This site is used to publish specifications, meeting logistics, and other information about the QT4† CG (AKA the “XQuery and XSLT Extensions Community Group”).
The CG has weekly teleconferences on Tuesdays.
- The meeting logistics page provides additional details about meetings.
- The agendas and minutes are posted.
- You’ll find discussion
- in the mailing list archives
- and in the issues on GitHub.
- (The issues for the 3.0/3.1 specifications are available separately.)
- The specifications are on GitHub.
- The dashboard shows the current state of development with published versions of open pull requests.
- A complete list of recently published pull requests is also available.
The latest drafts of
- XSLT Transformations (XSLT) Version 4.0
- XPath and XQuery Functions and Operators 4.0
- XML Path Language (XPath) 4.0, and
- XQuery 4.0: An XML Query Language
- XQuery and XPath Data Model 4.0
- XSLT and XQuery Serialization 4.0
- EXPath Binary Module 4.0
- EXPath File Module 4.0
are updated automatically when changes are accepted by the CG.