      attribute _grouping-separator { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute infinity { string.datatype }?,
      attribute _infinity { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute minus-sign { char.datatype }?,
      attribute _minus-sign { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute exponent-separator { char.datatype }?,
      attribute _exponent-separator { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute NaN { string.datatype }?,
      attribute _NaN { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute percent { char.datatype }?,
      attribute _percent { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute per-mille { char.datatype }?,
      attribute _per-mille { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute zero-digit { char.datatype }?,
      attribute _zero-digit { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute digit { char.datatype }?,
      attribute _digit { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute pattern-separator { char.datatype }?,
      attribute _pattern-separator { avt.datatype }?,
template.element =
   element template {
      (attribute match { pattern.datatype }
      | attribute _match { avt.datatype }
      | attribute name { eqname.datatype }
      | attribute _name { avt.datatype })+,
      attribute priority { decimal.datatype }?,
      attribute _priority { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute mode { list { '#all' | ('#default' | '#unnamed' | eqname.datatype)* } }?,
      attribute _mode { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute as { sequence-type.datatype }?,
      attribute _as { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute visibility { "public" | "private" | "final" | "abstract" }?,
      attribute _visibility { avt.datatype }?,
      (context-item.element?, param.element*, sequence-constructor.model)
apply-templates.element =
   element apply-templates {
      attribute select { expression.datatype }?,
      attribute _select { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute mode { (eqname.datatype | '#unnamed' | '#default' | '#current') }?,
      attribute _mode { avt.datatype }?,
      (sort.element | with-param.element)*
mode.element =
   element mode {
      attribute name { eqname.datatype }?,
      attribute _name { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute streamable { boolean.datatype }?,
      attribute _streamable { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute on-no-match { "deep-copy" | "shallow-copy" | "deep-skip" | "shallow-skip" | "text-only-copy" | "fail" }?,
      attribute _on-no-match { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute on-multiple-match { "use-last" | "fail" }?,
      attribute _on-multiple-match { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute warning-on-no-match { boolean.datatype }?,
      attribute _warning-on-no-match { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute warning-on-multiple-match { boolean.datatype }?,
      attribute _warning-on-multiple-match { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute typed { boolean.datatype | "strict" | "lax" | "unspecified" }?,
      attribute _typed { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute visibility { "public" | "private" | "final" }?,
      attribute _visibility { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute use-accumulators { tokens.datatype }?,
      attribute _use-accumulators { avt.datatype }?,
context-item.element =
   element context-item {
      attribute as { item-type.datatype }?,
      attribute _as { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute use { "required" | "optional" | "absent" }?,
      attribute _use { avt.datatype }?,
global-context-item.element =
   element global-context-item {
      attribute as { item-type.datatype }?,
      attribute _as { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute use { "required" | "optional" | "absent" }?,
      attribute _use { avt.datatype }?,
apply-imports.element =
   element apply-imports {
next-match.element =
   element next-match {
      (with-param.element | fallback.element)*
for-each.element =
   element for-each {
      (attribute select { expression.datatype }
      | attribute _select { avt.datatype })+,
      (sort.element*, sequence-constructor.model)
iterate.element =
   element iterate {
      (attribute select { expression.datatype }
      | attribute _select { avt.datatype })+,
      (param.element*, on-completion.element?, sequence-constructor.model)
next-iteration.element =
   element next-iteration {
break.element =
   element break {
      (attribute select { expression.datatype }
      | attribute _select { avt.datatype })?,
on-completion.element =
   element on-completion {
      attribute select { expression.datatype }?,
      attribute _select { avt.datatype }?,
if.element =
   element if {
      (attribute test { expression.datatype }
      | attribute _test { avt.datatype })+,
choose.element =
   element choose {
      (when.element+, otherwise.element?)
when.element =
   element when {
      (attribute test { expression.datatype }
      | attribute _test { avt.datatype })+,
otherwise.element =
   element otherwise {
try.element =
   element try {
      attribute select { expression.datatype }?,
      attribute _select { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute rollback-output { boolean.datatype }?,
      attribute _rollback-output { avt.datatype }?,
      (sequence-constructor.model, catch.element, (catch.element | fallback.element)*)
catch.element =
   element catch {
      attribute errors { tokens.datatype }?,
      attribute _errors { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute select { expression.datatype }?,
      attribute _select { avt.datatype }?,
variable.element =
   element variable {
      (attribute name { eqname.datatype }
      | attribute _name { avt.datatype })+,
      attribute select { expression.datatype }?,
      attribute _select { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute as { sequence-type.datatype }?,
      attribute _as { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute static { boolean.datatype }?,
      attribute _static { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute visibility { "public" | "private" | "final" | "abstract" }?,
      attribute _visibility { avt.datatype }?,
param.element =
   element param {
      (attribute name { eqname.datatype }
      | attribute _name { avt.datatype })+,
