QT4 CG Meeting 112 Agenda 2025-03-04
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This meeting will be hosted on Zoom at 16:00GMT (17:00CET, 11:00EST)
The Zoom meeting ID is 831 9996 6275; the passcode is 707664.
See the meeting logistics page for more details.
1. Administrivia
1.1. Roll call
1.2. Approve the agenda
1.3. Approve minutes of previous meeting
Minutes of the previous meeting.
1.4. Next meeting
This meeting is planned for 4 March 2025. The following meeting is scheduled for 11 March 2025.
Note: The QT4CG meeting is scheduled on UK/European civil time. The United States switches to daylight saving time on 9 March 2025, so the meetings of 11, 18, and 25 March will be one hour later there (12:00 EDT, 09:00 PDT) until the UK/Europe also switches (on 30 March 2024).
1.5. Review of open action items [0/7]
(Items marked [X] are believed to have been closed via email before this agenda was posted.)
[ ]
QT4CG-082-02: DN to work with MK to come to agreement on the fn:ranks proposal[ ]
QT4CG-107-05: JLO and DN to consider a proposal for system defined records.[ ]
QT4CG-110-03: JWL to consider writing a PR for issue #322, xsl:record instruction[ ]
QT4CG-110-04: JK to consider a PR for #366, xsl:use-package with xsl:package-location[X]
QT4CG-111-01: MK to review the editorial comments on PR #1837 and then merge the PR.[X]
QT4CG-111-02: MK to fix the typo$in as xs:double+
and1.3. 1.4
that middle “.” should be a “,”[X]
QT4CG-111-03: MK to add a%method
example that uses the arrow syntax.
1.6. Review of open pull requests and issues
This section summarizes all of the issues and pull requests that need to be resolved before we can finish. See Technical Agenda below for the focus of this meeting.
1.6.1. Blocked
The following PRs are open but have merge conflicts or comments which suggest they aren’t ready for action.
1.6.2. Merge without discussion
The following PRs are editorial, small, or otherwise appeared to be uncontroversial when the agenda was prepared. The chairs propose that these can be merged without discussion. If you think discussion is necessary, please say so.
1.6.3. Substantive PRs
The following substantive PRs were open when this agenda was prepared.
- PR #1853: 1845 Revised design of methods to use . rather than $this
- PR #1835: add zero-width assertions to regular expressions
- PR #1819: 451 Multiple schemas in XSLT
- PR #1801: 1798 Function fn:function-identity
- PR #1778: 1456 Lookup expressions filtered by type
- PR #1740: 1725b Further elaboration of duplicates handling in maps
- PR #1735: 1341 Drop $position callback from many functions
1.6.4. Required for V4.0
The following issues are labeled “required for V4.0”.
- Issue #1777: Shallow copy in XSLT with maps and arrays
- Issue #1742: Maps constructed using streamed xsl:fork instruction should not be ordered
- Issue #1584: Review the XML Schema and RELAX NG schemas for XSLT 4.0 for compatibility
- Issue #1240: $sequence-of-maps ? info()
- Issue #1127: Binary resources
- Issue #1045: Functions to manage namespace usage
- Issue #1021: Extend `fn:doc`, `fn:collection` and `fn:uri-collection` with options maps
- Issue #1011: fn:transform() improvements
- Issue #986: Numeric Comparisons
- Issue #967: XPath Appendix I: Comparisons
- Issue #826: Arrays: Representation of single members of an array
- Issue #748: Parse functions: consistency
- Issue #714: Function annotations in XSLT
- Issue #675: XSLT streaming rules for new constructs
- Issue #501: Error handling: Rethrow errors; finally block
- Issue #407: XSLT-specific context properties used in function items
- Issue #366: Support xsl:use-package with xsl:package-location
- Issue #272: Setting parameter values in xsl:use-package
1.6.5. To be triaged
The following issues need to be triaged.