      attribute select { expression.datatype }?,
      attribute _select { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute as { sequence-type.datatype }?,
      attribute _as { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute required { boolean.datatype }?,
      attribute _required { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute tunnel { boolean.datatype }?,
      attribute _tunnel { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute static { boolean.datatype }?,
      attribute _static { avt.datatype }?,
with-param.element =
   element with-param {
      (attribute name { eqname.datatype }
      | attribute _name { avt.datatype })+,
      attribute select { expression.datatype }?,
      attribute _select { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute as { sequence-type.datatype }?,
      attribute _as { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute tunnel { boolean.datatype }?,
      attribute _tunnel { avt.datatype }?,
call-template.element =
   element call-template {
      (attribute name { eqname.datatype }
      | attribute _name { avt.datatype })+,
attribute-set.element =
   element attribute-set {
      (attribute name { eqname.datatype }
      | attribute _name { avt.datatype })+,
      attribute use-attribute-sets { eqnames.datatype }?,
      attribute _use-attribute-sets { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute visibility { "public" | "private" | "final" | "abstract" }?,
      attribute _visibility { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute streamable { boolean.datatype }?,
      attribute _streamable { avt.datatype }?,
function.element =
   element function {
      (attribute name { eqname.datatype }
      | attribute _name { avt.datatype })+,
      attribute as { sequence-type.datatype }?,
      attribute _as { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute visibility { "public" | "private" | "final" | "abstract" }?,
      attribute _visibility { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute streamability { "unclassified" | "absorbing" | "inspection" | "filter" | "shallow-descent" | "deep-descent" | "ascent" | eqname.datatype }?,
      attribute _streamability { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute override-extension-function { boolean.datatype }?,
      attribute _override-extension-function { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute override { boolean.datatype }?,
      attribute _override { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute new-each-time { "yes" | "true" | "1" | "no" | "false" | "0" | "maybe" }?,
      attribute _new-each-time { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute cache { boolean.datatype }?,
      attribute _cache { avt.datatype }?,
      (param.element*, sequence-constructor.model)
evaluate.element =
   element evaluate {
      (attribute xpath { expression.datatype }
      | attribute _xpath { avt.datatype })+,
      attribute as { sequence-type.datatype }?,
      attribute _as { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute base-uri { uri.datatype | avt.datatype }?,
      attribute _base-uri { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute with-params { expression.datatype }?,
      attribute _with-params { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute context-item { expression.datatype }?,
      attribute _context-item { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute namespace-context { expression.datatype }?,
      attribute _namespace-context { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute schema-aware { boolean.datatype | avt.datatype }?,
      attribute _schema-aware { avt.datatype }?,
      (with-param.element | fallback.element)*
namespace-alias.element =
   element namespace-alias {
      (attribute stylesheet-prefix { prefix.datatype | "#default" }
      | attribute _stylesheet-prefix { avt.datatype })+,
      (attribute result-prefix { prefix.datatype | "#default" }
      | attribute _result-prefix { avt.datatype })+,
element.element =
   element element {
      (attribute name { qname.datatype | avt.datatype }
      | attribute _name { avt.datatype })+,
      attribute namespace { uri.datatype | avt.datatype }?,
      attribute _namespace { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute inherit-namespaces { boolean.datatype }?,
      attribute _inherit-namespaces { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute use-attribute-sets { eqnames.datatype }?,
      attribute _use-attribute-sets { avt.datatype }?,
      ((attribute type { eqname.datatype }?,
      attribute _type { avt.datatype }?) |
      (attribute validation { "strict" | "lax" | "preserve" | "strip" }?,
      attribute _validation { avt.datatype }? )), # type and validation are mutually exclusive
attribute.element =
   element attribute {
      (attribute name { qname.datatype | avt.datatype }
      | attribute _name { avt.datatype })+,
      attribute namespace { uri.datatype | avt.datatype }?,
      attribute _namespace { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute select { expression.datatype }?,
      attribute _select { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute separator { string.datatype | avt.datatype }?,
      attribute _separator { avt.datatype }?,
      ((attribute type { eqname.datatype }?,
      attribute _type { avt.datatype }?) |
      (attribute validation { "strict" | "lax" | "preserve" | "strip" }?,
      attribute _validation { avt.datatype }? )), # type and validation are mutually exclusive
text.element =
   element text {
      attribute disable-output-escaping { boolean.datatype }?,
      attribute _disable-output-escaping { avt.datatype }?,
value-of.element =
   element value-of {
      attribute select { expression.datatype }?,
      attribute _select { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute separator { string.datatype | avt.datatype }?,
      attribute _separator { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute disable-output-escaping { boolean.datatype }?,
      attribute _disable-output-escaping { avt.datatype }?,
document.element =
   element document {
      ((attribute type { eqname.datatype }?,
      attribute _type { avt.datatype }?) |
      (attribute validation { "strict" | "lax" | "preserve" | "strip" }?,
      attribute _validation { avt.datatype }? )), # type and validation are mutually exclusive
processing-instruction.element =
   element processing-instruction {
      (attribute name { ncname.datatype | avt.datatype }
      | attribute _name { avt.datatype })+,
      attribute select { expression.datatype }?,
      attribute _select { avt.datatype }?,
namespace.element =
   element namespace {
      (attribute name { ncname.datatype | avt.datatype }
      | attribute _name { avt.datatype })+,
      attribute select { expression.datatype }?,
      attribute _select { avt.datatype }?,
comment.element =
   element comment {
      attribute select { expression.datatype }?,
      attribute _select { avt.datatype }?,
copy.element =
   element copy {
      attribute select { expression.datatype }?,
      attribute _select { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute copy-namespaces { boolean.datatype }?,
      attribute _copy-namespaces { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute inherit-namespaces { boolean.datatype }?,
      attribute _inherit-namespaces { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute use-attribute-sets { eqnames.datatype }?,
      attribute _use-attribute-sets { avt.datatype }?,
      ((attribute type { eqname.datatype }?,
      attribute _type { avt.datatype }?) |
      (attribute validation { "strict" | "lax" | "preserve" | "strip" }?,
      attribute _validation { avt.datatype }? )), # type and validation are mutually exclusive
copy-of.element =
   element copy-of {
      (attribute select { expression.datatype }
      | attribute _select { avt.datatype })+,
      attribute copy-accumulators { boolean.datatype }?,
      attribute _copy-accumulators { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute copy-namespaces { boolean.datatype }?,
      attribute _copy-namespaces { avt.datatype }?,
      ((attribute type { eqname.datatype }?,
      attribute _type { avt.datatype }?) |
      (attribute validation { "strict" | "lax" | "preserve" | "strip" }?,
      attribute _validation { avt.datatype }? )), # type and validation are mutually exclusive
sequence.element =
   element sequence {
      attribute select { expression.datatype }?,
      attribute _select { avt.datatype }?,
where-populated.element =
   element where-populated {
on-empty.element =
   element on-empty {
      attribute select { expression.datatype }?,
      attribute _select { avt.datatype }?,
on-non-empty.element =
   element on-non-empty {
      attribute select { expression.datatype }?,
      attribute _select { avt.datatype }?,
number.element =
   element number {
      attribute value { expression.datatype }?,
      attribute _value { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute select { expression.datatype }?,
      attribute _select { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute level { "single" | "multiple" | "any" }?,
      attribute _level { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute count { pattern.datatype }?,
      attribute _count { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute from { pattern.datatype }?,
      attribute _from { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute format { string.datatype | avt.datatype }?,
      attribute _format { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute lang { language.datatype | avt.datatype }?,
      attribute _lang { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute letter-value { "alphabetic" | "traditional" | avt.datatype }?,
      attribute _letter-value { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute ordinal { string.datatype | avt.datatype }?,
      attribute _ordinal { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute start-at { integer.datatype | avt.datatype }?,
      attribute _start-at { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute grouping-separator { char.datatype | avt.datatype }?,
      attribute _grouping-separator { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute grouping-size { integer.datatype | avt.datatype }?,
      attribute _grouping-size { avt.datatype }?,
sort.element =
   element sort {
      attribute select { expression.datatype }?,
      attribute _select { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute lang { language.datatype | avt.datatype }?,
      attribute _lang { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute order { "ascending" | "descending" | avt.datatype }?,
      attribute _order { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute collation { uri.datatype | avt.datatype }?,
      attribute _collation { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute stable { boolean.datatype | avt.datatype }?,
      attribute _stable { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute case-order { "upper-first" | "lower-first" | avt.datatype }?,
      attribute _case-order { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute data-type { "text" | "number" | eqname.datatype | avt.datatype }?,
      attribute _data-type { avt.datatype }?,
perform-sort.element =
   element perform-sort {
      attribute select { expression.datatype }?,
      attribute _select { avt.datatype }?,
      (sort.element+, sequence-constructor.model)
for-each-group.element =
   element for-each-group {
      (attribute select { expression.datatype }
      | attribute _select { avt.datatype })+,
      ((attribute group-by { expression.datatype }?,
      attribute _group-by { avt.datatype }?) |
      (attribute group-adjacent { expression.datatype }?,
      attribute _group-adjacent { avt.datatype }?) |
      (attribute group-starting-with { pattern.datatype }?,
      attribute _group-starting-with { avt.datatype }?) |
      (attribute group-ending-with { pattern.datatype }?,
      attribute _group-ending-with { avt.datatype }?)),
      attribute composite { boolean.datatype }?,
      attribute _composite { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute collation { uri.datatype | avt.datatype }?,
      attribute _collation { avt.datatype }?,
      (sort.element*, sequence-constructor.model)
merge.element =
   element merge {
      (merge-source.element+, merge-action.element, fallback.element*)
merge-source.element =
   element merge-source {
      attribute name { ncname.datatype }?,
      attribute _name { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute for-each-item { expression.datatype }?,
      attribute _for-each-item { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute for-each-stream { expression.datatype }?,
      attribute _for-each-stream { avt.datatype }?,
      (attribute select { expression.datatype }
      | attribute _select { avt.datatype })+,
      attribute streamable { boolean.datatype }?,