- Issue #1852: fn:values-except: Return atomic values that occur in A but not in B
- Issue #1851: Questions on `fn:atomic-type-annotation`
- Issue #1848: Define regular expressions using XSD 1.1 as baseline
- Issue #1846: %method functions, dynamic function calls
- Issue #1844: Drop mapping arrow operator
- Issue #1832: Associativity of Operators, especially "||" (Appendix A.5)
- Issue #1799: "well-formed HTML document"?
- Issue #1797: elements-to-maps: separate function to construct a plan
- Issue #1795: XSLT templates: Matching values in a map by key
- Issue #1794: Lookup: select all except
- Issue #1787: Sorted maps revisited
- Issue #1775: Navigation in JSON trees
- Issue #1774: Nomenclature: relabelling
- Issue #1754: Inverse functions to bin:hex, bin:bin, and bin:octal
- Issue #1736: Add option retain-order=false when constructing maps
- Issue #1718: Ordered Maps: positions in callback functions
- Issue #1704: Ignore the byte order mark more completely/globally
- Issue #1697: Add documentary names to callback function signatures
- Issue #1661: QName arguments: also allow strings
- Issue #1660: Further suggestions for fn:path
- Issue #1658: fn:elements-to-maps: `empty`, normalize space ?
- Issue #1648: fn:elements-to-maps: Types
- Issue #1647: fn:elements-to-maps: Explicit Layouts
- Issue #1646: fn:elements-to-maps: Robustness
- Issue #1645: fn:elements-to-maps: Debugging
- Issue #1644: fn:elements-to-maps: Mixed Content
- Issue #1624: document-node(a|b) is the same type as document-node(a)|document-node(b)
- Issue #1618: Adaptive serialization: doubles
- Issue #1591: Implausible filter expressions
- Issue #1583: JSON: Parsing and serializing numbers, often undesired E notation
- Issue #1568: Define a Unicode case-insensitive collation
- Issue #1528: Computed node constructors: observations
- Issue #1520: Type declarations of cyclically dependent modules
- Issue #1484: Functions that expect a record type should make it extensible
- Issue #1479: Default element namespace in XQuery: interaction of 'fixed' and '##any'
- Issue #1459: Function properties and arities (editorial)
- Issue #1416: Key-value pairs: built-in record type `pair`
- Issue #1363: map:get and array:get
- Issue #1338: Arrays and maps: Members, entries, values, contents, pairs, …
- Issue #1310: add fn:match-groups() function
- Issue #1307: For symmetry, add functions array:scan-left and array:scan-right
- Issue #1271: Schema validation in XPath
- Issue #1175: XPath: Optional parameters in the definition of an inline function
- Issue #850: fn:parse-html: Finalization
- Issue #760: Serialize functions: consistency
- Issue #641: Serialization fallback.
- Issue #119: Allow a map's key value to be any sequence
2. Technical agenda
2.1. Review of pull requests
I don’t actually think we’ll get through all of these. Let’s reserve 15 minutes at the end of the call for issue triage. See the list below.
2.1.1. PR #1853: 1845 Revised design of methods to use . rather than $this
See PR #1853
2.1.2. PR #1801: 1798 Function fn:function-identity
See PR #1801
2.1.3. PR #1735: 1341 Drop $position callback from many functions
See PR #1735
2.1.4. PR #1740: 1725b Further elaboration of duplicates handling in maps
See PR #1740
2.1.5. PR #1778: 1456 Lookup expressions filtered by type
See PR #1778
2.1.6. PR #1819: 451 Multiple schemas in XSLT
See PR #1819
2.2. Issue triage
2.2.1. Issue #1832: Associativity of Operators, especially "||" (Appendix A.5)
See issue #1832
2.2.2. Issue #1799: "well-formed HTML document"?
See issue #1799
2.2.3. Issue #1797: elements-to-maps: separate function to construct a plan
See issue #1797
2.2.4. Issue #760: Serialize functions: consistency
See issue #760
2.2.5. Issue #641: Serialization fallback.
See issue #641
2.2.6. Issue #119: Allow a map's key value to be any sequence
See issue #119