      attribute _streamable { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute use-accumulators { tokens.datatype }?,
      attribute _use-accumulators { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute sort-before-merge { boolean.datatype }?,
      attribute _sort-before-merge { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute validation { "strict" | "lax" | "preserve" | "strip" }?,
      attribute _validation { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute type { eqname.datatype }?,
      attribute _type { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute for-each-source { expression.datatype }?,
      attribute _for-each-source { avt.datatype }?,
merge-key.element =
   element merge-key {
      attribute select { expression.datatype }?,
      attribute _select { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute lang { language.datatype | avt.datatype }?,
      attribute _lang { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute order { "ascending" | "descending" | avt.datatype }?,
      attribute _order { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute collation { uri.datatype | avt.datatype }?,
      attribute _collation { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute case-order { "upper-first" | "lower-first" | avt.datatype }?,
      attribute _case-order { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute data-type { "text" | "number" | eqname.datatype | avt.datatype }?,
      attribute _data-type { avt.datatype }?,
merge-action.element =
   element merge-action {
fork.element =
   element fork {
      (fallback.element*, ((sequence.element, fallback.element*)* | (for-each-group.element, fallback.element*)))
analyze-string.element =
   element analyze-string {
      (attribute select { expression.datatype }
      | attribute _select { avt.datatype })+,
      (attribute regex { string.datatype | avt.datatype }
      | attribute _regex { avt.datatype })+,
      attribute flags { string.datatype | avt.datatype }?,
      attribute _flags { avt.datatype }?,
      (matching-substring.element?, non-matching-substring.element?, fallback.element*)
matching-substring.element =
   element matching-substring {
non-matching-substring.element =
   element non-matching-substring {
source-document.element =
   element source-document {
      (attribute href { uri.datatype | avt.datatype }
      | attribute _href { avt.datatype })+,
      attribute use-accumulators { tokens.datatype }?,
      attribute _use-accumulators { avt.datatype }?,
      ((attribute type { eqname.datatype }?,
      attribute _type { avt.datatype }?) |
      (attribute validation { "strict" | "lax" | "preserve" | "strip" }?,
      attribute _validation { avt.datatype }? )), # type and validation are mutually exclusive
      attribute streamable { boolean.datatype }?,
      attribute _streamable { avt.datatype }?,
accumulator.element =
   element accumulator {
      (attribute name { eqname.datatype }
      | attribute _name { avt.datatype }),
      (attribute initial-value { expression.datatype }
      | attribute _initial-value { avt.datatype }),
      attribute as { sequence-type.datatype }?,
      attribute _as { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute streamable { boolean.datatype }?,
      attribute _streamable { avt.datatype }?,
accumulator-rule.element =
   element accumulator-rule {
      (attribute match { pattern.datatype } |
      attribute _match { avt.datatype })+,
      attribute phase { "start" | "end" }?,
      attribute _phase { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute select { expression.datatype }?,
      attribute _select { avt.datatype }?,
key.element =
   element key {
      (attribute name { eqname.datatype }
      | attribute _name { avt.datatype })+,
      (attribute match { pattern.datatype }
      | attribute _match { avt.datatype })+,
      attribute use { expression.datatype }?,
      attribute _use { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute composite { boolean.datatype }?,
      attribute _composite { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute collation { uri.datatype }?,
      attribute _collation { avt.datatype }?,
map.element =
   element map {
map-entry.element =
   element map-entry {
      (attribute key { expression.datatype }
      | attribute _key { avt.datatype }),
      attribute select { expression.datatype }?,
      attribute _select { avt.datatype }?,
message.element =
   element message {
      attribute select { expression.datatype }?,
      attribute _select { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute terminate { boolean.datatype | avt.datatype }?,
      attribute _terminate { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute error-code { eqname.datatype | avt.datatype }?,
      attribute _error-code { avt.datatype }?,
assert.element =
   element assert {
      (attribute test { expression.datatype }
      | attribute _test { avt.datatype })+,
      attribute select { expression.datatype }?,
      attribute _select { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute error-code { eqname.datatype | avt.datatype }?,
      attribute _error-code { avt.datatype }?,
fallback.element =
   element fallback {
result-document.element =
   element result-document {
      attribute format { eqname.datatype | avt.datatype }?,
      attribute _format { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute href { uri.datatype | avt.datatype }?,
      attribute _href { avt.datatype }?,
      ((attribute type { eqname.datatype }?,
      attribute _type { avt.datatype }?) |
      (attribute validation { "strict" | "lax" | "preserve" | "strip" }?,
      attribute _validation { avt.datatype }? )), # type and validation are mutually exclusive      
      attribute method { "xml" | "html" | "xhtml" | "text" | "json" | "adaptive" | eqname.datatype | avt.datatype }?,
      attribute _method { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute allow-duplicate-names { boolean.datatype | avt.datatype }?,
      attribute _allow-duplicate-names { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute build-tree { boolean.datatype | avt.datatype }?,
      attribute _build-tree { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute byte-order-mark { boolean.datatype | avt.datatype }?,
      attribute _byte-order-mark { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute cdata-section-elements { eqnames.datatype | avt.datatype }?,
      attribute _cdata-section-elements { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute doctype-public { string.datatype | avt.datatype }?,
      attribute _doctype-public { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute doctype-system { string.datatype | avt.datatype }?,
      attribute _doctype-system { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute encoding { string.datatype | avt.datatype }?,
      attribute _encoding { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute escape-uri-attributes { boolean.datatype | avt.datatype }?,
      attribute _escape-uri-attributes { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute html-version { decimal.datatype | avt.datatype }?,
      attribute _html-version { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute include-content-type { boolean.datatype | avt.datatype }?,
      attribute _include-content-type { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute indent { boolean.datatype | avt.datatype }?,
      attribute _indent { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute item-separator { string.datatype | avt.datatype }?,
      attribute _item-separator { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute json-node-output-method { "xml" | "html" | "xhtml" | "text" | eqname.datatype | avt.datatype }?,
      attribute _json-node-output-method { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute media-type { string.datatype | avt.datatype }?,
      attribute _media-type { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute normalization-form { "NFC" | "NFD" | "NFKC" | "NFKD" | "fully-normalized" | "none" | nmtoken.datatype | avt.datatype }?,
      attribute _normalization-form { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute omit-xml-declaration { boolean.datatype | avt.datatype }?,
      attribute _omit-xml-declaration { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute parameter-document { uri.datatype | avt.datatype }?,
      attribute _parameter-document { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute standalone { boolean.datatype | "omit" | avt.datatype }?,
      attribute _standalone { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute suppress-indentation { eqnames.datatype | avt.datatype }?,
      attribute _suppress-indentation { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute undeclare-prefixes { boolean.datatype | avt.datatype }?,
      attribute _undeclare-prefixes { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute use-character-maps { eqnames.datatype }?,
      attribute _use-character-maps { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute output-version { nmtoken.datatype | avt.datatype }?,
      attribute _output-version { avt.datatype }?,
output.element =
   element output {
      attribute name { eqname.datatype }?,
      attribute _name { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute method { "xml" | "html" | "xhtml" | "text" | "json" | "adaptive" | eqname.datatype }?,
      attribute _method { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute allow-duplicate-names { boolean.datatype }?,
      attribute _allow-duplicate-names { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute build-tree { boolean.datatype }?,
      attribute _build-tree { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute byte-order-mark { boolean.datatype }?,
      attribute _byte-order-mark { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute cdata-section-elements { eqnames.datatype }?,
      attribute _cdata-section-elements { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute doctype-public { string.datatype }?,
      attribute _doctype-public { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute doctype-system { string.datatype }?,
      attribute _doctype-system { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute encoding { string.datatype }?,
      attribute _encoding { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute escape-uri-attributes { boolean.datatype }?,
      attribute _escape-uri-attributes { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute html-version { decimal.datatype }?,
      attribute _html-version { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute include-content-type { boolean.datatype }?,
      attribute _include-content-type { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute indent { boolean.datatype }?,
      attribute _indent { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute item-separator { string.datatype }?,
      attribute _item-separator { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute json-node-output-method { "xml" | "html" | "xhtml" | "text" | eqname.datatype }?,
      attribute _json-node-output-method { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute media-type { string.datatype }?,
      attribute _media-type { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute normalization-form { "NFC" | "NFD" | "NFKC" | "NFKD" | "fully-normalized" | "none" | nmtoken.datatype }?,
      attribute _normalization-form { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute omit-xml-declaration { boolean.datatype }?,
      attribute _omit-xml-declaration { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute parameter-document { uri.datatype }?,
      attribute _parameter-document { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute standalone { boolean.datatype | "omit" }?,
      attribute _standalone { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute suppress-indentation { eqnames.datatype }?,
      attribute _suppress-indentation { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute undeclare-prefixes { boolean.datatype }?,
      attribute _undeclare-prefixes { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute use-character-maps { eqnames.datatype }?,
      attribute _use-character-maps { avt.datatype }?,
      attribute version { nmtoken.datatype }?,
      attribute _version { avt.datatype }?,
character-map.element =
   element character-map {
      (attribute name { eqname.datatype }
      | attribute _name { avt.datatype })+,
      attribute use-character-maps { eqnames.datatype }?,
      attribute _use-character-maps { avt.datatype }?,
output-character.element =
   element output-character {
      (attribute character { char.datatype }
      | attribute _character { avt.datatype })+,
      (attribute string { string.datatype }
      | attribute _string { avt.datatype })+,
avt.datatype =
# {
#    pattern =
#      """([^\{\}]|\{\{|\}\}|\{([^"'\{\}]|"[^"]*"|'[^']*')+\})*""" # this regexp will not work in all the case.
#      }

I Changes since XSLT 3.0 (Non-Normative)

I.1 Changes in successive Drafts

The following sections list changes in successive drafts of this specification.

I.1.1 Changes in this Specification: draft A (12 April 2021)

  1. Errata agreed against XSLT 3.0 have been applied.

  2. Support for XPath 4.0 and Functions and Operators 4.0 is required. This notably means that support for XDM arrays is now required.

  3. The xsl:if instruction acquires attributes then and else.

  4. The xsl:when and xsl:otherwise elements can be evaluated using a select expression rather than a contained sequence constructor.

  5. A new xsl:switch instruction is introduced.

  6. The xsl:item-type declaration allows names to be given to item types, which can then be referenced by name. This is particularly useful with record types, introduced in XPath 4.0.

  7. A new xsl:function-library declaration is introduced, allowing functions from multiple different namespaces to be called without using a namespace prefix.

  8. The default namespace for element names and the default namespace for types can now be different, allowing built-in types to be referenced in unprefixed form (as="integer").

  9. The new instruction xsl:array allows the construction of arrays.

  10. New pattern syntax ( type(T), record(N, M, N)) allows matching of items by item type.

  11. The xsl:mode declaration acquires an attribute as="sequence-type" which declares the return type of all template rules in that mode.

  12. The xsl:for-each and xsl:apply-templates instructions acquire a separator attribute to allow separators to be inserted into the output.

  13. The xsl:map instruction acquires a new attribute on-duplicates.

  14. The xsl:function declaration allows parameters to be declared as optional, so a single xsl:function declaration can declare functions with multiple arities.

  15. Enclosing modes: The xsl:mode declaration allows contained xsl:template declarations.

  16. Functions that accept a lexical QName as an argument, such as keyFO30, function-availableFO30, element-availableFO30, type-availableFO30, system-propertyFO30, accumulator-beforeFO30, and accumulator-afterFO30, now have the option of supplying an xs:QName value instead.

  17. A serialization parameter escape-solidus has been added, for use in JSON serialization.

I.1.2 Changes in this Specification: draft B (date TBA)

  1. The proposed array and map attributes of xsl:for-each, xsl:iterate, and xsl:for-each-group have been dropped. Instead, to iterate over the contents of an array or map, use functions such as array:members and map:key-value-pairs.

  2. The descriptions of basic data types for attributes now avoid using the term lexical space, since in XSD the lexical space contains values after whitespace normalization whereas these descriptions relate to the values as written.

  3. The rules for enclosing modes are corrected: the restriction on referring to the enclosing mode from outside applies to the package, not just to the stylesheet module. In addition, an xsl:apply-templates instruction within an enclosing mode defaults its mode attribute to the enclosing mode.

  4. Support for higher-order functions is now mandatory (in XSLT 3.0 it was an optional feature).

  5. An xsl:note element is defined to enable structured documentation. It may appear anywhere.

  6. A new attribute, main-module, is defined on xsl:stylesheet and xsl:transform, enabling an XSLT editing tool to identify the top-level module of a stylesheet, and hence the declarations of functions, templates, and global variables available to a module that is being edited.

  7. The xsl:matching-substring and xsl:non-matching-substring elements within xsl:analyze-string may take a select attribute in place of a contained sequence constructor.

  8. Simplified stylesheets no longer require an xsl:version attribute (which means they might not need a declaration of the XSLT namespace). Unless otherwise specified, a 4.0 simplified stylesheet defaults expand-text to true.

  9. A new set of built-in template rules is introduced, invoked using <xsl:mode on-no-match="shallow-copy-all">. This is designed to allow rule-based recursive transformation of JSON data structures (trees of maps and arrays) to work in the same way as with XML-derived data structures.

  10. The streamability rules for accumulators have been relaxed, so that the phase="end" processing has access to the full subtree of the matched node.

I.2 Changes in Other Related Specifications

A number of changes affecting XSLT 4.0 have been made in other related specifications. Some of the more significant changes are as follows:

  1. A number of new kinds of ItemType are introduced, for example union types, record types, and enumeration types.

  2. The coercion rules (previously “function conversion rules”) allow atomic values of primitive types to be supplied where a restricted type is required: for example if the required type is xs:positiveInteger, it is now acceptable to supply the value 42.

  3. XPath 4.0 introduces abbreviated syntax for conditional expressions (condition ?? action1 !! action2) and for inline functions (for example fn($x, $y) { $x + $y }).

J Changes Pending (Non-Normative)

Further work is needed in the following areas:

  1. Streamability implications of new constructs

  2. Details of error codes

  3. Default priorites for new kinds of pattern

  4. Add built-in template rules suitable for JSON processing

  5. Default namespace for elements: allow matching on local-name only, or on “XHTML or nothing”.

  6. Completing the XSD and RNG schemas for stylesheet modules.

K Incompatibilities with XSLT 3.0 (Non-Normative)

This section lists all known incompatibilities with XSLT 3.0, that is, situations where a stylesheet that is error-free according to the XSLT 3.0 specification and where all elements have an effective version of 3.0 or less, will produce different results depending on whether it is run under an XSLT 3.0 processor or an XSLT 4.0 processor.

  1. The rules for comparing values in xsl:for-each-group now reference the rules for distinct-values, which have themselves changed to be compatible with fn:atomic-equal. This change eliminates the intransitivity in the previous specification, which meant that in edge cases involving rounding of numeric values of different types, two items in different groups could compare equal. Any change in behavior is confined to this edge case.

This specification also corrects a number of errors and omissions in XSLT 3.0, in a way that might create incompatibilities for some processors, depending on how they interpreted the XSLT 3.0 specification:

  1. XSLT 3.0 (and earlier releases) did not fully define the evaluation context for the default values of template parameters. For example, if the default value of a parameter of a template rule invoked xsl:next-match, it was not specified whether the current template rule should be the calling template or the called template. This omission has been corrected.